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Correspondence Files of Masood Ahmed, Director, International Economics Department (IEC)

This series, which contains the incoming and outgoing correspondence of Masood Ahmed, consists of five parts.

The first set of files (7 linear feet) is correspondence for the periods December 1, 1993 - February 28, 1995 and March 16 - December 31, 1995 containing both incoming and outgoing correspondence for the periods December 1, 1993 - October 31, 1994 and August 1995. The files for November 1994 -July 1995; and September - December 1995 primarily contain only copies of outgoing correspondence. In most cases, the enclosures to outgoing mail are included.

The second part of the series (3 linear feet) is the general correspondence for August 8, 1994 and September 19, 1994 - December 30, 1995. A number of the items in these files are duplicated in the first set of correspondence described above. The correspondence is primarily with World Bank staff, and most consists of a copy of the incoming letter with Ahmed's handwritten reply. Almost all are electrostatic copies rather than the originals. The typedoutgoing copy of Ahmed's reply is not always attached but generally can be found in the first set of files.

The general external correspondence forms the third part of the series (1 linear foot) with records dating from September 1994 to December 1995 with two documents dated June 7, 1994 and August 30, 1994. These files contain Ahmed's correspondence with individuals or organizations external to the Bank or his correspondence with IEC staff that concerned issues external to the Bank. A large portion of the files consists only of electrostatic copies of the covers of non-Bank reports or publications that were sent to Ahmed and that he then forwarded to a Bank staff member or circulated to the IEC managers. Other documents in the files are memoranda from IEC staff concerning external-Bank issues; copies of Ahmed's letters sent to or received from non-Bank personnel; intra-IEC memoranda concerning attendance at a non-Bank conference or arranging for visits of non-Bank staff to IEC; Ahmed's memoranda to IEC staff regarding his meetings with non-Bank individuals; and requests for copies of IEC reports or publications. Many of the letters and memoranda are electrostatic copies rather than the originals.

The fourth group (5.42 linear feet) consists of printouts of incoming e-mail, September 11, 1994 - December 31, 1995, primarily from World Bank staff, but some e-mails are from staff of the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the International Monetary Fund, and the Development Assistance Committee (DAC).

The final set (1.66 linear feet) includes printouts of outgoing e-mail, September 12, 1994 - December 27, 1995. Some printouts of incoming e-mail are filed with the related outgoing message and are duplicated in the set of incoming e-mail.

Front Office Quarterly Monitoring, Mid-Year, and Retrospective Review Reports

Most of these copies of DEC 's Apex, Quarterly Monitoring, Mid-Year, and Retrospective Review Reports were maintained by Lesley Davis (Leslie Davis Arnold) who was Program Coordinator for Administration in DEC's Front Office. The FY 92 Apex Reports were submitted after the end of the first quarter to the Policy and Review Department (PRD) before that unit was abolished in the 1992 reorganization. The FY 92 DEC Apex Reports described the status of DEC's implementation of the FY 1992 PRE [Policy, Research and External Affairs] Management Contract, compared quarter outcomes with the original plan in the Contract, described major activities/accomplishments by program objective category (POC), and described the status of EDI's development training program and EXT's [External Affairs Department] public information work and publications program. The report also commented on cross-cutting topics such as private sector development, environment, poverty, and women in development.

In FY 93, the Apex Reports were renamed Quarterly Monitoring Reports and, similar to the earlier Apex Reports, described progress of DEC departments against their individual Management Contracts and commented on cross-cutting topics. Guidance memoranda, divisions' submissions, and other related correspondence are found with the Monitoring Reports submitted to the Director, Planning and budgeting Department (PBD) following the First (FYs 93 - 95) and Third (FYs 94 - 97) Quarters of the fiscal year.

DEC's Mid-Year Review Reports (FYs 92 - 94, 96, 97) were prepared to provide bases for estimating whether fiscal year objectives and plans would be achieved. They covered structural changes within DEC and cross-support activities and compared first-half of the year performance of the DEC Departments and other units to the Management Contracts. Sometimes the Mid-Year Review Reports were accompanied by requests to PBD for additional funds for the second half of the fiscal year for programs included in the Management Contracts.

Retrospective Reviews (FYs 92 - 96 and FY 99) were conducted for DEC organizations after the close of a fiscal year. They provided Department Directors and the Vice President opportunities to compare organizational performance against the fiscal year budget plan or management contract, to determine the reasons for any deviations from the plan, to gain insights for the implementation of the new fiscal year budget plan, and to share findings at the institutional level. The reports, which were submitted to PBD/PBDPR [Program and Budget Review Division], provided an overview of the implementation of the past year's work program, highlights of program activities, services to other parts of the Bank, and dissemination activities.

At the beginning of FY 97 the Mid-Year and Retrospective Review Reports were replaced by Semiannual Reports on Monitoring the Bank's Strategic Compact - the plan for fundamental reform to make the Bank more effective in delivering its Regional program and achieving its basic mission of reducing poverty.DEC submitted data to PBD for retrospective reporting and, in addition, DEC provided a brief retrospective narrative report describing steps taken to deliver on the Compact. The FY 99 Retrospective Review consisted of: a review of progress under the Strategic Compact; a review of focus areas and major programs and activities; and budgetary information.

Davis also maintained a copy of the Country Economics Department's (CED) Black Book, which was developed at the end of FY 92. The black Book includes a completion report on each of the research or policy tasks completed by CED during that fiscal year, a summary linking work completed in FY 92 to the FY 93 work program, and a list of CED FY 92 publications.

PSP briefing letters for World Bank Senior officials

This series includes letters prepared by PSP staff for signature or briefing for the Human Capital Development (HCD) Vice President Armeane M. Choski from May 1996 to October 1996, and letters prepared for World Bank President James D. Wolfensohn from June 1995 to September 1996. The letters are related to the functions and activities of the Poverty and Social Policy Department (PSP).

Subject Files of Masood Ahmed, Director, International Economics Department (IEC) Concerning the Development of the Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network (PREM)

In early 1996, Masood Ahmed began a transition from the position of the Director of International Economics Department (IEC) to Vice President of the Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network (PREM). The IEC was terminated within the DEC Vice-Presidency in July 1997, and PREM was launched in July 1997. The DEC VP oversaw much of Ahmed's transition into PREM, primarily because a large portion of IEC, its subordinate department, was absorbed by the new network, and DEC was re-organized as a result. This series consists of records from this transition period, and Ahmed's involvement in planning and implementing PREM.

The series consists of chronological files, including communications between Ahmed and the DEC Vice-President Joseph Stiglitz. The records primarily relate to: the re-organization of DEC with the closure of IEC; PREM's possible collaboration with or inclusion in DEC; updates on the planning of PREM; and what functions and actions will be mapped into potential sector departments in PREM. These records date from December 1996 to June 1997. Additional chronological files consist of correspondence and memoranda related to various discussions, topics, and meetings concerning PREM's launch, and administrative structure. Ahmed's handwritten notes are also interfiled among the chronological files. These records date from November 1996 to December 1997.

The second part of the series contains records related to PREM planning meetings and retreats. These records concern the Operations Vice Presidents (OVPs) -meetings and retreats attended by Network Heads from other newly launched networks. The OVP meetings records contain: agenda and meeting minutes; correspondence; memoranda; budgeting reports; business plan reports for each network; and network update reports for various meetings and retreats from December 1996 to August 1997. Separate subject files for the other two networks involved in the OVP meetings (Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Network [ESSD] and the Human DevelopmentNetwork [HDN]) are also included. Other planning materials relate to: development of sector departments and boards; development of PREM functions; short-term outputs for the PREM launch; development of PREM technical standards; budgeting for PREM; development of PREM knowledge and information infrastructure; and development of PREM evaluation and monitoring. These meeting records include agenda and meeting minutes, memoranda, correspondences, and handwritten notes. PREM produced reports, business strategy plans, and printed presentation slides are also included. These records date from January 1997 to December 1997.

The last part of this series includes records related to selection of management for PREM and mapping of staff for potential sector departments. These records consist of Ahmed's handwritten notes; potential candidate lists; background information, including CVs and biographical information; memoranda; agenda and meeting minutes from selection management meetings; and correspondence discussing candidates. Some of the records relate to the Poverty and Social Policy Department (PSP). This department briefly fell under the IEC's supervision following the closure of the Human Capital Development Vice Presidency (HCD) in December 1996. The PSP became the Poverty, Gender, and Management Units (PGP) during this short period in the first half of 1997. PGP staff was eventually mapped into the new sector departments of PREM. The PSP records discuss this staff mapping from PGP into PREM and also the absorption of past PSP functions and activities into PREM. Similarly, mapping and management selection records discuss disbursement of staff from Ahmed's own IEC, which was closed in mid-1997. PREM additionally mapped and selected candidates from other sources. Records related to the Bank Human Resources and management selection meetings discuss potential candidates and selection procedures. The mapping and management selection records are dated January 1997 to December 1997.

Director and Front Office records

Series consists of records created and maintained by the front office of the Human Development Network, Education Team (HDNED) and predecessor units between 1964 and 2013, beginning with the Education Department (EDP) in existence from 1968 to 1972. The records document management oversight and strategic planning; directing research, policy work, and sector programs; managing the Bank's relationship with external partners in the sector; and, to a lesser extent, donor coordination activities. The records also provide information about the units' structure and communication between the director and advisers in the front office. The department's front office initially consisted of a senior adviser, economic adviser, implementation adviser, training adviser and education adviser from at least 1968 until the creation of the functional units, later divisions, under the Education Department (EDC) beginning in July 1977. The Training Unit (EDCTR) was established in 1977 followed in July 1983 by the Education Research Program (EDCRS), Education Operational Policy Program (EDCOP), and Education Project Related Training Program. The units were elevated to divisions in 1985 led by division chiefs and acronyms were changed. This structure changed again in the 1987 Bank-wide reorganization and the formation of the Population and Human Resources Department, Education and Employment Division (PHREE).

Records cover the tenure of the following directors: Duncan Ballantine (tenure 1964 - 1977); Aklilu Habte (1977 - 1987); WadiD. Haddad (1987 - 1988); Maris O'Rourke (1995 - 2000); Ruth Kagia (2001 - 2008), and Elizabeth (Beth) M. King (2009 - 2014). There is a gap in the records of directors and managers between 1989 and 1994. The tenures of O'Rourke and Kagia are the most widely represented. Between 2000 and early 2001, Senior Advisers Bruno LaPorte and Marlaine Lockheed served as acting directors, and they are also creators of records in this series.

The series is comprised of subject files, chronological files, and a small number of briefing books for the Bank's senior officials. A sizeable portion of the subject file records reflect the development and oversight of the sector's policy, research, and training programs and activities, particularly in the early period between 1965 and 1988. The earliest records consist of correspondence and data sheets related to diversified secondary curriculum (Discus) projects (1964 - 1976).

Education policy

The series includes records related to the preparation, dissemination, and promotion (1974 - 1980) of the 1979 Education Sector Policy (PUB2680). Files were created and accumulated by EDC Director Aklilu Habte, Implementation Adviser David H. Lewis, Senior Adviser Mats Hultin, and others. There is some overlap amongst these files maintained by various personnel in EDC with separate roles in the development of the policy paper. Internal memoranda are between senior management and staff, regional educational divisions, and other Bank staff regarding comments on the sector paper and internal discussions on developing stronger policy for the sector, and discussion on work program and priorities. There are also cables and incoming and outgoing letters with colleagues external to the Bank documenting their collaboration on reviewing the drafts and responses to external requests for policy information and previous publications.

The policy paper correspondence is filedwith draft outlines, data tables, preliminary and final drafts of chapters for discussion, Policy Review Committee revised version and committee minutes, list of commenters including a summary of seminars and discussions held on the draft, draft foreward prepared for President McNamara, summary of Board discussion on sector policy paper, copy of the bound publication issued September 1979 and a copy of the earlier sector policy paper published in 1974.

The Education Sector Policy dissemination and promotion records include: prepared remarks by Habte (October, 1979); memoranda regarding discussion of the policy at a regional senior staff meeting; draft and final board paper on cooperation between the World Bank and other organizations in the education sector in follow up to the sector paper; copies of press releases in English, Spanish, French, and Arabic; and copies of articles, journal and book reviews, and editorials documenting reactions to the policy. There is also a substantive 1980 report submitted by Wadi D. Haddad to Habte, summarizing procedures followed in the preparation of paper, consultations, policy gaps and procedure for future policy work, and proposal for a policy information system.

The sector policy files also include reference to the External Advisory Panel appointed by President McNamara in 1977 to review the status of education in the developing world including the Bank's education and training projects and recommend areas for future action. Files contain copies of memoranda from Vice President, Central Projects Warren C. Baum to Vice President of Operations (SVPOP) Ernest Stern regarding the panel report which contains Stern's notations. There is also correspondence addressed to panel Chair David Bell, Ford Foundation detailing external individual's comments on the 1978 panel report and items for discussion with the panel prepared by Habte.

Other records relate to the Task Force on Issues and Strategies for Meeting Needs of High-Level Agricultural Training in Africa (1986 - 1987) including Terms of Reference, meeting summaries, draft and final reports, and draft report and progress report regarding the Special Program for African Agricultural Research (SPAAR) initiated by the Bank to bring together multilateral and bilateral donors to develop a special program on agriculture research. These records were mostly accumulated by Education Policy Division (EDTPD) Operations Adviser Ralph W. Harbison and EDTPD Agriculture Education and Training Adviser J. Price Gittinger.

Sub-Saharan Africa education policy

Records also relate to the development, collaboration, and dissemination of the Bank's Sub-Saharan Africa education policy paper (1982 - 1988). Background preparation included the formation of an External Advisory Panel to advise on the policy paper. There are memoranda between Habte, Haddad, Policy Division Senior Economist Peter R. Moock and Adviser J. Price Gittinger concerning Gittinger's attendance at a meeting of donor agency representatives to discuss the implications for donors of education in sub-Saharan Africa. There are also: Terms of Reference and other records related to a meeting of the advisory panel and seminar program in Dijon, France in 1985 attended by Habte and other staff from EDT, the Regions and other Bank divisions; Dijon meeting background reports and World Bank Staff Working Papers by various authors; consultants' papers, and back-to-office report (BTOR). Other records are related to the African ministers of education meeting in 1987 attended by PHREE Division Chief Haddad, and conference of European donors to education in 1987 attended by Moock that includes a conference report and BTOR.

Correspondence and other items also pertain to the dissemination of the Sub-Saharan African education policy paper largely handled by Moock. There are letters to government officials from Wadi Haddad Chief, Education and Employment Division, (PHREE). 1987. The paper issued in 1988 was titled "Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: policies for adjustment, revitalization, and expansion"..

Project Related Training program and other training seminars and activities

The series contains records of the front office and divisions (1980 - 1987) regarding training programs and seminars organized by the sector, some in collaboration with other Bank divisions. Records primarily document staff training programactivities of the Project Related Training Division (EDTPT, in existence 1983 - 1986). Most of these records were maintained by the front office for reference purposes and contain copies of training material.

There are several seminar files that contain a schedule or agenda, list of participants, course materials consisting of concept papers and case studies, and evaluation form. Topics of seminars include issues in education projects, tools for sector analysis, financing of education, education policy analysis, mass communication, and others. Three training files relate to a staff seminar on preparation and design of project-supported institutional development components and contain handouts, outlines, exercises, case studies, and evaluation form. There are also draft seminar modules for a seminar in agriculture projects, project related training and institutional development in agricultural lending training material, BTORs of senior training advisers, and announcement memoranda to other Bank departments.

Records of Senior Adviser Richard K. Johanson, Director's Office (EDTDR) and others contain reports in the form of memoranda addressed to division chiefs including evaluation report on staff seminars and training, and summary of a Bank seminar on the quality of education in development countries with a list of consultants and credentials, agenda, session outline, and keynote address. Also included are a seminar report, background papers and externally printed material on a school quality and education project management course developed under Implementation Adviser Adriaan Verspoor.

Research program

A small volume of research program records relate to the International Fund for Education Research (IFER, 1973 - 1984). Included are internal memoranda within the Education Research Program unit (EDCRS), BTORs, Terms of Reference, and outgoing letters from EDC Senior Sociologist and later Chief, Education and Training Design Division, Education Development Institute, Stephen Heyneman. Correspondence discusses budget allocation, paper proposals, financial assistance to countries, and comments on the education research strategy paper.

There is a large bound volume of correspondence (1973 - 1979) consisting mostly of internal memoranda of Senior Adviser Mats Hultin and copies accumulated including memoranda from Vice President Ernest Stern to President McNamara regarding the Bank Group research program and education research activities. Memoranda is also addressed to Director Ballantine including an original memo from the Development Policy vice president. Draft research project papers (RPO), Board reports, and project proposals are also filed in the volume.

Also included is a file on a joint United Nations Educational, Scientific, Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Bank education study with background papers (1973).

Knowledge and information products

Series contains World Bank Education Newsletters (WBEN, 1986 - 1987) issued beginning in April 1986 to report on challenges of education investment and Bank efforts to support education. The newsletters were edited by EDTDR Senior Adviser Richard K. Johanson. The newsletters inform about news of country policies, summary of education projects, recent papers and books published, education research updates, and policy notes features. The file also contains memoranda from Johanson.

A retreat file contains background papers and publications that are mostly external.

HDNED Subject files

Also included in this series are subject files maintained by Human DevelopmentNetwork, Education Team (HDNED) Directors O'Rourke and Kagia from 1995 to 2004 mostly relating to unit activities and programs and the strategic direction of the sector and its partnerships and global programs. A single item dated 1973 is a copy of an education project appraisal in Costa Rica found in the 2002 file pertaining to education and technology. Correspondence includes mainly internal memoranda, letters, and hard copy emails. There are memoranda from Kagia to the Bank managing director regarding partnership proposals and hard copy emails concerning the arrangement and proceedings of meetings. Other records filed with the correspondence are internal draft and final reports or concept papers, some annotated; report outlines; agenda, list of participants and reports from various conferences; Poverty Reduction Strategy papers (PRSP); lists and inventory of Human Development Network (HDN) and partnerships; education action plans outlining country information and goals and progress; press releases; and speeches. Topics covered in the files include but are not limited to: Dakar World Conference outcomes; sector lending; grant and trust funds for education; partnership selectivity and oversight; and user fees.

Several subject files relate to the Education for All Fast Track Initiative (EFA-FTI) program and reflect the sector director's support to, or representation at, high level program or partnership meetings, conferences, and working groups. Records include a briefing note and talking points for Bank President Wolfensohn prepared by Kagia, meeting summaries of the G-8 Education Task Force and PRSP Task Force, and committee activities and comments regarding an EFA concept note and financing paper. Also included is a file on the EFA-FTI donors meeting (2002-2003) coordinated by the sector director's office which contains correspondence prepared for the vice president, HDN regarding FTI funding and donor pledges, presentations, agenda, list of participants, and draft summary of discussion and agreements.

Other HDNED subject files relate to the delivery of presentations or addresses given by the director at Bank meetings or externally organized events. Several of these files contain transparency slides and, occasionally, the hard copy presentation and notes on topics such as the Bank's role and strategy for education (1998).

HDNED Director chronological files

Series also consists of mostly outgoing chronological correspondence records that reflect the wide range of management and liaison functions of MarisO'Rourke (HDD senior advisor and later HDNED director, tenure 1995 - 2000), HDNED Director Ruth Kagia (2001 - 2008) and HDNED Director Elizabeth (Beth) M. King (2009 - 2014). There is a gap in correspondence in 2008 which could be the result of Kagia's promotion to country director in the Africa Regional Vice Presidency in August 2008. King's correspondence as director covers her tenure only until 2013.

Correspondents within the records include other Education Sector colleagues, Bank staff in the regions and the Office of External Relations, government officials, United Nations agency officials, and representatives of other external organizations. The correspondence covers various topics such as: visits with education professionals and academics; responses to invitations to conferences and UN governance meetings; comments on external education reports and initiatives; proposals for collaboration or Bank funding; external projects in member countries; small grants program; supervision of project components; sector strategy concept paper and sector policy; research projects; consultants' activities; staffing; adult learning, girls education, and other thematic areas; database development; the Education for All (ETA), Fast Track Initiative (ETA-FTI) and the Bank's Learning for All programs, and ETA-FTI successor, the Global Partnership for Education (GPE).

Correspondence is in the form of all-in-1 notes and email hard copies and incoming and outgoing letters and is sometimes filed with various records such as: trust fund agreement copies; draft and final discussion papers; program or study proposals; meeting or conference agenda and outlines; BTORs; summaries of meetings or conferences attended; speeches and statements; curriculum vitae (CVs); copies of external articles; United Nations agency reports; and other external annual reports.

The series also contains external correspondence files (2000 - 2007) concerning replies prepared for the Office of the President and Office of the Vice President and Head of Network (HDNVP). These files contain correspondence logs or cover sheets indicating correspondence details and action instructions that are filed with the original incoming letters mostly addressed to Bank Presidents Wolfensohn and Wolfowitz, and, to a lesser extent, Zoellick. The outgoing responses were prepared by or on behalf of Directors O'Rourke or Kagia. The HDNVP incoming external correspondence files are primarily addressed to the HDN vice president and occasionally to the Bank president. Topics include: financial contributions of the Bank; invitations to conferences, symposia, roundtables, and other events; Development Grant Facility (DGF); partnership and liaison activities with international organizations and the private sector; and other matters.

There are also a small number of files titled "deadline logbooks" maintained by O'Rourke that contain correspondence log sheets with the attached letters addressed to President Wolfensohn for reply by the sector or by the HDN vice president.

The series also consists of chronological correspondence (2005 - 2006) prepared for Nicholas Krafft, Office of the Vice President (HDNVP). Many of the letters were drafted by Director Kagia or other HDNED senior staff to be sent by the HDN vice president or the Bank president.

Economist Elizabeth King chronological file

The series contains a chronological file which was maintained by Beth King while she was an economist, later senior economist of PHREE between September 1987 to March 1991 and July1991 to March 1992. The file includes both her incoming and outgoing correspondence. Much of the correspondence is with economists and educators external to the Bank, but the files include her correspondence with other sector and department employees. Among the correspondence are copies of her Terms of Reference, travel documents, and back-to-office reports regarding her missions and attendance at conferences; copies of draft papers on which she commented; drafts of her own publications with comments from others; and copies of research project proposals she drafted. The correspondence also documents her role as part of the World Development Report 1991 team and her drafting of the chapter on human resources in the report.

Briefing books

The series also consists of a small set of briefing books (1997 - 2002, 2009) prepared by the sector primarily for senior officials including President Wolfensohn at the World Education Forum held in Dakar in 2000, for Wolfensohn's meeting with the Bureau of African Ministers of the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA, 1997 - 2000, and a quarterly briefing book for Managing Director Mamphela Ramphele (2002). There are briefing books (1998 - 2002) for HDNED director external meetings and events and a briefing book of Director King (2009).

NRIC correspondence and related records

Also included in the series are several correspondence files (1975 - 1986) authored by department senior management, division chiefs, and advisers that were originally sent to the Non-Regional Information Center (NRIC) and arranged under the Bank-wide classification. Files are titled "general" and "agriculture modular instruction" and include mostly internal memoranda, letters, and cables that cover the various sector activities such as policy work, project related training and workshops, unit work program and objectives, education lending and economic and sector work reviews, and liaison with partners. Study outlines and papers, Terms of Reference, meeting summaries, proposals, final reports, and bound publications are sometimes filed with correspondence.

Most records in the series are in English. However, a small amount of correspondence and other items are in French and the 1979 Education Sector Policy press release is also in French, Spanish, and Arabic.

Reading file

Irving S. Friedman was appointed economic adviser to Bank President George D. Woods on 1 October 1964 after having served as Director of the Exchange Restrictions Department at the IMF since 1950. Many of the letters and memoranda for the October-December 1964 period concern the structuring of his staff and appointments. Letters and memoranda concerning strengthening of the Economics Department placed under him and appointments of additional economists including Andrew Kamarck who was named director of the department and Bela Belassa who was recruited by Friedman as consultant adviser to the Economics Department are in the file for the early portion of 1965. Other subjects of the 1965 correspondence include the Capital Requirements Study, assistance to countries in debt rescheduling, external debt, and creation of the Economic Committee at the Bank. Friedman's memoranda to President Woods for this period include: proposals for consultative groups; comments on Fund quota increases and the impact of Balance of Payments on an IBRD bond issue in the United States; and his report to Wood on his visits to Brazil, Argentina, and Chile in September 1965.

Friedman's reading file for the 1966-1967 period includes: a 4 February 1966 draft of a speech to be given at the White House by President Woods on his views on the U.S. foreign aid program; outlines of presentations and copies of speeches made by Friedman at Harvard University, the Brookings Institution, the U.N. Trade and Development Board and elsewhere; notes and summaries to the file on various subjects; drafts of papers on various topics and issues including some September 1966 drafts entitled Accomplishment in Economics of the last two years at World Bank. A 14 March 1966 memorandum to Woods on Post War [Viet Nam Conflict] Planning; several memoranda sent to Woods in May 1966 concerning a meeting between Friedman and representatives of the U.S. Defense Department at which India and Pakistan defense expenditures were discussed; and a 12 June 1967 memorandumwritten jointly by Friedman and Kamarck to Woods proposing a New Perspective for the Middle East following the six-day war between Israel and an alliance of Arab states are part of the file.

The blue carbon typewritten copies of letters and memoranda in this series constituted Friedman's personal reading file. They primarily document Friedman's official duties while serving with Woods until the President's retirement on 31 March 1968, but they also include some personal letters of congratulation and condolence, thank you letters for invitations and hospitality extended to him and his wife, and occasional personal letters to professional colleagues outside the Bank.

Director, Development Policy Ernest Stern's Correspondence with President McNamara

This series contains the memoranda that Ernest Stern exchanged with President McNamara while he was Senior Adviser (later Research Adviser) and, beginning in April 1974, Director of Development Policy in the Office of the Vice President, Development Policy. The records consist of copies of Stern's memoranda to McNamara or to his immediate staff; copies of memoranda to McNamara from other Bank staff, especially VPD Hollis Chenery, that were copied to Stern; Stern's memoranda to Bank staff that were copied to McNamara; and memoranda and notes from McNamara or members of his staff to Stern. In many cases, Stern's original memoranda to McNamara were returned to him marked with the President's annotations or with a red stamp indicating President has seen. Stern's correspondence in this file predates his official appointment in VPD on November 1, 1972. Stern's memoranda transmit comments on papers prepared by Bank staff, suggestions for topics to be covered in briefing books prepared for the President, drafts of Presidential speeches, drafts of letters for the President's signature, and comments on correspondence received by McNamara.

The correspondence covers a wide-range of subjects: cooperation with the IMF; the establishment of the Development Committee and the Interim Committee; the Bank's response to the energy crisis; and the establishment of the Intermediate Financing Facility or Third Window. Filed at the end of the series are three items belonging to Stern's successor, Attila Karaosmanoglu: two October memoranda Chenery sent McNamara and copied to Karaosmanoglu and Karaosmanoglu's December 31 draft outlines for McNamara's annual speech.

Policy Review Committee Files of the Director, Development Policy

These Policy Review Committee (PRC) records were maintained by the Senior Adviser whose title became in April 1974 Director, Development Policy, positions held by Ernest Stern from 1971 to September 1975; by Attila Karaosmanoglu from October 1975 to June 1979; and by E. Bevin Waide from July 1979 to 1982. A file typically contains a copy of a policy document or issues paper; minutes of the PRC staff review meeting and/or the PRC meeting at which the paper was discussed; and often background materials documenting the development of a policy paper before it reached the PRC including: comments on the draft paper from Development Policy staff and staff throughout the Bank, copies of memoranda between the Director, Development Policy and President McNamara and VPD Chenery, intra Development Policy Staff correspondence, and copies of Back-to-Office Reports forwarded to Stern or Karaosmanoglu.

Commodity Files of the Director, Development Policy

These files were compiled by the Senior Adviser whose title became in April 1974 Director, Development Policy. That position was held by Ernest Stern from 1972 to September 1975 and by Attila Karaosmanoglu from October 1975 to June 1979. The files include correspondence, reports, studies, publications and policy papers regarding commodities and Bank policy towards specific commodities. Topics covered include Bank policy for financing the production of a specific commodity, Bank policy on publication of information on commodities, commodity price forecasts and stabilization, and analysis of world production and demand for a commodity.

Memoranda and Issuances Relating to the Reorganization of 1972

Contained in this series are memoranda and copies of Bank-wide issuances concerning the Bank's Reorganization of 1972 as it affected the Economics Department and, after the reorganization, the Development Policy Staff. The notebook appears to have been maintained first by P. D. Henderson and, after the reorganization, by Alexander Stevenson, the Director of the Development Economics Department (DED). Among the contents are: November 1971 memoranda to Henderson from Economics Department managers with their thoughts on possible future organizational structures for the Bank; copies of December 1971 memoranda from Mohamed Shoaib (chair of the Organization Study Steering Committee) and Hollis B. Chenery to President McNamara with their reorganization ideas; Henderson's notes from the December 22, 1971 meeting of the President's Council; McNamara's January 7, 1972 announcement of a study of the Bank's organization and procedures; Henderson's correspondence from McKinsey, the consulting firm which helped with the study; a copy of the July 13, 1972 memorandum outlining the views of Mahbub Haq and Ernest Stern regarding the Bank's policy function; a copy of E. Lerdau's July 24, 1972 comments on Haq's and Stern's views; the August 10, 1972 announcement of the first phase of the restructuring; memoranda from various managers of the Central Economic Staff (CES) to Henderson with ideas as to how to reorganize CES; Henderson's September 30, 1972 draft of a memorandum from Hollis B. Chenery to President McNamara concerning responsibility for sector development policy; the October 16, 1972 announcement of the Development Policy Staff's organization; and other memoranda further refining the organization and staffing of the Development Economics Department in the Development Policy Staff.

World Debt Tables and World Economic Indicators

The earliest World Debt Tables in the series were prepared by the Comparative Data Division, Economics (later Economic Program) Department. The tables were developed from data received from deBTOr countries supplemented by data from other sources. These tables were periodically updated and supplemented; data used in some updates are part of the series. The Economic and Social Data Division, Economic Analysis and Projections Department of the Development Policy Staff succeeded the Comparative Data Divisionin issuing World Debt Tables.

Included in this series is the first World Economic Indicators report that was transmitted with a November 2, 1973 explanatory memo from Bank President Robert McNamara. The purpose of the report was to assemble data for use by Bank senior staff and the Board relating to major trends in the world economy and to describe major features of the economic situation in developing countries.

EDI Task Force Secretary's records

This series consists of records related to the research and consultation undertaken by the task force. This includes the reports on consultations; some items relating to EDI and its programs that pre-date the task force (includinga copy of the Bank's 1976 EDI/20 : Memoir of a Fellowship); memoranda to and from the task force members; interim reprots; drafts; and a copy of the final report to the Board.

Reading File of Bela Balassa

This reading file covers Balassa's work as a consultant for the World Bank from September 1966 to May 1991. Bela Balassa was recruited in 1966 by Irving S. Friedman, The Economic Adviser to the President, as a consultant adviser to the Economics Department of the Bank. Balassa had recently been appointed Professor of Political Economy at The Johns Hopkins University and prior to that was on the faculty of Yale University. Balassa worked closely with Friedman and Andrew Kamarck, the Director of the Economics Department, and later with Hollis B. Chenery after he was appointed Economic Adviser to the Bank President in October 1970.

Through successive Bank reorganizations, Balassa served as a consultant policy adviser and prepared papers at the request of Operations and other Bank units, led Bank missions to developing countries, supervised research performed in Regional offices, and conducted his own research and writing. He served as a consultant in DEC at the time of his death on May 10, 1991.

During theperiod 1966-1970, the series includes Balassa's letters and Back-to-Office Reports for missions to Argentina, Korea, Taiwan, and Israel, letters sent in conjunction with the Development Strategies in Semi-Industrial Countries and Export Promotion in Developing Countries projects, and letters to outside economists invited to attend meetings at the Bank on the Structure of Protection in Developing Countries.

Letters and memoranda for the 1971-1981 period continue to document his duties as Research Adviser to the Economics Department and to the Vice President, Development Policy Hollis Chenery who was appointed the Economic Adviser to the Bank President. Balassa also consulted with Ernest Stern, Senior Adviser, Development Policy and officials of other Bank departments on policy issues and participated in economic or advisory missions. In February 1972 he was transferred to the Development Research Center. Letters and memoranda for the period afterward indicate that Belassa continued to lead or otherwise participate in missions; performed other policy advisory work for Regional Offices, other parts of the Bank, and governments of less developed countries; assisted the Research Committee (later the Research Projects Approval Committee [REPAC]) in panel review of research proposals; provided leadership to the Industrial Development and Trade Steering Group; commented on the quality and distribution of World Bank staff working papers; and conducted his own research and writing

Beginning in 1982, Balassa reported to the Vice President, Development Policy Staff (later Vice President, Economics and Research [ERS]) and to the Director of the Development Research Department. Letters and memoranda indicate his increased involvement in policy advising and operational support both to senior Bank management and Regional Offices and continued participation in missions and in the Research Committee. After the 1987 Reorganization, Balassa reported to the Vice President, Development Economics and Chief Economist (DEC). A copy of an August 4, 1987 report on World Bank Research prepared at the request of the Senior Vice President, Policy, Planning and Research is in the file. A number of letters and reports after that date and continuing through 1991 concern Balassa's review of papers in the Policy, Planning and Research (PPR, later PRE [Policy, Research, and External Affairs]) Working Papers series. Included in the PPR/PRE series were World Development Reports and other papers prepared by organizations within DECVP, IEC [International Economics Department], and CEC [Country Economics Department].

Throughout the series are copies of papers Balassa prepared at the request of the Board and Bank offices, copies of research papers and lectures prepared for Bank-IMF sponsored conferences and for meetings of international organizations, reports prepared after returning to the Bank from outside meetings on economic issues and trade policy, and letters concerning his books and other publications.

Dissertation and data collection sheets

Gloria Davis completed her Ph.D. in anthropology at Stanford University in 1976 with a dissertation titled, Parigi: A Social History of the Balinese Movement to Central Sulawesi, 1907-1974. The series consists of a copy of the dissertation and the data sheets that Davis compiled in preparing it.

As Davis describes in the introduction to the dissertation, In early 1973 I began a systematic census of the migrant area [Parigi, central Sulawesi], followed by a detailed questionnaire administered to 1,000 migrants. In this effort I was assisted by a number of school teachers in the various villages, and also by two assistants . . . who together administered about one-half the questionnaires and coded and compiled all the results. In early 1974 the three of us returned to Bali and gave the same questionnaire to 500 Balinese from sending areas for migrants in Sulawesi. The original questionnaires, filled out by hand and including the name of the person interviewed and the location, make up the series. Nine groups were surveyed in Sulawesi and six in Bali. Within each group, each survey sheet was numbered, and they are in numerical order. Appendix B of the dissertation provides an English translation of the survey form.

Because of the completeness of the survey data, the data sheets are an important resource for persons interested in tracing communities, families, or individuals in the survey area; reviewing the early stages of the transmigration program in Indonesia; or replicating the survey.

Personal file

The series appears to have been established by Davis when she began work at the World Bank, although it incorporates two papers that she wrote before coming to the Bank. Each file is titled with her name, the subject of the document it contains and usually a date. A file of drafts, primarily of papers Davis wrote in the 1970s, was added to the subject files.

Most of these items are memos or reports written by Davis during her first years at the Bank. They all concern Indonesia, and in them Davis' voiceand opinions are clearly expressed. Particularly interesting are notes she wrote following a visit to Saimen in August 1978, reporting on what residents told her about the Kali Tapan demonstration project.

Edited conference volume

A Conference on Indonesian Culture was held at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, July 3 through August 3, 1976. Gloria Davis edited the papers from the conference for publication in 1979 as :What Is Modern Indonesia Culture? in Ohio University's Southeast Asia Series. The series consists of the conference papers, with editorial changes, sometimes in several versions. Also included is some correspondence with the authors. The publication is not included.

Correspondence file

The series appears to have been established by Davis when she began work at the World Bank. It contains incoming letters and memoranda, almost all relating to Indonesia, some mission reports, notes, and drafts of working papers by Davis and others. Documents from the Government of Indonesia are found in the file, primarily as duplicate copies.

The file begins in 1978, but the heart of the series is the period after the completion of the World Bank's transmigration program review in Indonesia (published in 1981) and leading up to the publication of the Bank's transmigration sector review in 1986. The records provide a good overview of the steps in preparing a major sector review, from the first memos in 1984 outlining the possible topics to be covered, through the data collection phases and statistical analyses, to the drafting and review within the Bank, to the final publication.

Indonesia transmigration program subject file

The first Indonesian transmigration program that the World Bank financed (Transmigration I) involved the areas of Baturaja and Way Abung. Transmigration II involved the areas of Rimbo Bujang, Alai Hilir, and Singkut along the trans-Sumtra highway in Jambi province. The files in this series are primarily on those locations, with additional files on topics such as cassava and land tenure. Davis incorporated in the files documents from her previous work on Indonesia, such as a bibliography from 1972, and writings from other Indonesia specialists that she used. The files Baturaja - Way Abung Computer Analysis and Notes include notes that Davis made in 1976.

Some interview notes are included, as are maps, documents from the Government of Indonesia, reports from consultants, and a draft of Beyond Subsistence: A Report on the Agricultural Economies of Way Abung and Baturaja, a study prepared by Davis. The Way Abung file includes summaries based on a brief survey of 240 informants in 12 WA villages and supplementary material from a report from IPB Bogor based on interviews with 90 migrant families. A survey was conducted in the Rimbobujang area, and the files contain information, data, and analysis from that survey.

While most of the files relate to the geographic areas included in the transmigration program review that was conducted between 1979 and 1981, the series also includes a file on a review of the North Sumatra smallholder development project. At the end of the series is a file containing progress reports 3 through 10 on the South Sumatra and Lampung Transmigration and Rural Development Project, prepared for the Government of Indonesia by its consultants.

The files are useful for an historical perspective on the villages and areas where transmigration occurred.

Indonesia transmigration notebooks

This series consists of notebooks that Davis kept or obtained during surveys of villages in Indonesia involved in transmigration. The first five notebooks relate to villages that she studied for her Ph.D. dissertation, of which the first four are Davis' notes and the fifth is a report written to her.

The next four notebooks are numbered, and the last is annotated very rapid general survey please hold and return. The second notebook is dated 12-3-78, giving the date for the survey. Each reports survey data from the villages of Pulung Kencana, Candra Kencana, Penumangan, Panaragan Jaya, Tara Karya, Bangun Sari, Sidomukti, Purbasakri, Makari, Marga Mulyo, Daya Sakri and Daya Murni. The names of the persons interviewed are not included. The data are date of arrival, originally from, type of migration, how many people were at home and how many migrated, what property is owned here and what property in Java, what type of house, occupation in Java, money brought from Java when migrating, number of times returned to Java, number of people who followed you here, and questions about the land given and purchased, crops grown and productivity of farm, fertilizer use, off-farm work, income here and in Java, expectations as against reality, and biggest difficulty.

The third set of notebooks are numbered 1-5 and labeled Unit Desa I (3 volumes) and Unit Desa II (2 volumes). They contain the same type of data as the second set of notebooks. These villages were organized by blok; in village I the bloks had letters for identification (for example, Blok E) while in the second village the bloks carried both a letter and the numeral II (Blok C II). In these surveys the name of the family surveyed is included.

Finally, 1 notebook marked Way Abung Apr. May 1978 Baturaja Mar 78? and 1 notebook marked Sitiung contain lists of variables and codes to be used in analyzing data.

Indonesia transmigration program - data and statistics

This series consists of the original data sheets, coded tabulations, and computer analyses from surveys in the areas involved in the first two transmigration projects funded by the World Bank, including Way Abung, Rimbo Bujang, Singkut, Sitiung, Upang, and villages designated only by unit number.

The first group, labeled Data sheets - Original Sit, Up & RB forms, consists of 3-page, 7-part completed interview forms in ten villages identified as Unit I through Unit X. Part 1 of the form gives basic demographic information, part 2 is on agricultural land provided by the government, part 3 is use of other land, part 4 is on water, part 5 on agricultural production (crop yields), part 6 is agricultural inputs, and part 7 is possessions. Names are not included. The survey was taken after May 1978 (the latest date recorded for arrival of migrants) and before the coding was done in September 1978. Included are the coding sheets and data analysis.

The second group of survey data sheets is from 1979. The survey covered the villages of Bataraja-Matapura, Sitiung, Upang, and Way Abung. The folder containing the Upang forms is marked Delta data collected June 79. The form used had 2 pages and asked many of the same questions as the 1978 form. After the initial section of demographic information, there are sections on agricultural land, agricultural production, agricultural inputs, house type, property (agricultural and personal), and information about returns made to Java, comparison of income in Java and in current location, expectations and reality, and problems encountered.

The 1979 data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) computer program. There are cross-tabulations for all villages or a subset of villages, variables broken down by village, and Pearson correlation coefficients.

In 1983, the project completion review team for the Bank's Transmigration I project, led by Gloria Davis, requested that a census of village units be conducted in village units V, VI, VII, VIII,IX, X and XI of Batumarta and Units XII and XII of the Transmigration I extension area. The data was to be collected on about 200 families. The 1979 form was used. No analysis of the data is included.

Because the survey forms appear to be complete, they could serve as a baseline for further analytical work in the same villages.

Fiji economic mission

Gloria Davis was a member of the June 1984 World Bank economic survey mission to Fiji, and this series is the set of subject files she compiled before and during the mission. The files contain correspondence, notes she took while in Fiji and while doing research, drafts, schedules, and information obtained from other Bank missions and from governments with projects in Fiji. At the end of the subject files is the draft report she wrote following the mission, Fiji: Equity Issues and Rural Development. Also included are two files of background information.

Although this series is small, Davis assembled a quantity of grey literature on Fiji that makes it a useful supplement to research on Fiji in the 1970s and early 1980s.

Indonesia projects file

In addition to the large program review of the Indonesia transmigration projects and the later review of the entire transmigration sector, Gloria Davis was involved with or closely followed other projects in Indonesia. This series consists of files on the Second Swamp Reclamation project, a Transmigration Income Survey project, the UN Development Program's Bank-funded Transmigration Management and Monitoring Service Project, and UN Food and Agriculture Organization/World Food Program projects. The files include correspondence, reports, survey forms, drafts, copies of contracts, and work plans.

The three files on the UNDP program are helpful to understand the background of the monitoring service. By 1979 the Bank and other funders were concerned that the transmigration project had grown beyond the capacities of the Government of Indonesia's current management structure. The Bank agreed that the Government could use $2 million of the funds already lent to the Government to establish a monitoring project; UNDP provided a grant of $1.5 million; and the Government of Indonesia made a contribution, all of which funds would be administered by UNDP which would contract with a management firm to provide assistance to the Junior Minister of Transmigration to improve the management of the overall transmigration program and to assist in establishing procedures and training for the staff and establish a system for monitoring and evaluating the development of and benefits of the Transmigration II project. In 1980 the firm of Resources Management, International, was awarded the contract. Gloria Davis was involved in the negotiations for the monitoring program, and reports on the program are found in her file of project and research reports and other correspondence on the monitoring project is found in the correspondence file.

Indonesia transmigration sector review files

In September 1984 the Bank began preparing for a review of the entire Indonesian transmigration sector. Gloria Davis led the sector review, and she and two colleagues went to Indonesia in November 1984 on the initiating mission. The final report of the sector review was published on October 24, 1986.

The series consists of a few files arranged by topic, followed by computer printouts of statistical analysis concerning population projections and working files of data and analysis. The working files include information from previous World Bank studies. The series concludes with data and statistics from the Government of Indonesia, primarily dating from 1982 to 1985 but including two items from 1976. Related items from the Government of Indonesia from this period are found in the series of Indonesia project and research reports (Bahasa), and correspondence about the review is found in the correspondence files.

Indonesia project and research reports (English)

Each project, whether funded by the World Bank or by other donors, requires formal reports. In addition, research reports on Indonesia published by various institutions were obtained by Gloria Davis as background to her work on Indonesia, including a few pre-publication versions.

This series contains project and research reports in English; Bahasa language reports are in a separate series. The first section includes reports from the Government of Indonesia and reports to it by its contractors. The second section has reports of research undertaken by Indonesian institutions. Of particular interest are the reports of a Bogor Agricultural University project established in 1977 to do long term social-economic monitoring of the two transmigration settlements of Batu Marta, South Sumatra, and Way Abung, North Lampung. The third section has reports from projects undertaken by a foreign government, the fourth section has reports from projects and research undertaken by international institutions., and the finalsection contains reports by research institutions outside Indonesia.

Indonesia project and research reports (Bahasa)

This series contains project and research reports on Indonesia that were prepared by or for the Government of Indonesia or as part of the regular work of an Indonesian institution. A few are pre-publication versions. They were obtained by Gloria Davis as background for her work on Indonesia.

In a few cases Gloria Davis obtained part of a series of reports in English and part in Bahasa; see, for example, the Survey Agro Ekonomi where working papers 8, 9 and 11 are English and the rest of the seriesis in Bahasa. Similarly, the early monitoring reports of the Baturaja and Way Abung monitoring by Institut Pertanian Bogor are in English, but the draft final reports are in Bahasa.

Writings not by Gloria Davis

This series contains writings, primarily on Indonesian topics, that were given to Gloria Davis by their authors. Both published and unpublished items are included. Some are papers that were presented at conferences; others are student papers, theses, and dissertations; many are reprints from journals. A few have annotations. The series concludes with the papers from the International Seminar on Settlement Concept as an Integrated Part of Regional and Rural Development, August 23-28, 1987, which Davis maintained as a set.

Indonesia maps and charts

This series principally contains maps, but it also includes some oversize organization charts and schematic drawings. Approximately half are commercial maps of Indonesia, the remainder are maps created for projects funded by the Bank. Some project maps are hand colored or annotated.

The maps are extremely useful for studying the Bank funded transmigration projects, particularly the surveys undertaken in 1978 and 1979.

Subject files

In 1993 Gloria Davis became the chief of the World Bank's Social Policy and Resettlement Division and in 1997 she became the director of the Department of Social Policy. In these positions she directed studies, authored papers, and participated in major Bank task forces and initiatives. This series of files is organized by subject, principally around major topics in social policy. Within each subject the files are chronological and often include background materials used for studies and drafts at various stages of the writing process.

These files are a rich resource for the study of the social policy debate within the Bank. Through the drafts and comments on them, the user can see the varied influences on the final version of a study and the role that Davis played in the outcome. Because many of the topics overlapped, a researcher interested in one topic might find very useful information in another subject file on a related topic.

Clusters of files are found around topics that were the focus of a working group or task force in which Davis participated; see, for example, the files on participation in development by local communities, on safeguards, and on the fiftieth anniversary of the World Bank. In early 1996 the Bank formed a Task Group on Social Development, which had ten satellite groups to work on specific areas. Davis was a member of the Task Group and deeply involved in the work of the satellite group on social capital. The main files are Task Group on Social Development, with additional files under Social capital - Correspondence. The files include printed email messages, drafts, and background information shared among the group members.

During 2001 and 2003, Davis was one of the representatives of the Bank on a collaborative effort by the African Development Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the European Investment Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Inter-American Development Bank, and the International Finance Corporation and the World Bank to develop a common framework for environmental impact assessment. The group developed a report, A Common Framework: Converging Requirements of Multilateral Financial institutions. The series includes meeting agendas, draft papers, and comments by World Bank staff members on the harmonization effort.

Another set of files are those Davis assembled when writing her major study, History of the Social Development Network in the World Bank, 1973-2002. For this work she pulled together materials from the 1970s to the present,often in copies but sometimes in originals. The files on the history contain correspondence from readers of drafts or persons to whom she directed questions; in addition, many of the items listed in the annex to the History can be found scattered throughout this series.

In addition, Davis retained her lifelong interest in Indonesia, and a small amount of material on Indonesia is also found in the series, both as a separate subject and in areas such as Social capital. Local level institutions study, which looked intensively at institutions in Indonesia.

Any researcher interested in the development of the social policy in the Bank will find these records useful, particularly those on the Task Force and on the history Davis wrote of social development in the Bank.

Bound Reports and Studies Maintained by the DGO's Reference Library

The series consists of three sets of leather bound volumes that were maintained in the Office of the Director-General, Operations Evaluation (DGO). Volumes are titled: Annual Reports - Annual Reviews - JAC Reports - JAC Subcommittee Reports (October 1971 - November 1995); Project Evaluation - Project Performance Audit Reports (PPARs) - Project Completion Reports (October 1972 - August 1994); and Special Studies - Impact Evaluation Reports (July 1973 - August 1994).

Records of the Director, Agriculture and Human Development Division (OEDD1)

Series consists of records created and received by the Director of OED's Agriculture and Human Development Division (OEDD1). Specifically, the series contains records gathered by OEDD1 Director Graham Donaldson, including reports, correspondence, intra-OED memoranda, agendas and minutes of meetings, and seminar outlines. The records generally relate to the extension of OED's influence and the dissemination and use of OED products throughout the Bank, in international organizations, and in other countries. Among the topics covered are: a review of OED reports and advice regarding their publication; policy regarding the dissemination of OED findings and information; the establishment of operations evaluation programs in other countries and in the Inter-American Development Bank; the Bank's coordination with countries and other organizations doing post evaluations of projects fully or partially funded by the Bank; Bank-provided training on program monitoring and evaluation; and the Evaluation Capability Development Program. Included are a number of requests from Bank staff and from non-Bank organizations for specific OED reports. Two large folders on the Joint Audit Committee (JAC) include: intra-OED memoranda regarding the Department's responses to specific JAC inquiries and requests; agenda and minutes of JAC meetings; the OED Director's requests for Donaldson's comments on JAC reports; OED's proposals for the JAC work program; and OED comments on the Report of the Working Group on Project Completion Reports and on the Report of the Task Force on Dissemination and Utilization of OED Findings.

Files of the Directors-General, Operations Evaluation, Documenting the Early History of OED

This series consists of files compiled by the Director-General containing his copies of reports and correspondence documenting the early history of the Operations Evaluation Department. Filed under Operations Evaluation History are copies of documents dated 1969 - 1974 that established the evaluation function in the Bank and the responsibilities of the OED and the Director-General. Included are copies of the DGO's correspondence with President Robert McNamara, the President's memoranda and circulars regarding OED and the evaluation function, and a 1974 General Accounting Office (GAO) proposal regarding Operations Evaluation. Filed under GAO Audits are copies compiled in June 1973 of documents dated 1967, 1969, and 1973 regarding audits of several international and government institutions in response to a bill to revise the functions of the Comptroller General of the U.S (the head of GAO). Filed under U.S. Congressional Staff Report on International Finance Institutions (IFIs) and DGO's Commentary are copies of documents dated 1975 - 1981 regarding a 1979 investigation of International Finance Institutions by the U.S. House Committee on Appropriations. DGO Mervyn L. Weiner reviewed a draft of the investigative report and prepared the Bank's response. That file also includes a 1981 GAO review of operations evaluation in the World Bank and Weiner's response to recommendations from that review. A file labeled OED 50: 'Learning About Development - Major Evaluation Findings' contains the DGO's copy of the draft of abooklet on OED prepared in connection with the Bank's 50th anniversary and OED's 20th anniversary. Filed with the draft are background materials used by Stokes Tolbert, one of the two consultants who drafted the booklet. Filed under Operation and Impact of the Bank's Evaluation System are various drafts of the 1989 OED booklet, Improving the World Bank's Performance: the Role of Operations Evaluation. Also in that file are copies of the Operational Directives chapters that concerned OED and copies of OED staff and DGO memoranda, articles, and presentations about OED and the Bank's evaluation system, 1975 - 1989.

Director-General Robert Picciotto's Files Relating Primarily to Committees, Commissions, Task Forces, and Boards on which he served

The series consists of files compiled by DGO Robert Picciotto that relate to topics not directly connected with the work of OED; most of the files concern committees, commissions, task forces, or boards on which Picciotto served. The majority of files concerns the Bank-wide Social Development Task Force (SDTF) which was established early in 1996 as an acknowledgement of the social dimensions of development in project design and to take a considered look at the various initiatives and approaches underway onsocial development and to make recommendations on further actions to advance [that] work. Picciotto served as chair of the Task Force's Satellite Group 9 on Bank Instruments of Lending. Picciotto's Task Force records include: agenda for meetings and retreats; copies of and comments on the drafts of the Group 9 report; correspondence with other members of Group 9 and with other Task Force members; and copies of input from the other Task Force groups.

Related to the SDTF are records filed under Adapting Lending Products and Adaptable Lending Products. Picciotto was a member of the New Products Steering Committee which was organized to implement the recommendations of the SDTF. That led to the Adaptable Lending Group which first met in March 1997 to create a new line of lending products recommended for Bank-wide adaptation to implement SDTF goals. The Executive Directors approved the Adaptable Lending Instruments in September 1997. The files contain Picciotto's correspondence regarding the development of the new lending products.

Filed under Project Implementation Commission - Brazil are Picciotto's records, dated July 1999 - August 1996, for the Brazil/World Bank Commission on Improving the Developmental Effectiveness of World Bank Financial Projects. Picciotto was a member of the joint Bank/Brazil Commission which was created to improve the Bank's portfolio in three sectors (education, rural poverty, and health) in the Northeast Region of Brazil and in the environment sector across Brazil. Picciotto's recordsinclude: correspondence with Commission members; Terms of Reference for consultants assigned to work with the Commission; minutes of Commission meetings; intra-OED correspondence regarding audits of Brazilian projects and the establishment of new projects in Brazil; draft outlines of the Commission's final report; drafts of the Executive Summary of the report; and comments regarding drafts of the final report. Drafts of the entire report are not in the files.

Picciotto served on the Joint Fund-Bank Committee on Finance and Development which was the advisory board for Finance and Development (F and D), the quarterly publication of the International Monetary Fund and the Bank. His Board records (filed under Internal Correspondence - Finance and Development) date from December 1987 when he was Vice President for Corporate Planning and Budgeting. Included are: his correspondence with the editor of F and D; agenda and minutes of Board meetings; copies of book reviews he provided for publication; resumes of job applicants for positions with the publication; articles submitted for publication which were forwarded to Picciotto for comment; and a copy of an article, A New Project Cycle for the World Bank? which he and Rachel Weaving submitted for publication in October 1994.

In addition to board, task force, and committee records, this series includes files on several other non-OED topics. Filed under Socratic Seminar Files are Picciotto's records regarding his coordination work for a television program, Banking on the Poor, which was part of a public television series The Fred Friendly Seminars. Picciotto had the lead in planning for the October 1, 1994, program which took place in Madrid, Spain, at the time of the Bank's annual meeting. It was the third in a series sponsored by the Bank to examine the role of international finance in fighting poverty. The program followed the Socratic Seminar format, created in the 1970s by Fred Friendly and Stuart Sucherman. Picciotto's records are dated May to October 1994 and include concept papers and e-mails regarding logistical planning for the program.

This series also includes copies of June 1996 - June 1998 correspondence (filed under Knowledge Center - Management) Picciotto received regarding the Knowledge Management Board that was established in July 1997 as well as copies of his comments on proposals for knowledge management within the Bank.

FPBVP and FPRVP subject and activity files

This series includes subject and activity files collected by Joseph Wood while Vice President of the Financial Policy, Planning, and Budgeting Vice Presidency (FPBVP, 1983-1987) and the Financial Policy and Risk Management Vice Presidency (FPRVP, 1987-1991). The FPBVP contained the Financial Policy Department (FPA) and the Planning and Budgeting Department (PBD). The FPRVP contained the Financial Policy Department as well as the Resource Mobilization Department (FRM). Records in this series relate to Wood's role overseeing the work of these units. Subject files include: lending programs; adjustment lending; debt and debt servicing; cofinancing; Bank relations with external institutions; Bank sectors (i.e. environment, women in development, etc.); risk management; Bank capital and currency management; borrowing and liquidity policy; International Finance Corporation (IFC) operations; International Development Association (IDA) policy; IDA replenishment; IBRD General Capital Increase (GCI); country positions on various topics; and the Brady Proposal. Records include correspondence and memoranda between Wood and the Office of the President (EXC), Senior Vice President of Finance Ernest Stern, other high-ranking World Bank staff, and staff of departments reporting to the FPBVP and FPRVP. Many of the correspondence and memoranda are forwarded to Wood for information or comment. Many contain handwritten annotations by Wood.

Front Office Records Relating to the 1992 and 1998 Bank Reorganizations

These files were created by Leslie Davis (Leslie Davis Arnold), Program Coordinator for Administration in DEC's Front Office, during the planning stages of the FY 1993 Bank reorganization. They include copies of: briefing papers, memoranda, electronic messages, and other correspondence concerning reassignments within DEC and the Technical Departments; budget allocation and remapping documents; notes and reports from meetings discussing the DEC reorganization; correspondence concerning the reconfiguration of the Country Economics Department (CEC); and DECVP's memorandum of January 19, 1993 announcing CEC's change in name to the Policy Research Department (PRD) and designating it as the principal department in DEC engaged in research affecting the formulation of development policy. Also included as part of Davis' files on the FY 1993 reorganization are correspondence and reports concerning the closing of the Geneva Office by the end of June 1993. Much of the correspondence between Davis with the Administrative Assistant at the Geneva Office, Diane Cunningham, concerns various aspects of the closedown including reactions to the announcement of the shut down, allocation of Geneva Office responsibilities to DEC and to other Bank units, employment issues affecting Bank personnel at the office, the abolition of the Geneva Office support staff, termination of the lease for the office space, and disposition of Bank property at the Geneva Office.

Davis' file for the FY 1998 reorganization includes memoranda, electronic messages, organization charts, copies of kiosk announcements, and other documents concerning the movement of staff resources and dollars, reclassifications and appointments, and proposals for reorganization structure. Also in her file are copies of memoranda exchanged between human resources organizations, DEC department heads, and DEC Front Office staff, as well as Davis' correspondence with personnel within and outside of DEC regarding the reorganization.

Files Documenting the Review Process for Country Program Papers, Country Strategy Papers, and Country Assistance Strategies in the Development Policy Group (DPG)

This series contains files documenting the drafting and review of Country Program Papers (CPPs), Country Strategy Papers (CSPs), Country Assistance Strategies (CASs) and several Country Strategy Notes (CSNs) and Country Economic Memoranda (CEMs). These files were maintained by the Development Policy Group (DPG) and by its predecessor, the Economic Advisory Staff (EAS). Both units were responsible for shepherding CSPs etc. through the review process.

The small number of items dated prior to the 1987 Reorganization and the establishment of EAS are primarily only copies of Country Program Papers, Special Country Program Papers (SCPPs), or Country Program Notes (CPN) and copies of Postscripts of Operations Policy Subcommittee reviews of CPPs; there are very few memoranda discussing drafts or commenting on the CPP/CPN content. The document copies were forwarded to the Vice President for Development Policy (VPD) and to units within VPD: the Policy Planning and Program Review Department (DPP) and the Program Review Division (PPPR); to the Economics and Research Staff (ERS); and to the Country Policy Department (CPD) in the Operations Policy Complex (OPS).

The more complete files in this series cover the period from 1987 to 1994 and contain records documenting the entire CSP/CAS drafting and review process and the input of EAS/DEC staff into that review process: a draft Initiating Memorandum (IM) or brief prepared by Regional staff and comments on the draft IM from units throughout the Bank; a summary of the meeting in which the draft IM was discussed; a working level draft CSP developed by Regional staff and comments on the draft and minutes of the review meeting at which the draft was discussed; the agenda and minutes of the Regional VP (Loan Committee) review meeting; a revised draft CSP incorporating changes agreed upon in the Regional VP review; the Operations Committee review draft of the CSP with comments on the draft from Regional staff and staff in EAS/DPG/DECVP; an agenda with background information prepared by EAS for the Operations Committee (OC) meeting to discuss the draft CSP; comments forwarded to EAS/DPG on the draft Operation Committee minutes and on the draft CSP; an Operations Committee Postscript written by EAS to incorporate decisions made in the OC meeting and comments received from all units following the OC meeting; the President's Review draft of the CSP or CAS and related comments from Bank units; minutes of President's Review meeting; the President's comments on the CSP following the President's Review meeting; handwritten notes taken by EAS/DPG staff and by the Chief Economist (DECVP) at the various review meetings; news notices and magazine articles (primarily from The Economist, Financial Times, and Far Eastern Economic Review) regarding the country that was the subject of the CSP; internal EAS, DPG, and DECVP memoranda discussing the various drafts and/or commenting on the various review meetings; comments on the CSP/CAS from staff within DEC units, especially the Policy Research Department (PRD), the Research Advisory Staff (RAD), and the International Economics Department (IEC); and correspondence between EAS/DPG staff and Regional staff during the entire drafting and review process. In some cases, the DPG representative who attended the Regional Loan Committee meeting wrote his own post-meeting review to the files. The file on South Africa is an aberration; it contain nothing but news updates on the political situation in South Africa from 1992 to 1994 and one summary of discussionsof the situation in South Africa at a December 9, 1993, meeting of the Executive Directors.

Working File for the Trade Policy Development Project Maintained in the Development Research Group

In November 1999, the World Bank established a new program of international standards, technical regulations, and trade policy with the support of the United Kingdom's Department of International Development's (DFID) Trust Fund. The DFID umbrella Trust Fund project had eight sub-components or projects: WTO 2000 and WBI Core Course developed by the World Bank Institute; WTO Agriculture; Services Trade; Trade Support; International Standards Support; Trade Policy Data System; and Impact Modeling. This file appears to have been initially maintained by Anthony Venables (Manager for Trade, Development Research Group [DECRG]) who was designated Task Manager to administer this three-year Trust Fund project.

Found in the series are copies of electronic messages (e-mails) exchanged in 1998 between L. Alan Winters, then Trade Manager, DECRG with David Batt, Head of DFID about a DFID-World Bank collaboration on trade policy in advance of the next round of World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations in order to increase understanding of the policy implications and economic impact of standards and regulations on world trade development. A copy of Winter's 21 December 1998 letter to Botts expressing the Bank's interest in a Trade Policy Development Project is in the file. Also in the file are copies of e-mails and notes concerning the preparation process for a Bank Initiating brief for a Trust Fund for the Trade Policy Development Project and a copy of the Initiating brief executed on 29 March 1999 that describes the objectives of the Trust Fund.

In the series are descriptions of each sub-component project approved by DFID for financing, program updates/progress reports, and other project related correspondence including Venable's correspondence with personnel designated as Bank contact points for the sub-projects and with DFID and a copy of a later 2001 facsimile message requesting payment from DFID for expenditures for the period 1 October 2000 to 30 September 2001.

Reading File of the Research Advisory Staff (RAD)

The series consists of documents sent electronically within RAD, to other parts of DEC, and to other Bank organizations by the Research Administrator and other RAD staff concerning the Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics (ABCDE), The World Bank Economic Review, the annual report of the World Bank Research Program, the World Bank Visiting Research Fellows Program (VRFP), research and conference funding, the Working Papers series, and research and conference proposals.

Records of Evaluation of The World Bank Economic Review and The World Bank Research Observer Maintained by the Research Advisory Staff (RAD)

The series includes: Terms of Reference for the 1995 evaluation of The World Bank Economic Review (WBER) and The World Bank Research Observer (WBRO), both of which were first published in 1986; six individual evaluations of WBER and WBRO that were submitted during July and August 1995 to Moshe Syrquin, Editor, The World Bank Journals; and a March 1997 report on WBER and WBRO submitted by Syrquin to Joseph E. Stiglitz, Senior Vice President and Chief Economist, DEC. Syrquin's report included findings of evaluations of the two journals conducted in 1991 and in 1995.

ESSDVP correspondence files

Series consists of correspondence files created by the ESSDVP. All of the correspondence in this series was authored by, addressed to, or forwarded to ESSD Vice Presidents Ismail Serageldin and Ian Johnson. There are, however, different forms of correspondence. Numbered correspondence in the form of a Lotus Notes log book is the most voluminous; these records span March 1998 to July 1999 and include correspondence to and from both Serageldin and Johnson. Correspondence of similar type, but that was not managed under the log book system, is included from 1999 to 2001 and is exclusively authored by or addressed to Johnson. Included in these records are a small number of short briefing notes authored by Johnson and/or the ESSDVP for the World Bank President. Memoranda files created in 2000 to 2001 are also included in this series as are a small number of records filed separately that only contain correspondence between the ESSDVP and the World Bank President between 1999 and 2001. The latter contains correspondence related to event and meeting attendance and planning, information exchange, briefing reports, and letters written by the ESSDVP for the President's signature.

Subject Files of Geoffrey B. Lamb, Adviser, Policy Development Unit (PRDPD), Policy and Review Department

This series contains files compiled by Geoffrey B. Lamb while he was an adviser in the Strategic Planning Division (SPRSP) of the Strategic Planning and Review Department and, after July 1, 1990, an adviser in and later head of the Policy Development Unit (PRDPD) of the Policy and Review Department (PRD). SPRSP had the major responsibility for generating and drafting the President's addresses to the Annual Meetings of the Bank and the Fund, and more than two thirds of this series consists of files Lamb compiled while drafting the speeches that President Conable delivered at the 1987, 1988, and 1989 annual meetings. These speech files contain numerous drafts of the speeches, much intra-Bank correspondence containing suggestions for the speeches and comments on the many drafts, copies of Bank publications used as background materials, Lamb's handwritten notes from meetings at which the drafts were discussed, and intra-Bank memoranda regarding follow-up action required to ensure that policies and programs outlined in the speeches were, in fact, accomplished.

Other files in the series contain records concerning the Group of Thirty's Study Group on Financing Eastern Europe which issued a 1991 report on the outlook for capital flows into Eastern Europe and the policy issues affecting them. Included is Lamb's correspondence with Richard A. Debs, the chair of the study group; Charles Taylor, the Executive Director of the Group of Thirty; and Wilfried Thalwitz, the World Bank's Senior Vice President, Policy, Research and External Affairs (PRESV), who was a member of the study group. A copy of the published report is included in the files. Items filed under President's Retreat 1989 concern the drafting of a work program and other follow-up work emanating from the January 6, 1989 retreat on the Strategic Agenda Framework. Another file contains intra-Bank memoranda and reports on the relationship between the U.S.S.R. and the Bretton Woods institutions and copies of and comments on a draft of the 1989 article The Soviet Union and the Bretton Woods Agencies written by the Executive Vice President and Director of the Overseas Development Council Richard E. Feinberg. There is also a file concerning the drafting of briefing materials compiled in November 1990 for President Conable prior to his visit to the U.S.S.R.

At the end of the series is a small file (under Guarantees) containing seven memoranda and papers, June 1990-September 1991, from Alfred J. Watkins, a senior economist in the Policy Development Unit, outlining howthe World Bank could use its guarantee powers to facilitate private capital flows to private sector entities in developing countries.

Young Professionals Program (YPP) chronological files

This series consists of records from Masood Ahmed's participation in the World Bank's Young Professionals Program (YPP) in 1979. Records include: back-to-office reports; correspondence; memoranda; travel arrangement records; statement of expenses records; timesheets; and terms of reference related to his rotational project work in African and Middle-Eastern countries.

Records of the Research Projects Approval Committee (REPAC)

This series contains the records of the Research Projects Approval Committee (REPAC) which the Research Policy Council (RPC) established in January 1984 to evaluate and recommend individual research projects for funding from the External Research Budget (later renamed the Research Support Budget [RSB]). The committee's evaluations were to ensure that projects were technically sound, cost-effective, and conformed to the institutional research priorities established by the RPC. To maintain links with theRPC, the Secretary of RPC was the Chair of REPAC. In July 1984, a new position, Research Administrator, was created in the Office of the Vice President, Economics and Research (VPERS); the Research Administrator (RA) served as the REPAC chair and dealt with all matters relating to the Research Policy Council, REPAC, and the Bank Research Advisory Group (BRAG). REPAC consisted of nine Bank staff members, appointed by the Research Policy Council on the recommendation of VPERS.

The REPAC records consist ofofficial requests for Research Support Budget (RSB) funding for research projects, some of which are accompanied by reports from referees, the outside consultants who commented on proposals; minutes of REPAC meetings (filed under correspondence and under rules and procedures); guidelines for evaluating completed projects funded by the Research Support Budget; copies of memoranda establishing REPAC and outlining REPAC rules and procedures; and correspondence which includes memoranda of REPAC decisions regarding requests for funds, incoming requests for additional funding to continue on-going research projects, REPAC correspondence with referees, replies from project managers responding to REPAC funding decisions, and minutes of meetings at which research proposals were discussed.

Chronological files

Series consists of chronological files created primarily by the HROVP. Records date from February 1994, to December 1995; records from July to December 1995 are from the Human Development Department (HDD). The majority of the records found in these files are correspondence. Correspondence to and from external agencies, institutions, and governments generally relates to information exchange, collaborations on projects and research, and conference attendance. Correspondence to and from other departments and vice presidencies in the World Bank is also included. This relates to information exchange, collaborations on projects and research, and conference attendance as well as to HRO's contributions to Country Assistance Strategy reports and participation in meetings. Records also include back-to-office reports, discussion of HRO human resource issues, and comments on HRO staff reports and programs. Records related to the Bank's 50th anniversary activities are also included; these records were created or receivedby the secretariat established in the HRO (HROAN) responsible for anniversary activity's coordination.

Publication File of Bela Balassa

The series includes reprints of approximately 200 papers and essays authored by Bella Balassa on a wide spectrum of economic and trade issues including development strategy, adjustment policies, tariff policy and taxation, exchange rates and balance of payments, protectionism, and export policy and performance. Most of the papers and essays were initially presented by Balassa at symposia, conferences, institutes, and seminars held in the United States and abroad while he served as consultant to the Bank and as a faculty member at The Johns Hopkins University. A series of papers published between 1963 and 1966 were written while he was on the faculty of Yale University. Also found in the series is a copy of a Le Monde article of 26 April 1990 announcing the award of an honorary doctorate to Balassa by the l'universite de Paris, a copy of a letter Belassa sent to friends concerning the Sorbonne ceremony and other honors, and a copy of an article on Balassa that appeared in the March 1990 issue of The Bank's World.

Reports to Headquarters from Special Representatives to U.N. Organizations in Geneva

The series consists of three black binders containing reports sent from Geneva to Headquarters by Representatives Mahmud Burney, L. Peter Chatenay, and Wolfgang Siebeck. The Bank first opened an office in Geneva in 1978 staffed by a resident representative and one support staff. Its responsibilities included representing the Bank in meetings of international organizations held in Geneva, principally the GATT, UNCTAD, ILO, and WHO. The Bank staff at Geneva kept Bank Headquarters informed through periodicreports and facilitated informal contacts with staffs of Geneva organizations. Reports to Headquarters prior to 1987 were addressed to the Director of the Bank's International Relations Department (IRD). When the Strategic Planning and Review Department (SPR) was established under the Senior Vice President, Policy, Planning and Research (SVPPR) in May 1987, the Geneva Office reported to the International Relations Division (SPRIE), which included the U.N. Offices in New York and Geneva (SPRGE).

The first black binder contains numbered Geneva bi-monthly letters (also referred to as newsletters) sent by Mahmud, the first Representative, from September 21, 1979 to October 29, 1982. A register showing letter number, date, and subject is located at the beginning of the binder. At the back of the binder are 15 unnumbered Washington letters and one unnumbered memorandum (10 September 1979 - 31 August 1982), most of which were sent to Burney by Shirley Boskey, Director, International Relations Department (IRD),in response to issues raised in Burney's numbered reports.

All of the numbered Burney Geneva letters except the first and last were addressed to Boskey. In almost all of the letters, Burney provides full descriptions of discussions and outcomes of meetings and conferences of UNCTAD [United Nations Conference on Trade and Development], particularly the Trade and Development Board of UNCTAD, and GATT [General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade]. In the 17 December 1979 letter, Burney offers his views on the impact of the crisis in Iran on Geneva negotiations and possibly the Bank. Burney's letters describe his involvement with work of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and various preparatory meetings for the G-77 ministers meeting (1980), the U.N. Conference on the Least Developed Countries (1981), the GATT Ministerial Meeting (1982), and UNCTAD VI (1982). Burney also reported on the reactions from the U.N. and other organizations at Geneva to world events such as the Iran crisis (1979), President McNamara's announcement of his retirement (1980), the Gulf War (1980), Ronald Reagan's assumption of the U.S. Presidency (1981), and President Clausen's early pronouncements as Bank President (1981). Burney included in his letters information gained in informal and formal discussions with country representatives at Geneva concerning the impact of high oil prices and inflation on economies, balance-of-payments problems of developing countries; the absence of developing countries' at management and seniormanagement levels of the Bank; and the withholding of observer status for the PLO at Bank annual meetings. Burney also reported on other formal and informal contacts with representatives of international organizations in Geneva, arrivals and departures of ambassadors, changes in U.N. and GATT officials, and visits with Bank staff attending meetings in Geneva.

Reports from Geneva of the other two Representatives were similar in the kinds of information covered but differed in frequency and format. The Geneva Letters binder of L. Peter Chatenay is divided into three parts: Geneva Office Activity Reports (in the form of memoranda) sent monthly to the Director, IRD, Shahid Javed Burki, 15 August 1983 - 3 July 1985; reports of UNCTAD, GATT, and other meetings Chatenay attended, 12 September 1983 - 30 July 1985 addressed primarily to Burki; and a small number of Washington letters and messages, some undated, received by Chatenay from Burney and others at the Bank, 10 August 1983 - 16 September 1985. The monthly activity reports focused more on general trends, upcoming events, contacts with and observations about the diplomatic community at Geneva, and contacts with Bank visitors to Geneva. The reports of meetings attended describe comments made by Chatenay and other representatives at these meetings, outcomes, and Chatenay's observations and/or recommendations for Bank response.

Wolfgang Siebeck's first report of 21 January 1986 to Burki was in the form of a letter. The next report, simply captioned Geneva Report for April 1986, covered meetings and other developments related to GATT, UNCTAD, the International Trade Center, the International Labor Organization, and a World Bank briefing given by Burki on April 20, 1986 at Geneva for a group of 88 representatives of Permanent Missions and U.N. Organizations. The reports which followed were submitted on a monthly basis, followed the same format, and focused primarily on GATT and UNCTAD. In these reports, Siebeck covered meetings attended, positions taken,outcomes, and his observations.

In his cover memo of 14 November 1986, Siebeck announced a change in the format of the Geneva Report. Attached to the memo were the October/November and November/December reports, both of which focused on preparations for and negotiations at the Uruguay Round. Succeeding reports beginning with January/February 1987 were numbered and covered Uruguay Round meetings/negotiations, UNCTAD VII and other activities. After September 1987, Siebeck's reports from Geneva fluctuatedbetween one month and two months coverage but continued to address the Uruguay Round and UNCTAD VII developments. In his last report (October/November 1989) from Geneva, Siebeck focused entirely on the status of negotiations in individual Uruguay Round groups.

Miscellaneous Correspondence of the Office of the Special Representative to the U.N. Organizations in Geneva

The series consists of documents that were most likely retained for reference purposes by the Directors of the Geneva office (also referred to as Special Representatives to the U.N. Organizations in Geneva) and their staffs. Included in the series are: copies of the agreement regarding privileges and immunities concluded between the U.N. and the Swiss Federal Council on 19 April 1946; a copy of the 22 June 1978 letter from the Director, International Relations Department of the Bank to the Deputy Director-General of the U.N. announcing the opening of the Bank's Geneva office with Mahmud Burney as permanent representative; biographical information about Bank Presidents; copies of staff and other announcements of the appointments of Wolfgang Siebert (effective 20 January 1986) and Jean Baneth (effective 4 August 1989) as Directors; copies of the announcement of Baneth's departure and the appointment of his successor Piritta Sorsa (effective 14 December 1992); memos and other correspondence concerning the Post Adjustment (cost-of-living) System for Field Assignments (1988 - 1992); memoranda concerning work plans (1990 - 1991) and staffing requirements (1985, 1987, 1989) for the office; an unsigned 7-page monograph titled Notes on the Bank Office in Geneva dated 20 November 1985 most likely written by L. Peter Chatenay who headed the office from 1982 to 1985; and a draft of a letter to the U.N. office in Geneva announcing the permanent closing of the Bank's Geneva office as of 1 July 1993. Copies of a small amount of correspondence prepared by Siebert and Baneth regarding the Geneva office and correspondence from other permanent missions at Geneva are also part of the series.

Divisional Reading File of the International Economics Department (IEC)

The series consists of documents sent electronically within IEC, to other parts of DEC, and to other Bank units on many subjects. A large proportion of the documents concern debt reporting, debt management operations, borrowing arrangements for countries, World Debt Tables, and World Development Indicators. Also included are comments on reports and papers, Unified Survey projects for various countries, Staff Appraisal Reports, and Draft Memoranda of the President for loans for projects. The series also includes requests for information in preparation for representation at Berne Union meetings and documents pertaining to modeling and analytical tools in IECIT [International Trade Division], external debt missions, and The Old Age Crisis Report. Summaries and reports of Bank Board meetings, comments on brainstorming sessions, and meeting announcements circulated by the Department Director or Division Chiefs are also part of the series.

International Economics Department (IEC) Secretariat Records of the Planning Assumptions Committee MAintained in the International Economic Analysis and Prospects Division (IECAP)

This series contains copies of PAC Memoranda, summaries of meetings, and other records of the Planning Assumptions Committee (PAC) and related records of the Economic Analysis and Projections Department (EPD) and later of the International Economic Analysis and Prospects Division (IECAP), the two units that maintained these records.

Originally formed in the early 1970s as the Deflator Committee, the Committee approved the deflator projections to be used in Bank financial planning and in project appraisals. Late in 1980, the name was changed to Planning Assumptions Committee, and its role was broadened to cover a wide range of key indicators of change in the global environment. By establishing common planning assumptions about the world economy, the Committee ensured that the various parts of the Bank used the same projections for economic and sector work, project analysis, financial and budget analysis, and the World Development Report. The Global Analysis Division (EPDGL) of EPD and later the International Economic Analysis and Prospects Division (IECAP) of IEC prepared the background analysis and projections for PAC. This series includes memoranda from those two units transmitting projections data to the PAC chairman. That data was incorporated into the PAC Memoranda which were issued twice a year, in the spring and the fall, to units throughout the Bank. By the late 1980s, these memoranda were issued directly by IECAP, through the Director of the International Economics Department (IECDR) as PlanningAssumptions for Major Macroeconomic Indicators and Financial Indicators. In addition to the official PAC memoranda, there are intra EPD and IEC memoranda documenting the process of compiling the planning data.

Records of the Global Prospects Conferences Sponsored by the International Economic Analysis and Prospects Division (IECAP)

This series consists of records relating to the Global Prospects Conferences sponsored by the International Economic Analysis and Prospects Division (IECAP) of the International Economics Department (IEC). Included are verbatim transcripts of the proceedings of the first (April 25 - 26, 1989) and second (April 30 - May 1, 1990) conferences. Also included for the first conference are memoranda of a draft conference outline and a proposed budget. Among the files for the second conference are black-and-white photographic negatives of conference sessions, copies of some of the papers prepared for the conference, a copy of the preliminary conference announcement (December 27, 1989), and marked-up copies of transcripts edited by some of the speakers.

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