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Records of the Global Prospects Conferences Sponsored by the International Economic Analysis and Prospects Division (IECAP)

This series consists of records relating to the Global Prospects Conferences sponsored by the International Economic Analysis and Prospects Division (IECAP) of the International Economics Department (IEC). Included are verbatim transcripts of the proceedings of the first (April 25 - 26, 1989) and second (April 30 - May 1, 1990) conferences. Also included for the first conference are memoranda of a draft conference outline and a proposed budget. Among the files for the second conference are black-and-white photographic negatives of conference sessions, copies of some of the papers prepared for the conference, a copy of the preliminary conference announcement (December 27, 1989), and marked-up copies of transcripts edited by some of the speakers.

Project Files for the UNDP/World Bank Trade Expansion Programme (TEP) Maintained by the Chief, International Trade Division (IECIT)

This series contains the project files for Phase I, 1987-1991 (Project INT/86/033/A/01/42) and part of Phase II, 1991 - 1994 (Project INT/90/036/A/0142) of the joint UNDP/World Bank Trade Expansion Programme (TEP) to provide technical and policy advice to countries that intended to reform their trade regimes. These files were maintained successively by the Trade and Adjustment Policy Division (CPDTA) of the Country Policy Department, the Trade Policy Division (CECTP) of the Country Economics Department, the Trade Policy Division (PRDTP) of the Policy Research Department, and the International Trade Division (IECIT) of the International Economics Department. Jaime de Melo (CECTP) was the original project co-director with Thomas Cox (and later Timothy S. Rothermel) of the Division for Global and Interegional Projects, UNDP. Most of the files concern Phase I of the project and include copies of the formal signed Project Documents for Phase I and Phase II; CECTP staff (Jaime de Melo, Maria Lozos, Vinod Thomas, Oli Havrylshyn, and John Nash) correspondence with Cox, Regional Bank staff, project consultants, and officials in the countries involved in the project; Terms of Reference for project consultants; Back-to-Office reports from CECTP staff and consultants who completed missions in connection with the project; and a copy of the brochure for the project. Documents spanning both Phase I and Phase II include: copies of the 11 Occasional Papers about trade expansion issues written in conjunction with the project; copies of Country Reports chronicling the TEP experience in 16 countries; and summary Country Reports for Morocco, Poland, and Uruguay.

Evaluation Report for SMART (Software for Market Access and Restriction to Trade) Maintained by the Chief, International Trade Division (IECIT)

This series contains a draft and the final version of the report of the joint Bank/United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) project to evaluate: the development of the SMART [Software for Market Access and Restrictions to Trade] system, the dissemination activities for SMART, and the use that developing countries had made of SMART. These copies of the report were maintained by the Chief of the International Trade Division (IECIT) of the International Economics Department whose staff worked on the project. SMART was a software system to analyze trade, tariffs, and NTBs (nontariff barriers) in OECD [Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development] markets.

Ronald Duncan's Files on Commodities and Research While Serving with the International Commodity Markets Division (IECCM) and the International Trade Division (IECIT)

This series contains correspondence, reports, and other records that Ronald C. Duncan maintained primarily while he was director of the International Commodity Markets Division (IECCM) and later the International Trade Division (IECIT) in the International Economics Department. Duncan served as Division Chief in IECCM from 1 July 1987 until 1 May 1990 when he became Division Chief in IECIT. Prior to this he was Divisions Chief in the Economic Program Department's Commodity and Export Projects Division (EPDCS) between 1984 and 1987.

One file in this series, Support to the Regions, documents Duncan's units' support to the regions dating from 1984 when he was director of EPDCS to 1993 when he directed IECIT. Other files concern commodity price forecasting; commodity problems in Africa; the drafting of a paper, Bank Policy on the Financing of Commodities, which was discussed at the October 1989 meeting of the Operations Committee; Bank lending for plantation crops (tea, coffee, and cocoa); and possible researchwork on Eastern Europe. Several files contain correspondence and reports on research in units headed by Duncan. One concerns research funded by IECIT, rather than by the Research Support Budget (RSB). Another contains IEC proposals, 1993-1994, for RSB-funded research, and one updates the FY 1995 status of RSB-funded research projects in IECIT.

Fact Sheet, Press Release, and Other Materials Concerning the Publication of the 1996 World Debt Table Maintained by the Debt and International Finance Division (IECDF)

This series documents media coverage of the March 1996 release of the sixteenth edition of the World Debt Tables. Included are: copies of the Bank's press release and fact sheet; a transcript of remarks Michael Bruno, Chief Economist, Nawal Kamel, Chief of the Debt and International Finance Division (IECDF), and Masood Ahmed, Director of the International Economics Department, delivered at the National Press Club on March 11; copies of news clippings; and a list of questions and answers relating to the report.

Background Materials Compiled by the Public Sector Management and Private Sector Development Division (CECPS), Country Economics Department (CEC) for Privatization: The Lessons of Experience

These files contain the background materials compiled for use in a study carried out by Sunita Kikeri, John Nellis, Mary Shirley, and other staff from the Public Sector Management and Private Sector Development Division (CECPS) of the Country Economics Department. Their study, published by the World Bank in August 1992 as Privatization: The Lessons of Experience reviewed the experiences of both developing and industrialized countries with state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and the privatization of those enterprises. The background materials in this series cover issues relating to state-owned enterprises and Bank-supported efforts to privatize such enterprises; public enterprise sector reform projects; structural adjustment programs; enterprise development projects; economic management capacity building projects; divestiture design studies; export development projects; and technical assistance for economic reforms. Most of the materials are Bank Group documents: Staff Appraisal Reports, Memoranda of the President, Initiating Memoranda, and minutes of meetings of the Operations Committee regarding proposed loans and credits; published reports and studies; published EDI [Economic Development Institute] and PRE [Policy, Research and External Affairs Complex] working papers; Back-to-Office Reports from supervision, economic, or technical assistance preparation missions; Country Economic Memoranda (CEM); copies of Intra-Bank correspondence; and World Bank daily news summaries. Non-Bank materials include news articles;copies of book chapters; academic conference papers and lectures; reports published by governments of client countries; IMF newsletters; and annual reports of state-owned utility companies, airlines, and telecom enterprises.

Divisional Reading File of the Policy Research Department (PRD)

The series consists of documents sent electronically within PRD, to other parts of DEC, and to other Bank organizations. They include peer review comments and comments on other papers, sector reports, Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) documents, research design proposals, concept papers, and draft Final Executive Project Summaries (FEPS) sent to PRD divisions for review. These and other documents in the series reflect PRD divisions' involvement in research into aid effectiveness, poverty (including theold age security study and HIV/AIDS and STDs prevention and management), and the environment. Copies of Terms of Reference and Back-to-Office Reports for missions undertaken during this period and documents relating to establishment of a Research Advisory Group are part of the series. Also included are copies of reports from Bank Board meetings and DEC Senior Managers Meetings which were usually circulated to the divisions by the Department head or the Division Chiefs.

The documents dated August 1991 - January 1992 were created in the Policy and Review Department, which also had the acronym PRD and was abolished November 30, 1991. The few post-dated documents concern matters pertaining to the termination of that department. This reading file also includes copies of documents sent (4 January 1993 - 23 February 1993) by CECFP [Financial Policy and Systems], CECTM [Transition and Macro-Adjustment], and CECTP [Trade Policy] Division] staff short periods before and after 1 February 1993 when the Country Economics Department (CEC) was renamed the Policy Research Department (PRD). Three small subject files pertaining to a poverty handbook and budget matters are part of the series.

Reading File Maintained by Mary Shirley While Serving as Chief, Finance and Private Sector Development (PRDFD) and During Prior Bank Assignments

The correspondence in this series was maintained as a personal reading file by Mary Shirley during successive assignments at the World Bank from 1980 to 1995 serving as: Economist/Loan Officer, Country Programs Department I (LC1D), Office of the Regional Vice President for Latin America and the Caribbean, 1980 - 1982; Senior Economist, Projects Advisory Staff (PAS), Office of the Vice President, Operations Policy (OPSVP), 1983; Senior Economist and later Public Enterprises Adviser, Public Sector Management Unit (PPDPS), OPSVP, 1983 - 1987; Public Enterprises Adviser, Public Sector Management and Private Sector Development Division (CECPS), Country Economics Department, Office of the Vice President, Development Economics and Chief Economist (DECVP), 1987 - 1990; Chief, CECPS, 1990 - 1993; and Chief, Finance and Private Sector Development (PRDFP), Policy Research Department (PRD), 1993 - 1995.

Incoming correspondence is sometimes filed with copies of letters, memoranda, reports, papers, and informal communications prepared by Shirley. Shirley's earliest correspondence while assigned to LC1D was primarily with Division Chief Francisco Aguirre-Sacasa and government officials. The majority of the correspondence in the reading file centers on her work after leaving LC1D in 1982. The subjects of much of this later correspondence, exchanged primarily with Bank staff, relate to public enterprise issues, particularly in developing countries; private sector development; and privatization. Research and projects in all of these areas are covered in her correspondence.

Throughout the series are Back-to-Office Reports (BTOs) prepared by Shirley following numerous missions she led to various parts of Latin America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. She also represented the Bank at meetings of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) in Paris (1987, 1990) when issues relating to private sector development were discussed. BTOs for these meetings are part of the file. Correspondence concerning Shirley's participation in the Committee on Private Sector Development and other Bank initiatives, along with a small amount of correspondence concerning her work on the World Development Report at the end of her LC1D assignment in 1982, are in the series. Throughout the series are letters of invitation for speaking engagements from academic institutions and professional groups both within the United States and abroad and Shirley's responses.

Records Maintained by Mary Shirley While Serving with the Secretariat for the Private Sector Development Review Group, the Private Sector Development Committee, and the Private Sector Development Working Group

This series contains records maintained by Mary Shirley who was assigned to the secretariat for the Private Sector Development Review Group, the Private Sector Development Committee, and the Private Sector Development Working Group. She also served as head of the Private Sector Development Unit in the Public Sector Management and Private Sector Development Division (CECPS) of the Country Economics Department (CEC) and later as chief of the Finance and Private Sector Development Division (PRDFP) of the Policy Research Department. As part of her various secretariat duties, Shirley also had the lead in preparing an annual progress report on the Bank's efforts to promote private sector development (PSD).

The PSD Review Group was created in February 1988 to assess the Bank's work on PSD and to recommend specific ways to strengthen and expand it. The Review Group's report was presented to the Executive Directors in August 1988, and, in response, management set up a Task Force led by CECPS to prepare a World BankGroup Private Sector Development Action Program. The Action Program was adopted in January 1989, and management then set up the PSD Committee in March 1989 to implement the Action Program and to report annually on PSD progress. In November 1990, President Conable established the Working Group on PSD, chaired by D. Joseph Wood, to propose how to best orchestrate the support provided by the IFC, MIGA, and the Bank to promote private sector development.

Specific records in this series include various drafts of the PSD Review Group's report and of the Task Force's PSD Action Plan; Terms of Reference for and minutes and agenda of meetings of the PSD Committee and the Working Group on PSD; multiple drafts of annual PSD progress reports and of the Working Group's reports on PSD prepared for the Development Committee; a February 1992 draft of the Third Report on Adjustment Lending; and 1992 - 1993 reports from the Regions on the status of their private sector assessments. The series also includes copies of background reports and papers, 1979 - 1987, on the Bank's private sector development efforts and on institutional development work in the Bank and Shirley's summaries of a workshop on PSD held June 27 - 29, 1989 and of a conference, Institutional Development and the World Bank, held December 14 - 15, 1989 at the World Bank.

Research Materials Relating to Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) in India, Mexico, Chile, Ghana, Turkey, and the Philippines Compiled by the Finance and Private Sector Development Division

The research materials in this series were compiled by the staff of the Finance and Private Sector Development Division (PRDFP) of the Policy Research Department (PRD) and concern public sector enterprises (PSEs) in India, Mexico, Chile, Ghana, Turkey and the Philippines and government efforts to reform and/or privatize those enterprises. The materials have been heavily tabbed and annotated by the PRDFP staff, but this series does not contain any drafts of the resulting PRD studies. Included are annual PSE audit reports; copies of performance contracts (also called Memoranda of Understanding) between a government and a PSE; government-issued data, surveys, and reports regarding PSEs; copies of World Bank documents (staff appraisal reports, completion reports) relating to loans or credits affecting PSEs; World Bank studies of PSEs and privatization efforts; academic articles; news clippings; book chapters; transcripts of lectures; and IMF documents and reports.

Development Research Group's Reading File Relating to the World Trade Organization (WTO) Second Ministerial Conference and the 50th Anniversary of the Multilateral Trading System

This appears to be the reading file maintained in DECRG for the delegation representing the Bank at the Second WTO Ministerial Conference and the 50th Anniversary celebration of WTO in Geneva, 18 May 1998 - 20 May 1998. Members of the delegation were: Masood Ahmed, Vice President and Head of Network, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management (PRM), head of delegation; L. Alan Winters, Research Manager, Trade, DECRG; and John Croome, consultant, Permanent Observer to the WTO at Geneva.

Copies of schedules and programs of events; Croome's e-mails regarding arrangements for the conference and celebration; a number of background documents and reports including President Wolfensohn's 27 April 1998 memorandum and report on the WTO initiated Integrated Program for Least-Developed Countries Trade Development which was endorsed by the Executive Board; e-mails and other correspondence and papers exchanged between Ahmed and Winters regarding preparations for the Conference and the Wolfensohn report; and Ahmed's statement to the Second Ministerial Conference are part of the series. The reading file also includes: a copy of a summary of the one-day conference held on 21 May 1998 at Geneva on What About Regionalism hosted by Ahmed and the Graduate Institute for International Studies; a Back-to-Office Report for the Ministerial Conference and the 50th Anniversary celebration prepared by Gloria Bartoli, Senior Economist, Africa Region; copies of e-mails and other correspondence concerning the opening of a World Bank Frankfurt Office in June 1998 and the issue of reopening the Geneva office; and post-Conference/50th Anniversary correspondence relating to WTO.

Working File for the Trade Policy Development Project Maintained in the Development Research Group

In November 1999, the World Bank established a new program of international standards, technical regulations, and trade policy with the support of the United Kingdom's Department of International Development's (DFID) Trust Fund. The DFID umbrella Trust Fund project had eight sub-components or projects: WTO 2000 and WBI Core Course developed by the World Bank Institute; WTO Agriculture; Services Trade; Trade Support; International Standards Support; Trade Policy Data System; and Impact Modeling. This file appears to have been initially maintained by Anthony Venables (Manager for Trade, Development Research Group [DECRG]) who was designated Task Manager to administer this three-year Trust Fund project.

Found in the series are copies of electronic messages (e-mails) exchanged in 1998 between L. Alan Winters, then Trade Manager, DECRG with David Batt, Head of DFID about a DFID-World Bank collaboration on trade policy in advance of the next round of World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations in order to increase understanding of the policy implications and economic impact of standards and regulations on world trade development. A copy of Winter's 21 December 1998 letter to Botts expressing the Bank's interest in a Trade Policy Development Project is in the file. Also in the file are copies of e-mails and notes concerning the preparation process for a Bank Initiating brief for a Trust Fund for the Trade Policy Development Project and a copy of the Initiating brief executed on 29 March 1999 that describes the objectives of the Trust Fund.

In the series are descriptions of each sub-component project approved by DFID for financing, program updates/progress reports, and other project related correspondence including Venable's correspondence with personnel designated as Bank contact points for the sub-projects and with DFID and a copy of a later 2001 facsimile message requesting payment from DFID for expenditures for the period 1 October 2000 to 30 September 2001.

Reading File of the Research Advisory Staff (RAD)

The series consists of documents sent electronically within RAD, to other parts of DEC, and to other Bank organizations by the Research Administrator and other RAD staff concerning the Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics (ABCDE), The World Bank Economic Review, the annual report of the World Bank Research Program, the World Bank Visiting Research Fellows Program (VRFP), research and conference funding, the Working Papers series, and research and conference proposals.

Records of Evaluation of The World Bank Economic Review and The World Bank Research Observer Maintained by the Research Advisory Staff (RAD)

The series includes: Terms of Reference for the 1995 evaluation of The World Bank Economic Review (WBER) and The World Bank Research Observer (WBRO), both of which were first published in 1986; six individual evaluations of WBER and WBRO that were submitted during July and August 1995 to Moshe Syrquin, Editor, The World Bank Journals; and a March 1997 report on WBER and WBRO submitted by Syrquin to Joseph E. Stiglitz, Senior Vice President and Chief Economist, DEC. Syrquin's report included findings of evaluations of the two journals conducted in 1991 and in 1995.

Research Project Files Maintained in the Office of the Vice President, Development Policy (VPD) and the Office of the Vice President, Economics and Research (VPERS)

Most of the research projects for which there are files in this series were started in the 1970s to early and mid-1980s The remainder of the series consists of files for other research projects started in the later 1980s, as well as a smaller number of files for projects started after that time that were maintained by the Research Administrator. The series is arranged in four parts. The first three parts cover overlapping time periods from 1969 to 1995. The fourth part of the series is a research project file for the City Project or City Study (1975 - 1985).

The majority of the projects in this series fall into the categories of development policy and planning, international finance and trade, agriculture and rural development, industry, transportation, water, telecommunications, energy, urbanization and regional development, and population and human resources. Some of the projects were conducted in collaboration with bilateral aid agencies, outside research institutions, and government agencies.

The earlier projects were funded wholly or in part from the External Research budget (ERB) and the later projects by the Research Support Budget (RSB). The Development Economics Department (ECD), Development Research Center (DRC) and the Economic Analysis and Projection Department (EPD) were responsible organizations for most of the earlier projects with Sector and Regional organizations bearing responsibility for the remainder. Research project proposals for the later period were forwarded by the Development Research Department (later the Country Economics Department) or another department, a Sector, or Regional unit, or, in the case of jointly sponsored projects, by a department or Sector and a Regional unit.

A typical research file contains: the formal research proposal submitted on a standardized form and sometimes accompanied by a narrative description of the proposed research and methodology; a memorandum establishing the membership of the review panel; comments on the proposal from Regional or sector units; the report of the review panel; replies from the reviewers or from the review panel; minutes of the Research Committee meeting at which the project proposal was reviewed;a memorandum containing the Research Committee's decision for funding and the identification code (RPO number) assigned to the project; quarterly status reports submitted on forms or narrative progress reports; and an abstract of the project that was published in the World Bank Group Research Program that was first issued in August 1972.The abstract described specific objectives of the study and the research method, the organization of the project, the date when final output was expected, and the Bank staff involved in the project. Also part of the project file were Terms of Reference and Back-to-Office reports for missions connected with the project; correspondence between the project supervisors and the Research Administrator that may include requests for additional funding (which were sometimes accompanied by an additional project proposal) or for an extension of the completion date; budget tracking reports; a project completion report on a standard form; and project evaluation reports from internal and external reviewers that accompanied the final project evaluation, or a project evaluation report from an internal panel. Files for some of the earlier projects also include correspondence with evaluators of the project, comments from the evaluators, and the project manager's response to the evaluations. Occasionally, completion reports and evaluation reports for more than one project were combined and some files are without completion reports. Internal and external evaluation reports as well as REPAC evaluation panel reports are in some files. After 31 July, 1984, only projects receiving over $100,000 in RSB funds were required to be evaluated.

Some project files for the mid to late 1980s contain proposals in the form of memoranda or papers for funding from RSB small grants (usually under $20,000) for development of formal project proposals; preparation of papers for colloquia; organization of workshops, seminars or expert meetings to assist in the formulation of a formal research proposal; or for dissemination of papers or other output from previously conducted research projects. The proposals for funding from the small grants program were usually reviewed and approved by the Research Adviser (later Research Administrator). The other research files for this period for projects requiring larger amounts of funding from the RSB vary in content. All of these files contain a completed Request for Research Support Budget (RSB) funding which is often accompanied by a memorandum describing in some detail the proposed research and/or methodology. Sometimes revisions were made to the original proposal and additional request forms were completed. All of the files contain an identification or RPO number.

Among the more widely known of the early files in this series is a project file for what was in 1987 the longest running (18 years) research project in the Bank's history-Road Construction, Maintenance and Vehicle Operating Cost (also known as the Highway Design Study') (670-27). The International Comparison Project (670-68) was begun by the United Nations in 1968, was later funded as an external research project by the Bank, and was closed in December 1984. The Strategic Planning to Accommodate Rapid Growth in LDC Cities (The City Project or City Study) (671-47) project file covers the 10-year period from 1975 to 1985. In addition to the project completion report and evaluation, the file includes a November 1982 narrative report entitled The City Study: A Summary of Results and Policy Implications prepared by Gregory Ingram, Alvaro Pachon, and Jose Fernando Pineda. Another project file for the same project (RPO 671-47) contains manuscripts of some of the project papers and intermediate papers produced. According to the Project Completion Report filed by project manager Gregory Ingram, the intermediate papers were a means of compiling intermediate, mainly descriptive, results and usually resulted from the city study workshops. The project papers were usually more analytical and intended as finished results. These were intended for wide distribution and have mostly been published as World Bank Staff Working Papers or papers elsewhere in journals and books. Paper abstracts are in this series along with the manuscript of the monograph Understanding the Developing Metropolis: Lessons from the City Study of Bogota and Cali, Colombia by Rakesh Mohan, which was published in 1994 and summarized the main findings of the City Study.

Also found with the earlier files in this series is correspondence of Ernest Stern, Senior Adviser, Development Policy with the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the International Development Research Center (IDRC), the U.S. Agency for International Development (AID), and other government offices following the social science research on development conference in Bellagio, Italy, 13-15 February 1974 (RPO 670-92). The correspondence primarily concerns the continuation of international collaboration for development research and planning by holding meetings (referred to as Bellagio Plus meetings) during 1974 and 1975 in the areas of employment, income distribution, rural development, population, and education. Correspondence concerning planning and outcomes of these meetings is in the files along with correspondence of Benjamin King, Research Administrator, and Orville Grimes, Secretary to the Research Committee, with IDRC concerning Bank participation in the Social Science Research (SSR) information system and with Bank officials concerning the issue of Bank participation in DEVSIS, an international information system in the field of economics and social development sponsored by IDRC, ILO, OECD, UNDP, and UNESCO.

The earlier files also include documents brought together for the World Bank's Comparative Study of Poverty (673-73), an overall study and evaluation of poverty, equity and growth in 21 developing countries during the period 1950-1985. Included are unpublished papers concerning Ghana's agricultural commodity prices, political economy, and production costs for food crops; studies of poverty, equity, and growth issues; various development plans and reports, including World Bank reports; study outlines; notes and correspondence concerning project work; and newspaper articles pertaining to Ghana. With these documents is a heavily annotated typewritten timeline of economic and political events in Ghana from 1874 to 1983 that was used in the study, a sample questionnaire, computer printouts, and related correspondence. Research papers on the Political Economy of Poverty, Equity and Growth in Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Malawi, Hong Kong, Thailand, Sri Lanka, and Malaysia developed for the study and several comparative research papers; printouts of computer data; and a draft introduction prepared for a multi-volume publication of the research papers developed for the study are part of the files.

For the later period the series includes project files for several multi-country Comparative Studies. The Timing and Sequencing of A Trade Liberalization Policy was the first of these studies that was initiated under a Research Policy Council program in 1985. An evaluation of the Comparative Studies was summarized in the FY 93 Report on the World Bank Research Program. A small number of project files for the later period were created for administrative purposes and assigned RPO numbers.

Files are included in the series for projects that extended beyond their authorized duration and never went beyond initial planning stages and projects that were cancelled because no contract was signed or funds expended to carry out the project. The titles of some projects were changed after approval of the research proposal and a few projects were shut down and never completed because of lack of department or division sponsorship or because no work was undertaken after the project proposal was approved.

Project Managers' Research Project Files

This series contains files for the earliest projects approved under the World Bank's research program. These particular files are primarily those that were maintained by the managers responsible for directing the projects. Most were directed by staff from departments under the Development Policy Staff (the Development Research Center, the Development Economics Department, the Economic Analysis and Projections Department) and under the Economics and Research Staff (the Economics and Analysis and Projection Department and the Development Research Department), but others were conducted by staff from the sectors or the Regions. The files are in two sections: those that were completed and for which completion reports and evaluations had been filed and those for which the final reports and evaluations had not been filed.

A project file typically contains draft research proposals with comments on the drafts, the formal research proposal submitted on a standardized form, memoranda establishing a review panel to vet the proposal and to convey the decision of the review panel, minutes of the Research Committee meeting at which the proposal was discussed, the Research Committee's decision on the proposal, correspondence with consultants who worked on the project, Back-to-Office reports from missions connected with the project, requests for computer support, requests for additional funding and/or an extension of the research schedule and the Research Committee's decisions regarding those requests, intra-office correspondence of the unit directing the project, a summary of the project results for inclusion in Research News, and possibly a project completion report on a standard form. For most projects, there is a separate folder containing quarterly status reports and possibly also the project completion report. The files in the completed projects section of the series also include evaluation reports. Most of the files for projects under the 672 and 673 series contain only completion reports.

Project files Numbered 671-93 to 671-98 were used for documentation relating to the General Research Advisory Panel (GRAP) and five of the Special Research Advisory Panels. For the official GRAP files, see (add link to series 4031).

Research Project Files Maintained by the Research Administrator

The records in this series are the official project files maintained by the office of the Research Administrator and predecessor units for research projects funded wholly or in part from the Research Support Budget (RSB). Research proposals were received from the Regions, Sectors, and from DEC or earlier Economics and Research Staff (ERS) units. Research proposals dealt with development policy and planning, finance and trade, capital markets, rural development, industry, infrastructure, poverty and socialwelfare, labor markets, education, environmentally sustainable development including environmental economics, energy, agriculture and natural resources, private sector development, regional development, and population.

The series is arranged in five parts, the first four of which cover overlapping time periods from 1981 to 2000. The fifth segment consists of a single research project file for the 1995-1997 period maintained by a project manager. The bulk of the files in this series include: a project proposal; memoranda to project proposal reviewers for projects that exceeded the cost ceiling for approval by the Research Administrator, reviewers' evaluations of the project proposal; the project manager's response to the reviewers' evaluations; Research Advisory Staff (RAD) memoranda to members of the REPAC [Research Projects Approval Committee] or the Research Committee (RC) subcommittee selected to review the proposal; comments from subcommittee members; the project manager's response to the subcommittee's comments; minutes of the REPAC or RC meeting at which the proposal was discussed; intra-RAD memoranda discussing the project; RAD's memorandum to the project manager conveying approval and funding of the project; Back-to-Office Reports (BTOs) from missions connected to the project; correspondence between the project supervisor and the Research Administrator that may include requests for an extension of the project completion date or for additional funds; budget tracking reports; a project completion report on a standardized form; and copies of the publications and papers that constituted the output from the project. Not all of the files contain completion reports. Some files include status reports and comments on the proposal from Regional organizations.

Among the earlier files in the series are four files for research projects associated with the Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) (RPO file nos. 673-22, 673-38, 674-17, and 674-19). Some of the files in the series that predate 1990 relate not tospecific research projects but to administrative matters relating to research: authorizations for the transfer of funds from the RSB (RPO 671-99); costs for the World Bank Economic Review (RPO 673-570), the Research Observer (RPO 673-61), and the World Bank Research News (RPO 673-71); RAD costs for the First Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics (RPO 674-82); and routine authorizations for the transfer of funds from the RSB for consultants, project proposal reviewers, etc. (RPO 671-99). The Research Policy Council (RPC) approved funding for the three previously mentioned publications.

Beginning in 1991; the records within each project file were divided into five categories, each with a separate tab: proposal; reviews; correspondence; budget; and completion. Filed under the proposal tab is the formal project proposal sent to RAD and correspondence between the RAD staff and the project manager. Under the review tab are RAD's correspondences with referees who agreed to comment on the proposal, the referees' comments, and the project manager's responses to RAD regarding issued raised by the referees. The items under the 'correspondence tab include a wide range of records: intra-RAD memoranda regarding a project proposal; reports from the Research Committee subcommittee that reviewed the project proposal; notices that the project manager and/or the managing unit had changed; replies from the manager to specific questions from RAD staff; requests for deadline extensions; BTOs from missions connected to the project; copies of book reviews of publications resulting from a research project; and handwritten notes of RAD staff. Correspondence under the budget tab generally includes a copy of the RAD memorandum to the project manager indicating the proposal had been approved and explaining how the budget should be managed. In addition, there may be requests from the project manager for additional funds or for an extension of the completion date, and a copy of RAD's instructions as to how to handleproject funds remaining at the end of the fiscal year. Not all of the files for 1991 and later contain a project completion report under the completion tab. Some files contain copies of publications resulting from the research output or a RAD memorandum requesting an overdue project completion report under this tab. A small number of the project files created after 1991 are for funding conferences and workshops, expenses connected with the Bank's Visiting Research Fellows program, and the production of avideo of the slide presentation used as the keynote to a conference. The file for Symposium/Workshop on Accelerating Native Forest Regeneration on Degraded Tropical Lands (RPO 677-67) contains only the materials distributed to workshop attendees and a note indicating that no file for the project could be found.

Project Manager John Nash's file (fifth part of series) for the research project Regulating Technology Transfer: Impact on Technical Change, Productivity and Incomes covers the years 1995-1997 andincludes a request for RSB funding for the project; a response to the review of the research project; expense/budget reports for the project; Terms of Reference for missions connected to the project; a copy of a consultants BTO report for December 1995 visits to Malawi, Zimbabwe, Kenya, and Ghana in connection with project; and Nash's correspondence with consultants associated with the project. The official file for this research project is also in this series.

Project evaluation reports are not in the files in this series, but, in most cases, the project completion report, when present in the file, has been annotated to indicate that the evaluation was completed.

Research Proposals that were Withdrawn or Rejected

The files for the 1985 - 1988 period for research proposals that were rejected or were withdrawn by the staff members who submitted the original proposals appear to have been maintained by the Secretary to the Research Projects Approval Committee (REPAC). Research funding was limited to departments which normally did not have in-house research capacity such as the Regional departments. For the 1989 - 1997 period, files for research project proposals that were rejected by either Research Advisory Staff (RAD) or the Research Committee (RC) or were withdrawn by the staff member who submitted the original proposal were maintained by RAD.

Among the documents that can be found in rejected files for the 1985 - 1988 period are: the research project proposal submitted to the Research Administrator (RA), comments made on the proposal by RA or by internal or external referees who agreed to comment on the proposal, responses to referees' comments, the report of the REPAC subcommittee to all REPAC members on the proposal; and minutes of the REPAC meeting or correspondence indicating action taken on the project proposal. Appeals of rejections by REPAC are in some files along with REPAC's responses.

A number of files for the 1989 - 1997 period contain requests for information regarding the procedures for requesting funding for a research proposal or for advice as to whether a specific proposal fit within the guidelines of the RC for projects funded from the Research Support Budget. The more complete files for rejected projects for the 1989 -1997 period include: a formal project proposal; correspondence between the RAD staff and the project manager; RAD's correspondence with referees; the referees' comments and the project manager's responses to RAD regarding issues raised by the referees; intra-RAD memoranda regarding the project proposal; a report from the Research Committee subcommittee that reviewed the project proposal; replies from the manager to specific questions from RAD staff; handwritten notes from RAD staff; and the official memorandum from RAD stating that the project had not been approved. There are a few files for pending proposals for which no final action was taken or for which no formal proposal was submitted.

Chronological File of EAS Director

Series consists of chronological files maintained by EAS Director Vinod Dubey from between January 1989 and November 1990. After Dubey's appointment as director of EAS in June 1987, he continued many of the duties he had in the Country Policy Department (CPD): coordinating the Bank's interaction with the Paris Club, the Berne Union, the OECD Export Credit Group, and the International Monetary Fund; reviewing country strategy papers and Structural Adjustment Policy Framework Papers (PFPs); providing the SVP Operations with analysis on operational issues and policy initiatives; serving as the Secretariat to the Operations Committee; and providing advice and support to the Regional staff on major policy questions, especially regarding country strategies, adjustment operations, and country economic and sector work. Much of the records in this series relate to the duties listed above and take the form of agendas, schedules, and requests for comments or review for discussion. In the case of the latter, the reports and policy papers are rarely attached.

Policy Research Department Poverty and Human Resources Division (PDRPH) Research

This series contains a variety of research materials accumulated in support of research projects undertaken by various staff in the Policy Research Department (PRD) and its predecessors, the Poverty Analysis and Policy Division (PHRPA) and later the Welfare and Human Resources Development Division (PHRWH) of the Population and Human Resources Department.

This series contains background materials, and administrative and research records from 1972 to 1991 (predominant 1985-1991) relating to the Living Standards Measurement Survey (LSMS) update for Peru in 1990. Records were compiled by Gillette Hall who was, along with Peruvian economist Richard Webb, responsible for the update. The original LSMS for Peru was conducted in 1985-1986 jointly by the Peruvian government and the World Bank (specifically the Education Department and the Development Research Department). These records consist of World Bank and Peruvian government studies, reports, and articles containing background materials on social and economicconditions in Peru, 1972 - 1985, that were gathered as part of the first survey. There is also a small amount of administrative material (back-to-office reports, notes regarding data entry, sample questionnaires, a summary of initial results from the survey, a list of studies based on the 1985 - 1986 data, and notes on fieldwork) relating to the first survey. Hall's records of the 1990 survey and of later research regarding Peru include: applications for funding; notes regarding the project's budget and sampling methods; background articles and reports on Peru published after the 1985 - 1986 survey; back-to-office reports for the Peru Social Sector Review, January 14 - 25, 1991 and for a mission to prepare for the update of the LSMS, June 17 - 18, 1991; correspondence concerning a fiscal year 1992 regional study to include programs in Peru; a copy of Hall's Cambridge University Master's thesis; notes prepared for a presentation on the 1990 survey; articles by Hall regarding conditions in Peru; and various drafts of an article on poverty in Peru by Hall and by Paul Glewwe of the PHRPA and later the PHRWH of the Population and Human Resources Department.

The series also contains records compiled by Elizabeth M. King relating to nine Bank published research papers pertaining to Peru that were authored, co-authored, or reviewed by King while working as an Economist first in the Education and Employment Division of the Population and Human Resources Department (PHREE) and later in PRDPH. The nine papers appear to have been based primarily on findings from the Living Standards Measurement Survey (LSMS) conducted in Peru. Six of the nine papers were published in the LSMS Working Papers series. Two papers were published in the Bank's Policy, Planning and Research Working Papers series and one paper was published as a Policy, Planning and Research Working Paper. In addition to drafts of the papers, which relate primarily to education and wages in Peru, the series includes: reference copies of other papers relating to Peru; computer generated tables relating to wages, GDP, and education in Peru; copies of a few papers presented by King at professional meetings; 5 1/4 inch floppy discs primarily containing different versions of reports as well as a small amount of research; and presentation materials. There is also some correspondence concerning a proposed book based on findings of the Peru LSMS.

Finally, records relating to World Bank staff research as part of the Youth Training and Employment Partnership Programme (YTEPP) in Trinidad and Tobago are included in this series. Most of the records were created in the PHRWH, although activities related to the YTEPP were moved to PRDPH in 1993. Records include correspondence, back-to-office reports, Terms of Reference, memoranda, YTEPP publications, questionnaires and codebooks. Also contained are 3 1/2 inch floppy discs that appear to contain research data in various forms.

Records Relating to Adjustment Programs

This series, which was compiled by Vinod Dubey, Director of the Country Policy Department (CPD), contains records relating to adjustment programs in a number of different countries. CPD was responsible for, among other functions, providing advice and support to the regions on structural adjustment lending. This function was transferred to EAS when CPD was terminated in 1987.

The records relate to adjustment programs in Argentina, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Ecuador, Ivory Coast, Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, Peru, Philippines, Uruguay, Venezuela, and Yugoslavia. The documents for a country vary but included are: Medium-Term Growth Strategy Papers, Country Studies, Baker Initiative Papers, Selected Analytical Variables for Economists and Managers (SAVEM) Tables, and printouts of the major economic indicators for a country. Dubey forwarded many of the country papers and studies to the Operations Policy Subcommittee (OPSC) for discussion, and some minutes of OPSC meetings are included in the files.

Correspondence of Masood Ahmed, Director, International Economics Department (IEC) Concerning Joint World Bank-IMF Development Committees, Annual Meetings , and Seminars

This series consists of five parts and includes records related to the Joint World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) committees, meetings, and seminars in which Masood Ahmed participated during his time as Director of the International Economics Department (IEC). IEC played a key role in joint Bank-IMF initiatives by providing statistical data and publications on macroeconomic projections, multilateral-debt, and trade forecasting. Much of this was done in collaboration with the IMF's Statistical Department, where IEC and the IMF shared and reviewed data and publications such as the IEC Global Economic Prospects (GEP), World Debt Tables (WDT), and the IMF Statistical Department's World Economic Outlook (WEO). The data provided by IEC and IMF Statistical Department helped to set the agenda for Joint IMF-Bank meetings, and informed subsequent policy development. In addition, IEC senior officials directly participated and advised Bank-IMF efforts, and helped develop the joint Bank-IMF board papers eventually produced by the Development Committee.

The first part of this series includes records from Ahmed's involvement with the joint Bank-IMF Development Committee from January 1994 to December 1997. The records consist of agenda and minutes of meetings, memoranda, and correspondence; copies of statements given by participants in committees; and published reports and joint Bank-IMF papers. Some of the correspondence is internal Bank communications to the Office of the President (EXC), DEC staff, and IEC staff reporting on Committee meetings, or discussing issues or actions related to the meetings. The records primarily focus on the topic of Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) and the joint Bank-IMF HIPC Initiative of 1996. Ahmed played a key role in policy advisement for the HIPC Initiative and its subsequent implementation and policy revisions.

The second part of the series consists of files from the joint Bank-IMF Annual Meetings Ahmed attended from 1994 to 1997, including meetings held in: Madrid, 1994; Washington, DC, 1995 and 1996; and Hong Kong, 1997. The records include: briefing books outlining events, topics, and background information; briefs for ad hoc meetings or smaller committee meetings; delegation lists and biographies of participating agencies and individuals; handwritten notes; speech transcripts by Masood Ahmed and others; and correspondence and memoranda related to involvement by IEC units for the Annual Meetings, and related to subsequent reporting in the Annual Meetings to Officeof the President (EXC), the DEC Vice President, IEC officials, or other internal Bank staff.

The third segment of this series is records from the IMF Interim Committee meetings Ahmed attended from 1994 to 1997. The Interim Committee meetings were IMF member only meetings, but the Bank President and other senior officials were invited as observers for each meeting. The Office of the President (EXC) usually had the DEC Vice President or Ahmed attend these meetings in the President's absence. The records consist of agenda and meeting minutes and correspondence sent from the IMF and correspondence and memoranda sent internally between EXC, DEC, and IEC regarding arrangements or attendance at the meeting, and reporting of the meeting.

The fourth part of the series includes records from joint Bank-IMF organized seminars and workshops in which Ahmed participated. These records consist of Severely Indebted Low Income Countries (SILIC) seminars and workshops Ahmed attended from 1994 to 1995 where he helped develop a joint IMF-Bank SILIC paper. Memoranda, correspondence, and drafts document Ahmed's collaboration with the IMF to develop SILIC policy, and also his reporting of his work to the Office of the President (EXC), the DEC Vice President, and other internal Bank staff. Similar records contain transcripts for the Workshop on the Analytical Aspects of the Debt Problems of Heavily-Indebted Countries, 7 February 1996. Agenda, memoranda, correspondence, and copies of presentation speeches are also included for the IMF/Bank Seminar on External Financing for Low Income Countries, 9-12 December 1996.

The last part of the series consists of correspondence, memoranda, and photo static copies of statistical reports and publications sent from the IMF to Ahmed from January 1995 to December 1997. The records document the collaboration between IEC and the IMF Statistical Department.

Subject Files of Masood Ahmed, Director, International Economics Department (IEC) Concerning the Office of the President and the Board of Executive Directors

This series consists of six parts and contains records related to Masood Ahmed's collaboration, communications, reporting, and presentations to the Office of the President (EXC) and the Board of Executive Directors. The first part of the series includes chronological files related to the EXC kept by Ahmed from January 1994 to December 1996. Records consists of incoming and outgoing correspondence between Ahmed, IEC staff, DEC Vice President, and EXC; presentation slides, speech drafts, and reports intendedfor EXC; memoranda, meeting minutes, and monthly EXC reports; and scattered Executive Board reports.

The second part of the series contains files titled "Board General" from April 1994 to December 1997, and these consist of agendas and meetings minutes, memoranda, and correspondence as well as Executive Board reports and biographies of Executive Directors. IEC reported regularly to the Board and this series contains memoranda and correspondence related to this activity. In addition to those found in the "Board General" records, Executive Director biography files were kept by Ahmed that dated January 1994 to December 1997.

The third part of the series consists of records from the Induction Program for Executive Directors and Alternates, 20-21 November 1996, in which DEC officials gave a presentation to incoming Executive Directors on the roles, functions, and activities of DEC and its departmental units. The records include correspondence and memoranda between the DEC Vice President, IEC senior officials,and other Bank units discussing preparations and planning for the presentation. Copies of the presentation slides are also included.

The fourth part of the series concerns records related to the World Development Report (WDR), 1997. IEC was responsible for providing and drafting much of the analytical and statistical data in this report. Ahmed's WDR records include memoranda, and correspondence with attached draft WDRs that discuss revisions, edits, updates, and other issues related to the report. The correspondence and memoranda are between EXC, the DEC Vice President, IEC senior officials, and the Staff Director of the WDR. Other memoranda and correspondence discuss the presentation of the WDR to the EXC and the Board, and subsequent Executive Directors discussion of the report.

The fifth part of the series consists of readings compiled by Ahmed for World Bank President James Wolfensohn from January 1995 to December 1995. These include various articles, reports, and other publications. Most of the readings are publications external to the Bank, and discuss international finance, debt, and trade.

The sixth part of the series includes records related to Wolfensohn's Change Management Group, a Bank-wide initiative that organized 30 focus groups from selected individuals in offices and units across the Bank to assess management issues and draft strategies for potential re-organization of management in the Bank. The records are dated August 1995 to May 1996. The records consist of agenda and meeting minutes from meetings and retreats; correspondence with various individuals in different Bank units who participated in the multi-unit focus groups; and published articles related to business and management change.

Subject Files of Masood Ahmed, Director, International Economics Department (IEC) Concerning the Development of the Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network (PREM)

In early 1996, Masood Ahmed began a transition from the position of the Director of International Economics Department (IEC) to Vice President of the Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network (PREM). The IEC was terminated within the DEC Vice-Presidency in July 1997, and PREM was launched in July 1997. The DEC VP oversaw much of Ahmed's transition into PREM, primarily because a large portion of IEC, its subordinate department, was absorbed by the new network, and DEC was re-organized as a result. This series consists of records from this transition period, and Ahmed's involvement in planning and implementing PREM.

The series consists of chronological files, including communications between Ahmed and the DEC Vice-President Joseph Stiglitz. The records primarily relate to: the re-organization of DEC with the closure of IEC; PREM's possible collaboration with or inclusion in DEC; updates on the planning of PREM; and what functions and actions will be mapped into potential sector departments in PREM. These records date from December 1996 to June 1997. Additional chronological files consist of correspondence and memoranda related to various discussions, topics, and meetings concerning PREM's launch, and administrative structure. Ahmed's handwritten notes are also interfiled among the chronological files. These records date from November 1996 to December 1997.

The second part of the series contains records related to PREM planning meetings and retreats. These records concern the Operations Vice Presidents (OVPs) -meetings and retreats attended by Network Heads from other newly launched networks. The OVP meetings records contain: agenda and meeting minutes; correspondence; memoranda; budgeting reports; business plan reports for each network; and network update reports for various meetings and retreats from December 1996 to August 1997. Separate subject files for the other two networks involved in the OVP meetings (Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Network [ESSD] and the Human DevelopmentNetwork [HDN]) are also included. Other planning materials relate to: development of sector departments and boards; development of PREM functions; short-term outputs for the PREM launch; development of PREM technical standards; budgeting for PREM; development of PREM knowledge and information infrastructure; and development of PREM evaluation and monitoring. These meeting records include agenda and meeting minutes, memoranda, correspondences, and handwritten notes. PREM produced reports, business strategy plans, and printed presentation slides are also included. These records date from January 1997 to December 1997.

The last part of this series includes records related to selection of management for PREM and mapping of staff for potential sector departments. These records consist of Ahmed's handwritten notes; potential candidate lists; background information, including CVs and biographical information; memoranda; agenda and meeting minutes from selection management meetings; and correspondence discussing candidates. Some of the records relate to the Poverty and Social Policy Department (PSP). This department briefly fell under the IEC's supervision following the closure of the Human Capital Development Vice Presidency (HCD) in December 1996. The PSP became the Poverty, Gender, and Management Units (PGP) during this short period in the first half of 1997. PGP staff was eventually mapped into the new sector departments of PREM. The PSP records discuss this staff mapping from PGP into PREM and also the absorption of past PSP functions and activities into PREM. Similarly, mapping and management selection records discuss disbursement of staff from Ahmed's own IEC, which was closed in mid-1997. PREM additionally mapped and selected candidates from other sources. Records related to the Bank Human Resources and management selection meetings discuss potential candidates and selection procedures. The mapping and management selection records are dated January 1997 to December 1997.

EAS Working Group and Task Force files

This series includes records related to Economic Advisory Staff (EAS)participation in Bank working groups and task forces. This includes records related to the Country Risk Management and Portfolio Review Working Group from 1989 to 1991. The Working Group was led by the Bank's Risk Management and Financial Policy Department (FRS), but the Working Group consisted of representatives from EAS, and many other units in the Bank. The records relate to review of country risk monitoring and financial risk assessment functions performed by FRS. The records include: correspondence and memoranda from EAS staff, FRS staff, Working Group representatives, and senior Bank officials; meeting minutes and agenda from the Working Group, the Operations Committee (OC)of the Operations Senior Vice Presidency (OPNSV), and the Finance Committee of the Finance Senior Vice Presidency (FINSV); and reports with comments produced in support of the Working Group, including copies of the Country Risk Management and Portfolio Review report.

The series also includes records from the Task Force on Exposure Guidelines from 1989 to 1990. The task force was led by EAS Director Enzo Grilli, and done in close collaboration with the Bank's regional units and FRS. The task force was formed to re-evaluate and review the Bank's exposure guidelines used to assess member countries and the Bank's exposure to major financial risks such as debt obligations. The records include: memoranda and correspondence; Task Force meeting minutes and agenda; recordsrelated to Country Robustness Analysis surveys performed as part of the Exposure Guidelines Task Force exercise; and draft and final Exposure Guidelines reports with comments.

Records of the Country Policy Department (CPD)

The series includes records maintained by the Country Policy Department (CPD) and its subordinate divisions and units from 1981 to 1986. The records include correspondence and memoranda maintained by the CPD Directors, divisionalstaff, and unit staff. The records also include discussion papers, policy papers, and reports produced by the CPD divisions and units with comments for review.

Speech transcripts and memoirs

This series contains transcripts of two speeches that Diamond gave: one in 1984 on the World Bank's policy on development banks and the other in 1999 on the beginnings of the Economic Development Institute (EDI). This series also includes an essay--A Partial Memoir of Other Times--written in 2000.

Chronological Correspondence

Throughout his career, Diamond kept a personal file in chronological order.

Although the records are found in one long chronological series, several distinct parts exist. The earliest file, dating from 1955 to 1958, primarily contains outgoing messages and personal items on finances, travel arrangements, and publications. It includes information on EDI courses; Diamond's letters to Bank officials during his missions in Ethiopia, Greece, Turkey, and Tunisia; a letter to Newton Parker, March 24, 1958, onthe roles of economic institutions in Honduras; and a memo to S.R. Cope of April 1, 1958, reporting on Davidson Sommers's meeting with a Yugoslav representative on future loans to Yugoslavia.

Records also relate to Diamond's work in India as an advisor to the Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India (ICICI). The files between 1958 and 1960 provide a view of the early organization of the ICICI and the establishment of its policies. Items include incoming and outgoing correspondence; meetingnotes; reports; clippings; and personal correspondence. Correspondents include Eugene Black and George D. Woods; ICICI officials; Indian government officials and industrialists; the IBRD resident representatives in India and Pakistan; and various World Bank staff members. Some correspondence discusses the establishment of the Pakistan Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation Limited and developments in Ethiopia.

Overall, the bulk of this series relates to Diamond's assignments at the Bank between 1962 and 1978. For the first eight years, the files contain primarily copies of Diamond's outgoing messages; thereafter the files increasingly include copies of incoming records, such as reports from the field and copies of records sent to him while he was on mission travel. The files from the IFC period contain many records about the development banks in South Asia and North Africa. When Diamond was a Director of country programs in the South Asia Regional Vice-Presidency, the files include records related to the Tarbela Dam project and the efforts to assist Bangladesh. Note that the records in these files are largely duplicates of those in the official files of the Bank, but their chronological arrangement allows the user to see the variety of issues that Diamond was handling and to trace the evolution of Diamond's and the Bank's responses to events.

The final part of the series contains records relating to Diamond's work as a consultant to IFC between 1980 and 1990. The earliest records relate to IFC's role in the work of the Societe Internationale Financiere pour les Investissements et le Developpement en Afrique (SIFIDA), but most of the records relate to the Banco Portugues de Investimento SA (BPI). In 1978 a group of Portuguese industrialists created an "Executive Group" to develop a private financial institution to promote private economic development. They sought the involvement of the IFC, and the IFC engaged Diamond as its consultant on the BPI.

UNDP/World Bank Energy Sector Programs management and donor coordination

Series consists of records related to the management of the joint United Nations Development Programme / World Bank Energy Sector Assessment Program (EAP) and the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP). The Bank's Energy Department (EGY) was the executing agency of both the EAP technical assistance program (in existence from 1980 to 1987) and ESMAP, created in April 1983 as a companion to EAP to follow up on energy assessments. Records in the series were created by the Office of the Energy Director (EGYDR) and Office of the ESMAP Manager (ESMMR), positions that were merged after the January 1993 reorganization. Records in the series were also maintained by EGY divisions and successor units. The body of records reflects liaison activities with EAP and ESMAP cosponsor UNDP, organization of ESMAP donor annual meetings, donor coordination, fundraising, and ESMAP governance.

Donor coordination

A substantial portion of records in the series concerns relations with donors, financial contributions, and cofinancing (1981 - 1997) for EAP and ESMAP activities. Donor files represent the energy units' liaison with government development agencies of Australia, Austria, Canada, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Finland, France, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, United Kingdom, and the United States. Multilateral donor coordination files include African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, Commission of European Communities (EEC), International Labor Organization, and Nordic Development Bank. A small set of records (1994 - 2005) related to the management of ESMAP trust funds indicate the trust fund number and/or Bank project number and are organized by government donor, then name of the specific ESMAP project financed.

Internal memoranda are primarily between the Bank's energy divisions (Energy Strategy and Pre-Investment Division II [EGYS2], successor Energy Efficiency and Strategy Unit [IENEE] and others) and include Terms of Reference (TORs) and back-to-office reports (BTORs) of donor visits and consultations, summaries of meetings, discussions about financing and cofinancing, funding allotments, proposals for activities, eligible countries for cofinancing, and other matters. Letters and cables between EGY and donors communicate contribution amounts, lists of activities financed or cofinanced, special assignment agreements, recruitment of staff and consultants, and other administrative matters. Other records are occasionally attached to the correspondence including: ESMAP project reports such as Activity Initiation Briefs (AIBs), assessment aide-memoires, financial data tables, project proposals, meeting agenda, Memorandum of Understanding and Letter of Agreement drafts or copies, externally printed material of donor organizations, and reports dating from 1981.

There are also several general donor files (1983 - 1992) and individual files regarding cofinancing (1983 - 1987), Consultants Trust Funds Program (1990 - 1991), ESMAP Financial Committee (1992), Energy Education Donors Conference in Cote d'Ivoire (1990) and Energy Research Donors Meeting (1990).

Liaison and coordination with UNDP

Records in the series also reflect coordination with EAP and ESMAP cosponsor, UNDP through the UNDP Division for Global and Interregional Projects and UNDP regional offices (1984 - 1996). Letters and facsimiles between UNDP and the Energy Assessment Division (EGYEA), later Office of the ESMAP Manager (ESMMR) and other successors, cover various management issues of the joint energy programs, such as the distribution of reports, recruitment of personnel, work program and financial support of ESMAP activities, ESMAP country studies, discussion of bilateral donor contributions, and support of the ESMAP governance bodies. Internal memoranda include summaries of meetings and joint UNDP and donor meetings, BTORs, and ex-post evaluation. Records filed with the correspondence are project proposals and reports, task descriptions, draft MOUs, financial reports, and other items.

Annual ESMAPmeeting coordination

Records also relate to the organization of ESMAP annual consultative meetings (1987 - 1991) that were mostly created by the Energy Strategy, Management and Assessment Division, Industry and Energy Department (IENES) donor relations manager and IEN Director's Office. Included are: draft and final summary of proceedings sent by the director to IEN staff; statements by IEN and UNDP directors; transcripts and aide-memoires for certain meetings; invitations and post-meeting follow up letters to donors and recipient representatives sent by the IEN director; letters, facsimiles, telexes regarding responses of invitees and administrative arrangements for meetings; provisional and final list of participants and agenda; background discussion reports (some authored by UNDP); and internal memoranda in the form of BTORs outlining donor relations manager and IEN senior management missions to ESMAP donor countries and multilateral donors. Other memoranda from IENES donor relations manager to IEN divisions and UNDP outline discussions with donors and multilateral meetings.

The series also contains records related to the ESMAP in the Nineties Commission set up in 1990 and the subsequent formation of a structured governance body in the form of the ESMAP Consultative Group (CG) and the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) in 1991. Files include agenda and minutes of the first meeting of the commission in May 1990 as well as position papers, background material on work program and donors, proposal for the committee, and internal memoranda. Memoranda concerns internal and external peer review, nominations of the Natural Gas Development Unit (IENGU) chief for individuals to serve on the panel, notes for a second commission meeting prepared by IENEE, and meeting preparations.

ESMAP governance relations

ESMAP CG and TAG meeting records were maintained by the executive secretary for the ESMAP secretariat, former donor relations manager, until around 1992 when the executive secretary position was eliminated. They were also kept by ESMAP manager and IEN Office of the Director. CG records (1991 - 1996) include letters of invitation from CG Chair and Vice President V. Rajagopalan and responses with discussion of agenda, reports distributed for meetings, agenda, list of participants, minutes, transcripts, and communiques distributed to ESMAP staff. Technical Advisory Group records (1991 - 1992) relate to planning the inaugural TAG meeting in July 1991 and subsequent meetings and contain draft and final Terms of Referencefor TAG, list of members, agenda, position descriptions, a briefing note on the genesis of ESMAP, and letters from the CG Chair, FDPVP to TAG members with attached meeting documents and pre-meeting notes, and letters from ESMAP Manager, later IEN Director Richard D. Stern regarding involvement in ESMAP activities. Internal memoranda, mostly between Finance and Private Sector Development Vice Presidency (FPD) and IEN, covers topics such as the status of implementation of the commission's recommendations, meeting arrangements, and TAG membership with attached biographical notes and curriculum vitae.

Reports and other program management records

The series also contains a set of ESMAP Annual Reports (1987 - 1997), audit report with related correspondence (1992), evaluation report jointly authored by the governments of Canada and the Netherlands (1988), commission report on ESMAP (1990), and periodic Information and Status Reports (1987 - 1990) that describe current and prospective activities and priorities and provide statistical data.

The series also contains a set of various reports (1984 - 2002) likely collected for reference, including: proceedings and reports of ESMAP workshops and seminars and jointly organized workshops between ESMAP, sector and regional units; final and draft ESMAP country proposal numbered reports; ESMAP technical working papers; Energy Development Information Note reports; Board reports; regional sector unit reports; internal discussion papers on financial and trust fund matters; meeting files; external reports; and reprint of the 1960 International Development Association (IDA) Articles of the Agreement.

Chronological files

The series contains chronological records created by the Industry and Energy Department (IEN) and its subordinate units and predecessors, including those forwarded to the IISC.

Many of the files maintained in the IISC are thin, some containing a single piece of correspondence. The IISC presumably implemented a file classification system that organized files by the creator unit code indicated on the physical folders. Files were subsequently titled by country, subject, or less frequently, general. Countryfiles are secondarily labeled as subsector (energy, power, gas, oil, etc.), by project title and loan or credit number, or general. The unit codes identify the correspondence as sent and received by the following: IEN DR (Office of the Director), IEN ED (Energy Development Division), IEN EP (Energy Policy and Strategy Division), IEN OG (Oil and Gas Division). The chronological files also include correspondence regarding the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) when the program was carried out by IEN divisions in the 1980s and when ESMAP operated independently from IEN between 1991 and 1992. ESMAP-related files are organized within the folders of the responsible IEN units designated by the above-mentioned unit code.

There is also a set of IEN general chronological files (1987, 1992 - 1996, predominant 1994 - 1995) that includes correspondence of various IEN units and their activities including Industry and Mining (IENIM), Telecommunications and Informatics (IENTI), and others. This set is organized chronologically by year.

Correspondence consists of outgoing internal memoranda, letters, hard copies of All-in-1 messages, facsimiles, telexes, and attachments. Much of the correspondence is between division staff, and with regional technical units. Other letters, facsimiles, or telexes are addressed to consultants, United Nations agency officials, and other development partners involved in projects or other collaborative activities.

A large portion of the files relate to ESMAP activities carried out by IEN departments, including assessment missions, project reconnaissance and identification missions, pre-investment studies and ESMAP program liaison with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). UNDP files are physically labeled with the alphanumeric project numbers. UNDP files consist of correspondence with the UNDP Division for Global and Interregional Projects, UNDP resident representative, or Bank regional staff related to ESMAP country assessment mission staffing and arrangements including with consultants, bilateral donor trust fund contributions, funding of assessments, comments on reports, knowledge and learning activities, project issues, and project meeting summaries also involving regional staff. Specific topics include household energy, fuelwood pre-investment studies, Arun Hydroelectric Project, coal conversion, coal energy efficiency and specifically in the tobacco and tea industries, energy efficiency and pollution control, national sector power development, natural gas development and import, energy planning and management, and others.

There are also files related to: Bank lending projects including energy efficiency and conservation; gas flaring reduction; gas pipelines and urban transport; environmental management; Bank and IEN reorganizations; work program; budget; special grants and donors; conferences and workshops; dissemination and training; policies and procedures of energy units and products; and local committee files which relate to sector board minutes and correspondence and other IEN committees and working groups. Notable individual files relate to the 1993 Oil and Gas Division, Industry and Energy Department (IENOG) reorganization, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), Overseas Development Institute (ODI), and national development agencies.

The record types occasionally filed with the correspondence include: back-to-office reports; mission and consultant Terms of Reference (TORs); ESMAP Activity Initiation Briefs (AIBs) authored by energy sector units; ESMAP final draft (yellow cover) review reports; ESMAP conference reports; conference or training seminar agenda; draft and final aide-memoires detailing summary of issues and recommendations; post-mission issues papers; project status reports; revised and final budget sheets; proposals; and Bank technical reports.

The series also contains incoming and outgoing correspondence (1987 - 1990), mainly telexes and facsimiles, that were predominantly created and received by the Energy Efficiency and Strategy Unit (IENEE), Household Efficiency Unit (IENHE), and successor units including Energy Department (EGY) units. These records largely reflect ESMAP activities and include correspondence with government ministries, bilateral and multilateral donors, Bank resident offices, and UNDP officials regarding matters such as: ESMAP projects; notification of submission of studies or reports; notification and status of assessment missions and follow up plan; status of UNDP-financed projects and UNDP contributions to energy assessments; financial contributions from donors; donor representatives participation in workshops; status requests from consultancy agencies; meeting arrangements; and routine administrative matters.

Operational support and ESMAP project management

Series consists of records related to the Energy Department (EGY) and successor divisions and units' support to project lending, technical assistance, implementation of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)/World Bank Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) projects, economic and sector work (ESW), and other sector analyses. The earliest records in the series are externally produced geological maps (Ghana, 1958), seismic maps, and external technical reports starting from 1959 that were kept as reference mainly for ESMAP energy assessments and petroleum exploration projects.

Related sectors such as industry, forestry, and environment are occasionally represented in the project records, usually in the form of copies of staff appraisal reports, other sector project documents, or memoranda regarding collaboration and information sharing. The series also contains records created in support of mining operational activities primarily during the period of the Oil, Gas, Mining, and Chemicals Department (COC, 2002 - 2010).

The following are three major groupings of records: Energy Assessment Programme (EAP) and ESMAP projects; Bank project lending, cross support and ESW; and general country and topical files. These are described further below. Each grouping represents several different units that maintained the records and these units' separate recordkeeping systems over time.

EAP and ESMAP project records

The largest volume of records in the series (1958 - 2002) relate to energy sector projects to aid low- and lower-middle income countries, particularly oil-importing nations, that were carried out under ESMAP and its precursor program, EAP. In operation from 1980 to 1987, EAP was the technical assistance program co-sponsored by UNDP and the Bank to diagnose a country's most serious energy problems and evaluate options. Assessment missions produced reports for over 70 countries. ESMAP was created in 1983 as a trust-funded program to complement EAP and implement the assessment priorities. After EAP ended in 1987, ESMAP took over assessment work. As the executing agency for ESMAP and EAP, the Energy Department units and successor Industry and Energy Department (IEN) units were responsible for implementing the program and its projects, providing management and budgetary support, recruiting consultants, and preparing reports. From December 1991 to December 1992 when ESMAP was an independent department from IEN, the ESMAP Operations Division (ESMOD) and ESMAP Strategy and Programs Division (ESMPD) carried out ESMAP projects. Since ESMAP's establishment, projects were frequently undertaken in collaboration with consultants who visited project recipients and field sites, researched and collected data, and prepared reports.

ESMAP projects included various activities in the areas of: assessments, project formulation and justification (feasibility and prefeasibility studies), and institutional and policy support (technical assistance, strategies, etc.). Projects were financed or cofinanced by UNDP, theBank, and bilateral and multilateral donors.

The records document the initiation, analysis, preparation, and implementation stages of ESMAP projects in the energy subsectors in collaboration with the Bank's regional operational units, UNDP Division for Global and Interregional Projects, UNDP resident representatives, and occasionally the Bank's Industry Department units. Regional units were involved in the design, review, and dissemination of the country assessments and other ESMAP projects. Although a majority of projects are country-specific, a portion of records relate to regional and global projects. The records also provide insight into the program's evolution to meet the complex demands and diversity of the energy sector.

An early focus of ESMAP was household energy and a study series called ESMAP Household Energy Strategy Studies (HESS) was produced. These were country-based strategies to assist governments to improve capacity to transition from traditional to sustainable energy systems for households in urban and rural locations and establish regulatory reforms. Many, but not all, of the studies were conducted in African countries and published as ESMAP papers (ESM and other numbered reports) beginning in the early 1990s. There are also records from the early 1980s to the 1990s that are related to the Biomass Gasifier Monitoring Program.

Other ESMAP project topics and related research include: electricity; rural electrification; petroleum (oil and natural gas) development and conservation; improved stove; kerosene and liquified gas stoves; environment health and safety; power and gas pipelines; gas flaring reduction; greenhouse gas reduction; clean coal; heat supply restructuring and conservation; wind farm development; photovoltaic systems and technology; waste to energy; women in energy; and energy sector reform. Certain ESMAP project files also relate to the industry sector: industrial energy efficiency; industrial energy conservation (including Sri Lanka and Senegal); interfuel substitution and power generation; and energy efficiency in the fertilizer and cement industries (including Syria and Poland).

Record types include: ESMAP task descriptions; drafts and final Activity Initiation Briefs (AIB); AIB background and project proposals; initiating project memoranda; draft contracts; copies of regional unit back-to-office reports (BTORs) of project missions; BTORs of ESMAP assessment missions, project preparation, and follow-up missions; Terms of Reference (TORs); aide-memoires detailing conclusions of missions; final draft (yellow cover) Activity Completion Reports (ACRs) circulated for review and approval; approved draft (green cover) ACRs; project working papers; energy audit reports; consultant reports; agenda and minutes of internal meetings and with government officials and copies of review meetings prepared by regional units; budget sheets; final and draft ESMAP country assessment reports; assessment status reports; UNDP project documents; data tables, i.e. consumption calculations, conversion factors; handwritten notes and data; press clippings; and external reference material such as discussion and conference papers, government and corporate reports, guidelines, legislation, and equipment brochures. The reference materials were created and compiled by staff and consultants when conducting research work for ESMAP projects such as energy assessments, strategy studies, and surveys.

Correspondence consists of memoranda, letters, cables, facsimiles, or All-in-1 hard copy messages between the energy units and regional units or consultants, Bank resident missions, government officials, or UNDP representatives. Topics discussed in the correspondence include requests for ESMAP assistance, resource allocation, collaboration between energy sector units and regional units, sharing project information and updates, reporting on project issues or field investigations, data collection, financing and allocating resources for projects, dissemination of reports, recruitment and reporting of consultants, and other operational and administrative matters. In addition to textual records, there are also an undetermined number of technical drawings, geological and country maps, and computer disks.

ESMAP project records also relate to the organization and delivery of regional and country-based seminars, workshops, and conferences that were often included as a training component in the technical assistance projects as early as 1983. These workshops and similar events evolved into a knowledge dissemination function likely in the late 1990s or early 2000s. The events were organized by EGY and IEN division staff in coordination with regional staff, and often involved the recruitment of external consultants to develop materials or background papers or conduct the learning events. Specific conference or seminar topics include but are not limited to, energy efficiency, energy conservation, energy strategy for rural and low-income urban communities, reducing electric power system losses in Africa, and a global windmill testing program workshop.

Record types found in the seminar and workshop files are similar in content to other ESMAP operational files and include: draft and final AIB for the seminar or workshop; proceedings; speeches and addresses; conference agenda and program description with lists of participants; BTORs; TORs; aide-memoires; draft and final workshop reports; copies of consultant contracts; and evaluation summaries. Correspondence such as incoming and outgoing letters, cables, facsimiles, and hard copy emails between IEN staff, government officials, private sector, and consultants document administrative and financial arrangements, invitations, selection of speakers, participants and consultants, collaboration with Economic Development Institute (EDI), outreach, and event follow up. The correspondence also covers substantive matters such as roundtable discussions, policy, statistical data provided in support of a study or event, and sharing of country sector information.

Less commonly, ESMAP funds were also used for assistance in organizing energy sector donor meetings for specific countries such as Senegal (1985 - 1986); a very small volume of records relate to these meetings and preparations.

A small portion of correspondence and other records maintained in the Non-Regional Information Center (NRIC) indicate the UNDP project identifier number and are nearly all general files related to ESMAP (1981 - 1987) or assessments (1980 - 1986) and Biomass Gasifier Monitoring Program (1983 - 1987) that were financed, or partially financed, by UNDP under ESMAP. Other project files relating to testing and demonstration of solar pumping systems and renewable energy technologies do not always include mention of ESMAP and may be separate projects.

Project lending, cross support records, and Economic and Sector Work (ESW)

Records in the series also reflect EGY, IEN, and successor energy units' support to project identification, preparation, and supervision for investment, structural adjustment, and other development projects that were financed, cofinanced, or managed by the Bank's regional operations units (approximately 1980 - 2010) with reference material dating from the early 1960s. These include completed and dropped projects. Energy sector units aided project preparation by selecting and recruiting consultants and supporting consultant work and reports. They also reviewed operational documents and provided guidance, advice, or analytical tools to regional offices.

Projects involved, but are not limited to, petroleum exploration (both oil and natural gas), hydroelectric power, power distribution and efficiency, gas engineering, gas utilization, and energy sector rehabilitation. Specific projects supported by the COC mining and energy units that represent the more extensive files include: Mining Sector Capacity Building and Environmental Management Project - Burkina Faso P000283; Mine Closure and Social Mitigation Project - Romania P056337; Sustainable Management of Mineral Resources - Nigeria P086716; Mineral Resources Management Capacity Building Project - Mozambique P001808; Energy Conservation Project - China P003606; Coal Sector Rehabilitation Project - India P009979; and Environmental Management Capacity Building Pilot Project of the Hydrocarbon Sector - Bolivia P065902.

Record types include: memoranda sent and received by the energy units discussing project support, progress, or provision of comments on reports; minutes of meetings; notes for files; briefing papers; BTORs; aide-memoires; white cover reportcopies; supervision reports; project performance audit reports; aide-memories resulting from review missions by regional staff and or consultants; consultant proposals; CVs; draft reports, particularly from the gas industry; copies of loan agreements and related documents; and externally produced geological maps.

From time to time, ESMAP externally funded staff would provide cross support to the Bank's country departments on economic and sector work and technical assistance, as well as lending preparation and appraisal, at the financial expense of the country departments. Cross support records are also reflected in this series and include: ESMAP and consultant feasibility reports and studies; BTORs; curriculum vitaes of consultants; letters and facsimiles and other correspondence (between IEN, consultant, government officials) concerning progress on reports, project status and country energy situation, procurement matters; and internal memoranda or All-in-1 hard copy messages between IEN and regional units.

Series also contains records created and compiled by EGY and successor unit staff to produce the ESW analytical reports that helped direct development programs and project lending. Records span the period from approximately 1978 to 1996 and include: surveys; survey result reports; draft and final study reports, including World Bank Study of multiple country energy topics; working papers; TORs; Board documents; proposals; internal memoranda between IEN divisions and regional units; letters to and from external parties regarding collaboration on studies; statements and speeches of IEN director or Bank Group senior management; and background documents including external reports, national energy legislation, and supporting data such as pricing figures. Numerous files (for which approximate dates follow), relate to reviews of Bank lending for natural gas (approximately 1983 - 1992), petroleum, oil and gas contracts, privatization and other issues (1978 - 1991), Indonesia gas development planning (1988 - 1993), electricity (1989 - 1993), various environment matters (1988 - 1993), ESMAP, and files by country or region.

General country and topical files

General country and topical files in the series (1980s - 2005) are labeled as such and include a mix of reports, correspondence, and other records related to both ESMAP and Bank lending activities in oil, gas, and mining as well as country studies and reports in these sectors. A portion of the mining files titled "development activities" are organized by country. These records describe the status of mining projects, investments, and development activities, as well as discuss government policy in member countries and minerals and mining issues including conflict diamonds and coal. Other country and subject files (1992 - 2004), although fragmentary, contain mostly hard copy emails and related records maintained by Craig B. Andrews (Industry and Mining Division, IENIM) and Jeffrey Davidson (Policy Division, Industry and Mining (CMNPO), later the Policy Division, Oil, Gas and Mining (COCPO). These files relate to operational and project support of IFC/Bank projects in oil and gas and mining and mining activities in Nicaragua, Senegal, Burkina Faso, and Madagascar.

A set of IEN subject files (1987 - 1998) shared by the Power Development, Efficiency and Household Fuels Division (IENPD), Oil and Gas Division (IENOG) broadly cover project management and program support topics. The files were further classified into Country Area Programs (CAP) and Management or Program Support (MPS). There appears to be some overlap between the two. Many of the files relate to ESMAP projects including proposals, assessments, recruitment and reporting of consultants, and arrangement and delivery of ESMAP workshops. Other management or program support files relate to organization and delivery of Energy Week program, global themes such as energy efficiency and renewable energy, clean coal case studies, and country-level activities. Specific record types include many of those mentioned in the above sections.

Knowledge and learning events and products

Series consists of records related to conferences, symposia, seminars, workshops, roundtables, and similar knowledge and learning events that were developed and hosted by Industry and Energy Department (IEN) energy units or attended by sector directors and staff. A portion of files also relate to sector staff's participation in preparatory work for events such as conference steering committees and the vetting of papers submitted. The series also contains newsletters as well as published and unpublished articles and reports authored or co-authored by sector staff. The earliest records dated 1984 are copies of externally authored discussion and presentation papers. Records were created and maintained by various units such as: Industry and Energy Office of the Director (IENDR), Natural Gas Development Unit (IENGU), Power Development, Efficiency & Household Fuels Division (IENPD), and ESMAP Operations Division (ESMOD).

Conferences, seminars, and similar events that were organized as Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) technical assistance or relating to other ESMAP projects are not included in this series if there was a clear distinction. See the related units of description note below for more information.

Conferences, seminars, other knowledge and learning events

Records reflect IEN Director Richard Stern's attendance and or participation including as a panel member at various international conferences and symposia such as the World Energy Council Congress (1995) and World Economic Development Congress Power Project Finance Summit. Stern also maintained records of World Bank seminars conducted by his division chiefs and staff as reference (Seminar on Technical and Economic Nuclear Issues, 1994). There is also a small volume of files containing papers presented by IENDR Adviser Dennis Anderson on the Bank's solar initiative experience to date at the International Symposium on the Grand Solar Challenge (1995) with other event records. Also included are a draft and three computer disks relatedto Anderson's paper "Energy, Environment and Economy". Knowledge and learning event records were largely maintained by IEN divisions. The whole of the records of IENDR and divisions cover the period 1988 to 1998.

Records consist of facsimiles and letters sent to participants or organizers covering invitations to the event and preparation of the agenda, and internal memoranda between IENDR, division management, and staff discussing the organization of speakers, selection of panels and topics, administrative arrangements, and follow-up to various events. Memoranda are often in the form of Terms of Reference (TORs), back-to-office-reports, and summaries of discussions, together with an attached event program, drafts and final agenda, presentation slide hard copies, or the paper presented at the event, some of which are externally authored papers. Additional record types in the series include: conference session papers; lists of participants and speakers; program and presentation outlines and notes; papers prepared by sector staff or consultants; working papers and reports produced by participants or external authors; transparency slides; biographical sketches of presenters; and press clippings or articles.

Specific topics represented in the knowledge and learning events include, but are not limited to: seminars concerning power sector regulatory issues; structure and pricing; energy policy; power system planning; natural gas; electricity and gas trade; financing energy; roundtables on energy efficiency; independent power projects; or power supply in low- and lower-middle income countries; International Gas Trade Roundtable; and workshops on renewable energy; oil and gas; commercialization of natural gas; and annual World Bank Energy Workshops.

There are also individual files regarding Bank Group and International Monetary Fund Annual Meetings (1994 - 1996), IEN road shows and products (1992 - 1994), Task Managers' Workshop on Global Environment Facility Global Warming Projects sponsored by Global Environment Coordination Division (ENVCG) and partners, Mining and the Community for Asian and Pacific Nations (1998), China Coal Sector Development and Reform Conference World Bank and ESMAP (2003), and various other events.

Speeches, newsletters, publications, and other material

The series contains speeches of the first IEN Director, Anthony Churchill, given at various external conferences and events (1990 - 1993) and speeches on the topic of energy and the environment given at conferences and similar events by Churchill and others including Bank Group President Barber B. Conable and Energy Strategy, Management, and Assessment (IENES) Division Chief Robert J. Saunders at the ESMAP consultative meeting, 1988. A single file containing material for speeches on gas mostly contains papers authored by IENGU chief and draft papers used for the 1992 World Development Report (WDR) related to natural gas benefits to the environment, gas activities of ESMAP, and letters to external peers requesting review and comments.

Series also consists of two files of publications and computer disks maintained by Anderson on various energy and environment topics that he mostly authored and co-authored (1988 - 1996). Files contain an item list of papers, final drafts, final papers published in academic journals and at conferences, and a draft for the new Finance and Private Sector Development Vice Presidency (FPD) series on "Approaches to Private Power". Publication topics include: cost effectiveness in addressing the CO2 problem; cost of nuclear power and fossil fuels; sustainable development; energy efficiency and pollution; industry and the environment; and more. The files also contain some papers by other colleagues including "Transportation and CO2 Emissions: Flexing the Link - A Strategy for the World Bank".

There are also two files containing internally produced newsletters (1994 - 1996), including Oil and Gas, Energy Notes, FPD Notes about the activities of Finance and Private Sector Development Vice Presidency, internal memoranda about the publications, and external press articles about the Bank sectors.

Three training-related files relate to Monitoring Training Program and IEN Support Staff Workshop (1993 - 1995) as well as IENGU gas training (1989 - 1990).

Governance, management and oversight

Series contains records of the Industry and Energy Office of the Director (IENDR), its predecessors, and divisions that relate to planning, organizing, and directing subordinate units as well as developing business plans, work programs, and budgets. Most records were maintained by Director Richard Stern, Senior Adviser Dennis Anderson, and Division Chief Afsaneh Mashayekhi. The series also contains the chronological and subject files of Assistant Director Efrain Friedmann that represent the department's energy sector work in the early 1970s as well as subject files of the mining units under IEN and later, the joint Bank/International Finance Corporation (IFC) Oil, Gas, Mining and Chemicals Department (COC).

Strategic planning, business development, and management

Records in the series document changes in divisional structure, reporting lines, resources, and activities of the responsible units. Individual subject files relate to IEN reorganization (1993 - 1997), energy practice management (1993 - 1996), and others.

Specific types of records include internal memoranda, All-in-1 message hard copies, organizational charts, vision and mission statements, budget sheets, reports regarding IEN departmental structure, IEN background and staff profiles, job descriptions, functional descriptions (outlining organization, functional areas, reporting, division management) and reports on activities of the Oil and Gas Division (IENOG).

Another set of records (1990 - 1997) relate to the department's midyear review,retrospective review, portfolio management, business plan and budget, and preparation of the Annual Report on Portfolio Performance (ARPP). Record types include: copies of ARPP by the Operations Evaluation Department (OED); minutes of review meetings; drafts and final text of IEN divisions; and portfolio improvement program review reports by the Quality Assurance Group (EXCQA) unit.

Two correspondence files containing incoming and outgoing memoranda with FPDVP (1992 - 1997) cover the period when Richard D. Stern was ESMAP Manager (ESMMR), then IEN director. Some memos are in the form of briefing notes and background for meetings and discuss department activities, papers produced, reorganizations, ESMAP products, and private sector investment in infrastructure projects. Also in the files are sector papers on topics including industrial restructuring, and a comparative survey of public and private ownership of gas companies.

There are also files maintained by IEN divisions and predecessors regarding the organization and activities of divisions carrying out United Nations Development Programme / World Bank Group Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP). Included are: files related to ESMAP operations (1989 - 1993); Office of the ESMAP Manager (ESMMR, in existence from 1991 - 1992); ESMAP reorganization (1990 - 1992); ESMAP activities and schedules (1990 - 1991); and ESMAP procedures and guidelines for operations coordination (1991, 1993). General files (1986 - 1995) contain mostly internal memoranda and accompanying reports that cover a variety of topics such as meeting summaries, ESMAP operations, knowledge and learning events, sector work program, division status reports, recruitment, reporting to vice presidencies, and general administrative information such as for cross support activities.

Other files relate to industry and mining budgeting, work programs, and business planning (1994 - 2005), the latter maintained by unit staff of the Mining Department (CMN) and successor Oil, Gas, Mining and Chemical Department (COC) senior staff including Division Chief, later Manager Peter van der Veen. Also included is a briefing book prepared for IFC Vice President Peter L. Woicke related to a 2003 visit to Bolivia.

Operational support oversight

A smaller volume of files titled "cross support" created by IENDR (1992 - 1996) contain mostly internal memoranda between Director Stern, IEN divisions, Finance and Private Sector Development Vice Presidency (FPDVP), and regional units concerning projects and support to the regions in terms of delivery plans, allocation of tasks, and enhancing collaboration. Some memoranda also provide information about regional unit reorganizations, trust fund management issues, and network performance measures. Filed with the correspondence are back-to-office reports (BTORs), meeting minutes, data tables, and other records.

Another set of records document communications between Director Stern, IEN units, and Bank senior management regarding certain Bank projects (1980 - 1997), such as the Arun Hydroelectric Power Project in Nepal. Files include correspondence, draft discussion papers, external press articles, President's Memorandum, project documents (staff appraisal report, project agreement etc.), and other material.

Several files related to general energy and environmental sector work contain correspondence and other records (1994 - 1996) maintained by Senior Adviser Anderson (IENDR). Included are invitations and follow ups to meetings, events, publications and reviews written by Anderson, communication about the Bank's energy work, current and potential studies, comments on internal or external papers and reports, and other matters.

Efrain Friedmann chronological and subject files

The series contains records created and received by Efrain Friedmann during the period 1972 to 1980 when he held the following positions: energy specialist, then energy adviser in Public Utilities Department Director's Office (PBPDR, 1972 - 1977, later Energy, Water, Telecommunications Department [EWT]); assistant director, Energy and Fuels (EWTDR, 1977 - 1979); and senior adviser in the Energy Policy Advisory Staff (EGYEP, 1979 - 1980).

Chronological files span the periods from November 1972 to August 1974 and April 1977 to March 1980 and includes internal memoranda, cables, and incoming and outgoing correspondence with representatives of the United States government and other country or international organization officials, oil companies, engineers, and academics regarding the world energy situation and the Bank's mineral and energy programs. Correspondence covers topics such as oil surveys, energy projects and studies, research and policy development activities, department work program and budget, staff development seminars on energy planning, hiring of consultants, international conferences, meetings with oil companies, participation in missions, comments on draft correspondence to be sent by vice president, Operations Policy, and administrative matters. Also included among the correspondence is a paper prepared by Friedmann for Bank Group President Robert McNamara's meeting with U.N. General Secretary Waldheim in December 1979 which presents the Bank's views on energy conservation and the search for new energy supplies, and a memorandum on a White House meeting with President Carter, which indicates Carter's growing interest in developing oil reserves in developing countries.

Friedmann subject files represent his various activities such as: liaison with consultant O.B. Falls regarding Impact of Primary Energy Cost on Electric Power study (1974); liaison and meetings with banks and development banks (1977 - 1979); meeting on assistance to the energy sector in developing countries, Paris (1979), attendance at various conferences (1978 - 1979), and sector work (1979). There are also several files concerning nuclear power (1972 - 1976) and a nuclear study (1975 - 1976) which mostly contain memoranda and correspondence with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) or national atomic energy agencies.

Record types in the Friedmann files include memoranda, cables, incoming and outgoing letters, summaries of meetings and consultations, Terms of Reference (TORs), BTORS including copies from regional staff, approach papers, briefing notes, sector reports, externally authored conference papers and reports, draft study outlines (some annotated), and press clippings. The Paris World Energy meeting files contain agenda and list of delegates, copy of "Program to Accelerate Petroleum Production in Developing Countries" Bank report, list of oil and gas production projects, summary of development partners' energy assistance and activities, and other items.

NRIC and EISIC correspondence and related records

Also included in the series are several correspondence files (1978 - 1986) sent and received by division chiefs, senior advisers or occasionally directors that were originally sent to the Non-Regional Information Center (NRIC) and arranged under the Bank-wide classification system. Files are titled "general" and include mostly internal memoranda (some in the form of BTORs), letters, and cables that cover management of the various sector activities and division objectives such as: workshop or roundtable preparation and participation; selection of consultants for projects; direction of energy policy and lending including comments on policy papers and draft guidelines for lending; ESMAP program; and collaboration with external organizations. Reports, discussion papers and other records are sometimesfiled with the related correspondence. Two files that are thin in volume relate to a proposed World Bank energy affiliate (1981 - 1982) and contains memoranda from Senior Vice President of Operations Ernest Stern to Bank Group President Clausen.

Series also contains a set of thematic, or subject files (1974 - 1987) that were originally maintained in the Energy and Industry Information Center (EISIC). Files contain internal memoranda and cables, many are copies sent by the Energy and Industry Vice Presidency (EISVP), the Office of the Senior Vice Presidency, Operations (SVPOP), by regional directors, and unit or sector staff. There are also some original incoming letters to industry and energy directors or division chiefs. Correspondence is occasionally attached to draft and final internal reports, discussion or issues papers, BTORs, Board reports, briefing notes, summary of discussions, and other items.

The more voluminous files relate to activities regarding petroleum, natural gas, environment, ecology, cofinancing, budget and work program, project implementation review, and project performance audit. Because of the EISIC filing system that interfiled sector records, these files also represent the industry sector including industrial development finance (IDF) operations. Files titled "general energy correspondence" cover a broad range of topics ranging from routine to substantive matters. The latter includes: confirmations on appointments and divisional assignments or responsibilities from regional chiefs copied to sector; Bank programs and activities in related sectors; procedural changes (i.e. project pre-briefs); training requirements, and Industry Department implementation review. Routine administrative matters cover staffing, Bank employment, word processing, travel schedules, and Board schedules.

A set of "energy and industry staff" files relate to the EIS departments that reported to EISVP under SVPOP between 1982 and 1987. These department files discuss recruitment, management and divisional retreat summaries, sector work, ESMAP tasks and country work, and assignment of responsibilities. Memoranda between Vice President Jean-Loup Dherse (EISVP), SVPOP, and Director Rovani and others discuss operational initiatives such as an issues paper regarding project financing on limited recourse basis in Bank projects, proposal of EIS support, and other business activities.

Liaison, partnerships and program collaboration

Series consists of records related to collaborative activities and partnerships between the Industry and Energy (IEN) Department units and mostly external organizations, but liaison with Bank Group institutions and internal committees as well. Records cover the period from 1975 to 2013 and provide information about common initiatives with partners, director and senior staff participation on high-level committees or events, and development of collaborative global programs. Most records relate to the energy sector, but content within certain files frequently includes the industry and mining sectors as well. See the arrangement note below for more information.

Liaison with external organizations

The series contains records organized by external organization or Bank Group body, including the International Energy Agency (IEA, 1993 - 1996), Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC, 1975, 1986 - 1988), non-governmental organizations including Bretton Woods Committee (1992 - 1997), Solar Development Corporation (1996 - 1997), the International Finance Corporation (IFC, 1991 - 1992), Economic Development Institute (EDI), now World Bank Institute (WBI, 1994 - 1996), Enron (1993 - 1996), Organizacion Latinoamericana de Energia (OLADE, or Latin American Energy Organization, 1988 - 1990), European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD, 1991), and other research institutions, private foundations, and United States government agencies. A file on the G7 Nuclear Safety Working Group discusses the Chernobyl, Ukraine nuclear plant closure and energy strategies.

These records were primarily maintained by the Power Development, Efficiency & Household Fuels Division (IENPD) and the Office of the Director (IENDR). Files contain internal memoranda, All-in-1 messages, and letters between IEN units and representatives of organizations regarding arrangement of and discussion at meetings, discussion of partnerships and current or potential collaborative activities preparation of implementing agreements, information about ESMAP activities, and knowledge sharing. Other memoranda are between IENDR and Finance and Private Sector Development Vice Presidency (FPD) and other Bank departments including the Office of External Relations. Memoranda are also occasionally in the form of Terms of Reference (TORs) and back-to-office reports, describing events attended. Some files only contain United Nations agency reports and other external annual reports, press clippings, or booklets as reference. A single file consists of a 1975 preliminary briefing note on OPEC regarding optimal pricing policies for OPEC among the records.

Also included in the series are a set of records originally maintained in the Energy and Industry Information Center (EISIC, 1975 - 1987). Most of the files concern the Bank's relationship with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and contain general correspondence with UNDP (1975 - 1987). Some liaison files reflect joint initiatives between the EGY and Industry Department (IND) departments when they were two separate departments under Energy and Industry Staff Vice Presidency (EISVP).

Other record types consist of copies of Board documents, draft Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs), meeting and seminar agenda, meeting minutes and summaries, presentation slide hard copies, concept papers, TORs, curriculum vitae (CVs), external brochures and reports, and copies of Congressional committee papers.

Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership (GGFR)

A large volume of records in the series (2001 - 2013) relate to the Global Gas Flaring Reduction Public-Private Partnership (GGFR) that originated in 2002. Records document the origins of the Bank Group-led Gas Flaring Reduction Initiative in collaboration with the Government of Norway and the role played by the joint Bank and International Finance Company (IFC) department, the Oil, Gas, Mining and Chemicals Department (COC), and its Policy Division (COCPO), later the Sustainable Energy, Gas, Oil, Mining unit [SEGOM]). COCPO was central to planning and organizing the Oslo 2002 conference and discussion of the GGFR Terms of Reference (TORs), arranging subsequent conferences and stakeholder consultations, and preparing and disseminating GGFR studies and reports. Most records were maintained by GGFR Program Manager Bent Svensson who led the task team responsible for implementing GGFR activities and liaising with stakeholders in coordination with the GGFR secretariat.

Correspondence records consist of draft and final outgoing letters, facsimiles, and email hard copies, including invitations to GGFR members and facsimiles sent by IFC Executive Vice President Peter L. Woicke and jointly authored letters with partner European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) inviting attendees to workshops, forums, and similar events. Other correspondence is with consultants recruited to conduct gas flaring studies and internal hard copy emails regarding meeting planning, launching events, and press arrangements. Other records filed with correspondence include: draft and final TORs including for the GGFR partnership; summary action plans and activity descriptions; draft country profile information including summary of Bank work activities; progress and final reports; consultation briefing notes; agenda and meeting summaries with stakeholders and partners; data tables; budget sheets; GGFR promotional materials such as brochures; draft workshop session notes; speeches and talking points; presenter biographies; presentation slides; handwritten notes; and reference material suchas newsletters and webpage hard copies.

A small volume of records relate to financing GGFR activities through a multi-donor trust fund and include: agreements and amendments signed by COC director; initiating brief for trust funds (IBTFs); notice of contributions; letters and hard copy emails with donors or between COC units and GGFR secretariat regarding financing agreements and the transfer and use of funds; quarterly and annual financial reports, and other reports prepared and submitted by Svensson; GGFR steering committee minutes; briefing papers; and confidentiality agreements.

GGFR is governed by a Steering Committee that was chaired by COC Director Rashad-Rudolf Kaldany at its establishment. Steering Committee records (2002 - 2013) were maintained by COCPO and SEGOM in addition to International Gas Flaring Reduction conferences, GGFR regional conferences, and workshops on carbon credits and best practice, standards, and guidelines for flaring reduction. Records include invitation letters, quarterly updates to committee members, agenda, minutes, list of participants, briefing papers, and reports for review. Also included are two files related to the World Summit on Sustainable Development (2002).

Extractive Industries Review (EIR)

Series also contains records related to the Extractive Industries Review (EIR) to examine the role, and future of, the Bank Group in the oil, gas, and mining sectors that was established in July 2001 and led by Dr. Emil Salim. Salim, a former minister of the Government of Indonesia, was appointed by Bank Group President Wolfensohn. Records cover the period 2000 to 2004 and appear to be maintained by both the EIR secretariat and the joint Bank-IFC Oil, Gas, and Chemicals Department (COC), Policy Division, Oil and Gas (COCPO), and the Mining Department director (CMNDR) in support of planning and developing EIR activities. Files relate to EIR activities and events including the planning workshop in Brussels (2001), multistakeholder consultation workshops in Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe and Central Asia, and Middle East and North Africa (2003), advisory group feedback meetings and final workshop (2003), and other meetings. These files, as well as a set of chronological correspondence files, contain mostly email hard copies between the EIR secretariat, consultation participants, and consultants and between COC and IFC senior management and staff. Topics covered in the correspondence include comments on EIR drafts and submissions to the review, nominations for advisory group membership (with participant lists and CVs), representation of regions, comments on consultation workshop reports, budget and trust funds, communications strategy, planning and discussion around Bank Group oil and gas activities, and event administration and logistics. Correspondence between Salim and EIR secretariat discuss managing and planning EIR work, schedule, budget, consultants, sharing of information and articles, status of EIR recommendations and finalizing report, planning of meetings with Bank senior staff, country visits and itineraries, advisory group member selection, and withdrawals of EIR process. There is also correspondence between Salim and Bank Group President Wolfensohn, Director Kaldany, Mining Director James Bond, and IFC officials, discussing EIR activities, meetings, and an amendment to the EIR TORs.

Record types consist of: EIR executive summary recommendations draft outlines; meeting minutes or summaries; lists of participants; hard copies of slide presentations; draft and final EIR TORs; aide-memoire; consultation reports; testimonial reports and transcripts of regional and informal consultations; background papers including one on Bank Group activities in the extractive industries by COCPO; hard copies of slide presentations; handwritten notes; draft and final OED approach paper Evaluation of World Bank Group Activities in the Energy and Extractives sector; external reports, brochures, and articles regarding extractive industries; and more.

A smaller volume of files concerning Salim's project field visits (2000 - 2003) to Asia and Africa (Chad Cameroon oil pipeline project) include a briefing book, and planning records such as: email hard copies of travel arrangements discussion of case studies, outreach and workshops, and Bank group oil, gas and mining investments data; agenda and itineraries; EIR project sheets; country briefs; and external reports, press clippings, and other reference documentation on oil spills and pipelines.

Records are mostly in English with some correspondence and press clippings in French. EIR official reports and stakeholder letters are also in French, Russian, and Spanish.

Committees, task forces, and working groups

The series also contains records of energy sector management and senior staff participation in various external and Bank-wide committees. Most records relate to the International Gas Union (IGU) Council meetings and committees (1988 - 1994) that energy division chiefs participated in, on behalf of the Bank. Energy Development Division Chief Gunter Schramm (IENED) presented in 1989 on the Bank's work in hydrocarbons and future liaison with Bank-IGU. Included in the records are council agenda, minutes, reports, background papers, study proposals, BTORs following meetings, and mostly routine correspondence regarding administrative arrangements.

There are also files relating to the Energy Sector Board (1992 - 1996) created in 1993 and its sub-committee on staffing including meeting announcements and lists of participants, occasionallyagenda and minutes focusing on project updates, reports, position descriptions, and All-in-1 notes regarding board membership, energy policy strategy. Other files relate to the sector's participation in the Multilateral Development Bank Task Force (1995 - 1997), Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 1995) and smaller files on Finance and Private Sector Development Vice Presidency (FPD) task forces, advisory committee, working groups on quality enhancement of projects and on large dams (1993 - 1997).

Trust fund program management

A small set of records relate to IENDR, its divisions, and successors' management of trust funds to support energy sector programs and activities in member countries. Three files document the establishment of the Danish Trust Fund for Rural and Renewable Energy and subsequent activities financed by the Government of Denmark (1997 - 2003) including the Africa Rural and Renewable Energy Initiative (AFRREI). Correspondence is filed with Bank-authored progress reports, financial statements, presentation slide hard copies, and other items. There is also an individual file related to an agreement and financial support between the Government of Israel and the Bank for a gas strategy study for Israel (1995).

Operations research and reference material

Series consists of records created and received by the Energy Department units, successors, and consultants in conducting research and analysis in support of operations projects, programs, initiatives, and sector topics. The results of research involving technical, economic, and environmental issues within the energy sector were often disseminated and published in the form of departmental working papers or ESMAP Papers.

Record types include: back-to-office reports (including copies of regional unit BTORs); Terms of Reference (TORs); ESMAP reports; proposals; staff appraisal reports; project completion reports (PCRs); consultant reports; statistical data tables and worksheets; background papers; handwritten notes; United Nations project documents; and external guidelines, reports, brochures, press clippings, and articles.

Research papers and studies

The largest volume of records in the series (1985 - 1992) are those concerning research related to the Electric Power Utility Efficiency Study (EPUES). EPUES was a research study funded by bilateral donors, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the Bank that was organized in January 1989 to investigate the causes of poor power plant performance in developing countries, to measure related economic and financial costs, and prepare programs and guidelines to improve performance. As the executing agency on behalf of the Bank, records were created and received by Industry and Energy (IEN) unit staff including Energy Development Division (IENED) while managing the study and consultants. Records document the preparation of the study, development of guidelines, multilateral and research collaboration, and communication with donor agencies. There are also records concerning the EPUES Steering Committee such as draft and final minutes, and reports or summaries of UNDP and EPUES missions. The topicsexamined included power system efficiency, power transmission and distribution, power sector rehabilitation, power sector lending, and environmental and efficiency measures for diesel electric power plants. Several files relate to Somalia and general regions of Africa and Latin America.

Another set of records primarily maintained by Shigeru Kubota (Industry and Energy Division, EMTIE), relate to rural development, oil and gas, and energy situation in the Soviet Union and post-Soviet Russia (1991 - 1993).Several of the press clippings, articles, and reports are in Japanese language.

Two files relate to the research fellow program (1990 - 1991) that was launched by the Bank in 1989 to draw development research scholars into research activities. The file contains internal memoranda regarding nominations with curriculum vitae (CV)s, outline of proposed IEN study, and external reference material.

Reference material

Series also contains assorted reference materials maintained by the Natural Gas Development Unit, Industry and Energy Department (IENGU) and its successor, Oil and Gas Division (IENOG) concerning various oil and gas topics and information about Bank energy activities (1987 - 1993). There are several files of press clippings and articles from various international newspapers about the "new" natural gas unit (1989) and the petroleum industry. A portion of files also contain internal and external study papers, Policy Planning Review technical papers, memoranda regarding publication of papers andpeer review, and other items.

Another set of miscellaneous files (1990 - 1995) include worksheets, externally printed material of international oil companies, brochures, World Energy Council 15th Congress technical session bound reports, handwritten notes, and presentation slides of external presenters at the 1994 World Bank energy efficiency roundtable.

NRIC and EISIC correspondence and related records

A small portion of records originally maintained in the Non-Regional Information Center (NRIC) dated 1977 to 1984 are mostly comprised of internal memoranda between EGY assistant directors, division chiefs, advisers, and regional units. Topics include comments on EGY research proposals, internal EGY discussions on proposals, planning and preparation of studies, and research grants. Other records occasionally filed with the correspondence include study TORs and reports. Two of these files relate to a thermal generation study (1980).

Three files maintained in the Energy and Industry Information Center (EISIC) include mostly copies of memoranda between EGY director, division chiefs, and Central Projects Staff Vice Presidency discussing sector research priorities, the Bank's research program, quarterly progress report IDP policy and research functions, research activities on industry and trade, and Research Committee activities (1975 - 1986).

Policy development and best practice

Series contains records of the Office of the Director, Industry and Energy (IENDR) and successor Energy Department (EGYDR) related to the formulation and review of policy, best practice, and guidelines for energy sector work and lending. A small portion of records relate to the sector's review of World Bank Group internal policy issues regarding diversity, gender, and harassment (1993 - 1997) and various other Bank Group-wide issues (1980 - 1985).

Records consist of memoranda between IENDR and IEN divisions, Office of the President (EXC), Office of External Relations (EXT), and other sector units such as Environment Sector regarding discussion and formulation of policies on topics such as the Bank Group financing of nuclear power and related projects. Other records relate to deliberation and preparation of the World Bank's energy policy (1990 - 1994) and exploration of member country solar energy initiatives (1993 - 1996).

Other topics covered in this period (1991 - 1997) include: rural energy; clean coal initiative; electric power sector good practice; nuclear safety, in discussion with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and G7; and nuclear safety in Central and Eastern Europe (1975, 1988 - 1994).

Correspondence is filed with background notes, final draft (yellow cover) reports circulated for review and approval, consultant reports, back-to-office reports, best practice papers presented to the Board, review meeting minutes, and internal and external brochures.

The series also includes records centrally maintained in the NRIC (1978 - 1986) and the EISIC (1980 - 1985). NRIC records were organized into files titled general policy and renewable energy policy. These records mostly consist of internal memoranda sent and received by the assistant director, division chiefs, senior advisers, and relate to discussion of policy and approach papers, policy reviews, role of the Energy Department (EGY), Renewable Energy Task Force, and other related topics. Attached to the correspondence are reports, approach papers, and other records.

EISIC policy and procedure files (1980 - 1985) organized chronologically contain mostly internal memoranda covering a broad range of energy and general policy issues such as work practices of project officers, estimating working capital, project documentation and reporting, petroleum sector agreements, comments on a draft report of the task force on auditing of projects, and contributions to the draft Operational Manual (OMS). There is also reference to Bank-wide procedures communicated at the Operations Policy Vice Presidency level (OPSVP) including financial reporting and Managing Committee procedures, and routine Bank-wide administrative procedures. Memoranda are sometimes filed with internal and Board reports and other items.


This series contains fragments of John J. McCloy's correspondence with political leaders and prominent businessmen during his time as President of the World Bank from March 1947 to May 1949. The most substantial bodies of correspondence are with Emilio G. Collado, U.S. Executive Director of the World Bank, 1946-1947; Russell C. Leffingwell, Chairman of the Executive Committee of J.P. Morgan and Co. Inc.; and Bernard H. Baruch, American financier and stock investor.

The correspondence with Emilio Collado consists of letters and memoranda to McCloy regarding World Bank activities, including excerpts from memoranda Collado prepared for U.S. Secretary of State Dean Acheson and a document entitled "Note Relating to a Debt Limit" dated May 1947. McCloy's correspondence with Russell C. Leffingwell includes substantive comments on topics related to the Bank and its operations, such as money stabilization, sterling devaluation, the Bank's lending philosophy, and the prospects for European recovery under the MarshallPlan. Letters to and from Bernard H. Baruch include: a letter related to an Export Import Bank loan to England; a letter sent by Baruch to John Snyder, U.S. Treasury Secretary, on how to stimulate production in the world; and a copy of McCloy's memoranda to Snyder on lending.

Also included are McCloy's answers to questions from U.S. House of Representatives member Howard Buffet and U.S. Senator Leverett Saltonstall. Finally, a letter from Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder forwarding an August 1947 memoranda by U.S. President Harry Truman is also included. It concerns U.S. Ambassador to Chile Claude Bowers' complaint about Wall Street control over the operations of the Bank.


This series contains a fragment of President George D. Woods' correspondence, both private and official. Notable among the official correspondence is a letter to Hector Prud'homme, University of Hartford, Connecticut, on education projects; an exchange of letters with the President of Pakistan, Marshall Ayub Khan, on the political situation for Pakistan in July 1965; a letter to Antonio Montero, a banker from the Bahamas, on external financing of local currency components of public projects; and a report from World Bank Vice President J. Burke Knapp on his talks with the President of Zambia, Kenneth Kaunda, on the situation in Rhodesia in December 1965.

Chronological [outgoing] files

This series consists of copies of the outgoing letters and memoranda of George D. Woods and correspondence handled for President Woods by his personal assistants George C. Wishart and Rainer B. Steckhan. It includes correspondence sent on substantive issues of development assistance, memoranda to files, internal memoranda of the Bank and social and public relations messages.

Letters to foreign heads of state, government officials, banks, development institutions and academics regarding particular loans and projects, missions, technical assistance, bond issues and other sources of financing, and development policy issues are found in the series. Memoranda to files, usually written by Wishart, make a record of Woods' meetings with high-level government and business executives, focusing on important remarks and outcomes. Occasional Bank-internal memoranda, usually addressed to Vice Presidents and other high-level managers, concern such issues as staffing of the Economic Development Institute (EDI), defining the competencies of the technical operations and regional departments of the Bank with regard to project preparation, and procedures for establishing consultative groups.

The social and public relations letters express appreciation for invitations, hospitality, and for letters, publications and gifts received; express regret regarding invitations; offer congratulations; discuss arrangements for meetings and itineraries for travel; and provide letters of introduction.

Briefing papers

The majority of this series consists President George D. Woods' briefing papers for the annual meetings of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund Boards of Governors. The briefing papers for each annual meeting are organized by geographical region and thereunder by individual countries. The country sections contain background information on each country's economic and political situation (including occasional economic reports), the country's relations with the Bank, and lists of each member country's delegates at the annual meeting and the topics they are likely to raise. In the case of Africa and Latin America, there are also memoranda concerning the caucuses held by the countries in these regions and texts of remarks the President intended to deliver to them.

Also part of the series is a briefing file on the 57th session of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development in July 1965. Two small files contain briefs for visits to Argentina and Brazil.

Travel files

The travel files are for foreign trips exclusively. They include both trips undertaken for specific operational purposes, such as raising funds for IDA and promoting bond issues in Part I countries and encouraging the establishment of development funds, banks and agencies, and trips undertaken for ceremonial activities, such as the groundbreaking ceremony of an Aluminum Smelter in Ghana. Individual trips files may include handwritten notes President Woods took during meetings with heads of state and other dignitaries, speeches, and frequently memoranda to files summarizing the purposes and highlights of important meetings, as well as invitations, acceptance and thank you letters, background or formal briefing papers on the politico-economic situation of the countries visited, itineraries, agendas, programs, flight schedules, information on lodgings and tourist attractions, maps, and newspaper clippings.

Country correspondence

The country correspondence files contain miscellaneous correspondence with persons and businesses from particular countries, mostly for the period after Woods' tenure as Bank President. They include invitations, thank you letters,travel arrangements and some printed brochures. In the Pakistan file is a set of material relating to the groundbreaking ceremony for the Tarbela Dam in November 1968.

Transition briefing files

This series consists of briefings prepared for A.W. Clausen upon his inauguration as the World Bank's President in July 1981 and Clausen's copy of briefings on Bank operations prepared in 1986 for the Presidential transition from Clausen to Barber Conable. The files provide a broad overview of the Bank's structure and functions, as well as the status of World Bank's projects throughout the world.

The 1981 briefings on the Bank itself describe the origins, purpose, objectives, and current status of the various Bank entities, including the Financial complex, Operations, Development Policy Staff, World Bank Group Staff Association, Secretary's Department, Legal Department, Central Projects Staff, External Relations, Compensation, and the Administration, Organization and Personnel Complex. Also included are briefings on the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and on Bank/Fund collaboration.

Regional briefings summarize the history and current status of development projects throughout the world. They are arranged by region, and then by country, and typically summarize the political background, economic structure, development policy, future prospects, and the Bank's role in development. Included are briefings on Europe; Eastern Africa Region; Western Africa Region; Europe, Middle East and North Africa (EMENA); East Asia and Pacific Region; South Asia Region; and Latin America and Caribbean Region.

The briefing on Operations prepared in 1986 for in-coming President Barber B. Conable provides an overview of the Operations Policy Staff and the Energy and Industry Staff. It also gives the history and status of Bank operations in EMENA, East Asia and Pacific, South Asia, West Africa, Eastern and Southern Africa.

The series includes background material dating back to 1970.

Chronological [outgoing] files

This series consists of copies of President Clausen's outgoing correspondence during his entire Presidency. Correspondents include government heads and officials, heads of the United Nations, international agencies, banks, development banks and other corporations, U.S. government officials, the Governors of the Bank, the Bank's Executive Directors, the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, and Bank staff members.

The files document the views of the President on the economic situation, theproblems faced by the Bank and the IDA in securing resources, debt management, Bank-Fund collaboration, the Bank's poverty oriented lending programs, the energy program, and other specific Bank operations. A number of circular letters are included on topics such as subscriptions to the General Capital Increase of the Bank, requests for IDA contributions, the establishment of the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency ( MIGA ) and the establishment of a special facility for Sub-Saharan Africa. The correspondence also contains more routine letters, invitations, congratulations and condolences. The thank-you letters include correspondence following official trips and thanks for aid, particularly for contributions to IDA replenishment. Invitations include invitations to Annual Meetings, to special panels, to senior staff retreats and meetings, and to luncheons.

Letters to staff regarding personnel matters, including welcomes to new positions and farewells on retirement, and general administrative matters such as the implementation of the Performance Planning and Review (PPR) Program, are also in the file.

Alphabetical [subject] files

This series contains President A. W. Clausen's subject files. The records consist of correspondence, memoranda, reports and background materials relating to a broad spectrum of organizations, interests and concerns. They contain general correspondence, internal Bank communications, and external correspondence with the European Economic Community; the U.S. Congress and the Departments of Treasury and State, among others; the United Nations and its many specialized agencies; and various international banksand organizations. The UNICEF file includes photographs of Mr. Clausen with the Bay Area Corporate Committee for UNICEF in 1985.

Itinerary files

This series contains records of President Clausen's visits abroad and his appearances and presentations in the United States. The files contain travel itineraries, briefing materials, arrival and departure statements, press conference briefings, remarks, schedules of meetings and appointments, correspondence (letters, memoranda, telexes and facsimiles written to and from government leaders, thank you notes), lists of government officials and biographical data about them, general background information on countries and governments, status reports on projects in execution, maps and newspaper clippings. The file on Niger contains photographs of the ministers. Some files listed under a country are primarily files on a meeting held there, not on the country per se; see, for example, the GATT meeting file under Switzerland. Itineraries and briefings for Mrs. Clausen when she accompanied the President on foreign visits are found in some files. The general files at the beginning of the series contain travel orders and itineraries but no background information.

The series is rich in annotations and comments by Clausen and his advisors. It provides snapshot views of the countries at the time of the visits and also provides particularly useful information on the World Bank's relationship with each country.

Annual Meeting files

This series contains President Clausen's records related to the Annual Meetings of the Board of Governors. The records are a mix of substantive and administrative materials, from lists of delegations and special guests to briefing materials on countries and issues. The files contain the President's opening and closing remarks, speeches and addresses; records relating to the annual Ministers' luncheon, Co-Financing breakfast, and the Latin-American Governors' luncheon; records of press conferences; correspondence and memoranda regarding appointments with country delegations; schedules, letters of invitation and thank you notes.

Development Committee files

This series contains President Clausen's records related to the Development Committee meetings from 1983 through 1986. Formally the Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund on the Transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries, the Development Committee was established in 1974 with its own secretariat that maintained the official records of the Committee.

The records in this series, therefore, are Clausen's office files on the Development Committee meetings during his tenure (meetings 21-28). The records, organized by meeting, include correspondence, memoranda regarding the meetings, drafts of the President's opening remarks and the President's Report to the Development Committee, summaries of Committee discussions, and statements to the press. The files also contain papers and reports prepared for the Development Committee, including the Development Committee Annual Report, task force and working group reports, and papers on topics such as development in Sub-Saharan Africa, the world economic outlook, and external debt problems of developing countries.


This series contains photographic prints and negatives documenting some of President Clausen's trips abroad, taken by governments or businesses where he visited. Most photographs are of the activities of President and Mrs. Clausen, but a few are photographs of World Bank projects. Some photographs are labeled, but the majority have no identification other than country and date. One album contains only photographic postcards. The photographs, mostly in presentation albums, are in color and black and white. Included are photos from the trips to Kenya, Pakistan, India, Indonesia, Japan, Senegal, Ghana, China, Sudan, Morocco, Yemen, Mexico, Malawi, Uganda, Brazil, Colombia, and Mali. The series also includes photos of Clausen with the World Bank Executive Directors and a copy of United States Banker Magazine, December 1980 issue, with Clausen on the cover.

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