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Front Office Records Relating to the 1992 and 1998 Bank Reorganizations

These files were created by Leslie Davis (Leslie Davis Arnold), Program Coordinator for Administration in DEC's Front Office, during the planning stages of the FY 1993 Bank reorganization. They include copies of: briefing papers, memoranda, electronic messages, and other correspondence concerning reassignments within DEC and the Technical Departments; budget allocation and remapping documents; notes and reports from meetings discussing the DEC reorganization; correspondence concerning the reconfiguration of the Country Economics Department (CEC); and DECVP's memorandum of January 19, 1993 announcing CEC's change in name to the Policy Research Department (PRD) and designating it as the principal department in DEC engaged in research affecting the formulation of development policy. Also included as part of Davis' files on the FY 1993 reorganization are correspondence and reports concerning the closing of the Geneva Office by the end of June 1993. Much of the correspondence between Davis with the Administrative Assistant at the Geneva Office, Diane Cunningham, concerns various aspects of the closedown including reactions to the announcement of the shut down, allocation of Geneva Office responsibilities to DEC and to other Bank units, employment issues affecting Bank personnel at the office, the abolition of the Geneva Office support staff, termination of the lease for the office space, and disposition of Bank property at the Geneva Office.

Davis' file for the FY 1998 reorganization includes memoranda, electronic messages, organization charts, copies of kiosk announcements, and other documents concerning the movement of staff resources and dollars, reclassifications and appointments, and proposals for reorganization structure. Also in her file are copies of memoranda exchanged between human resources organizations, DEC department heads, and DEC Front Office staff, as well as Davis' correspondence with personnel within and outside of DEC regarding the reorganization.

Files Documenting the Review Process for Country Program Papers, Country Strategy Papers, and Country Assistance Strategies in the Development Policy Group (DPG)

This series contains files documenting the drafting and review of Country Program Papers (CPPs), Country Strategy Papers (CSPs), Country Assistance Strategies (CASs) and several Country Strategy Notes (CSNs) and Country Economic Memoranda (CEMs). These files were maintained by the Development Policy Group (DPG) and by its predecessor, the Economic Advisory Staff (EAS). Both units were responsible for shepherding CSPs etc. through the review process.

The small number of items dated prior to the 1987 Reorganization and the establishment of EAS are primarily only copies of Country Program Papers, Special Country Program Papers (SCPPs), or Country Program Notes (CPN) and copies of Postscripts of Operations Policy Subcommittee reviews of CPPs; there are very few memoranda discussing drafts or commenting on the CPP/CPN content. The document copies were forwarded to the Vice President for Development Policy (VPD) and to units within VPD: the Policy Planning and Program Review Department (DPP) and the Program Review Division (PPPR); to the Economics and Research Staff (ERS); and to the Country Policy Department (CPD) in the Operations Policy Complex (OPS).

The more complete files in this series cover the period from 1987 to 1994 and contain records documenting the entire CSP/CAS drafting and review process and the input of EAS/DEC staff into that review process: a draft Initiating Memorandum (IM) or brief prepared by Regional staff and comments on the draft IM from units throughout the Bank; a summary of the meeting in which the draft IM was discussed; a working level draft CSP developed by Regional staff and comments on the draft and minutes of the review meeting at which the draft was discussed; the agenda and minutes of the Regional VP (Loan Committee) review meeting; a revised draft CSP incorporating changes agreed upon in the Regional VP review; the Operations Committee review draft of the CSP with comments on the draft from Regional staff and staff in EAS/DPG/DECVP; an agenda with background information prepared by EAS for the Operations Committee (OC) meeting to discuss the draft CSP; comments forwarded to EAS/DPG on the draft Operation Committee minutes and on the draft CSP; an Operations Committee Postscript written by EAS to incorporate decisions made in the OC meeting and comments received from all units following the OC meeting; the President's Review draft of the CSP or CAS and related comments from Bank units; minutes of President's Review meeting; the President's comments on the CSP following the President's Review meeting; handwritten notes taken by EAS/DPG staff and by the Chief Economist (DECVP) at the various review meetings; news notices and magazine articles (primarily from The Economist, Financial Times, and Far Eastern Economic Review) regarding the country that was the subject of the CSP; internal EAS, DPG, and DECVP memoranda discussing the various drafts and/or commenting on the various review meetings; comments on the CSP/CAS from staff within DEC units, especially the Policy Research Department (PRD), the Research Advisory Staff (RAD), and the International Economics Department (IEC); and correspondence between EAS/DPG staff and Regional staff during the entire drafting and review process. In some cases, the DPG representative who attended the Regional Loan Committee meeting wrote his own post-meeting review to the files. The file on South Africa is an aberration; it contain nothing but news updates on the political situation in South Africa from 1992 to 1994 and one summary of discussionsof the situation in South Africa at a December 9, 1993, meeting of the Executive Directors.

Working File for the Trade Policy Development Project Maintained in the Development Research Group

In November 1999, the World Bank established a new program of international standards, technical regulations, and trade policy with the support of the United Kingdom's Department of International Development's (DFID) Trust Fund. The DFID umbrella Trust Fund project had eight sub-components or projects: WTO 2000 and WBI Core Course developed by the World Bank Institute; WTO Agriculture; Services Trade; Trade Support; International Standards Support; Trade Policy Data System; and Impact Modeling. This file appears to have been initially maintained by Anthony Venables (Manager for Trade, Development Research Group [DECRG]) who was designated Task Manager to administer this three-year Trust Fund project.

Found in the series are copies of electronic messages (e-mails) exchanged in 1998 between L. Alan Winters, then Trade Manager, DECRG with David Batt, Head of DFID about a DFID-World Bank collaboration on trade policy in advance of the next round of World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations in order to increase understanding of the policy implications and economic impact of standards and regulations on world trade development. A copy of Winter's 21 December 1998 letter to Botts expressing the Bank's interest in a Trade Policy Development Project is in the file. Also in the file are copies of e-mails and notes concerning the preparation process for a Bank Initiating brief for a Trust Fund for the Trade Policy Development Project and a copy of the Initiating brief executed on 29 March 1999 that describes the objectives of the Trust Fund.

In the series are descriptions of each sub-component project approved by DFID for financing, program updates/progress reports, and other project related correspondence including Venable's correspondence with personnel designated as Bank contact points for the sub-projects and with DFID and a copy of a later 2001 facsimile message requesting payment from DFID for expenditures for the period 1 October 2000 to 30 September 2001.

Reading File of the Research Advisory Staff (RAD)

The series consists of documents sent electronically within RAD, to other parts of DEC, and to other Bank organizations by the Research Administrator and other RAD staff concerning the Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics (ABCDE), The World Bank Economic Review, the annual report of the World Bank Research Program, the World Bank Visiting Research Fellows Program (VRFP), research and conference funding, the Working Papers series, and research and conference proposals.

Records of Evaluation of The World Bank Economic Review and The World Bank Research Observer Maintained by the Research Advisory Staff (RAD)

The series includes: Terms of Reference for the 1995 evaluation of The World Bank Economic Review (WBER) and The World Bank Research Observer (WBRO), both of which were first published in 1986; six individual evaluations of WBER and WBRO that were submitted during July and August 1995 to Moshe Syrquin, Editor, The World Bank Journals; and a March 1997 report on WBER and WBRO submitted by Syrquin to Joseph E. Stiglitz, Senior Vice President and Chief Economist, DEC. Syrquin's report included findings of evaluations of the two journals conducted in 1991 and in 1995.

ESSDVP correspondence files

Series consists of correspondence files created by the ESSDVP. All of the correspondence in this series was authored by, addressed to, or forwarded to ESSD Vice Presidents Ismail Serageldin and Ian Johnson. There are, however, different forms of correspondence. Numbered correspondence in the form of a Lotus Notes log book is the most voluminous; these records span March 1998 to July 1999 and include correspondence to and from both Serageldin and Johnson. Correspondence of similar type, but that was not managed under the log book system, is included from 1999 to 2001 and is exclusively authored by or addressed to Johnson. Included in these records are a small number of short briefing notes authored by Johnson and/or the ESSDVP for the World Bank President. Memoranda files created in 2000 to 2001 are also included in this series as are a small number of records filed separately that only contain correspondence between the ESSDVP and the World Bank President between 1999 and 2001. The latter contains correspondence related to event and meeting attendance and planning, information exchange, briefing reports, and letters written by the ESSDVP for the President's signature.

Subject Files of Geoffrey B. Lamb, Adviser, Policy Development Unit (PRDPD), Policy and Review Department

This series contains files compiled by Geoffrey B. Lamb while he was an adviser in the Strategic Planning Division (SPRSP) of the Strategic Planning and Review Department and, after July 1, 1990, an adviser in and later head of the Policy Development Unit (PRDPD) of the Policy and Review Department (PRD). SPRSP had the major responsibility for generating and drafting the President's addresses to the Annual Meetings of the Bank and the Fund, and more than two thirds of this series consists of files Lamb compiled while drafting the speeches that President Conable delivered at the 1987, 1988, and 1989 annual meetings. These speech files contain numerous drafts of the speeches, much intra-Bank correspondence containing suggestions for the speeches and comments on the many drafts, copies of Bank publications used as background materials, Lamb's handwritten notes from meetings at which the drafts were discussed, and intra-Bank memoranda regarding follow-up action required to ensure that policies and programs outlined in the speeches were, in fact, accomplished.

Other files in the series contain records concerning the Group of Thirty's Study Group on Financing Eastern Europe which issued a 1991 report on the outlook for capital flows into Eastern Europe and the policy issues affecting them. Included is Lamb's correspondence with Richard A. Debs, the chair of the study group; Charles Taylor, the Executive Director of the Group of Thirty; and Wilfried Thalwitz, the World Bank's Senior Vice President, Policy, Research and External Affairs (PRESV), who was a member of the study group. A copy of the published report is included in the files. Items filed under President's Retreat 1989 concern the drafting of a work program and other follow-up work emanating from the January 6, 1989 retreat on the Strategic Agenda Framework. Another file contains intra-Bank memoranda and reports on the relationship between the U.S.S.R. and the Bretton Woods institutions and copies of and comments on a draft of the 1989 article The Soviet Union and the Bretton Woods Agencies written by the Executive Vice President and Director of the Overseas Development Council Richard E. Feinberg. There is also a file concerning the drafting of briefing materials compiled in November 1990 for President Conable prior to his visit to the U.S.S.R.

At the end of the series is a small file (under Guarantees) containing seven memoranda and papers, June 1990-September 1991, from Alfred J. Watkins, a senior economist in the Policy Development Unit, outlining howthe World Bank could use its guarantee powers to facilitate private capital flows to private sector entities in developing countries.

Young Professionals Program (YPP) chronological files

This series consists of records from Masood Ahmed's participation in the World Bank's Young Professionals Program (YPP) in 1979. Records include: back-to-office reports; correspondence; memoranda; travel arrangement records; statement of expenses records; timesheets; and terms of reference related to his rotational project work in African and Middle-Eastern countries.

Records of the Research Projects Approval Committee (REPAC)

This series contains the records of the Research Projects Approval Committee (REPAC) which the Research Policy Council (RPC) established in January 1984 to evaluate and recommend individual research projects for funding from the External Research Budget (later renamed the Research Support Budget [RSB]). The committee's evaluations were to ensure that projects were technically sound, cost-effective, and conformed to the institutional research priorities established by the RPC. To maintain links with theRPC, the Secretary of RPC was the Chair of REPAC. In July 1984, a new position, Research Administrator, was created in the Office of the Vice President, Economics and Research (VPERS); the Research Administrator (RA) served as the REPAC chair and dealt with all matters relating to the Research Policy Council, REPAC, and the Bank Research Advisory Group (BRAG). REPAC consisted of nine Bank staff members, appointed by the Research Policy Council on the recommendation of VPERS.

The REPAC records consist ofofficial requests for Research Support Budget (RSB) funding for research projects, some of which are accompanied by reports from referees, the outside consultants who commented on proposals; minutes of REPAC meetings (filed under correspondence and under rules and procedures); guidelines for evaluating completed projects funded by the Research Support Budget; copies of memoranda establishing REPAC and outlining REPAC rules and procedures; and correspondence which includes memoranda of REPAC decisions regarding requests for funds, incoming requests for additional funding to continue on-going research projects, REPAC correspondence with referees, replies from project managers responding to REPAC funding decisions, and minutes of meetings at which research proposals were discussed.

Chronological files

Series consists of chronological files created primarily by the HROVP. Records date from February 1994, to December 1995; records from July to December 1995 are from the Human Development Department (HDD). The majority of the records found in these files are correspondence. Correspondence to and from external agencies, institutions, and governments generally relates to information exchange, collaborations on projects and research, and conference attendance. Correspondence to and from other departments and vice presidencies in the World Bank is also included. This relates to information exchange, collaborations on projects and research, and conference attendance as well as to HRO's contributions to Country Assistance Strategy reports and participation in meetings. Records also include back-to-office reports, discussion of HRO human resource issues, and comments on HRO staff reports and programs. Records related to the Bank's 50th anniversary activities are also included; these records were created or receivedby the secretariat established in the HRO (HROAN) responsible for anniversary activity's coordination.

Publication File of Bela Balassa

The series includes reprints of approximately 200 papers and essays authored by Bella Balassa on a wide spectrum of economic and trade issues including development strategy, adjustment policies, tariff policy and taxation, exchange rates and balance of payments, protectionism, and export policy and performance. Most of the papers and essays were initially presented by Balassa at symposia, conferences, institutes, and seminars held in the United States and abroad while he served as consultant to the Bank and as a faculty member at The Johns Hopkins University. A series of papers published between 1963 and 1966 were written while he was on the faculty of Yale University. Also found in the series is a copy of a Le Monde article of 26 April 1990 announcing the award of an honorary doctorate to Balassa by the l'universite de Paris, a copy of a letter Belassa sent to friends concerning the Sorbonne ceremony and other honors, and a copy of an article on Balassa that appeared in the March 1990 issue of The Bank's World.

Reports to Headquarters from Special Representatives to U.N. Organizations in Geneva

The series consists of three black binders containing reports sent from Geneva to Headquarters by Representatives Mahmud Burney, L. Peter Chatenay, and Wolfgang Siebeck. The Bank first opened an office in Geneva in 1978 staffed by a resident representative and one support staff. Its responsibilities included representing the Bank in meetings of international organizations held in Geneva, principally the GATT, UNCTAD, ILO, and WHO. The Bank staff at Geneva kept Bank Headquarters informed through periodicreports and facilitated informal contacts with staffs of Geneva organizations. Reports to Headquarters prior to 1987 were addressed to the Director of the Bank's International Relations Department (IRD). When the Strategic Planning and Review Department (SPR) was established under the Senior Vice President, Policy, Planning and Research (SVPPR) in May 1987, the Geneva Office reported to the International Relations Division (SPRIE), which included the U.N. Offices in New York and Geneva (SPRGE).

The first black binder contains numbered Geneva bi-monthly letters (also referred to as newsletters) sent by Mahmud, the first Representative, from September 21, 1979 to October 29, 1982. A register showing letter number, date, and subject is located at the beginning of the binder. At the back of the binder are 15 unnumbered Washington letters and one unnumbered memorandum (10 September 1979 - 31 August 1982), most of which were sent to Burney by Shirley Boskey, Director, International Relations Department (IRD),in response to issues raised in Burney's numbered reports.

All of the numbered Burney Geneva letters except the first and last were addressed to Boskey. In almost all of the letters, Burney provides full descriptions of discussions and outcomes of meetings and conferences of UNCTAD [United Nations Conference on Trade and Development], particularly the Trade and Development Board of UNCTAD, and GATT [General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade]. In the 17 December 1979 letter, Burney offers his views on the impact of the crisis in Iran on Geneva negotiations and possibly the Bank. Burney's letters describe his involvement with work of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and various preparatory meetings for the G-77 ministers meeting (1980), the U.N. Conference on the Least Developed Countries (1981), the GATT Ministerial Meeting (1982), and UNCTAD VI (1982). Burney also reported on the reactions from the U.N. and other organizations at Geneva to world events such as the Iran crisis (1979), President McNamara's announcement of his retirement (1980), the Gulf War (1980), Ronald Reagan's assumption of the U.S. Presidency (1981), and President Clausen's early pronouncements as Bank President (1981). Burney included in his letters information gained in informal and formal discussions with country representatives at Geneva concerning the impact of high oil prices and inflation on economies, balance-of-payments problems of developing countries; the absence of developing countries' at management and seniormanagement levels of the Bank; and the withholding of observer status for the PLO at Bank annual meetings. Burney also reported on other formal and informal contacts with representatives of international organizations in Geneva, arrivals and departures of ambassadors, changes in U.N. and GATT officials, and visits with Bank staff attending meetings in Geneva.

Reports from Geneva of the other two Representatives were similar in the kinds of information covered but differed in frequency and format. The Geneva Letters binder of L. Peter Chatenay is divided into three parts: Geneva Office Activity Reports (in the form of memoranda) sent monthly to the Director, IRD, Shahid Javed Burki, 15 August 1983 - 3 July 1985; reports of UNCTAD, GATT, and other meetings Chatenay attended, 12 September 1983 - 30 July 1985 addressed primarily to Burki; and a small number of Washington letters and messages, some undated, received by Chatenay from Burney and others at the Bank, 10 August 1983 - 16 September 1985. The monthly activity reports focused more on general trends, upcoming events, contacts with and observations about the diplomatic community at Geneva, and contacts with Bank visitors to Geneva. The reports of meetings attended describe comments made by Chatenay and other representatives at these meetings, outcomes, and Chatenay's observations and/or recommendations for Bank response.

Wolfgang Siebeck's first report of 21 January 1986 to Burki was in the form of a letter. The next report, simply captioned Geneva Report for April 1986, covered meetings and other developments related to GATT, UNCTAD, the International Trade Center, the International Labor Organization, and a World Bank briefing given by Burki on April 20, 1986 at Geneva for a group of 88 representatives of Permanent Missions and U.N. Organizations. The reports which followed were submitted on a monthly basis, followed the same format, and focused primarily on GATT and UNCTAD. In these reports, Siebeck covered meetings attended, positions taken,outcomes, and his observations.

In his cover memo of 14 November 1986, Siebeck announced a change in the format of the Geneva Report. Attached to the memo were the October/November and November/December reports, both of which focused on preparations for and negotiations at the Uruguay Round. Succeeding reports beginning with January/February 1987 were numbered and covered Uruguay Round meetings/negotiations, UNCTAD VII and other activities. After September 1987, Siebeck's reports from Geneva fluctuatedbetween one month and two months coverage but continued to address the Uruguay Round and UNCTAD VII developments. In his last report (October/November 1989) from Geneva, Siebeck focused entirely on the status of negotiations in individual Uruguay Round groups.

Miscellaneous Correspondence of the Office of the Special Representative to the U.N. Organizations in Geneva

The series consists of documents that were most likely retained for reference purposes by the Directors of the Geneva office (also referred to as Special Representatives to the U.N. Organizations in Geneva) and their staffs. Included in the series are: copies of the agreement regarding privileges and immunities concluded between the U.N. and the Swiss Federal Council on 19 April 1946; a copy of the 22 June 1978 letter from the Director, International Relations Department of the Bank to the Deputy Director-General of the U.N. announcing the opening of the Bank's Geneva office with Mahmud Burney as permanent representative; biographical information about Bank Presidents; copies of staff and other announcements of the appointments of Wolfgang Siebert (effective 20 January 1986) and Jean Baneth (effective 4 August 1989) as Directors; copies of the announcement of Baneth's departure and the appointment of his successor Piritta Sorsa (effective 14 December 1992); memos and other correspondence concerning the Post Adjustment (cost-of-living) System for Field Assignments (1988 - 1992); memoranda concerning work plans (1990 - 1991) and staffing requirements (1985, 1987, 1989) for the office; an unsigned 7-page monograph titled Notes on the Bank Office in Geneva dated 20 November 1985 most likely written by L. Peter Chatenay who headed the office from 1982 to 1985; and a draft of a letter to the U.N. office in Geneva announcing the permanent closing of the Bank's Geneva office as of 1 July 1993. Copies of a small amount of correspondence prepared by Siebert and Baneth regarding the Geneva office and correspondence from other permanent missions at Geneva are also part of the series.

Divisional Reading File of the International Economics Department (IEC)

The series consists of documents sent electronically within IEC, to other parts of DEC, and to other Bank units on many subjects. A large proportion of the documents concern debt reporting, debt management operations, borrowing arrangements for countries, World Debt Tables, and World Development Indicators. Also included are comments on reports and papers, Unified Survey projects for various countries, Staff Appraisal Reports, and Draft Memoranda of the President for loans for projects. The series also includes requests for information in preparation for representation at Berne Union meetings and documents pertaining to modeling and analytical tools in IECIT [International Trade Division], external debt missions, and The Old Age Crisis Report. Summaries and reports of Bank Board meetings, comments on brainstorming sessions, and meeting announcements circulated by the Department Director or Division Chiefs are also part of the series.

International Economics Department (IEC) Secretariat Records of the Planning Assumptions Committee MAintained in the International Economic Analysis and Prospects Division (IECAP)

This series contains copies of PAC Memoranda, summaries of meetings, and other records of the Planning Assumptions Committee (PAC) and related records of the Economic Analysis and Projections Department (EPD) and later of the International Economic Analysis and Prospects Division (IECAP), the two units that maintained these records.

Originally formed in the early 1970s as the Deflator Committee, the Committee approved the deflator projections to be used in Bank financial planning and in project appraisals. Late in 1980, the name was changed to Planning Assumptions Committee, and its role was broadened to cover a wide range of key indicators of change in the global environment. By establishing common planning assumptions about the world economy, the Committee ensured that the various parts of the Bank used the same projections for economic and sector work, project analysis, financial and budget analysis, and the World Development Report. The Global Analysis Division (EPDGL) of EPD and later the International Economic Analysis and Prospects Division (IECAP) of IEC prepared the background analysis and projections for PAC. This series includes memoranda from those two units transmitting projections data to the PAC chairman. That data was incorporated into the PAC Memoranda which were issued twice a year, in the spring and the fall, to units throughout the Bank. By the late 1980s, these memoranda were issued directly by IECAP, through the Director of the International Economics Department (IECDR) as PlanningAssumptions for Major Macroeconomic Indicators and Financial Indicators. In addition to the official PAC memoranda, there are intra EPD and IEC memoranda documenting the process of compiling the planning data.

Records of the Global Prospects Conferences Sponsored by the International Economic Analysis and Prospects Division (IECAP)

This series consists of records relating to the Global Prospects Conferences sponsored by the International Economic Analysis and Prospects Division (IECAP) of the International Economics Department (IEC). Included are verbatim transcripts of the proceedings of the first (April 25 - 26, 1989) and second (April 30 - May 1, 1990) conferences. Also included for the first conference are memoranda of a draft conference outline and a proposed budget. Among the files for the second conference are black-and-white photographic negatives of conference sessions, copies of some of the papers prepared for the conference, a copy of the preliminary conference announcement (December 27, 1989), and marked-up copies of transcripts edited by some of the speakers.

Policy Research Department Poverty and Human Resources Division (PDRPH) Research

This series contains a variety of research materials accumulated in support of research projects undertaken by various staff in the Policy Research Department (PRD) and its predecessors, the Poverty Analysis and Policy Division (PHRPA) and later the Welfare and Human Resources Development Division (PHRWH) of the Population and Human Resources Department.

This series contains background materials, and administrative and research records from 1972 to 1991 (predominant 1985-1991) relating to the Living Standards Measurement Survey (LSMS) update for Peru in 1990. Records were compiled by Gillette Hall who was, along with Peruvian economist Richard Webb, responsible for the update. The original LSMS for Peru was conducted in 1985-1986 jointly by the Peruvian government and the World Bank (specifically the Education Department and the Development Research Department). These records consist of World Bank and Peruvian government studies, reports, and articles containing background materials on social and economicconditions in Peru, 1972 - 1985, that were gathered as part of the first survey. There is also a small amount of administrative material (back-to-office reports, notes regarding data entry, sample questionnaires, a summary of initial results from the survey, a list of studies based on the 1985 - 1986 data, and notes on fieldwork) relating to the first survey. Hall's records of the 1990 survey and of later research regarding Peru include: applications for funding; notes regarding the project's budget and sampling methods; background articles and reports on Peru published after the 1985 - 1986 survey; back-to-office reports for the Peru Social Sector Review, January 14 - 25, 1991 and for a mission to prepare for the update of the LSMS, June 17 - 18, 1991; correspondence concerning a fiscal year 1992 regional study to include programs in Peru; a copy of Hall's Cambridge University Master's thesis; notes prepared for a presentation on the 1990 survey; articles by Hall regarding conditions in Peru; and various drafts of an article on poverty in Peru by Hall and by Paul Glewwe of the PHRPA and later the PHRWH of the Population and Human Resources Department.

The series also contains records compiled by Elizabeth M. King relating to nine Bank published research papers pertaining to Peru that were authored, co-authored, or reviewed by King while working as an Economist first in the Education and Employment Division of the Population and Human Resources Department (PHREE) and later in PRDPH. The nine papers appear to have been based primarily on findings from the Living Standards Measurement Survey (LSMS) conducted in Peru. Six of the nine papers were published in the LSMS Working Papers series. Two papers were published in the Bank's Policy, Planning and Research Working Papers series and one paper was published as a Policy, Planning and Research Working Paper. In addition to drafts of the papers, which relate primarily to education and wages in Peru, the series includes: reference copies of other papers relating to Peru; computer generated tables relating to wages, GDP, and education in Peru; copies of a few papers presented by King at professional meetings; 5 1/4 inch floppy discs primarily containing different versions of reports as well as a small amount of research; and presentation materials. There is also some correspondence concerning a proposed book based on findings of the Peru LSMS.

Finally, records relating to World Bank staff research as part of the Youth Training and Employment Partnership Programme (YTEPP) in Trinidad and Tobago are included in this series. Most of the records were created in the PHRWH, although activities related to the YTEPP were moved to PRDPH in 1993. Records include correspondence, back-to-office reports, Terms of Reference, memoranda, YTEPP publications, questionnaires and codebooks. Also contained are 3 1/2 inch floppy discs that appear to contain research data in various forms.

Sub-Saharan Africa Hydrological Assessment records

Series consists of records related to the Sub-Saharan Africa Hydrological Assessment (SSAHA) project. The SSAHA was a United Nations Development Programme project (UNDP, Project # RAF/87/030). However, the World Bank served as the primary implementer of the project. The World Bank also helped finance the project, along with the UNDP, the African Development Bank (ADB), the French Ministry of Cooperation, and the European Community (EC).

The SSAHA was developed in response to requests from African governments to review the hydrological services in Sub-Saharan Africa. Its aim was to assist sub-Saharan countries in the creation and/or improvement of a sound hydrometric base for the purposes of planning and evaluating water resources development programs and projects. The project would evaluate the status of all existing water resource data and information and make recommendations for the filling of important gaps and for the general enhancement of the capability to measure, retrieve, process and publish hydrological data and information (Sub-Saharan Africa Hydrological Assessment Project Document; c. December, 1986; File #30187398). The project involved: preparing inventories of the present status of data collections, processing and publication including the listing of bibliographies; identifying the more important gaps that exist in present programs; and making recommendations on priority programs to fill the gaps including institutional and training aspects.

The SSAHA project was prepared by the World Bank in1986-1987 in consultation with the UNDP, the United Nations Department of Technical Co-Operation for Development (UNDTCD, later the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Development [UNDESD]), the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), regional African agencies, and African national governments. The UNDP approved the project in June, 1987 and the World Bank signed the Project Document as Executing Agency in the same month. The project became effective in September, 1987. A Steering Committee comprised of donor agencies, regional agencies, country representatives, WMO and UNESCO was established at this time. The UNDP chaired the Committee with the World Bank and ADB serving as co-chairs. It began to meet twice annually (or when convened by the Chairman) in November, 1987, to assist in the supervision of the project, to redirect approaches as needed, and to evaluate the project results.

Within the World Bank, the Agriculture and Rural Development Department's Production and Services Division (AGRPS) was designated the executing unit. Ulrich Kuffner served as task manager from 1987 until January 1, 1992 when Geoffrey Matthews, Agriculture and Rural Development Department, Technology and Natural Resources (AGRTN), replaced him. Torbjorn Damhaug of the African Regional Office, Environmentally Sustainable Division (AFTES), was made a co-task manager in 1994 or earlier. A Project Management Committee (PMC) was established in 1987 to serve as a liaison between the Agriculture and Rural Development Department (AGR) and the African Regional Office (AGR).

Series contains records created and received by the AGRPS that relate to SSAHA project planning, financing, execution, oversight, and evaluation. The majority of the records are organized into numbered volumes according to: consultant firm; African region; project organizer and/or financer; Steering Committee meeting; and general correspondence files.

Records relating to Regional African Agencies are numerous and contain correspondence between the Bank andthe Agencies' representatives. Folders are labeled according to region: South African Development Coordination Conference (SADCC, in 1992 renamed the South African Development Community [SADC]), and the International Authority on Drought and Development (IGADD, in 1996 renamed the Intergovernmental Authority on Development [IGAD]), as well as Madagascar, which is not included in one of the aforementioned Regions. Records relate to: project planning and negotiation; consultants' reports; planning of meetings and workshops; and coordinating with consultants. Records contain: drafts of consultants' reports and Regions' comments; back-to-office reports; Terms of Reference; consultants' proposals and contracts; and aide memoires.

Records also contain correspondence with consultants who have been awarded a contract. Records relate to: payment; revisions to Terms of Reference or payment; negotiation of completion and reporting dates; publishing; and coordination of consultants with Regions and countries.

The series also contains multiple volumes labeled General Correspondence. These records include correspondence with Regional African Agencies as described earlier. Correspondence with consultants is also included, although the majority of this material was created before contracts were awarded and thus contain Terms of Reference, proposals, minutes of negotiations, and related records. General correspondence files also contain correspondence with: the Bank's country and regional offices; country officials and representatives; participating agencies (UNDP, WMO, EC, ADB, etc.); and short-term consultants. Records relate to: project planning; meetings; training exercises; workshops; project coordination and logistics; contracts; financial issues; Bank staff reporting; evaluation of consultants' reports; project funding; and project research and planning.

The series contains folders for each of the eight Steering Committee meetings held between November, 1987 and July, 1996. Records relate to meeting planning and coordination and the invitation of participants. Records include: agendas; minutes; list of participants; preparatory materials (i.e. reports); and back-to-office reports by meeting attendees. A lesser amount of records relating to the World Bank's Project Management Committee meetings are also included; records are of similar type to those previously described.

Separate folders for correspondence with WMO, UNESCO, and the Comite Interafricain d'Etudes Hydrauliques (CIEF) are also contained in this series.

Budget files containing reports, budgets, copies of contracts, revisions, and disbursement records are also included.

The series also contains numerous folders labeled General Files. Records include: reports and articles used as background or research; reviews of the SSAHA project written by Bank staff or consultants; copies of contracts with consultants; correspondence with consultants; budget and financing summaries; consultant negotiation materials; cost estimates; drafts of SSAHA pamphlets; correspondence related to meetings; comments on consultants' reports from Bank staff and external; Project Performance Evaluation Reports (PPER) for RAF/87/030 (1992 and 1994); correspondence between AGR staff related to project planning and development; multiple drafts of the original SSAHA Project Document; final versions of the original SSAHA Project Document; copy of signed WB/UNDP SSAHA agreement; meeting notes; progress reports of consultants; recommendations for future action; World Hydrological Cycle Observing System (WHYCOS) project document and supporting materials, including materials related to its regional components; files on individual and short-term consultants; records related to SSAHA hydrological workshop (1994); copies of booklet, Sub-Saharan Africa Hydrological Assessment (1993); text of the SSAHA Program Completion Brochure (1996); and a paper by Geoffrey J. Matthews, Communications for Bridging Different Water Perspectives.

Also included are numerous copies of draft and final SSAHA country and regional reports prepared by project consultants. These include: Madagascar: Evaluation Hydrologique en Afrique Sub-Saharienne (HASSA), Pieces Annexes (1996); Madagascar: Evaluation Hydrologique en Afrique Sub-Saharienne (HASSA), Rapport Principal (1996); Sub Saharan Africa Hydrological Assessment, SADC Countries - Country Report: Namibia (1995, draft report); Sub Saharan Africa Hydrological Assessment, SADC Countries - Country Report: South Africa (1996, draft report, two copies); Regional Strategic Action Plan for Integrated Water Resources Development and Management in the SADC Countries (1999-2004) - SADC Water Co-ordination Unit, Maseru, Lesotho (1998, 1st draft); Evaluation Hydrologique en Afrique Subsaharie: Madagascar -- Proposition Technique et Financiere (1995); Sub-Saharan Africa Hydrological Assessment West African Countries: Regional Report (1992, also a copy in French); and Madagascar: Evaluation hydrologique en Afrique Sub-Saharienne (HASSA) - Addendum au rapport principal (1997).

Administrative files

This series reflects a variety of the activities undertaken by the Office of the Historian. The activities file contains lists of oral histories conducted by the project and lists of records the historian had when the office closed. The Paris file reports on records that are in the Bank's Paris office, while the CPP file reports on the master set of Country Program Papers, Country Strategy Papers, and Country Assistance Strategy Papers. A file that relates to the Presidents' papers includes: notes on the contents and a few copies of documents from the Eugene Meyer papers at the Library of Congress; notes, descriptions, and a list of George Woods' papers at Columbia University Library; and series descriptions of McNamara's records in the Bank.

World Bank History Project liaison records

In 1989 the World Bank commissioned the Brookings Institution to prepare a history of the Bank as part of the commemoration of the Bank's fiftieth anniversary. Originally planned for publication in 1994, the two volume work, The World Bank: Its First Half Century, was published in 1997. When the Office of the Historian was established at the beginning of 1993, the task of liaison between the Bank and Brookings and the authors fell to the Historian. This series documents the evolving relationship between the Bank and the Brookings Institution's World Bank History Project, both before and after the establishment of the Historian's Office.

The first subseries, the chronological General Files, shows the genesis of the idea for a history (including copies of documents on the Bank's history dating back to December 1967), the funding of the project, and the administration of the relationship between the Bank and the Brookings Institution. Files contain a transcript of the meeting of the project advisory committee in 1993.

An Internal Review Group was established by the Bank in 1993 to read and comment on each chapter produced by the project. The Office of the Historian served as secretary for the group, both sending out chapters for review and transmitting the group members' comments to the project. The second subseries is the correspondence of the historian with the group and with the project.

The Office of the Historian conducted its own oral history program at the same time as the World Bank History Project wasinterviewing people for the fiftieth anniversary volumes. Each program provided some copies of interviews to the other, and the third sub-series contains a file about the interviews, including lists of persons interviewed by the project, and duplicate copies of rough transcripts of some project interviews, including those with World Bank Group presidents A.W. Clausen, Barber B. Conable, and Lewis T. Preston.

The fourth subseries is the draft of the history, arranged by volume and thereunder by chapter. Nocopy exists for chapter 8 of volume II. The copies are not annotated.

Chronological File of EAS Director

Series consists of chronological files maintained by EAS Director Vinod Dubey from between January 1989 and November 1990. After Dubey's appointment as director of EAS in June 1987, he continued many of the duties he had in the Country Policy Department (CPD): coordinating the Bank's interaction with the Paris Club, the Berne Union, the OECD Export Credit Group, and the International Monetary Fund; reviewing country strategy papers and Structural Adjustment Policy Framework Papers (PFPs); providing the SVP Operations with analysis on operational issues and policy initiatives; serving as the Secretariat to the Operations Committee; and providing advice and support to the Regional staff on major policy questions, especially regarding country strategies, adjustment operations, and country economic and sector work. Much of the records in this series relate to the duties listed above and take the form of agendas, schedules, and requests for comments or review for discussion. In the case of the latter, the reports and policy papers are rarely attached.


This series consists of numbered publications by the Development Committee on development issues such as environment, assistance to developing countries, trade and development, concessional flows, poverty, market prospects, and structural adjustment.

Correspondence - March 5, 1990, letter

In February, 1990, John Lewis and Richard Webb sent approximately 700 letters to senior Bank staff, followed by hundreds more letters on March 5, 1990, to Bank alumni, present and former Executive Directors of the Bank, and present and former members of the Development Committee, asking them for ideas about which subjects the study should emphasize. They asked for responses by the end of March. This series contains the responses to the mailings in the form of letters as well as a few notes of telephone calls. Some responses are very brief, while others provide extended comments on suggested topics or enclose copies of speeches or documents. The responses from former Executive Directors often include information on representational duties and the influence the EDs had on the Bank's policies. While some of the respondents were later interviewed, for others this is the only source for their views. Replies drafted by Lewis and Webb are also included.

Volume II drafts

The authors conceived Volume II of The World Bank: Its First Half Century as a series of essays that would look at the Bank from outside vantage points, including the points of view of borrowers, lenders, the economics profession,and political analysts. The project contracted with authors for these essays, and this series consists of submitted drafts as well as exchanges of comments with the authors. It includes both essays that were published in volume IIand also a draft on Brazil and a draft on politics and the Bank that ultimately were not included.

Authors' conference

On June 2 and 3, 1992, the World Bank History Project held a conference with all the authors of essays for Volume II of The World Bank: Its First Half Century. Each author presented his draft paper and explained the approach he had taken. Not all authors participated, but at least some of the authors not present sent papers in advance. This untranscribed set of tapes records the discussion at the two day conference. Series contains reference copies producedby the Bank Archives of all of the conference tapes. As such, only six of the twelve tapes are original.

Advisory committee's files

The World Bank History Project was advised by three committees. One, a formal advisory committee of persons external to the Bank, was formed by the project in 1990 and held four meetings: January 22-24, 1990; September 26-27, 1990; April 9-10, 1992; September 30-October 2, 1993. The second, a group of former staff members of the Bank and related institutions, was established as a Guidance and Closure Committee by the Brookings Institution in 1994 to help the project in its final stages. Finally, the Bank established an internal review committee to read and comment on all chapters of the two volumes.

Only two paper files exist on the work of these committees, but other correspondence is found throughout the files of both the project and of Office of the Historian. One file, titled, Comments on Volume I, contains comments from both the advisory committee and the Bank's review committee plus comments from other persons to whom the authors sent drafts for review. The file is organized by chapter. Some of the comments are extremely long and contain information about the topic for the consideration of the authors rather than simply comments on the draft text. The second file, World Bank Review Committee Comments on Volume II, is organized alphabetically by the name of the author contributing the chapter.

The series also contains audio tapes of the four meetings of the international advisory committee. The project files contain no transcript or minutes of the meetings.

Finally, one audio tape is a dictated set of comments by an unknown reader of the fifth chapter of Volume I written by Richard Webb.

Series contains dupiclate reference copies created by the Bank Archives of nearly all of the tapes; as such, only 31 of the 60 tapes listed in the extent are original.


At the first meeting of the project's advisory committee in January, 1990 the authors were advised to undertake a series of interviews. The authors agreed and embarked on an extensive interview program, ultimately talking with 149 persons. The interviews were conducted during the entire life of the project and included discussions with current and former Bank staff and executive directors, persons from related institutions such as the International Monetary Fund and the Asian Development Bank, and prominent external observers of the Bank. Some of the interviews were noted in footnotes in the published volumes of The World Bank: Its First Half Century. Series contains dupicate reference copies of almost all of the original interview tapes.

A series of interviews were conducted during a research trip the authors made to India, Bangladesh, Indonesia and the Philippines in November, 1991. These interviews were primarily with national leaders and focus particularly on the 1980s.

Some of the persons interviewed by the authors were also interviewed by the Bank's own oral history program; some also were interviewed by Robert Oliver for his biography of Bank president George D. Woods. The series also contains some of the transcripts from these older interviews.

Files regarding revision of the International Finance Corporation's safeguard policy

In 2004 Gloria Davis assisted the International Finance Corporation (IFC) in its review of its environmental and social safeguard policies. This review was triggered by the findings of the 2003 report by the IFC's Compliance Advisor and Ombudsman on the implementation and impact of the IFC's safeguard policies.

The series includes notes from meetings, drafts, printouts of email, and background materials.

Master file of numbered Committee documents

This series contains a complete set of official numbered documents of the Committee which include but are not limited to topical papers distributed to members of the Committee prior to meetings, reports of working groups and task forces, records of discussion, and notices of meetings and proposed agendas. Statements to the Committee from the President of the World Bank and the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund are included, as are communiques from the meetings of the Intergovernmental Group of 24 on International Monetary Affairs. Beginning in 1988 the series also includes official statements made during the year by members and observers. Each document is usually present in English, French, and Spanish versions. The content of the documents is reflected in the titles of the items.

Meeting files

This series consists of the administrative records of each session of the Development Committee. Included are agendas, lists of speakers, attendance, travel and seating arrangements, drafts of statements, records of discussions, and internal and external correspondence relating to the meeting. As an example, the file on the 38th meeting (May 1990) includes the agenda, press communique, seating chart, remarks for plenary, afternoon, and closing sessions, luncheon arrangements, press conference attendance, information for participants, statements, background materials, administrative matters, and the record of discussions.

Records of meetings of deputies (senior officials)

In 1977 the Development Committee decided, as an experiment, to hold meetings of the deputies to the Committee members in advance of the Committee meetings, in order to prepare for the discussions in the full Committee. After four meetings the experiment was abandoned.

The records consist of agendas and information packets for the four meetings, verbatim transcripts, and numbered documents. Topics covered are the same as those of the Development Committee for the period, including the role of multilateral development institutions, review of the work program of the Committee, a report of the Working Group on access to capital markets, and a Mexican proposal for a long-term recycling facility.

EMPPE chronological files

Series consists of records related to Johnson's work in the Europe, Middle East and North Africa Projects Department, Power and Energy Division (EMPPE) in 1984 and 1985. Much of the records in this series relate to Johnson's contribution to projects in Turkey. Records relating to Agricultural Sector Policy Loan to Turkey, the Thrace Gas Development project (Loan 2327-TU), and background reports relating to Turkey's energy sector are particularly plentiful. Included are: a working paper draft authored by Johnson entitled Turkey Agricultural Sector Policy Loan Village Electrification Program (1984); Terms of Reference and back-to-office reports related to Johnson's missions to Turkey; telexes between the World Bank and Turkey government officials; a report on Turkey's Energy Strategy Paper; technical notes; a back-to-office report authored by Johnson entitled Turkey: Public Investment Review Energy Sector Adjustment Loan (1985); a report authored by Johnson and others entitled Turkey Public Investment Review Energy Sector Outline of Draft Reports (1985); and a report authored by Johnson entitled Contribution to Turkey: Country Assistance Paper Energy Sector (1985).

Records related to Loans 1873-CY, 2286/2287-CY, Transmission & Distribution Project and Energy Planning and Conservation Project to Cyprus are included. Records related to projects in Jordan are also included: Energy Development Project I - Loan 2371-JO; Fourth Power Project - Loan 1986-JO; and Fifth Power Project - Loan 2162-JO. A back-to-office andfull report for Romania Power Subsector Loan (FY 88) are included.

The series contains records, memoranda and reports related to Johnson's activities in the EMPPE. Notably, drafts of a Europe, Middle East and North Africa Projects Department (EMENA) Regional Energy Strategy Paper are included; one of these drafts has Johnson's hand-written comments.

ESSD correspondence and internal memoranda

Series consists of correspondence and memoranda authored by or addressed to Johnson as Vice President of ESSD. Topics of external correspondence are from 2002 to 2004 and include invitations to participate in meetings and conference, and the exchange of information. Correspondence is with a variety of academic and research institutions, government agencies, and other external organizations.

Series also consists of memoranda from 2002 to 2004 authored by or addressed to Johnson to and from ESSD sector departments as well as other Bank units. Included are memoranda from Johnson to managing directors and Bank President Wolfensohn.

Briefings for Bank President Wolfensohn and other reports

Series consists of briefing materials prepared by ESSD and its sector departments for Bank President Wolfensohn. Briefing materials provide information on various individuals, organizations, and governments in advance of their meetings with Wolfensohn. A small amount of background research material is also included.

Series also consists of copies of reports submitted by ESSD to the Bank's Secretary of Board Operations. Finally, copies of Inspection Panel Investigation Reports on two South American loans from 2004 are included: Paraguay - Reform Project for the Water and Telecommunications Sector (Loan No. 3842-PA) and Argentina - SEGBA V Power Distribution Project (Loan No. 2854 - AR).

Correspondence of Masood Ahmed, Director, International Economics Department (IEC) Concerning Joint World Bank-IMF Development Committees, Annual Meetings , and Seminars

This series consists of five parts and includes records related to the Joint World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) committees, meetings, and seminars in which Masood Ahmed participated during his time as Director of the International Economics Department (IEC). IEC played a key role in joint Bank-IMF initiatives by providing statistical data and publications on macroeconomic projections, multilateral-debt, and trade forecasting. Much of this was done in collaboration with the IMF's Statistical Department, where IEC and the IMF shared and reviewed data and publications such as the IEC Global Economic Prospects (GEP), World Debt Tables (WDT), and the IMF Statistical Department's World Economic Outlook (WEO). The data provided by IEC and IMF Statistical Department helped to set the agenda for Joint IMF-Bank meetings, and informed subsequent policy development. In addition, IEC senior officials directly participated and advised Bank-IMF efforts, and helped develop the joint Bank-IMF board papers eventually produced by the Development Committee.

The first part of this series includes records from Ahmed's involvement with the joint Bank-IMF Development Committee from January 1994 to December 1997. The records consist of agenda and minutes of meetings, memoranda, and correspondence; copies of statements given by participants in committees; and published reports and joint Bank-IMF papers. Some of the correspondence is internal Bank communications to the Office of the President (EXC), DEC staff, and IEC staff reporting on Committee meetings, or discussing issues or actions related to the meetings. The records primarily focus on the topic of Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) and the joint Bank-IMF HIPC Initiative of 1996. Ahmed played a key role in policy advisement for the HIPC Initiative and its subsequent implementation and policy revisions.

The second part of the series consists of files from the joint Bank-IMF Annual Meetings Ahmed attended from 1994 to 1997, including meetings held in: Madrid, 1994; Washington, DC, 1995 and 1996; and Hong Kong, 1997. The records include: briefing books outlining events, topics, and background information; briefs for ad hoc meetings or smaller committee meetings; delegation lists and biographies of participating agencies and individuals; handwritten notes; speech transcripts by Masood Ahmed and others; and correspondence and memoranda related to involvement by IEC units for the Annual Meetings, and related to subsequent reporting in the Annual Meetings to Officeof the President (EXC), the DEC Vice President, IEC officials, or other internal Bank staff.

The third segment of this series is records from the IMF Interim Committee meetings Ahmed attended from 1994 to 1997. The Interim Committee meetings were IMF member only meetings, but the Bank President and other senior officials were invited as observers for each meeting. The Office of the President (EXC) usually had the DEC Vice President or Ahmed attend these meetings in the President's absence. The records consist of agenda and meeting minutes and correspondence sent from the IMF and correspondence and memoranda sent internally between EXC, DEC, and IEC regarding arrangements or attendance at the meeting, and reporting of the meeting.

The fourth part of the series includes records from joint Bank-IMF organized seminars and workshops in which Ahmed participated. These records consist of Severely Indebted Low Income Countries (SILIC) seminars and workshops Ahmed attended from 1994 to 1995 where he helped develop a joint IMF-Bank SILIC paper. Memoranda, correspondence, and drafts document Ahmed's collaboration with the IMF to develop SILIC policy, and also his reporting of his work to the Office of the President (EXC), the DEC Vice President, and other internal Bank staff. Similar records contain transcripts for the Workshop on the Analytical Aspects of the Debt Problems of Heavily-Indebted Countries, 7 February 1996. Agenda, memoranda, correspondence, and copies of presentation speeches are also included for the IMF/Bank Seminar on External Financing for Low Income Countries, 9-12 December 1996.

The last part of the series consists of correspondence, memoranda, and photo static copies of statistical reports and publications sent from the IMF to Ahmed from January 1995 to December 1997. The records document the collaboration between IEC and the IMF Statistical Department.

Records of sub-committees, task forces, and working groups

During its first years, the Development Committee created subordinate bodies to help manage the Committee itself (the Sub-committee on Administration) and to investigate issues and propose positions (task forces and working groups). In 1979 the Committee decide to abolish working groups, but task forces with a specific limited task and duration might still be established. Thereafter the Committee created task forces rarely, choosing instead to handle most matters within the Secretariat and the Committee.

An ad hoc working group on administration was established by the Committee chairman and met in Paris on 9 June 1975, to discuss the budget and organization of the Committee. This working group recommended the establishment of a sub-committee of the Development Committee, to be designated the Sub-committee on Administration, to consist of ten members to review the budget (see numbered Committee document DC/75-17). Although the sub-committee was intended to be a continuing body, it failed to gain acceptance and was terminated in 1978.

The Development Committee created task forces on private foreign investment (1979-1980), non-concessional flows (1980-1982), and concessional flows (1982-1985) and working groups on access to capital markets (1975-1978) and on development finance and policy (1977-1979). These bodies commissioned papers, held meetings and consultations, and prepared proposals for the Development Committee. The papers and proposals, prepared as numbered documents, provide important overviews of world economic mechanisms as of the beginning of the fourth quarter of the twentieth century. Of particular interest are records of a seminar held by the Working Group on access to capital markets in October of 1978. The seminar brought together representatives of developing countries and market operators and institutional investors, and the report of proceedings shows the divergent points of view current at that time.

Annual reports to the Boards of Governors

The series includes the annual reports of the Development Committee to the Boards of Governors of the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, a press release on the 1978 report, and the reviews of the Committee in 1978 and 1981 as presented to the Boards of Governors.

Administrative files

The series consists of subject files covering the operations of the Committee on a day-to-day basis. These include records of meetings of the Committee President with various members, with the President of the Bank and the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (the three together are known as the Troika), and with the Intergovernmental Group of Twenty-Four on International Monetary Affairs. There are records of administrative matters such as governance and membership, budgets, work programs,and correspondence with other multi-lateral international development agencies. Other files contain information on topics of interest to the Committee, such as health, environment, and debt issues, while still others are speeches, general correspondence, and the publication of a pamphlet for the tenth anniversary of the Committee.

When this series was in active use, it was the heart of the Development Committee secretariat operations, according to former Executive Secretary Peter Mountfield. It is an essential resource for understanding the scope and operations of the Development Committee during its first two decades.

Substantive [subject] files

This series contains correspondence and background material relating to development issues studied by the Development Committee. It includes the principal body of records on the Working Group on access to capital markets. These files are essential for understanding the initial conceptualizations of the Development Committee as to its area of activity and the extent of its coordinating functions in the field of development.

Project Managers' Research Project Files

This series contains files for the earliest projects approved under the World Bank's research program. These particular files are primarily those that were maintained by the managers responsible for directing the projects. Most were directed by staff from departments under the Development Policy Staff (the Development Research Center, the Development Economics Department, the Economic Analysis and Projections Department) and under the Economics and Research Staff (the Economics and Analysis and Projection Department and the Development Research Department), but others were conducted by staff from the sectors or the Regions. The files are in two sections: those that were completed and for which completion reports and evaluations had been filed and those for which the final reports and evaluations had not been filed.

A project file typically contains draft research proposals with comments on the drafts, the formal research proposal submitted on a standardized form, memoranda establishing a review panel to vet the proposal and to convey the decision of the review panel, minutes of the Research Committee meeting at which the proposal was discussed, the Research Committee's decision on the proposal, correspondence with consultants who worked on the project, Back-to-Office reports from missions connected with the project, requests for computer support, requests for additional funding and/or an extension of the research schedule and the Research Committee's decisions regarding those requests, intra-office correspondence of the unit directing the project, a summary of the project results for inclusion in Research News, and possibly a project completion report on a standard form. For most projects, there is a separate folder containing quarterly status reports and possibly also the project completion report. The files in the completed projects section of the series also include evaluation reports. Most of the files for projects under the 672 and 673 series contain only completion reports.

Project files Numbered 671-93 to 671-98 were used for documentation relating to the General Research Advisory Panel (GRAP) and five of the Special Research Advisory Panels. For the official GRAP files, see (add link to series 4031).

Business Plans for Fiscal Years 1991-1995 Maintained in the Policy and Review Department

These Business plans for all of the organizations comprising the Policy Research and External Affairs Complex (PRE) and the predecessor Policy, Planning and Research Complex (PPR) were maintained by Gregory Ingram, Principal Adviser, Review and Analysis Division (PRDRA), Policy and Review Department (PRD) and Ziaddin Choudhury and Zmarak Shalizi in the Program Management Unit (PRDPM) in PRD. The Business plan was a major component of Bank budget cycles and provided information from PRE that would become part of priorities and framework papers presented to the Board. The Business plan also served as the basis for PRE's next fiscal year work program and budget, described each PRE organization's plans for the following two or more fiscal years, described each organization's underlying strategy and work program, and indicated plans for special emphases and topics that cut across department and other organizational boundaries. Included in the files are draft and final Business plans, submissions from each PRE (or PPR) organization, including DEC, and background correspondence and data relating to the preparation of the plans.

PAB Division Chief/Assistant Director's subject and activity files

This series includes subject and activity files related to the various activities and responsibilities of Joseph Wood from his time as Division Chief and later Assistant Director of the Program and Budgeting Department (PAB). The bulk of the records consist of incoming and outgoing correspondence; memoranda; reports; draft PAB project proposals; draft working papers; draft policy papers; background research material; and handwritten notes sent or received by Joseph Wood and other PAB staff. Most records are extensively annotated by Joseph Wood, and some background research material pre-dates Wood's time in PAB. Memoranda, correspondence, and meeting minutes received by or sent to the Office of the President (EXC) and the Executive Board of Directors are also included. Some subject files include: discussion and working paper drafts on capital increase and the report entitled, "Future Role of the Bank"; revision of the Bank's lending program; reports and draft policy papers on capital market prospects; revisions for draft financial policy papers; drafts and background material on selective capital increase; reports on access to capital markets; IDA statistical tables, data, and documents; FY77 budget issues records; correspondence related to the OPEC Recycling Scheme; notes on disbursement projections; and so on.

FPBVP and FPRVP chronological correspondence files

This series consists of chronological correspondence from when Joseph Wood served as the Vice President for the Financial Policy, Planning, and Budgeting Vice Presidency (FPBVP), and later as Vice President for the Financial Policy and Risk Management Vice Presidency (FPRVP), the successor to FRBVP. The series primarily consists of correspondence and memoranda between Joseph Wood, the Office of the President (EXC), Senior Vice President of Finance Moeen Qureshi, Senior Vice President of Finance Ernest Stern (succeeded Moeen Qureshi in 1987), Executive Directors Board members, and other World Bank staff. Wood's handwritten notes and annotations are also included. The chronological correspondence focus on numerous topics, including: IBRD lending; the "Future Role of the Bank"; fiscal years budgets for 1986 to 1988; IDA commitments and agreements; and General Capital Increase (GCI).

Chronological files

The series consists of records created by the Agriculture and Rural Development Department (AGR) and its subordinate divisions and units for the years 1978 to 1987. The series also includes records for AGR's successor, the Agriculture, Technology and Natural Resources Department (AGR) for years 1992 and 1995.

The records of AGR from 1978 to 1987 are similar to those of its successor. The records consist almost exclusively of correspondence. A significant amount of the records relates to Bank projects andthe Department's role in their design, preparation, support, and evaluation. Also included are records related to the writing and analysis of technical, research, and issues papers as well as country and sector policy papers by Department staff and Bank staff external to AGR. In some cases, a draft of the paper is included. Records in this series also relate to: budget and work planning; administration; conference and workshop planning and attendance; information exchange (primarily within the Bank); communications and liaison; grant and trust fund negotiation and allocation; CGIAR-related activities; staff missions (often in the form of Terms of Reference and back-to-office reports); and donor meetings.

As noted above (2.3 Archival history), it is likely that the records classification and file titling of the files in this series was done by IISC staff once individual pieces of correspondence were sent to the IISC for filing. Some of the records (approximately one third) were provided with subject- or function-based classification; these files are from May 1992, to July 1993, and are generally very small and in many instances contain only one or two pieces of correspondence. However, the subjects of the records they contain are indistinguishable from the rest of the files in this series which were titled 'Chronological file' and are considerably larger. The files titled 'Chronological file' are from May 1993 to December 1995.

Files of the Director, Development Policy, Regarding the Development Committee and Related Committees

These records were compiled by the Director of Development Policy in the Office of the Vice President of Development Policy. That position was held by Ernest Stern from April 1974 to September 1975, Attila Karaosmanoglu from October 1975 to June 1979, and E. Bevan Waide from June 1979 to 1982.

The Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund on the Transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries, better known as the Development Committee, was established in 1974 to advise the Boards on development issues and to coordinate international efforts to finance development. The Interim Committee of the Board of Governors of the International Monetary System, known since 1999 as the International Monetary and Finance Committee, was established by the International Monetary Fund in 1974 to advise the Board on the management of the international monetary system. The Group of Twenty-Four on International Monetary Affairs, now officially the Intergovernmental Group of Twenty-Four on International Monetary Affairs and Development, was established in 1971 to coordinate the positions of developing countries on international monetary and development finance issues to ensure that their interests were adequately represented in negotiations on international monetary matters. The chairman of the Group of Twenty-Four customarily addresses Development Committee meetings, and the Development Committee, the Interim Committee, and the Group of 24 normally meet at the same times during the year.

The series consists of four groups of records:

    1. A general chronological file, 1977 - 1982, contains: a) correspondence between the Director, Development Policy and the Executive Secretary of the Development Committee, the Bank's liaison (Ernest Stern, Vice President of Operations) with the Development Committee, and other Bank managers, including President McNamara; b) copies of draft and final versions of Development Committee documents (agenda, press communiqu?s, reviews of Development Committeeperformance, annual reports, and work programs) forwarded to the Director of Development Policy or to the Executive Directors of IBRD.
    1. Chronological files on meetings of the Development Committee, 1977 - 1980, contain agenda of meetings, copies of Development Committee documents to be discussed at the meetings, copies of President McNamara's statements delivered at Development Committee meetings, and memoranda from the Director, Development Policy or the Bank's liaison with the Development Committeesummarizing meetings. These files include some agenda for and documents considered at meetings of the Working Group on Development Finance and Policy, the Working Group on Access to Capital Markets, the Group of Twenty-four, and the Senior Officials of the Development Committee.
    1. Files on committees and working groups generally contain agendas with copies of the documents to be discussed at the meeting attached, intra-Bank memoranda regarding the committee or working group, and reports and papers prepared by the committee, working group, or task force. Included are records for the Capital Markets Coordinating Committee, 1972 - 1977; the Working Group on Capital Market Access, 1975 - 1978; the Working Group on Development Finance and Policy, 1978; the Senior Officials' Meeting, September 1978; the Task Force on Private Foreign Investment, 1979 - 1981; the Task Force on Non-Concessional Flows, 1980-1981; the Group of Twenty-Four, 1978-1981; and the Interim Committee of the Board of Governors of the International Monetary System , 1978, 1980 - 1981.
    1. Files related to Development Committee studies and reports include: correspondence, papers, and a report regarding cofinancing, 1978 -1980; a Bank study of aid groups sponsored by IBRD, 1978; a report on the implementations of the Special Action Program, 1978; the Joint Fund/Bank staff study on The Stabilization of Export Earnings, done at the invitation of the Development Committee and submitted to the Committee in 1978; and reviews of Development Committee performance, 1976 and1978.
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