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Chronological files

Series includes Desmond McCarthy's chronological files covering nearly his entire career at the World Bank, beginning just prior to his transfer from the Comparative Analysis and Projections Division of the Economic Analysis and Projects Department (EPDCA) in 1983 to his time as Economic Adviser in the Development Economics Vice Presidency (DECVP) in 1998. Records generally consist of correspondence and memoranda between McCarthy and World Bank colleagues. Correspondence between McCarthy and individuals and institutions external to the Bank are included in lesser number. A significant amount of correspondence relates to the exchange of articles and reports for information, research, and review purposes; as such, articles and reports in final or draft form often accompany correspondence. Terms of Reference and back-to-office reports relating to mission travel by McCarthy and colleagues are included, as is correspondence related to work programs and research projects.

Records created during McCarthy's time as an Economist in the Latin America and the Caribbean Vice Presidency (LCN) between 1985 and 1988 are plentiful and primarily relate to his work as country economist for Argentina. Records relate to McCarthy's authorship or review of Argentina's Country Program Paper (CPP) and Country Economic Memorandum (CEM) and related discussion and research on macro-economic issues including: trade, financial sector reform, public sector expenditure, economic recovery and growth, and debt management. Records also relate to a variety of new initiatives in Argentina including a Cofinancing Task Force, debt equity swaps, and a significant refinancing package. Records also include periodic economic updates on Argentina.

Records relating to McCarthy's time in the International Economic Analysis and Prospects Division (IECAP) of the International Economics Department (IEC) between 1988 and 1992 include research on and discussion of a variety of topics including: World Bank-International Monetary Fund (IMF) relationship; impacts of the 1990 Middle East crisis on development; global economic outlooks; global capital shortages; and the environment and the world economy.

Records relating to McCarthy's work as an Economic Adviser in the Development Policy Group (DPG) between 1992 and 1993 primarily relate to his contribution to and review of Country Strategy Papers (CSPs). Substantial records relating to CSPs for Kenya, Columbia, Chili, Bulgaria, Poland, and Indonesia are included in this series. Comments by McCarthy on drafts of CSPs for other countries are also included. Records relating to McCarthy's participation in Paris Club Meetings are also included.

Records relating to McCarthy's time as Economic Adviser to the Chief Economist and Development Economist Vice President (DECVP) between 1993 and 1999 primarily relate to his research efforts. Topics include: public sector expenditure; impacts of environment on trade and development economics; and guidance and review of Country Assistance Strategy papers (CAS). Briefs on a variety of topics and countries for senior DECVP staff (including Chief Economists Michael Bruno [1993-1996] and Joseph Stiglitz [1997-2000]) are also included.

Personal papers of Desmond McCarthy

  • Fonds
  • 1964, 1976 - 2006

Fonds consists of chronological files compiled by McCarthy that cover nearly his entire career at the World Bank. Fonds also contains reports and articles authored by McCarthy in both draft and published form as well as records related to his attendance and participation in a number of conferences and working groups. Records related to his work for the Quality Assurance Group (QAG) in 2004 and 2005 are also included.

McCarthy, Desmond

Arthur Andersen LLP and PricewaterhouseCoopers project records

Series consists of correspondence, reports, and other materials created or received by Frank Vita while employed by Arthur Andersen LLP as Managing Director, Global Emerging Markets Services (GEMS) and, in lesser amount, by PricewaterhouseCoopers (Asia) as a senior consultant. Records relate to a variety of management and administrative functions in support of projects and technical assistance funded by the World Bank and other development agencies, including the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). Main functions include project management, technical support, and program identification. Records in this series relate to participation in project identification and management in a number of countries, including Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Slovenia, India, and Vietnam. The majority of the projects involve the banking and financial sector. Records are filed according to project or country and include: correspondence related to project proposals or contract work; contracts for services; Project Implementation Unit (PIU) guides; Terms of Reference; and requests for proposals.

Europe, Middle East, and North Africa Vice Presidency (EMENA) and Europe and Central Asia Vice Presidency (ECAVP) chronological and project files

Series consists of correspondence, reports, and other records created or received by Frank Vita while serving as Senior Country Officer in the Europe, Middle East, and North Africa Vice Presidency (EMENA) and, following the 1991 reorganization of the World Bank's operational units, the Europe and Central Asia Vice Presidency (ECAVP). Vita left this position and retired from the World Bank in 1992. During most or all of his time in EMENA and ECAVP, Vita was the Country Officer for Czechoslovakia, or Czech and Slovak Federal Republic (CSFR). As a result, almost all of the records in this series relate to CSFR project lending and sector research. Of these, records relating to the "Technical and Financial Advisory Project" are most common; note, however, that the CFSR government eventually withdrew from the project. Records related to the Technical and Financial Advisory Project include: project cycle documents, including project briefs, appraisal and post-appraisal documents, final executive project summary, and legal documents; Terms of Reference; back-to-office reports; Aide-Memoires; country strategy notes (including drafts); and correspondence with and briefing notes for CFSR government and state Bank officials.

Other CFSR records relate to: country risk assessment; privatization and restructuring of state-owned enterprises and infrastructure (the latter through the Build, Own, Operate Transfer [BOOT] system); sector reports and research materials (including banking and financial sector, energy sector, and transportation sector); country briefs; a VHS videocassette related to CFSR "Enterprise for Privatization" initiatives; and Annual Meeting briefs. Records relating to senior Bank management mission trips to CFSR are also included. Vita often acted as liaison and facilitator for these trips, which included Moeen Qureshi (Senior Vice President of Operations [OPNSV]) and Willi A. Wapenhans (EMENA Vice President). A small amount of loan documents related to other CFSR projects are also included.

International Finance Corporation (IFC) chronological and subject files

Series consists of correspondence created and received by Frank Vita while he was Manager of Corporate Development in the International Finance Corporation (IFC). Records are contained in chronological files and, in fewer number, subject files. Records relate to: the identification of investment opportunities; project proposals; establishing contacts in the private sector; IFC policies and procedures; and responding to inquiries.

Tokyo Office chronological files

Series consists of correspondence created and received by Frank Vita while serving as Deputy Chief of Mission in the World Bank's Tokyo Office between 1984 and 1985. The Tokyo Office primarily existed to assist in the Bank's borrowing program in the Japanese capital market. It also assisted in the dissemination of information on World Bank activities in Japan. Records include: briefing notes; speeches and presentations; policy and guideline papers; newspaper and magazine clippings related to Japan and its banking system and financial markets; and capital market studies. Correspondence in this series relates to: Tokyo Office administration, budgeting, and staffing; Tokyo capital markets; and currency swaps.

Finance Operations Department (FOD) chronological and subject files

Series consists of correspondence created and received by Frank Vita during his time as a Senior Economist for Financial Operations in the Finance Operations Department (FOD) of the Treasury Vice Presidency (TREVP). Vita led FOD's Capital Markets and Economic Studies Unit (CAMES) from 1980 to 1984 and much of the records in this series relate to its activities. CAMES was responsible for supporting the Bank's borrowing activities by conducting research and reporting on country markets and financial standing, currency markets, capital markets, and central banks. It was the vehicle through which FOD developed borrowing policies and strategies for the World Bank. Series primarily consists of chronological files that contain correspondence, memoranda, reports, studies, summaries, and handbooks related to these activities. Records related to central bank investments in the World Bank are particularly numerous. Records relate to the establishment of a Central Bank Facility that would provide a new avenue for World Bank borrowing and central bank investment in the World Bank. Among other reports and studies on central bank investment in the World Bank is the 1983 report "Central Banks as Sources of World Bank Financing: Financial Operations Review" authored by Vita.

Also contained in this series are "Wednesday Reports", a weekly internal document generated by FOD and often coordinated by Vita that reported on Bank borrowings, currency swaps, Bank bond offerings, and external market issuances and performances. Draftsof reports are included in some cases.

Annual and mid-year review of the Bank's borrowing operations are also found in this series, as are records relating to departmental staffing and mission travel.

Industrial Development and Finance Division, Western Africa Projects Department (WAPID) country and project records

Series consists of correspondence created and received by Frank Vita during his tenure as Senior Operations Officer in the Financial Division of the Western Africa Industrial Development and Finance Projects Department (WAPID) of the West Africa Vice Presidency (WAN). Vita was primarily involved in project appraisal and supervision during his time in WAPID. Records were primarily filed according to country and thereunder by project name or type of records (i.e. supervision reports, official project documents, correspondence). Ghana is represented the most while records relating to Liberia, Nigeria, Malawi, and Kenya are also included. Project-related records include supervisory reports; project appraisals; project completion reports (PCRs); appraisal of projects submitted for financing by development finance companies; country sector reports (particularly on industry, financial institutions, and development banks); and correspondence discussing the writing and dissemination of these materials. Terms of Reference and back-to-office reports related to project appraisal and supervision are also included. Series contains a significant number of records related to the following Ghanaian projects: National Investment Bank Project (01) National Investment Project (02) Highway Project (02) and Highway Project (03) - Emergency Maintenance Project records related to the Development Finance Corporation Project (01) in Liberia are also numerous.

Note that a small amount of records relating to the identification of financial technical assistance projects prepared by Vita in 1990 while working in the International Finance Corporation (IFC) are filed in a folder alongside Ghana project files.

Development Finance Companies Department (DFC) chronological files

Series consists of correspondence created and received by Frank Vita during his tenure as an Economist in the Development Finance Companies Department (DFC). Vita was placed in the Financial Development Unit (FDU) and the majority of the records in the series relate to its primary activity, namely the review of the World Bank's activities in the area of financial development. FDU records primarily relate to the research and authorship of the FDU report "The World Bank's Approach to Interest Rate and CreditAllocation Issues". Records include what appears to be the final version of the report presented to Bank President Robert McNamara as well as drafts of the report. Comments and research materials related to the report are also included. Research materials include reports on meetings with the Bank's regional staff and reports on regional and country finance development issues.

Records also include correspondence with development finance companies discussing the appraisal of projects submitted for financing by development finance companies. The majority of this correspondence is with the Industrial Development Bank (IDB).

Latin America and Caribbean Vice Presidency (LCN) project and subject files

Series consists of correspondence created and received by Frank Vita during his time as loan officer in the Latin America and Caribbean Vice Presidency (LCN). Series contains a variety of records related to operations mission travel made by Vita to Uruguay. Records include Terms of Reference and back-to-office reports and other supporting material. Mission travel activities included project appraisal (Fourth Livestock Development Project) and supervision (Highway Project) as well as conducting research for sector studies. A subject file on Chile and Uruguay is also contained in this series. Records include World Bank authored reports and memoranda on country lending activities.

Eastern Africa Department (EAF) chronological file

Series consists of correspondence created and received by Frank Vita during his time as a loan officer in the Eastern Africa Department (EAF). Series contains correspondence, memoranda, and telexes primarily between Vita and WorldBank colleagues. Records exclusively discuss the country of Malawi and World Bank operations in that country. Specifically, records discuss the writing of country sector studies, Country Program Papers, and country lending programreports. Series contain drafts and final versions of these documents as well as supporting office memoranda and back-to-office reports.

Personal Papers of Frank K. Vita

  • Fonds
  • 1969 - 1995

This fonds contains records that span Frank Vita's entire twenty-three year career at the World Bank Group. Records relate to his involvement in lending operations in Africa, Latin America, Europe and Central Asia in the 1970s and 1990s as well as his work in the Finance Operations Department (FOD) in the 1980s undertaking research and policy work on capital markets and central banks investment. Records relating to his time as Deputy Director in the Tokyo Office in 1984-1985 and his work in the International Finance Corporation (IFC) between 1985 and 1990 are also included.

Vita, Frank K.

Financial Policy, Planning, and Budgeting

  • Fonds
  • 1956 - 2011

This fonds has been provisionally arranged into one sub-fonds and five series. Sub-headings are used to break up the content of this field according to provisional sub-fonds and series. For a complete list of the provisional sub-fonds and series, see the "Systems of Arrangement" field below.

Office of the Strategy and Resource Management Vice Presidency (SRMVP) records (sub-fonds)

Sub-fonds contains the records of the Office of the Strategy and Resource Management Vice Presidency (SRMVP) created during its existence from 1997 to 2003. The SRMVP was led first by Mark Baird from 1997 to 1999 and then by Anil Sood from 1999 to 2003. The SRMVP oversaw units responsible for the planning and budgeting function as well as support of the Strategic Compact review. Included are records related to the formulation, approval, and subsequent assessment of the Strategic Compact. Records take the form of correspondence, reports, weekly and monthly meeting minutes and agendas, and materials from presentations on the Compact made to internal and external audiences. Sub-fonds also consists of program support files of the SRMVP which document other unique activities of the Vice Presidency. Activities evidenced in these records include: cost effectiveness reviews; strategic staffing; matrix management; Bank-wide programming and budgeting; and auditing. Subject files created and maintained by the Office of the Vice President are also contained in this sub-fonds. Topics include: performance indicators; human resources and personnel issues; corruption; partnerships; non-governmental organizations (NGOs); budgeting; the Strategic Forum; and the Bank's budgeting activities. Records also contain correspondence with Bank President Wolfensohn, Managing Directors, and other senior staff and external individuals. Meeting minutes and speeches are also included.

Financial Policy

Series contains records related to the financial policy function of the Bank. Activities supporting this function include: analysis of both the Bank's financial position and the international financial environment; and development and recommendation of policies, programs, and strategies that enable access to finances by the Bank and its borrowers. Records include a compendium of financial policies and a list of principal references and copies of key reference documents. Other correspondence, memoranda, and reports relate to the analysis of the Bank's financial position and specifically to management of Bank capital and IBRD subscription. Specific topics include: past policies regarding reserve targets; the financial structure and operations of IBRD; cost competitiveness of the Bank; overview of changes in IBRD financial policies; review of IBRD lending rate policy; review of IBRD income prospects and policies; review of IBRD/IDA programs and financial policies; variable lending rates; currency pooling; liquidity policy; investment guidelines; and capital subscription.

Also included are the records of the Asset Liability Management Committee (ALMC) which makes recommendations in the areas of financial policy, the adequacy and allocation of risk capital, and oversight of financial reporting. Records of ALMC's two subcommittees, the Market Risk and Currency Management Subcommittee and the Credit Risk Subcommittee, are also included in this series.

Records related to the development and review of lending policies are also included. Specifically, these policies relate to member country eligibility criteria, commitments, disbursements, loan income, and loan portfolio. Records are in the form of subject files. Topics include: currency management; currency composition of loans; lending rates; prepayments; country credit risk exposure; debt restructuring and negotiations; interest rate swaps; repayment terms; cofinancing operations; and single currency loans. Records also relate to development and review of financial risk policy. Specifically these include interest rate risk, exchange rate risk, credit risk, liquidity risk, borrowing risk, and others. Records may include policies on the subject as well as correspondence, memoranda, and other background material related to the policy.

Series also contains records related to financial models and projections used to develop and review various financial policies related to Bank Group lending, borrowing, risk management, asset management, and other activities.

Series also includes a small number of speeches and presentation materials produced and/or presented by financial policy staff when reporting to the Bank's regions, senior management and Executive Directors.

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