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Records of the Commission on International Development [Pearson Commission]

  • WB_IBRD/IDA_116
  • Fundos
  • 1961 - 1962, 1965, 1967 - 1970

Fonds consists of records documenting the activities and proceedings of the Commission on International Development formed to review and assess the results of the previous twenty years of development assistance. Although most of the records were created from the time of the Commission's establishment in 1968 to its dissolution in 1969, there are a few copies of external reports dated 1961 to 1962 used for the Commission's studies.

The fonds contains photographs, audio reels, and textual records documenting the establishment of the Commission, meetings and regional hearings, staff reports and research papers, and the Commission's final report. Also included in the fonds are records related to the World Bank President's Memoranda on Report Recommendations, the 1970 official Bank response to the Commission's findings.

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Records of the Economic Policy Reform Sector

  • Fundos
  • 1984 - 2005 (predominantly 1997-2005)

Country project files

The fonds includes country project files from 1984 to 2002. The country project files include extensive records related to Structural Adjustment Loans (SALs) and Sector Adjustment Loans (SECALS) administered for individual countries. PRMEP inherited the responsibility to review and coordinate sector adjustment operations and Country Assistance Strategies (CASs) from the Development Policy Group (DPG) of DEC in 1997. Many of the records created prior to PRMEP include records from the following units: the Country Policy Department (CPD); the Economic Advisory Staff (EAS); and DPG. The SAL and SECAL related records in the country project files include: memoranda; aide-memoires; Terms of Reference; back-to-office reports completed for pre-appraisal and post-appraisal missions for SALs and SECALS; Country Strategy Paper (CSP) mission reports; SALs and SECALS program performance audit and progress reports; initiating memoranda for SALs and SECALs; country project proposals; Loan Committee meeting minutes regarding the approval and progress of SALs and SECALs of a particular country; and loan agreements. Correspondence and memoranda within the country projects files primarily include communications from staff in units responsible for maintaining and reviewing structural adjustment operations and country strategies, including: CPD from the years 1984 to 1987; EAS from the years 1987 to 1991; and DPG from the years 1991 to 1997. Much of the correspondence and memoranda are also communications between CPD, EAS, DPG and Regional VPs, Directors, and economic staff regarding the planning, status, review, and approval of country SALs/ SECALs and country strategies. Other communications are between units from the Development Economics Vice Presidency (DEC), and Regions regarding collaboration on SALs or SECALs.

Records created after 1997 in the country project files include correspondence and memoranda between the following parties: the PREM VP; the PRMEP Director; Regional VPs, Directors, and economicstaff; the Development Research Group (DECRG); the Development Prospects Group (DECPG); the Operations Evaluation Department (OED); members of the Regional Operations Committee (ROC); members of the Operations Policy Committee (OPC); and the Managing Director of Operations (MDOPS). The memoranda and correspondence primarily focus on review and approval of Country Assistance Strategies (CASs) and structural adjustment operations specific to countries. Draft CAS reports, SALs/SECALs reports, SALs/SECALs project information, and Memoranda of the President regarding CASs are also included with extensive comments by the above mentioned parties. Meeting minutes and agenda from OPC and ROC regarding review and approval of CASs and SALs /SECALs specific to a country are also included. The country project files focus on numerous types of SALs/SECALs administered in a country for various sectors, including but not limited to : Financial Sector Adjustment Loans (FSAL); Financial and Enterprise Sector Adjustment Loans (FESAL); Agricultural Sector Adjustment Loans (ASAL); Economic & Financial Adjustment Loans (EFAL); and Social Security Sector Adjustment Loans (SECAL).

Management and organization

The fonds also consists of management and organization records for PRMEP and its successor the Economic Policy and Debt Department (PRMED) from 1997 to 2005. This includes: Economic Policy (EP) Sector Board meeting minutes; business plans; work programs and budget records; staffing records; and workshops, seminars, and professional development training session records. The records also include broader PREM Network organization and management records, including: PREM Council meeting minutes; memoranda; PREM retreat records; and PREM Week planning records. Records detailing PRMEP collaboration with DEC and its subordinate units the Development Research Group (DECRG), the Development Prospects Group (DECPG), and the Economic Development Institute (EDI) are also included. These consist of: correspondence and memoranda between the DEC Vice President, DECRG, DECPG, and PRMEP; economic data, statistics, and policy reports produced by DECRG, DECPG, and PRMEP; Knowledge Management System (KMS) records related to the management of PRMEP's website and economic data and systems in collaboration with DECRG and DECPG; planning records for proposed economic research coordinated by DECRG, DECPG, and PRMEP; and economic training planning records organized jointly by EDI and PRMEP. Correspondence and memoranda related to PRMEP's participation in Bank-IMF Annual Meetings and involvement with the annual publication of the Bank's World Development Report (WDR) are also included for the years 1998 to 2000.

Project and operational support

The fonds also consists of project and operational support records for PRMEP from 1997 to 2004. This includes thematic group planning records and country project planning and budget records related to economic sector work (ESW). The records also relate to the development of DEC/PREM Country Performance Ratings and Indicators, later renamed the Country Policy and Institutional Assessments (CPIA), and the subsequent implementation of CPIA in the regions. The Country Performance Ratings and Indicators, and CPIAs are assessment and diagnostic tools used to assess a country's policies, institutional frameworks, and structural issues. They are intended to help inform concessional lending decisions and resource allocation for the Bank's International Development Association (IDA) - eligible countries and aids in the preparation of CASs. The records related to Country Performance Ratings and Indicators, and CPIAs include: PRMEP Sector Board meeting minutes regarding the development of country performance ratings, indicators, and CPIA; memoranda and correspondence primarily sent from the PRMEP Director to the PREM VP, the DEC VP, Bank Managing Directors, DECRG and DECPG staff, Regional VPs and economic staff, and staff from other Bank Networks; reports outlining purposes, procedures, and timetables for country performance ratings, indicators, and CPIA; lists of Country Performance Ratings and Indicators, and CPIA assessments performed for countries between 1997 to 1999; CPIA assessment questionnaires; CPIA Report on the 1998 Ratings; and CPIA Guidelines for Completion.

External partnership and liaison

The fonds also includes records related to PRMEP's partnerships and liaison with external organizations outside of the Bank from 1997 to 1999. The series primarily includes records related to partnerships and liaison with the World Trade Organization (WTO), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and others. This includes records related to PRMEP's involvement with the WTO Integrated Framework for Trade-Related Technical Assistance (IF) program launched in October 1997, and the WTO Ministerial Conference held in Seattle, WA in 1999.

Records related to PRMEP's involvement with the IMF include: records related to drafting of joint IMF/Bank Board Papers; participation in joint IMF/Bank liaison Committees; participation in the joint IMF/Bank Enhanced ESAF/IDA Low Income Countries Program; and collaboration on countries affected by the East Asia Financial Crisis of 1997.

PRMTR briefing books for senior officials

The fonds also consists of briefing books prepared for senior officials by staff from the International Trade Department (PRMTR) from 2002 to 2005. The briefing books were prepared for the following senior officials: PREM Vice President Goband Nankani; Managing Director Jeffrey Goldstein; and Bank President James Wolfensohn.The briefings were prepared prior to international trade related conferences, seminars, and meetings, and consist primarily of the following: World Bank produced papers and reports related to international trade; meeting minutes and agenda; invitations to meetings; programs; agendas; itineraries; logistical information; issues to be addressed; and other pertinent information.

Operational monitoring and evaluation

The fonds also consist of records related to operational monitoring and evaluation activities performed by the Operations Evaluation Department (OED) and the Quality Assurance Group (QAG) in their evaluation of economic sector work (ESW) and adjustment operations performed by PRMEP and its collaborative partners for the years 1998 to 2004. This includes records related to the OED annual publication of the Annual Review of Development Effectiveness (ARDE) and the QAG annual publication of the Annual Report on Portfolio Performance (ARPP): both Bank-wide evaluations assessing operational work across Bank operations. The ARDE and ARPP records include drafts and copies of the reports, and memoranda regarding comments on the reports from the PREM VP, PRMEP Director, and other PRMEP staff. Other OED and QAG evaluations more specific to PRMEP and Regions economic sector work (ESW) and adjustment operations are also included, and consist of drafts and copies of reports with extensive comments and review from the PREM VP, PRMEP Director, Regional staff, and Operations Policy and Country Services Vice Presidency (OPCVP) staff. Meeting minutes, agenda, and memoranda are also included regarding the Committee on Development Effectiveness (CODE) of the Executive Board of Directors, and the Operations Vice Presidents (OVP). CODE and OVP both reviewed OED and QAG evaluation papers and reports, including ARPP and ARDE, and the records detail the review of various papers and reports.

Operational policies and directives review and reform

The fonds also includes records related to operational review and reform activities performed by the Operational Policy Committee (OPC) and the Managing Directors Operations Policy and Strategy Group (MDOPS) from 1997 to 2000. The OPC and MDOPS records relate to the review and reform of numerous Bank-wide operational policies and directives relevant to the areas of financial reform, sector strategies, Country Assistance Strategies (CASs), adjustment lending, and structural policy reform from 1997 to 1999. The records include OPC meeting minutes and agenda; approach papers regarding reform to operational directives (ODs) and operational policies (OPs); and correspondence and memoranda between OPC members, the PREM VP, PRMEP Director, members of DEC, the MDOPS Director, and Bank Managing Directors.

Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative records

The fonds also consists of records related to the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative launched in 1996. The records were created and maintained by the Debt Initiative Group (AFTD1) from 1996 to 2000 and its later successor the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Unit (PRMHP) from 2000 to 2003. The records include country project files consisting of multilateral debt restructuring agreements for eligible HIPC countries produced from Paris Club meetings; debt data and financial statistical reports produced by multilateral development banks (MDBs), bi-lateral creditors, and the World Bank; and original point, completion point, and Poverty Reduction and Strategy Paper (PRSP) documents relevant to a specific country.

The HIPC records additionally contain extensive briefings prepared by AFTD1 and PRMHP for senior Bank officials, including: President James Wolfensohn; Managing Director Sven Sandstrom; PREM Vice Presidents Masood Ahmed, Kemal Dervis, and Gobind Nankani; Africa Region (AFR) Vice Presidents Jean-Louis Sarbib and Callisto Madavo; and the Latin America and Caribbean (LCR) Vice President David de Ferranti. The briefings were prepared prior to HIPC conferences, seminars, and meetings, and consist of HIPC progress reports,background information on the HIPC Initiative, updates, and agenda. Incoming and outgoing correspondence between the same parties as well as Axel van Trotsenburg of AFTD1 and PRMHP are also included. External correspondence files are also maintained by PRMHP for the World Bank officials mentioned above. These files are primarily sent from participating HIPC Initiative NGOs, MDBs, and bi-lateral creditors, and subsequent responses between the involved parties are maintained by PRMHP. The HIPC records also include handwritten letters sent to President Wolfensohn from individuals from NGO and civil society organizations advocating for the Bank to take more immediate action on eliminating external debt in heavily indebted poor countries.

The HIPC Initiative records relate to the extensive collaboration between the Bank, IMF, MDBs, and NGOs. This includes chairman's summaries and meeting minutes for MDB meetings held jointly by the Banks Executive Directors of the IDA and the IMF. Records are also maintained for MDBs, such as the African Development Bank (AfDB), the European Investment Bank (EIB), and the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), and consist of incoming and outgoing correspondence, debt data, and financial statistics regarding the status of numerous HIPC countries. The records also include IMF Executive Board documents regarding the Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility (ESAF), the IMF's HIPC Initiative implementation unit. Reports, agenda, press releases, correspondence, and meeting minutes arealso included from numerous workshops, seminars, meetings, and summits held with NGO organizations, such as Oxfam International, Debt Relief International (DRI), and European Network on Debt and Development (EURODAD).

Middle Income Countries (MIC) Working Group records

The fonds also includes records related to PRMEP's involvement with the Middle Income Countries (MIC) Working Group from 2003 to 2005. The MIC Working Group sought to bolster support to MIC eligible countries under IBRD lending operations. The Working Group consisted of representatives from the Operations Policy and Country Services Vice Presidency (OPCVP), the Financial Sector Vice Presidency (FSEVP), the Bank Networks, and the Regional VP Offices of the Bank. PREM departments, including PRMEP, played a role in the Working Group. The MIC records include correspondence and memoranda primarily between the PREM VP, PRMEP Director, OPCVP staff, FSEVP staff, and Bank Managing Directors. Meeting minutes and agenda are also included for Working Group meetings, but also for Executive Board of Directors meetings regarding progress and reports on MIC Action Plans. Papers, reports, presentation material, drafted action plans, and Memoranda from the President prepared prior to meetings are also included.

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FSEVP budget monitoring and planning records

  • Séries
  • 1998 - 2002

The series consists of budget monitoring records for the fiscal years 1999 to 2002 for FSEVP and its subordinate departments and units. The budget records include correspondence and memoranda; work program budgets; budget guidelines reports; quarterly and mid-year budget review reports; staffing expense reports; budget allocation; status budget reports; and budget deliverables. Proposed and planned budget records are also included for projects funded by the New Spending Authority (NSA) as part of the WorldBank and IMF Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) for the years 1998 to 2001. The FSAP records include retrospective reports, strategic compact funding, and cross support budget records.

Records of the Financial Sector Vice Presidency

  • Fundos
  • 1998 - 2002

Fonds includes the budget monitoring and planning records for FSEVP and its subordinate departments, units, and specialty programs.

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Nutrition sector country files

  • WB IBRD/IDA_89 WB_IBRD/IDA_89-02
  • Séries
  • 1963 - 2000 (predominant 1973 - 2000)

Series consists of nutrition sector country files maintained by the Health, Nutrition, and Population Team (HDNHE) and predecessors beginning from the Population and Nutrition Projects Department formed in 1972. Country files were predominantly created between 1973 and 2000 and contain external reports, publications, and internal memoranda between HDNHE staff and country offices regarding the status of the health and nutrition sector of member countries. There are also a small number of items within the files that were externally produced between 1963 and 1968 and used as reference by HDNHE staff.

Records in this series were maintained in continuity during the period when the nutrition unit was situated under two different sector departments. The Nutrition Unit (PNPD2) was created under the Population Projects Department in July 1972 (later renamed Population and Nutrition Projects Department). Nutrition functions were then transferred to the Agriculture and Rural Development Department (AGRNU) in November 1975 until the Population, Health and Nutrition Department (PHN) was established in October 1979.

Records in the series were created and maintained by various staff including: Dr. Alan D. Berg (deputy director, Nutrition Unit, PNPD2, 1972 - 1975, then Senior Nutrition Advisor 1975 -1992 in AGRDR, later PHNDR and PHRDR); Dr. Judith S. McGuire (nutritionist, PHRHN 1988 - 1993, then senior nutrition advisor); Joy Miller Del Rosso (nutrition consultant, PHRHN later Human Development Department, between 1992- 1996); and others.

Most of the country files represent low-and lower-middle- income countries, however, Sweden and the United States are also represented in the files in the form of background reference reports. The Sweden file contains an article and report on diet in Sweden and Scandanavia. Among the earliest nutrition sector country files with material from the 1960s and early 1970s are Singapore, Sweden, Mauritius, Malaysia, Tunisia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Gabon, Kenya, Korea, and Pakistan. There are also files concerning nutrition in the former Soviet Union (1993 - 1997). Several of the nutrition sector files specifically relate to Venezuela and are titled constraint assessment (1988 - 1998), food policy study (1996 - 1999), and nutrition education component (1996 - 1997). Other topics represented within the series include, but are not limited to: breastfeeding, child nutrition, malnutrition, micronutrients, and food policy.

A small number of the nutrition sector country filescontain project-related correspondence and the department's missions and preliminary reports. These include the Nutrition Research and Development Project for Brazil approved in 1976 and the India Tamil Nadu Nutrition Project approved in 1980. The India file reflects early discussions and project planning from 1974. The Brazil and India projects where two of only four standalone nutrition projects approved by the Bank between 1976 and 1981.

Other records in the series include: internal memoranda regarding unit comments on Research Project Outputs (RPOs); mission travel and mission findings to examine proposed nutrition components of projects, and other nutrition sector work; sector issue reports including drafts; Initial Executive Project Summaries (IESPs) on countries distributed from the regional division chief; back-to-office reports, some authored by country departments; consultant's reports; external reports, brochures and booklets; external mission reports and drafts or final versions of concept papers authored by United Nations agencies, government ministries, international organizations or by individuals from academic and research institutes; and journal articles. One report in is Portuguese.

Several files contain only external reference material related to the country's nutrition sector.

LCR Social Development Unit and Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Unit chronological files

This series consists of the incoming and outgoing correspondence and memoranda created and compiled by Davis when he served as Sector Manager in the Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Unit , Latin America and Caribbean Region (LCSES), 1998-1999, and as Sector Manager in the Social Development Unit, Latin America and Caribbean Region (LCSEO), 2000-2004. The correspondence comes from external agencies, institutions, and individuals outside of the World Bank, which are inquiring about potential employment, or are interested in Davis's research or work related to indigenous rights, the environment, sustainability, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Other correspondence addresses collaborative initiatives, working groups, and panels Davis took part in, or for which he received invitations. The remaining correspondence and memoranda are internal communications related to Davis' work in the Bank, including oversight of development projects compliance to social safeguard policies, indigenous policy development, and collaboration with project partners, authorities, and local communities.

Research, project support, and reference files

This series consists of records that supported Davis' project work, policy development, and research. It contains field notes, project files, reference files, and research materials that cover Davis' World Bank career. The field notes are handwritten notebooks from Davis' operational field work, meetings, and project site visits from 1986 to 2002. The majority of the field notes arise from Davis' work in the Latin America and Caribbean Region, especially the earlier years as Senior Sociologist for the Environment Unit, Latin America and Caribbean Region (LATEN) from 1987 to 1991. Some notes are included from operational fieldwork and site visits in India, the Philippines, Russia, and Mozambique from his later years as Principal Sociologist for the Social Policy and Resettlement Division (ENVSP) from 1993 to 1997. The series also contains project site visit notes Davis created to review progress and compliance with safeguard policies (e.g. indigenous rights, environment, and sustainability) at development sites, primarily as a Sector Manager in the Latin America and Caribbean Region.

This series also includes extensive reference and project files. The reference files consist of papers, articles, reports, and publications typically devoted to a particular subject. Much of the reference material was authored and/or published externally by outside agencies, institutions, or person(s). The project files contain similar contents, but differ because they also contain project proposals, correspondence, memoranda, annotated notes, draft reports, and final reports, which are primarily created by Davis or by the units in which he served at the Bank. An example includes the file Social Assessments, 1998-2002, which details assessments and reviews done for development projects in the Latin America and Caribbean Region countries. Other files are specific to a country project, or to policy development, including Indigenous Peoples files related to World Bank operational directive "OD 4.20 - Indigenous Peoples" and operational policy "OP 4.10 - Indigenous Peoples". It is unclear what records in this series were maintained strictly for project support or reference because the records are interfiled together within a single folder, usually according to topic. Furthermore, the files overlap different periods in Davis' career when he served in different positions or areas of responsibility 

This series contains VHS tapes, DVDs, and CDs sent to Davis from outside agencies, institutions, and persons. These audio-visual items are not World Bank produced, but relate directly to areas of interests to Davis, including Latin America, indigenous rights and culture, bio-diversity, sustainability, and the environment. It is uncertain how Davis used these items in his roles at the Bank, but most likely kept them for reference.

Training, conference, and workshop records

Series consists of records created and compiled by Shelton Davis from the various training sessions, conferences, and workshops related to indigenous communities, social development, sustainability, and environmental issues. Series includes planning documents, handwritten notes, correspondence, presentation and training materials, reports, manuals, and audio-visual materials. This includes VHS tapes from the training seminar Indigenous Peoples held in October 1992, which Davis organized, led, and participated in as the Senior Sociologist for the Environment Department (ENVAP). Two audio-cassette tapes contain a similar presentation given by Davis for the United Nations. Seminar documents, reports, and presentation notes from the seminars Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Institutions in Africa, June 1, 1995 and Indigenous Peoples and Economic Development in Asia, May 29, 1996 are also included from Davis's time as Principal Sociologist with the Social Policy and Resettlement Division (ENVSP).

The series also contains records from the years Davis served as Sector Manager in the Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Unit , Latin America and Caribbean Region (LCSES), 1998-1999, and the Sector Manager in the Social Development Unit, Latin America and Caribbean Region (LCSEO), 2000-2004. This includes handwritten notes, agendas, minutes, training session records, and presentation transparencies related to the workshops devoted to operational directive "OD 4.20 - Indigenous Peoples" and operational policy "OP 4.10 - Indigenous Peoples" in 1999 and 2002. Agenda, minutes, correspondence, and reports are also included for multiple planning meetings and workshops such as the Indigenous Peoples and Human Development Project Design: A Technical Workshop, February 24, 1999; the Indigenous Peoples and Social Sector Projects Workshop, April 11-12, 2000; and the Ethnicity and Health Equity - Expert Group Meeting, June 18-20, 2001. A topical file containing "Safeguard Policies - Instructor's binder" is interfiled among other workshop materials. The series also consists of CDs and VHS tapes from many training sessions, conferences, seminars, and workshops organized and held in the Latin America and Caribbean Region from 2000 to 2004. The CDs contain digital training records, agendas, images, and reports related to indigenous rights, resettlement, social development, and sustainable development. Each CD is typically specific to one country, project, or issue. VHS tapes produced by the World Bank related to specific Bank-funded projects or training seminars, conferences, or workshops are also included.

Copies of George D. Woods used for the biography

Spanning Woods' life both before and after he was President of the World Bank, this material provides insight into his principal interests, as seen by his biographer. Particularly well represented in the copies are memoranda and correspondence on India. A number of items concern Woods' part in the IBRD negotiations of the Suez Canal dispute in 1958, prior to his tenure at the Bank. Internal Bank documents include notes on the Economic Development Institute and the economic work of the Bank, correspondence relating to the IDA replenishment deadlock of 1965-1966, and documents regarding the nomination of a new president. Later documents include his 1974 statement to the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee on IDA replenishment and correspondence with notable figures such as Barbara Ward.

The topic file consist of: Aid (E. Martin, DAC), Brookings Institution SDR [Special Drawing Rights], Study Group, Columbia University, John Foster Dulles Oral History Project, First Boston Corporation, Foreign - Miscellaneous (India - Egypt), Foreign Economic Assistance Task Force, India, IBRD, Miscellaneous personal messages, Notre Dame University, New York Times, Suez Canal, UN, and White House, Trip to Europe, Yugoslavia and Egypt.

Interviews for George D. Woods biography

  • Séries
  • 1985 - 1990 (1985 - predominant)

In the Preface to his biography of George D. Woods, Oliver writes, I relied most heavily on the interviews in writing the life of Woods. The interviews he conducted, all titled by Oliver Conversations about George Woods and the World Bank, illuminate the events and personalities during Woods' tenure as President.

Background material for George D. Woods biography

The background material in this series includes such varied items as a photograph of the Woods on their honeymoon; Louise Woods' card as a volunteer nurses aide in the U.S. Citizens Defense Corps of the City of New York, 1949; Louise Woods' voter registration card for the City of New York 1957; a copy of Life magazine of June 12, 1958, with George Woods on the cover; formal photographic portraits of George D. and Louise Woods, alone and together; copies of photographs from various sources, most with annotations by Oliver; copies of the Columbia University Oral History Research Offices interviews with Louise Woods and Edward Townsend; and two books, As I Went Along, by Alan Pope, President of First Boston Corporation, given to associates at Christmas 1947 and 75 Years of Banking, distributed by the Mellon National Bank in 1944. The bulk of the series is the George D. Woods clippings files, both from his unsuccessful nomination in September 1961 to head the Agency for International Development and his October1962 appointment to the World Bank.

Robert W. Oliver Collection on George D. Woods

  • Fundos
  • 1935 - 1986

The collection includes copies of the oral interviews Oliver conducted in preparing his biography and copies of a portion of the Woods papers that he had at his disposal when writing the biography. It also contains the clippings files that George Woods maintained during his failed attempt to become the head of the Agency for International Development in 1961 and his successful appointment as head of the World Bank in 1962. Original photographs of George and Louise Woods and copies of photographs from various sources, including the World Bank, are included. The copy photographs were made for reproduction in Oliver's biography of George Woods, and many are annotated by Oliver. A small quantity of memorabilia and published materials relating to both George D. and Louise Woods is included.

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Records of the Financial Sector Development Sector

  • Fundos
  • 1971 - 2007 (predominately 1983-2001)

The fonds consists primarily of Economic and Sector Work (ESW) records produced by the various financial sector development department, division, and unit incarnations, including: the Financial Development Unit (INDFD) and the Financial Development Division (INDFD) located in the Industry Department (IND) of the Energy and Industry Vice Presidency (EIS) from 1983 to 1987; the Financial Policy and Systems Division (CECFP) located in the Development Economics Vice Presidency (DEC) from 1987 to 1992; the Financial Sector Development Department (FSD) located in the Finance and Private Sector Development Vice Presidency (FPDVP) from 1993 to 1997; the FSD located in the Finance, Private Sector Development, and Infrastructure Network (FPSI) from 1997 to 1998; the FSD located in the Financial Operations Vice Presidency (FIOVP) from 1999; and the FSD located in the Financial Sector Vice Presidency (FSEVP) from 1999 to 2001. ESW work was done on a country-wide basis and usually performed in collaboration with financial and economic operational staff located in regional offices of the Bank. Reports produced from ESW research helped inform subsequent financial sector development policy and lending decisions utilized for financial sector reform.

The financial sector development ESW records consist of country mission research records with extensive background research, including: newspaper clippings, journals, and articles related to financial sector issues; and statistical and financial data, research studies, annual reports, financial statements, and financial laws and regulations reports published by the central bank of a specific country, a particular country ministry office, or by other financial institutions specific to a country. External and Bank produced financial sector reports and studies specific to a country are also included with research records. The records also consist of ESW mission planning, reporting, and proposal records, including: project proposals; project initiating memoranda; back-to-office reports; mission reports; mission notes; terms-of-reference; project appraisal reports; and aide-memoires. Correspondence and memoranda between financial sector development devoted units, regional staff, and members of financial ministries or other financial sector institutions within in a country are also included.

The ESW records also consist of the reports and records produced after ESW mission work, which relate to subsequent financial sector development policy and lending decisions. This includes meetingagenda and minutes for meetings between financial sector ESW collaborators, and also reporting to the Executive Board of Directors, the Office of the President (EXC), and other World Bank officials concerning financial sector ESW progress, policy development, and lending. The ESW records additionally contain country analysis and case study reports produced from ESW research. The reports focus on financial sector related issues, such as: bank restructuring and privatization; capital market development; financial sector infrastructure; pension reform; financial laws and regulations; and insurance. Financial sector lending proposals, reports, and loan agreement records are also included for numerous types of financial sector development loan programs, including: Structural Adjustment Loans (SALs); Sector Adjustment Loans (SADs); Technical Assistance Loans (TA); and Financial and Enterprise Sector Adjustment Loans (FESAL).

The fonds also consists of records from the conferences, seminars, and workshops organized or attended by financial sector development related units of the CECFP from 1987 to 1992 and the FSD department of the Finance and Private Sector Development Vice Presidency (FPDVP) from 1993 to 1997. The records include speech transcripts of presenters from CECFP, FSD, and presenters from outside agencies or other World Bank units. The records also consist of printed presentation slides, transparencies, and conference and seminar programs. CECFP and FSD organized workshop and seminar records include correspondence regarding planning and post reporting of events, training materials, presentation slides, and speech transcripts. Topics of conferences, seminars, and workshops cover financial sector related issues, such as banking, payment systems, regulation, restructuring, and supervision of financial conglomerates.

Chronological correspondence files maintained for FSD within the FPDVP from 1993 to 1997 are also included in the fonds. These files consists of incoming and outgoing correspondence that cover numerous topics including: support of country missions; ESW operational work; financial development policy reports; lending instruments proposals; and FSD management and organization.

The fonds also consist of background records related to operational policy "OP 8.30 - Financial Sector Operations", which was adopted by the World Bank in 1992 as an operational directive "OD 8.30 -Financial Sector Operations", and revised and adopted as an operational policy in 1998. The records include extensive correspondence and memoranda with attachments, including draft "OD/OP 8.30" policy revisions from April 1991 to November 1997. The correspondence and memoranda are primarily between FSD staff, Development Economics Vice Presidency (DEC) staff, the Office of the President (EXC), and members of the Operations Policy Committee. Background reports on financial sector work within the Bank are also included. The records also include meeting minutes and agenda for the Operational Policy Committee and the Board of Executive Directors.

The fonds additionally includes records of Diana McNaughton from when she served as the Senior Manager for FSD within the FPDVP from 1993 to 1997. The records consist of her presentation materials, including: printed slides, transparencies, speech transcripts, background research, and correspondence regarding presentation preparation. The presentation records focus on numerous topics, such as bank restructuring, capital market development, and financial sector reform. The records also include theplanning records, training module materials, and correspondence for seminars and workshops organized by FSD or attended by McNaughton as part of FSD liaison with external organizations. The records also consist of management and organization records related to FSD. This includes correspondence, meeting minutes, and agenda for FSD planning retreats; business and strategic framework plans related to the FSD activities of bank and enterprise restructuring, finance intermediation, capital markets development, and financial sector infrastructure; and reporting presentations planned for the Executive Board of Directors of the World Bank Group.

The fonds also includes the records of Rodney Lester from when he served as Lead Specialist for FSD within the Financial Sector Vice Presidency (FSEVP) from 1999 to 2001. Most records are related to the Economic Sector Work (ESW) and Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) country projects. This includes reference material, including: annual reports; financial statistical data reports; and financial statements produced by numerous country central banks, country offices, or other financial institutions within that country for both ESW and FSAP projects. FSAP records additionally include IMF produced FSAP country reports and terms-of-reference reports. Lester's records also include background correspondence focused on the Bank Crisis Management Program of FSD from 1993 to 1998, and records related to the East Asia Financial Crisis of 1997. Lastly, the Lester records also consist of Strategic Compact planning records for the financial sector development operations of the World Bank from 1994 to 1999. This includes Executive Board of Directors meeting minutes and agenda, business plans, work programs, progress reports, and implementation plans related to organization and planning of financial sector functions and activities within the Bank.

Lastly, similar to the Rodney Lester records, more extensive records related to the FSAP country projects are also included in the fonds for the years 2000 to 2007. These records include: annual reports, financial and statistical data reports, and financial regulation and laws reports produced by numerous country central banks, country offices, or other financial institutions within that country. The records also consist of technical notes, and FSAP reports produced jointly by the IMF Monetary and Financial Systems Department and the World Bank Financial Sector Vice Presidency (FSEVP). Project mission terms-of-reference, back-to-office reports, and aide memoire reporting records are also included for FSAP records.

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PRMPO and PRMPR Trust Fund Cycle project records

  • Séries
  • 1998-2007

This series includes PREM Poverty Division (PRMPO) and its successor the PREM Poverty Reduction Group (PRMPR) records related to projects supported by trust funds. The series consists of records related to proposed projects funded by numerous trust fund donors, including: the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA); the Bank of Netherlands Partnership Programme (BNPP or Dutch Trust Fund); the World Bank's President Contingency Fund; the Korea Consultant Trust Fund (CTF); and other smaller donors. Records are maintained for SIDA funded projects planned for the fiscal years 2005 to 2009. SIDA records include administration agreement records and set-up documents. BNPP trust fund project records are maintained for the years 1998-2001. Additional proposed project records include records for Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSP) projects for the years 1998 to 2003. PRSP records include: correspondence between the donors and recipients; Letter of Representation (LOR); reports; records related to the closing and end of date extensions; expense records; and records of hired consultants. Records related to proposed study projects for the Moving Out of Poverty: Understanding Growth, Well-being, and Freedom from the Bottom-up initiative from 2005 to 2007 are also included. The records for these projects consist of: award notification and trust fund set-up documents; amendment documents; request for funds proposals; original project proposals; proposals for overflow funds; reporting records; request for transfer money to trust fund; and BNPP donor correspondence.

Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) research survey records

  • Séries
  • 1978-1992

This series includes records related to Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS). The LSMS was first launched by the Development Research Center (DRC) in 1980. Included in this series are records relating to the LSMS from the DRC as well as those units subsequently responsible for the Survey through 1992. These include: the Development Research Department Living Standards Measurement Unit (DRDLS), 1983 to 1987; the Population and Human Resources Welfare and Human Resources Development Division (PHRWH), 1987 to 1992; and the Population and Human Resources Poverty Analysis and Policy Division (PHRPA), February 1992 to December 1992.

The series includes research files maintained for each country. These records include: background papers, articles, and reports produced by the Bank and outside sources; research proposals; LSMS questionnaires; household and life expectancy raw statistical data sheets; handwritten notes; memoranda and correspondence regarding progress, procedures, and changes in LSMS surveys; back-to office reports; terms of reference; travel expense reports; and budget records. The series consist of additional LSMS research files referred to as World Bank Research Program (RPO) files. These records include research projects related to topics such as education, health care, nutrition, household data, living standards, welfare, and labor. Each RPO project generally includes the following records: correspondence and memoranda regarding project planning, progression, recruitment, and changes; mission reports; back-to-office reports; drafts, revisions, and final project proposals; travel expenses; terms-of-reference; notes; background papers; RPO status reports; administrative expense reports; consultant background and CV records; appointment letters; and Project Completion Reports (PCRs). The research files cover the years 1978 to 1992.

This series also consists of records related to the Working Papers Numbered Series in support of the LSMS surveys from 1980 to 1992. The records include drafts; original copies; published copies; cover negatives; and handwritten notes for LSMS Working Papers 1-59. The Working Papers were used in the preparation of the following World Bank publication: Living standards measurement study: abstracts of working papers.

The series additionally contains records related to the Bank's collaboration with the UN National Household Survey Capability Program (NHSCP), and the UN Statistical Office (UNSO) from 1978 to 1988. The statistical data produced by the LSMS surveys were shared and disseminated to cooperating units through prepared papers and reports, collaborative working groups, and meetings. The records in this series include correspondence from World Bank officials within DRC, DRDLS, and PHRWH to NHSCP and UNSO. The bulk of records contain correspondence and LSMS background reports from DRDLS Head Dennis N. de Tray and DRDLS associate Jacques van der Gaag sent to NHSCP and UNSO officials. Post 1987 records include correspondence from PHRWH Chief Jacques van der Gaag Population and Human Resources (PHR) Director Ann Hamilton sent to NHSCHP and UNSO officials. Also included are records from the UN Statistical Commission Meeting on LSMS held in New York City from February 28 to March 1, 1985. The records from this meeting include: memoranda and correspondence regarding preparation and reporting on the meeting; agenda and meeting minutes from the meeting; back-to-office reports; handwritten notes; LSMS statistical reports and papers prepared by the World Bank for the meeting; and statistical reports prepared by UN units.

IFPRI and World Bank Poverty Research Conference records

  • Séries
  • 1988 – 1991

The series consist of records related to the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and World Bank Poverty Research Conference held at Airlie House in Northern Virginia from October 25-28, 1989. The records primarily consist of abstracts and copies of papers focused on poverty related issues, which were presented at the conference. The abstracts and papers were produced by PHRWH staff, other World Bank staff, and numerous academic and NGO participants. Correspondence and memoranda discuss arrangements and reporting on the conference. Additional correspondence and memoranda discuss possible publication of a poverty focused book consisting of a compilation of the papers presented at the conference.

Records of the Poverty Analysis and Policy Sector

  • Fundos
  • 1978 - 2007

The fonds includes records from PHRWH's involvement with the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and World Bank Poverty Research Conference held in 1989. It also includes records related to the Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) surveys, as well as records related to liaison with LSMS collaborators in the U.N. National Household Survey Capability Program (NHSCP), the UN Statistical Office (UNSO), and the U.N. Statistical Commission. Lastly, the fonds contains the records of trust fund donor supported projects of the PRMPO and its successor PRMPR from 1998 to 2007.

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WID liaison, conferences, meetings, training, seminars, and symposiums

  • Séries
  • 1976 - 1986

The series consists of WID liaison records with organizations external to the World Bank. This includes records related to the United Nations Decade of Women (1976-1985), which was declared at the World Conference on Women, held in Mexico City in 1975. The records consist of: memoranda; correspondence; agenda; itineraries; travel information; speakers' notes; and meeting minutes from the extensive liaison between WID Advisers Gloria Scott and Barbara Herz and various United Nations units, including the UN Commission on Status of Women. The records are from attendance in conferences, meetings, training sessions, seminars, and symposiums dedicated to women's issues. Numerous articles, press releases, publications, and reports produced by the United Nations units or other outside agencies are also included. This series also consists of records for liaison with universities, private organizations, NGOs, women's organizations, labor organizations, agricultural organizations, government agencies, and other multilateral development agencies. These records include correspondence; agenda; meeting minutes; articles; press releases; publications; and reports.

WID operational support records

  • Séries
  • 1977 - 1987

This series includes records created in the course of project surveys and evaluations. Records related to training sessions on WID issues organized by the WID Adviser are also included. The records include WID Adviser mission project files containing: correspondence; memoranda; project proposals; back-to-office reports; project completion reports; travel information; and project loan information for the years 1983 to 1984. The project mission files discuss short-term survey projects done by WID team members for particular development projects, as well as training sessions given to World Bank staff, NGOs, government officials, or any other participant involved in a development project with implications on women.

The series also consists of project file evaluation studies and background papers. Project files specific to a country and sector (e.g. agriculture and development, education, health, urban development, etc.) are kept for each evaluation study. The files include correspondence, memoranda, backgroundpapers, and evaluation studies. The background papers include handwritten notes, articles, and reports of technical data produced by other units within the World Bank, primarily the sector department pertinent to the particular project. The evaluations studies are the reports produced by the WID Adviser team, which summarizes the findings of the evaluation project, and includes advisory recommendations.

Additional country correspondence files from the years 1980 to 1987 consist of articles, external reports, and correspondence discussing particular women related issues within a country.

WID reference files

  • Séries
  • 1973 - 1987

The series consists of Women in Development (WID) reference files that contain numerous reports, articles, and policy records produced by both the World Bank and outside agencies. Correspondence and memoranda are interfiled with some of the reference files. All reference files are devoted to a particular topic pertinent to women related issues, including: agriculture and rural development; basic needs; anthropology; children; education; fertility; female circumcision; housing and development; poisons; populations; water and sanitation; and so on.

WID Adviser subject and activity files

  • Séries
  • 1977 - 1986

This series includes numerous subject files of WID Advisers Gloria Scott and Barbara Herz, related to the various activities and responsibilities of the WID Adviser position. The subject files consist of correspondence and memoranda focused on a specific topic. The records include some of the following subject files: responses to external request for information; records detailing WID functions and activities; background information on WID policies, sector studies, and case materials; WID project efforts in West Africa; staffing of WID; press releases related to WID; revisions to a WID "Q and A" booklet; briefing books for the WID Adviser; workshop papers and training manuals; back-to-office reports on mission projects from 1985 to 1987; World Bank Projects and Women Report, 1979; proposed WID work program from 1984 to 1987; budgets for WID work program from 1984 to 1985; reference file on Economic Development Institute (EDI) activities; status of WID work in the World Bank; and planning of sector strategy papers.

The series also consists of correspondence and memoranda records related to departmental planning and strategy of Operations Policy Staff (OPS), Projects Policy Department (PPD), and the Operational Vice Presidents (OVP). This includes correspondence and memoranda between the WID Adviser and head officials in OPS, PPD, and OVP.

The series also includes correspondence and memoranda records regarding preparation of a World Bank statement and WID paper by WID Adviser Gloria Scott to be presented to U.S. Senator Charles Percy and his Foreign Relations Committee in 1984.

The series additionally contains a correspondence file documenting WID Adviser Gloria Scott's involvement with the Margaret McNamara Memorial Fund, a program run by the World Bank Volunteer Services, which assists female students from developing countries with financial aid for their studies in the United States.

The series also consists of correspondence, recipient lists, and final drafts related to Gloria Scott's publication: "Recognizing the 'Invisible' Woman in Development: The World Bank's Experience" from 1979 to 1980.

This series also includes country strategy papers. The country strategies papers were proposed by Barbara Herz in late 1985 as part of larger framework to put WID policies and studies to action in World Bank operational development projects. The country strategies papers included a detailed country-focused assessment of women's issues, and an action plan to address these issues. The records include: correspondence; memoranda; proposals; budget records; studies; and terms of reference regarding a planned country strategy papers for the countries of Kenya and Indonesia. A portion of the country strategies correspondence and memoranda are between WID Adviser Barbara Herz and Senior Vice President of Operations Ernest Stern. Records related to recruitment of consultants, development of an East Asia task force, and task charts prepared by WID task managers are also included.

Lastly, the series consists of records related to the Safe Motherhood Initiative. The Safe Motherhood Initiative was a multi-agency international initiative focused on maternal health and family planning issues of women. The World Bank sponsored the initiative, and the WID Adviser and the Population, Health, and Nutrition Department (PHN) helped plan and organize. The Safe Motherhood Initiative was launched in February 1987 at a conference held in Nairobi Kenya. The records from the Initiative in this series pre-date the conference from 1985 to 1986when Barbara Herz served as WID Adviser. The records consist of: correspondence; memoranda; terms of reference; outline work plans; outline plans for a senior technical conference; and consultant recruiting records related to the Initiative. Some of the correspondence is between the WID Adviser Barbara Herz and medical professionals at the Center for Population and Family Health and the Women in Development Office of the Swedish International Development Authority (SIDA) regarding funding to develop a concept paper for the Initiative. Correspondence and memoranda between Herz and the Projects Policy Department (PPD) Director and other staff are also included. The Initiative records also contain reference material including reports, studies, and articles produced by the Bank and external agencies, which are related to maternal health.

Barbara Herz chronological correspondence files

  • Séries
  • January 1985 - December 1987

The series includes chronological correspondence kept by Barbara Herz from January 1985 to December 1987. It covers the period when she transitioned from the role of WID Adviser in the Projects Policy Department (PPD) to the Division Chief in the Women in Development Division of the Population and Human Resources Department (PHRWD), which was established in July 1987.

Records of the Gender and Development Sector

  • Fundos
  • 1970 - 1987 (predominant 1977 - 1987)

The fonds primarily consists of records related to the Adviser on Women in Development (WID) from the years 1977 to 1987. Subject files kept by WID Advisers Gloria Scott and Barbara Herz are included for the years 1977 to 1986, and illustrate the numerous activities and responsibilities associated with this role. Reference files related to women and development issues contain materials created in the years 1973 to 1987. WID operational support records detail the development project evaluations, studies, and training sessions done by WID team members for the years 1977 to 1987.

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McNamara notebooks

  • Séries
  • August 1970 - November 1979, January 1980 - June 1981

This series consists primarily of copies of Chenery's memoranda to McNamara, many of which were returned to Chenery heavily annotated with McNamara's handwritten notes and/or a red stamp indicating the President has seen. Some Chenery memoranda to McNamara are marked returned by McNamara's Office on a specific date with no notes or stamp. Also included are McNamara's memoranda to Chenery, memoranda sent to McNamara by other Bank staff (e.g. Ernest Stern) and copied to Chenery, letters and memoranda McNamara sent to Bank staff and copied to Chenery, and copies of letters Chenery drafted for McNamara's signature. Also included are Chenery's agenda for meetings with McNamara, Chenery's memoranda to the files summarizing discussions with McNamara, Chenery's handwritten notes from his meetings with McNamara, and copies of Chenery's memoranda to his managers summarizing either his discussions with McNamara or meetings that he attended of the President's Council.

In May 1973, Chenery asked McNamara for time to finish his book, The Developing Economy. McNamara agreed that following Chenery's August vacation, he would be allowed to spend sixty percent of his time until December 31 on that book. To permit Chenery to do this, Ernest Stern took over most of the day-to-day direction of the Development Policy Staff, and many of the August to December 1973 memoranda in this series were sent to McNamara by Stern rather than Chenery.

The records cover a wide range of subjects including the work program, organization, budget,and staffing for the Economics Department and the Development Policy Staff; the recruitment and assignment of economists in the Bank Group; the preparation, format, review, and scheduling of country economic programs and sector program papers; ex-post project evaluation work in the Bank; topics for and draft content of the President's annual meeting speeches and the preparation of other speeches for the President; the 1972 Bank reorganization; Bank coordination with the Ford Foundation and the International Monetary Fund; the review of country program papers; the preparation of seminars led by external experts for high-level Bank management; the preparation and review of papers on development policy; the World Bank's research program and budget; drafting of policy papers prepared in response to specific requests from McNamara; comments on policy papers scheduled for discussion by the Executive Directors; policy planning and the role of the Policy Review Committee; economic projections generated by the Development Policy Staff; the coordination of statistical work in the Bank; background information on individuals (and their country's issues) who were scheduled to meet with McNamara; management of the World Development Report team and plans for WDR topics and content; the treatment of Taiwan in World Bank reports; the initiation of the Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS); and the selection of Chenery's successor. Beginning in 1977, many memoranda concern the reports of the external Research Advisory Panels and the implementation of recommendations made by those panels.

Personal papers of Hollis B. Chenery

  • Fundos
  • August 1970 - November 1979, January 1980 - June 1981

This fonds contains the memoranda and other papers exchanged between Hollis Chenery and World Bank President Robert McNamara between August 1970 and June 1981.

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Economic Development Institute chronological files

  • Séries
  • 1987 - 1989

Series consists of chronological files created during Chernick's time as Advisor on Senior Policy Seminars in the Economic Development Institute (EDI). The majority of the files consist of correspondence in the form of carbon copies, printed copies, and telexes; a small number of draft reports accompany the correspondence. Records primarily relate to the development and planning of Senior Policy Seminars and their evaluation. Records related to the development and planning of seminars include: correspondence with potential seminar leaders and attendees; Terms of Reference related to Chernick's trips to plan or oversee seminars; back-to-office reports; reports to other members of EDI describing planned seminars; suggestions for, and discussions of, potential seminar topics; activity briefs; and logistics. Records related to the evaluation of seminars include: Terms of Reference for Impact Evaluation of EDI activities; a draft of a seminar evaluation package; blank evaluation questionnaires; and EDI EvaluationPolicy Committee meeting records (including a report on the Committee itself [1987]).

Other records include: a report on the World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (1987); Chernick's proposed work program for 1987; materials related to World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program meetings; a report authored by Chernick entitled A Briefing Note on Foreign Exchange Risk (1985); reports and correspondence discussing the relationship between OED and EDI; EDI submissions to the World Bank Annual Report (submitted by Chernick); materials related to EDI Advisory Board meetings; and materials related to EDI Senior Staff meetings.

South Asia Country Programs Department chronological files

  • Séries
  • 1984 - 1986

Series consists of chronological files created during Chernick's time as Senior Economist in the South Asia Country Programs Department (ASADR). The majority of the files consist of correspondence in the form of carbon copies, printed copies, and telexes. Records reflect various activities undertaken by Chernick, including: research; commenting on Bank research and policy papers and project and loan reports; writing of country program papers (CPPs); staffing of ASADR; information sharing; and seminar planning. A small number of reports are included in this series; these include: Current and Mid-Term Assessment of South Asian Countries; Indicative Statements of Economic and Sector Work for the South Asia Region; Disbursement Estimates; and Country Reports. There is, notably, a significant amount of material related to a problematic Maldives Country Report from 1986.

Country Policy Department chronological files

  • Séries
  • 1982 - 1983

Series consists of chronological files created during Chernick's time as Assistant Director of the Country Policy Department (CPD). The type of activities undertaken by Chernick in the CPD was quite similar to those during his years in PPPRD and, consequently, the types of records are also very similar. The majority of the records consist of correspondence in the form of carbon copies, paper copies, and telexes. Nearly all correspondence was authored by Chernick and there is very little incoming correspondence. Reports sometimes accompany correspondence or are included in the files without accompanying correspondence.

Records relating to country program papers (CPPs) are included in this series, but not in great number. Records generally discuss the scheduling of Regional Vice Presidents (RVP) and Management Review meetings. In addition, Chernick served as Secretariat of the Operations Policy Subcommittee (OPSC). The OPSC was also involved in the review of CPPs and records related to the OPSC in this seriesdiscuss this activity.

Series also consists of regular status reports on Structural Adjustment Lending (SAL) and Program Lending (PL) operations. Other SAL-related records are included, such as Proposed Structural Adjustment Loan and Related Technical Assistance Project reports and SAL Progress Reports.

Between 1982 and 1983, Chernick was on the Steering Group Committee for the Bank's 'Pioneers' of development economics lecture series. His responsibilities included booking guests/speakers, making announcements, booking rooms, and planning Steering Group Committee meetings. Records related to these activities are included in this series.

Records in this series also relate to a variety of other topics and activities, including: seminar attendance and planning; Department retreat planning; and publication of country Economic Memoranda. Other records include: Terms of Reference for Country and Economic and SAL Supervision missions; comments by Chernick on reports and project proposals; Country Economic and Sector Work quality control reports; and administrative and staffing records.

Policy, Planning and Program Review Department chronological files

  • Séries
  • 1972 - 1982

Series consists of chronological files created during Chernick's time as Division Chief, Senior Advisor, and Acting Director of the Policy, Planning and Program Review Department (PPPRD) between 1972 and 1982. Chronological files contain correspondence in different formats; carbon copies of correspondence sent by Chernick are the most common, while paper copies and telexes are also included. The amount of outgoing correspondence, authored by Chernick, is far more substantial than correspondence received byChernick. While much of the correspondence refers to attachments (reports, country program papers [CPPs], meeting minutes, etc.), very few are included in the files.

Records related to Chernick's role as Division Chief of PPPRD's Program Review Division (PPRPR) from 1973 to 1976 are numerous. The Division's primary roles were to provide guidelines for economic analysis in economic reports and country programs and review CPPs before their submission to the President in order to ensure quality and consistency with the Bank's development objectives. CPPs are confidential reports authored by the regional departments, usually on an annual basis. They include a discussion of a given country's political and economic situation and a history of the Bank's loans and external financing and on that basis propose a five-year lending program for the country. Other, special studies (usually discussing a specific sector within a country or a general development issue) and economic reports were also reviewed by the PPPRD. Chernick's role was to manage his Division's review of CPPs and to arrange Regional Vice Presidents (RVP) meetings and Management Review meetings. As such, correspondence includes: assignment of reviews; schedule of review meetings; discussion of reviews; and policy development and explanation.

Series also consists of correspondence relating to the development and revision of Operational Manual Statements (OMSs). Assignment of tasks related to OMSs is included as are a small amount of OMS drafts and comments on drafts.

Records related to a Working Group on Bank/Fund Collaboration are found in this series. This includes Bank President McNamara's initial request for a report. Chernick's role in the research and writing of this report is unclear; he is copied on related correspondence and drafts were sent to him for review.

Chernick played a significant role in the Development Committee between 1980 and 1982. Created in 1974, the Committee was designed to provide a focal point at a high political level in the structure of economic cooperation for the formation of a comprehensive overview of international activities in the development area, for efficient and prompt consideration of development issues and for coordination of international efforts to deal with problems of financing development. Drafts of Committee meeting agendas are included; in some cases, these drafts are sent from Chernick, as Acting Director of PPPRD, to Bank President McNamara. Correspondence related to scheduling and Committee reviews and projects is also included.

Records in this series relate to a variety of other topics and activities, including: staff hiring and reviews; staff meetings; mission planning; work programs; conference participation and planning; and policy development related to Structural Adjustment Loans (SALs). Also included are: regular summaries of Board meetings authored by Chernick for Hollis Chenery, Vice President of Development Policy (DPS); ad hoc reports and reviews created by Chernick or his staff for superiors within the Development Policy Vice Presidency (DPS) and externally; comments on reports; and a small amount of correspondence related to the research and publication of Chernick's book The Commonwealth Caribbean: The Integration Experience (1978).

Personal papers of Sidney E. Chernick

  • Fundos
  • 1972 - 1989

Fonds consists of Sidney Chernick's chronological files from his time in numerous World Bank departments, including: the Policy, Planning and Program Review Department (PPPRD); Country Policy Department (CPD); South Asia Country Programs Department (ASADR); and the Economic Development Institute (EDI). Chronological files contain few gaps and appear to have functioned as Chernick's personal record of outgoing correspondence.

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Chronological files

  • Séries
  • 1961 - 1974, 1976 - 1979

Throughout most of his career, Calika kept copies of the memos, letters, reports, and studies that he wrote, either for his signature or that of senior Bank officials. He maintained these copies in a personal file in chronological order.Occasionally he included copies of incoming letters and memoranda. Some drafts of speeches or proposed remarks are in the file, as are copies of minutes or other official documents.

The documents in these files are largely duplicates of those in the official files of the Bank, but their chronological arrangement allows the user to follow issues as they unfolded, from the point of view of a Bank officer. The files are particularly rich for the African period of Calika's career. Calika began active involvement with the region as chief of the unit dealing with the British Commonwealth. His files exist from the latter part of that period; while they contain some information on countries such as Malta or British Guiana, most of the documents relate to Kenya, Tanganyika, Swaziland, Rhodesia, Nyasaland, South Africa, and Mauritius. During Calika's years in the Africa Department, the Bank decided to set up two local offices (permanent missions), one in East Africa and one in West Africa. Calika monitored the activities in those offices, traveling to them and overseeing the cooperative programs they undertook. The files for the Africa years include, for example, a July 1967 memo on river blindness, memos on the progress of the Agricultural Development Service, and correspondence with partners such as the World Health Organization, the United Nations Development Program, UNESCO, the Food and Agriculture Organization, and the African Development Bank.

Calika served in the Education Project Department during the years surrounding Robert McNamara's 1970 launch of a new approach to lending for education. Calika's role in the department included hiring and training new staff to meet the new lending goals, and the administrative issues of the expanding department are reflected in the files. The papers from Calika's period in Latin America are thinner, with the year 1975 entirely missing and the papers from 1979 very thin.

The Calika papers are particularly useful to researchers interested in the history of the Bank's relationship with Africa throughout the 1960s. They also help a researcher follow the internal administration of the Bank's effort to expand its role in education.

Personal papers of O. Hursit Calika

  • Fundos
  • 1961 - 1974, 1976 - 1979

Series consists of the chronological files Calika personally created and maintained during his career at the World Bank.

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Records of David Bock, Director, Sector and Operations Policy (OSPVP)

  • Séries
  • 1991 - 1992

The series consist of records maintained by OSPVP Director David Bock. The records include sector policy papers focused on numerous topics, including privatization, housing policy, family planning, water, power, industry, poverty monitoring, development effectiveness, and other topics. The policy paper records include: copies of policy papers; attached memoranda; and Bock's handwritten annotations related to policy drafts. Bock's records also focus on the creation, management, and budget of OSPVP. This includes: records regarding roles and procedures of OSPVP; cross support budget and mid-year review budget records; and records related to OSPVP retreats.

Sector policy records

  • Séries
  • 1987-1992

The series consists of sector policy review and sector work program review records created and maintained by Visvanathan Rajagopalan when he served as Vice President for Sector Policy and Research (PREVP/PRSVP), and its successor the Sector and Operations Policy Vice Presidency (OSPVP). Included in the series are drafts and final versions of Initiating Memoranda and policy papers; comments Rajagopalan received from his staff and units throughout the Bank on draft policy documents; briefing papers on draft policies; minutes of meetings of the PPR Management Group, the Operations Committee, the Policy Review Committee, the Executive Directors, the Committee of the Whole, and the UNDP/World Bank High Level Task Force on Collaboration at which policy documents were discussed; copies of Rajagopalan's remarks to the Executive Directors on policy documents; annual sector review reports; records related to sector department work program review; and copies of intra-OSP memoranda commenting on draft documents. Many ofthe documents are annotated with Rajagopalan's handwritten notes.

Records of the Sector Policy and Research Vice Presidency (PREVP) and the Sector and Operations Policy Vice Presidency (OSPVP)

  • Fundos
  • 1987 - 1993

The fonds includes sector policy review and sector work program review records maintained by Visvanathan Rajagopalan when he served as the Vice President for Sector Policy and Research (PREVP/PRSVP), and its successor the Sector and Operations Policy Vice Presidency (OSPVP) from 1987 to 1992. It also consists of records maintained by Director David Bock when he served in the OSPVP Front Office. Bock's records are related to OSPVP management, budget records, and sector policy review from 1991 to 1992.

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CGIAR meeting and planning records

  • Séries
  • 1999 - 2002

Series consists of records related to Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) and ESSD Vice President Ian Johnson's role as CGIAR Chairman. Johnson served as Chairman from 2000-2006. Records relate to CGIAR planning and policy development and to CGIAR meetings, conferences, and workshops.

Series contains agendas, supporting materials, and notes related to a variety of meetings, conferences, and workshops participated in and/or attended by Ian Johnson, including: European Donors Meeting, Paris (17 April 2001); CGIAR System Office Workshop (13-14 March 2002); CGIAR North American Donors Meeting (5 April 2001); and CGIAR's Synthesis Meeting, Reading, UK (4-7 October 2000). Materials supporting the European Donors Meeting are also included.

Supporting materials include numerous reports. A number of these reports relate to CGIAR planning, organizational changes and strategies and were authored by the CGIAR's Change Design and Management Team (CDMT). Reports on these activities preparedby the CGIAR Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) are also included.

A small amount of records which relate to the Operation Evaluation Department's (OED) meta-evaluation of CGIAR of 2002 are also included. The majority of these records are correspondence and discuss CGIAR staff feedback and comments.

Budget and resource allocation

  • Séries
  • 1994 - 2000

Series consists of records related to, or the product of, budgetary planning and resource allocation. Included are a number of budget reports, including some that were created for the Environmentally Sustainable Development Vice Presidency (ESD). These include: ESD Work Program Indicators (FY96 and FY97); ESD Retrospective Reviews (FY 94, FY 95, and FY 96); ESD Original FY95 Work Program; ESD FY96-98 Business Plan; ESSD FY98-00 Business Plan; ESSD Final Budget Outcome. Also included are records that relateto: the Leadership Asset Management Program (LAMP); the allocation of funds to the Development Grant Facility (DGF); and budget planning for FY00 and FY01.

Records of the Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Network

  • Fundos
  • 1994 - 2003 (predominant 1998 - 2003)

The fonds consists of records that reflect the various activities of the Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Vice Presidencyof (ESSDVP) and its oversight of, and involvement with, sector departments within the network. Note that a small amount of records in this fonds were created prior to the creation of ESSDVP by Bank staff within the Environmentally Sustainable Development Vice Presidency (ESD); the records were brought into ESSDVP's recordkeeping system as a result of staff transfer into ESSDVP. The majority of the records in this fonds are clearly associated with the activities of Ian Johnson, ESSD Vice President from 1998 to 2006.

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PSP conferences, seminars, symposiums, workshops, and meetings

This series consists of records from conferences, seminars, symposiums, workshops, and meetings organized or participated in by the Poverty and Social Policy Department (PSP). Some seminars, workshops, and meetings are organized by the specific teams or groups of PSP. Other events are organized in collaboration with NGOs, outside agencies, or other World Bank units. The records include: memoranda; correspondence; agenda and minutes; itineraries; printouts of presentation slides; speech transcripts; articles; programs; brochures; PSP produced reports; external reports; and post event follow-up reports. The events organized solely by PSP or one of its teams or groups contain planning records, such as proposed events, speakers, content, and budget information.

PSP briefing letters for World Bank Senior officials

This series includes letters prepared by PSP staff for signature or briefing for the Human Capital Development (HCD) Vice President Armeane M. Choski from May 1996 to October 1996, and letters prepared for World Bank President James D. Wolfensohn from June 1995 to September 1996. The letters are related to the functions and activities of the Poverty and Social Policy Department (PSP).

PSP/PGP Director's subject and activity files

  • WB IBRD/IDA WB_IBRD/IDA_91-04-04
  • Séries
  • January 1992 – May 1997 (predominant July 1995 to December 1996)

This series consists of the subject and activity files of Poverty and Social Policy Department (PSP) and Poverty, Gender, and Public Sector Management Department (PGP) Director Ishrat Husain. The records in this series were used as reference for Husain as well as support for the activities of PSP and PGP sector teams and groups. Records include: memoranda; correspondence; agenda; meeting minutes; working papers; and policy paper drafts for numerous working groups, task forces, and policy development committees focused on a particular topic or project.

The series additionally consists of PSP budget records consisting of: correspondence; memoranda; Draft Discussion Notes from Human Capital Development and Operations Policy Vice Presidency (HCO); and PSP business work plans for fiscal years 1997 to 1999. Additional records include correspondence and memoranda related to the mapping of PSP/PGP Groups into the HDN, ESSD, and PREM Networks. Other planning records include: PSP Week correspondence from May 1996; "Next Step Action Program" correspondence and memoranda from fiscal years 1996 to 1999; and correspondence, memoranda, reports, and handbooks related to designing performance and poverty monitoring indicators for PSP and World Bank operations poverty reduction monitoring efforts from 1993 to 1996.

The series also includes records related to PSP's predecessor Education and Social Policy Department (ESP) inherited by PSP/PGP Director Ishrat Husain. This includes correspondence and memoranda related to ESP's planning and compliance to poverty reduction policies outlined in IDA 9 and IDA 10 Agreements dated 1992 and 1993. Additional correspondence and memoranda address the following topics: performance indicators; subnational indicators; and social funds. It also includes records related to the "Program of Targeted Interventions (PTI)" pursued by ESP in 1993. Records detailing procedures of ESP and Human Resources Development and Operations Policy Vice Presidency (HRO) are also included for the years 1992 to 1995, but some PSP correspondences are interfiled after 1996. A speech transcript file consisting of speeches given by ESP and PSP staff, the HROVP, other World Bank unit staff and officials, and Ishrat Husain are also included for the years 1992 to 1996.

ESP and PSP Discussion Paper Series records

This series consists of discussion papers produced by staff in the Education and Social Policy Department (ESP) and the Poverty and Social Policy Department (PSP) for the departments Discussion Paper Series. The Discussion Paper Series includes papers on numerous topics related to the functions of ESP and PSP. The papers produced for this Series were not meant to be published as final products or reports, but were intended to stimulate discussion and comment internally among ESP and PSP staff, and provide up to date analysis to operational staff. The discussion papers also served as preliminary analysis for subsequent policy and best practice papers meant for publication and dissemination to an external audience.

ESP and PSP Annual Progress Report on Poverty (APPR)

This series includes records related to the Annual Poverty Progress Report (APPR) prepared by the Education and Social Policy Department (ESP) and the Poverty and Social Policy Department (PSP). At the request of the Bank's Executive Board of Directors and the Office of the President (EXC), the ESP was given the responsibility of producing an annual report that gauged the progression of the Poverty Reduction Strategy outlined in the Bank's World Development Report (WDR) 1990: Poverty. The APPRs were scheduled to be published for the fiscal years 1993 to 1995. The reports were prepared by the Monitoring Unit of the Poverty Analysis and Policy team in ESP and later PSP. The bulk of poverty progress information was collected from the poverty assessment reports and assessment summaries produced by operational staff in the Regional Vice Presidencies. The APPRs were presented to the Executive Board, the Operational Policy Committee (OPC), and EXC for comment, review, and approval. The APPRs were then used as the official publication for dissemination to audiences external to the Bank, and were subsequently presented at Poverty Dissemination Seminars organized by the World Bank in partnership with various international development agencies, NGOs, government agencies, and academic institutions.

The records in this series includes background history and reference material on the Poverty Reduction Strategy and the 1990 WDR, including: a copy of the policy paper "Assistance Strategies to Reduce Poverty" (1991); and memoranda, agenda, meeting minutes, and a communiqu? related to the joint IMF and World Bank Development Committee from April 1992 regarding reporting on the Poverty Reduction Strategy. The records additionally consist of APPR drafts for 1992 to 1995, and a published APPR copy of the Poverty Reduction and the World Bank: Progress and Challenges in the 1990s for fiscal year 1995. Memoranda, correspondence, and back-to-office reports detail meetings with the Executive Board, OPC, and EXC related to the APPRs, and follow-up actions taken by ESP and PSP. Numerous World Bank press releases and external articles related to the APPRs are also included.

The series also includes records related to the Poverty Dissemination Seminars attended by World Bank staff in Europe from 1993 to 1994. These records consist of: memoranda; agenda and meeting minutes; correspondence; invitation letters to participants; speech transcripts of World Bank staff; external reports on poverty issues; and copies of the World Bank published APPRs. The memoranda and correspondence consist of planning arrangements between ESP/ PSP and other World Bank units for seminars. Other memoranda and correspondence are post--seminar reports or summaries of responses to the APPR from external organizations and individuals.

ESP, PSP, and PGP chronological files

The series contains chronological files created by: the Education and Social Policy Department (ESP); the Poverty and Social Policy Department (PSP); and the Poverty, Gender, and Public Sector Management Department (PGP). Two separate sets of departmental chronological files are contained in this series: one for ESP; and another for PSP and PGP. The ESP chronological files consist of records related to: policy development; departmental contributions to external projects, reviews, and policy development; conference and seminar attendance and participation; and assistance to and collaboration with the Regions. Records include: memoranda; meeting briefing notes, agendas, and minutes; comments on research and policy papers and Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) papers; Terms of Reference; back-to-office reports; and progress reports. The ESP departmental chronological files are mostly correspondence with attachments and memoranda between ESP Director Kingsley Y. Amoako, ESP staff, and other World Bank units. Records within ESP departmental chronological files from July 1995 to December 1995 contain records created and received by both ESP and PSP, due to the transition period of ESP staff into PSP.

The separate PSP/PGP departmental chronological files consist of similar records between PSP/PGP Director Ishrat Husain, PSP staff, PGP staff, and other World Bank units. Additional PSP chronological files were also maintained for incoming and outgoing correspondence between Husain and external agencies and individuals from May 1995 to May 1997. Incoming and outgoing faxes and emails files between Husain, PSP staff, and other World Bank units are maintained from July 1995 to May 1997. PSP correspondence and memoranda from mid-1996 discuss the mapping of PSP Groups into the HD, ESSD, and PREM Networks. PGP related records are contained in chronological files dated January 1997 to May 1997 when PGP was temporarily created to transition into the PREM Network.

Records of ESP, PSP, and PGP

  • Subfundos
  • January 1991 - May 1997

This sub-fonds consists of records from the Education and Social Policy Department (ESP) and its successors the Poverty and Social Policy Department (PSP) and the Poverty, Gender, and Public Sector Management Department (PGP). Records include chronological files created by ESP, PSP, and PGP. Records related to the Annual Progress Report on Poverty (APPR) and the ESP/PSP Discussion Paper Series are also included. The sub-fonds additionally includes subject and activity files maintained for PSP/PGP Director Ishrat Husain. The sub-fonds also includes PSP briefing letters prepared for World Bank senior officials and records related to conferences, seminars, symposiums, workshops, and meetings organized and attended by PSP staff.

Management and oversight

  • Séries
  • 1993

Series consists of records relating to activities of the HROVP including staffing, policy development, and resource distribution.


  • Séries
  • 1993

Series consists of records relating to the dissemination of reports authored by the staff of HRO and its departments. Series also includes records relating to a seminar on Gender and Development organized by HRO.

Chronological files

  • Séries
  • 1994 - 1995

Series consists of chronological files created primarily by the HROVP. Records date from February 1994, to December 1995; records from July to December 1995 are from the Human Development Department (HDD). The majority of the records found in these files are correspondence. Correspondence to and from external agencies, institutions, and governments generally relates to information exchange, collaborations on projects and research, and conference attendance. Correspondence to and from other departments and vice presidencies in the World Bank is also included. This relates to information exchange, collaborations on projects and research, and conference attendance as well as to HRO's contributions to Country Assistance Strategy reports and participation in meetings. Records also include back-to-office reports, discussion of HRO human resource issues, and comments on HRO staff reports and programs. Records related to the Bank's 50th anniversary activities are also included; these records were created or receivedby the secretariat established in the HRO (HROAN) responsible for anniversary activity's coordination.

Records of the Human Resources Development and Operations Policy Vice Presidency

  • Fundos
  • 1993 - 1995

The majority of the records in this fonds are chronological files created by the HROVP. Most of the contents of these files are correspondence to and from institutions, agencies, governments, and departments external and internal to the Bank. The fonds also includes records which relate to communications as well as governance-related activities of the HROVP.

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Records of the Environmentally Sustainable Development Vice Presidency

  • Fundos
  • 1993 - 1997

The fonds consists of chronological files created by ESDVP. Separate chronological files were created for incoming and outgoing correspondence as well as for incoming faxes. Correspondence relates to: the research and writing of departmental reviews; conference planning and attendance (specifically the Hunger Conference of November 30 to December 1, 1993); the publication of research; plans related to the Bank's 50th anniversary celebration; IT issues within ESD; cross-sectoral and Regional support and collaboration; staff training; budget planning; Bank-wide policy reviews (including the Bank-wide Review of Involuntary Resettlement [1986-1993]); personnel decisions; collaboration and communications with external agencies, institutions, governments, etc.; participation in and organization of meetings; and grants and trust funds.

The fonds also contains the chronological files of ESD Vice President Ismail M. Serageldin from January 1993, to December 1996. Records include correspondence between Serageldin and: ESD's sector department directors; other thematic vice presidencies in the Bank; Bank President Lewis Preston; other Bank departments and units; and external agencies, institutions, government officials, and NGOs outside of the Bank. Records relate to: the planning, research, and review of annual reports, research reports, policy papers, and projects/operations reviews; conference attendance and planning; meetings; budget planning and resource allocation; and cross support between ESD and other vice presidencies and the Regions. General discussion of Serageldin's new position as ESD Vice President and the function and purpose of the newly created ESD is also the subject of some correspondence.

The fonds also contains records of the Transport, Water, and Urban Development Department (TWU) from January 1993, to December 1995. Records include chronological files. Files consist exclusively of electronic message print-outs. Correspondence is between the Department and other ESD departments and Bank departments.Correspondence is created by and addressed to the various TWU divisions. Records relate to: Bank projects; information exchange; meeting and working group participation; cross support between departments, vice presidencies, and the Regions; training of Department staff; conference attendance and organization; hiring and staffing; review of Country Assistance Strategy reports; and mission proposals.

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