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Records of Individual Staff Members

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Masood Ahmed files

The sub-fonds consist of chronological correspondence records from different units throughout Masood Ahmed's World Bank career. The series additionally includes speech and presentation records from his time in IEC and PREM, and records related to his involvement with the Economic Development Institute (EDI, now renamed the World Bank Institute [WBI]).

Young Professionals Program (YPP) chronological files

This series consists of records from Masood Ahmed's participation in the World Bank's Young Professionals Program (YPP) in 1979. Records include: back-to-office reports; correspondence; memoranda; travel arrangement records; statement of expenses records; timesheets; and terms of reference related to his rotational project work in African and Middle-Eastern countries.

Sector and Operational energy and industry unit chronological files

This series consists of records related to Masood Ahmed's work with the Bank's energy and industry units from 1980 to 1991. During this time, he served in the following roles and divisions: Economist in the Energy Department (EGYDR), 1980-1981; Economist in the Energy Assessment Division (EGYEA), 1981-1982; Senior Economist in the Energy Assessment Division (EGYEA), 1983; Deputy Division Chief in the Energy Assessment Division (EYGEA), 1983-1985; Deputy Division Chief in the Energy Strategy and Pre-Investment Division I (EGYS1), 1985-1986; Deputy Division Chief in the Industrial Development and Finance Companies Division of the Europe, Middle East, and North Africa Projects Department (EMPID), 1986-1987; and Division Chief in the Industry and Energy Operations Division of the Europe, Middle East, and North Africa Country Department II (EM2IE), 1987-1991. Ahmed's records include correspondence and memoranda related to oversight, support and management of energy projects in various countries, and Ahmed's involvement with the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP). Records from 1987 to 1991 are related to lending and advisory services for development projects in the Maghreb countries of Northwest Africa. Additional records consist of travel, leave, and timesheet information dating from 1987 to 1991.

International Economics Department (IEC) chronological files

This series consists of chronological files with incoming and outgoing correspondence from when Masood Ahmed served as the Director of the International Economics Department (IEC). The records are arranged into the following categories: incoming emails from January 1996 to July 1997; outgoing emails from December 1995 to July 1997; chronological files from March 1995 to June 1997; general correspondence from January 1996 to July 1997; and general external correspondence from January 1996 to December 1996. The chronological files consist of incoming and outgoing correspondence and memoranda with attached reports and handwritten notes related to the activities and communications within IEC, and with other units of the Bank. The general correspondence records contain much of the same as the chronological files, but appear to be duplicates and photo static copies of original correspondence. The general external correspondence category includes incoming and outgoing correspondence between Ahmed and outside agencies, including communications with other multilateral institutions, NGOs, and private sector institutions. External reports and articles are also included.

Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network (PREM) chronological files

This series consists of chronological files with incoming and outgoing correspondence from when Masood Ahmed served as the Vice President of the Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network (PREM). The records are arranged into different types of correspondence files, including: incoming emails from July 1997 to March 1998; outgoing emails from July 1997 to January 1998; chronological files from June 1997 to December 1997; general correspondence from June 1997 to January 1998; and general correspondence-external from February 1998 to December 1998. The chronological files consist of incoming and outgoing correspondence and memoranda with attached reports and handwritten notes related to the activities and communications within PREM, and with other units of the Bank. The general correspondence records are similar to the chronological files, but appear to be duplications and photo static copies of original correspondence. The general external correspondence includes incoming and outgoing correspondence between Ahmed and outside agencies, including communications with other multilateral institutions, NGOs, and private sector institutions. External reports and articles are also included.

Briefing books, speeches, and presentations files

This series consists of Masood Ahmed's speech transcripts, presentation slides, and briefing books from his time as the Director of the International Economics Department (IEC) from 1993 to 1997 and the Vice President of the Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network (PREM) from July 1997 to December 1998. Many of his speeches and presentations are found in files from 1996 to 1998, overlapping his time in IEC and PREM. Additional records include speeches and presentations related to the IEC publication Global Economic Prospects (GEP) dating 1995 to 1996. Other IEC staff speeches and presentations records are dated 1996 to 1998. The series also includes reference files of speeches and presentations created by staff in other units in the World Bank from 1993 to 1996; primarily from meetings and events he attended. The briefing books in this series include records prepared by his unit for Ahmed prior to a meeting or event. These records include: programs; agendas; itineraries; logistical information; issues to be addressed; notes; and other pertinent information. The briefing books are also maintained in files from 1996 to 1998, and overlap his time in IEC and PREM.

Economic Development Institute (EDI) collaboration files

This series consists of records related to Masood Ahmed's collaboration with the Economic Development Institute (EDI) of the Bank. Ahmed served on an EDI Advisory Committee during his time as Director of the IEC, and continued tocollaborate with EDI on a number of activities once he became the Vice President of PREM. The series includes memoranda, correspondence, articles, EDI reports, and EDI publications.

Joseph Wood files

This sub-fonds consists of the records generated by Joseph Wood in numerous positions at the World Bank. Included are subject and activity files from when Wood served as Division Chief and later Assistant Director for the Programming and Budget Department Office (PAB). Subject and activity files are also included for Wood's role as the Vice President for the Financial Policy, Planning, and Budgeting Vice Presidency (FPBVP), and Vice President for the Financial Policy and Risk Management Vice Presidency (FPRVP), the successor to FPBVP. Chronological correspondence files are also included for his time in FPBVP and FPRVP, and for when Wood served as Vice President for the South Asia Region (SASVP).

PAB Division Chief/Assistant Director's subject and activity files

This series includes subject and activity files related to the various activities and responsibilities of Joseph Wood from his time as Division Chief and later Assistant Director of the Program and Budgeting Department (PAB). The bulk of the records consist of incoming and outgoing correspondence; memoranda; reports; draft PAB project proposals; draft working papers; draft policy papers; background research material; and handwritten notes sent or received by Joseph Wood and other PAB staff. Most records are extensively annotated by Joseph Wood, and some background research material pre-dates Wood's time in PAB. Memoranda, correspondence, and meeting minutes received by or sent to the Office of the President (EXC) and the Executive Board of Directors are also included. Some subject files include: discussion and working paper drafts on capital increase and the report entitled, "Future Role of the Bank"; revision of the Bank's lending program; reports and draft policy papers on capital market prospects; revisions for draft financial policy papers; drafts and background material on selective capital increase; reports on access to capital markets; IDA statistical tables, data, and documents; FY77 budget issues records; correspondence related to the OPEC Recycling Scheme; notes on disbursement projections; and so on.

FPBVP and FPRVP subject and activity files

This series includes subject and activity files collected by Joseph Wood while Vice President of the Financial Policy, Planning, and Budgeting Vice Presidency (FPBVP, 1983-1987) and the Financial Policy and Risk Management Vice Presidency (FPRVP, 1987-1991). The FPBVP contained the Financial Policy Department (FPA) and the Planning and Budgeting Department (PBD). The FPRVP contained the Financial Policy Department as well as the Resource Mobilization Department (FRM). Records in this series relate to Wood's role overseeing the work of these units. Subject files include: lending programs; adjustment lending; debt and debt servicing; cofinancing; Bank relations with external institutions; Bank sectors (i.e. environment, women in development, etc.); risk management; Bank capital and currency management; borrowing and liquidity policy; International Finance Corporation (IFC) operations; International Development Association (IDA) policy; IDA replenishment; IBRD General Capital Increase (GCI); country positions on various topics; and the Brady Proposal. Records include correspondence and memoranda between Wood and the Office of the President (EXC), Senior Vice President of Finance Ernest Stern, other high-ranking World Bank staff, and staff of departments reporting to the FPBVP and FPRVP. Many of the correspondence and memoranda are forwarded to Wood for information or comment. Many contain handwritten annotations by Wood.

FPBVP and FPRVP chronological correspondence files

This series consists of chronological correspondence from when Joseph Wood served as the Vice President for the Financial Policy, Planning, and Budgeting Vice Presidency (FPBVP), and later as Vice President for the Financial Policy and Risk Management Vice Presidency (FPRVP), the successor to FRBVP. The series primarily consists of correspondence and memoranda between Joseph Wood, the Office of the President (EXC), Senior Vice President of Finance Moeen Qureshi, Senior Vice President of Finance Ernest Stern (succeeded Moeen Qureshi in 1987), Executive Directors Board members, and other World Bank staff. Wood's handwritten notes and annotations are also included. The chronological correspondence focus on numerous topics, including: IBRD lending; the "Future Role of the Bank"; fiscal years budgets for 1986 to 1988; IDA commitments and agreements; and General Capital Increase (GCI).

SASVP chronological correspondence files

This series consists of chronological correspondence from when Joseph Wood served as Vice President for the South Asia Region (SASVP). The records include incoming and outgoing correspondence and memoranda received and sent to internal World Bank units and staff, and correspondence sent to external agencies. Numerous correspondence are between Joseph Wood, Managing Director Ernest Stern, the Office of the President (EXC), and Executive Directors Board members. The chronological correspondence focus on a variety of topics, including: SAS lending; SAS workshops and training; and SAS briefing.

Heywood Fleisig files

Sub-fonds consists of incoming and outgoing chronological correspondence files maintained by Heywood Fleisig during his employment in the following positions: Senior Economist in the East Asia and Pacific Vice Presidency (AENVP); Principal Economist in the Asia Vice Presidency (ASIVP); Principal Economist in the Country Operations Division, Asia-Country Department II (AS2CO); and Principal Economist in the Office of the Chief Economist, Latin America and Caribbean Region (LACCE).

East Asia and Pacific Vice Presidency (AENVP) chronological correspondence files

The series includes chronological correspondence, memoranda, and other records of Heywood Fleisig created or received during his position as Senior Economist in the East Asia and Pacific Vice Presidency (AENVP). The correspondence and memoranda are primarily between Fleisig and regional economists and staff regarding economic and sector work (ESW) projects within the East Asia and Pacific Region (AEN). Draft research papers and reports are included, and contain comments and handwritten notes by Fleisig. Back-to-office reports, project proposal reports, and meeting minutes related to regional ESW projects are also included.

Asia Vice Presidency (ASIVP) chronological correspondence files

The series includes chronological correspondence, memoranda, and other records of Heywood Fleisig created or received during his position as Principal Economist in the Asia Vice Presidency (ASIVP). The correspondence and memoranda are primarily between Fleisig and the Lead and Chief Economist in the Asia Regional Office (ASI) regarding economic and sector work (ESW) projects. Draft research papers and reports are attached, and contain comments and handwritten notes by Fleisig. Back-to-office reports, project proposal reports, initiating memoranda, mission reports, financial and statistical data printouts, and meeting minutes related to regional ESW projects are also included.

Operations Division, Asia-Country Department II (AS2CO) chronological correspondence files

The series includes chronological correspondence, memoranda, and other records of Heywood Fleisig created or received during his position as Principal Economist in the Country Operations Division, Asia-Country Department II (AS2CO). Most of the records are related to debt restructuring plans and strategies for the Task Force on Philippines Debt from 1989. Much of the correspondence and memoranda include attached reports or surveys, Fleisig's personal notes, and financial and statistical data. The correspondence and memoranda are mostly between Fleisig and other Asia Country Department staff. Meeting minutes from the Executive Board of Directors related to debt restructuring in the Philippines are also interfiled in records.

Office of the Chief Economist, Latin America and Caribbean Region (LACCE) chronological correspondence files

This series includes chronological correspondence, memoranda, and other records of Heywood Fleisig created or received during his position as Principal Economist in the Office of the Chief Economist, Latin America and Caribbean Region (LACCE). The records are primarily devoted to economic and sector work (ESW) planning, and reporting for the Latin America and Caribbean Region (LAC). The records include: initiating memoranda; ESW business plans; ESW task briefs; terms-of-reference; back-to-office reports; and research paper and survey proposals. The series also includes meeting minutes from LAC regional ESW planning meetings, and draft policy papers with handwritten notes and comments by Fleisig. Most memoranda and correspondence are between Fleisig, the Region's Lead Economists, and other staff in the LAC Region. Correspondence between Fleisig and the Office of the President (EXC) are also included.

Syed Shahid Husain files

Sub-fonds consists of incoming and outgoing correspondence files maintained by or for Syed Shahid Husain during his employment as Vice President for the Latin America and the Caribbean Region (LACVP) from 1987 to 1994, and Vice President for Management and Personnel Services (MPSVP) from 1994 to 1995.

Office of the Vice President, Latin America and Caribbean Region (LACVP) chronological correspondence files

The series includes incoming and outgoing correspondence and memoranda of Syed Shahid Husain from when he served as Vice President for Latin America and Caribbean Region (LACVP). The correspondence and memoranda are primarily between Husain and other LAC regional staff regarding a number of topics, including: country assistance strategies (CAS); technical assistance action plans, progress reports, and planning; policy reports and papers; structural adjustment loans; private sector development; and regionalmeetings, workshops, and retreats. The series also consists of correspondence external to the Bank from various country ministry offices. Correspondence and memoranda between Husain, the Office of the President (EXC), and the Bank's External Affairs Department (EXT) are also included.

Management and Personnel Vice Presidency (MPSVP) chronological correspondence files

The series includes incoming and outgoing correspondence and memoranda of Syed Shahid Husain from when he served as Vice President for Management and Personnel Services (MPSVP). The correspondence and memoranda are primarily between MPS staff, the Office of the President (EXC), and Vice President Offices of numerous units of the Bank. The correspondence and memoranda cover various topics, including: personnel recruitment; compensation; personnel performance review; redundancies; and re-organization of Bank units.

Attila Karaosmanoglu files

The sub-fonds consists of chronological correspondence files from when Karaosmanoglu served in the following positions: Director for Development Policy Vice Presidency (VPD) from 1975 to 1979; Director for the Country Programs Department 1, Europe, Middle East, and North Africa Region (EM1DR) from 1979 to 1982; Vice President for the East Asia and Pacific Vice Presidency (AENVP) from 1982 to 1987; Vice President for the Asia Vice Presidency (ASIVP) from 1987 to 1991; and Managing Director for Bank President Lewis T. Preston from 1991 to 1994. The subfonds also includes speech, presentation, statement, and interview files for when he served in the following positions: Director of Development Policy (VPD); Director of the Country Programs Department 1 of the Europe, Middle East, and North Africa Region (EM1DR); Vice-President East Asia and Pacific Region (AENVP); and Managing Director (MDS).

Development Policy Vice Presidency (VPD) chronological correspondence files

The series includes chronological correspondence files from the period Attila Karaosmanoglu served as Director for Development Policy Vice Presidency (VPD). The correspondence is primarily between Karaosmanoglu, the Office of the President (EXC), and members of the Board of Executive Directors. The correspondence focuses on numerous topics, including: planning of the annual World Development Report (WDR) publication; world economic and social indicators forecasting; and budgeting and planning for research initiatives.

Country Programs Department 1, Europe, Middle East, and North Africa Region (EM1DR) chronological correspondence files

The series includes chronological correspondence files from when Attila Karaosmanoglu served as the Director in the Country Programs Department 1 of the Europe, Middle East, and North Africa Region (EM1DR). The records primarily include incoming and outgoing correspondence and memoranda between Karaosmanoglu and EM1 staff regarding the numerous activities of EM1. Correspondence and memoranda between Karaosmanoglu, the Office of the President (EXC), and members of the Executive Board of Directors are also included.

East Asia and Pacific Vice Presidency (AENVP) chronological correspondence files

The series includes chronological correspondence files from when Attila Karaosmanoglu served as Vice President in the East Asia and Pacific Region (AENVP). The records include incoming and outgoing correspondence, memoranda, and other records related to support of AENVP operations, including: memoranda of country project loan signings; back-to-office reports; mission support records; briefing notes; and records related to numerous meetings, training seminars, and events held in the AEN region. Outgoing correspondence discussing ongoing projects and initiatives for particular countries sent from Karaosmanoglu to AEN country Executive Directors of the Bank are also included.

Asia Vice Presidency (ASIVP) chronological correspondence files

The series includes chronological correspondence files from when Attila Karaosmanoglu served as Vice President in the Asia Vice Presidency (ASIVP). The records include correspondence, memoranda, agenda and meeting minutes, and other records related to support of ASIVP operations, including: memoranda of country project loan signings; meeting minutes and agenda records for meetings with ASI staff, Board of Executive Directors members, country representatives from the ASI countries, and other senior World Bank officials; and incoming and outgoing correspondence and memoranda regarding management of ASI and support of ongoing projects within the ASI Region.

Managing Director (MDS) chronological correspondence files

The series includes chronological correspondence files from when Attila Karaosmanoglu served as Managing Director (MDS) for Bank President Lewis T. Preston. The records include correspondence, memoranda, agenda and meeting minutes, and other records related to high level policies, programs, and administrative operations of the World Bank. This includes records related to the reorganization of the Bank in 1991, which details the termination of senior vice-presidencies in bank operations, establishment of managing directors in Bank operations, and the re-organization of Bank units and World Bank Group affiliates. Other records include memoranda and correspondence of various

meetings arranged for Karaosmanoglu with Preston, fellow Managing Directors Ernest Stern and Sven Sandstrom, Executive Directors of the Bank, country leaders, Regional Bank staff, and other World Bank senior officials. Some correspondence and memoranda cover policy and programs of the Bank, such as structural adjustment loan programs, travel policy, and country strategy or policy framework papers for specific countries.

Speech, presentation, statement, and interview files

This series includes records of the speeches, presentations, statements, and interviews given by Attila Karaousmangolu in the following roles: Director of Development Policy (VPD); Director of the Country Programs Department 1 of the Europe, Middle East, and North Africa Region (EM1DR); Vice-President East Asia and Pacific Region (AENVP); and Managing Director (MDS). The records include speech transcripts, presentation papers, press releases, newspaper clippings, and hand-written notes. Correspondence and memoranda are also included, and detail formal arrangements, itineraries, and responses to speeches, presentations, statements, and interviews given by Karaosmanoglu.

Gautam Kaji files

Sub-fonds consists of incoming and outgoing chronological correspondence files and accompanying attachments maintained by Gautam Kaji during his time as East Asia and Pacific Region Vice President, and during his time as Managing Director of the World Bank.

East Asia and Pacific Vice President (EAPVP) chronological files

Series consists of correspondence and attachments sent and received by Gautam Kaji while serving as East Asia and Pacific Vice President.

Topics of correspondence and attachments generally relate to operations policy, procedure, reporting, and evaluation, but also include: conference attendance; staffing; administrative matters; regional and Bank-wide lending program; management of field offices; development of Country Strategy Papers; annual lending allocation reviews; sector research and discussion (including gender, environment, social development); EAP administrative budget; country consultative groups; and the EAP Business Process Innovation (BPI) pilot. Records include: EAP Portfolio Monitoring Tables; country policy framework papers; briefing notes for Kaji; briefing notes created by EAP staff for senior Bank staff, including Bank President Preston; Country Strategy Papers; regional "Prospects Papers" and progress reports; administrative budget materials; three-year business plans for EAP; and materials disseminated in advance of Loan Committee meetings.

Managing Director chronological files

Series consists of chronological correspondence sent and received by Gautam Kaji while serving as Managing Director of the World Bank. Series broadly consists of three chronologically parallel parts: general correspondence; correspondence authored by Kaji and Managing Director Koch-Weser; and correspondence between Kaji and World Bank President Wolfensohn.

General correspondence records date from December 1994 when Kaji assumed the position of Managing Director and November 1997 when he retired from the Bank. Files are generally divided into two sections. The first section includes internal Bank correspondence. The most common records in this group are those relating to Kaji's role as Chairman of the Loan Committee and its successor, the Operations Committee. These records include reports on potential projects, materials related to regular Operations Committee meetings, and Kaji's comments on draft Country Assistance Strategies. Other topics discussed in the records of this series include: performance monitoring indicators and performance standards; guarantees in private sector investment in IDA countries and the World Bank Guarantee Program; World Debt Tables; the Bank-wide reorganization of 1997; conference attendance; planning and review of Bank program and budget; and operations and business policy development, review, and dissemination. Records include: drafts of Kaji's publications; Kaji's speeches; personal correspondence; meeting notices; memoranda to the Executive Directors; operations review reports; and Quarterly Reports on Pending Tranche Releases of Adjustment Operations. The second and smaller section of records includes correspondence from, and responses to, external parties. Topics of this correspondence are wide ranging but generally discuss East Asia operations and sector research.

The second part of the series includes correspondence authored jointly by Kaji and Managing Director Caio K. Koch-Weser from December 1995 to November 1997. Together, Kaji and Koch-Weser were responsible for Bankoperations. Records discuss a variety of topics related to operations, including an increasingly results-driven approach to project implementation and evaluation as well as the need for simplification of operational procedures and reporting. Correspondence, which is most often between Kaji and Koch-Weser and regional Vice Presidents, discuss portfolio management, disbursements, completion reports, Country Assistance Strategies, and economic and sector work. Staffing related to the 1997 reorganization and the launch of the Bank's new network organization are also discussed.

The third part of the series includes correspondence with attachments between Kaji and Bank President James Wolfensohn from March 1995 to November 1997. Correspondence consists of copies of correspondence and attachments authored by Kaji and sent to Wolfensohn as well as Wolfensohn's incoming and outgoing correspondence from others which was then forwarded to Kaji. Correspondence serves a variety of purposes: information dissemination; briefing for Wolfensohn's meetings; answering Wolfensohn's requests for information; authoring correspondence for Wolfensohn; and submitting reports, announcement, and correspondence for Wolfensohn's approval.

Geoffrey Lamb files

Sub-fonds consists of chronological correspondence files for Geffrey Lamb for the following positions and years: Economist for the Development Research Department (DRD) from 1980 to 1982; Public Sector Management Adviser for the Public Management Unit (PPDPS) from 1983 to 1987; Adviser for the Strategic Planning Division (SPRSP) and the Policy Development Unit (PRDPD) from 1988 to 1991; and Unit Chief for the Public Sector Management Unit (EMTPM) within the ECA/MENA Technical Department of the Europe and Central Asia Vice Presidency (ECA) for 1992. The sub-fonds also includes: DRD country strategy papers, study papers, and policy papers maintained and created by Lamb from 1980 to 1981; policy papers focused on institutional reform maintained by Lamb during his time in PPDPS from 1982 to 1987; records related to policy papers prepared by Lamb prior to his employment at the Bank; records related to papers prepared for and involvement in conferences and seminars from 1987 to 1991; and records related to Lamb's involvement with PRDPD work program planning and working group participation from 1990 to 1991.

Development Research Department (DRD) chronological correspondence files

The series includes chronological correspondence, memoranda, and other records created or received by Geoffrey Lamb while serving as Economist for the Development Research Department (DRD). Records include incoming and outgoing correspondence and memoranda between Lamb, the DRD Director John Duloy, DRD staff, and staff from other Bank units, including the Development Economics Department (DED), the Projects Advisory Staff (PAS), the Policy, Planning, and Program Review Department (PPR), and economic staffin Bank Regions. The correspondence and memoranda primarily concern proposed country economic research and studies, seminar and workshop participation, and DRC Work Program proposals. Incoming and outgoing correspondence are also included from individuals and organizations external to the Bank. The series also includes travel and leave request records and back-to-office reports (BTOs).

DRD country strategies, studies, and policy records

This series includes drafts of proposed country strategy papers, study papers, and policy papers maintained by Lamb when he served as Economist for the Development Research Department (DRD). This includes the following draft papers: African Development Strategy: Some Administrative Issues; Proposed Institutional Study of Kenya Tea Development Authority; Rapid Capitalist Development Model: a New Politics of Dependence?; and Market Surrogate Approaches to Institutional Development.

Public Sector Management Unit (PPDPS) chronological correspondence files

The series includes chronological correspondence, memoranda, and other records created or received in Lamb's capacity as Public Sector Management Adviser for the Public Management Unit (PPDPS). The records include correspondence and memoranda primarily between Lamb, PPDPS Chief Arturo Israel, PPDPS staff, and staff from Bank regional departments. The correspondence and memoranda concern PPDPS planning and reporting of country missions, policy papers, country strategies, structural adjustment loan (SALs) projects, technical assistance (TA) projects, and workshops and seminars. Public sector management related topics are addressed in the memoranda and correspondence, including civil service reform, public expenditure, and institutional reform. Incoming and outgoing correspondence sent and received by Lamb from individuals and organizations external to the Bank are also included. The records also consist of Lamb's travel request records, leave request records, back-to-office reports (BTOs), aide-memoires, expense reports, and timesheets.

PPDPS institutional reform policy analysis records

This series includes records related to the subject of institutional reform maintained by Geoffrey Lamb when he served as Public Sector Management Adviser for the Public Management Unit (PPDPS) of the Projects Policy Department (PPD). The records include numerous policy papers and reports related to institutional reform, which were produced by PPDPS. Some of the papers and reports are authored by Lamb, including Managing Economic Policy Change: Institutional Dimension published in 1987. Background PPDPS reports on structural adjustment lending and the PPD Tenth Annual Report on Project Implementation and Supervision (1985) are also included.

Pre-Bank conference and seminar policy papers

This series includes policy papers prepared by Lamb for conferences and seminars when he served as a research Fellow at the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex from 1977 to 1979. The papers pre-date his appointment to the World Bank in 1980. The following draft papers are included: Distributive Politics in Tanzania; The Politics of Growth and Distribution: Is a Policy-relevant Analysis Possible?; and Organising for Technology Appropriation: An approach to appropriate technology implementation.

Conference and seminar programming records

This series includes records related to Lamb's involvement with the International Development Exchange Program Seminar on Economic Policy Change and Governmental Process held November 9 -12, 1987 in Seoul, Korea. The seminar was organized jointly by the Korea Development Institute and the World Bank's Economic Development Institute (EDI). Lamb participated in the seminar, and helped prepare and edit the subsequent seminar publication Managing Policy Reform in the Real World: Asian Experiences (1991), whichwas prepared jointly by EDI and Country Economics' Public Sector Management and Private Sector Development (CECPS). Records related to this seminar include: a draft copy and numerous published copies of the seminar publication; photographs and handwritten notes of the seminar; discussion notes and speech transcripts from country case studies presented at the seminar; and reference material.

Strategic Planning Division (SPRSP) and Policy Development Unit (PRDPD) chronological correspondence files

The series includes chronological correspondence, memoranda, and other records created or received while Geoffrey Lamb served as Adviser for the Strategic Planning Division (SPRSP) and the Policy Development Unit (PRDPD). SPRSP records prior to July 1990 include correspondence and memoranda primarily between Lamb, Strategic Planning and Review Department (SPR) Director Alex Shakow, Senior Vice President for Policy Planning and Research (SVPPR) David Hopper, staff from departments within the Development Economics Vice Presidency (DEC), and staff from the Regional departments. The correspondence and memoranda focus on the following topics: review of various policy papers by SPRSP; review of Bank's Strategic Agenda; preparation and review of speech prepared for Bank President Barber Conable for the Bank's Annual Meeting; joint organization of SPR and International Economics Department (IEC) seminar; re-organization of private sector development functions and personnel in the Bank; Bank strategy and economic policy reform in Eastern Europe; and hiring of consultants.

The SPRSP correspondence and memoranda after July 1990 transition into when SPR was replaced by the PRDPD, and the parties involved in this transition. The correspondence and memoranda of SPRSP and PRDPD after July 1990 are primarily between the following parties: Lamb; PRD Director Paul Isenman; Senior Vice President Wilfred Thalwitz of the Policy, Research and External Affairs (PRESV); PRDPD staff; and members of the Policy, Research and External Affairs (PRE) Committee. The correspondence and memoranda discuss review, comments, and approval of publication of numerous policy papers and Bank annual publications by PRDPD and PRE. Also included are records related to working groups, task forces, and symposiums participated in, or jointly organized with PRDPD, including task forces focused on such topics as governance and military expenditure. Incoming and outgoing correspondence sent and received by Lamb from individuals and organizations external to the Bank are also included. The correspondence also consists of sub-files with the following types of records: copies of faxes, telex messages, and cables sent to Lamb; travel request records; leave request records; expense reports; timesheets; and performance review records.

Public Sector Management Unit (EMTPM) ECA/MENA Technical Department chronological correspondence files

The series includes chronological correspondence, memoranda, and other records created or received by Geoffrey Lamb while serving as Unit Chief in the Public Sector Management (EMTPM) unit of the shared regional ECA/MENA Technical Department of the Europe and Central Asia Vice Presidency (ECA). The records include memoranda and correspondence primarily between Lamb, ECA Vice President Wilfred Thalwitz, EMTPM staff, ECA Region staff, and Middle East and North Africa Region (MNA) staff. The correspondence and memoranda cover the following topics: ECA and MNA Regional Actions Plans for Technical Assistance (TA); EMTPM organized seminars, workshops, and training sessions; economic sector work (ESW) and Institutional Development Fund (IDF) lending for public sector management projects in the ECA Region; Dutch Trust Fund resources for ECA countries; and EMTPM planning priorities and consultant recruitment. Back-to-office (BTOs) mission reports and Terms of Reference (TORs) are interfiled among correspondence and memoranda. Incoming and outgoing correspondence sent and received by Lamb from individuals and organizations external to the Bank are also included. The chronological correspondence files also consists of sub-files containing: copies of faxes, telex messages, and cables sent to Lamb; travel request records; leave request records; expense reports; timesheets; and performance review records.

PRDPD work program and working group records

This series includes records related to work programs and working groups Geoffrey Lamb participated in or helped develop as the Adviser for the Policy Development Unit (PRDPD) of the Policy and Review Department (PRD). This includes records related to development and implementation of a work program related to economic policy reform in post-apartheid South Africa from 1990 to 1991. The development and implementation of the work program was done in close collaboration with PRDPD, the Public Sector Management and Private Sector Development Division (CECPS) of the Country Economics Department (CEC) within the Development Economics Vice Presidency (DEC), and the Country Operations Division (AF6CO) of the Africa Regional Vice Presidency (AFR). The records include correspondence and memoranda between Lamb, the Africa Region Vice President (AFRVP) Edward Jaycox, AFC60 staff, and CECPS staff. The records also include: back-to-office reports (BTOs) regarding economic missions in South Africa; extensive academic papers, reports, and newspaper articles produced outside the Bank related to South Africa and its economy; CECPS produced economic policy papers and reports; and meeting minutes and summaries regarding meetings with members of the African National Congress (ANC), and meetings between World Bank President Barber Conable and South African Government Ministers.

The series also includes records related to the Working Group on Military Expenditure in which Lamb participated in 1991. The Working Group was a response to the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) paper Military Expenditure and the Role of the Fund. The Working Group was given the responsibility to assess areas of Bank operations that address issues related to military expenditure, and create a report for the Bank President in preparation for the Joint Annual Meeting of the IMF and World Bank. The working group records include: correspondence and memoranda between the working group members; lists of working group board members; summaries of Fund Board meetings regarding the IMF Military Expenditure paper; summary reports on Bank work related to military expenditure; back-to-office reports (BTOs); meeting minutes of the Executive Director's Board regarding military expenditure; additional background papers and reports related to military expenditure; and letters prepared by Bank President Barber Conable, Senior Vice President of Operations (OPNSV) Moeen Qureshi, and IMF Managing Director Michel Camdessus regarding military expenditure.

Moeen Qureshi files

The majority of the subfonds consists of records created and maintained by Moeen Qureshi from the start of his career at the World Bank Group's International Finance Corporation (IFC) to his retirement from the Bank in 1991. Although the subfonds is most voluminous for the period during which Qureshi was Senior Vice President for Operations from 1987 to 1991, it also contains records accumulated during his various positions at IFC beginning from 1972 through his tenure as Senior Vice President of Finance (SVPFI) from 1980 to 1987.

Subject files

Series contains subject files created and maintained during Qureshi's career in the World Bank Group (WBG). Although the files are most voluminous for the period during which Qureshi was the Bank's Senior Vice President for Operations, 1987 to 1991, the series also includes records accumulated while Qureshi served in his various capacities at the international Finance Corporation (IFC), through his tenure as Senior Vice President of Finance, 1981 to 1987. Subject files were created beginning in 1972 apartfrom a few reproductions of earlier publications and documents within the files.

Records include outgoing memoranda, letters, draft loan issuances, minutes, copies of Qureshi's speeches and articles, press releases and clippings, Qureshi's handwritten notes and comments, and occasionally externally-authored papers and reports. Several of the files contain Board papers presented to Executive Directors regarding a given topic.

Subject file topics include: debt; debt reduction; lending programs; Bank capital increases; co-financing; International Development Association (IDA) replenishments; overdue service payments; economic and social sectors; development of operations policy; Operations Evaluation Department (OED) project performance results; technical assistance; relations with China; relations with the Palestinian Liberation Front; currency pooling; special drawing rights; the Persian Gulf crisis; private sector development; women in development; and cooperation with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the United Nations (UN). Administrative topics include: budget issues, processes, and guidelines; Operations staffing, budget, and business planning; IT support; and managers' retreats.

Correspondence with World Bank President

Series contains Qureshi's correspondence with Bank Presidents Robert S. McNamara, Alden W. Clausen, and Barber Conable beginning when Qureshi was both Executive Vice President of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and Vice President Finance, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) in 1979 to his retirement in 1991 as Senior Vice President for Operations.

Although Qureshi maintained this correspondence in a single chronological series, the nature of the files changes somewhatwith each president. Records from the McNamara era, 1979-1981, include: copies of notes and memoranda sent by or through Qureshi to McNamara; copies of letters forwarded by Qureshi to McNamara for his signature; letters forwarded to McNamara by others and copied to Qureshi; copies of letters and memoranda McNamara sent to others and copied to Qureshi; and memoranda "to the files" summarizing important meetings that McNamara held with others and that Qureshi attended as an observer and/or recorder. Many of Quresh's memoranda to McNamara were returned with extensive handwritten comments and/or replies from McNamara. In many cases, a typed version of McNamara's handwritten comments is also attached to the incoming correspondence.

Records from the Clausen era, 1981-1986, primarily consist of: copies of letters Clausen sent to others and copied to Qureshi; copies of memoranda and notes sent by or through Qureshi to Clausen; and copies of letters Qureshi and his staff prepared for Clausen's signature.

Topics covered in the files during the McNamara and Conable presidencies include (but are not limited to): draft Board papers; Bank borrowing operations; World Bank capital increases; International Development Association (IDA) replenishments; currency management; fiscal projections and monthly financial reports; work program and budget; and staffing requirements and personnel matters.

Records from the Conable era, 1986-1991, include: copies of letters Conable sent to others and copied to Qureshi; copies of memoranda and notes sent by or through Qureshi to Conable; and copies of correspondence Qureshi and his staff prepared for Conable's signature. None of Qureshi's correspondence to Conable were returned with the President's comments. Memoranda and notes that Conable sent directly to Qureshi are filed in Qureshi's subject files.

Most of the correspondence from Conable's era was sent when Qureshi was Senior Vice President for Operations (SVPOP) beginning in 1987. Correspondence covers subjects including: debt; Special Action Program for African countries; International Development Association (IDA) allocations; country lending and emergency situations; and adjustment lending and operations.

The series also contains an index of all of Qureshi's correspondence, 1979-1991, indicating the date, subject, and occasionally, the type of correspondence.

Country Strategy Papers

Series consists of Moeen Qureshi's set of Country Strategy Papers (CSP) and Country Strategy Notes (CSN), and their predecessor, Country Program Papers (CPP). While Qureshi was both Executive Vice President of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development's (IBRD) Vice President of Finance from 1979 to 1980 through his tenure as Senior Vice President, Finance (SVPFI, 1981-1987), the papers were copied to him for his information. The CPPs and CSPs map out the Bank's assistance strategy for a country and were submitted by the Regional Vice Presidencies (RVPs) to the Operations Committee (OC) or the Operations Policy Committee (OPC) for review and approval. Most of Qureshi's files contain copies of the postscripts, which summarize the action taken by the OC, the OPC, or the OPNSV, together with the CPP or CSP, and copies of memoranda to the Senior Vice President for Operations (SVPOP). In a few instances, the country papers maintained when Qureshi was Vice President then Senior Vice President of Finance include attached typewritten notes. The notes were addressed to Qureshi from IBRD/IFC senior staff or were prepared by Qureshi, to provide additional economic information or insight on the country. Some of the files created when Qureshi was SVPOP beginning in 1987 also contain original memos and both review drafts and final versions of CSPs. The few earliest files, from 1974 to 1977, were maintained by Qureshi's IFC predecessor, Ladislaus Von Hoffman.

Administrative Circulars and For Your Information announcements

Series contains copies of of World Bank/International Finance Corporation/International Development Association (IBRD/IFC/IDA) Administrative Circulars from 1973 to 1985 and For Your Information (FYI) announcements from 1986 to 1993 collected by Moeen Qureshi. Administrative Circulars were circulated Bank-wide, and provided announcements of senior staff appointments, organizational and procedural changes, and Bank-wide initiatives. As of 1986, the circulars were renamed For Your Information. The frequencyof the announcements varied from week to week.

Callisto Madavo files

Fonds contains chronological correspondence files created by Madavo and his staff from 1991 to 2002 covering his time as Director in the Africa Regional Vice Presidency (AFRVP) and East Asia and Pacific Regional Vice Presidency (EAPVP) and as Regional Vice President of AFRVP. The fonds also contains speeches given by Madavo between 1996 and 2001 while serving as Regional Vice President of AFRVP.

Country Director, Africa Regional Vice Presidency (AFRVP) chronological correspondence files

This series contains chronological correspondence files from the last three months of Madavo's time as Country Director in the Africa Regional Vice Presidency (AFRVP). Madavo oversaw the Country Department responsible for lending and country monitoring for Ethiopia, Kenya, Mauritius, Somalia, Sudan, and Uganda. The correspondence is between Madavo and: Bank member government officials including ministers and ambassadors; and Bank staff including the Africa Regional Vice President Kim Jaycox as well as the Bank resident missions of countries in Madavo's department. Topics of correspondence are various but include: proposed and ongoing country projects and technical assistance; country program development; country reports; portfolio review; and travel logistics and expenses.

Country Director, East Asia and Pacific Regional Vice Presidency (EAPVP) chronological correspondence files

This series contains chronological correspondence files from the first year and a half of Madavo's time as Country Director in the East Asia and Pacific Regional Vice Presidency (EAPVP). Madavo oversaw the Country Department responsible for lending and country monitoring for Cambodia, Korea, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Mekong Committee, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. The correspondence is between Madavo and: member government officials including ministers; Bank staff including the East Asia and Pacific Regional Vice President, department division chiefs, and Bank resident missions of countries in Madavo's department; and Bank executive directors. Topics of correspondence are various but include: visits to countries; proposed and ongoing country projects and technical assistance; country tariffs; conference attendance; portfolio review; Country Strategy Paper and sector paper preparation; debt reduction; regional budgeting; staffing; and travel logistics and expenses. In addition to correspondence, otherrecords include: project proposals from countries; minutes of Loan Committee meetings; back-to-office reports; speeches and remarks made by Madavo; briefing notes; and updates on country economic and political developments.

Vice President, Africa Regional Vice Presidency (AFRVP) chronological correspondence files

This series contains chronological correspondence files sent and received by Madavo during his time as Vice President of the Africa Regional Vice Presidency (AFRVP). Note that when Madavo was named Vice President in 1996, it was as co-Vice President with Jean-Louis Sarbib. A small amount of the correspondence in this series is either authored by both Madavo and Sarbib or is authored by Madavo on correspondence with letterhead naming both Vice Presidents.

Records in this series relate to the various responsibilities of the AFRVP, including: the development and review of lending operations in the Region; reviewing country strategies; handling high-level communications with member countries; operational policy making; high-level staffing; and support of the Office of the President.

Correspondence in the "Letters" section of the chronological files contains correspondence sent or received by Madavo primarily to external parties. These include: member government officials including country leaders, ministers,and ambassadors; external organizations including NGOs and multilateral organizations; and Bank executive directors. Some of the correspondence is authored by Madavo on behalf of World Bank President Jim Wolfensohn. In addition, a small amount of correspondence in this section is with Bank staff including President Wolfensohn; these often take the form of briefing notes in advance of meetings with external individuals or groups. Topics of correspondence in the "Letters" section are varied. They include: combatting corruption; conference planning and attendance; debt and the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiative; HIV/AIDS; planning visits to countries; and collaboration with external organizations. Other correspondence relates to requests for support from external parties, invitations to events, and the dissemination of information.

The "Office Memoranda" section of the chronological files contains correspondence sent or received by Madavo to Bank staff. Topics include: debt reduction; capacity building; proposed and ongoing country projects and technical assistance; budgeting; review of Bank programs; country office audits; Bank operations in conflict areas; conference attendance; country program development and monitoring; staff recruitment and appointments; operations policy development and implementation; travel planning, logistics, and expenses; and the Special Program of Assistance for Africa (SPA). Correspondence includes mission reports and reports on country economic and political developments.

The sections of the chronological files titled, Notes, Electronic Messages/Emails, Miscellaneous, and Travel are relatively small compared to the Letters and Office Memoranda sections. The Notes section generally contains updates and briefing materials addressed to President Wolfensohn, Bank Managing Directors, or other VPs. The Electronic Messages section generally contains short messages related to administrative matters, attendance at meetings or events, travel logistics or expenses, and expressions of gratitude. The Miscellaneous section contains travel expenses, invoices, and statements of expenses as well as reference materials and correspondence related to staffing. The Travelling section contains travel invoices and statements of expenses.

Speeches and related materials

Series contains a variety of records related to speaking appearances made by Callisto Madavo while serving as Vice President of the Africa Regional Vice Presidency (AFRVP). The majority of the records consist of full-text speeches and talking points for speeches. Also included are: transcripts of interviews, press briefings, and question and answer sessions; articles he authored or co-authored; and background notes prepared for Madavo by staff in advance of events at which he was speaking or panels on which he was appearing. While a small number of the speeches made by Madavo were internal to the Bank, the majority were at conferences, forums, academic institutions, and other events external to the Bank. The speeches discuss a variety of topics, including: trade and investment in Africa; the relationship between the World Bank and Africa; Africa and education; Africa's future; globalization; and HIV/AIDS.

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