Showing 1-50 of 546 results


FSEVP budget monitoring and planning records

The series consists of budget monitoring records for the fiscal years 1999 to 2002 for FSEVP and its subordinate departments and units. The budget records include correspondence and memoranda; work program budgets; budget guidelines reports; quarterly and mid-year budget review reports; staffing expense reports; budget allocation; status budget reports; and budget deliverables. Proposed and planned budget records are also included for projects funded by the New Spending Authority (NSA) as part of the WorldBank and IMF Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) for the years 1998 to 2001. The FSAP records include retrospective reports, strategic compact funding, and cross support budget records.

Nutrition sector country files

Series consists of nutrition sector country files maintained by the Health, Nutrition, and Population Team (HDNHE) and predecessors beginning from the Population and Nutrition Projects Department formed in 1972. Country files were predominantly created between 1973 and 2000 and contain external reports, publications, and internal memoranda between HDNHE staff and country offices regarding the status of the health and nutrition sector of member countries. There are also a small number of items within the files that were externally produced between 1963 and 1968 and used as reference by HDNHE staff.

Records in this series were maintained in continuity during the period when the nutrition unit was situated under two different sector departments. The Nutrition Unit (PNPD2) was created under the Population Projects Department in July 1972 (later renamed Population and Nutrition Projects Department). Nutrition functions were then transferred to the Agriculture and Rural Development Department (AGRNU) in November 1975 until the Population, Health and Nutrition Department (PHN) was established in October 1979.

Records in the series were created and maintained by various staff including: Dr. Alan D. Berg (deputy director, Nutrition Unit, PNPD2, 1972 - 1975, then Senior Nutrition Advisor 1975 -1992 in AGRDR, later PHNDR and PHRDR); Dr. Judith S. McGuire (nutritionist, PHRHN 1988 - 1993, then senior nutrition advisor); Joy Miller Del Rosso (nutrition consultant, PHRHN later Human Development Department, between 1992- 1996); and others.

Most of the country files represent low-and lower-middle- income countries, however, Sweden and the United States are also represented in the files in the form of background reference reports. The Sweden file contains an article and report on diet in Sweden and Scandanavia. Among the earliest nutrition sector country files with material from the 1960s and early 1970s are Singapore, Sweden, Mauritius, Malaysia, Tunisia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Gabon, Kenya, Korea, and Pakistan. There are also files concerning nutrition in the former Soviet Union (1993 - 1997). Several of the nutrition sector files specifically relate to Venezuela and are titled constraint assessment (1988 - 1998), food policy study (1996 - 1999), and nutrition education component (1996 - 1997). Other topics represented within the series include, but are not limited to: breastfeeding, child nutrition, malnutrition, micronutrients, and food policy.

A small number of the nutrition sector country filescontain project-related correspondence and the department's missions and preliminary reports. These include the Nutrition Research and Development Project for Brazil approved in 1976 and the India Tamil Nadu Nutrition Project approved in 1980. The India file reflects early discussions and project planning from 1974. The Brazil and India projects where two of only four standalone nutrition projects approved by the Bank between 1976 and 1981.

Other records in the series include: internal memoranda regarding unit comments on Research Project Outputs (RPOs); mission travel and mission findings to examine proposed nutrition components of projects, and other nutrition sector work; sector issue reports including drafts; Initial Executive Project Summaries (IESPs) on countries distributed from the regional division chief; back-to-office reports, some authored by country departments; consultant's reports; external reports, brochures and booklets; external mission reports and drafts or final versions of concept papers authored by United Nations agencies, government ministries, international organizations or by individuals from academic and research institutes; and journal articles. One report in is Portuguese.

Several files contain only external reference material related to the country's nutrition sector.

LCR Social Development Unit and Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Unit chronological files

This series consists of the incoming and outgoing correspondence and memoranda created and compiled by Davis when he served as Sector Manager in the Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Unit , Latin America and Caribbean Region (LCSES), 1998-1999, and as Sector Manager in the Social Development Unit, Latin America and Caribbean Region (LCSEO), 2000-2004. The correspondence comes from external agencies, institutions, and individuals outside of the World Bank, which are inquiring about potential employment, or are interested in Davis's research or work related to indigenous rights, the environment, sustainability, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Other correspondence addresses collaborative initiatives, working groups, and panels Davis took part in, or for which he received invitations. The remaining correspondence and memoranda are internal communications related to Davis' work in the Bank, including oversight of development projects compliance to social safeguard policies, indigenous policy development, and collaboration with project partners, authorities, and local communities.

Research, project support, and reference files

This series consists of records that supported Davis' project work, policy development, and research. It contains field notes, project files, reference files, and research materials that cover Davis' World Bank career. The field notes are handwritten notebooks from Davis' operational field work, meetings, and project site visits from 1986 to 2002. The majority of the field notes arise from Davis' work in the Latin America and Caribbean Region, especially the earlier years as Senior Sociologist for the Environment Unit, Latin America and Caribbean Region (LATEN) from 1987 to 1991. Some notes are included from operational fieldwork and site visits in India, the Philippines, Russia, and Mozambique from his later years as Principal Sociologist for the Social Policy and Resettlement Division (ENVSP) from 1993 to 1997. The series also contains project site visit notes Davis created to review progress and compliance with safeguard policies (e.g. indigenous rights, environment, and sustainability) at development sites, primarily as a Sector Manager in the Latin America and Caribbean Region.

This series also includes extensive reference and project files. The reference files consist of papers, articles, reports, and publications typically devoted to a particular subject. Much of the reference material was authored and/or published externally by outside agencies, institutions, or person(s). The project files contain similar contents, but differ because they also contain project proposals, correspondence, memoranda, annotated notes, draft reports, and final reports, which are primarily created by Davis or by the units in which he served at the Bank. An example includes the file Social Assessments, 1998-2002, which details assessments and reviews done for development projects in the Latin America and Caribbean Region countries. Other files are specific to a country project, or to policy development, including Indigenous Peoples files related to World Bank operational directive "OD 4.20 - Indigenous Peoples" and operational policy "OP 4.10 - Indigenous Peoples". It is unclear what records in this series were maintained strictly for project support or reference because the records are interfiled together within a single folder, usually according to topic. Furthermore, the files overlap different periods in Davis' career when he served in different positions or areas of responsibility 

This series contains VHS tapes, DVDs, and CDs sent to Davis from outside agencies, institutions, and persons. These audio-visual items are not World Bank produced, but relate directly to areas of interests to Davis, including Latin America, indigenous rights and culture, bio-diversity, sustainability, and the environment. It is uncertain how Davis used these items in his roles at the Bank, but most likely kept them for reference.

Training, conference, and workshop records

Series consists of records created and compiled by Shelton Davis from the various training sessions, conferences, and workshops related to indigenous communities, social development, sustainability, and environmental issues. Series includes planning documents, handwritten notes, correspondence, presentation and training materials, reports, manuals, and audio-visual materials. This includes VHS tapes from the training seminar Indigenous Peoples held in October 1992, which Davis organized, led, and participated in as the Senior Sociologist for the Environment Department (ENVAP). Two audio-cassette tapes contain a similar presentation given by Davis for the United Nations. Seminar documents, reports, and presentation notes from the seminars Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Institutions in Africa, June 1, 1995 and Indigenous Peoples and Economic Development in Asia, May 29, 1996 are also included from Davis's time as Principal Sociologist with the Social Policy and Resettlement Division (ENVSP).

The series also contains records from the years Davis served as Sector Manager in the Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Unit , Latin America and Caribbean Region (LCSES), 1998-1999, and the Sector Manager in the Social Development Unit, Latin America and Caribbean Region (LCSEO), 2000-2004. This includes handwritten notes, agendas, minutes, training session records, and presentation transparencies related to the workshops devoted to operational directive "OD 4.20 - Indigenous Peoples" and operational policy "OP 4.10 - Indigenous Peoples" in 1999 and 2002. Agenda, minutes, correspondence, and reports are also included for multiple planning meetings and workshops such as the Indigenous Peoples and Human Development Project Design: A Technical Workshop, February 24, 1999; the Indigenous Peoples and Social Sector Projects Workshop, April 11-12, 2000; and the Ethnicity and Health Equity - Expert Group Meeting, June 18-20, 2001. A topical file containing "Safeguard Policies - Instructor's binder" is interfiled among other workshop materials. The series also consists of CDs and VHS tapes from many training sessions, conferences, seminars, and workshops organized and held in the Latin America and Caribbean Region from 2000 to 2004. The CDs contain digital training records, agendas, images, and reports related to indigenous rights, resettlement, social development, and sustainable development. Each CD is typically specific to one country, project, or issue. VHS tapes produced by the World Bank related to specific Bank-funded projects or training seminars, conferences, or workshops are also included.

Copies of George D. Woods used for the biography

Spanning Woods' life both before and after he was President of the World Bank, this material provides insight into his principal interests, as seen by his biographer. Particularly well represented in the copies are memoranda and correspondence on India. A number of items concern Woods' part in the IBRD negotiations of the Suez Canal dispute in 1958, prior to his tenure at the Bank. Internal Bank documents include notes on the Economic Development Institute and the economic work of the Bank, correspondence relating to the IDA replenishment deadlock of 1965-1966, and documents regarding the nomination of a new president. Later documents include his 1974 statement to the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee on IDA replenishment and correspondence with notable figures such as Barbara Ward.

The topic file consist of: Aid (E. Martin, DAC), Brookings Institution SDR [Special Drawing Rights], Study Group, Columbia University, John Foster Dulles Oral History Project, First Boston Corporation, Foreign - Miscellaneous (India - Egypt), Foreign Economic Assistance Task Force, India, IBRD, Miscellaneous personal messages, Notre Dame University, New York Times, Suez Canal, UN, and White House, Trip to Europe, Yugoslavia and Egypt.

Interviews for George D. Woods biography

In the Preface to his biography of George D. Woods, Oliver writes, I relied most heavily on the interviews in writing the life of Woods. The interviews he conducted, all titled by Oliver Conversations about George Woods and the World Bank, illuminate the events and personalities during Woods' tenure as President.

Background material for George D. Woods biography

The background material in this series includes such varied items as a photograph of the Woods on their honeymoon; Louise Woods' card as a volunteer nurses aide in the U.S. Citizens Defense Corps of the City of New York, 1949; Louise Woods' voter registration card for the City of New York 1957; a copy of Life magazine of June 12, 1958, with George Woods on the cover; formal photographic portraits of George D. and Louise Woods, alone and together; copies of photographs from various sources, most with annotations by Oliver; copies of the Columbia University Oral History Research Offices interviews with Louise Woods and Edward Townsend; and two books, As I Went Along, by Alan Pope, President of First Boston Corporation, given to associates at Christmas 1947 and 75 Years of Banking, distributed by the Mellon National Bank in 1944. The bulk of the series is the George D. Woods clippings files, both from his unsuccessful nomination in September 1961 to head the Agency for International Development and his October1962 appointment to the World Bank.

PRMPO and PRMPR Trust Fund Cycle project records

This series includes PREM Poverty Division (PRMPO) and its successor the PREM Poverty Reduction Group (PRMPR) records related to projects supported by trust funds. The series consists of records related to proposed projects funded by numerous trust fund donors, including: the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA); the Bank of Netherlands Partnership Programme (BNPP or Dutch Trust Fund); the World Bank's President Contingency Fund; the Korea Consultant Trust Fund (CTF); and other smaller donors. Records are maintained for SIDA funded projects planned for the fiscal years 2005 to 2009. SIDA records include administration agreement records and set-up documents. BNPP trust fund project records are maintained for the years 1998-2001. Additional proposed project records include records for Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSP) projects for the years 1998 to 2003. PRSP records include: correspondence between the donors and recipients; Letter of Representation (LOR); reports; records related to the closing and end of date extensions; expense records; and records of hired consultants. Records related to proposed study projects for the Moving Out of Poverty: Understanding Growth, Well-being, and Freedom from the Bottom-up initiative from 2005 to 2007 are also included. The records for these projects consist of: award notification and trust fund set-up documents; amendment documents; request for funds proposals; original project proposals; proposals for overflow funds; reporting records; request for transfer money to trust fund; and BNPP donor correspondence.

Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) research survey records

This series includes records related to Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS). The LSMS was first launched by the Development Research Center (DRC) in 1980. Included in this series are records relating to the LSMS from the DRC as well as those units subsequently responsible for the Survey through 1992. These include: the Development Research Department Living Standards Measurement Unit (DRDLS), 1983 to 1987; the Population and Human Resources Welfare and Human Resources Development Division (PHRWH), 1987 to 1992; and the Population and Human Resources Poverty Analysis and Policy Division (PHRPA), February 1992 to December 1992.

The series includes research files maintained for each country. These records include: background papers, articles, and reports produced by the Bank and outside sources; research proposals; LSMS questionnaires; household and life expectancy raw statistical data sheets; handwritten notes; memoranda and correspondence regarding progress, procedures, and changes in LSMS surveys; back-to office reports; terms of reference; travel expense reports; and budget records. The series consist of additional LSMS research files referred to as World Bank Research Program (RPO) files. These records include research projects related to topics such as education, health care, nutrition, household data, living standards, welfare, and labor. Each RPO project generally includes the following records: correspondence and memoranda regarding project planning, progression, recruitment, and changes; mission reports; back-to-office reports; drafts, revisions, and final project proposals; travel expenses; terms-of-reference; notes; background papers; RPO status reports; administrative expense reports; consultant background and CV records; appointment letters; and Project Completion Reports (PCRs). The research files cover the years 1978 to 1992.

This series also consists of records related to the Working Papers Numbered Series in support of the LSMS surveys from 1980 to 1992. The records include drafts; original copies; published copies; cover negatives; and handwritten notes for LSMS Working Papers 1-59. The Working Papers were used in the preparation of the following World Bank publication: Living standards measurement study: abstracts of working papers.

The series additionally contains records related to the Bank's collaboration with the UN National Household Survey Capability Program (NHSCP), and the UN Statistical Office (UNSO) from 1978 to 1988. The statistical data produced by the LSMS surveys were shared and disseminated to cooperating units through prepared papers and reports, collaborative working groups, and meetings. The records in this series include correspondence from World Bank officials within DRC, DRDLS, and PHRWH to NHSCP and UNSO. The bulk of records contain correspondence and LSMS background reports from DRDLS Head Dennis N. de Tray and DRDLS associate Jacques van der Gaag sent to NHSCP and UNSO officials. Post 1987 records include correspondence from PHRWH Chief Jacques van der Gaag Population and Human Resources (PHR) Director Ann Hamilton sent to NHSCHP and UNSO officials. Also included are records from the UN Statistical Commission Meeting on LSMS held in New York City from February 28 to March 1, 1985. The records from this meeting include: memoranda and correspondence regarding preparation and reporting on the meeting; agenda and meeting minutes from the meeting; back-to-office reports; handwritten notes; LSMS statistical reports and papers prepared by the World Bank for the meeting; and statistical reports prepared by UN units.

IFPRI and World Bank Poverty Research Conference records

The series consist of records related to the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and World Bank Poverty Research Conference held at Airlie House in Northern Virginia from October 25-28, 1989. The records primarily consist of abstracts and copies of papers focused on poverty related issues, which were presented at the conference. The abstracts and papers were produced by PHRWH staff, other World Bank staff, and numerous academic and NGO participants. Correspondence and memoranda discuss arrangements and reporting on the conference. Additional correspondence and memoranda discuss possible publication of a poverty focused book consisting of a compilation of the papers presented at the conference.

WID liaison, conferences, meetings, training, seminars, and symposiums

The series consists of WID liaison records with organizations external to the World Bank. This includes records related to the United Nations Decade of Women (1976-1985), which was declared at the World Conference on Women, held in Mexico City in 1975. The records consist of: memoranda; correspondence; agenda; itineraries; travel information; speakers' notes; and meeting minutes from the extensive liaison between WID Advisers Gloria Scott and Barbara Herz and various United Nations units, including the UN Commission on Status of Women. The records are from attendance in conferences, meetings, training sessions, seminars, and symposiums dedicated to women's issues. Numerous articles, press releases, publications, and reports produced by the United Nations units or other outside agencies are also included. This series also consists of records for liaison with universities, private organizations, NGOs, women's organizations, labor organizations, agricultural organizations, government agencies, and other multilateral development agencies. These records include correspondence; agenda; meeting minutes; articles; press releases; publications; and reports.

WID operational support records

This series includes records created in the course of project surveys and evaluations. Records related to training sessions on WID issues organized by the WID Adviser are also included. The records include WID Adviser mission project files containing: correspondence; memoranda; project proposals; back-to-office reports; project completion reports; travel information; and project loan information for the years 1983 to 1984. The project mission files discuss short-term survey projects done by WID team members for particular development projects, as well as training sessions given to World Bank staff, NGOs, government officials, or any other participant involved in a development project with implications on women.

The series also consists of project file evaluation studies and background papers. Project files specific to a country and sector (e.g. agriculture and development, education, health, urban development, etc.) are kept for each evaluation study. The files include correspondence, memoranda, backgroundpapers, and evaluation studies. The background papers include handwritten notes, articles, and reports of technical data produced by other units within the World Bank, primarily the sector department pertinent to the particular project. The evaluations studies are the reports produced by the WID Adviser team, which summarizes the findings of the evaluation project, and includes advisory recommendations.

Additional country correspondence files from the years 1980 to 1987 consist of articles, external reports, and correspondence discussing particular women related issues within a country.

WID reference files

The series consists of Women in Development (WID) reference files that contain numerous reports, articles, and policy records produced by both the World Bank and outside agencies. Correspondence and memoranda are interfiled with some of the reference files. All reference files are devoted to a particular topic pertinent to women related issues, including: agriculture and rural development; basic needs; anthropology; children; education; fertility; female circumcision; housing and development; poisons; populations; water and sanitation; and so on.

WID Adviser subject and activity files

This series includes numerous subject files of WID Advisers Gloria Scott and Barbara Herz, related to the various activities and responsibilities of the WID Adviser position. The subject files consist of correspondence and memoranda focused on a specific topic. The records include some of the following subject files: responses to external request for information; records detailing WID functions and activities; background information on WID policies, sector studies, and case materials; WID project efforts in West Africa; staffing of WID; press releases related to WID; revisions to a WID "Q and A" booklet; briefing books for the WID Adviser; workshop papers and training manuals; back-to-office reports on mission projects from 1985 to 1987; World Bank Projects and Women Report, 1979; proposed WID work program from 1984 to 1987; budgets for WID work program from 1984 to 1985; reference file on Economic Development Institute (EDI) activities; status of WID work in the World Bank; and planning of sector strategy papers.

The series also consists of correspondence and memoranda records related to departmental planning and strategy of Operations Policy Staff (OPS), Projects Policy Department (PPD), and the Operational Vice Presidents (OVP). This includes correspondence and memoranda between the WID Adviser and head officials in OPS, PPD, and OVP.

The series also includes correspondence and memoranda records regarding preparation of a World Bank statement and WID paper by WID Adviser Gloria Scott to be presented to U.S. Senator Charles Percy and his Foreign Relations Committee in 1984.

The series additionally contains a correspondence file documenting WID Adviser Gloria Scott's involvement with the Margaret McNamara Memorial Fund, a program run by the World Bank Volunteer Services, which assists female students from developing countries with financial aid for their studies in the United States.

The series also consists of correspondence, recipient lists, and final drafts related to Gloria Scott's publication: "Recognizing the 'Invisible' Woman in Development: The World Bank's Experience" from 1979 to 1980.

This series also includes country strategy papers. The country strategies papers were proposed by Barbara Herz in late 1985 as part of larger framework to put WID policies and studies to action in World Bank operational development projects. The country strategies papers included a detailed country-focused assessment of women's issues, and an action plan to address these issues. The records include: correspondence; memoranda; proposals; budget records; studies; and terms of reference regarding a planned country strategy papers for the countries of Kenya and Indonesia. A portion of the country strategies correspondence and memoranda are between WID Adviser Barbara Herz and Senior Vice President of Operations Ernest Stern. Records related to recruitment of consultants, development of an East Asia task force, and task charts prepared by WID task managers are also included.

Lastly, the series consists of records related to the Safe Motherhood Initiative. The Safe Motherhood Initiative was a multi-agency international initiative focused on maternal health and family planning issues of women. The World Bank sponsored the initiative, and the WID Adviser and the Population, Health, and Nutrition Department (PHN) helped plan and organize. The Safe Motherhood Initiative was launched in February 1987 at a conference held in Nairobi Kenya. The records from the Initiative in this series pre-date the conference from 1985 to 1986when Barbara Herz served as WID Adviser. The records consist of: correspondence; memoranda; terms of reference; outline work plans; outline plans for a senior technical conference; and consultant recruiting records related to the Initiative. Some of the correspondence is between the WID Adviser Barbara Herz and medical professionals at the Center for Population and Family Health and the Women in Development Office of the Swedish International Development Authority (SIDA) regarding funding to develop a concept paper for the Initiative. Correspondence and memoranda between Herz and the Projects Policy Department (PPD) Director and other staff are also included. The Initiative records also contain reference material including reports, studies, and articles produced by the Bank and external agencies, which are related to maternal health.

Barbara Herz chronological correspondence files

The series includes chronological correspondence kept by Barbara Herz from January 1985 to December 1987. It covers the period when she transitioned from the role of WID Adviser in the Projects Policy Department (PPD) to the Division Chief in the Women in Development Division of the Population and Human Resources Department (PHRWD), which was established in July 1987.

McNamara notebooks

This series consists primarily of copies of Chenery's memoranda to McNamara, many of which were returned to Chenery heavily annotated with McNamara's handwritten notes and/or a red stamp indicating the President has seen. Some Chenery memoranda to McNamara are marked returned by McNamara's Office on a specific date with no notes or stamp. Also included are McNamara's memoranda to Chenery, memoranda sent to McNamara by other Bank staff (e.g. Ernest Stern) and copied to Chenery, letters and memoranda McNamara sent to Bank staff and copied to Chenery, and copies of letters Chenery drafted for McNamara's signature. Also included are Chenery's agenda for meetings with McNamara, Chenery's memoranda to the files summarizing discussions with McNamara, Chenery's handwritten notes from his meetings with McNamara, and copies of Chenery's memoranda to his managers summarizing either his discussions with McNamara or meetings that he attended of the President's Council.

In May 1973, Chenery asked McNamara for time to finish his book, The Developing Economy. McNamara agreed that following Chenery's August vacation, he would be allowed to spend sixty percent of his time until December 31 on that book. To permit Chenery to do this, Ernest Stern took over most of the day-to-day direction of the Development Policy Staff, and many of the August to December 1973 memoranda in this series were sent to McNamara by Stern rather than Chenery.

The records cover a wide range of subjects including the work program, organization, budget,and staffing for the Economics Department and the Development Policy Staff; the recruitment and assignment of economists in the Bank Group; the preparation, format, review, and scheduling of country economic programs and sector program papers; ex-post project evaluation work in the Bank; topics for and draft content of the President's annual meeting speeches and the preparation of other speeches for the President; the 1972 Bank reorganization; Bank coordination with the Ford Foundation and the International Monetary Fund; the review of country program papers; the preparation of seminars led by external experts for high-level Bank management; the preparation and review of papers on development policy; the World Bank's research program and budget; drafting of policy papers prepared in response to specific requests from McNamara; comments on policy papers scheduled for discussion by the Executive Directors; policy planning and the role of the Policy Review Committee; economic projections generated by the Development Policy Staff; the coordination of statistical work in the Bank; background information on individuals (and their country's issues) who were scheduled to meet with McNamara; management of the World Development Report team and plans for WDR topics and content; the treatment of Taiwan in World Bank reports; the initiation of the Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS); and the selection of Chenery's successor. Beginning in 1977, many memoranda concern the reports of the external Research Advisory Panels and the implementation of recommendations made by those panels.

Economic Development Institute chronological files

Series consists of chronological files created during Chernick's time as Advisor on Senior Policy Seminars in the Economic Development Institute (EDI). The majority of the files consist of correspondence in the form of carbon copies, printed copies, and telexes; a small number of draft reports accompany the correspondence. Records primarily relate to the development and planning of Senior Policy Seminars and their evaluation. Records related to the development and planning of seminars include: correspondence with potential seminar leaders and attendees; Terms of Reference related to Chernick's trips to plan or oversee seminars; back-to-office reports; reports to other members of EDI describing planned seminars; suggestions for, and discussions of, potential seminar topics; activity briefs; and logistics. Records related to the evaluation of seminars include: Terms of Reference for Impact Evaluation of EDI activities; a draft of a seminar evaluation package; blank evaluation questionnaires; and EDI EvaluationPolicy Committee meeting records (including a report on the Committee itself [1987]).

Other records include: a report on the World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (1987); Chernick's proposed work program for 1987; materials related to World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program meetings; a report authored by Chernick entitled A Briefing Note on Foreign Exchange Risk (1985); reports and correspondence discussing the relationship between OED and EDI; EDI submissions to the World Bank Annual Report (submitted by Chernick); materials related to EDI Advisory Board meetings; and materials related to EDI Senior Staff meetings.

South Asia Country Programs Department chronological files

Series consists of chronological files created during Chernick's time as Senior Economist in the South Asia Country Programs Department (ASADR). The majority of the files consist of correspondence in the form of carbon copies, printed copies, and telexes. Records reflect various activities undertaken by Chernick, including: research; commenting on Bank research and policy papers and project and loan reports; writing of country program papers (CPPs); staffing of ASADR; information sharing; and seminar planning. A small number of reports are included in this series; these include: Current and Mid-Term Assessment of South Asian Countries; Indicative Statements of Economic and Sector Work for the South Asia Region; Disbursement Estimates; and Country Reports. There is, notably, a significant amount of material related to a problematic Maldives Country Report from 1986.

Country Policy Department chronological files

Series consists of chronological files created during Chernick's time as Assistant Director of the Country Policy Department (CPD). The type of activities undertaken by Chernick in the CPD was quite similar to those during his years in PPPRD and, consequently, the types of records are also very similar. The majority of the records consist of correspondence in the form of carbon copies, paper copies, and telexes. Nearly all correspondence was authored by Chernick and there is very little incoming correspondence. Reports sometimes accompany correspondence or are included in the files without accompanying correspondence.

Records relating to country program papers (CPPs) are included in this series, but not in great number. Records generally discuss the scheduling of Regional Vice Presidents (RVP) and Management Review meetings. In addition, Chernick served as Secretariat of the Operations Policy Subcommittee (OPSC). The OPSC was also involved in the review of CPPs and records related to the OPSC in this seriesdiscuss this activity.

Series also consists of regular status reports on Structural Adjustment Lending (SAL) and Program Lending (PL) operations. Other SAL-related records are included, such as Proposed Structural Adjustment Loan and Related Technical Assistance Project reports and SAL Progress Reports.

Between 1982 and 1983, Chernick was on the Steering Group Committee for the Bank's 'Pioneers' of development economics lecture series. His responsibilities included booking guests/speakers, making announcements, booking rooms, and planning Steering Group Committee meetings. Records related to these activities are included in this series.

Records in this series also relate to a variety of other topics and activities, including: seminar attendance and planning; Department retreat planning; and publication of country Economic Memoranda. Other records include: Terms of Reference for Country and Economic and SAL Supervision missions; comments by Chernick on reports and project proposals; Country Economic and Sector Work quality control reports; and administrative and staffing records.

Policy, Planning and Program Review Department chronological files

Series consists of chronological files created during Chernick's time as Division Chief, Senior Advisor, and Acting Director of the Policy, Planning and Program Review Department (PPPRD) between 1972 and 1982. Chronological files contain correspondence in different formats; carbon copies of correspondence sent by Chernick are the most common, while paper copies and telexes are also included. The amount of outgoing correspondence, authored by Chernick, is far more substantial than correspondence received byChernick. While much of the correspondence refers to attachments (reports, country program papers [CPPs], meeting minutes, etc.), very few are included in the files.

Records related to Chernick's role as Division Chief of PPPRD's Program Review Division (PPRPR) from 1973 to 1976 are numerous. The Division's primary roles were to provide guidelines for economic analysis in economic reports and country programs and review CPPs before their submission to the President in order to ensure quality and consistency with the Bank's development objectives. CPPs are confidential reports authored by the regional departments, usually on an annual basis. They include a discussion of a given country's political and economic situation and a history of the Bank's loans and external financing and on that basis propose a five-year lending program for the country. Other, special studies (usually discussing a specific sector within a country or a general development issue) and economic reports were also reviewed by the PPPRD. Chernick's role was to manage his Division's review of CPPs and to arrange Regional Vice Presidents (RVP) meetings and Management Review meetings. As such, correspondence includes: assignment of reviews; schedule of review meetings; discussion of reviews; and policy development and explanation.

Series also consists of correspondence relating to the development and revision of Operational Manual Statements (OMSs). Assignment of tasks related to OMSs is included as are a small amount of OMS drafts and comments on drafts.

Records related to a Working Group on Bank/Fund Collaboration are found in this series. This includes Bank President McNamara's initial request for a report. Chernick's role in the research and writing of this report is unclear; he is copied on related correspondence and drafts were sent to him for review.

Chernick played a significant role in the Development Committee between 1980 and 1982. Created in 1974, the Committee was designed to provide a focal point at a high political level in the structure of economic cooperation for the formation of a comprehensive overview of international activities in the development area, for efficient and prompt consideration of development issues and for coordination of international efforts to deal with problems of financing development. Drafts of Committee meeting agendas are included; in some cases, these drafts are sent from Chernick, as Acting Director of PPPRD, to Bank President McNamara. Correspondence related to scheduling and Committee reviews and projects is also included.

Records in this series relate to a variety of other topics and activities, including: staff hiring and reviews; staff meetings; mission planning; work programs; conference participation and planning; and policy development related to Structural Adjustment Loans (SALs). Also included are: regular summaries of Board meetings authored by Chernick for Hollis Chenery, Vice President of Development Policy (DPS); ad hoc reports and reviews created by Chernick or his staff for superiors within the Development Policy Vice Presidency (DPS) and externally; comments on reports; and a small amount of correspondence related to the research and publication of Chernick's book The Commonwealth Caribbean: The Integration Experience (1978).

Chronological files

Throughout most of his career, Calika kept copies of the memos, letters, reports, and studies that he wrote, either for his signature or that of senior Bank officials. He maintained these copies in a personal file in chronological order.Occasionally he included copies of incoming letters and memoranda. Some drafts of speeches or proposed remarks are in the file, as are copies of minutes or other official documents.

The documents in these files are largely duplicates of those in the official files of the Bank, but their chronological arrangement allows the user to follow issues as they unfolded, from the point of view of a Bank officer. The files are particularly rich for the African period of Calika's career. Calika began active involvement with the region as chief of the unit dealing with the British Commonwealth. His files exist from the latter part of that period; while they contain some information on countries such as Malta or British Guiana, most of the documents relate to Kenya, Tanganyika, Swaziland, Rhodesia, Nyasaland, South Africa, and Mauritius. During Calika's years in the Africa Department, the Bank decided to set up two local offices (permanent missions), one in East Africa and one in West Africa. Calika monitored the activities in those offices, traveling to them and overseeing the cooperative programs they undertook. The files for the Africa years include, for example, a July 1967 memo on river blindness, memos on the progress of the Agricultural Development Service, and correspondence with partners such as the World Health Organization, the United Nations Development Program, UNESCO, the Food and Agriculture Organization, and the African Development Bank.

Calika served in the Education Project Department during the years surrounding Robert McNamara's 1970 launch of a new approach to lending for education. Calika's role in the department included hiring and training new staff to meet the new lending goals, and the administrative issues of the expanding department are reflected in the files. The papers from Calika's period in Latin America are thinner, with the year 1975 entirely missing and the papers from 1979 very thin.

The Calika papers are particularly useful to researchers interested in the history of the Bank's relationship with Africa throughout the 1960s. They also help a researcher follow the internal administration of the Bank's effort to expand its role in education.

Records of David Bock, Director, Sector and Operations Policy (OSPVP)

The series consist of records maintained by OSPVP Director David Bock. The records include sector policy papers focused on numerous topics, including privatization, housing policy, family planning, water, power, industry, poverty monitoring, development effectiveness, and other topics. The policy paper records include: copies of policy papers; attached memoranda; and Bock's handwritten annotations related to policy drafts. Bock's records also focus on the creation, management, and budget of OSPVP. This includes: records regarding roles and procedures of OSPVP; cross support budget and mid-year review budget records; and records related to OSPVP retreats.

Sector policy records

The series consists of sector policy review and sector work program review records created and maintained by Visvanathan Rajagopalan when he served as Vice President for Sector Policy and Research (PREVP/PRSVP), and its successor the Sector and Operations Policy Vice Presidency (OSPVP). Included in the series are drafts and final versions of Initiating Memoranda and policy papers; comments Rajagopalan received from his staff and units throughout the Bank on draft policy documents; briefing papers on draft policies; minutes of meetings of the PPR Management Group, the Operations Committee, the Policy Review Committee, the Executive Directors, the Committee of the Whole, and the UNDP/World Bank High Level Task Force on Collaboration at which policy documents were discussed; copies of Rajagopalan's remarks to the Executive Directors on policy documents; annual sector review reports; records related to sector department work program review; and copies of intra-OSP memoranda commenting on draft documents. Many ofthe documents are annotated with Rajagopalan's handwritten notes.

CGIAR meeting and planning records

Series consists of records related to Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) and ESSD Vice President Ian Johnson's role as CGIAR Chairman. Johnson served as Chairman from 2000-2006. Records relate to CGIAR planning and policy development and to CGIAR meetings, conferences, and workshops.

Series contains agendas, supporting materials, and notes related to a variety of meetings, conferences, and workshops participated in and/or attended by Ian Johnson, including: European Donors Meeting, Paris (17 April 2001); CGIAR System Office Workshop (13-14 March 2002); CGIAR North American Donors Meeting (5 April 2001); and CGIAR's Synthesis Meeting, Reading, UK (4-7 October 2000). Materials supporting the European Donors Meeting are also included.

Supporting materials include numerous reports. A number of these reports relate to CGIAR planning, organizational changes and strategies and were authored by the CGIAR's Change Design and Management Team (CDMT). Reports on these activities preparedby the CGIAR Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) are also included.

A small amount of records which relate to the Operation Evaluation Department's (OED) meta-evaluation of CGIAR of 2002 are also included. The majority of these records are correspondence and discuss CGIAR staff feedback and comments.

Budget and resource allocation

Series consists of records related to, or the product of, budgetary planning and resource allocation. Included are a number of budget reports, including some that were created for the Environmentally Sustainable Development Vice Presidency (ESD). These include: ESD Work Program Indicators (FY96 and FY97); ESD Retrospective Reviews (FY 94, FY 95, and FY 96); ESD Original FY95 Work Program; ESD FY96-98 Business Plan; ESSD FY98-00 Business Plan; ESSD Final Budget Outcome. Also included are records that relateto: the Leadership Asset Management Program (LAMP); the allocation of funds to the Development Grant Facility (DGF); and budget planning for FY00 and FY01.

PSP conferences, seminars, symposiums, workshops, and meetings

This series consists of records from conferences, seminars, symposiums, workshops, and meetings organized or participated in by the Poverty and Social Policy Department (PSP). Some seminars, workshops, and meetings are organized by the specific teams or groups of PSP. Other events are organized in collaboration with NGOs, outside agencies, or other World Bank units. The records include: memoranda; correspondence; agenda and minutes; itineraries; printouts of presentation slides; speech transcripts; articles; programs; brochures; PSP produced reports; external reports; and post event follow-up reports. The events organized solely by PSP or one of its teams or groups contain planning records, such as proposed events, speakers, content, and budget information.

PSP briefing letters for World Bank Senior officials

This series includes letters prepared by PSP staff for signature or briefing for the Human Capital Development (HCD) Vice President Armeane M. Choski from May 1996 to October 1996, and letters prepared for World Bank President James D. Wolfensohn from June 1995 to September 1996. The letters are related to the functions and activities of the Poverty and Social Policy Department (PSP).

PSP/PGP Director's subject and activity files

This series consists of the subject and activity files of Poverty and Social Policy Department (PSP) and Poverty, Gender, and Public Sector Management Department (PGP) Director Ishrat Husain. The records in this series were used as reference for Husain as well as support for the activities of PSP and PGP sector teams and groups. Records include: memoranda; correspondence; agenda; meeting minutes; working papers; and policy paper drafts for numerous working groups, task forces, and policy development committees focused on a particular topic or project.

The series additionally consists of PSP budget records consisting of: correspondence; memoranda; Draft Discussion Notes from Human Capital Development and Operations Policy Vice Presidency (HCO); and PSP business work plans for fiscal years 1997 to 1999. Additional records include correspondence and memoranda related to the mapping of PSP/PGP Groups into the HDN, ESSD, and PREM Networks. Other planning records include: PSP Week correspondence from May 1996; "Next Step Action Program" correspondence and memoranda from fiscal years 1996 to 1999; and correspondence, memoranda, reports, and handbooks related to designing performance and poverty monitoring indicators for PSP and World Bank operations poverty reduction monitoring efforts from 1993 to 1996.

The series also includes records related to PSP's predecessor Education and Social Policy Department (ESP) inherited by PSP/PGP Director Ishrat Husain. This includes correspondence and memoranda related to ESP's planning and compliance to poverty reduction policies outlined in IDA 9 and IDA 10 Agreements dated 1992 and 1993. Additional correspondence and memoranda address the following topics: performance indicators; subnational indicators; and social funds. It also includes records related to the "Program of Targeted Interventions (PTI)" pursued by ESP in 1993. Records detailing procedures of ESP and Human Resources Development and Operations Policy Vice Presidency (HRO) are also included for the years 1992 to 1995, but some PSP correspondences are interfiled after 1996. A speech transcript file consisting of speeches given by ESP and PSP staff, the HROVP, other World Bank unit staff and officials, and Ishrat Husain are also included for the years 1992 to 1996.

ESP and PSP Discussion Paper Series records

This series consists of discussion papers produced by staff in the Education and Social Policy Department (ESP) and the Poverty and Social Policy Department (PSP) for the departments Discussion Paper Series. The Discussion Paper Series includes papers on numerous topics related to the functions of ESP and PSP. The papers produced for this Series were not meant to be published as final products or reports, but were intended to stimulate discussion and comment internally among ESP and PSP staff, and provide up to date analysis to operational staff. The discussion papers also served as preliminary analysis for subsequent policy and best practice papers meant for publication and dissemination to an external audience.

ESP and PSP Annual Progress Report on Poverty (APPR)

This series includes records related to the Annual Poverty Progress Report (APPR) prepared by the Education and Social Policy Department (ESP) and the Poverty and Social Policy Department (PSP). At the request of the Bank's Executive Board of Directors and the Office of the President (EXC), the ESP was given the responsibility of producing an annual report that gauged the progression of the Poverty Reduction Strategy outlined in the Bank's World Development Report (WDR) 1990: Poverty. The APPRs were scheduled to be published for the fiscal years 1993 to 1995. The reports were prepared by the Monitoring Unit of the Poverty Analysis and Policy team in ESP and later PSP. The bulk of poverty progress information was collected from the poverty assessment reports and assessment summaries produced by operational staff in the Regional Vice Presidencies. The APPRs were presented to the Executive Board, the Operational Policy Committee (OPC), and EXC for comment, review, and approval. The APPRs were then used as the official publication for dissemination to audiences external to the Bank, and were subsequently presented at Poverty Dissemination Seminars organized by the World Bank in partnership with various international development agencies, NGOs, government agencies, and academic institutions.

The records in this series includes background history and reference material on the Poverty Reduction Strategy and the 1990 WDR, including: a copy of the policy paper "Assistance Strategies to Reduce Poverty" (1991); and memoranda, agenda, meeting minutes, and a communiqu? related to the joint IMF and World Bank Development Committee from April 1992 regarding reporting on the Poverty Reduction Strategy. The records additionally consist of APPR drafts for 1992 to 1995, and a published APPR copy of the Poverty Reduction and the World Bank: Progress and Challenges in the 1990s for fiscal year 1995. Memoranda, correspondence, and back-to-office reports detail meetings with the Executive Board, OPC, and EXC related to the APPRs, and follow-up actions taken by ESP and PSP. Numerous World Bank press releases and external articles related to the APPRs are also included.

The series also includes records related to the Poverty Dissemination Seminars attended by World Bank staff in Europe from 1993 to 1994. These records consist of: memoranda; agenda and meeting minutes; correspondence; invitation letters to participants; speech transcripts of World Bank staff; external reports on poverty issues; and copies of the World Bank published APPRs. The memoranda and correspondence consist of planning arrangements between ESP/ PSP and other World Bank units for seminars. Other memoranda and correspondence are post--seminar reports or summaries of responses to the APPR from external organizations and individuals.

ESP, PSP, and PGP chronological files

The series contains chronological files created by: the Education and Social Policy Department (ESP); the Poverty and Social Policy Department (PSP); and the Poverty, Gender, and Public Sector Management Department (PGP). Two separate sets of departmental chronological files are contained in this series: one for ESP; and another for PSP and PGP. The ESP chronological files consist of records related to: policy development; departmental contributions to external projects, reviews, and policy development; conference and seminar attendance and participation; and assistance to and collaboration with the Regions. Records include: memoranda; meeting briefing notes, agendas, and minutes; comments on research and policy papers and Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) papers; Terms of Reference; back-to-office reports; and progress reports. The ESP departmental chronological files are mostly correspondence with attachments and memoranda between ESP Director Kingsley Y. Amoako, ESP staff, and other World Bank units. Records within ESP departmental chronological files from July 1995 to December 1995 contain records created and received by both ESP and PSP, due to the transition period of ESP staff into PSP.

The separate PSP/PGP departmental chronological files consist of similar records between PSP/PGP Director Ishrat Husain, PSP staff, PGP staff, and other World Bank units. Additional PSP chronological files were also maintained for incoming and outgoing correspondence between Husain and external agencies and individuals from May 1995 to May 1997. Incoming and outgoing faxes and emails files between Husain, PSP staff, and other World Bank units are maintained from July 1995 to May 1997. PSP correspondence and memoranda from mid-1996 discuss the mapping of PSP Groups into the HD, ESSD, and PREM Networks. PGP related records are contained in chronological files dated January 1997 to May 1997 when PGP was temporarily created to transition into the PREM Network.

Chronological files

Series consists of chronological files created primarily by the HROVP. Records date from February 1994, to December 1995; records from July to December 1995 are from the Human Development Department (HDD). The majority of the records found in these files are correspondence. Correspondence to and from external agencies, institutions, and governments generally relates to information exchange, collaborations on projects and research, and conference attendance. Correspondence to and from other departments and vice presidencies in the World Bank is also included. This relates to information exchange, collaborations on projects and research, and conference attendance as well as to HRO's contributions to Country Assistance Strategy reports and participation in meetings. Records also include back-to-office reports, discussion of HRO human resource issues, and comments on HRO staff reports and programs. Records related to the Bank's 50th anniversary activities are also included; these records were created or receivedby the secretariat established in the HRO (HROAN) responsible for anniversary activity's coordination.

Quality enhancement review

The series contains records maintained by the Health, Nutrition, and Population team (HDNHE) and previous units to provide quality support services and development effectiveness guidelines to operational task teams managing health, nutrition, and population (HNP) projects. The Bank's Quality Assurance Group (QAG) often, but not always, included an HDNHE representative. The Quality Enhancement Review (QER) panel was first instituted for HNP projects in Fiscal Year 1999 and led by HDNHE senior staff. QER broadly followed the QAG methodology to improve the quality of the project but functioned as an independent group of senior colleagues who conducted the project preparation review with the task teams.

Records in the series were primarily maintained by Chris Walker, senior public health specialist and later lead specialist of the Health, Nutrition, and Population Quality team. Types of records include: hard copy emails; draft and final project documents such as Project Appraisal Documents (PADs) and aide-memoires; background reports for the panel such as internal sector policy and strategy reports; meeting agenda; occasionally draft and final panel review reports; handwritten notes; minutes of project concept review meetings; and QER guidelines. Several records including the project documents and meeting summaries contain Walker's handwritten annotated notes.

There are also records related to HNP Quality of Supervision workshop 1994 - 1998.

Research and policy development

Series contains records maintained by the various divisions and departments responsible for the population, health, and nutrition sector while producing and disseminating research, and developing and analyzing sector policy and strategy. The records reflect discussions about the department's research priorities, methods and techniques of analysis, the quality of its work and ways to improve it, and its relationship to the country-based work carried out in the Bank's regional offices.

Records in the series were primarily created by the Policy and Research Unit (PHNPR), established in 1979 and dismantled in the 1987 Bank-wide reorganization. PHNPR's functions were continued by succeeding units through to the Health, Nutrition, and Population Team (HDNHE), but no longer as a separate division dedicated to policy and research. Many of the records were maintained by PHNPR Chief Nancy Birdsall during her tenure (1984 - 1987) as well as Senior Demographer K.C. Zachariah, Population and Human Resources Division, Economics Department and later the Policy and Research Division, PHNPR (1970 - 1987).

Record types include, but are not limited to: research proposals; terms of reference; back-to-office reports; contracts; agreements with consultants, universities and other third parties who are doing research for or with the division; initiating briefs for policy papers; statistical and other data; published and unpublished reports; drafts and final working papers; briefing notes; external reports and publications; surveys and questionnaires; budget reports and other financial records of research expenditures; and related correspondence.

Staff and consultant research papers

The largest portion of records in the series relate to research and concept papers authored by various department and division staff and consultants. Apart from a single file dated 1970, the papers were primarily accumulated between 1979 and 1988. Records are organized by author and contain draft papers and correspondence about comments on papers. Senior staff and other individuals represented in the files include, but are not limited to: Directors Kandiah Kanagaratnam, John North and David de Ferranti; PHNPR Division Chief Nancy Birdsall; Senior Health Advisor Anthony Measham; Senior Nutrition Advisor Alan Berg; and other Bank staff outside of PHN such as James Lee, Ernest Stern, Shahid Husain, and Barbara Herz. General sector topics are covered as well as topics related to a particular country or region. Subjects include: family planning; rural contraceptive needs; marriage and migration; sub-Saharan Africa population policy project; public health planning; primary health care; health expenditures; education; and economic topics such as liberalization and taxes. A smaller volume of files relate to papers presented at symposia or conferences.

PHNPR Division subject files

The series also comprises a large volume of subject files maintained by the former PHNPR Division between 1976 and 1987. Some of the files were created by staff of the former Population and Human Resources Division. The subject files cover a wide range of the division's activities such as policy research and analysis, preparing studies, project support, conferences, and other knowledge and learning events. These files contain internal memoranda, outgoing letters, reports, background papers, conference reports and agenda, and other records.

Several subject files refer to a specific country project funded by IDA credit (Gambia National Health Project) and covers project appraisal, budget, and analysis on lending in the sector. Files concerning research projects are indicated by the RPO (Research Project Output) code assigned to projects throughout the Bank by the Development Economics department. The RPO material was mostly maintained by Dr. Susan Cochrane, senior economist, PHNPR. RPO files relate to the projects Education and Rural Development in Nepal and Thailand (RP0671-49) and Determinants of Fertility in Egypt (RP0671-49). Included are: memoranda and letters discussing project status updates and workshops on population research; draft surveys and questionnaires with annotations; questionnaire instructions and code sheets; interviewer manual; proposals submitted to Research Committee; expense and budget reports documenting financing through the Research Committee; preliminary chapters; data tables; and background reports. Most of the material is in English but there are also questionnaires and data in Thai. A memo from Susan Cochrane (DEDPH) to the Steering Committee on Determinants of Fertility in Egypt is also included.

Other subject files pertain to poverty guidelines and contain memoranda, reports, and manuals on the Bank's measurement of poverty as it relates to lending to the lower income countries and to alleviate urban poverty. There are also subject files related to health care, health financing, health program evaluation, health services research, pharmaceuticals and drugs, health organizations, diseases, health resources development, irrigation health risk study, and the interaction between health and water supply. Subject files on nutrition relate to nutrition research, programming, nutrition service delivery, and food subsidies and pricing. Population files concern population aspects of education projects, population studies, fertility, contraception, and population policies.

Files related to conferences include the 1984 International Conference on Population, Conference on Research Priorities for Sub-Saharan Africa in Bellagio 1985, Task Force for Child Survival Cartagenaconference, and also seminars, workshops, and EDI training. There are also files related to data on women in development, household living standards, and files reflecting PHN's input on President Clausen's speeches.

Other PHNPR subject files relate to partnerships with international organizations such as World Health Organization (WHO), academic institutes, committees and working groups, and inter-agency partnerships such as the Special Program for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR), the Control of Diarrheal Diseases (CDD) Program, and the Onchocerciasis Control Program (OCP) or river blindness. The onchocerciasis file (1980 - 1984) contain memoranda, a report of an independent commission regarding economic analysis of OCP reflecting the involvement of Andre Prost and Nick Prescott (PHN) and comments on reports by Karen Lashman Hall (PNHPR). There are also files regarding WHO and Bank cooperation for HIV/AIDS and comments on the draft proposals on structure and coordination of the WHO Special Programme on AIDS.

Working papers series and publications

The series also contains a substantial volume of records related to the PHN Technical Note working papers series authored between 1976 and 1992, arranged by the series or issue number. Files primarily contain printer's copies and research data on topics including cost benefit and cost effectiveness studies, demographic data, AIDS research, health care management, and Safe Motherhood (also known as maternal and child health and mortality).

Thereare also reports and other records related to the PHN Policy Research Working Papers (WPS numbered series) covering the years 1989 to 1993 and include annual sector reviews which outlines population, health, and nutrition lending, health system trends, costs, and resources. Although most of the publications and papers were forwarded to the Bank's Internal Documents Unit and were eventually digitized, other papers contained in this series were disseminated through PHN's successor, HDNHE.

Series also contains handwritten notes, regional data tables for population and mortality projections and labor force data for member countries, as well as memoranda accumulated between 1973 and 1990 in preparation for the annual World Development Reports (WDR). Several files relate to the 1984 WDR that focused on economic performance and population growth, including comments on drafts.

There are also three files (1993 - 1996) related to the best practices book authored by PHN Senior Nutritionist, Dr. Judith McGuire, and consultant Rae Galloway, entitled "Enriching Lives - Overcoming Vitamin and Mineral Malnutrition in Developing Countries" published by the World Bank in 1994. Includes three floppy diskettes of the Spanish version, hard copy of the English master for correction, bound French version, and drafts.

Senior Demographer K.C. Zachariah records

Series also consists of a set of chronological files and subject files maintained by Dr. K.C. Zachariah, Senior Demographer between 1970 and 1987 beginning when Zachariah was in the Population and Human Resources Division, Economics Department and later the Policy and Research Division (PHNPR). The chronological files span 1971 to 1984; however, files for the years 1979 and 1981 are not present. There are two files of incoming correspondence from 1983 to 1987, and several subject files containing research proposals, final versions of staff working papers, and study papers authored by Zachariah including Population Projections for Bank Member Countries 1970 - 2000. Specific subjects covered in Zachariah's records include family planning, income distribution and fertility rates, demographic measures, and migration in specific countries or regions. There are also back-to-office reports and terms of reference documents regarding Zachariah's research missions and attendance at international conferences, terms of reference for consultants, and administrative records related to the recruitment of consultants and research assistants.

Health Sector Strategy paper

Series contains records regarding the development of the HDNHE 1997 Health Sector Strategy paper, from 1995 to 1997. Included are minutes of strategy retreats, strategy and concept paper drafts and final version, notes, and Sector Board minutes in which concept papers were reviewed and discussed.

Tobacco control policy

Also included in the series are records related to tobacco control analysis and policy created between 1988 and 1999 which were primarily maintained by Dr. Prabhat Jha, health specialist, Human Development Department (HDD) and later HDNHE. Records include correspondence, mainly containing comments on report outlines and background papers, draft papers, trip reports, conference publications, handwritten research notes, and statistical tables and charts regarding smoking prevalence, tobacco, cigarette consumption, GDP, and other data. The Bank had organized a consultation session on the economics of tobacco control in 1997 at the tenth World Conference on Tobacco in Beijing that was part of an ongoing review of the Bank's own control policies. A Bank-sponsored international conference on the economics of tobacco control in Cape Town followed in 1998. Files contain Beijing conference abstract booklets and programme, and Cape Town conference funding report and press conference reports. The Bank and WHO began a global study in 1997 on the economics of tobacco control for countries, particularly low-income and middle-income countries and a small volume of files relate to statistical data compiled, as well as the study team's 1999 publication led by Jha and Frank J. Chaloupka entitled "Curbing the Epidemic: Governments and the economics of tobacco control". There isalso correspondence with UN Agencies including FAO, WHO, UNCTAD, and ECOSOC dating from 1989 to 1995 that represents the Bank's early work on tobacco by Senior Economist Howard Barnum.

Director and Front Office records

Series consists of records created and maintained by the front office of the Population, Health and Nutrition Division (PHRHN) and predecessor units that date from 1968 to 1992, including the Population Projects Department (PNP) in existence from 1969 to 1972. The records document the activities of the office in overseeing the population, health, nutrition portfolio and strategy, directing the research and policy work of the department, and managing the Bank's relationship with external partners in the sector. Records cover the tenure of the following directors: Dr. Kandiah Kanagaratnam (1969 - 1979); Dr. John R. Evans (1979 - 1983); John D. North (1983 - 1987); and Ann O. Hamilton (1987 - 1993).

The series is primarily comprised of subject files. Types of records within the files include, but are not limited to: internal memoranda between the department, divisions, Bank president, and other Bank departments; incoming and outgoing letters; back-to-office reports; terms of reference; draft and final research study and concept papers; Board and committee meeting records; panel reports; demographic and country briefs; minutes or summaries of meetings; research proposals; copies of journal articles; and external reports.

A large volume of records relate to the department's relationship and collaboration with international organizations, universities and research institutes, national aid agencies, private foundations, and Nongovernment Organizations (NGOs) during the years 1968 - 1983. Organizations include, but are not limited to: American Public Health Association (APHA); United Nations (UN); United Nations Children?s Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and committees; World Health Organization (WHO); Population Reference Bureau; Population Service International; European Economic Community and European Parliament; World Population Society; Harvard University; Ford Foundation; Asian Development Bank; Smithsonian Institute; Rockefeller Foundation; Population Council; and United States Congress. Liaison correspondence details operations between the sector and partners, summaries of meetings, participation in Bank missions, coordination of aid and perspective investments in countries, comments on papers, and exchange of information on various health topics. A smaller volume of records relate to the sector's involvement in collaborative disease-prevention programs (1973 - 1983) such as the Onchocerciasis Control Program (OCP, or river blindness) that was administered within the Africa Regional Vice Presidency.

Other records relate to: the work of the external panels and review groups and the Bank's follow-up, such as the 1975 Board-appointed External Advisory Panel on population chaired by Dr. Bernard Berelson; formulation of the 1973 nutrition policy and 1974 health policy; conferences, seminars, lectures, and trainings organized or attended by the Director and staff; population and health lending program; project supervision and disbursement; research and policy papers prepared by the department, such as contraceptive research and development and Kenya health and worker productivity studies; World Development Report (WDR); and specific health topics including public health, environmental health, and HIV/AIDS. The correspondence regarding HIV/AIDS dates from 1986 to 1988, prior to the time when the Bank formed the HIV/AIDS Global Program Unit under the Human Development Network, in 2002. The series also contains two files relating to education and educational projects (1970 - 1980).

Records maintained by Ann O. Hamilton, director, Population and Human Resources Department (PHRDR) who served from 1987 to 1992 include correspondence with the Bank president (1987 - 1992) as well as correspondence and other records related to: the Bellagio Conference of the Task Force on Child Survival (1987 - 1988); FY 1989 and 1990 annual sector review; work program FY 1991; and HIV/AIDS (1988).

Series also contains records maintained by Dr. Anthony R. Measham from 1981 to 1987 while he served as public health specialist, PHND3 (1982 - 1984) followed by health adviser in the director's office (April 1984 to May 1988) prior to becoming division chief, PHRHN 1988 - 1992. Measham's records primarily relate to his economic research and involvement in external partnerships in the health sector as well as participation in conferences, seminars, and workshops. Records include: internal memoranda; letters; cables; reports and studies authored by Meashamand others; briefing notes; conference press kit as well as draft conference program, workshop proposal, and participants list; and minutes of meetings of the Task Force for Child Survival on which Measham served as the Bank representative. Memoranda is mainly between Measham and PHN divisions, and correspondence is with colleagues external to the Bank such as task force representatives, some letters detailing the Bank's support and views. Specific topics covered in the files include Tobacco Working Group,maternal mortality, WHO programs and strategy, health sector survey, and the first Safe Motherhood conference in February 1987. Measham and Division Chief Barbara Herz, Women in Development (PHRWD), participated in coordinating Safe Motherhood conference donors, participants, and prepared papers to be presented at the conference. The conference was followed by Measham and Herz's World Bank Discussion Paper publication The Safe Motherhood Initiative: Proposals for Action no. WDP 9, published in May 1987. There are also records related to Measham's recruitment and management of staff and consultants. The health sector survey file contains material in Chinese such as surveys and research data regarding hospital costs.

Also included in the series are several correspondence files (1974 - 1986) authored by department senior management and advisers that were originally sent to the Non-Regional Information Center (NRIC) and arranged under the Bank-wide classification. Files are titled 'health', 'population', 'nutrition', 'external advisory panel', and 'general' and include mostly memoranda and letters that cover the various sector activities such as policy work, research, review of projects, and partnerships. Much of the correspondence is between director and division chiefs, and Operations Vice Presidency (VPOPS) and some is with external agencies, mostly within the United Nations family. Reports, discussion papers, and guidelines are occasionally filed with the correspondence.

A small volume of records in the series relate to the management of the division, work plan, 1975 relocation of the nutrition division, management team meeting minutes (1987 - 1990), and involvement in the Board of Governors Annual Meetings.

Grant and trust fund management

Series consists of records created and maintained by the Health, Nutrition, and Population Team of the Human Development Network (HDNHE) and previous units responsible for managing and monitoring grants to partnership programs. Records in this series document financial support for various programs primarily under the Bank's Special Grants Program (SPG) created in 1982, as well as the Development Grant Facility (DGF) approved in FY1998 which later absorbed the SPG. The management of funds and the activitiesfinanced were supervised by HDNHE and its predecessors beginning with the Population, Health, and Nutrition Department (PHN, 1979 to 1987). The programs were implemented by the Bank's development partners in the form of country-level operations, knowledge initiatives, advisory services, and collective action across countries on PHN sector priorities.

Partnership programs represented in the files include, but are not limited to: World Health Organization (WHO) for the Human Reproductive Program (HRP) and Stop TB (Tuberculosis); UNAIDS and WHO for HIV/AIDS; Commonwealth Medical Association (CMA) and Population Council for Safe Motherhood activities; Global Fund for Women and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) programs; and International Council for Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders for (ICCIDD) iodine nutrition control initiatives. Other SPG- and DGF-supported programs addressed malaria (Roll Back Malaria), disease testing, family planning and contraception, and organization of conferences, training, andstudies across the sectors.

The records reflect the activities of HDNHE program managers throughout the trust fund cycle, including preparation and review of grant proposals for the sector board or predecessor committees, handling communication with partner grant recipients, preparation of the Letter of Approval (LOA) issued by the HDN Vice President, arranging disbursement of funds, and evaluation of programs. Files contain substantive information on health, nutrition, and population programs in the formof: internal memoranda; all-in-1-notes; incoming and outgoing letters; handwritten notes; draft and final proposals; recipients' annual, financial, and technical reports; recipient interim reports; budget reports; minutes of meetings; background papers, some prepared by PHN; and printed material produced by partner organizations.

Correspondence is between the responsible HDNHE or predecessor unit program manager and the president or head of the partner organization. Internal memoranda are addressed toand from the sector program manager, sector director, and other sector staff including the Population Policy and Advisory Service Group (PPAS, established in 1992 in the PHR Front Office). Other Bank groups represented in the memoranda are the Special Grants Oversight Committee Secretary, DGF Secretariat, and others. The correspondence and memoranda cover matters including proposals or reports received the grant recipient's use of funds or surplus funds, legalities of budget guidelines, and comments on theLOA. The accounting and disbursement data are mostly presented in memoranda between HDNHE or predecessor unit and the Office of the Vice President and Controller (CTRVP).

There are also chronological files (1985 - 1997) and records related to SPG meetings, committee, or advisory group meetings containing agenda, minutes, and correspondence (1994 - 1998). The Population NGOs and Safe Motherhood Committee discussed details of funding proposals, amounts and recommendations, updates on funds spent, and approved proposals. A small volume of records also relate to: the historical background of SPG and include various discussion papers (1987 - 1995); Bank review of SPG in the 1990s; and a PHN strategy report on SPG (1995).

Records were created and maintained by various staff including Senior Population Adviser Tom Merrick, Population Specialist Janet Nassim, Senior Nutrition Advisor Alan Berg, Nutrition Specialist Judith McGuire, Health Specialist Kirrin Gill, and Consultant Crystal Worzola.

Records are predominantly in English. However, there is occasional correspondence, external reports, publications, and other material in French, Spanish, and German.

Partnerships and program collaboration

Series consists of records documenting the partnerships of the various divisions and departments responsible for the population, health, and nutrition sector with external organizations across the sector and program collaboration.

The largest volume of records in the series relate to the administration of the International Health Policy Program (IHPP, 1983 - 1989) initiated by Pew Charitable Trusts, and later jointly funded by Carnegie Corporation, to provide institutional grants for health policy research and individual fellowships for career development. The Population, Health, and Nutrition Department (PHN) and World Health Organization (WHO) provided guidance and support to IHPP. Beginning in 1986, the Bank provided office accommodations to the program's three-person secretariat within PHN (soon the Population, Health, and Nutrition Division [PHRHN] after the Bank-wide 1987 reorganization). The IHPP Secretariat was led by Director Davidson R. Gwatkin who reported to the international Advisory Committee responsible for guiding and overseeing the activities of IHPP. The secretariat salaries and expenses were paid by the Institute of International Education (IIE), the agency that administered Pew's contribution. Dr. Anthony Measham and David de Ferranti of PHRHN represented the Bank as members of IHPP's Advisory Committee.

Records reflect the secretariat's role in managing the IHPP including handling proposals and inquiries and directing operational strategy and activities primarily focused on Asian andAfrican countries. There are also records related to meetings and conferences attended by the secretariat and the Bank's activities related to the IHPP. Types of records include correspondence (some arranged in a chronological file), proposals, guidelines, reports submitted to IIE, discussion notes, external reports, Pew conferences papers, and financial and administrative records.

The series also contains records related to the Bank's partnership with the WHO / United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) / Bank Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR, 1972 - 1988, predominant 1978 to 1987). TDR was formed in 1975 to develop research, leadership, tools, and strategies to control the endemic tropical diseases (malaria, schistosomiasis, filariasis [including onchocerciasis], trypanosomiasis, leprosy and leishmaniasis) in developing countries. The Bank became a cosponsor of the program in 1977 as well as administrator of the TDR trust fund which consisted of contributions of governments and multilateral organizations. In fiscal year 1982, the Bank became a financial contributor to TDR. Records document PHN's administration of the TDR fund, participation in TDR's annual governing body meetings (Joint Coordinating Board), Standing Committee, the Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC), and operational support.

TDR records include: memoranda, letters, and cables between PHN Directors Dr. John Evans and John North and TDR partners and donors, and some memoranda between PHN senior staff; programme, committee, and annual reports; financial statements; Board documents; copy of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) agreement; Director Evan's back-to-office report and memoranda to senior vice president of operations; consultant reports; aide-memoirs; data tables; and printed material such as TDR newsletters, and external articles and reports. The MOU and fund arrangement file also contains the proposal for World Bank financial participation in international health research programmes, prepared by PHN in 1981 and presented as a memorandum from President McNamara to executive directors. Internal memoranda cover a range of topics such as securing resources to support TDR, arrangements for Bank's financial contribution to TDR, methods of investment and rate of return, budget, projects, policy, audit planning, comments on discussion papers and draft reports, and research capability strengthening. Correspondence from WHO assistant director-general to government officials and donors is copied to PHN director and relates to acknowledgment of contributions and soliciting participation in the Joint Coordination Board and fund raising. There is also correspondence between WHO assistant director-general and Senior Public Health Specialist Dr. Bernard Liese (PHNDR) regarding TDR contributions, budget, and other matters. A small number of files relate to the External Review Committee and history of TDR and background material for Bank participation (1974 - 1980).

Several files related to TDR thatwere originally maintained in the Non-Regional Information Center (NRIC) primarily contain correspondence beginning from 1972. These files contain original letters and memoranda to and from director of the Office of Environmental and Health Affairs (CPSEH) Dr. James Lee, (1975 - 1979) to WHO and the TDR director, and letters to and from the Bank's Water and Urban Development to TDR Officer. There is also correspondence sent and received by Public Health Officer Dr. Arlene Fonaroff (CPSEH 1978 - 1979, Population Projects Department Operations Division [POPD1] late 1979 - 1980, Division 1 Africa [PHND1] and PHN Director's Office [PHNDR] until 1981). Fonaroff and Lee were members of the TDR Standing Committee until approximately 1979.

The series also contains several files related to the Diarrheal Diseases Control (CDD) Programme (1978 - 1985) launched by WHO in 1978 in collaboration with PHN on behalf of the Bank, and other partners, UNDP, and United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF).Records include, but are not limited to: memoranda authored by Dr. James Lee on a draft proposal for CDD; memoranda between Fonaroff and Director Dr. Evans regarding CDD meetings and activities; and original letters from WHO director-general regarding CDD meeting follow-up.

Also included among the records in this series are several files related to PHN

budgeting and coordination support for the global Onchocerciasis Control Program (1979 - 1987) also known as river blindness disease. PHN supported the control program through technical assistance, attendance at statutory and technical meetings, co-organizing symposia, reviewing health project preparation, disease surveillance and control arrangements in OCP countries, and evaluating operational research undertaken by OCP such as the Onchocerciasis Chemotherapy Project Working Group. Onchocerciasis records were primarily maintained by PHN Epidemiologist Dr. Andre Prost and Deputy Division Chief Dr. Bernhard Liese (PHND2) who was a member of the secretariatof the OCP Committee of Sponsoring Agencies (CSA) and Expert Advisory Committee. Records include: back-to-office reports; copies of OCP committee and program reports; WHO OCP progress reports; Bank authored and WHO joint-authored research papers; PHN position paper on OCP; original and copies of internal memoranda between Prost, Liese, various PHN directors, and West Africa Region (WA1) senior management; copies of internal memoranda and outgoing letters from the Bank's OCP Coordinator Bruce Benton and theOCP programme director in Burkina Faso and correspondence from Bank senior vice president of operations and director, country programs in Africa to sponsoring members and donors.

The series also contains records related to the Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction (HRP) in which the Bank is a partner with WHO, UNDP, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), and UNICEF. HRP was formed to conduct research in human reproduction, bringing together policymakers,scientists, health care providers, clinicians, consumers, and community representatives to identify and address priorities for research to improve reproduction and sexual health. Records primarily include annual technical reports, biennial reports, meeting reports of the policy and coordinating committee of HRP attended by PHN Senior Population Adviser Dr. Tom Merric or Director Ann Hamilton on occasion, and related correspondence. There are also files concerning the Scientific and Technical Advisory Group(STAG), Standing Committee Reports (1986 - 1994), and the Bank's role in global population efforts (1989, 1992 - 1994).

Series also contains two files related to Bank - UNDP partnerships on projects implemented by UNDP. These are: UNDP/GLO/81/007 Administrative Committee on Coordination (ACC) - Sub Committee on Nutrition Research Planning (SCN) (1981 - 1983); and UNDP/GLO/77/014 - International Centre for Diarrheal Disease Research (1978 - 1981).

Knowledge and learning events

Series primarily contains records related to conferences, seminars, internal training courses, brown bag lunch (BBL) presentations, or other events organized or attended by the Health, Nutrition, and Population Team (HDNHE) and previous units. A portion of the records were maintained by Principal Economist Helen Saxenian who was also the health, nutrition, and population sector training coordination committee chair. Records were also maintained by Senior Nutritionist Judith McGuire, Consultant Joy Miller de Rosso, and others.

Records comprising the series include: correspondence; seminar and presentation papers; back-to-office reports, several regarding health reforms and health systems studies; sound and video recordings of presentations; hard copies of presentation slides; minutes and agenda of committee training meetings; and learning materials such as course descriptions and BBL summaries occasionally filed with statistical data tables or articles.

Topics include, but are not limited to: HIV/AIDS, evidence-based medicine, vaccines, health care and poverty, nutrition, health and social sector reform, Safe Motherhood or women and children's health, and country health care systems.

There are also two files related to the Bank's Economic Development Institute (EDI) case studies (1980 - 1990).

The series also contains audiocassette recordings of the Food and Nutrition Policy Course (1997 - 1998) and one file of textual records containing the course material. The videocassette titles included in the series are "What do Women and Children Die of?" (1998) and "Challenges for Health Sector Reform in Latin America and the Caribbean" (1999).

Chronological files

The series consists of records created by the Population, Health and Nutrition Division (PHRHN) and its subordinate units beginning from 1988 and continuing through 1995 under its' successor, the Population, Health and Nutrition Department (PHN) of the Human Resources Development (HRO) Vice Presidency.

Records generally consist of outgoing memoranda and letters, specifically hard copies of All-In-1 messages and attachments. Much of the correspondence is between division staff and external agencies, institutions, and governments discussing information exchange, collaboration on projects, and conferences. Correspondence between PHN staff and other Bank departments relates to: research paper publication; peer review and comments on research, strategy, and policy papers; conference attendance and planning; preparation of sector reviews; grants and trust funds; and assistance to and collaboration with the regions. Other records occasionally found among the correspondence are back-to-office reports; terms of reference (TORs); aide memoires; published and unpublished reports and policy papers; sector reviews; and business plans.

A small body of correspondence files all dated 1993 were provided classification by country or subject presumably by IISC (see Archival History field for further information). Most of the country files contain a single memorandum regarding projects, pre-appraisal and reviews, or country health or nutrition data. The subject files are also thin, and cover a variety of topics under: administration (including budget, work program, special grant or donor funding, and fiscal review); policy development and research; dissemination and training (including publications and attendance at conferences, workshops, roundtables, and other events); and general functional areas). This set of files contain mostly memoranda between PHRHN division staff and other Bank staff, including the Regions, often in the form of TORs and back-to-office reports.

Staff and consultant reports and documents

The series consists mainly of reports authored by staff and consultants of the Education Research Division (EDTRS) and Education Policy Division (EDTPT). Reports were prepared for internal dissemination, presentation at conferences or seminars, or issued as publications. The records were primarily accumulated between 1974 and 1990, apart from a single 1967 Economics Department report. The series also contains a small number of reports by Bank staff outside of the sector or by external authors.

Record formats include, but are not limited to, internal working papers, discussion papers, research papers and research project outputs (RPO), sector review papers, background papers for Bank seminars, manuals, and copies of articles authored by sector staff and collaborators for external economics or education-related journals. Some papers are Bank-numbered series such as the Education and Training Series discussion papers (1985 - 1987). However, many reports are not numbered. Other document formats include lectures and case studies.

Most of the series consists of files with a single or bound report. The reports are mainly final drafts or published versions; very few rough drafts with annotations are found in the records.

A smaller amount of staff and consultant reports contain one or more different papers and typically consist of internal memoranda and letters regarding the revision of the reports or publication arrangements. Correspondence is between EDTRS Division Chief George Pscharopoulous and other EDTRS staff, consultants contracted to author reports, or from EDT director to the Bank's Publication unit. The files containing reports and related correspondence range from 1981 to 1987.

Reports and documents focus on regions, countries, or specific sector topics. Topics include, but are not limited to: procurement in Bank education projects; effective schools; higher education; informal education; teachers issues and salary; educational planning and change; development of school media services; users charges and expenditures for public education; income benefits of schooling; manpower planning; and review of educational research capabilities in less-developed countries.

Authors that are most prominently represented in the series include George Psacharopoulous, Stephen P. Heyneman, Manuel Zymelman, Dean T. Jamison, Peter R. Moock, Marlaine Lockheed, Jee-Peng Tan, Alain Mingat, and John Simmons (Policy Planning Division).

Many reports in the series are co-authored, such as the "Education and development: Viewsfrom the World Bank" 1983 report by EDT Director Aklilu Habte, Psacharopoulous, and Heyneman. Also included is a first version of a "Handbook for implementation of education projects" (1975) prepared by Education Department, Central Projects Staff.

Operations research

Series contains records maintained by the Education Department (EDP, 1968 - 1972, later EDC, 1977 - 1984) and successor units responsible for producing and disseminating research. Research is conducted by the sectors to support operations projects as well as regional, country, or specific sector programs and initiatives, and to improve the level of sector knowledge in particular areas. Records were primarily created between 1968 and 1991 apart from a set of questionnaires dated 2005 and copy of an externalreport dated 1965 used for reference.

Many of the records were created by George Psacharopoulos during his tenure as education research adviser, Education Department (EDC, 1981 - 1983), manager, Education Research Program (EDCRS, 1983 - 1985) followed by Research Division chief (EDTRS, 1985 - 1987). Other records were created by Senior Adviser Wadi D. Haddad, Senior Sociologist Stephen P. Heyneman, Economist Elizabeth (Beth) M. King, Michael Wilson, and others.

Record formats include, but are not limited to: correspondence regarding collaboration, sharing of information, comments on draft papers, or research conducted for the unit by university professors and other third parties; research proposals; initiating briefs; preliminary outlines; Terms of Reference; back-to-office reports for missions relating to research projects; statistical and other data; operational project audit and completion reports; published and unpublished external reports from governments, external organizations and scholars; working and discussion paper drafts and final versions; surveys; handwritten research notes; copies of journal articles and press clippings; and computer floppy disks containing final papers and research results.

A portion of the material specifically relates to country studies regarding living standards in Peru, higher education in Africa, diversified secondary curriculum (DiSCus) in Colombia and Tanzania, and university education in Pakistan. Other topics include, but are not limited to: economic impact of education; women in education; structural adjustment and education; education and public expenditures; vocational training; education strategy and employment policies; assessments of testing capacities; effects of school conditions and atmosphere on students' performances; informal sector education and employment; education and earnings; and education and environment.

Several of these subject files relate to the preparation of Research Project Outputs (RPOs). The RPO numeric code was assigned to projects throughout the Bank by the Development Economics Department. One such set of files relates to RPO 672-45 Diversified Secondary Curriculum Study (1968 - 1985, not inclusive) prepared by George Psacharopoulos and previously by Wadi Haddad. Records consist of back-to-office reports following missions, internal and external correspondence including with the Research Committee, working papers, questionnaires, research notes and data, and various other record types.

There are also records (1984 - 1986) pertaining to the EDTRS publication "Financing education in developing countries: an exploration of policy options" issued in 1986. Records include working drafts and review draft versions, memoranda from EDT Director Aklilu Habte to Operations Policy Staff Vice President S. Shahid Husain including the initiating brief, correspondence concerning press reaction, and other items.

A small portion of records in the series reflect collaboration between the Research Division and the Education Policy Division (EDTEP) led by Division Chief Dean T. Jamison regarding policy on education in Africa (1983 - 1987). Records include memoranda from Jamison and Psacharopoulos to OPSVP sharing a summary of the Bank-organized Research Priorities in Education in Sub-Saharan Africa Conference proceedings held in Bellagio in 1985, final conference report, agenda and list of participants, papers presented at the conference, and a pre-conference report on workshop research priorities (1984).

The sector policy study "Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: policies for adjustment, revitalization, and expansion" soon followed, issued in 1988. There are three volumes of files (1984 - 1987) pertaining to the preparation of the study. Included are memoranda between Haddad, Jamison, task leader and Senior Economist Peter R. Moock (EDTEP), Operations Adviser Ralph W. Harbison, and other staff discussing the development of the paper, comments on preliminary versions, and budget. Included with the memoranda are the initiating brief with follow-up comments, meeting address of Habte, and background data and papers.

Records originally maintained in the NRIC (1981 - 1982) contain internal memoranda between Haddad and Habte, letters exchanged with external agencies, primarily the International Development Research Center regarding the sector's participation in the Research Review and Advisory Group and other collaborative activities. Back-to-office reports, draft outlines and reports, and other items are also filed with the correspondence. Finally, a small portion of questionnaires maintained by Director Ruth Kagia related to the Ngecha Education Study (2005) also belong to the series.

Most of the records are in English, with correspondence and reports occasionally in French and Spanish, and research data and questionnaires in Swahili.

Knowledge management products

Series contains a variety of records mostly maintained by the HDNED Knowledge Management unit responsible for producing or disseminating education sector information products and responding to client requests. Records in the series take the form of reports; project lesson reports; newsletters; presentation slides; correspondence; and supporting documentation.

A significant volume of records is comprised of Bank reports (primarily Quality Enhancement Review [QER] reports), newsletters, and publications related to country education projects (1999 - 2004). Numerous countries are represented from all regions, particularly European and Central Asia as well as the Middle East and South Asia.

The series also contains records related to presentations and visits of Director Maris O'Rourke including her 1998 visit to the United Nations, presentations to the Human Development Council HDN, and other external presentations on the Bank and education. Several presentation files contain transparency slides, and a small number of these include the hard copy slides with presentation notes. Some slides appear to be prepared as templates for presenters to customize for audiences while others were prepared and used for specific presentations.

Other subject files cover: economics of human resources and economic analysis of education projects (1994 - 1999); the role of the World Bank in education as well as in education research and evaluation (1996 - 1998); structural adjustment and education (1997); knowledge management (1997); education strategy (1999); sector board's work program and budget (1999); and a small volume of conference and workshop papers such as for Quality of Economic and Sector Work (ESW) Workshop (2002).

Records regarding the World Education Forum, Dakar (2000) contain: email hard copies between O'Rourke and Steven Commins (External Relations); attached reports and Education for All (EFA) planning meeting summaries centered around communications and public relations; draft outline for President Wolfensohn speeches; back-to-office reports of O'Rourke and successor Director Ruth Kagia; and draft conference reports.

Operational support

Series consists of records documenting HDNED and previous units support to the Bank's lending and project activities within the education, training, and employment sector. Records are organized into subject files and contain details on Bank loans and credits and interaction with units in the various regions.

The earliest records in the series were maintained by the Project Related Training Program (EDCPT) staff of the Education Department created in July 1983. The unit provided operational support to theregional transportation, public utilities, and agriculture divisions on matters related to project-related training (PRT) which primarily involved developing advanced courses and instructing sector staff on project design and implementation. In February 1985, EDCPT became the Project Related Training Division (EDTPT) under the renamed Education and Training Department and was terminated in July 1986. Records cover the period from 1982 to 1986 and include: preliminary draft guidelines; copies of internal memoranda, many to EDT director; policy notes; discussion papers; and a copy of the 1978 Operation Evaluation Department (OED) Review of Bank Operations in the Education Sector report. Specific topics covered, but not limited to, include: guidelines for project related training components in transportation projects; an approach to manpower development for the transport sector; guidelines for designing training components in agricultural and rural development projects; and United Nations Educational, Cultural, and Scientific Organization (UNESCO) Cooperative Program review. EDPT records were primarily created by Senior Training Adviser Augustin Alberti, Division Chief Lennart Swahn, and Senior Training Adviser H.W. Barker.

The series also contains records related to the Quality Enhancement Review (QER) panel's work on various education projects managed by operational task teams, and a review of the World Bank Institute Education Training program. The QER panel was first instituted for HDN projects in Fiscal Year 1999. QER broadly followed the Quality Assurance Group (QAG) methodology to improve the quality of projects but functioned as an independent group of senior colleagues who conducted the project preparation review with the task teams.

QER records were created between 2000 and 2007 apart from a file containing a 1997 report. Senior Education Specialists Juan Manual Moreno, Yidan Wang, and other HDNED served as QER panel members with typically two or three other colleagues from the region's education units. QER panels were not always represented by HDNED staff but in the case of these records, the panel reviews were jointly sponsored by the Education Sector Board and QAG. Records contain panel Terms of Reference, agenda or interview schedule, draft project concept notes, project appraisal documents (PADs), aide-memoires, issues papers, minutes of review meetings, back-to-office reports, project data tables, country profiles, external strategy papers and reports, previous QER reports, and other reference material collected by the panel to support its review. Most files do not contain a final panel review report. Among the several projects represented in the files are West Bank and Gaza Higher Education (P083767) and Montenegro Education Project (P084597).

There are also files regarding sector plans, sector strategy, and country and lending information. Sector plan files relate to the Fast Track Initiative (2002 - 2005) and include Education for All and Fast Track Initiative (EFA-FTI) proposals and plans produced by member countries across multiple regions. Education sector strategy records (1999) contain an implementation plan, chapters, annexes with data tables and figures and maps outlining education lending, and two hard copy emails between HDNED Adviser Jeffrey Waite and Anja Robakowski-Van Strolen. Finally, there is a file containing country information divided by region with country action plans and supporting data on the status of education and Bank assistance in each country.

Policy and best practice development

Series consists of records related to the development of policy and best practice for projects and sector work in education and employment that were created and maintained by the Education Department (EDT, 1972 - 1977 later EDC 1977 - 1984) and its successor units. The series represents the policy working papers, guidelines, standards, and other instruments prepared by the sector as well as the collection and analysis of guidelines, manuals, and other tools developed by other Bank departments and external organizations such as the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The series also reflects the activities of external advisory panels formed to make recommendations regarding the Bank's education policy. Records were predominantly created between 1972 to 2003, apart from a small number of externally authored reports from the 1960s.

The largest volume of records relate to educational guidelines mostly maintained by the Education Department (EDC) Implementation Advisor David H. Lewis who reported to the EDC director. Files contain guidelines, reports, and internal memoranda between Lewis and Director Duncan S. Ballantine and his successor Aklilu Habte, Senior Advisor Mats Hultin, or regional Education Projects Division architects. Certain records were also created by EDC Educator Clifford W. Gilpin. Guidelines records are organized by subject and cover the topics of operational guidelines, school construction, architectural standards by country, basic learning equipment in education projects, and analytical data. Guidelines were developed for sector staff, consultants, and region staff to maintain and improve the quality of Bank lending and related operations.

Operational guidelines

Records categorized as operational guidelines mostly relate to the discussion and dissemination of guidelines regarding Bank education projects. Guidelines pertain to organizing project appraisal, implementation, procurement practices, preparation of project reports, architectural space and unitappraisal costs, technical assistance, maintenance of education facilities, implementation of construction components and basic equipment in education projects, sector report guidelines, and more. The guidelines are typically in the form of report or sector memoranda prepared by the Education Department but also include jointly prepared user guides, Operations Evaluation Department (OED) guidelines, and "Introduction to the World Bank's Manpower and Education Model" manual prepared by Technical Department,Europe, Middle East, and North Africa Region (1987). Internal memoranda within the files are mainly addressed to EDC Director Habte and contains Lewis' reports on seminars and conferences attended, discussion of changes and approach to the project cycle, and Bank activities in financing educational facilities. Other record types found within the operational guidelines files are charts illustrating project development, job descriptions, and conference papers.

Analytical data

Analytical data records are mostly in the form of internal memoranda, such as from EDC director to EDC staff or to all Regional Education Division staff regarding global data on education enrollment, education and training lending, comparative education indicators, and more. Data tables outlining figures or standard measurements of these data sets are sometimes filed with memoranda.

Architectural standards and school construction guidelines

Records related to architectural standards and school construction contain research reports and guidelines specifying the dimensions and materials for construction of schools as well as for school furniture and equipment. Reports are mostly UNESCO Regional Office design protocol reports shared by Lewis with the other regional architects for projects. However, there are also United States Agency for Aid Development (USAID) and international institutes external reports and guidelines used as reference.

Architectural standards records are organized by country or region. Several files relate to primary school building programs, urban primary schools, low-cost school and housing design, and community development and education centers. Internal memoranda from Lewis to regional staff to share information and details on prototype designs and features, costs, partners, village involvement, progress reported, and occasionally, brief mention of IDA education projects. There are also outgoing letters to UNESCO regional office education officials. Other records within the files include: costing or budget sheets; external reports or manuals, many of which were prepared by the UNESCO Regional Office for Education in Asia and UNESCO Regional Office for Education in Africa, and in Latin America and Caribbean; external reports of country ministries or research institutes; and an architects' brief. The external reports are mostly in English, French, and Farsi.

UNESCO project preparation guidelines

Also included in the series are records related to UNESCO guidelines for project preparation including a 1965 UNESCO low-cost school building report and recommendations, and a 1969 UNESCO report. There is also a substantive briefing note on UNESCO and World Bank relations in the education sector that was prepared by the Education and Employment Division, Population and Human Resources Department (PHREE) in 1988.

Other guidelines subject files

There are numerous other educational guidelines subject files maintained between 1973 and 1983 regarding data collection, project management, educational use of mass media, labor requirements model, education and manpower model, review of education lending (FY1979 - 1983), summary list of projects, and other topics.

The more recent policy development subject files (1990 to 2001) relate to: Education for All Fast Track initiative (EFA-FTI); girls' education; Development Assistance Committee (DAC) goals; Africa Region education action plan and sector overview; and Task Force on Bridging the Digital Divide through Education.

External Advisory Panels

The series also contains records related to the establishment and dissemination of reports from advisory groups between 1978 and 2003. The External Advisory Group on Training for the Education Sector was appointed by Bank President McNamara in late 1977 to review the status of education in the developing world including the Bank's education and training lending and projects and to recommend areas for future action. The panel was chaired by David E. Bell of the Ford Foundation. Records related to the final report of this panel were maintained in the Non-Regional Information Center (NRIC) and consist of a single file (1978 - 1980). The NRIC file contains mostly internal memoranda to and from Director Habte regarding comments on the panel report issued in 1978 and input from the Regions including from R.K. Johnson, chief Education Division, East Asia and Pacific Region (AEPED). There are also letters between Chair David E. Bell and President McNamara regarding completion of the final report and from Habte to panel members announcing the 1979 Education Sector Strategy paper and follow up on the panel recommendations. Also included is a letter from Vice President Willi A. Wapenhans, East Africa Regional Office to the Tanzanian minister of education regarding a requested visit of the recently formed advisory panel to Tanzania.

Records also reflect the establishment and activities of subsequent advisory panels formed annually to advise the Bank on the future direction in education covering the period 1994 to 2003. The 1994 to 1995 correspondence andbackground notes relates to the formation of the first annual panel formed in 1996. Records were primarily maintained by the Human Development Department Education Team (HDDED) Manager, later Director Maris O'Rourke. Correspondence is in the form of all-in-1 notes and email hard copies and facsimiles between O'Rourke, HDD Director David de Ferranti, HDD senior staff, and letters to and from panel members including invitations to annual panel meetings. There are also copies of correspondence between the 1997 External Advisory Panel on Education Chairman Jozef (Jo) M.M. Ritzen and de Ferranti and Bank President James Wolfensohn, including a facsimile on advice to the World Bank addressed to Wolfensohn and follow up thank you letters from Wolfensohn to Ritzen and other panel members.

A variety of records are filed with the advisory panel correspondence including: Terms of Reference for the panels; panel meeting agenda; meeting draft conclusions; preliminary and final panel reports; Ritzen?s speech on reforming education to the World Bank Forum; transcript of the newly formed Human Development Network (HDN) kick-off meeting between de Ferranti and Wolfensohn; agenda and summaries of meetings including sector board meetings and correspondence related to the board's functions regarding the panels; hard copy presentation slides; addresses by Wolfensohn and senior management; issues papers; education sector booklet and other promotional material; external articles and newsletters; two copies of the 1978 panel report, one bound copy, kept by O'Rourke; and agenda with outgoing letters of invitation sent by O'Rourke for the high-level UNESCO meeting on the future of educational statistics and indicators hosted by the Bank. Following O'Rourke?s departure as director in 2000, Acting Director Marlaine Lockheed and HDNED Operations Officer Sobhana Sosale were involved in panel selection and meeting preparations, later under the direction of Ruth Kagia who began her tenure as director in early 2001. There is a small volume of mostly administrative correspondence from this period to 2003, including internal email hard copies and letters to panel members.

Education Sector Strategy Paper

There are also records in the series (1997 - 1999) regarding the preparation of the Education Sector Strategy issued in 1999 to shape policy and practice in member countries. Records were primarily maintained by Director O'Rourke, Adviser Jeffrey Waite, and Projects Assistant Anja Robakowski-Van Stralen. Record types include handwritten notes, concept papers, preliminary outlines and drafts beginning from late 1997, several with annotations, and the draft final report submitted to the Board of Executive Directors' meeting (1999). Correspondence is in the form of hard copy emails and occasionally internal memoranda primarily to and from O'Rourke and Waite containing comments from the sector board, external individuals, executive directors, and other Bank department staff including from the regions and the Operations Evaluation Department (OED). There is also an OED evaluative report and Committee on Development Effectiveness (CODE) informal subcommittee review meeting summaries, as well as correspondence and outlines of plans for strategy development, such as the timeline for implementation of the sector strategy work in the regions. Also included are O'Rourke's memoranda to the Operations Policy Committee presenting the paper and data collected, summaries of meetings with HDNED staff and regional staff to discuss the strategy paper, and summaries of other meetings such as with Wolfensohn regarding the status of education in the regions.

Annual reviews

A small portion of records in the series contains correspondence related to the internal review of Bank policy in the education and employment sectors (1983 - 1986), including copies of the operations annual review, Sector and Operations Vice Presidency (OSP) annual sector review, and Operations Evaluation Department (OED) annual reviews. Among the correspondence are draft reports and papers used for background and reference material.

NRIC policy reports and documents

Finally, there are four general policy files originally maintained in the NRIC that contain various reports and other records produced by Education Department (EDC) senior staff, consultants, and others (1978 - 1980). Included in the files are: OED Review of Bank Operations in the Education Sector (1978); Education Sector Policy Report No. 2680 (1979); Policy Review Committee Staff level review meeting on the Education Department, Central Projects Staff Education Sector Policy Paper (1979) and policy paper discussion drafts (1978 - 1979); Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Bank Cooperative Program "Training Equipment Lists in Food and Agriculture" publication with a forward by Habte (1978); and the publication entitled "Occupational structures of industries" by Manuel Zymelman (1980) containing country tables and industry tables.

Grant and trust fund management

Series contains records of the Human Development Network Education Team (HDNED) and previous units related to the management of funds to support global and regional development initiatives. Records document financial support for various education programs under the Bank's Special Grants Program (SPG) as well as the Development Grant Facility (DGF) approved in fiscal year 1998 which later absorbed the SPG. Most records in this series relate to DGF-supported programs. The programs represented in the records were implemented by the Bank's development partners including United Nations agencies, international organizations, bilateral agencies, foundations, and the private sector. DGF programs consisted of: country-level activities; capacity building; knowledge initiatives such as organization of conferences and training; and collective action across countries on education sector priorities.

Partnerships and programs represented in the files include, but are not limited to: World Education Forum for the Education for All (EFA) program; United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Institute for Statistics (UIS) program of education statistics to monitor country-level progress towards EFA goals; Global Development Network (GDN) to support education research; Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) and knowledge initiatives; Forum of African Women Educationalists (FAWE); and International Programme for the Improvement of Educational Outcomes (IPIEO).

Records were createdand maintained between 1995 and 2005 by various HDNED staff primarily including Shobhana Sosale, senior education specialist and program manager for trust funds, Task Manager and Economist Elizabeth (Beth) King, Adviser Marlaine Lockheed, and Sukai Prom-Jackson. The records reflect the activities of program managers throughout the grant and trust fund cycle, including preparation and review of grant proposals for the sector board, handling communication with partner grant recipients, preparation of the Letter of Approval (LOA) issued by the HDN vice president, arranging disbursement of funds, and the audit and evaluation of programs. Other records reflect participation in Bank and externally organized conferences and workshops on trust funds, and the trust fund learning and certification program.

Files contain detailed information on grant and trust fund-related programs, activities, achievements, and partnerships and contain the following formats: internal memoranda; all-in-1 notes and email hard copies; incoming and outgoing letters; handwritten notes; draft and final proposals; partnership approval and tracking system (PATS) output reports; guidelines; recipients' annual, financial and technical reports; recipient and internal progress reports; expenditure statements; budget reports; funding data tables; agenda and minutes of meetings; background papers, some prepared by the sector; fiscal year education DGF strategy and programs draft paper; letters of representations; lists of program trust funds; and printed material produced by partner organizations.

Internal correspondence is mostly between the responsible HDNED program manager or director, sector staff, and sector board, and HDN vice president. The correspondence covers various matters such as: reviews of proposals including recruitment of external peer reviewers for proposals; survey data for DGF applications; feedback and comments on proposals, including from the Education Sector Board; reporting on priorities for use of trust funds; the Bank's trust funds management reform; and announcements of trust fund agreements from the Trust Funds and Cofinancing Department (CTF). Other correspondence and associated records, such as the draft DGF sector strategy proposal, detail how funding was shaped by the Education Sector Strategy Paper issued in 1999.

Hard copy emails between program manager Sosale and the DGF unit and with HDNED directors concern the disbursement of educational grant program funds and contain general details on proposed individual programs and fiscal year priorities for funding. Attached to these emails are score cards of proposals from DGF manager, submission summary report, and strategy reports.

External correspondence includes the LOA sent by HDNVP to the president or head of the partner and recipient organization, and letters or hard copy emails from the director and program managers about proposal preparation, use and disbursement of funds, and other matters and queries such as categorization of funding.

The series also consists of records related to the Bank Netherlands Partnership Program (BNPP, 1997 - 2003) that contain funding proposals for the Dutch Trust Fund, email hard copies and memoranda outlining prioritized proposals by Marleen Dijkman (HDNHE) and from Education Sector Board Secretary Margaret Amaral to HDN Vice President David de Ferranti. Records document activities, timeline, and costs of regional and global activities in the education sector such as girls education and EFA.

There are also files related to rejected proposals and task managers' meetings (2000 - 2001).

Budget management

Series consists of records maintained by the front office of the Education Team of the Human Development Network (HDNED) related to fiscal year business planning and reviews in preparation for budget allocation and monitoring. Business plans were developed by the sector director and advisers and were subsequently endorsed by the Education Sector Board on which the director served as chair. Records were predominantly created between 1997 and 2001 by Directors Maris O'Rourke and Ruth Kagia and other senior staff including Bruno LaPorte, Jamil Salmi, and Sukai Prom-Jackson. The records provide contextual information about the organization of HDNED teams, the sector's thematic activities, strategic objectives, support to Bank regions, partnerships, spending, and lending.

Record types within the series include memoranda, hard copy emails, budget sheets, staffing lists, cost and expenditure tables, guidelines, hard copy presentation slides, HDN issues notes, and draft and final reports concerning the sector'sbusiness plans, mid-term review of work programs, and retrospective reviews. These records, particularly the reports that are in table form, detail the sector's various work programs, such as early childhood education, under which the program's various themes, activities, projects and outcomes, and regions of focus are outlined.

Correspondence is between HDNED director or other senior staff and the Human Development Network Vice Presidency (HDNVP), Human Development Network Operations (HDNOP), and Strategy, Finance, Risk and Resource Management (SFRRM) regarding the planning process and budget matters, and allocation of funds to the regions and HD anchor.

Series also includes a file from 2004 containing records related to global partnerships and programs, specifically preparation of the Development Grant Facility (DGF) work program, budget, and Global Program and Partnerships (GPP) portfolio review. Among the records are a hard copy presentation on DGF and proposed DGF budget FY05 to executive directors, hard copy emails attached to DGF summary information with budget requests and allocations, DGF work program task outlines, draft report, and DGF Council correspondence and reports on allocations for HDN. Correspondence is mainly between HDNED staff and DGF manager.

Education Sector Board records

Series consists of various records maintained by the Education Sector Board of the Human Development Network (HDN) that was launched in September 1996. The Education Sector Board was one of the first sector boards to operate ahead of the Bank-wide reorganization in July 1997 that created networks to link staff working in the same sectors throughout the Bank.

The sector board was chaired by the sector director of the Human Development Network Education Team (HDNED). Maris O'Rourke was the first to serve in this position (1996 - 2000), followed by Director Ruth Kagia (tenure 2001 - 2008). The board was comprised of staff drawn from the network as well as representatives from the regions, Development Economics Department (DEC), International Finance Corporation (IFC), and World Bank Institute (WBI) and was managed by a sector manager. Accountable to the HDN Council led by the Human Development Network Vice Presidency, the board was supported by a secretariat. Records in the series reflect the responsibilitiesof the board in setting the strategy for the Bank's work in the sector, endorsing business plans and budget, ensuring the regions and anchor perspectives were coordinated, overseeing the outreach and partnerships for the sector, and vetting grant and trust fund proposals for quality, consistency, and prioritization with sector objectives.

A large portion of the series consists of meeting records including minutes, agenda, and reports from 1996 to 2006. There are records for one 1996 meeting held in December and a gap in the meeting records exists between 2004 and 2005. Some of the minutes contain handwritten annotations. Occasionally minutes are filed with copies of correspondence to the Office of the President or HDN Council, conference invitations and agenda, course outlines, draft and final discussion papers, external reports or newsletters, and other items. The minutes reflect discussion and decisions taken on various initiatives and topics such as: special grant proposals; preparation of reports or sector strategy; data and trends presented by sector staff including decline in education lending; external conferences and other events held by partners; quality assurance; Human Development Week event activities; fiscal year business plan and budget; staff training and development; awards programs; Bank reorganization; and various internal administrative matters. The minutes also specify follow-up actions to be taken.

The series also consists of chronological files of the sector board (1995 - 2000, with agap between mid-1998 and 1999), sector manager chronological file (2001 - 2002), and several correspondence and external correspondence files in liaison with the Office of the President (EXC, 2002 - 2005), specifically Wolfensohn (1996 - 1998), executive directors (1996 - 1997), HD Council (1996 - 1997), and the network's predecessor, Human Development Department (HDD) front office (1996 - 1997). The EXC correspondence files contain the incoming correspondence and log sheet with instructions, the response prepared by HDNED director or staff on behalf of the director, and emails between staff regarding draft responses that were sometimes jointly drafted with the input of other Bank units.

Subject files maintained by the sector board (1995 - 1999) also comprise the series. Files contain internal memoranda, external correspondence, and other records that relate to strategy, budget, funding, personnel, knowledge management, communications for the 1997 Human Development Network launch, Evaluation Learning Group, partnerships with external organizations, Development Grant Facility (DGF), and specific sector topics such as distance education and technology. There are also files related to the HDN Council that contain minutes of the HD Council meetings attended by O'Rourke and correspondence outlining directives from the HDD VP for the action of the sector board and regarding the launch of the networks including staffing matters. Correspondence is primarily between O'Rourke and other education sector senior staff such as Jeffrey Waite and Nick Burnett and includes all-in-1 messages and email hard copies, internal memoranda, and facsimiles. The correspondence is occasionally filed with internal reports such as working group and portfolio performance review reports, strategy papers, Terms of Reference, handwritten notes, and various other records.

An additional set of records relate to sector strategy, quality, governance, and partnerships (2000 - 2003). Strategy files contain draft business plans, Terms of Reference,issues notes, sector board minutes, framework or working papers, concept note reports, guidelines, executive summaries, and other reports. Strategic areas include Education for All Fast Track Initiative (EFA-FTI), HIV/AIDS, user fees in primary education, adult basic education, early child development, science and technology, and other themes.

Quality review records maintained by the sector board relate to the Quality Enhancement Review (QER) process for Bank-financed education projects at entry, quality training, and portfolio monitoring. The QER was initiated by the sector board in fiscal year 1999 and organized by the Quality Promotion Team, HDNED, in close collaboration with the Quality Assurance Group (QAG) and the regions. The purpose of the QER was to provide professional advice for country and task teams to enhance the quality and impact of projects and economic sector work (ESW). The files titled "Quality" contain: QER guidelines and overview documents; list of QERs FY2001 to 2003; QER panel roster; Terms of Reference; reports; and email hard copies regarding requests for QER by task team leaders (TTLs) and provision of quality training courses in collaboration between HDNED and Human Development Network, Health, Nutrition and Population Team (HDNHE) and HDNVP. The records pertaining to portfolio monitoring include quarterly reports, FY2002 retrospective report, and email hard copies between HDNED staff Omporn Regel and HDN Operations Officer Hongu Yang from HDNHE Lead Specialist Christopher Walker. Also included are four QER files related to Water and Sanitation and two related to Environment Sector Board QER that were presumably kept as reference.

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