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Correspondence and Other Records of Masood Ahmed, Director, International Economics Department (IEC) Relating to Finance and Development and to Phase II of IEC's Renewal Program

This series consists of two parts. The first part contains International Economics Department (IEC) Director Masood Ahmed's records relating to the publication Finance & Development (F &D). Ahmed was a member of the Joint Fund-Bank Committee on Finance & Development from 1994 until January 1997. His files relating to Finance & Development consist mostly of correspondence with the editor-in-chief of F & D; copies of articles that were considered for publication in F & D; and comments on the proposed articles from Ahmed, IEC staff members, and other members of the Joint Committee. A few agenda and minutes of meetings of the Joint Committee are included in the series. Also included is correspondence sent to Ahmed that details the Bank's decision to discontinue the F & D in March 1997.

The second part of the series contains Director Masood Ahmed's files relating to Phase II of the International Economics Department's Renewal Program, which focus on the data and systems area of the department (established inspring 1995 and called the Development Data Group -IECDD). The files in this series include: intra-IEC memoranda and copies of IEC memoranda to other Bank units concerning the Renewal Program; minutes of meetings of the Redesign Team, the Steering Committee, the Data/System Management Team, and the various Sub Teams; copies of slides from computer-assisted presentations regarding the program made to the Steering Committee, the Departmental Management Team, and the IEC staff; copies of the IECDD briefing packet distributed to staff; notes from planning sessions; and memoranda regarding the reorganization of the Development Data Group.

Subject Files of Masood Ahmed, Director, International Economics Department (IEC), Relating to EDI and the 50th Anniversary of the World Bank

This series contains files that IEC Director Masood Ahmed compiled on the Economic Development Institute (EDI) and the 50th Anniversary of the World Bank. Ahmed agreed in November 1993 to be a member of an informal network to review and comment on some of the internal Bank work regarding plans for the 50th Anniversary. The network was directed by Sarwar Lateef, who was also head of the secretariat to coordinate the Bank-wide 50th anniversary program. The 50th Anniversary files include correspondence withSarwar Lateef, staff in DECVP, and other members of the informal network; agenda for network meetings; comments on drafts of The World Bank at the Threshold of the Twenty-First Century: Learning from the Past/Embracing the Future; and copies of various background articles and papers prepared for the Committee on the Future of the Bretton Woods Institutions and for the 50th Anniversary of the World Bank. In October 1994 Ahmed was tapped to be a member of the Advisory Committee to EDI. The records relatingto EDI in this series include Ahmed's correspondence with the Director of EDI and other members of the Advisory Committee regarding the relaunching of EDI, copies of minutes of meetings of the Advisory Committee, and copies of various issuances regarding EDI from its establishment in 1955.

Subject Files of Masood Ahmed, Director, International Economics Department (IEC)

The series consists of seven parts. The first part contains correspondence and other records dated May to December 1995 and relating to plans for the issuance of Global Economic Prospects 1996 (GEP'96). Included are intra-IEC memoranda concerning overall plans for GEP '96; various drafts of the initiating brief for GEP '96; production schedules; copies of draft chapters with comments from IEC staff; and copies of DEC Notes regarding GEP '96.

The second part consists of memoranda and other records dated March 1994 to March 1995 and relating to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the Development Assistance Committee (DAC). Filed under "OECD" are: Ahmed's correspondence with OECD staff and with Bank staff regarding OECD and DAC matters, March 1994 -March 1995; and memoranda, letters, schedules dated October 21, 1994 to November 15, 1994 regarding Ahmed's attendance at meetings of the OECD Economic Policy Committee, November 8 -10, 1994

The third part consists of agenda and minutes of meetings of the Departmental Management Team (DMT) which included the Director of IEC, the IEC Division Chiefs and other key staff. The records cover the period April 1990 to June 1997 and include minutes and agenda for the periods when D.C. Rao was Director from 1990 to 1993 and when Masood Ahmed was Director from 1993 to 1997. The files also include some background papers that were discussed at meetings and memoranda regarding follow-up actions from DMT meetings.

The fourth part includes agendas and minutes of meetings, memoranda, and correspondence related to administrative actions and planning initiatives by the DEC Vice President's Office from 1994 to 1997. This includes records related to: budget; reporting of department activities; and DEC-wide initiatives. Other records relate to the DEC Communication Strategy from 1995 to 1996, which sought to develop a cross-department communication policy and strengthen its partnership with the Bank's Office of External Affairs (EXT). These records consist of: correspondence between the DEC Vice President, DEC senior managers, other department staff, and EXT; approach paper drafts; agendas; minutes of meetings; and memoranda. Additional communications between the DEC VP, DEC department managers and staff, and EXT are included for the years 1994 to 1996 on a variety of topics.

The fifth part includes records related to a Bank-wide initiative to create an Information Services (IS) and Information Technology (IT) Task Force from 1995 to 1997 to help upgrade and centralize the Bank's IT Systems. Records consist of: correspondence sent to DMT, IEC Division staff, and DEC senior officials; reports, surveys, and audits of Bank IT systems and architecture; and agenda, minutes, and printed presentation slides related to Bank-wide IT development and management. The initiative proposed an Information Management Group (IMG), and sought representatives from units and departments across the Bank, including DEC and IEC.

The sixth part consists of records related to ongoing IEC collaboration with other national, multi-lateral, and external agencies through: attendance at seminars and meetings; exchange and sharing of research, data, and analysis through data systems, publications, and presentations; and policy advisement for international finance, debt, and trade issues. The records include agenda, meeting minutes, memoranda, correspondence, and reports from October 1995 to October 1996 related to the ongoing interaction between Ahmed of the IEC and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). Most records relate to Ahmed's participation in UNCTAD meetings, and exchanging of global trade statistics through UNCTAD produced reports and IEC publications such as Global Economic Prospects (GEP). Other records in this part include agenda, memoranda, and correspondence related to the Bank-funded initiative International Comparisons Program (ICP) dated 1993 to 1997, which partnered with other national, bi-lateral, and multi-lateral institutions to conduct a massive survey of purchasing power parities (PPPs) among countries. IEC played a significant role in providing technical resources to conduct surveys and research, and led data processing and analysis activities. Records of meetings and seminars related to multilateral debt on severely and heavily indebted countries attended by Bank senior officials, or representatives from DEC or IEC are also included. These records consist of agenda, memoranda, meeting minutes, correspondence, briefings for senior officials, and external reports and papers for a variety of meetings, including: the OXFAM international meetings and seminars, 1995; the G-7 Summit-Halifax, 1995; and the G-7 Summit-Lyon, 1996. The bulk of correspondence in these records is internal communications between IEC, DEC, and the Office of the President (EXC) regarding: the content of the meeting and seminars; responses to papers, reports, and speeches related to multilateral debt; and the Bank's potential actions for multilateral debt. Lastly, records from the G-24 Group dated 1995 to 1996 contain external joint G-24 and IMF papers and reports related to various topics on international finance, debt, and trade issues.

The seventh part filed under "Miscellaneous" are memoranda and other records dated 1994 to 1995 concerning: 1) the Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics (ABCDE), May 1 -2, 1995, including memoranda regarding the drafting of the keynote speech; 2) Back-to-Office Reports and other records from DEC staff who attended the UN Symposium on Trade Efficiency that met in Columbus, Ohio, October 17 -21, 1994; and 3) a memorandum concerning guidelines for the Working Paper Series, December 5, 1994.

Conference on Improving the Effectiveness of Urban Assistance files

Series consists of records relating to the Conference on Improving the Effectiveness of Urban Assistance held in Washington on December 2-6, 1985. The Conference was convened by the World Bank to evaluate the previous decade's experience in the area of urban development and to develop plans for the future. Records include general Conference information and planning materials such as agendas, workshop plans, tour preparation, and planning committee correspondence. The series also includes speeches, biographies of speakers, and a published copy of the summary of proceedings. Correspondence relating to presenter, delegate, and donor invitations is also included as are thank-you and feedback letters from attendees.

Subject files of the Office of the Director of the Economics and Policy Division

This series consists of the alphabetical subject files, A C, of the Economics and Policy Division. The records include memoranda, letters, reports, policy papers, numbered research proposals, and speeches, but primarily consist of drafts (some annotated) of papers and book chapters. A range of agricultural development issues are covered, such as credit and rural finance, price policies, technological innovation, and trade. The records include discussions of the Division's methods and techniques of analysis, the quality of its work and ways to improve it, and the relationship of the Division's work to the country-based work carried out in the Bank's regional offices. A few files deal with computers and their use by the Division for economic modeling and organizing economic reference data, and a few others are on conferences that members of the Division attended.

Eleven files are coded with a Research Project Output (RPO) code number, which was assigned to projects throughout the Bank by the Development Economics department. However, another four such RPO coded files, listed on the original transfer to the archives, are not among these records and probably were returned to the Agriculture and Rural Development Sector after the initial transfer of the records to the archives in 1989. One research project, RPO 671 42, on agricultural prices and subsidies, is a broad study of many countries and their pricing policies, while others are on the pricing policy of a single country (Turkey in RPO 672 78, for example) or a single topic (agriculture technology and innovation in RPO 671 44).

The correspondence is mostly that of Graham Donaldson, who was chief of the division between 1977 and 1984, but a few correspondence files postdate his tenure. Also included is a set of files on agriculture and credit that seem to be those of J. D. Von Pischke, and a file labeled Agricultural development. Reports is for the most part the speeches of Montague Yudelman.

The principal value of these records for research is the view that the records provide of the process of research and policy paper development within the Division. Some material on particular countries is found in the records, including India, the Philippines, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Yugoslavia, Senegal, Mexico, and Indonesia, much of which has probably subsequently been published. A report on the World Food Program contractual study of agricultural development in Korea is in the file Agricultural development. Reports.

Development Research Group's Reading File Relating to the World Trade Organization (WTO) Second Ministerial Conference and the 50th Anniversary of the Multilateral Trading System

This appears to be the reading file maintained in DECRG for the delegation representing the Bank at the Second WTO Ministerial Conference and the 50th Anniversary celebration of WTO in Geneva, 18 May 1998 - 20 May 1998. Members of the delegation were: Masood Ahmed, Vice President and Head of Network, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management (PRM), head of delegation; L. Alan Winters, Research Manager, Trade, DECRG; and John Croome, consultant, Permanent Observer to the WTO at Geneva.

Copies of schedules and programs of events; Croome's e-mails regarding arrangements for the conference and celebration; a number of background documents and reports including President Wolfensohn's 27 April 1998 memorandum and report on the WTO initiated Integrated Program for Least-Developed Countries Trade Development which was endorsed by the Executive Board; e-mails and other correspondence and papers exchanged between Ahmed and Winters regarding preparations for the Conference and the Wolfensohn report; and Ahmed's statement to the Second Ministerial Conference are part of the series. The reading file also includes: a copy of a summary of the one-day conference held on 21 May 1998 at Geneva on What About Regionalism hosted by Ahmed and the Graduate Institute for International Studies; a Back-to-Office Report for the Ministerial Conference and the 50th Anniversary celebration prepared by Gloria Bartoli, Senior Economist, Africa Region; copies of e-mails and other correspondence concerning the opening of a World Bank Frankfurt Office in June 1998 and the issue of reopening the Geneva office; and post-Conference/50th Anniversary correspondence relating to WTO.

Research Materials Relating to Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) in India, Mexico, Chile, Ghana, Turkey, and the Philippines Compiled by the Finance and Private Sector Development Division

The research materials in this series were compiled by the staff of the Finance and Private Sector Development Division (PRDFP) of the Policy Research Department (PRD) and concern public sector enterprises (PSEs) in India, Mexico, Chile, Ghana, Turkey and the Philippines and government efforts to reform and/or privatize those enterprises. The materials have been heavily tabbed and annotated by the PRDFP staff, but this series does not contain any drafts of the resulting PRD studies. Included are annual PSE audit reports; copies of performance contracts (also called Memoranda of Understanding) between a government and a PSE; government-issued data, surveys, and reports regarding PSEs; copies of World Bank documents (staff appraisal reports, completion reports) relating to loans or credits affecting PSEs; World Bank studies of PSEs and privatization efforts; academic articles; news clippings; book chapters; transcripts of lectures; and IMF documents and reports.

Stanley Fischer's Chronological File of Correspondence with Non-Bank Organizations and Individuals (External Chronological Files)

Most of Fischer's outgoing letters and memoranda are accompanied by incoming communications. The majority of the letters in this series concern Fischer's contacts with fellow economists and professional and international organizations outside the Bank. Included are: Fischer's letters accepting and declining invitations to speak or otherwise participate in conferences, institutes, symposia, and professional meetings; his responses to letters suggesting topics for his future research and writing; and his responses to letters requesting Fischer's comments on papers and to letters commenting on his papers and other writing. Some incoming letters and memoranda contain Fischer's annotations regarding the response to be prepared.

The remainder of the series includes: Fischer's letters of invitation sent to academics and other outside economists to participate in informal workshops, seminars, and conferences sponsored (or co-sponsored) by the Bank; Fischer's thank you letters to participants following these events and to officials with whom he met during overseas trips; and occasional memoranda Fischer sent to individuals inside the Bank.

Volume I drafts and related writings

This series is a fragment of the files that must have been created during the drafting of the chapters in Volume 1 of The World Bank: Its First Half Century. The files are of three types: comments on drafts by the three authors; background reports by staff researchers; and papers prepared for other purposes but related to the themes of Volume I.

The comments cover draft chapters on: agriculture and rural development; external relations; policy-based lending; and the International Development Association. The comments are from readers both within and outside the Bank and from co-authors. The files also include some background materials as well as a draft of the book's table of contents. The authors were assisted by staff researchers, who prepared background papers or reports on groups of files for use by the authors. The series also includes: Lewis's file as a reader for the North-South Institute's project on multinational development banks, including drafts and comments; Kapur and Webb's paper on the evolution of these banks for a conference on the fiftieth anniversary of Bretton Woods; and Webb's article on policy reform in Peru for a conference at the Institute for International Economics.

Correspondence with Volume II authors

The World Bank History Project commissioned essays for the second volume of the history. This series contains the correspondence between the project staff and the essay authors and some correspondence between readers of draft essays and the project staff. Also included is correspondence about essays that ultimately were not included in the volume.

Verification files

This series contains correspondence related to fact and footnote verification. Series contains files for some subjects in Volume I and some chapters of Volume II. The subject verification files contain copies of internal Bank documents or articles that were located during the verification process and are often marked with the footnote numbers to which they provide verification. Verification files for only three of the Volume II chapters exist.

Briefing Books, Travel Documents, and Travel-Related Correspondence of Nicholas H. Stern

This series contains the briefing books, travel documents, and travel-related correspondence for Senior Vice President and Chief Economist Nicholas H. Stern. The files include information on his trips to Washington, DC from March to June 2000 before he officially took charge as Chief Economist. Some of the files (e.g. those for brief trips to Boston, New York, London, and Ottawa) contain only travel documents (such as itineraries and e-mails regarding travel arrangements), but the more extensive files include briefing books containing: daily schedules and agenda; outlines of the objectives and themes for the visit or the Bank's strategy for a conference; biographical data on officials with whom Stern met; talking points for meetings; background information on and summaries of Bank projects in the countries he was scheduled to visit; copies of Bank documents (e.g. country assistance strategies, Implementation Completion Reports, OED evaluations of Bank projects, loan status reports) relating to the country visited; formal invitations to special events; copies of Stern's presentations and related Power-point slides; press releases; and extensive intra-Bank correspondence regarding trip plans and drafts of Stern's presentations. Many files include copies of Stern's Back-to-Office Reports to President Wolfensohn and Stern's own extensive notes from meetings. If Stern attended a conference, the conference documents (program, list of attendees, background documents) are included. If Stern accompanied President Wolfensohn on a trip (e.g. Brazil, March 28 - 29, 2003), a copy of the President's briefing book is in the files.

Michael Bruno's Chronological Correspondence File (Internal and External Chronological Files)

Both incoming and outgoing correspondence is included in this series. The incoming correspondence in the first part of the series documents Bruno's roles as Manager of the Development Economics Vice Presidency, Chief of Research for the Bank and the Bank's principal economic adviser, Chairman of the Research Committee, and Chairman of the Economist Panel. The letters from January to August 1993 were signed by D.C. Rao who was serving as Acting DECVP until Bruno's assumption of duties.

EDI funding and programs, selection of topics for annual World Development Reports, DEC Business plans, relations with the World Trade Organization (WTO), liaison functions with Berne Union and the Paris Club, and Terms of Reference for DEC department heads leading missions are among the many subjects of Bruno's correspondence with DEC department heads and Bank Managing Directors in the first part of the series. Responses to Ernest Stern, Chairman of the Loan Committee, on lending options and comments offered for Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) Reviews are also in the first part of the series along with Bruno's reports on his 1994 visits to India; Slovenia, Slovakia, and the Ukraine; Brazil and Argentina; and South Africa, Senegal and Kenya.

The internal correspondence file relating to Bank President James D. Wolfensohn in the second part of the series includes informal memos and notes from Bruno to Wolfensohn on Bank-Fund [IMF] relations and collaboration and issues raised in policy papers and presentations; background papers prepared for Wolfensohn on various subjects including the closure of the World Bank office in Geneva and Wolfensohn's forthcoming trip to Russia and Hungary; and copies of Wolfensohn's staff announcements. Bruno's elevation to Senior Vice President and to the President's new Executive Committee is part of the December 7, 1995 Announcement to Staff on the Restructuring of the Bank's Top Management. Also placed in the file is a copy of a Wolfensohn December 26, 1996 memo addressed to all staff announcing Michael Bruno's death on December 25, 1996 in Jerusalem. Bruno had left the Bank earlier in 1996. Filed at the end of the internal correspondence in the first part of the series is a small amount of Lyn Squire's correspondence while serving as Acting DECVP following Bruno's departure from the Bank. It includes correspondence concerning meetings with Joseph Stiglitz in January 1997. Filed immediately following the internal correspondence are comments and other correspondence concerning the 1994 WDR.

The external correspondence file relating to Bank President Wolfensohn includes letters from outside organizations and private individuals forwarded to Bruno by the President's office requesting that a response be prepared in DEC for Wolfensohn's signature, Bruno's signature, or for signature by one of the DEC department heads. Background information provided to Wolfensohn to use in his replies and information copies of Wolfensohn's correspondence forwarded to Bruno are also in this external correspondence file.

Briefing reports for World Bank President and related materials

Series consists of briefing reports prepared by the ESSDVP and its sector departments for World Bank President James Wolfensohn. Records also include research materials used in the creation of the briefs (including reports, biographical information, and correspondence) as well as correspondence discussing brief requirements and meeting details. Briefs were created in preparation for the President's meetings with representatives from non-governmental organizations (NGOs), government agencies, and other external agencies and institutions. Topics include: climate change; environmental law; resettlement policy; environmental and social safeguard policy; agriculture science and technology; food security; climate change; biodiversity; energy; dams and water resources; forest policy; and empowerment, culture, and civic engagement.

A small number of letters drafted by the ESSDVP for the President's signature are also included in this series.

ESSD Vice President's conference attendance and participation

Series consists of records related to ESSD Vice President Ian Johnson's attendance and participation at various conferences, seminars, and workshops organized by governments, agencies, and institutions external to the Bank. Records include: correspondence; briefing notes; agendas; list of participants; presentation notes; background papers and speeches written by Johnson or by other attendees; pamphlets; travel itineraries; and speakers' biographies.

Latin America and Caribbean Technical Department, Infrastructure and Energy Division chronological files

Series consists of records related to Tim Campbell's work in the Latin America and Caribbean Technical Department, Infrastructure and Energy Division (LATIE), as Senior Urban Planner and, briefly, as Chief, Urban and Water Unit. Series consists of correspondence and reports, among other formats. Records relate to project planning and evaluation activities as well as to urban development-related research conducted by Campbell and task forces and workshops on which Campbell participated. Records include: Terms of Reference; back-to-office reports; records related to missions to countries for project planning and information gathered (including Brazil, Mexico, and Guatemala); Campbell's comments on Departmental and external reports and policy papers; comments on Campbell's reports by Departmental colleagues and other Bank staff; Campbell's reviews of Project Completion Reports (PCRs); annual Urban Sector review; briefing notes; externally authored reports; meeting and seminar summaries; presentation notes and slides. Series also contains two reports authored by Campbell: Environmental Dilemmas and the Urban Poor (draft, 1989, prepared for the Overseas Development Council and not for the Bank); Decentralization to Local Government in LAC: National Strategies and Local Response in Planning, Spending and Management (1991, an LATIE Regional Study, accompanied by drafts and research materials); and Modes of Accountability in Local Governments of LAC (1992).

Transportation, Water and Urban Development Department Urban Development Division chronological files

Series consists of records related to Tim Campbell's work as Principal Urban Sector Specialist and Head of the Urban Partnership in the Transportation, Water and Urban Development Department's Urban Development Division (TWURD). Series consists almost exclusively of correspondence, the majority of which are incoming. Records contain correspondence with external agencies, institutions, and government representatives and include but are not limited to: the Inter-American Development Bank; the World Economic Development Congress; the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD); the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements; the World Conference of Mayors, Inc. Correspondence with government agencies and embassies of Switzerland, Great Britain, Sweden, Denmark, and Ecuador is also included. Correspondence relates to conference and meeting invitation, information exchange, and collaboration.

Latin America and Caribbean Advisory Group chronological files

Series consists of records related to Tim Campbell's work as the Principal Urban Sector Specialist in the Latin America and Caribbean Technical Department, Advisory Group (LATAD). Records relate to: conference attendance and participation; travel plans; Campbell's presentations to a variety of audiences; and staffing. Records include: Terms of Reference; back-to-office reports; Bank reports forwarded to Campbell; FY94 LATAD Retrospective; presentation slides; a number of innovation Case Studies relating toCuritiba, Brazil; LAC - FY97-99 Business Plan; and Campbell's FY97-99 Work Program. Records also include correspondence with external agencies and institutions that relate to information exchange, communications, and planning and coordination.

Records relate to a number of conferences and seminars that Campbell participated in or helped organize. These include: Institutional Development (ID) and Decentralized Governance: Looking Back on Lending, Looking Ahead to a Contestability Model of ID in LAC (1994);conferences of Latin American Mayors in Washington, DC, and Miami, Florida (1994 and 1996); a seminar called Decentralization: Policies and Practices that Work (1994); a seminar called Managing Decentralization: Best Practices and Policy Lessons in LAC (1996); a sub-regional conference on Best Practice and Policy Lessons in Decentralization (1995).

Series also contains a number of reports and articles authored by Campbell, including: Participation, Choice, and Accountability in Local Government: LAC andthe U.S. (May 1993); The Politics of Participation in Tijuana, Mexico: Inventing a New Style of Governance (1996, draft); Mendoza Provincial Program for Basic Social Infrastructure (MENPROSIF): Case Study (1995); and Innovations and Risk Taking: The Engine of Reform in Local Government of LAC (1996, accompanied by notes for a presentation on the paper).

Records of the General Research Advisory Panel and the Special Research Advisory Panels

This series contains the records of the General Research Advisory Panel (GRAP), reports of most of the Special Research Advisory Panels, and detailed records of two of the Special Panels: the Research Advisory Panel on Industrial Development and Trade (ID and T) and the Research Advisory Panel on Income Distribution and Employment (RAPIDE). The GRAP was a panel of outside experts chaired by Sir Arthur Lewis and established by the Bank in 1978 to review the entire research program of the Bank. GRAP was assisted in its work by eight Special Research Advisory Panels which examined and made recommendations on Bank research in specific sectors: Agriculture and Rural Development; Industrial Development and Trade; Commodities; Energy, Water and Telecommunications; Transport; Income Distribution and Employment; Education; and Population. For administrative purposes, the panels were assigned to the Office of the Vice President, Development Policy (VPD), and Suman Bery in VPD served as secretary.

The GRAP records include: biographical notes on and Terms of Reference for panel members; a letter of appointment for each panel member; extensive background documents on the World Bank, the World Bank research program, and the Research Committee; lists of assignments for individual panel members; schedules for the October 26 - 28, 1978, March 5 - 7, 1979, and June 6 - 8, 1979 meetings and handwritten notes from the October and June meetings; various drafts of the panel's report and comments on the drafts from Bank staff; drafts and the final printed copy of President McNamara's November 6, 1979 memorandum to the Executive Directors regarding the GRAP report; the final printed GRAP report dated August 13, 1979 (R79-221); a Summary of Discussion at the Meeting of Executive Directors of the Bank and IDA, December 4, 1979 at which the GRAP report was discussed; memoranda to VPD Chenery regarding the responses of individual Executive Directors to the GRAP report and to President McNamara's memorandum on the report; and Bank staff memoranda regarding the GRAP recommendation for a Research Subsidiary in the Bank. Also included are 1979 - 1980 Bank memoranda regarding: planned follow-up to the GRAP report; funding and guidelines for research; and the Development Policy Staff (DPS) work program and budget for FY 81.

The records of the Research Advisory Panel on Income Distribution and Employment (RAPIDE) include: biographical notes on and Terms of Reference for panel members; individual panel members' letter of appointment and correspondence with other panel members and with Michael Beenstock in the Policy Planning Division who served as coordinator for RAPIDE; copies of Bank documents Beenstock provided the panel members as background material, including a number of memoranda concerning the Bank's research on Income Distribution and Employment; a list of specific assignments for individual members; the schedule for the panel meeting held October 10 - 12, 1977; correspondence with the chair of GRAP regarding the work of the RAPIDE members; various drafts of portions of the panel's report; a copy of the final draft, dated April 10, 1978; and comments from Bank staff on that draft.

The records of the Research Advisory Panel on Industrial Development and Trade (ID and T) include: biographical notes on and Terms of Reference for panel members; letters of appointment; background materials including memoranda and reports from Bank staff regarding research on industry and trade; schedules for the July 17 - 1, 1978, October 10 - 12, 1978, November 30 - December 2, 1978, and February 8 - 9, 1979 meetings and handwritten notes from the July and October meetings; various drafts of the panel's report and comments on the drafts from Bank staff; and copies of first and second Interim Reports of the Industry and Trade Research Steering Committee.

Included in this series are draft final reports for all the special panels except the ones on Population and on Education which are filed separately in (see folder numbers 30135058 and 30135060). Also included are copies of the Terms of Reference and the background reports for the Panel on Energy, Water and Telecommunications and a July 13, 1978 memorandum outlining plans for future work for the Panel on Transport.

Subject Files of the Research Advisers

This series contains the subject files of Research Advisers Ernest Stern (originally titled Senior Adviser) and, beginning in April 1974, Benjamin B. King. After King left the position in March 1977, Ian M.D. Little and Bela Belassa served as acting Research Adviser until the appointment of Shankar Acharya in July 1979. The files include the advisers' correspondence with President McNamara, the Vice President of Development Policy, the directors and staff of the Development Policy departments, members ofthe Research Committee, and non-Bank research professionals. This series also includes some correspondence of the Research Committee secretary. A file on the early administration of the World Bank's research program, 1971 - 1974, includes a history and description of the research program, outlines of research priorities, and memoranda on the policy of long-term consultant appointments funded from the External Research Budget.

Other files contain: tables and correspondence regarding the research budget and the funding of specific projects, July 1971-June 1973; correspondence on rejected proposals, October 1971 - May 1974, including comments on the project proposals and memoranda explaining why specific research proposals were rejected; agenda (May 1971 - June 1979) and minutes ( April 1971 - October 1974; January 1975 - March 1979) of Research Committee meetings; minutes of Review Panel meetings, 1972 - 1978; correspondence regarding the size and membership of the Research Committee, 1971 - 1979; correspondence regarding research proposals (instructions and deadlines for submitting proposals, memoranda conveying the decisions of the Research Committee, lists of proposals each department planned to submit in the coming fiscal year), 1972 - 1974; comments on drafts of the annual report to the Executive Directors on the research program and memoranda summarizing the response of the Directors to the report, 1973 - 1974; correspondence regarding the evaluation of urban development projects and the financing of these evaluations, 1972 - 1975; correspondence with non-Bank personnel, 1971 - 1974 (filed under Outside Correspondence); excerpts from Research Committee minutes and memoranda on funding the sector research program, 1973 - 1977; and information regarding the Development Policy staff's participation and attendance at the International Meetings of the Directors of Development Research and Training Institutes, OECD [Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development] in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, August 1972, and in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, August 1974.

Correspondence Concerning the World Bank's Research Program

This series contains primarily letters and memoranda sent and received by the staff of the Vice President, Development Policy (VPD) and by members of the Development Policy Staff and departments. The series consists of two parts: general correspondence and correspondence concerning research on specific subjects (sectors). Much of the general correspondence is from the secretary of the Research Committee (RC) forwarding to committee members meeting agenda, packets of materials to be reviewed in meetings, and minutes of meetings; establishing informal review panels to evaluate research proposals; requesting or commenting on project narratives, status reports, project abstracts, or completion reports from project managers; responding to requests for research funds from non-Bank economists; and transmitting ideas for the World Development Report (WDR) to the WDR staff.

Other correspondence includes letters from VPD Chenery inviting Bank staff to be members of the Research Committee; memoranda from the chairsof review panels reporting the results of the panels' reviews; memoranda from the RC secretary and from other VPD staff outlining procedures for submission and review of research proposals and explaining why a research proposal was not approved by the RC or what changes were required before approval would be granted; letters from Regional economists or from sector staff transmitting research proposals to the RC; and memoranda from the Director, Development Policy, responding to questions from the Executive Directors regarding the Bank's research program. Beginning in May 1978, much of the correspondence consists of copies of letters sent by President McNamara and by VPD staff to members of the General Research Advisory Panel and the Special Research Advisory Panels. Also included is correspondence regarding implementation of the Panels' recommendations. At the end of the general correspondence, there is a folder containing copies of the FY 1977 annual report: World Bank Research Program, January 23, 1978, and a June 19, 1979 Updating Report on the World Bank Research Program.

The second part of the series, which primarily concerns sector research, includes comments on research proposals, review panels' decisions on proposals, Back-to-Office reports from research-related missions, and correspondence responding to GRAP recommendations for research in a sector.

Correspondence and Files Created for Research Projects in Support of Operations (Operations Policy Files)

The series consists of correspondence of Departments and of other organizational units of the Development Policy Staff (DPS), Central Projects Staff (CPS), and the Regional Offices primarily with the Vice President, Development Policy (VPD), the Director, Development Policy, and the DPS Research Adviser concerning research projects in support of operations. Most of these projects were funded through the Bank's External Research Budget beginning in 1972, but the series also includes correspondence relatingto research funded through Department resources. The remainder of the series consists of: research project files, 1972 - 1974 and sector research files, 1975 - 1977.

The research correspondence for the 1972 - 1974 period includes: research proposals forwarded by DPS, CPS, and Regional Office departments to the Research Committee; reports of reviews of research proposals by Research Committee review panels; memos concerning funding estimates for approved research projects; lists of projects requiring funding submitted by the Departments; research project status reports; correspondence of VPD, Bank Departments, and Regional Offices with outside consultants conducting research for approved projects; Terms of Reference (TOR); Back - to - Office Reports (BTOs) for missions associated with research projects; and research proposals from outside researchers and multi-national organizations and responses to these proposals. Also with the 1972 - 1974 correspondence is a copy of the pamphlet World Bank Research Program - Policies and Procedures.

Found with the 1972 - 1974 correspondence are reports prepared in 1973 at the request of Ernest Stern, (Director, Development Policy), which provided information for the first comprehensive report on the Bank's external research program in 1973. Among these reports is a 28 September 1973 status report prepared by the Director, Policy Planning and Program Review Department, DPS of 58 policy papers underway and planned for FY 1974 - FY 1975 and policy papers added, completed, and dropped. A November 30, 1973 update of this report is also in the files. Also among the 1972 - 1974 correspondence are copies of letters and other correspondence concerning the Task Force on Education and Development (ECIEL) and other research issues coming out of the conference on social research held at Bellagio, Italy in February 1974 and co-sponsored by the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations, the Bank, the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), and the U.S. Agency for International Development (AID). Filed at the end of the correspondence for 1972 - 1974 are project files relating to various topics including anthropology, export promotion and preference, growth potential of iron ore from developing countries, and urban transport and the automobile.

The research correspondence for 1975 - 1977, while similar in content to the earlier 1972 - 1974 correspondence, includes for the first time copies of mostly administrative correspondence of the Secretary to the Research Committee, Orville F. Grimes, Jr., including copies of Research Committee review panel announcements and minutes of Research Committee meetings. The 1975 - 1977 correspondence also includes Grimes' memos to supervisors of external research projects requesting input for the Abstracts of Current Studies booklet issued annually; copies of revisions of procedures for preparation and submissions of research proposals and informal guidelines for panel review of proposals issued by the Research Adviser; a copy of a bibliography on foreign aid prepared in VPD and furnished to the Executive Directors (EDS) on 19 March 1976 covering publications dated from 1968 to 1975; drafts of sections of the Annual Report on Research forwarded for comment by VPD; correspondence concerning the formation in 1977 of the Research Advisory Panel on Income Distribution and Employment (RAPIDE), including an informal history of the origins of the Research Committee prepared by Grimes (10 October 1972); and a report prepared at VPD's request by the Chief Economist, Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office, concerning prospective research in country analysis and identification of areas justifying increased external funding or internal staff time.

Immediately following the research correspondence, 1975 - 1977 are three folders, apparently created by Grimes, which contain copies of grey cover annual reports of the World Bank Research Program for 30 December 1975, 8 January 1975, and 13 January 1977, and an annotated draft of the annual report for 1978. A folder on cotton research precedes the 1975-1977 sector research project files which are similar in content to the earlier (1972 - 1974) research project files. The kinds of documents found in the three 1975-1977 research study files at the end of the series (Kenya Socio-Economic Impact, Private Sector Development Study, Socio-Economic Impact Study) are similar to those found in the earlier research project files.

Berne Union Files Maintained by Development Finance Services, Economic Program Department

The International Union of Credit and Investment Insurers (Berne Union) was formed in 1934 with members from France, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom. Its purpose was to foster international acceptance of sound principles of export credit insurance; to establish and maintain discipline in terms of credit for international trade; to maintain sound principles of foreign investment insurance; to encourage a favorable investment climate; and to exchange information, assistance, expertise, and advice in relation to the commercial and political risks associated with export credit and investment insurance.

The January 1965 to January 1970 files cover the period when Andr Nespoulous-Neuville served as a World Bank observer to Berne Union Extraordinary General Meetings held in January and Annual General Meetings usually held in May of the same year. Most meeting files for the period include correspondence regarding meeting arrangements, provisional and final programs and lists of participants, lists of countries to be reviewed at the meetings, press releases (press notices), minutes of the meetings provided by the Berne Union Secretary-General, and the observer's Back-to-Office reports. Some of Nespoulous-Neuville's reports and other correspondence regarding Berne Union are addressed to the President of the Bank, the Director and Associate Director of the Development Services Department, and the Director, Development Finance Services where he was on staff.

The file for the 20 - 25 May 1967 Annual General Meeting in Wiesbaden contains a copy of a statement made by Nespoulous-Neuville at the meeting on the World Bank's Staff Study of Supplier' Credits from Industrialized to Developing Countries. The file for the 16 - 20 January 1967 meeting in Meg?ve includes a copy of a January 26, 1967 letter from Nespoulous-Neuville to the Secretary-General of Berne Union informing him that the Berne Union President had agreed at the meeting to send the World Bank all documents of general interest to the Bank. Most of the files dated after this letter usually include statistical data and other Berne Union documents not previously distributed to the Bank. The file for the London meeting, June 4-9, 1968 is the first to include a letter of invitation to the observer to participate in country review discussions at the meetings.

Nespoulous-Neuville left Development Finances Services before the May 1970 Annual General Meeting and was succeeded as a Bank observer at that meeting by Ugo Sachetti, the Director, Development Finance Services, which became the International Finance Division in the January 15, 1971 Bank reorganization. Sachetti served as observer through the May 1971 Annual General Meeting held in Washington, DC. Among topics discussed at that meeting were the responses to a questionnaire regarding the availability of export credit insurance to Ghana. Some responses are part of the file for that meeting.

Records of the Social and Economic Statistics Committee (SESC)

The Bank-wide Social and Economic Statistics Committee (SESC) was established in 1987 and was responsible for advising the Senior Vice President, Policy, Planning and Research (SVPPR) on policies of the Bank's social and economic statistical services. It served as a Bank-wide forum for ensuring that the interests of the Bank's socio-economic data collectors, managers, and users were adequately considered. The Committee met at roughly quarterly intervals; the Chief Economist (DECVP) was chair and Ramesh Chander, Statistical Adviser (DECVP), was ex-officio Secretary.

This series contains a small collection of SESC records that D.C. Rao maintained while he was Director of the Risk Management and Financial Policy Department (FRS) and a member of SESC. This set of the Committee's records includes lists of members; Terms of Reference; minutes of the first meeting held on September 8, 1987; an August 11, 1988 note from Stanley Fischer summarizing the major issues regarding the Bank Economic and Social Database (BESD) prior to a discussion of BESD at a SESC meeting; and a copy of the 1987 questionnaire for Short Term, Long Term and Credit Worthiness Surveys.

While Rao was neither the Chair nor the Secretary for this Committee, there are no known records related to the SESC found in the custody of the World Bank Group Archives. Therefore, this set of records is retained permanently.

CGIAR meeting and planning records

Series consists of records related to Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) and ESSD Vice President Ian Johnson's role as CGIAR Chairman. Johnson served as Chairman from 2000-2006. Records relate to CGIAR planning and policy development and to CGIAR meetings, conferences, and workshops.

Series contains agendas, supporting materials, and notes related to a variety of meetings, conferences, and workshops participated in and/or attended by Ian Johnson, including: European Donors Meeting, Paris (17 April 2001); CGIAR System Office Workshop (13-14 March 2002); CGIAR North American Donors Meeting (5 April 2001); and CGIAR's Synthesis Meeting, Reading, UK (4-7 October 2000). Materials supporting the European Donors Meeting are also included.

Supporting materials include numerous reports. A number of these reports relate to CGIAR planning, organizational changes and strategies and were authored by the CGIAR's Change Design and Management Team (CDMT). Reports on these activities preparedby the CGIAR Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) are also included.

A small amount of records which relate to the Operation Evaluation Department's (OED) meta-evaluation of CGIAR of 2002 are also included. The majority of these records are correspondence and discuss CGIAR staff feedback and comments.

Administrative files

This series contains subject files on administrative and budgetary issues involving the Bank and, occasionally, the International Monetary Fund. The records include management discussion briefs, correspondence, and reports. The files cover important topics such as Paul Volcker's meetings with Conable, the purchase of theI building, press relations, staff issues such as pension and compensation, and fine tuning the 1987 Bank reorganization. The files also include a copy of a lecture delivered by Ibrahim F.I. Shihata, Vice President and General Counsel, in reference to the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) and the legal treatment of foreign investment. Some files contain material dating from the Clausen presidency.

This is one of the few series of records from the Conable Presidency whose content is principally the internal administration of the World Bank. As such, it provides insight into Conable's administrative style and the set of issues in which he was interested. This series does not contain files on the major reorganization that he undertook in 1987; it does, however, have substantive files on the subsequent fine tuning of the reorganization in late 1989.

Financial files

This series provides information on financial issues, both internal and external, that affect the Bank. The files include briefings, talking points, agendas, drafts of Mr. Conable's opening remarks for meetings, and correspondence. The file on the debt initiative includes records dating from the Clausen presidency.

Travel briefings

This series contains records related to President Conable's trips and attendance at meetings and conferences abroad and appearances and presentations inside the United States. The first file contains a table of travel undertaken by the President from September 1986 through September 1990, with columns for the dates, region visited, the country/state/city/town/field location visited, the purpose of the trip, meeting dates, and whether Mrs. Conable accompanied the President.

The files consist of travel itineraries background information on countries, briefing notes for meetings, arrival and departure statements and sometimes speeches, press conference briefings, remarks, schedules of meetings and appointments, agendas, correspondence with government leaders (including thank you notes), lists of government officials and biographical data, general background information on countries and governments, notes on projects and field visits, and maps of the country. A videotape is included on Conable's trip to India in November 1987.


This series consists of two subseries: President Conable's addresses and opening remarks at the Annual Meetings between 1986 and 1991, and a chronological set of speeches during the course of his Presidency. The files include correspondence, drafts, press releases, agendas, talking points, and background information about the organization or meeting to which Conable was speaking. Two speech file folders are empty, and the series appears to be incomplete.

A copy of a speech by Michel Camdessus, the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, is included with the 1989 Annual Meeting speeches.

Annual Meetings

This series contains records relating to President Conable's meetings during Annual Meetings of the Bank's board of Governors. The organization of the Annual Meeting is the responsibility of the Corporate Secretary, so these records are those of the President himself and the arrangements made by and for his immediate office. The records are arranged in 2 subseries. The first subseries contains the President's records for the Annual Meetings, including background materials and briefings prepared by the staff in preparation for general meetings and meetings with country delegates. The records cover only the first three years of Conable's term (1986-1988).

The second subseries contains the administrative files the President's office created while preparing for the annual meetings. The files include schedules for the President and senior Bank officials, files for Mrs. Conable's activities, special guest lists, letters of invitation, travel and financial arrangements for staff, hotel accommodations and related items. Briefings are included in the files for some meetings. The administrative file on the 1987 annual meeting, for example, includes sub-files titled: Part I [country Governors], Part II [country Governors], Africa, Asia, EMENA [Europe, Middle East, North Africa], LAC [Latin America and Caribbean], IMF, Social, VIPs, JS [Joint Secretariat] documents, Speeches, Development/Interim Committee, Briefs, Administration. The series includes a photo of three Bank Presidents - McNamara, Clausen, and Conable - taken at the 1986 Annual Meeting.


This series contains photographic prints and negatives documenting some of President Clausen's trips abroad, taken by governments or businesses where he visited. Most photographs are of the activities of President and Mrs. Clausen, but a few are photographs of World Bank projects. Some photographs are labeled, but the majority have no identification other than country and date. One album contains only photographic postcards. The photographs, mostly in presentation albums, are in color and black and white. Included are photos from the trips to Kenya, Pakistan, India, Indonesia, Japan, Senegal, Ghana, China, Sudan, Morocco, Yemen, Mexico, Malawi, Uganda, Brazil, Colombia, and Mali. The series also includes photos of Clausen with the World Bank Executive Directors and a copy of United States Banker Magazine, December 1980 issue, with Clausen on the cover.


This series consists of a chronological collection of President A. W. Clausen's speeches delivered at seminars, meetings, and conferences to a wide variety of audiences. It is closely related to the Speech background file; sometimes there is a file unit in both series on the same event, but neither series appears to have files on all the Clausen speeches.

Country Assistance Evaluations

The series consists of Country Assistance Reviews (CARs), Country Assistance Notes (CANs), Country Assistance Evaluations (CAEs), and related records created by the OED. Country Assistance Reviews (CARs) were launched in 1994 when they were endorsed by the Joint Audit Committee (JAC) Subcommittee on OED Reports. OED's first CAR focused on Ghana and was completed late in FY 95. The CARs were, in essence, countrywide impact evaluations that concentrated on the overall impact and development effectiveness of the Bank's whole program of assistance (for both lending and non-lending activities) to a country over a number of years, usually a decade. They evaluated the Bank's overall assistance program to a country in the same way that performance audits evaluated individual projects. CARs processing schedules were eventually timed and designed so as to be useful inputs into the preparatory work for the corresponding Country Assistance Strategy by both Bank staff and government officials and to provide the ExecutiveBoard with an up-to-date, independent evaluation of past results of Bank assistance one to three months in advance of the scheduled CAS consideration.

Country Assistance Notes (CANs) were introduced in 1997 as a way to speed the process of country assistance evaluations. CANs were meant to be mini-CARs and thus were more limited in the scope and/or time frame covered. For example, CARs covered all relevant sectors of a country, whereas the CANs were more selective. The rationale for introducing the CANs was to achieve greater coverage of countries in the short term. After the introduction of CANs, CARs were limited to the largest borrowers, in total or per capita, or to outliers in terms of performance and GDP per capita. CANs were produced for countries undergoing a second evaluation and for which a CAR had previously been produced. The length of both the CARs and CANs changed over time. The first CARs were typically about 100 pages; later CARs were limited to 15 to 30 pages of main report. The CANs were shortened to 5 to 15 pages. As time went by, OED softened the distinction between CARs and CANs and by the late 1990s, the country-wide evaluations were simply referred to as Country Assistance Evaluations (CAEs), but OED did generate mini CAEs that were the equivalent of CANs.

CARs, CANs, and CAEs were based largely on a review of OED and Bank Reports available in Washington: Staff Appraisal Reports; Performance Audit and Implementation Completion Reports; Country Assistance Program/Strategy Papers; Country Briefs; Country Economic Memoranda; sector reports; Country Risk Assessments; management briefs for the Annual Meetings and for high-level field visits; and project and general country files. They also relied on direct interviews with key current and former government officials, other relevant national and/or association representatives, donor representatives, and current and former Bank staff members. CANs did not usually involve an OED mission to the client country and personal contact with other donors, whereas CARs may have involved more than one mission and increasingly included evaluation participants from other donor agencies. CARs, CANs, and CAEs were all prepared in close consultation with the Regional operational staff.

The content of the files for the country assistance evaluations varies somewhat but the more complete files contain: copies of the previous OED and Bank studies and reports for the country; Terms of Reference for the OED staff members and/or consultants assigned to the project team; drafts of the Approach Paper and Study Design Paper; memoranda and correspondence regarding the team's travel plans if a mission to the client country was required; a Back-to-Office Report regarding the mission; intra-OED correspondence regarding the format for the evaluation; various drafts of the evaluation; minutes of One-Stop Review Meetings at which the top OED managers evaluated progress on or reviewed a draft of the evaluation; comments on the drafts from OED and Regional staff, officials in the client country, and representatives from other aid/lending organization; drafts of the DGO's comments to CODE regarding the evaluation; minutes of CODE meetings at which the evaluation was discussed; drafts of the DGO's transmittal memorandum to the Executive Directors and the President; summaries of the Executive Directors' discussion of the report and copies of the chairman's published comments; drafts of the management response to the evaluation; a draft of the OED Fast Track Brief and Precis regarding the evaluation; the final, published (grey cover) evaluation; and letters transmitting the final, published evaluation to officials in the client country. A few files also contain questionnaires completed by stakeholders, paper copies made from computer-assisted presentations, and copies of records used in workshops held for various stakeholders.

All of the country assistance evaluations in this series were generated by the OED's Country Evaluation and Regional Relations Division/Group (OEDCR) and its predecessor, the Country Policy, Industry and Finance Division (OEDD2). The series contains reports and related working files for many countries, including: the Russian Federation, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Paraguay, El Salvador, Brazil, Peru, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Chile, Guinea, Niger, Eritrea, Zambia, Lesotho, Jordan, Mongolia, India, Zambia, Yemen, Tunisia, Nepal, Pakistan, Costa Rica, Malawi, Kenya, Thailand, Cameroon, Zimbabwe, Uruguay, Croatia, Uganda, Ghana, Cote D'Ivoire, Cambodia, Mozambique, West Bank and Gaza, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Ecuador, Tanzania, India, Poland, Ecuador, Argentina, Chile, Maldives, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, Morocco, Mexico, Albania, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Egypt, Jamaica, Sri Lanka, Tgo, Ukraine, Brazil, Armenia, Belarus, Bolivia, Nepal, China, and Turkey. Of special note in this series is the extensive documentation for the CAR for India completed by a team headed by Gianni Zanini and issued in 2001. In addition to the usual documentation generatedfor a country assistance evaluation, the files for the India CAR include an extensive collection of Bank reports on India, materials from workshops organized by OED and the South Asia Region from March to May 2000, and twenty or more background papers prepared by OED staff and consultants. Also of note are the voluminous files for the Russian Federation CAR which, in addition to the usual CAE records, include schedules and briefing papers for President Wolfensohn's visits to Moscow in May 1998 and February2000.

Chronological file (outgoing)

This series consists of copies of letters and memoranda drafted by McNamara or drafted for him, in his Office or another department of the Bank, except those drafted by the Bank's Department of Information and Public Affairs (IPA). Originally this series contained the Personal Assistant to the President's copies of McNamara's outgoing correspondence, with the President's office maintaining a separate series of McNamara's personal outgoing letters. Beginning in 1973 these two were merged in this series.

The addressees are heads of States, international organizations and regional banks, government officials, Bank Governors and Executive Directors, U.S. Senators and Congressmen, bankers, lawyers, journalists, publishers, and scholars. Subjects range from congratulations, invitations to the annual meeting of the Bank and thank-you notes following official trips, to World Bank bond issues, the replenishments of IDA, the approval, status or questioning of a loan, development activities of other agencies, and development policy. The series also includes short memoranda addressed by McNamara to his senior staff that reflect the President's close monitoring of the operations of the Bank and his particular concern for the areas of agriculture, education, nutrition and population.

General correspondence

This series contains letters and copies of letters addressed to President McNamara by heads of States, international organizations and regional development banks, government officials, U.S. Senators and Congressmen, economists and lawyers. It also contains internal memoranda addressed to the President by the Executive Directors or the staff. Incoming letters and memoranda are often annotated or accompanied by notes by McNamara or minutes of his responses. Although generally incoming items, the series also contains a small quantity of outgoing letters and memoranda. Correspondents include heads of State Indira Gandhi, Yahya Khan, and Gamel Abdel Nasser; U.S. Treasury Secretaries Henry Fowler, John Connally, William Simon, W. Michael Blumenthal and G. William Miller; UN Secretary Generals U Thant and Kurt Waldheim; various directors of WHO, FAO, the UN Environment Programme and World Food Council; and public figures such as Barbara Ward. The correspondence deals with the general issue of development, development programs of other agencies, relations with the U.S. government and Congress, and governments of other member countries, in particular India and Pakistan. The internal memoranda addressed to the President mostly concern the IDA replenishments and the situation in India and Pakistan, but there are also some exchanges on joint financing, World Bank borrowing, relations with OPEC countries, energy, the World Development Report of 1978, and a number of memoranda regarding the U.S. Congress' committee investigation on the Bank's effectiveness in reaching the poor (1977). McNamara's minutes and notes include his letter to Lester B. Pearson asking him to organize a committee to study development in the next decade (1968); letters to various U.S. Treasury Secretaries and U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger on the IDA replenishments and the Foreign Assistance Appropriation Bill, the Bank and the OPEC countries; memoranda of conversations with Executive Directors and notes on the IDA, the India-Pakistan war, and Bangladesh; and an annotated draft of the World Development Program proposal (1977). The series also includes two photographs of Robert McNamara with U.S. President Richard Nixon in the White House at the signing ceremony on 10 March 1972 of the bill authorizing the United States' contribution to International Development Association (IDA).

President's Council minutes

The President's Council was established by President Woods in March 1965. Originally composed of the Vice-Presidents, the Economic Adviser to the President, the General Counsel and the Directors of the Information, Administration, and Development Services Departments, the size of the President's Council increased to more than twenty members after the McNamara reorganization of 1972, including the Senior Vice-Presidents, Vice-Presidents, and Department Directors. For discussion of special topics, additional persons attended on an as needed basis.

This series consists of the minutes of the President's Council meetings prepared by the Personal Assistant to the President. It contains occasional notes, drafts and annotations by President McNamara. Minutes of the Council record President McNamara's reports on official trips, meetings or interviews, recommendations, and special assignments, and members' reports on the activities of their sector or department. Issues discussed at the weekly meeting included relations with the Board of Directors, the Annual Meeting, lending and borrowing programs, the IBRD and IFC capital increases, the IDA replenishments, the Third Window, and the work of the Pearson and Brandt Commissions. The organization of the Bank, personnel issues, the status of particular projects, and studies on population control, rural development, urban poverty, health, women or energy were also major topics on the Council's agenda.

World Bank Documents on management and operations

This series consists of sample reports compiled by the President's office to provide President McNamara with examples of the various types of documents and reports commonly produced throughout the Bank. Each sample is an actual Bank report, accompanied by a short description of the report type explaining the report structure and function within the operations and management of the Bank. Standard report types included in the series are: Monthly Operational Summary; IBRD Financial Policies Report; Administrative Budget; President's Report; Appraisal Report; Supervision Report; Audit Report; Evaluation Report; and Country Economic Report. The reports used for this sample are dated between 1971 and 1973.

Files Maintained by Vinod Dubey and Enzo Grilli, Directors, Economic Advisory Staff, Related to Collaboration between the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund

The bulk of the series consists of Policy Framework Papers (PFP) and related records documenting Bank/Fund collaboration in connection with the Fund's Structural Adjustment Facility (SAF), and the later Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility (ESAF) from April 1986 to September 1991. These files are arranged in three segments. The first two segments are arranged alphabetically by client country and maintained primarily by Vinod Dubey when he was Director of the Country Policy Department (CPD) and Directorof the Economic Advisory Staff (EAS). The third segment focuses on Bank-Fund collaboration in reviewing the PFP process and the SAF program, and development of the ESAF program. The country files may include comments on a draft PFP from Regional staff, the Economics and Research Staff, and the Senior Vice President for Operations (SVPOP); minutes of meetings of the Operations Policy Subcommittee and the Operations Policy Committee at which the PFP was discussed; and summaries of discussions and agenda and minutes of meetings of the Committee of the Whole at which a PFP was discussed.

Additional PFP related records include program review and development records maintained by Enzo Grilli when he was Director of EAS. The records include: IMF papers submitted to the Executive Board related to PFP extensions and PFP modifications; IMF proposal papers related to ESAF operational and financial arrangements, legal documentation, and access and monitoring procedures; SAF/ESAF review papers submitted to the IMF Executive Board; and IMF Executive Board meeting minutes related to SAF/ESAF review. The records also consist of materials related to the IMF/Bank Working Group on PFP Issues and the Bank/IMF Seminar with Donors on PFPs. The records include Working Group meeting minutes and summary reports, and papers prepared by both IMF and Bank staff for the PFP Seminar. Lastly, records related to PFP procedures and practices, and country schedules for PFPs are also included.

The series also consists of background correspondence concerning the compilation of three reports on Bank/Fund collaboration between 1984 and 1990. The initial report was issued in February 1985; the second report was issued in May 1986 to document progress on Bank/Fund collaboration during the previous year. A third report was issued in July 1990. Final copies of reports are in the files. Records related to the Bank/Fund collaboration report include: President's Memoranda sent to the Bank's Executive Board of Directors; Executive Directors meeting minutes and notes; and meeting minutes held between Senior Vice President of Operations (OPNSV) Moeen Qureshi, and Senior Staff of IMF regarding the report. Vinod Dubey in the Country Policy Department (CPD) had responsibility for coordinating the Bank's input; C. David Finch was the IMF contact. This responsibility continued with Dubey and Grilli in EAS.

The series also includes records dealing with Bank/Fund collaboration from February 1972 to February 1984. The records come from Development Policy Staff (DPS) units from the Development Policy Vice Presidency (VPD), the Economics and Research Staff (ERS), and from Vinod Dubey while he was the Chief Economist in EMENA. The records are primarily intra-Bank memoranda and reports.

The series also consists of copies of Bank-wide records outlining Bank/Fund collaboration from 1966 and 1970 to 1979. The records were compiled by the Program Review Division (PRD) of the Policy Planning and Program Review Department (PPR) of the VPD, and includes intra-Bank memoranda, joint Bank/Fund memoranda, PPR and PRD memoranda, notes regarding the meetings of the Bank/Fund Working Group, which first met April 3, 1974, and published articles regarding the Bank/Fund relationship.

The series also includes records related to Bank-Fund collaboration on arrears for member countries, or overdue debt obligations to the Bank and IMF from 1988 to 1991. The records include: approach papers and reports produced by the IMF countries in arrears; IMF Executive Board meeting minutes regardingarrears; Joint Audit Committee (JAC) meeting minutes regarding joint IMF/Bank review of countries in arrears, and debt relief strategies for arrears; records related to preparation of collectability papers for countries in arrears; and incoming and outgoing correspondence records for EAS Directors Vinod Dubey and Enzo Grilli, Senior Vice President of Operations (OPNSV) Moeen Qureshi, Senior Vice President of Finance (FINSV) Ernest Stern, and Bank President Barber Conable regarding arrears. Country files are also maintained and include memoranda and correspondence focused on the following topics: arrears clearance, arrears country strategies and reviews, approach papers, and issue papers prepared for individual arrears member countries.

The series also consists of records related to EAS involvement in IMF/Bank collaboration on joint IMF/Bank papers, press releases, and publications for the years 1988 to 1991. The records include numerous draft papers with attached EAS comments related to economic policy topics, such as debt, export credits, or balance of payments (BOPs). EAS comments on drafted IMF press releases and joint IMF/Bank communiques for the IMF/Bank Annual Meetings and Interim Committee are also included.

Subject File of the External Funding Coordinator, Program Management Unit, Policy and Review Department

These files were maintained by Zamarak Shalizi, in the office of the Program Management Unit (PRDPM), Policy and Review Department (PRD) which came under the Office of the Senior Vice President, Policy, Research and External Affairs (PRESV). Found in this series are: copies of completed Trust Fund project description forms (Trust Fund Summary of Characteristics) for agreements concluded in 1991. These forms include the title of the project, the donor and the beneficiary countries, the effective date andduration of the project, and the project's sector; copies of Initiating briefs for Trust Fund projects (1991); copies of documents describing cooperation between ESMAP [Energy Sector Management Assistance Program] and the Regions; and several ESMAP reports including that of a commission to review ESMAP in the 1990s. The series also includes minutes of meetings of the Funding Coordinators' Group (1990 - 1991) of which Shalizi was a member and some administrative correspondence. DECVP reported to PRESV.

Work Program and Budget Records for Fiscal Years, 1988-1992 Maintained in the Policy and Review Department

The earliest work program and budget records in this series are the FY 1988 mid-year review records for the Policy, Planning and Research Staff (PPR). PPR, created after the May 1987 Bank reorganization, brought together existing departments from different parts of the Bank (principally the Economics and Research Staff [ERS] and the Operations Staff [OPS]). budget files maintained by Richard Woodford, Program Coordinator, Office of the Senior Vice President, Policy, Planning and Research (SVPPR) and Ziaddin Choudhury, SVPPR contain copies of PPR organizations' FY 1988 mid-year review reports; the FY 1988 PPR mid-year review report submitted by SVPPR to the Planning and budget Department (PBD) of PPR; and PBD's memo of June 29, 1988 to President Conable giving preliminary findings of PBD's review of the Bank's planning and budgeting system. PBD had responsibility for budget analysis and monitoring of work program and budget performance for the entire Bank. DECVP reported to SVPPR.

Budget files maintained by Gregory Ingram, who joined the SVPPR staff as Principal Adviser, Policy and Research, along with the Woodford and Choudhury files contain: budget and work program guidelines, submissions, reports, and memos (FYs 1989-1992); FY 1989 and FY 1990 capital budget guidelines and requests from PPR organizations for office technology and other equipment; mid-year review submissions from PPR organizations for FYs 1989 and 1990 and retrospective review submissions and drafts for FY 1989; PBD's draft mid-year review report of the FY 1989 budget forwarded to the President's Council for review; documents assembled for the PPR FY 1989 work program review meetings with PBD; and the FY 1990 PPR budget plan (management contract) developed after the Bank's FY 1990 budget was approved by the Board.

After PPR became Policy, Research and External Affairs (PRE) in 1990 and the Policy and Review Department (PRD) was created in PRE, Ingram (PRDRA) and Woodford (PRDPM) had continued responsibilities for budget (management contract) and work program coordination for PRE. Their files and those of Zmarak Shalizi (PRDPM) and Ziaddin Choudhury (PRDPM) contain copies of PRE organizations' submissions for the FY 1991 work program and budget; FY 1991 mid-year review submissions from PRE organizations; and the PRE FY 1991 mid-year review report. There is a small amount of information concerning funding of special grant programs after FY 1991. DECVP reported to PRESV.

Apex and Retrospective Review Reports Maintained in the Policy and Review Department

These files were maintained by Richard Woodford, Program Coordinator in the Office of the Senior Vice President, Policy, Planning and Research (SVPPR); Gregory Ingram, Principal Adviser, Policy and Research, Policy and Review Department (PRD); and Amarak Shalizi in the Program Management Unit (PRDPM) in PRD. PRD reported to the Senior Vice President, Policy, Research and External Affairs (PRESV).

  • The Apex Reports covering all PPR (later PRE) organizations, including DEC, were prepared at the end of each fiscal year quarter from feeder reports prepared by all PPR (PRE) organizations and included a summary of the status of principal elements of the current fiscal year's budget plan and descriptions of activities and accomplishments of each organizational unit. Annexes to the Reports provided listings of major policy and research papers completed or initiated during the quarter.

  • Retrospective reviews were conducted for PPR (later PRE) organizations after the close of a fiscal year. They provided Department Directors, Vice Presidents, and the Senior Vice President opportunities to compare organization performance against the fiscal year budget plan, to determine the reasons for any deviations from the plan, to gain insights for the implementation of the new fiscal year budget plan, and to share findings at the institutional level.

  • A folder containing a draft of and supporting materials for a briefing book for an Executive Directors budget Priorities Colloquium has also been included in this series. Thecolloquium was held on 9 October 1990 and appears to have been organized by the SVPPR and PRD.

Correspondence and Other Records of the Program Management Unit (PRDPM), Policy and Review Department

This series contains correspondence and other records of the Program Management Unit (PRDPM). The correspondence is in two parts. The first part is a chronological file that consists primarily of e-mail printouts received by PRDPM from October 1990 to May 1991. A few printouts of e-mails sent are included. Most of the e-mails were widely distributed to managers throughout the Policy, Research and External Affairs (PRE) complex. The few that are PRDPM specific concern the distribution of computers and the development of the Information Management and Technology Plan for PRE. The second correspondence segment contains memoranda and e-mail printouts both sent and received by PRDPM from April to August 1991. Filed among the correspondence are PRDPM director Zmarak Shalizi's handwritten notes from meetings with PRD and PRE managers. The correspondence primarily concerns the duties of the PRDPM support staff, budget allocations for PRE publications, and planning for the FY 91 retrospective reviews of PRE.

In addition to the correspondence, there are files concerning the development of a records management program and Management Information Systems for units in the PRE complex. These files include records of several task forces Filed under Management Information Services are records of the PRE Information Needs Task Force, February - June 1991, which was established to evaluate the Management Information Requirements for PRE. Included are agenda, notes from meetings, and a draft report. There are also pre-PRDPM records of the Working Group on Measuring PPR's (a predecessor of PRE) Outputs. This group, headed by Nancy Barry, was organized in August 1988 to develop a system of quarterly reports for measuring PPR outputs and activities. The records include the Terms of Reference for the group and the completed questionnaires from each of the PPR divisions. Filed under Information Management Committee Records is some scattered correspondence concerning the Information Management and Technology Policy Committee (IMTPC) which was established to formulate Bank-wide IMT strategies.

Inventories and Status Reports of Major Policy Products and of Annual and Semi-Annual Reports, Policy and Review Department

This series contains Lotus 123 spreadsheet printouts that provide inventories of and status reports on major policy products and on annual and semi-annual reports which had Bank-wide operational/policy relevance. The reports serve as a quick reference to the policy products and reports that made their way to the Board each year; they were generated by the Strategic Planning and Review Department (SPR) through June 1990 and thereafter by the Policy Review Department (PRD). The entries on the reports for policy products cover all policy papers, best-practice papers, and information papers which were destined for the Board. The entries for annual and semi-annual reports cover all regular and non-regular reports that were destined for the Board. For each Bank complex, the products or reports are listed in the order of the Board meeting dates at which the item was discussed. Entries on the spreadsheets show for each item: the name and Bank unit of the staff member with prime responsibility for the item; an abbreviated title of the item; date of the policy brief that initiated the item (if applicable); dates when the item was discussed at various review meetings; and brief comments regarding the status of the item.

Review Files for Policy Papers/best Practices Papers, and Other Publications and Issuances, Policy Development Unit, Policy and Review Department

This series documents the review process for World Bank Policy Papers, best Practices Papers, and information papers, most of which were generated by Policy, Research, and External Affairs (PRE) units. Also included are a file for Development Committee papers and files for annual publications such as the World Development Report and Global Economic Prospects. The files, which were maintained by Geoffrey Lamb and the Policy Development Unit (PRDPD), generally contain a copy of the initiating policy brief for the paper, copies of all the major revisions of the paper, copies of comments on the paper from high-level Bank managers, notes and minutes from meetings at which the paper was discussed (e.g. review meetings within the concerned complex, PRE managers' meetings, meetings of the PRE Committee, and meetings of the President's Council or the Committee of the Whole), and information about Board seminars regarding the policy outlined in the paper. The file for the Task Force on Environmental Action contains only the final report. In addition to the files for specific policy/best practices papers, one folder (filed under Pending correspondence) contains 1991 memoranda and intra-Bank correspondence on a number of policy papers that were still pending when PRD was abolished on November 30, 1991. The several files that predate the establishment of PRD contain only an initiating brief.

Studies Generated by the Strategic Planning Division (SPRSP), Strategic Planning and Review Department

Filed in this series are copies of studies generated by consultants and staff in the Strategic Planning Division (SPRSP) of the Strategic Planning and Review Department. Filed with some of the studies are memoranda between the author and SPRSP staff or between SPRSP staff and the SPR Director. Although some of the papers were issued as PRE Working Papers and/or SPR Discussion Papers, most were not published. Of special note is the paper, Strategic Planning in the World Bank, 1987-1990, by SPR staff member Norman Hicks, which provides a history of strategic planning in the Bank and the role of SPRSP in that process and analyzes the successes and failures of SPRSP. The annex to the paper contains a list of the major products of the Strategic Planning Division, most of which are filed in this series.

Chronological File of the Policy Development Unit (PRDPD), Policy and Review Department

This series contains copies of the outgoing letters, memoranda, and facsimile messages from the chief and other members of the Policy Development Unit (PRDPD). Included with the outgoing messages are a few incoming memoranda from the Director of the Policy and Review Department (PRDDR) and from the Senior Vice President, Policy, Research and External Affairs (PRESVP). Much of PRDPD's correspondence concerns the scheduling of review work on policy papers, comments on draft policy papers, coordination of PRE policy matters with the Board, and the compilation of information for the inventories of policy products. PRDPD had responsibility for managing the PRE Committee, and this series includes memoranda transmitting schedules, agenda, and minutes of meetings of the Committee, some of which include copies of the papers to be discussed by the Committee. Also included are 1991 agenda of the New Products Working Group and materials for the first meeting (September 4, 1991) of the Working Group on Military Expenditures.

Post-Operations Committee Meeting Memoranda of the Review and Analysis Division, Policy and Review Department

This series contains memoranda prepared by staff in the Review and Analysis Division (PRDRA) of the Policy and Review Department and its predecessor, the Policy Analysis and Review Division (SPRPA) of the Strategic Planning and Review Department. The memoranda summarize discussions in meetings of the Operations Committee (OC) that were of interest to the Policy, Research and External Affairs (PRE) staff. The memoranda were written to the files and copies were sent to the Chief Economist and to the headsof other Policy, Research and External Affairs units. Most of the memoranda are post-meeting memos that summarize the OC's discussion on a particular topic, but scattered throughout the series are several pre-meeting briefing memoranda that analyze the document that is to be the topic of discussion at the next OC meeting. One such pre-meeting memorandum, dated April 11, 1990, was sent to Ajay Chhibber in preparation for his briefing for the Chief Economist.

Pre-Operations Committee Briefing Memoranda of the Policy Analysis and Review Division (SPRPA), Strategic Planning and Review Department

This series primarily contains briefing memoranda prepared by staff in the Policy Analysis and Review Division (SPRPA) of the Strategic Planning and Review Department. SPRPA was the predecessor to the Review and Analysis Division (PRDRA). The memoranda, which analyze documents to be discussed at an Operations Committee (OC) meeting and propose a position to be taken by the Chief Economist (DECVP), were forwarded to the Chief Economist and, in some cases, also to the Vice President for Sector Policy and Research (PREVP). Most of the items discussed in the briefings are Country Strategy Papers and adjustment loan/credit documents. Included in the series are several agenda for OC meetings and some post-Operations Committee meeting memoranda summarizing the discussion at an OC meeting.

Subject Files of the Director, Policy and Review Department (PRDDR)

This series contains both the incoming and outgoing correspondence of the Director, Policy and Review Department (PRDDR) and his immediate staff. Much of the incoming correspondence is heavily hand annotated by Director Paul Isenman with his reply and/or his comments regarding the disposition of the incoming document. The files also contain agenda and minutes of meetings; drafts of reports, papers, and publications; and Isenman's handwritten notes from meetings. The series consists of the following four parts:

  1. The first and largest (8.83 linear feet) segment is the main subject file, January 1990 - November 1991. It consists largely of files on draft policy papers that the PRD staff reviewed. These files contain Isenman's copies of the correspondence, comments, and minutes of meetings relating to the policy paper throughout the drafting process. Policy subjects covered include: forestry, governance, guarantees (i.e. expanding Bank guarantee instruments for private sector development), human development, military expenditure, poverty, the Soviet economy, technical assistance for the Soviet Union, and policy guidelines on tobacco. Also included are files regarding the review of the Report of the Technical Assistance Review Task Force (TARTF); files documenting the development of Business plans for units in PRE [Policy, Research and External Affairs]; and memoranda and other correspondence, dated January - October 1990, on the transition to establish PRD from the Strategic Planning and Review Department (filed under New Department). Filed under President's Council are agenda and minutes of meetings of the President's Council (PC) along with PRD staff comments on documents that were to be discussed at the meetings.
  • The second segment, Isenman's working file, 1989 - 1991, contains many documents that Isenman annotated as working file or file W. Most of the files relate to subjects that were of short-term interest to PRD, but filed under Policy Research and External Affairs (PRE) Committee are schedules for PRE meetings and minutes and agenda for meetings of the PRE Committee on which Isenman served. Some items filed under lunches and people are dated as early as 1989 when Isenman was director of the Africa-South Central and Indian Ocean Department (AF3).

  • The third segment, January 1990 - August 1991, contains PRD's correspondence with and notes from meetings with PRE managers and the staff in PRD's Program Management Unit (PRDPM) concerning the drafting and monitoring of budgets and work programs for all PRE units. Also included are files on the FY 91 retrospective reviews for PRE units and the FY 92 PRE management contract.

  • The final segment appears to be another working file pulled together as PRD was being abolished. It contains a number of files pulled from the first segment, but the bulk of it consists of thick accordion files in which Isenman filed background materials on topics of current interest or in preparation for attendance at a meeting on the topic. Many include Isenman's handwrittennotes from meetings.

Results 351 to 400 of 536