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Showing 1-50 of 89 results

Personal Papers of Eugene H. Rotberg
Personal Papers of Eugene H. Rotberg
Personal Papers of Adrian Wood
Personal Papers of Adrian Wood
Records of the Human Development Network
Records of the Human Development Network
Records of the Office of Operations Policy
Records of the Office of Operations Policy
Records of the World Bank Institute
Records of the World Bank Institute
Records of the Environmentally Sustainable Development Vice Presidency
Records of the Environmentally Sustainable Development Vice Presidency
Records of the East Asia and Pacific Regional Vice Presidency
Records of the East Asia and Pacific Regional Vice Presidency
Records of the Chief Financial Officer
Records of the Chief Financial Officer
Records of the Energy Sector
Records of the Energy Sector
Records of the Transport Sector
Records of the Transport Sector
Personal Papers of James H. Jennings
Personal Papers of James H. Jennings
Records of the (Staff) Economic Committee
Records of the (Staff) Economic Committee
Central Files
Central Files
Personal Papers of John Nellis
Personal Papers of John Nellis
Records of the Office of the Chief Economist
Records of the Office of the Chief Economist
Records of the Poverty Analysis and Policy Sector
Records of the Poverty Analysis and Policy Sector
Records of the Financial Sector Development Sector
Records of the Financial Sector Development Sector
Records of the Finance and Private Sector Development Vice Presidency
Records of the Finance and Private Sector Development Vice Presidency
Records of Private Sector Development Sector
Records of Private Sector Development Sector
Records of the Gender and Development Sector
Records of the Gender and Development Sector
Records of the Office of the Treasurer
Records of the Office of the Treasurer
Records of the Financial Sector Vice Presidency
Records of the Financial Sector Vice Presidency
Records of the Finance, Private Sector Development, and Infrastructure Network
Records of the Finance, Private Sector Development, and Infrastructure Network
Records of the Public Sector Management and Governance Sector
Records of the Public Sector Management and Governance Sector
Records of the Urban Development Sector
Records of the Urban Development Sector
Records of the Water Sector
Records of the Water Sector
Records of the Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Network
Records of the Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Network
Personal Papers of Louise Taraldson Woods
Personal Papers of Louise Taraldson Woods
Personal Papers of James L. Theodores
Personal Papers of James L. Theodores
Personal papers of Aura Garcia de Truslow
Personal papers of Aura Garcia de Truslow
Records of the Private Sector Development Vice Presidency
Records of the Private Sector Development Vice Presidency
Records of the Economic Policy Reform Sector
Records of the Economic Policy Reform Sector
Personal papers of Hollis B. Chenery
Personal papers of Hollis B. Chenery
Records of the Office of the General Counsel
Records of the Office of the General Counsel
Records of the Office of the Auditor-General
Records of the Office of the Auditor-General
Records of Human Resources Administration
Records of Human Resources Administration
Records of the Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network
Records of the Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network
Personal papers of Irving S. Friedman
Personal papers of Irving S. Friedman
Records of Administration
Records of Administration
Personal papers of O. Hursit Calika
Personal papers of O. Hursit Calika
Records of the Office of the Historian
Records of the Office of the Historian
Records of the Commission on International Development [Pearson Commission]
Records of the Commission on International Development [Pearson Commission]
Personal Papers of Frank K. Vita
Personal Papers of Frank K. Vita
Personal papers of Jaime Biderman
Personal papers of Jaime Biderman
Personal Papers of Martin M. Rosen
Personal Papers of Martin M. Rosen
Records of the Office of Operations Evaluation
Records of the Office of Operations Evaluation
Personal papers of Gloria Davis
Personal papers of Gloria Davis
Records of the Office of the Controller
Records of the Office of the Controller
Records of the Conflict Resolution System
Records of the Conflict Resolution System
Records of Temporary Committees, Commissions, and Boards
Records of Temporary Committees, Commissions, and Boards
Résultats 1 à 50 sur 89