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Files Regarding the Publication and Dissemination of Research Products

The files in this series contain correspondence, reports, and other records establishing policies and procedures for the publication and dissemination of World Bank research products. The files were maintained successively by the Development Policy Staff (DPS), the Economics and Research Staff (ERS: primarily by Research Administrator Deepak Lal and Policy Advisor Dennis N. de Tray), and finally by Research Administrator de Tray in the Policy, Planning, and Research Staff.

Subjects covered include: the establishment and funding of the Bank Research Documentation Center (BRDC) as the primary depository of research documentation on projects funded by the World Bank Research Program, 1980 - 1984; the selection of topics for the next several editions of the World Development Report, 1985 - 1988; the costs of producing the Bank's main periodicals on research, 1986; and general discussions of the types of publications best suited for the dissemination of information about the research program. Specific documentsin the files include: copies of key documents (Terms of Reference; agenda and minutes of meetings), 1985 - 1987, for the Comparative Studies Coordination Committee and its successor, the Research Coordination Committee; the July 1984 draft of the report of the Committee on Economy-wide Modeling in the Bank (filed under Model Review Committee); a copy of Bela Balassa's August 1987 Report on World Bank Research and the voluminous comments from Bank staff on that report (filed under Review of Bank's ResearchProgram); briefing papers used in an ERS presentation by ERSVP Anne Kruger to the Executive Directors, December 1986; correspondence and intra-DPS and ERS memoranda outlining policies concerning the publication of products of the Bank's staff (filed under Publication Policies); and a copy of the October 1984 preliminary report of the Subcommittee of BRAG [Bank Research Advisory Group] on dissemination of the Bank's research output (filed under Research Dissemination).

Records Relating to Capital Market Seminars Sponsored by the Economic Analysis and Projections Department (EPD) and to Other Conferences and Seminars Sponsored or Attended by DEC Staff

This series consists of records relating to the capital markets seminars sponsored by Economic Analysis and Projections Department (EPD) and to conferences and seminars attended by staff from EPD or other DEC units. Beginning in 1979, EPD organized annual capital market seminars on private capital flows to developing countries. This series contains files for the seminars held September 29, 1980; September 28, 1981; February 7, 1983; and March 19 - 20, 1984. Included for each seminar are invitations toparticipants and their replies, agenda and schedules, lists of participants, EPD correspondence with participants, summaries of the proceedings, and copies of some of the papers presented at the seminars. There is also some preliminary planning memoranda for the April 4, 1985 seminar.

Files in this series relating to other conferences include: copies of papers presented at the World Bank seminar on Technology and Long-Term Economic Growth Prospects, November 16 - 17, 1988; detailed notes from the World Bank Workshop on Prospects for Growth in Industrial Countries, June 13, 1984, which was chaired by Jean Baneth, Director of EPD; EPD staff member Martin Wolf's Back-to-Office Reports and copies of his papers presented at two meetings on international textile trade, October 29 - 30, 1979 and May 27 - 29, 1980; Jean Baneth's copy of a detailed summary of the Export Credit Agencies Conference, May 5 - 7, 1986; and the participants' package for a seminar sponsored by the Country Economics Department (CEC) on Macroeconomic Adjustment and Growth Seminar, October 18 - 20, 1989. In addition, there are copies of papers and remarks that EPD staff member Joseph Michael Finger presented at a June 23- 25, 1982 Institute for International Economics Conference on Trade Policy in the 1980s and a copy of a 1981 paper, The Outlook for the 1980s with Particular Reference to Trade, by EPD staffers Helen Hughes and Ernest Lutz.

International Economic Analysis and Prospects Division (IECAP) Files Relating to the Long Term Surveys of Country Ecoinomics and to the Short-Term Outlook

The Long Term Surveys of Country Economists and Short-Term Outlook were products of the Global Analysis and Prospects Division (EPDGL) under the Economics and Research Staff and its successor, the International Economic Analysis and Prospects Division (IECAP). The Long Term Survey, which was prepared once a year, contained ten-year GDP projections for developing countries and provided key data for the World Development Report. Short-Term Outlook was prepared twice a year for the Executive Board.

Included for the Long Term Surveys are: the results of the second and fourth (1985 and 1987) Surveys and the Guidelines for the second and third (1985 and 1986) Surveys. The Guidelines were sent to Regional Senior Economists and Country Economists and included the Planning Assumptions Committee's projections for the global macroeconomic and financial indicators used in the survey.

The records relating to the Short Term Outlook (STO) include: a January 24, 1989 Statement by the Staff on the Short-Term Outlook which appears to been presented to the Board of Executive Directors; a copy of Stanley Fischer's March 1, 1990 statement to the Board; a summary by Arman M. J. Van Nimmen (EDINU) of the March 1, 1990 Board meeting which was devoted entirely to a discussion of the STO; and a copy of Stanley Fischer's August 2, 1990 introductory statement to the Board regarding the summer STO.

Back-to-Office Reports from Bank Liaison Officers to the Paris Club

These reports were prepared by Bank officials designated to serve as liaison officers to the Paris Club. The Paris Club refers to meetings held since 1956 that have arranged, when necessary, for the renegotiation of debt owed to official creditors or guaranteed to them. Neither the World Bank nor the IMF is a member of the Paris Club, but the IMF has played an important role in developing debt restructure packages with commercial Banks. Both the Paris Club and the commercial Banks require debt or countries to have agreed on a stabilization program with the IMF as part of the renegotiation process.

The reports for Paris Club meetings held from April 1990 to November 1991 were prepared by Per Ljung, Economic Adviser, Economic Advisory Staff (EAS) in the Office of the Senior Vice President, Operations (OPNSV). Reports were addressed to Moeen Quereshi, OPNSV. In a 6 February 1991 memo addressed to all Country Directors and Country Operations Department Chiefs, Ljung announced a change in distribution of theParis Club Back-to-Office Reports (BTOs). Previously, a BTO was distributed to a Country Director only when a country coming under that Director's purview had its debt rescheduled or was among the countries discussed during Tour d'Horizon sessions at the Paris Club Meeting. Future reports were to be distributed to all Country Departments, and separate copies were to be sent to the Director and to the Country Operations Chief. The report covering the 19 November - 22 November 1991 Paris Club meeting was prepared by Ljung and Ljung's successor, Michael Lav, Economic Adviser, EAS [Economic Advisory Staff, later Development Policy Group -DPG] under the Office of the Vice President, Development Economics and Chief Economist (DECVP).

Lav's (or his alternates') BTOs cover meetings attended from December 1991 to December 1993 and were addressed to DECVP. Most of the reports of Lav's successor, Ronald P. Brigish, who served as Operations Adviser, International Economics Department (IEC) were addressed to the Director, IEC. Brigish's reports cover Paris Club meetings attended from January 1994 to December 1995. The BTOs for the January-April 1996 meetings were prepared by Fred Kilby, Economic Adviser, and International Finance Division (IECIF) and were addressed to the Director; IECIF.

The BTOs identify the countries and subjects discussed at each meeting and decisions reached with regard to rescheduling countries' debts. Summaries (by country) of discussions at Tour d'Horizon sessions, copies of the Agreed Minute, copies of statements made at the meetings by representatives of countries requesting debt rescheduling and by various organizations represented at the meetings including the IMF, World Bank, and UNCTAD [United Nations Conference on Trade and Development], and copies of Club correspondence are parts of many of the reports. Some reports are marked Confidential. The Paris Club met monthly except during the month of August or when cancelled.

Records of the 1992 Tokyo Trip of D.C. Rao, Director, International Economics Department (IEC)

This series consists of the records that D.C. Rao, Director of the International Economics Department (IECDR), compiled from his trip to Tokyo, April 1 - 10, 1992, to attend the annual seminar on world debt arranged by the Japan Center for International Finance (JCIF). Included are: a copy of Rao's April 14, 1992 Back-to-Office Report sent to Chief Economist Lawrence Summers; a copy of the opening statement Rao delivered at the seminar; and briefing papers Bank staff provided him and Masood Ahmed, who accompanied Rao to Japan, prior to their departure.

Speech File of D.C. Rao, Director, International Economics Department (IEC)

This series primarily contains copies of the public speeches of D.C. Rao who became IEC's Director on May 1, 1990. The series also includes Rao's copies of two speeches President Conable gave in Mexico City on January 24, 1990 and in Warsaw, Poland on February 23, 1990; Rao's handwritten notes and copies of agenda from various meetings at which he spoke; background data provided Rao to help him prepare a briefing; and rough notes, outlines, talking points,and computer-generated slides for speeches he delivered.

Economic Development Institute (EDI) collaboration files

This series consists of records related to Masood Ahmed's collaboration with the Economic Development Institute (EDI) of the Bank. Ahmed served on an EDI Advisory Committee during his time as Director of the IEC, and continued tocollaborate with EDI on a number of activities once he became the Vice President of PREM. The series includes memoranda, correspondence, articles, EDI reports, and EDI publications.

Briefing books, speeches, and presentations files

This series consists of Masood Ahmed's speech transcripts, presentation slides, and briefing books from his time as the Director of the International Economics Department (IEC) from 1993 to 1997 and the Vice President of the Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network (PREM) from July 1997 to December 1998. Many of his speeches and presentations are found in files from 1996 to 1998, overlapping his time in IEC and PREM. Additional records include speeches and presentations related to the IEC publication Global Economic Prospects (GEP) dating 1995 to 1996. Other IEC staff speeches and presentations records are dated 1996 to 1998. The series also includes reference files of speeches and presentations created by staff in other units in the World Bank from 1993 to 1996; primarily from meetings and events he attended. The briefing books in this series include records prepared by his unit for Ahmed prior to a meeting or event. These records include: programs; agendas; itineraries; logistical information; issues to be addressed; notes; and other pertinent information. The briefing books are also maintained in files from 1996 to 1998, and overlap his time in IEC and PREM.

Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network (PREM) chronological files

This series consists of chronological files with incoming and outgoing correspondence from when Masood Ahmed served as the Vice President of the Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network (PREM). The records are arranged into different types of correspondence files, including: incoming emails from July 1997 to March 1998; outgoing emails from July 1997 to January 1998; chronological files from June 1997 to December 1997; general correspondence from June 1997 to January 1998; and general correspondence-external from February 1998 to December 1998. The chronological files consist of incoming and outgoing correspondence and memoranda with attached reports and handwritten notes related to the activities and communications within PREM, and with other units of the Bank. The general correspondence records are similar to the chronological files, but appear to be duplications and photo static copies of original correspondence. The general external correspondence includes incoming and outgoing correspondence between Ahmed and outside agencies, including communications with other multilateral institutions, NGOs, and private sector institutions. External reports and articles are also included.

International Economics Department (IEC) chronological files

This series consists of chronological files with incoming and outgoing correspondence from when Masood Ahmed served as the Director of the International Economics Department (IEC). The records are arranged into the following categories: incoming emails from January 1996 to July 1997; outgoing emails from December 1995 to July 1997; chronological files from March 1995 to June 1997; general correspondence from January 1996 to July 1997; and general external correspondence from January 1996 to December 1996. The chronological files consist of incoming and outgoing correspondence and memoranda with attached reports and handwritten notes related to the activities and communications within IEC, and with other units of the Bank. The general correspondence records contain much of the same as the chronological files, but appear to be duplicates and photo static copies of original correspondence. The general external correspondence category includes incoming and outgoing correspondence between Ahmed and outside agencies, including communications with other multilateral institutions, NGOs, and private sector institutions. External reports and articles are also included.

Sector and Operational energy and industry unit chronological files

This series consists of records related to Masood Ahmed's work with the Bank's energy and industry units from 1980 to 1991. During this time, he served in the following roles and divisions: Economist in the Energy Department (EGYDR), 1980-1981; Economist in the Energy Assessment Division (EGYEA), 1981-1982; Senior Economist in the Energy Assessment Division (EGYEA), 1983; Deputy Division Chief in the Energy Assessment Division (EYGEA), 1983-1985; Deputy Division Chief in the Energy Strategy and Pre-Investment Division I (EGYS1), 1985-1986; Deputy Division Chief in the Industrial Development and Finance Companies Division of the Europe, Middle East, and North Africa Projects Department (EMPID), 1986-1987; and Division Chief in the Industry and Energy Operations Division of the Europe, Middle East, and North Africa Country Department II (EM2IE), 1987-1991. Ahmed's records include correspondence and memoranda related to oversight, support and management of energy projects in various countries, and Ahmed's involvement with the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP). Records from 1987 to 1991 are related to lending and advisory services for development projects in the Maghreb countries of Northwest Africa. Additional records consist of travel, leave, and timesheet information dating from 1987 to 1991.

Minutes, Agenda, and Other Records of the Research Policy Council (RPC) and the Bank Research Advisory Group (BRAG)

This series contains the minutes, agenda, and other records of the Research Policy Council (RPC) and the Bank Research Advisory Group (BRAG). Based on the recommendations in a report on the management of Bank research which was produced by a study team under the auspices of the Organization Planning Department (OPD), President A. W. Clausen established the RPC on August 2, 1983 to provide overall leadership in the guidance, coordination and evaluation of all Bank research. Anne Krueger, Vice President, Economics and Research Staff (VPERS), served as chairperson. The RPC records in this series consist primarily of agenda and minutes of meetings, August 1983 - February 1987. Filed with some of the agenda are copies of the issues papers to be discussed at the meetings. Included with the records are: a small file of May 1987 intra-Bank memoranda regarding the Internal Audit Department's proposed review of the comparative studies program, and memoranda and issuances, August 1983 - October 1985, outlining the role of the RPC and how it changed the role of the Research Committee. There is also a copy of the minutes of the first meeting (November 19, 1987) of the Research and Publications Policy Council (RPPC) which replaced the RPC.

The Bank Research Advisory Group (BRAG) was established by the RPC to advise it on a wide range of Bank views on research issues of interest to the Council and to assist the RPC in formulating institutionally relevant research priorities. Anne Krueger (VPERS) chaired BRAG and appointed its members after consultation with the RPC. The BRAG had a membership of 20 senior Bank staff chosen so as to ensure a wide representation of perspectives. The Secretary of the RPC was also an ex-officio member of BRAG. The BRAG records in this series consist of: lists of the BRAG members; Anne Krueger's correspondence with members, February-August 1984; copies of key documents establishing BRAG and outlining its duties; and agenda and minutes of the two BRAG meetings, April 12, 1984 and October 4, 1984. Filed with the agenda are copies of documents to be discussed at the meetings, including a copy of the October 1984 report on dissemination of the Bank's research output that was prepared by a BRAG subcommittee, chaired by C. Michalopoulos.

Training, conference, and workshop records

Series consists of records created and compiled by Shelton Davis from the various training sessions, conferences, and workshops related to indigenous communities, social development, sustainability, and environmental issues. Series includes planning documents, handwritten notes, correspondence, presentation and training materials, reports, manuals, and audio-visual materials. This includes VHS tapes from the training seminar Indigenous Peoples held in October 1992, which Davis organized, led, and participated in as the Senior Sociologist for the Environment Department (ENVAP). Two audio-cassette tapes contain a similar presentation given by Davis for the United Nations. Seminar documents, reports, and presentation notes from the seminars Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Institutions in Africa, June 1, 1995 and Indigenous Peoples and Economic Development in Asia, May 29, 1996 are also included from Davis's time as Principal Sociologist with the Social Policy and Resettlement Division (ENVSP).

The series also contains records from the years Davis served as Sector Manager in the Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Unit , Latin America and Caribbean Region (LCSES), 1998-1999, and the Sector Manager in the Social Development Unit, Latin America and Caribbean Region (LCSEO), 2000-2004. This includes handwritten notes, agendas, minutes, training session records, and presentation transparencies related to the workshops devoted to operational directive "OD 4.20 - Indigenous Peoples" and operational policy "OP 4.10 - Indigenous Peoples" in 1999 and 2002. Agenda, minutes, correspondence, and reports are also included for multiple planning meetings and workshops such as the Indigenous Peoples and Human Development Project Design: A Technical Workshop, February 24, 1999; the Indigenous Peoples and Social Sector Projects Workshop, April 11-12, 2000; and the Ethnicity and Health Equity - Expert Group Meeting, June 18-20, 2001. A topical file containing "Safeguard Policies - Instructor's binder" is interfiled among other workshop materials. The series also consists of CDs and VHS tapes from many training sessions, conferences, seminars, and workshops organized and held in the Latin America and Caribbean Region from 2000 to 2004. The CDs contain digital training records, agendas, images, and reports related to indigenous rights, resettlement, social development, and sustainable development. Each CD is typically specific to one country, project, or issue. VHS tapes produced by the World Bank related to specific Bank-funded projects or training seminars, conferences, or workshops are also included.

Research, project support, and reference files

This series consists of records that supported Davis' project work, policy development, and research. It contains field notes, project files, reference files, and research materials that cover Davis' World Bank career. The field notes are handwritten notebooks from Davis' operational field work, meetings, and project site visits from 1986 to 2002. The majority of the field notes arise from Davis' work in the Latin America and Caribbean Region, especially the earlier years as Senior Sociologist for the Environment Unit, Latin America and Caribbean Region (LATEN) from 1987 to 1991. Some notes are included from operational fieldwork and site visits in India, the Philippines, Russia, and Mozambique from his later years as Principal Sociologist for the Social Policy and Resettlement Division (ENVSP) from 1993 to 1997. The series also contains project site visit notes Davis created to review progress and compliance with safeguard policies (e.g. indigenous rights, environment, and sustainability) at development sites, primarily as a Sector Manager in the Latin America and Caribbean Region.

This series also includes extensive reference and project files. The reference files consist of papers, articles, reports, and publications typically devoted to a particular subject. Much of the reference material was authored and/or published externally by outside agencies, institutions, or person(s). The project files contain similar contents, but differ because they also contain project proposals, correspondence, memoranda, annotated notes, draft reports, and final reports, which are primarily created by Davis or by the units in which he served at the Bank. An example includes the file Social Assessments, 1998-2002, which details assessments and reviews done for development projects in the Latin America and Caribbean Region countries. Other files are specific to a country project, or to policy development, including Indigenous Peoples files related to World Bank operational directive "OD 4.20 - Indigenous Peoples" and operational policy "OP 4.10 - Indigenous Peoples". It is unclear what records in this series were maintained strictly for project support or reference because the records are interfiled together within a single folder, usually according to topic. Furthermore, the files overlap different periods in Davis' career when he served in different positions or areas of responsibility 

This series contains VHS tapes, DVDs, and CDs sent to Davis from outside agencies, institutions, and persons. These audio-visual items are not World Bank produced, but relate directly to areas of interests to Davis, including Latin America, indigenous rights and culture, bio-diversity, sustainability, and the environment. It is uncertain how Davis used these items in his roles at the Bank, but most likely kept them for reference.

LCR Social Development Unit and Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Unit chronological files

This series consists of the incoming and outgoing correspondence and memoranda created and compiled by Davis when he served as Sector Manager in the Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Unit , Latin America and Caribbean Region (LCSES), 1998-1999, and as Sector Manager in the Social Development Unit, Latin America and Caribbean Region (LCSEO), 2000-2004. The correspondence comes from external agencies, institutions, and individuals outside of the World Bank, which are inquiring about potential employment, or are interested in Davis's research or work related to indigenous rights, the environment, sustainability, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Other correspondence addresses collaborative initiatives, working groups, and panels Davis took part in, or for which he received invitations. The remaining correspondence and memoranda are internal communications related to Davis' work in the Bank, including oversight of development projects compliance to social safeguard policies, indigenous policy development, and collaboration with project partners, authorities, and local communities.


The terms of reference for the Office of the Historian included the responsibility to develop and maintain an authoritative record of events . . and maintain a running narrative of them, prepare background papers and ad hoc histories, and select and prepare records for publication. This series contains the files of the publications - whether final or draft, articles or books, published or unpublished - that Office staff or contractors developed. Some files contain only the final publication, while others include background documents and occasional correspondence.

Reading File of Michael Lav, Economic Adviser, Development Policy Group (DPG) and Bank Liaison to the Paris Club and the Berne Union

The series consists of documents sent electronically by Michael Lav within DEC and to other parts of the Bank; a few documents were sent by other DPG staff and a staff member of PRDTP [Trade Policy Division, Policy Research Department]. The documents relate to Lav's responsibilities as Bank Liaison Officer to the Paris Club and to the Berne Union. Several of the e-mails concern transition arrangements for his successor, Ronald P. Brigish, as Bank Liaison Officer to the Paris Club as well as transition arrangements for the Bank Liaison Officer to the Berne Union. Organizational responsibilities for both were shifted to the International Economics Department (IEC) on November 22, 1993. Several of Lav's documents concern preparations for Paris Club and Berne Union meetings in 1993, papers and statistical information being prepared in the Bank for Paris Club meetings, and arrangements for a 30 November 1993 - 1 December 1993 visit to the Bank of a Berne Union President's Group representing some of the major export credit and investment agencies.

The series also includes documents concerning debt swaps and containing comments on Initiating Memoranda (IMs) for an adjustment operation, an adjustment loan, and a Sri Lanka project, and Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) papers. A November 19, 1993 document from a staff member from the Information, Technology and Facilities Department (ITF) to the Director of the Planning and budget Department (PBDDR) reports on the status of the renovation of the Edward R. Murrow Park (Reservation 30) in front of the World Bank Main Complex.

Reading File of The World Development Report (WDR) Team

The series consists of documents sent electronically within the WDR team, to other parts of DEC, and to other Bank organizations. The WDR team reported directly to DECVP and had primary responsibility for the Bank assessment of the state of the global economy found in the annual WDR and for selecting an aspect of development to be analyzed in depth for the annual report. The documents in this series reflect the process of information gathering, analysis, and review involved in the preparation of the annual WDR, including briefing of the Bank President. Also documented is the collaboration that took place with other Bank organizations for information and data needed for the report as well as consultation with outside groups including NGOs. Summaries of meetings at which the WDR was discussed are in the series. Michael Bruno was DECVP for most of the period covered by these records.

Subject Files Relating to Major Issues of Interest to the Vice President and Chief Economist (DECVP)

This series contains files on major issues of interest to the Vice President and Chief Economist and his staff. Most files contain documents compiled by DECVP Michael Bruno and by Mark Baird, Director of Development Policy in DEC, but some are from the administrations of former DECVPs Stanley Fischer and Lawrence Summers. Among the topics covered are: aid effectiveness; plans to relaunch and reform the Economic Development Institute in 1995; planning for the 50th Anniversary of the World Bank; and DEC presentations made to the Board and to President Wolfensohn.

Specific documents include: comments on drafts of a paper on aid effectiveness, prepared by the staff of the World Bank, in collaboration with the staff of the International Monetary Fund, for the 49th meeting of the Development Committee on October 3, 1994; memoranda on research proposals on aid effectiveness; a copy of Mark Baird's presentation to the IDA Deputies at a February 1995 meeting in Paris to discuss the Eleventh Replenishment of IDA; a DEC paper, dated April 1, 1994, on the contribution of research and training (EDI) to the work of the World Bank (filed under 50th Anniversary); summaries of brainstorming sessions, held in 1994 in conjunction with plans for the 50th Anniversary, on future issues facing the Bank; a copy of the DEC information package provided the Executive Directors when DEC made a presentation to the Directors on December 2, 1994 as part of the Executive Directors' Information Program; background notes used to prepare for a strategy meeting with President Wolfensohn on November 22, 1995 (filed under DEC strategy note); DEC memoranda and a February 1995 DEC report regarding the DEC review process of loans and country strategies (filed under lending); an October 1994 DEC Proposal to Restructure Funding of Non-Lending Services (filed under Non-lending Services); comments from Mark Baird and other DEC staff on items discussed at Loan Committee meetings; Michael Bruno's correspondence with the Deputy Director-General and the Director General of the World Trade Organization (WTO); briefing materials prepared for President Wolfensohn's July 6, 1995 meeting with the head of the WTO and the IMF; summaries of meetings the Chief Economist and DEC staff had with WTO staff; and comments on drafts of the guidelines for World Bank staff cooperation with the WTO.

Correspondence Regarding Collaboration between the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF)

This series contains the incoming and outgoing correspondence of the Vice President and Chief Economist that concerned collaboration between the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. It is primarily the correspondence of Chief Economists Fischer and Bruno; there is very little from Lawrence Summer's tenure. The correspondence is with DEC staff and managers, managers in other Bank units, and IMF managers and concerns proposed topics for the periodic luncheons between the Bank's President and the Fund's Managing Director with summaries of those luncheon discussions drafted by DEC staff; comments from Bank staff on draft IMF papers; IMF comments on draft Development Committee papers; attendance of Bank staff at IMF Board meetings and Board seminars and summaries of those meetings and seminars from Bank staff; duplication of effort between the Bank and the Fund; policy on disclosure of Policy Framework Papers; Bank procedures for Policy Framework Papers; proposals for joint Bank/Fund studies; planningfor a joint retreat in 1995; guidelines for Bank-Fund collaboration on public expenditure issues; and DEC representation on the IMF Working Party on Measurement of International Capital Flows. Included in the series is a July 5, 1990 draft of the joint Bank/Fund report, World Bank and International Monetary Fund Progress Report on Bank-fund Collaboration.

Files Maintained by Fred D. Levy, Senior Adviser, Economic Advisory Staff on the Berne Union

These files were maintained by Fred D. Levy, Senior Adviser, Economic Advisory Staff (EAS) while representing the Bank as an observer to the Berne Union and coordinating meetings of Berne Union representatives at the Bank. The International Union of Credit and Investment Insurers (Berne Union) was formed in 1934 with members from France, Italy, Spain the United Kingdom. By 1988 the number of members had increased to over 30. Its purpose was to foster international acceptance of sound principles of export credit insurance; to establish and maintain discipline in terms of credit for international trade; to maintain sound principles of foreign investment insurance; to encourage a favorable investment climate; and to exchange information, assistance, expertise, and advice in relation to the commercial and political risks associated with export credit and investment insurance.

  • At the beginning of the series are memoranda, telex messages, draft and final schedules of country reviews, and Levy's detailed handwritten notes taken at meetings between the Bank and representatives of the Berne Union [International Union of Credit and Investment Insurers] visiting with the Bank and the IMF, respectively, on November 2 and 3, 1987. These are followed by files containing Levy's reports to Moeen Quereshi, Senior Vice President, Operations of Berne Union Annual General Meetings and meetings of the Berne Union Export Credit Insurance Committee and Investment Insurance Committee from 1988 to 1990 at which he represented the Bank as an observer. The extensive reports cover discussions of countries under review at those meetings and are filed with Levy's handwritten notes taken during the meetings.

The files containing Levy's 1988-1990 Berne Union meeting reports also include draft and printed meeting agendas and lists of participants, copies of papers discussed at the meetings, and copies of formal meeting minutes provided by the Berne Union Secretariat. A file titled Berne Union Meeting briefing book contains handwritten notes arranged by country that appear to have been prepared by Levy in 1989 during briefings given by Regional Office staff. The name of the staff member giving the country briefing and the date are usually included in the notes. Printed statistical information, Country briefs, and correspondence are included for some countries.

Also part of the series is a Back-to-Office Report prepared for the files by Vinod Dubey, Director, EAS of a meeting of the Export Credit Group of OECD [Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development] in Paris on June 13, 1989 at which he participated in a discussion of Export Credit cover for countries with payment difficulties. Copies of meeting papers and a list of meeting participants accompany the report. A copy of the report to the Director, EAS, of the 1987 Annual General Meeting of Berne Union prepared by Jeffrey Katz, Resource Mobilization Department (FRM), who represented the Bank as an observer, is also in the series.

Copies of Articles, Lectures, and Speeches Authored by Anne O. Kreuger

This series contains copies of 30 articles, lectures, and speeches authored by Anne O. Kreuger, Vice President, Economics and Research (VPERS). In some cases, the title page indicates at which conference or seminar the paper was delivered or in which periodical it was to be published.

Records of the Economics and Research Staff, Departments, and Divisions

The files in this series contain correspondence, reports, and publications documenting the economic analysis and research work of the Economics and Research Staff (ERS) and the two ERS departments: the Economic Analysis and Projections Department (EPD) and the Development Research Department (DRD). Most of the correspondence was sent or received by the Director of EPD and by staff in the EPD divisions, but there is some correspondence of the Vice President of ERS and of the DRD staff. The correspondence concerns commodity price forecasts, economic and social data generated by ERS, international trade, external debt of developing nations, and comments on drafts of the World Development Report (WDR) and on background papers prepared for the WDR. Specific documents and publications include: Back-to-Office Reports from ERS staff attending conferences or undertaking missions to analyze a specific industry; copies of the commodity handbooks issued by the Commodities and Export Projections Division (EPDCE); quarterly reviews of commodity markets; publications on commodities from the Commodity Studies and Projections Division (EPDCS); copies of the 1984 - 1986 annual reports on the World Bank Research Program; the EPD's User's Guide on World Bank Trade Data System issued in October 1985; and a June 1984 draft of the Pfeffermann Committee's Report on Economy-Wide Modelling in the Bank.

Records Maintained by Mary Shirley While Serving with the Secretariat for the Private Sector Development Review Group, the Private Sector Development Committee, and the Private Sector Development Working Group

This series contains records maintained by Mary Shirley who was assigned to the secretariat for the Private Sector Development Review Group, the Private Sector Development Committee, and the Private Sector Development Working Group. She also served as head of the Private Sector Development Unit in the Public Sector Management and Private Sector Development Division (CECPS) of the Country Economics Department (CEC) and later as chief of the Finance and Private Sector Development Division (PRDFP) of the Policy Research Department. As part of her various secretariat duties, Shirley also had the lead in preparing an annual progress report on the Bank's efforts to promote private sector development (PSD).

The PSD Review Group was created in February 1988 to assess the Bank's work on PSD and to recommend specific ways to strengthen and expand it. The Review Group's report was presented to the Executive Directors in August 1988, and, in response, management set up a Task Force led by CECPS to prepare a World BankGroup Private Sector Development Action Program. The Action Program was adopted in January 1989, and management then set up the PSD Committee in March 1989 to implement the Action Program and to report annually on PSD progress. In November 1990, President Conable established the Working Group on PSD, chaired by D. Joseph Wood, to propose how to best orchestrate the support provided by the IFC, MIGA, and the Bank to promote private sector development.

Specific records in this series include various drafts of the PSD Review Group's report and of the Task Force's PSD Action Plan; Terms of Reference for and minutes and agenda of meetings of the PSD Committee and the Working Group on PSD; multiple drafts of annual PSD progress reports and of the Working Group's reports on PSD prepared for the Development Committee; a February 1992 draft of the Third Report on Adjustment Lending; and 1992 - 1993 reports from the Regions on the status of their private sector assessments. The series also includes copies of background reports and papers, 1979 - 1987, on the Bank's private sector development efforts and on institutional development work in the Bank and Shirley's summaries of a workshop on PSD held June 27 - 29, 1989 and of a conference, Institutional Development and the World Bank, held December 14 - 15, 1989 at the World Bank.

Reading File Maintained by Mary Shirley While Serving as Chief, Finance and Private Sector Development (PRDFD) and During Prior Bank Assignments

The correspondence in this series was maintained as a personal reading file by Mary Shirley during successive assignments at the World Bank from 1980 to 1995 serving as: Economist/Loan Officer, Country Programs Department I (LC1D), Office of the Regional Vice President for Latin America and the Caribbean, 1980 - 1982; Senior Economist, Projects Advisory Staff (PAS), Office of the Vice President, Operations Policy (OPSVP), 1983; Senior Economist and later Public Enterprises Adviser, Public Sector Management Unit (PPDPS), OPSVP, 1983 - 1987; Public Enterprises Adviser, Public Sector Management and Private Sector Development Division (CECPS), Country Economics Department, Office of the Vice President, Development Economics and Chief Economist (DECVP), 1987 - 1990; Chief, CECPS, 1990 - 1993; and Chief, Finance and Private Sector Development (PRDFP), Policy Research Department (PRD), 1993 - 1995.

Incoming correspondence is sometimes filed with copies of letters, memoranda, reports, papers, and informal communications prepared by Shirley. Shirley's earliest correspondence while assigned to LC1D was primarily with Division Chief Francisco Aguirre-Sacasa and government officials. The majority of the correspondence in the reading file centers on her work after leaving LC1D in 1982. The subjects of much of this later correspondence, exchanged primarily with Bank staff, relate to public enterprise issues, particularly in developing countries; private sector development; and privatization. Research and projects in all of these areas are covered in her correspondence.

Throughout the series are Back-to-Office Reports (BTOs) prepared by Shirley following numerous missions she led to various parts of Latin America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. She also represented the Bank at meetings of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) in Paris (1987, 1990) when issues relating to private sector development were discussed. BTOs for these meetings are part of the file. Correspondence concerning Shirley's participation in the Committee on Private Sector Development and other Bank initiatives, along with a small amount of correspondence concerning her work on the World Development Report at the end of her LC1D assignment in 1982, are in the series. Throughout the series are letters of invitation for speaking engagements from academic institutions and professional groups both within the United States and abroad and Shirley's responses.

Divisional Reading File of the Policy Research Department (PRD)

The series consists of documents sent electronically within PRD, to other parts of DEC, and to other Bank organizations. They include peer review comments and comments on other papers, sector reports, Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) documents, research design proposals, concept papers, and draft Final Executive Project Summaries (FEPS) sent to PRD divisions for review. These and other documents in the series reflect PRD divisions' involvement in research into aid effectiveness, poverty (including theold age security study and HIV/AIDS and STDs prevention and management), and the environment. Copies of Terms of Reference and Back-to-Office Reports for missions undertaken during this period and documents relating to establishment of a Research Advisory Group are part of the series. Also included are copies of reports from Bank Board meetings and DEC Senior Managers Meetings which were usually circulated to the divisions by the Department head or the Division Chiefs.

The documents dated August 1991 - January 1992 were created in the Policy and Review Department, which also had the acronym PRD and was abolished November 30, 1991. The few post-dated documents concern matters pertaining to the termination of that department. This reading file also includes copies of documents sent (4 January 1993 - 23 February 1993) by CECFP [Financial Policy and Systems], CECTM [Transition and Macro-Adjustment], and CECTP [Trade Policy] Division] staff short periods before and after 1 February 1993 when the Country Economics Department (CEC) was renamed the Policy Research Department (PRD). Three small subject files pertaining to a poverty handbook and budget matters are part of the series.

Background Materials Compiled by the Public Sector Management and Private Sector Development Division (CECPS), Country Economics Department (CEC) for Privatization: The Lessons of Experience

These files contain the background materials compiled for use in a study carried out by Sunita Kikeri, John Nellis, Mary Shirley, and other staff from the Public Sector Management and Private Sector Development Division (CECPS) of the Country Economics Department. Their study, published by the World Bank in August 1992 as Privatization: The Lessons of Experience reviewed the experiences of both developing and industrialized countries with state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and the privatization of those enterprises. The background materials in this series cover issues relating to state-owned enterprises and Bank-supported efforts to privatize such enterprises; public enterprise sector reform projects; structural adjustment programs; enterprise development projects; economic management capacity building projects; divestiture design studies; export development projects; and technical assistance for economic reforms. Most of the materials are Bank Group documents: Staff Appraisal Reports, Memoranda of the President, Initiating Memoranda, and minutes of meetings of the Operations Committee regarding proposed loans and credits; published reports and studies; published EDI [Economic Development Institute] and PRE [Policy, Research and External Affairs Complex] working papers; Back-to-Office Reports from supervision, economic, or technical assistance preparation missions; Country Economic Memoranda (CEM); copies of Intra-Bank correspondence; and World Bank daily news summaries. Non-Bank materials include news articles;copies of book chapters; academic conference papers and lectures; reports published by governments of client countries; IMF newsletters; and annual reports of state-owned utility companies, airlines, and telecom enterprises.

Fact Sheet, Press Release, and Other Materials Concerning the Publication of the 1996 World Debt Table Maintained by the Debt and International Finance Division (IECDF)

This series documents media coverage of the March 1996 release of the sixteenth edition of the World Debt Tables. Included are: copies of the Bank's press release and fact sheet; a transcript of remarks Michael Bruno, Chief Economist, Nawal Kamel, Chief of the Debt and International Finance Division (IECDF), and Masood Ahmed, Director of the International Economics Department, delivered at the National Press Club on March 11; copies of news clippings; and a list of questions and answers relating to the report.

Ronald Duncan's Files on Commodities and Research While Serving with the International Commodity Markets Division (IECCM) and the International Trade Division (IECIT)

This series contains correspondence, reports, and other records that Ronald C. Duncan maintained primarily while he was director of the International Commodity Markets Division (IECCM) and later the International Trade Division (IECIT) in the International Economics Department. Duncan served as Division Chief in IECCM from 1 July 1987 until 1 May 1990 when he became Division Chief in IECIT. Prior to this he was Divisions Chief in the Economic Program Department's Commodity and Export Projects Division (EPDCS) between 1984 and 1987.

One file in this series, Support to the Regions, documents Duncan's units' support to the regions dating from 1984 when he was director of EPDCS to 1993 when he directed IECIT. Other files concern commodity price forecasting; commodity problems in Africa; the drafting of a paper, Bank Policy on the Financing of Commodities, which was discussed at the October 1989 meeting of the Operations Committee; Bank lending for plantation crops (tea, coffee, and cocoa); and possible researchwork on Eastern Europe. Several files contain correspondence and reports on research in units headed by Duncan. One concerns research funded by IECIT, rather than by the Research Support Budget (RSB). Another contains IEC proposals, 1993-1994, for RSB-funded research, and one updates the FY 1995 status of RSB-funded research projects in IECIT.

Evaluation Report for SMART (Software for Market Access and Restriction to Trade) Maintained by the Chief, International Trade Division (IECIT)

This series contains a draft and the final version of the report of the joint Bank/United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) project to evaluate: the development of the SMART [Software for Market Access and Restrictions to Trade] system, the dissemination activities for SMART, and the use that developing countries had made of SMART. These copies of the report were maintained by the Chief of the International Trade Division (IECIT) of the International Economics Department whose staff worked on the project. SMART was a software system to analyze trade, tariffs, and NTBs (nontariff barriers) in OECD [Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development] markets.

Project Files for the UNDP/World Bank Trade Expansion Programme (TEP) Maintained by the Chief, International Trade Division (IECIT)

This series contains the project files for Phase I, 1987-1991 (Project INT/86/033/A/01/42) and part of Phase II, 1991 - 1994 (Project INT/90/036/A/0142) of the joint UNDP/World Bank Trade Expansion Programme (TEP) to provide technical and policy advice to countries that intended to reform their trade regimes. These files were maintained successively by the Trade and Adjustment Policy Division (CPDTA) of the Country Policy Department, the Trade Policy Division (CECTP) of the Country Economics Department, the Trade Policy Division (PRDTP) of the Policy Research Department, and the International Trade Division (IECIT) of the International Economics Department. Jaime de Melo (CECTP) was the original project co-director with Thomas Cox (and later Timothy S. Rothermel) of the Division for Global and Interegional Projects, UNDP. Most of the files concern Phase I of the project and include copies of the formal signed Project Documents for Phase I and Phase II; CECTP staff (Jaime de Melo, Maria Lozos, Vinod Thomas, Oli Havrylshyn, and John Nash) correspondence with Cox, Regional Bank staff, project consultants, and officials in the countries involved in the project; Terms of Reference for project consultants; Back-to-Office reports from CECTP staff and consultants who completed missions in connection with the project; and a copy of the brochure for the project. Documents spanning both Phase I and Phase II include: copies of the 11 Occasional Papers about trade expansion issues written in conjunction with the project; copies of Country Reports chronicling the TEP experience in 16 countries; and summary Country Reports for Morocco, Poland, and Uruguay.

Memoranda and Reports Maintained by the Development Policy Group (DPG) Concerning Procedures and Schedules for Country Strategy Papers (CPSs)

The records in this series were maintained by the Development Policy Group (DPG) and its predecessor, the Economic Advisory Staff (EAS), and consist of the following seven small groupings of memoranda and reports concerning schedules and procedures for the drafting and review of Country Strategy Papers (CSPs):

    1. EAS status reports and memoranda concerning schedules for producing CPSs and slippages in those schedules, November 25, 1987 - February, 19, 1991.
    1. EAS correspondence with Regional staff regarding schedules for CSP Initiating Memoranda, May 24, 1989 - March 16, 1990.
    1. EAS and DPG memoranda regarding revisions of CSP guidelines for inclusion in the Operational Manual (OM) and copies of the relevant sections from the OM, January 5, 1987 - February 4, 1993.
    1. EAS copies of CSP reviews prepared in FY 88 and FY 90 and comments on those reviews, October 10, 1988 - April 27, 1990.
    1. EAS correspondence regarding guidelines for country strategy reviews for IDA countries, March 13, 1990 - June 4. 1993.
    1. EAS memoranda concerning plans for scheduling CSP in FY 1992, February 19 -July 5, 1991.
    1. EAS and DPG correspondence concerning CSP schedules and procedures regarding the content and the review process for CSPs, April 20, 1988 - April 6, 1994.

Research Files of the Economic Analysis and Projections Department (EPD)

This series contain files for two research projects conducted by EPD staff. Research Project No. 672-32: The Direction of Developing Countries' Trade: Patterns, Trends, and Implications was begun in 1980 in the International Trade and Capital Flows Division (EPDIT) and completed in 1987 under the Global Analysis and Projections Division (EPDGL). Oli Havrylyshyn and Martin Wolf (and later Peter Miovic) were the principal researchers. The project files include the original research proposal, a request forsupplementary funds, Back-to-Office reports from project-related missions, a status report, copies of Havrylyshyn's and Wolf's articles related to the project, a completion report, and a project evaluation. The second project, which was conducted by Iveta Bebris of the International Finance Division (EPDIF) in 1977 - 1978, was a Comparison of the Reporting of Loans from Financial Markets in the DeBTOr Reporting System (DRS) and the Capital Market System (CMS), 1973 - 1976. The project file includes a summary of the findings and a comparison of data from the two systems for the 26 countries covered by the study.

Files Relating to ERS Reviews of Documents Disscussed in Meetings of the Loan Committee, the Operations Policy Subcommittee, and the Operations Policy Committee

This series contains five sets of files that the Economics and Research Staff (ERS) compiled while reviewing proposals and developing the ERS position on proposals (for loans, credits, Country Policy Papers, Country Strategy Papers, and Policy Framework Papers) that were considered primarily by the Loan Committee but also by the Operations Policy Subcommittee (OPSC) and, beginning in September 1986, by the Operations Policy Committee (OPC).

  1. The bulk of the series (1.5 linear feet) contains country files, dated 1985 to 1987 and arranged alphabetically by client country and thereunder chronologically. The file for a particular country contains, at a minimum, the agenda and/or minutes of the committee meeting at which a proposal was discussed. The minutes include a summary of the proposal but not the complete text. Other documents in a typical file include intra-ERS memoranda analyzing a proposal and containing recommendations regarding the position ERS should support; a briefing note summarizing the ERS position; an ERS staff member's report on the meeting, providing information to supplement the official minutes; memoranda from the ERS staff to Regional or sector staff clarifying the position ERS took on the proposal in the committee meeting; other correspondence between ERS and Regional staff; and some Back-to-Office Reports from ERS staff who took part in negotiations with the client country. Filed under Rwanda/SAVEMS is a small collection of statistical tables (titled Selected Analytical Variables for Economists and Managers), 1985 - 1987, arranged by client country that the Country Analysis and Projections Division (EPDCO) of ERS generated on 28 countries.

Filed at the end of the series are four small collections of files. Many of the items in these files are duplicated the country files.

  1. A set of files concerning Country Policy Papers (CPPs), arranged alphabetically by client country and dated February 1984 - January 1987. For Bolivia and Jamaica, the files refer to Divisional Country Briefs (DCBs) rather than CPPs. The file for a particular country typically includes an agenda for the Operations Policy Subcommittee (OPSC) or Operations Policy Committee (OPC) with comments on major policy issues in the CPP that were identified by the Country Policy Department (CPD) and the Planning and Budget Department (PBD); a Postscript of the OPSC or OPC meeting at which the CPP was discussed; and a memorandum forwarding the CPP to the Managing Committee of which the Vice President of ERS was a member. In most cases, the complete CPP is not in the file, but most files do include intra-office memoranda and briefing notes from ERS staff.

  2. A set of minutes of the Operations Policy Subcommittee and, beginning in November 1986, of the Operations Policy Committee, arranged chronologically and dated September 1986 - April 1987. The meetings were held to discuss Policy Framework Papers (PFPs) and most are Structural Adjustment Facility PFPs. Attached to the minutes are summaries of the PFP provided by the Director of the Country Policy Division, but complete PFPs are not found in the files.

  3. Agenda and Minutes of Loan Committee meetings arranged by Region and dated September 1984 - May 1987. Included with the agenda are summaries of the proposed loan or credit provided by the Director of the Country Policy Department.

  4. Agenda and Minutes of Loan Committee meetings and Operations Policy Committee meetings, arranged alphabetically by country and dated April 1985 - April 1987. The OPC meetings dealt with Structural Adjustment Facility Policy Framework Papers, Country Policy Papers, and Divisional Country Briefs. This file also includes briefing notes stating the ERS position on a proposal and post-meeting notes from ERS staff supplementing the official minutes.

Research Proposals that were Withdrawn or Rejected

The files for the 1985 - 1988 period for research proposals that were rejected or were withdrawn by the staff members who submitted the original proposals appear to have been maintained by the Secretary to the Research Projects Approval Committee (REPAC). Research funding was limited to departments which normally did not have in-house research capacity such as the Regional departments. For the 1989 - 1997 period, files for research project proposals that were rejected by either Research Advisory Staff (RAD) or the Research Committee (RC) or were withdrawn by the staff member who submitted the original proposal were maintained by RAD.

Among the documents that can be found in rejected files for the 1985 - 1988 period are: the research project proposal submitted to the Research Administrator (RA), comments made on the proposal by RA or by internal or external referees who agreed to comment on the proposal, responses to referees' comments, the report of the REPAC subcommittee to all REPAC members on the proposal; and minutes of the REPAC meeting or correspondence indicating action taken on the project proposal. Appeals of rejections by REPAC are in some files along with REPAC's responses.

A number of files for the 1989 - 1997 period contain requests for information regarding the procedures for requesting funding for a research proposal or for advice as to whether a specific proposal fit within the guidelines of the RC for projects funded from the Research Support Budget. The more complete files for rejected projects for the 1989 -1997 period include: a formal project proposal; correspondence between the RAD staff and the project manager; RAD's correspondence with referees; the referees' comments and the project manager's responses to RAD regarding issues raised by the referees; intra-RAD memoranda regarding the project proposal; a report from the Research Committee subcommittee that reviewed the project proposal; replies from the manager to specific questions from RAD staff; handwritten notes from RAD staff; and the official memorandum from RAD stating that the project had not been approved. There are a few files for pending proposals for which no final action was taken or for which no formal proposal was submitted.

Research Project Files Maintained by the Research Administrator

The records in this series are the official project files maintained by the office of the Research Administrator and predecessor units for research projects funded wholly or in part from the Research Support Budget (RSB). Research proposals were received from the Regions, Sectors, and from DEC or earlier Economics and Research Staff (ERS) units. Research proposals dealt with development policy and planning, finance and trade, capital markets, rural development, industry, infrastructure, poverty and socialwelfare, labor markets, education, environmentally sustainable development including environmental economics, energy, agriculture and natural resources, private sector development, regional development, and population.

The series is arranged in five parts, the first four of which cover overlapping time periods from 1981 to 2000. The fifth segment consists of a single research project file for the 1995-1997 period maintained by a project manager. The bulk of the files in this series include: a project proposal; memoranda to project proposal reviewers for projects that exceeded the cost ceiling for approval by the Research Administrator, reviewers' evaluations of the project proposal; the project manager's response to the reviewers' evaluations; Research Advisory Staff (RAD) memoranda to members of the REPAC [Research Projects Approval Committee] or the Research Committee (RC) subcommittee selected to review the proposal; comments from subcommittee members; the project manager's response to the subcommittee's comments; minutes of the REPAC or RC meeting at which the proposal was discussed; intra-RAD memoranda discussing the project; RAD's memorandum to the project manager conveying approval and funding of the project; Back-to-Office Reports (BTOs) from missions connected to the project; correspondence between the project supervisor and the Research Administrator that may include requests for an extension of the project completion date or for additional funds; budget tracking reports; a project completion report on a standardized form; and copies of the publications and papers that constituted the output from the project. Not all of the files contain completion reports. Some files include status reports and comments on the proposal from Regional organizations.

Among the earlier files in the series are four files for research projects associated with the Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) (RPO file nos. 673-22, 673-38, 674-17, and 674-19). Some of the files in the series that predate 1990 relate not tospecific research projects but to administrative matters relating to research: authorizations for the transfer of funds from the RSB (RPO 671-99); costs for the World Bank Economic Review (RPO 673-570), the Research Observer (RPO 673-61), and the World Bank Research News (RPO 673-71); RAD costs for the First Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics (RPO 674-82); and routine authorizations for the transfer of funds from the RSB for consultants, project proposal reviewers, etc. (RPO 671-99). The Research Policy Council (RPC) approved funding for the three previously mentioned publications.

Beginning in 1991; the records within each project file were divided into five categories, each with a separate tab: proposal; reviews; correspondence; budget; and completion. Filed under the proposal tab is the formal project proposal sent to RAD and correspondence between the RAD staff and the project manager. Under the review tab are RAD's correspondences with referees who agreed to comment on the proposal, the referees' comments, and the project manager's responses to RAD regarding issued raised by the referees. The items under the 'correspondence tab include a wide range of records: intra-RAD memoranda regarding a project proposal; reports from the Research Committee subcommittee that reviewed the project proposal; notices that the project manager and/or the managing unit had changed; replies from the manager to specific questions from RAD staff; requests for deadline extensions; BTOs from missions connected to the project; copies of book reviews of publications resulting from a research project; and handwritten notes of RAD staff. Correspondence under the budget tab generally includes a copy of the RAD memorandum to the project manager indicating the proposal had been approved and explaining how the budget should be managed. In addition, there may be requests from the project manager for additional funds or for an extension of the completion date, and a copy of RAD's instructions as to how to handleproject funds remaining at the end of the fiscal year. Not all of the files for 1991 and later contain a project completion report under the completion tab. Some files contain copies of publications resulting from the research output or a RAD memorandum requesting an overdue project completion report under this tab. A small number of the project files created after 1991 are for funding conferences and workshops, expenses connected with the Bank's Visiting Research Fellows program, and the production of avideo of the slide presentation used as the keynote to a conference. The file for Symposium/Workshop on Accelerating Native Forest Regeneration on Degraded Tropical Lands (RPO 677-67) contains only the materials distributed to workshop attendees and a note indicating that no file for the project could be found.

Project Manager John Nash's file (fifth part of series) for the research project Regulating Technology Transfer: Impact on Technical Change, Productivity and Incomes covers the years 1995-1997 andincludes a request for RSB funding for the project; a response to the review of the research project; expense/budget reports for the project; Terms of Reference for missions connected to the project; a copy of a consultants BTO report for December 1995 visits to Malawi, Zimbabwe, Kenya, and Ghana in connection with project; and Nash's correspondence with consultants associated with the project. The official file for this research project is also in this series.

Project evaluation reports are not in the files in this series, but, in most cases, the project completion report, when present in the file, has been annotated to indicate that the evaluation was completed.

Management and oversight

Series consists of records related to management and oversight activities of ESSDVP. Records primarily relate to high-level meetings attended by ESSD Vice President Ian Johnson within ESSD as well as other units and committees of the World Bank. This includes meetings with Bank President Wolfensohn and Managing Director Shengman Zhang as well as meetings of the Bank's Operational Vice Presidents. Records from Bank-wide Corporate Days (1998-2002) and Strategic Forums (2000-2001) are also included. These records include: background notes (prepared for ESSDVP Ian Johnson by ESSD staff); presentation notes and slides; correspondence; progress reports; agendas; and follow-up materials.

Records related to management and organizational meetings of the ESSD include: ESSD Council meetings (2001-2003); ESSD Anchor meetings (2000-2001, 2003); ESSD FY02-04 Business Planning MD/VP Meeting; ESSD FY04-06 Strategic Planning; ESSD Knowledge Management strategy (1998-2000); and ESSD Management Retreats (including EnvironmentSector Board retreat [2002]) and Team Meetings.

Bank organization and staffing reports

This series contains memoranda and reports compiled by L. Peter Chatenay, which primarily relate to the World Bank's early organization and staffing. Although his participation is not detailed nor confirmed in the records, it is apparent that Chatenay worked in some capacity on tasks associated with the Organization Study Team and that this is a file created in support of that activity. The Study Team (also referred to as the Study Committee) was chaired by Bank Vice President M. Shoaib and was charged with reviewing a Bank organization study completed by external consultants and studying other topics related to the 1972 Bank-wide reorganization.
Included in this series are copies of memoranda from Humphrey C. Winterton, Farrokh Kavarana and Philippe Beuzelin to the Study Team. Winterton and Beuzelin were two of the six members of the Study Team while Kavarana was part of the external consultant team. The rest of the records in this series consist of reports and reference materials on the organization and staffing of the Bank. These include: a FY 1971 chart and March 1972 memoranda comparing the time required to negotiate a project proposal in the various Regions and sectors; a February 1972 report on the status of the World Bank's current organization; a 15 March 1972 draft of a report: Dimensions of the "Main-Frame" Structural Problem which is an analysis the Bank's structure prior to the 1972 reorganization; a list showing major Bank organizational changes, 1952 - 1972 and tables showing changes in staffing (i.e. comparing the number of people allocated to the categories professional, special services, and general services) in 1961, 1971, and projections for 1976; and tables analyzing the Bank's administrative expenses, 1962 - 1971 with projections through 1978.

Photo albums

Three albums of color photographs, the first of a fashion show luncheon on 1963-10-02 hosted by Louise Woods and Mrs. Pierre-Paul Schweitzer, wife of the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, for wives of attendeesat the Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors; the second of a luncheon hosted on 1966-09-26 by Mrs. Woods and Mrs. Schweitzer for the same group during the Annual Meeting; and the third of the farewell dinner given for George D. and Louise Woods by the Executive Directors of the World Bank on 1968-03-29. All with captions.

Trip diaries

Electrostatic copies of typewritten accounts by Louise Woods of official and personal trips. The files on some of the official trips can be found in the records of George D. Woods. The descriptions are exclusively of social events, such as dinners, receptions, shopping trips, and sightseeing. Some descriptions illuminate the personalities of persons who accompanied the Woods on the trips or were met by them.

Task Force Chairman's Records

This series consists of the records related to the Task Force on Local Financing under Adjustment Operations. The records were created and collected by Salah El Serafy, Economic Adviser in Economic Advisory Staff (EAS), who served as chairman of the Task Force on Local Cost Financing Under Adjustment Operations. The series contains a copy of the final Task Force report which was forwarded to President Conable on December 18, 1990; copies of comments on the final report from members of the President's Council; various drafts of the report; Serafy's correspondence with the Task Force members; hand written notes from Task Force meetings; and background documents including minutes of the May 24, 1990 Executive Directors' meeting at which questions were raised regarding the appropriateness of using credit proceeds to finance local costs for credits to Ghana (Credit No. 214GH) and Nigeria (Credit No. 2139-UNI). It was that Board discussion which led to the establishment of this task force. Also included among the background documents are copies of many of the records, dated from November 1989 to May 1990, of the Task Force on Cost Sharing and Local Cost Financing (also called the Project Cost Sharing Task Force) chaired by Randolph L. P. Harris. The final report of that Task Force which was issued on May 31, 1990, is not in this series, but copies of comments on various drafts of the report are included.

Correspondence Files of D.C. Rao, Director, International Economics Department

These files contain primarily copies of Director Rao's outgoing correspondence for the period March 1990 to April 1993. The files for the period May to November 1993 contain both Rao's incoming and outgoing correspondence. Enclosures to outgoing correspondence are generally not included. This series includes copies of Rao's correspondence while he was Acting Vice President, DEC, and the correspondence of Masood Ahmed and others who served as Acting Directors of IEC in Rao's absence. Rao did not become Director of IEC until May 1, 1990, but his March - April 1990 correspondence in this series relates entirely to IEC Business.

Memoranda of the Directors, International Economics Department (IEC) Regarding the Planning Assumptions Committee (PAC) Baseline Numbers

This series contains memoranda sent and received by Directors of the International Economics Department (IECDR) regarding the Planning Assumptions Committee (PAC) and the process of revising PAC Baseline Numbers. The Planning Assumptions Committee met twice a year, in the spring and the fall, to review and validate Bank-wide planning assumptions about international prices (particularly of manufactures), interest rates, and related global indicators. These assumptions became the PAC Baseline Numbers that were used in various Bank projections, e.g. in setting price and interest rate guidelines for Bank project work. IEC served as the secretariat to the PAC; the Chief Economist was chair. The memoranda in this series concern ways to improve the PAC process and the methods used to develop the baseline indicators and plans to develop a downside scenario as an alternative to the Baseline Numbers for 1990.

Chronological files

Throughout most of his career, Calika kept copies of the memos, letters, reports, and studies that he wrote, either for his signature or that of senior Bank officials. He maintained these copies in a personal file in chronological order.Occasionally he included copies of incoming letters and memoranda. Some drafts of speeches or proposed remarks are in the file, as are copies of minutes or other official documents.

The documents in these files are largely duplicates of those in the official files of the Bank, but their chronological arrangement allows the user to follow issues as they unfolded, from the point of view of a Bank officer. The files are particularly rich for the African period of Calika's career. Calika began active involvement with the region as chief of the unit dealing with the British Commonwealth. His files exist from the latter part of that period; while they contain some information on countries such as Malta or British Guiana, most of the documents relate to Kenya, Tanganyika, Swaziland, Rhodesia, Nyasaland, South Africa, and Mauritius. During Calika's years in the Africa Department, the Bank decided to set up two local offices (permanent missions), one in East Africa and one in West Africa. Calika monitored the activities in those offices, traveling to them and overseeing the cooperative programs they undertook. The files for the Africa years include, for example, a July 1967 memo on river blindness, memos on the progress of the Agricultural Development Service, and correspondence with partners such as the World Health Organization, the United Nations Development Program, UNESCO, the Food and Agriculture Organization, and the African Development Bank.

Calika served in the Education Project Department during the years surrounding Robert McNamara's 1970 launch of a new approach to lending for education. Calika's role in the department included hiring and training new staff to meet the new lending goals, and the administrative issues of the expanding department are reflected in the files. The papers from Calika's period in Latin America are thinner, with the year 1975 entirely missing and the papers from 1979 very thin.

The Calika papers are particularly useful to researchers interested in the history of the Bank's relationship with Africa throughout the 1960s. They also help a researcher follow the internal administration of the Bank's effort to expand its role in education.

Records Relating to Adjustment Programs

This series, which was compiled by Vinod Dubey, Director of the Country Policy Department (CPD), contains records relating to adjustment programs in a number of different countries. CPD was responsible for, among other functions, providing advice and support to the regions on structural adjustment lending. This function was transferred to EAS when CPD was terminated in 1987.

The records relate to adjustment programs in Argentina, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Ecuador, Ivory Coast, Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, Peru, Philippines, Uruguay, Venezuela, and Yugoslavia. The documents for a country vary but included are: Medium-Term Growth Strategy Papers, Country Studies, Baker Initiative Papers, Selected Analytical Variables for Economists and Managers (SAVEM) Tables, and printouts of the major economic indicators for a country. Dubey forwarded many of the country papers and studies to the Operations Policy Subcommittee (OPSC) for discussion, and some minutes of OPSC meetings are included in the files.

Files Relating to IDA Policies and Programs Maintained by the Senior Adviser, Development Policy Group (DPG)

This series, which contains files relating to the policies and programs of IDA, was compiled primarily by Anandarup Ray while he was a Senior Adviser first with the Economic Advisory Staff (EAS) and then with the Development Policy Group. Most of the documents are Ray's comments on or correspondence regarding the preparation of IDA documents for presentation to the Board of Executive Directors. Specific documents and subjects include: the preparation of statements of eligibility for IDA credits for individual countries, 1988 - 1992; EAS staff comments on a Bank publication, The Evolving Role of IDA, 1989; general correspondence on IDA policies and resources, 1987-1991; the preparation of papers for the Implementation of the IDA-9 and IDA-10 replenishments, 1989 - 1993 and 1996; and annual country performance ratings, 1996.

Subject Files of the Director, International Economic Department (IECDR)

This series contains incoming and outgoing correspondence, reports, draft articles and papers, and other records maintained by the Directors of the International Economics Department. Most of the correspondence is with staff in the IEC divisions and with the Vice President and Chief Economist (DECVP). The files concern: external access to the IEC's Bank Economic and Social Database System (BESD); data management issues in IEC; the distribution and marketing plans for IEC products (filed under Dissemination Task Force Electronic Data including CD-Rom Project and External Dissemination of IEC Products); the Socio-Economic Data Division's (IECSE's) participation in the International Comparison Project (ICP); intra-IEC discussions on the rebasing of national accounts and on statistical capability building; the methodology for preparing trade data tables; and the 1990 and 1991 work program and budget of the Debt and International Finance Division (IECDI).

Specific documents include: IEC correspondence on drafting its September 1991 report on The Management of Commodity Price Risk and the Bank's Role; copies of computer-generated slides from the January 27, 1992 IEC Seminar on Information Management Opportunities; copies of background papers and IEC staff comments on papers prepared for Long-Term Prospects Paper, 1990; status reports and correspondence regarding the development of the Revised Minimum Standard Model - Extended (RMSM - X) in IECSE; a February 1993 draft research agenda for IECSE (filed under Unified Survey'); and IEC correspondence and comments on the World Development Indicators (WDI) production process.

Files Relating to the Development Policy Group's (DPG) Review of Proposals Discussed at Loan Committee Meetings

The Development Policy Group compiled these files while assisting the Vice President and Chief Economist (DECVP) in developing DEC's position on proposals discussed at Loan Committee meetings. Most of the files consist primarily of agenda and minutes of Loan Committee (LC) meetings at which adjustment loans and credits were reviewed, but the files for 1993 and 1994 also include agenda and minutes of the President's review meetings to discuss Country Strategy Papers (CSPs) and Country Strategy Notes (CSNs) and memoranda from DEC staff or from the Vice President and Chief Economist (DECVP) commenting on a CSP/CSN. The files for all years include memoranda from the Chief Economist to the chair of the Loan Committee stating DEC's position on a document to be discussed by the Committee; memoranda from Regional staff to the LC chair; intra-DEC memoranda regarding DEC's position on a proposed loan or credit, and minutes of Regional Loan Committee meetings.

Files Maintained by Vinod Dubey, Director, Economic advisory Staff, while Also Serving as the First Liaison Officer to the Paris Club

Much of the correspondence at the beginning of the series concerns Bank efforts to play a greater role in the Paris Club's rescheduling of debts, including admission to informal meetings with credit participants.The appointment of Vinod Dubey as liaison officer was a response to the Paris Club's need, in return, for a central contact point in the Bank. The Paris Club refers to meetings held since 1956 that have arranged, when necessary, for the renegotiation of debt owed to official creditors or guaranteed to them. Neither the World Bank nor the IMF are members of the Paris Club, but the IMF has played an important role in developing debt restructure packages with commercial Banks. both the Paris Club and the commercial Banks require deBTOr countries to have agreed on a stabilization program with the IMF as part of the renegotiation process.

Copies of Senior Vice President, Operations Ernest Stern's letter of October 10, 1984 to Philippe Jurgensen, Chairman of the Paris Club, announcing Dubey's appointment as the Bank's liaison officer to the Paris Club regarding all matters affecting specific country negotiations and Stern's November 1, 1984 memo to Operational Vice Presidents on the same subject are in the files. Dubey was serving as Senior Advisor, Country Policy Department at the time of his appointment.

Following his appointment, Dubey continued to receive copies of correspondence forwarded to him concerning the need to increase the Bank's role at Paris Club meetings. Copies of correspondence between Stern and Jurgensen regarding a misunderstanding of the Bank's view of the Paris Club and the Bank's request to provide presentations to the Club on medium-term prospects of some indebted countries are in the files along with other correspondence between Dubey and Vice President, Operations Policy S. Shaid Husain regarding scheduling of these presentations. The files include copies of Dubey's correspondence with Bank regional officials concerning preparations for meetings, drafts of statements and speeches forwarded to Dubey for review before the meetings, background materials concerning countries seeking debt rescheduling, meeting invitations, Dubey's responses to the invitations which list the Bank's delegations to the meetings, back-to Office Reports prepared by Dubey and others representing the Bank at the meetings, and copies of press communiques regarding meetings.

A proof of a lengthy article entitled The Paris Club, 1978-1983 scheduled to appear in the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law is inthe files. A 30 October 1984 note found in the files indicates that the author, Alexis Rieffel, formerly the representative of the U.S. Treasury Department to the Paris Club, was brought to Dubey's attention by Alexander Shakow, Director, International Relations Department (IRDD). A report of a 26 November 1984 meeting of the Coordinating Group of Creditor Countries for Yougoslavia prepared by Dubey and Joseph Ingram, Senior Loan Officer, Country Programs Department was placed in the files along with memos from Ingram regarding Yugoslavia sent to Dubey after the meeting.

Dubey was succeeded as liaison by basil Kavalsky, Assistant Director, Country Policy Department in January 1986 after Dubey was designated Director of that department. Only a small amount of correspondence after that date is in the files and there is no correspondence for 1987.

Also contained in this series are correspondence, memoranda, background papers, reports, handwritten notes, feedback on reports, meeting agendas and summaries, and other materials related to Vinod Dubey's participation in the World Bank's Debt Task Force. The Debt Task Force first met on July 6th, 1987 and was led by Jean Baneth. The Task Force was to re-examine the debt problems of middle-income countries. It was to provide an interim report, undertake country analyses and projections, and examine possible modalities of debt relief schemes and the role the World Bank would play in those schemes. Records date from July 8 to September 22 of 1987.

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