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United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Files of the Special Representative to the U.N. Organizations in Geneva Relating to Least Development Countries (LDCs)

Included in the series is the 1982 correspondence between L. Peter Chatenay while assigned to the International Relations Department (IRD) and Representative Mahmud Burney regarding Bank/UNDP/UNCTAD cooperation on Least Developed Countries (LDC) issues and meetings attended on LDC issues. Correspondence between the two concerning LDCs continued after Chatenay succeeded Burney as Representative and Burney was designated Senior Adviser, U.N. Affairs, IRD. Also in the series is Chatenay's correspondence with other IRD officials and Representatives Siebeck and Baneth's correspondence with Bank Headquarters and U.N. officials on various LDC issues and the Second United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries held in Paris on 3 March 3 1990 - 14 March 1990. Copies of statements made by Bank officials at the Conference are part of the series.

Subject Files of the Office of the Special Representative to the U.N. Organizations in Geneva

Most of these files appear to have been created while Wolfgang Siebeck (1986-1989) and Jean Baneth (1989-1992) served as Special Representative. A few files contain documents of earlier Representatives who served during the 1980s (Mahmud Burney and L. Peter Chatenay) and of Jean Baneth's successor in 1992, Sorsa Piritta. Documents placed in these files include not only memoranda, electronic messages, speeches, and statements prepared or received by the Representatives but also memoranda and other documents prepared by members of their staffs and other Bank officials.

A few files (Women, North/South Roundtable on Trade) contain only a single document but others are more substantive. The International Labor Organization (ILO) files (1982 - 1990) contain considerable correspondence of both Siebeck and Baneth covering coordination between the World Bank and ILO. In some of the correspondence, Siebeck is identified as Director, International Relations Department, Geneva Office (IRDGO). Much of the correspondence in the Human Rights file pertains to Baneth's participation as Bank representative at meetings of the U.N. Centre for Human Rights and preparations for the 1993 U.N. Conference on Human Rights. The file also contains some correspondence of earlier Representatives concerning human rights issues. The Gulf Crisis file (26 October 1990 - 16 July 1991) includes Baneth's (and his Administrative Assistant's) correspondence concerning United Nations Disaster Relief Organization (UNDRO) efforts on behalf of displaced persons in the Middle East during the crisis. Correspondence was exchanged during the crisis with the Vice President, Corporate Planning and budget Robert Picciotto; the Senior Vice President, Policy Research and External Affairs Wilfred Thalwitz; and the Director, External Affairs Alexander Shakow.

Correspondence and Reports of the Office of the Special Representative to the U.N. Organizations in Geneva Concerning Negotiation of General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) for the Uruguay Round

Most of the records were maintained by Special Representatives Wolfgang Siebeck and Jean baneth who were also referred to as Directors of the Geneva office from 1986 to 1992. Baneth was succeeded by Pritta Sorsa in 1992. Beginning in 1987, the Geneva Office reported as SPRGE to the Senior Vice President, Policy Research and External Affairs (SVPRE). After the restructuring of the Policy, Planning, and Research Complex (PPR), the Geneva Office reported to the Senior Vice President, Policy, Planning and External Affairs (PRESV). As the GATT negotiations gained momentum, the Geneva Office was upgraded and transferred to the Front Office of PRESV, reporting as PREGE. Following the termination of all Senior Vice Presidencies in the Bank, the Geneva Office was transferred to the Front Office of DEC on December 12, 1991 and began reporting as DECGE to the Vice President, Development Economics and Chief Economist (DECVP).

The Uruguay Round, the eighth GATT multilateral trade negotiation, was launched in September 1986 in Punta del Este and was completed in 1994. This series includes correspondence with Headquarters of the Representatives and others designated as observers at various Trade Policy and GATT Council meetings. Subjects include: general progress of the Uruguay Round; development of a handbook on multilateral trade negotiations to support developing countries in the Uruguay Round; Bank participation in seminars and workshops to provide technical assistance and support to developing countries in the Uruguay Round; Bank access to country trade and tariff data; and arrangements for visits of the Director General and the Personnel Director of GATT to the Bank in Washington, DC.

With the correspondence are documents provided to the Special Representatives by the GATT Secretariat headquartered in Geneva including Trade Policy Review reports (1989 - 1993) documenting reviews of trade policies and practices by the GATT Council. Also included are documents furnished by the GATT Secretariat concerning acceptances(Protocol of Accession) to GATT of Bolivia, Bulgaria, China, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Panama, Paraguay, and Nepal (1987 - 1992) and Romania, Switzerland, Tunisia, and Venezuela (1990 and 1992). Documents concerning the renegotiation of Terms of Accession for Poland (1991 - 1992) and working papers and notes of meetings at the Uruguay Round and the mid-term review of the Round completed in Geneva in 1989 were also furnished by the GATT Secretariat.

The Geneva Office continued to represent the Bank in the GATT negotiations in the Uruguay Round and in meetings of UNCTAD and other U.N. organizations at Geneva. As the Uruguay Round negotiations came to an end, the Geneva Office was closed on June 30, 1993. After the Geneva Office closed, its functions were provided through a combination of Geneva-based consultants and Headquarters staff sent to Geneva.

Research File of Bela Balassa

Most of the correspondence in this series covers the period when Balassa reported both to the Vice President, Development Policy Staff (VPD, later Vice President, Economics and Research [VPERS)] and to the Director of the Development Research Center (DRC), and, after the 1987 Reorganization, the Vice President, Development Economics and Chief Economist (DECVP). He also served during this period as Chairman of the Development Policy Staff Trade Advisory Committee. The files are loosely organized around Balassa's projects while serving as consultant to the Bank during this period.

Included are Balassa's completion reports for some of the projects he personally carried out, his comments on proposals and research projects conducted by others in the Bank, and correspondence with the Research Projects Approval Committee (REPAC) and the head of the Research Administration Unit in VPERS. Some files contain background materials, including statistical data, used in Balassa's research. Specific documents include: Terms of Reference (TOR) for a May-June 1983 mission to Tunisia led by Balassa that constituted the first phase of a study on employment creation; his TOR and Back-to-Office (BTO) Report for a January 1985 Industrial Policy Mission he led to Tunisia; and his report on his coordination of a Latin American development strategy study (introduced by David Rockefeller) while on leave from Johns Hopkins University. Correspondence, including a BTO Report, for a mission to Venezuela Balassa led from January to October 1987 to hold discussions with the Venezuelan government on the economy and possible resumption of Bank lending is also part of the series.

Also included in the series are copies of talking points and papers Belassa prepared at the request of high-level Bank officials and correspondence with DECVP. Belassa's handwritten notes and drafts can be found throughout the series.

Front Office Business Plans for Fiscal Years 1991-2000

These copies of DEC Business Plans were maintained by Lesley Davis (Leslie Davis Arnold) who was Program Coordinator for Administration in DEC's Front Office. Prior to the 1992 reorganization, DEC Business Plans were submitted to the Senior Vice President, Policy, Planning and Research (PPRSV). After the reorganization of that year, they were submitted to the Director, Planning and budgeting Department (PBD). The plans were submitted for all DEC units. The Business plan was a major component of Bank budget cycles and provided information from DEC that would become part of priorities and framework papers presented to the Board. The Business plan also served as the basis for DEC's next fiscal year work program and budget, described each DEC organization's plans for the following two or more fiscal years, described each organization's underlying strategy and work program, and indicated plans for special emphases and topics that cut across department and other organizational boundaries. Included in files aredraft and final Business plans, submissions for each DEC unit, background correspondence, data relating to the preparation of the plans, and copies of monitoring reports. The FY 1998 - 00 [2000] DEC Business Plan was prepared in April 1997 in anticipation of the Bank reorganization by July 1 of that year which would form as major parts of DEC a new Research, Data and Prospects Group and an Economic Development Institute and Leadership Center (EDI) in alliance with the Bank's new Strategic Compact.

Budget and resource allocation

Series consists of records related to, or the product of, budgetary planning and resource allocation. Included are a number of budget reports, including some that were created for the Environmentally Sustainable Development Vice Presidency (ESD). These include: ESD Work Program Indicators (FY96 and FY97); ESD Retrospective Reviews (FY 94, FY 95, and FY 96); ESD Original FY95 Work Program; ESD FY96-98 Business Plan; ESSD FY98-00 Business Plan; ESSD Final Budget Outcome. Also included are records that relateto: the Leadership Asset Management Program (LAMP); the allocation of funds to the Development Grant Facility (DGF); and budget planning for FY00 and FY01.

Chronological files

This chronological series primarily contains outgoing letters and memoranda. Many of the items relate to the oral history program: making appointments for interviews; sending proposed questions; and sending transcripts to the person interviewed. Other memoranda send Bank reviewers draft chapters from the World Bank history project and send comments to the project from the reviewers; some memoranda also send the work of the Historian's Office out for comment. Letters and memoranda to the Brookings Institution and to senior Bank staff track the progress of the history project.

Policy and guidelines development and supporting materials

Series consists of records related to ESSD and Bank-wide policy and guidelines development. In some cases, ESSDVP and Vice President Ian Johnson played active roles in the development of policy and guidelines while in others reports and correspondence were forwarded to ESSDVP for comment or for informational purposes. The series contains some records that evidence the formation of institutional rules and policies, namely Operational Policy and Business Practice (OP/BP). However, the majority of records in this series are the product of ESSDVP research and information exchange on various topics for the purpose of writing reports, planning projects, or developing relationships with external agencies, institutions, and governments.

The series contains a significant amount of records related to the development and evaluation of OP/BP. Records related to Bank forestry policy are numerous and include: a copy of Forest Policy Implementation Review and Strategy (OP/BP 4.36); a copy of Revised Forestry Strategy for the World Bank Group; minutes of an ad hoc group on the topic; ESSD Council meeting minutes on the topic; related correspondence; and an inventory of projects having to do with the topic. Series also contains records related to OP 4.12 Involuntary Resettlement and OP/BP 13.05 Guidelines for Projects Supervision. These include: correspondence; drafts of policy; and comments made by ESSDVP staff.

Records of the Operational Policy Committee Meeting from 1999 to 2002 are also included; records discuss OP/BP and guideline development. Records include: minutes; agendas; reports; comments; correspondence; and supporting materials.

Records in this series that do not relate to the development of specific policy may relate to ESSDVP and Ian Johnson's involvement in the research and writing of guidelines, reports, and evaluations but may also be limited to providing comments or receiving reports and correspondence for informational purposes. Topics include but are not limited to: human rights; indigenous peoples; safeguard policies; social development strategic directions; civil society; disaster management; water management and infrastructure; food assessment; climate change; desertification and drylands management; fisheries; commodity price risk management; global public policy; investment in energy infrastructure; promoting sustainability in development ; and Green procurement. Records on these topics include but are not limited to: final and draft versions of reports; comments from ESSDVP and, most often, Vice President Johnson; correspondence; meeting agendas and minutes; and briefing notes. Records from meetings and workshops attended and, in some cases, participated in by Johnson are included. These records include event and background materials and Johnson's notes.

A small amount of files contain records forwarded to Johnson from the Social Development Department (SDV) of ESSD. Topics of these records include: NGO/Bank relations; community driven development; cultural development; civil society; and post conflict development. Records generally include reports and correspondence.

Records related to Johnson's activities involving the Global Environment Facility (GEF) are also included, although small in number. These include correspondence and informational reports forwarded to Johnson and materials from replenishment meetings attended by Johnson.

The series also contains final reports and other records that the Operations Evaluation Department (OED, now the Independent Evaluation Group [IEG]) created that relate either directly to ESSD or to topics relevant to ESSD's sectors. OED reports found in this series include: OED Review of the Bank's Performance on the Environment (2001, draft, accompanied by presentation slides); Phase I Interim Report: 'Promoting Environmental Sustainability in Development: An Evaluation of the World Bank's Performance' (2000); Safeguard Policy Framework: OED Comments on Systemic Issues (2000); OED Forest Strategy Review (2000); OED Review of the World Bank Forest Strategy and Its Implementation (2000); The World Bank and Global Public Policies and Programs: An Evaluation Strategy (2001); How Far into the Mainstream? A Review of Environmental Issues in IDA Activities (2001); IDA's Partnership for Poverty Reduction (FY94-FY00) (2001); and OED IDA Review: Environmental Sustainability Issues in IDA 10-12 (2000). A number of reports on Forest Development and World Bank Assistance related to specific countries (China, India, and Brazil) are also included and are accompanied by briefing materials. Records that accompany reports include comments from ESSDVP and sector department staff as well as correspondence. A small amount of correspondence and reports forwarded to ESSDVP for informational purposes that relate to the Committee on Development Effectiveness (CODE) are also included in this series.

Trust Fund management and oversight

Series consists of records related to ESSD's role in providing management, oversight, and resource allocation for those trust funds that involve ESSD sectors. Records relating to trust funds provided by Denmark (TF024153), Norway (TF0231295), and Italy (TF023333) are the most numerous. Records related to Denmark are dated from 1996-1997 and 2000 and include: proposals; trust fund agreements; budget requests; initiating briefs; and correspondence between ESD and Danish government ministers. Records from 2000 relate to a proposal for a possible second phase of the Danish ESSD Trust Fund. These records include a proposal by SDV to the Government of Denmark as well as debriefing and consultation notes and a copy of Denmark's Development Policy (2000). Records related to Italy include correspondence between Bank officials (including the Bank President and ESSD Vice President) and Italian officials including their American Ambassador. Also included is background material on the Trust Fund for Culture and Sustainable Development for which Italy provided funding. Records related to Norway include funding proposals by SDV as well as other Bank units external to ESSD. Also included are records relating to the Norwegian Trust Fund for Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development (NTF-ESSD). These records include: status reports; reports; meetings notes; and background information on the Bank-Netherlands Partnership Program related to Water Resources Management. A small amount of correspondence from 1999 related to a proposed Social Development Trust Fund funded by Japan is also included.

Records relating to funds managed or overseen by ESSDVP are also included. Records related to the launch and subsequent Donor Councils of the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund are included; correspondence related to this Fund is also included. In addition, the series also contains correspondence files for the Prototype Carbon Fund.

A variety of records related to the general management of ESSD-related trust funds is also included. These include: records related to fund allocation and transfer; a list of task managers and division chiefs for specific, ESSD-related trust fund projects; and notes, slides and announcement emails for a Trust Fund Awareness Training program organized by the ESSDVP.

Lecture and speech files

From 1985 to 1990, Vinod Dubey participated in over 20 seminars, symposia, and conferences at which he served as lecturer, speaker, panel chairman or member, or commentator. Files were prepared for each engagement. They include key documents, notes, statistical information, and outlines used in Dubey's preparations. The evolution of the Bank, Bank policy, and adjustment lending were frequently the topics of his presentations.

During the period covered by this series, Vinod Dubey served as: Senior Adviser (1984 - 1985) and Director (1986 - 1987) in the Country Policy Department in the Office of Operations Policy, and as Director, Economic Advisory Staff (1987-1990) under the Senior Vice President, Operations. Dubey also served as the first Liaison Officer to the Paris Club during the period 1984 - 1986.

Dubey served several times as: a lecturer for EDI [Economic Development Institute] seminars (1985, 1986, 1988, and 1989); lecturer, panel chairman or panelist for a number of other Bank sponsored seminars and conferences (1985 - 1990); and lecturer for the IMF Institute (1985, 1986, 1988). The file created for a Bank-sponsored symposium in Copenhagen, May 5 - 6, 1987 on economic adjustment and the Third World includes copies of a number of the papers that were presented, including Dubey's paper entitled Ensuring That The Poor Benefit From Improved Policy.

Dubey was also invited to speak at symposia and conferences sponsored by outside organizations including the Foreign Service Institute (1986), the Inter-American Development Bank (1987, 1989), and the Agency for International Development (1987, 1989). The file created for Dubey's Back-to-Office Report of a visit to Japan, January 25 -3 0, 1987 to speak to Japanese officials in seminars on structural adjustment lending includes copies of Dubey's lectures in Japan.

Several files were created for other conferences and symposia sponsored by the Bank and outside organizations which Dubey attended including SVPOP (later OPNSV) retreats (1986, 1988, and 1989) and a Bank/UNICEF meeting on collaboration on adjustment issues (1987). Notes taken by Dubey of discussions at these events are part of the files.

A file titled The Institute Lecture contains a copy of President Clausen's remarks at the Joint Bank-Fund Luncheon, May 25, 1985; Dubey apparently prepared the remarks. The series also includes a file created after Dubey was asked to represent the Bank at the June 5 - 10, 1989 Berne Union Meeting in place of Fred Levy. Separate files (1987 - 1988, 1988 - 1989) were created just for background materials for Dubey's lectures and speeches. The files include copies of Bank documents and publications, IMF publications, reprints of articles on finance and economics, newspaper clippings, and Dubey's handwritten notes.

Economic Development Institute chronological files

Series consists of chronological files created during Chernick's time as Advisor on Senior Policy Seminars in the Economic Development Institute (EDI). The majority of the files consist of correspondence in the form of carbon copies, printed copies, and telexes; a small number of draft reports accompany the correspondence. Records primarily relate to the development and planning of Senior Policy Seminars and their evaluation. Records related to the development and planning of seminars include: correspondence with potential seminar leaders and attendees; Terms of Reference related to Chernick's trips to plan or oversee seminars; back-to-office reports; reports to other members of EDI describing planned seminars; suggestions for, and discussions of, potential seminar topics; activity briefs; and logistics. Records related to the evaluation of seminars include: Terms of Reference for Impact Evaluation of EDI activities; a draft of a seminar evaluation package; blank evaluation questionnaires; and EDI EvaluationPolicy Committee meeting records (including a report on the Committee itself [1987]).

Other records include: a report on the World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (1987); Chernick's proposed work program for 1987; materials related to World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program meetings; a report authored by Chernick entitled A Briefing Note on Foreign Exchange Risk (1985); reports and correspondence discussing the relationship between OED and EDI; EDI submissions to the World Bank Annual Report (submitted by Chernick); materials related to EDI Advisory Board meetings; and materials related to EDI Senior Staff meetings.

South Asia Country Programs Department chronological files

Series consists of chronological files created during Chernick's time as Senior Economist in the South Asia Country Programs Department (ASADR). The majority of the files consist of correspondence in the form of carbon copies, printed copies, and telexes. Records reflect various activities undertaken by Chernick, including: research; commenting on Bank research and policy papers and project and loan reports; writing of country program papers (CPPs); staffing of ASADR; information sharing; and seminar planning. A small number of reports are included in this series; these include: Current and Mid-Term Assessment of South Asian Countries; Indicative Statements of Economic and Sector Work for the South Asia Region; Disbursement Estimates; and Country Reports. There is, notably, a significant amount of material related to a problematic Maldives Country Report from 1986.

Country Policy Department chronological files

Series consists of chronological files created during Chernick's time as Assistant Director of the Country Policy Department (CPD). The type of activities undertaken by Chernick in the CPD was quite similar to those during his years in PPPRD and, consequently, the types of records are also very similar. The majority of the records consist of correspondence in the form of carbon copies, paper copies, and telexes. Nearly all correspondence was authored by Chernick and there is very little incoming correspondence. Reports sometimes accompany correspondence or are included in the files without accompanying correspondence.

Records relating to country program papers (CPPs) are included in this series, but not in great number. Records generally discuss the scheduling of Regional Vice Presidents (RVP) and Management Review meetings. In addition, Chernick served as Secretariat of the Operations Policy Subcommittee (OPSC). The OPSC was also involved in the review of CPPs and records related to the OPSC in this seriesdiscuss this activity.

Series also consists of regular status reports on Structural Adjustment Lending (SAL) and Program Lending (PL) operations. Other SAL-related records are included, such as Proposed Structural Adjustment Loan and Related Technical Assistance Project reports and SAL Progress Reports.

Between 1982 and 1983, Chernick was on the Steering Group Committee for the Bank's 'Pioneers' of development economics lecture series. His responsibilities included booking guests/speakers, making announcements, booking rooms, and planning Steering Group Committee meetings. Records related to these activities are included in this series.

Records in this series also relate to a variety of other topics and activities, including: seminar attendance and planning; Department retreat planning; and publication of country Economic Memoranda. Other records include: Terms of Reference for Country and Economic and SAL Supervision missions; comments by Chernick on reports and project proposals; Country Economic and Sector Work quality control reports; and administrative and staffing records.

Correspondence/manuscripts by former staff

When the Historian's office was established, a number of former Bank staff contributed documents or reminiscences to the office. This series includes the incoming correspondence and the enclosed papers, reports and manuscripts, some written by the sender and others written by colleagues of the sender. The items cover various topics, including: early Bank operations (William Katzenstein's Budgeting in the World Bank, 1947-1956); language training; and the Young Professionals program.

Items within this series may also be found among the records of the Bank, but these copies were regarded by their authors or possessors as so significant that the Historian's office needed to be made aware of them.

Policy, Planning and Program Review Department chronological files

Series consists of chronological files created during Chernick's time as Division Chief, Senior Advisor, and Acting Director of the Policy, Planning and Program Review Department (PPPRD) between 1972 and 1982. Chronological files contain correspondence in different formats; carbon copies of correspondence sent by Chernick are the most common, while paper copies and telexes are also included. The amount of outgoing correspondence, authored by Chernick, is far more substantial than correspondence received byChernick. While much of the correspondence refers to attachments (reports, country program papers [CPPs], meeting minutes, etc.), very few are included in the files.

Records related to Chernick's role as Division Chief of PPPRD's Program Review Division (PPRPR) from 1973 to 1976 are numerous. The Division's primary roles were to provide guidelines for economic analysis in economic reports and country programs and review CPPs before their submission to the President in order to ensure quality and consistency with the Bank's development objectives. CPPs are confidential reports authored by the regional departments, usually on an annual basis. They include a discussion of a given country's political and economic situation and a history of the Bank's loans and external financing and on that basis propose a five-year lending program for the country. Other, special studies (usually discussing a specific sector within a country or a general development issue) and economic reports were also reviewed by the PPPRD. Chernick's role was to manage his Division's review of CPPs and to arrange Regional Vice Presidents (RVP) meetings and Management Review meetings. As such, correspondence includes: assignment of reviews; schedule of review meetings; discussion of reviews; and policy development and explanation.

Series also consists of correspondence relating to the development and revision of Operational Manual Statements (OMSs). Assignment of tasks related to OMSs is included as are a small amount of OMS drafts and comments on drafts.

Records related to a Working Group on Bank/Fund Collaboration are found in this series. This includes Bank President McNamara's initial request for a report. Chernick's role in the research and writing of this report is unclear; he is copied on related correspondence and drafts were sent to him for review.

Chernick played a significant role in the Development Committee between 1980 and 1982. Created in 1974, the Committee was designed to provide a focal point at a high political level in the structure of economic cooperation for the formation of a comprehensive overview of international activities in the development area, for efficient and prompt consideration of development issues and for coordination of international efforts to deal with problems of financing development. Drafts of Committee meeting agendas are included; in some cases, these drafts are sent from Chernick, as Acting Director of PPPRD, to Bank President McNamara. Correspondence related to scheduling and Committee reviews and projects is also included.

Records in this series relate to a variety of other topics and activities, including: staff hiring and reviews; staff meetings; mission planning; work programs; conference participation and planning; and policy development related to Structural Adjustment Loans (SALs). Also included are: regular summaries of Board meetings authored by Chernick for Hollis Chenery, Vice President of Development Policy (DPS); ad hoc reports and reviews created by Chernick or his staff for superiors within the Development Policy Vice Presidency (DPS) and externally; comments on reports; and a small amount of correspondence related to the research and publication of Chernick's book The Commonwealth Caribbean: The Integration Experience (1978).

Subject files

This series contains some significant material on the increase of IBRD capital, the IDA VIth replenishment and the Brandt Commission. Most of the other files concern issues that President McNamara was dealing with at the end of his tenure: FY82 budget, maintenance of value, the PLO observers issue, China's membership, the establishment of an energy affiliate, and the briefing of A.W. Clausen. They often consist of background material, sometimes annotated by McNamara.

Among the materials concerning the IBRD capital increase, a file on the President's paper to the Board, Future role of the World Bank and its associated capital requirements (31 January 1977), includes McNamara's handwritten notes and drafts of memoranda on the informal meetings held with the Executive Directors to discuss the paper, minutes of the informal meetings, Programme and Budgeting J. Wood's IBRD Capital Increase Proposal and other internal memoranda, with annotations by McNamara. There are also minutes of McNamara's discussions with Kuhn Loeb partners and the U.S. Treasury.

The file regarding IDA VIth replenishment contains Senior Vice-President J.B. Knapp's memoranda on country participation, Special Advisor S. El Fishawy's memoranda on the United Arab Emirates contribution, and material on U.S. congressional approval of the IDA VIth authorization bill. The latter includes briefings for McNamara's meetings with Senators and Congressmen, the minutes of McNamara's discussions with U.S. officials Donald Regan, Meyer Rashish and Alexander Haig, and U.S. Executive Director Colbert King's memorandum on President Ronald Reagan's decision to request congressional authorization on full participation (February 1981). The file contains numerous notes, figures and annotations by McNamara.

The Brandt Commission file concerns the creation of the Independent Commission on International Development Issues. It contains McNamara's correspondence with Chairman Willy Brandt and Treasurer Jan P. Pronk, Secretary of the International Development Center David Hopper, Director of the Aspen Institute Harlan Cleveland, and Commissioners Edward Heath and Katharine Graham on the announcement, organization, work, and final report of the Commission. The file contains also two sets of McNamara's handwritten notes of and for conversations with Brandt, Hopper, Cleveland, Executive Directors, and Vice-President of External Affairs William Clark; and his drafts, or annotations of drafts, of the terms of reference, announcement and final report of the Commission. The rest of the file contains Clark's reports on his early 1977 conversations in Europe, McNamara's meetings with Brandt, and the progress of the launching of the Commission, as well as other internal memoranda on McNamara's proposal, the reactions of the Less Developed Countries (LDC) Executive Directors and members of the Group of 77, and the Bank's response to the recommendations of the Commission. Two photographs of Willy Brandt, Katharine Graham, and Shridath Ramphal, Secretary General of the Commonwealth, at the presentation to McNamara on 13 February 1980 of a copy of North-South: A Program for Survival are included.

Memoranda for the record

The Memoranda for the record series contains a set of minutes of McNamara's meetings with Bank staff, US representatives, and other visitors from outside the Bank. The memoranda generally were prepared by the Personal Assistant to McNamara, but there are also some memoranda of conversations drafted by McNamara and reports prepared by members of other departments in the Bank; some of the minutes are copies of minutes of the President's Council or the Policy Review Committee meetings. Background material, including notes and figures in McNamara's handwriting, sometimes accompanies the memoranda.

Meetings with Bank staff involve Vice-Presidents and Senior Vice-Presidents, the General Counsel and his Associate, the Secretary, Advisors and Special Assistants, Department Directors and the Executive Secretary of the Development Committee. Memoranda of meetings with the Staff Association are also included. Topics discussed with staff include the Bank's lending programs and budget, financial operations, organization and procedures, work programs and special studies. Among the latter are papers on capital markets; lending rate; financial policy; preference in procurement; agricultural research; commodities; the mining, urbanization and health sectors; agricultural credit; urban, nuclear power and aviation policies; river blindness; nutrition; population; employment; land reform; IDA policies and world development issues. The meetings also included discussions of McNamara's annual speech to the Governors and other speeches and statements, the preparation of Board meetings and other meetings, questions submitted by journalists, McNamara's trips to East and West Africa, and particular issues such as the increase of IBRD capital, the Development Committee, and the establishment of the Third Window.

Personalities meeting with McNamara from outside the Bank are U.S. Treasury Secretaries and other government officials, U.S. Congressmen, heads of international organizations, bankers, businessmen, economists, health specialists and journalists. These conversations concern the IDA and bond issues, marketing legislation, specific lending issues, and development cooperation.

Chronological File of Director-General Robert Picciotto

This series contains copies of the letters, memoranda, and electronic messages Robert Picciotto sent from September 1992 to June 2001, the period during which he was Director-General, Operations Evaluation (DGO).

Picciotto's files for September 1992 to December 1996 contain only copies of outgoing correspondence; copies of attachments to his outgoing correspondence are not routinely included until 1996. Beginning in January 1997, incoming letters and electronic messages are filed with Picciotto's replies,and his handwritten responses are often written on incoming correspondence. His correspondence is with: President Wolfensohn; OED staff; officials in other organizations and countries who were responsible for performance evaluations or development assistance; officials in countries in which OED was conducting a Country Assistance Review (CAR) or Evaluation (CAE); editors of scholarly journals; members of the Committee on Development Effectiveness (CODE) and its predecessor, the Joint Audit Committee; and members of the Evaluation Cooperation Group (ECG). His correspondence with OED staff primarily concerns: OED work programs, evaluation process issues and specific evaluation projects; planning for OED seminars and workshops and for the annual OED staff retreat; the deliberations of the Evaluation Cooperation Group (ECG) which Picciotto chaired; efforts to establish an International Development Evaluation Association; and the establishment of the Comprehensive Development Framework (CDF) Evaluation Steering Committee. Specific records include: Picciotto's replies to applicants for Bank positions; his comments on draft Bank publications or directives; his response to a report regarding the Bank from the Allan Meltzer Commission; his input for President Wolfensohn's speeches or articles; copies of his own articles; and a draft of the OED booklet, Evaluation in the Bank and IFC. This series also includes nine letters and memoranda, dated July 1992 - August 1992, which Picciotto sent while still Vice President of Corporate Planning and Budgeting (CPBVP).

Chronological Files of Directors-General Mervyn L. Weiner and Shiv S. Kapur

This series contains the chronological files of Mervyn L. Weiner for May 4,1982 to June 11,1984 and of Shiv. S. Kapur for June 27,1984 to February 28,1986. Weiner's file consists of: carbon copies of the letters,memoranda,and telex messages he sent to officials in aid organizations and in development banks,evaluation officials in other organizations,President Clausen,the Bank's regional vice presidents,OED staff,staff in the Bank's Personnel Management Department,and job applicants. Most of his file consists of: courtesy correspondence such as replies to invitations to speak; thank you notes for articles and books received; memoranda regarding travel plans and arrangements; post-travel notes to officials in host countries; notes to friends and colleagues regarding his retirement plans; and replies to inquiries regarding employment in OED or requests for OED publications. Some are more substantive and include proposed speech material for President Clausen,comments on OED draft reports,memoranda regarding OED staffing issues,and letters to Bank country directors regarding his observations from a recent trip.

Kapur's file consists of electrostatic copies of his letters,memoranda,and telex messages sent to OED staff,evaluation officers in other organizations and countries,officials in client countries,regional Bank staff,and job applicants. Much of his correspondence is substantive and includes: copies of his oral presentations to the Joint Audit Committee and to the Executive Directors; his comments on draft OEDproducts; and memoranda regarding arrangements for OED seminars,the OED work program and budget,and OED personnel issues. The remainder of his correspondence is routine in nature and concerns requests for Bank publications or employment,his annual leave plans,or his appreciation for assistance while on official travel.

Space Files

The series concerns the expansion, retrofit and reconstruction options for buildings occupied by the Bank in Washington, DC (known as Buildings A, B, C, D, E, F and I). It is the most complete set of records in the President's office on space issues facing the Bank.

More than half of the files are reports submitted to the Bank by architects, real estate appraisers, and real estate developers. The internal memoranda and external correspondence cover such topics as the space needs of the Bank, real estate values, and the acquisition and sale of properties, in particular the agreement between the Bank and the IFC regarding the transfer of the responsibility for the IFC building. The International Monetary Fund's expansion is the subject of one file.

Reorganization files

This series consists of the records maintained by J. William Stanton concerning Bank's 1987 reorganization. They include internal Bank correspondence, presentations, and follow-up reports describing the successes and weaknesses of the 1987 reorganization efforts. The files also include correspondence and reports from management consultants in connection with the 1987 reorganization, memos of Stanton's discussions with President Conable, and reorganization reports of the Steering Committee and the Support Units Task Force.

Chronological file

This chronological file consists of copies of the outgoing letters and memoranda, both those handled for President Conable by Marianne Haug and Haug's own correspondence. The records begin in July 1985 when Haug was the Assistant Director of the Industry Department, continue through her service as Assistant Director, West Africa Projects, and conclude in May 1990 at the end of her stay in the President's office. A few incoming letters are included. The files for the periods mid-October 1985 through March 1986, October through December 1986, and mid-March through June 1989 are missing.

The files are useful both for their window onto the issues handled in the president's office and also for the glimpse they give of Haug's work as the first woman to serve as an Executive Assistant to the President of the Bank.

Budget files

The series consists of FY88 budget appeals and the effect of reorganization on the budget, budget policy and discussions, planning and budget guidelines; a budget framework paper; records of midyear budget reviews, the FY89 work program, and budgets for regional offices. The records also include the initial budget guidelines provided to the senior management group by President Conable.

Subject files

Visvanathan Rajagopalan maintained a series of subject files during his period as Vice President, Operations, and as Special Adviser to the President. Some of the files contain information spanning both periods, while others contain information from only one. Some files are purely topical (environment, for example) while others are on a specific meeting (for example, the file on Bellagio III) or a particular type of meeting (Bank senior staff retreats from 1987 through 1992).

Rajagopalan's files on development effectiveness provide useful background to the Wapenhans report controversy. Finally, during his tenure as Special Adviser Rajagopalan served briefly as the manager of the Information, Technology and Facilities Department, and a number of files deal with ITF management issues.


This series contains transcripts of speeches and remarks Visvanathan Rajagopalan delivered as Chairman of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) and as Vice President and Special Adviser to PresidentPreston. Most of the speeches concern CGIAR, but other topics range from the engineer's role in sustainable development to safe motherhood; food security; the Bank's activities in environment and infrastructure; integrating women's issues in project, sector, and economic work; the World Conference on Education for All; and malaria control. The series includes Rajagopalan's remarks at his retirement party.

Records regarding the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)

This series contains records compiled by Visvanathan Rajagopalan in his capacity as Chairman of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). The records include his correspondence, agendas and travel plans for meetings, copies of papers presented at meetings or circulated prior to meetings, copies of his introductory remarks delivered at meetings, his briefing books for International Centers Week (the annual meeting of the international agricultural research centers that form the CGIAR network), and scattered reports of the CGIAR Oversight Committee and its Technical Advisory Committee. Correspondence covers meeting arrangements; appointments, salaries, and other personnel matters affecting staff; and resource allocations. The series includes a small amount of the correspondence of Wilfried Thalwitz, Rajagopalan's predecessor as chair of CGIAR.

Records of the Portfolio Management Task Force (Wapenhans Report) and follow-up

In February 1992, Lewis Preston ordered a study of the Bank's basic portfolio management and evaluation process for loans and credits. Headed by Willi Wapenhans, who was assigned to the President's office for the study, the Portfolio Management Task Force produced a report in September 1992 that is one of the most famous in the Bank's history. It argued that the Bank did not pay enough attention to the implementation and supervision of loans and that sustainable development impact is the true measure of success. The Wapenhans Report, as it came to be known, was presented to the Board of Executive Directors in November 1992. In January 1993 Preston assigned Visvanathan Rajagopalan, who as a vice president who had been a member of the advisory council to the Task Force, to coordinate discussions regarding the implementation of the recommendations in the Task Force report.

The files are in 2 parts. The first part is the files of Wapenhans as the chair of the Task Force. These files were inherited by Rajagopalan as he worked on the implementation of the report during 1993. The second are the files of Rajagopalan, both a file regarding the work of the Task Force that he had maintained while he was the Vice President, Sector and Operations Policy, and files that he created during the follow-up period.

This series is the central source for information on the work of the Task Force. It includes the record of the discussion of the Executive Directors at the time the Task Force was formed and the background documents for the meeting of the Executive Directors after the report was issued, the minutes of the meetings of the Task Force from March through June and the audio tapes and the transcripts of a 2 day meeting with partner organizations (cofinancers), and feeder studies on topics ranging from the Bank's internal culture to the use of information technology.

Chronological files

This series contains President Preston's outgoing correspondence, principally letters, between December 1990 and May 1995, as well as some incoming correspondence addressed to Preston, and other correspondence originating in the Office of the President. The first file predates Preston's tenure at the Bank. As the series covers the entirety of Preston's term, records created during his leave of absence by acting President Stern and other Office staff are included.

Because the Preston records are scant, this series of formal outgoing letters provides an important overview of the external liaison activities in which the President engaged.

Travel files

The files in this series contain Mr. Preston's travel itinerary; briefing books that include background on the country's economy, the Bank's lending program, projects under execution, country profile and map of the country; schedules; meetings with Heads of States and representatives of member countries; minutes of meetings; arrival and departure statements; press statements; and outgoing letters to the government subjects.

The series contains both the files that the President used on the trip and the administrative files created by the President's office, most often by Gisu Mohadjer, an Executive Assistant to Preston, during the preparation for the trips. In some cases, there are Gisu Mohadjer files for a trip as well as files that appear to be the President's copy for use during the trip. Often the Mohadjer file will contain some briefing materials as well as logistical information.

The records include photographs from Mr. Preston's trips to Tanzania, Venezuela, Morocco, and India.

Annual Meetings

This series consists of President Preston's files for the Annual Meetings and the records of the logistical arrangements made by his office staff. The general organization of the Annual Meeting is the responsibility of the Corporate Secretary, so the records in this series are those of the President himself and the arrangements made by and for his immediate office.

The records consist of agendas, background material, briefings, speeches, correspondence, and related records regarding the Annual Meetings. The 1993 and 1994 files include briefings on commercial banks and financial institutions and the 1993 files include a Reference book. Market that has briefings on the Bank's FY94 funding plan, official borrowings, and country briefs. The briefings provided to the President for these meetings give a useful snapshot of the state of the particular country or institution as of the date of the meeting.

Liaison files - U.S. Government

This series contains the records of President Preston's interaction with both Congressional and Executive branches of the U.S. Government. The files include information on legislation affecting the Bank or its staff, briefing notes and minutes of the meetings with the Members of Congress and senior officials in the Executive Branch, and correspondence with the White House. The file on the White House contains mostly records from the Conable Presidency.

Director-General Robert Picciotto's Files on the Independent Evaluation of the Pilot Phase of the Global Environment Facility (GEF)

The series consists of records related to the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The GEF was a three-year pilot program begun in 1991 to provide grants and low interest loans to developing countries for programs to relieve pressures on global ecosystems. The Facility was a co-operative venture among national governments, the World Bank, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). In April 1992, GEF participants agreed that its structure should be modified, and at a subsequent meeting in December of that year in Abidjan the participants requested an independent evaluation of the Pilot Phase.

Correspondence regarding discussions held within the Bank regarding the GEF independent evaluation of the Pilot Phase are part of the series, including minutes of a January 25, 1993, meeting on the topic convened by the Chief, Infrastructure and Energy Division (OEDD3) at which ENVGE (Global Environment Facility Administration) was represented. Drafts of the Terms of Reference (TOR) to be presented at a GEF meeting in Rome on March 4-5, 1993, are part of the series. Drafts of the Inception Memorandum for the independent evaluation, the Inception Report, and the Terms of Reference prepared after the Rome meeting are also part of the series. Most of these records were prepared following a March 12, 1993, meeting attended by the Deputy Director of UNDP's Central Evaluation Office (CEO), the Chief of OEDD3, and an OEDD3 consultant (John Malone). Establishment of an Independent Panel of Experts for the GEF evaluation was discussed at this meeting. Copies of letters of invitation extended to individuals selected to serve on the panel are part of the series.

Memoranda, paper copies of electronic and facsimile messages, correspondence, newspaper articles, and news releases in the series document the work of the Independent Panel of Experts (Independent Evaluation Panel [IEP]) and the three Evaluation Managers (Robert Picciotto - DGO, World Bank, Gus Edgren - UNDP, and Nay Htun -UNEP) responsible for conduct of the evaluation. Also documented are the managers' contacts with the Chairperson of IEP (Dr. Alvaro Umata), the principal evaluators (Jim Kelly - UNDP, Andrea Matte-Bakers, and Stjepan Keckes - UNEP, John Malone - World Bank), and the Evaluation Staff Coordinator (W. Haven North - World Bank).

The series includes: the final Inception Memorandum; work plan outline and budget for the evaluation; agendas, discussion papers, and minutes of meetings of the IEP and of GEF participants; copies of the questionnaires distributed to GEF participants as part of the evaluation; a draft Project Evaluation Form (PEF) consisting of a summary of questionnaire responses; and the interim and final reports of the evaluation. A copy of Global Environment Facility-The Pilot Phase and Beyond, Working Paper Series, Number I, May 1992, contains the text on the restructuring of the GEF approved by participating governments on April 30, 1992. Also in the series is the July 20, 1993, Back-to-Office report of Hideki Mori (OEDD3), of a GEF evaluation mission to Japan, Thailand, and Lao People's Democratic Republic from June 16 to July 5, 1993.

Shared Records of the Director-General, Operations Evaluation (DGO), and the Director, Operations Evaluation Department (OEDDR)

Series consists of files of both the Director-General, Operations Evaluation (DGO), and the Director, Operations Evaluation Department (OEDDR). The records document OEDDR and DGO interaction with: staff in other parts of the Bank; U.S. officials in the General Accounting Office, the U.S. Agency for International Development, and the Department of the Treasury who were interested in the evaluation function within the Bank; and officials in industrialized nations, NGOs, and international aid organizations who were responsible for, or interested in, monitoring and evaluation processes.

Conference and seminar files of irrigation engineering advisor

The series has two parts: records of the annual water seminars 1985 - 1994 and records of the water study tours 1976, 1987, 1991, and 1993. The records are the files of Herve L. Plusquellec, the irrigation engineering adviser in the Agriculture and Rural Development Department who was the organizer of the conferences.

In January 1985 the Agriculture and Rural Development Department started an annual seminar on irrigation and drainage. At that time irrigation was the largest component in the Bank's investment portfolio, and the Department believed it was the Bank's most stable and successful program in agriculture. The seminar was for Bank staff, and both Bank staff and external experts spoke. Only the Department director's speech to the seminar and the background papers exist from the first seminar. Thereafter the files include agendas, participant lists, a few administrative items and handwritten notes, speeches, and background materials. The papers and background readings include both broad topics (for example, A second look at irrigation development in the seventh annual seminar or Tradable water rights and water markets: Issues in the ninth) and case studies on a variety of countries and projects. In 1993 the annual seminar was retitled Water Resources Management Seminar, reflecting the breadth of issues the seminar had come to consider during its nine previous sessions. The last file is on the seminar of December 1994. The file for the sixth annual seminar is missing.

In 1976 the Bank sent a study tour mission of Bank staff to the southwestern and western United States to look at irrigation and agriculture projects and practices. In 1987 the Bank organized an irrigation study tour to Mexico and Arizona. This was followed by irrigation study tours to China in 1991 and to Mexico and Spain in 1993. The records include agendas, administrative correspondence, notes, lists of participants, and final reports of the missions.

Anyone researching water issues, whether irrigation, drainage, water supply, sanitation or water engineering, will find in these records the best contemporary information, both within the Bank and in the larger development community. In addition, researchers interested in the development of the Banks water policy will find these files an important source of information.

Subject Files of the Forestry Program

This series consists of the alphabetical subject files of the forestry program. The records include memoranda, correspondence, reports, policy papers, and drafts of papers and book chapters. The principal focus of the files is the development of the World Bank's forest policy paper of 1991, including a series of background reports commissioned from world forestry experts during 1990.

The records also contain files on the Tropical Forest Action Plan, a program sponsored jointly by the Bank and the Food and Agriculture Organization, the United Nations Development Program, and the World Resources Institute, including records that reflect the establishment of the Bank's policy on the Plan. Files on forestry projects throughout the world between 1991 and 1993 include correspondence, mission reports, sometimes project supervision and completion reports, and publications. A few files on the International Board for Plant Genetic Resources, although labeled Weekly staff bulletin, actually contain useful reports,background papers, and handbooks on the operation of the Board.

The records are unusually complete, and it is possible to trace the development of the 1991 forest policy paper in its entirety. The paper itself is published, but these files provide important background content and context for research on forestry policy.

Subject Files of the Fisheries Program

This small series consists of the subject files of the fishery program. The records include memoranda, correspondence, mission reports and reports of meetings, policy papers, and drafts of papers. The files seem to have been created during the period when an aquaculture study was undertaken by the Bank. The file Banque Mondial includes the terms of reference for an aquaculture study and notes and reports of meetings on fisheries.

Most of the files relate to meetings, a few within the Bank but mostly international meetings, and information about fisheries studies undertaken by other organizations. Some files relate to a World Bank mission to Chile, Peru, and Ecuador to study international fisheries research, including background information and mission reports. A file on the advisory committee for a study of international fisheries research, undertaken by the World Bank, the Food and Agriculture Organization, the United Nations Development Program, and the Commission of European Communities, includes notes on the issues raised in the committee.

The records provide an overview of international cooperation on fisheries research at the beginning of the 1990s. Although small, these files provide useful explanatory material on the setting of international priorities on fisheries research.

Chronological Correspondence

Throughout his career, Diamond kept a personal file in chronological order.

Although the records are found in one long chronological series, several distinct parts exist. The earliest file, dating from 1955 to 1958, primarily contains outgoing messages and personal items on finances, travel arrangements, and publications. It includes information on EDI courses; Diamond's letters to Bank officials during his missions in Ethiopia, Greece, Turkey, and Tunisia; a letter to Newton Parker, March 24, 1958, onthe roles of economic institutions in Honduras; and a memo to S.R. Cope of April 1, 1958, reporting on Davidson Sommers's meeting with a Yugoslav representative on future loans to Yugoslavia.

Records also relate to Diamond's work in India as an advisor to the Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India (ICICI). The files between 1958 and 1960 provide a view of the early organization of the ICICI and the establishment of its policies. Items include incoming and outgoing correspondence; meetingnotes; reports; clippings; and personal correspondence. Correspondents include Eugene Black and George D. Woods; ICICI officials; Indian government officials and industrialists; the IBRD resident representatives in India and Pakistan; and various World Bank staff members. Some correspondence discusses the establishment of the Pakistan Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation Limited and developments in Ethiopia.

Overall, the bulk of this series relates to Diamond's assignments at the Bank between 1962 and 1978. For the first eight years, the files contain primarily copies of Diamond's outgoing messages; thereafter the files increasingly include copies of incoming records, such as reports from the field and copies of records sent to him while he was on mission travel. The files from the IFC period contain many records about the development banks in South Asia and North Africa. When Diamond was a Director of country programs in the South Asia Regional Vice-Presidency, the files include records related to the Tarbela Dam project and the efforts to assist Bangladesh. Note that the records in these files are largely duplicates of those in the official files of the Bank, but their chronological arrangement allows the user to see the variety of issues that Diamond was handling and to trace the evolution of Diamond's and the Bank's responses to events.

The final part of the series contains records relating to Diamond's work as a consultant to IFC between 1980 and 1990. The earliest records relate to IFC's role in the work of the Societe Internationale Financiere pour les Investissements et le Developpement en Afrique (SIFIDA), but most of the records relate to the Banco Portugues de Investimento SA (BPI). In 1978 a group of Portuguese industrialists created an "Executive Group" to develop a private financial institution to promote private economic development. They sought the involvement of the IFC, and the IFC engaged Diamond as its consultant on the BPI.

Executive Committee minutes

This series contains the minutes of the informal Executive Committee that started meeting weekly with the President on February 9, 1981. It was composed of the Senior Vice-Presidents, the Secretary and the General Counsel. Mattersdiscussed by the short-lived committee include the 1982-1986 lending program, the IBRD general capital increase, the IDA Sixth replenishment, the energy program, the PLO observers issue and staff compensation.

Special Evaluation Studies

The special evaluation studies build on the primary assessments covered by Completion and Audit Reports and Impact Evaluations. Those primary evaluation products for specific projects generate data, findings, and lessons that support the special evaluation studies which examine the impact of a number of projects and their implications for the World Bank's policies, practices, and procedures. The special evaluation studies cover topics and issues raised by the Executive Directors and by management and operations staff as well those emerging from audit work. The studies focus on countries, sectors, Bank processes and policies, and broad themes.

  • Sector Studies- Address the effectiveness of Bank programs on sector policies and on project selection, design, and implementation. Many of the sector studies compare experiences across countries (examples include studies of human resource development, Bank experience in the Education Sector, and rural water supplies), whereas others are in-depth reviews of particular sectors in individual countries (e.g., educational development in Korea, population policies and programs in Kenya).

  • Process- Studies Evaluate the Bank's business processes from a development perspective. These studies examine how well the Bank applies its policies and evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of Bank business practices. Examples include: studies of: poverty assessments; Environmental Impact Assessments and Action Plans; and Project Appraisals.

  • Policy Reviews- Examples of topics covered by such studies include: experience with agricultural research; fiscal management; financial sector reform; and experience in large dams.

  • Thematic Studies- Examine broad themes that encompass multiple sectors and countries and themes of special emphasis for the Bank, such as: resettlement policy; gender; anti-corruption; and poverty alleviation.

The content of the files for the special studies varies but the more complete files contain: drafts and final copies of an Initiating Memorandum (IM), a Study Design Paper, and an Approach Paper; comments on these initial documents from OED staff and from members of the Committee on Development Effectiveness (CODE) or its predecessor, the Joint Audit Committee (JAC); Terms of Reference for the OED staff members and/or consultants assigned to the study; copies of previously issued Bank and OED reports, studies, and audits relating to the study topic; Back-to-Office Reports from study missions; intra-OED memoranda regarding methodology, schedules, and progress on the study; various drafts of the study with comments on the drafts from OED staff, Bank staff in other units, representatives of other development and aid organizations, and officials in client countries; drafts of the DGO's comments to CODE (or JAC) regarding the evaluation; minutes of CODE (or JAC) meetings at which the study was discussed; drafts of the DGO's transmittal memorandum to the Executive Directors and the President; and summaries of discussions and minutes of meetings of the Executive Directors at which the study was discussed; copies of the OED Precis and Fast Track Brief relating to the study; and copies of letters transmitting the final report to interested parties.

President's Council files

Shortly after assuming the Presidency, Barber Conable discontinued the Managing Committee that, during the Clausen years, had provided overall administrative control of the Bank. In its place Conable created an advisory body made up of the Bank Vice Presidents who reported directly to the President (some vice presidents reported to other vice presidents; they were excluded). This body was originally known as the Policy Committee, then renamed the President's Council in May 1988. It advised on policy decisions for consideration by the Executive Directors, on strategic objectives, resource mobilization and allocation, manpower strategies, and other managerial issues. A staff member in the President's office served as the secretary for the Committee/Council.

This series contains the official records of the Council, from May 1987 to July 1991, grouped in two subseries. The files in the first subseries, amounting to 10 linear feet, are the records of the weekly meetings of the Council, including agendas, minutes, reports, and documents discussed. The second subseries, 2 linear feet, is the set of papers distributed to the Council members for background information; the first seven files (of a total of nine) include a list at the beginning of the file providing the title of each document in the file, the originator, and the date. The files include a few pieces of correspondence and a few annotations and comments from Council members.

These records are an essential source for a researcher who wishes to understand the internal discussions in the Bank during the Conable years.

Working files - Conable/Camdessus lunches

This series contains records of President Conable's meetings with Michel Camdessus, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, between June 1989 and July 1991. The records consist of meeting agendas, briefing notes, talking points, and minutes of the meetings. The topics include Bank and Fund collaboration and operations involving debt reduction, country matters, environmental issues, and preparations for Annual Meetings issues, among others.

The file was maintained by Jennifer Volk, an Executive Assistant to the President. The official file on the lunches is missing from the Liaison files - Non-governmental and international agencies; consequently the working file provides the existing information on the meetings of these two executives.

Central files

This series is the key record of the first fifteen years of the history of CGIAR. All of the efforts to create the organization are documented, as are the general meetings held once or twice a year, the CGIAR staff liaison with the members and donors, the work of the Technical Advisory Committee (as the Science Council was called during those years), and the periodic reviews of the CGIAR program.

Other important records in the series are those in file category G, records of the international agricultural research centers. A set of files exists for each center, containing correspondence with and about the center, records of periodic reviews, appointments, projects and work plans, budgets and financing, and publications. These are an excellent source for the history of agricultural research and the choices made to support or not support a particular research emphasis. Files also exist on associated centers and programs that were not part of the core institutions supported by CGIAR. These files are not as extensive as those relating to the CGIAR centers, but they contain useful information on institutions such as the International Soybean Resource Base (INTSOY) and the International Agricultural Development Services (IADS).

Also included in the series are speeches, addresses and outgoing memos and letters of S. Shahid Husain as Chairman of CGIAR, 1984 - 1987.

Subject files

This series provides an unusually good overview of the scope of issues handled by staff assistants in the Office of the President. Unlike the Stanton files in WB IBRD/IDA 03 EXC-11-02 which are focused on reorganization and space needs, the Haug files cover a very wide range of administrative matters and program topics. The Bank's increasing emphasis on environmental and social issues is reflected here, in such files as environment, forestry, population, and women in development. The monitoring of program operations can be traced in such files as annual sector reviews and strategy papers from Bank entities. Haug also had special interests in staff issues, reflected in files on outside interests and activities, the staff association, the staff retirement plan and staff compensation.

Haug brought some files with her to the President's office, including those on the Joint Committee on Staff Compensation and the Outside Interests Committee, from which she resigned when she joined the President's staff. In addition, a few documents from 1991 in the U.S. estate tax file post-date her tenure and presumably were filed by the President's office staff into Haug's subject file after she departed.

Subject files

The files in this fragmentary series contain primarily memoranda and reports on a few administrative topics. Some of the items in the files had been accumulated by Khann's predecessor as Special Assistant, Josue Tanaka. Some files are useful because they continue a subject found elsewhere; for example, the environment file in this series complements and extends the environment file found in the Haug subject files. The private sector development file postdates the Conable Presidency.

President's Council files

This series consists of the records of meetings of the President's Council that were maintained by Anapum Khanna, Special Assistant to the President. The files contain agendas and minutes of the meetings, Khanna's handwritten notes taken during meetings, talking points for the President, and papers for discussion by the Council. The series is not a complete record of all President's Council meetings for the period covered, and not all records of meetings contain an agenda or minutes.

This series is a useful supplement to the official records of the Council in WB IBRD/IDA EXC-11-32S. Not all of the official records include minutes, and Khanna's handwritten notes may fill in gaps in the official files. Furthermore, this series includes talking points for the President, all of which may not be included in the official files.

Publications of international agricultural research centers

This series contains publications acquired from international agricultural research centers for the CGIAR CD-ROM publication project Compact International Agricultural Research Library - Basic Retrospective Set (CIARL - BRS). A few publications from the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations, which provide important support for the centers, also are included. Not all of the publications in this series ultimately were reproduced on the CD-ROM.

The purpose of the CD-ROM publication was to provide a resource on agriculture for developing countries. CGIAR solicited the publications from the research centers, the centers made the first selection on relevance to the purpose of the publication, and the CGIAR project staff made the final determinations.

The publications selected include guidelines, instructional manuals, studies, handbook, directories, monographs, annual reports, and proceedings of internal symposia and workshops, among others. Duplicate copies of some of these publications are found in the CGIAR Central Files, particularly in file categories G and H. The publications reflect the state-of-the art of agricultural research at the time they were published. Taken together with the Central Files, they illuminate the research emphases of the centers, showing changing attitudes toward, for example, environmental issues, small farmers, and various species of plants and animals. The series as a whole provides a worldwide overview of agricultural research.

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