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Showing 351-400 of 536 results


Files Maintained by Vinod Dubey, Director, Economic advisory Staff, while Also Serving as the First Liaison Officer to the Paris Club

Much of the correspondence at the beginning of the series concerns Bank efforts to play a greater role in the Paris Club's rescheduling of debts, including admission to informal meetings with credit participants.The appointment of Vinod Dubey as liaison officer was a response to the Paris Club's need, in return, for a central contact point in the Bank. The Paris Club refers to meetings held since 1956 that have arranged, when necessary, for the renegotiation of debt owed to official creditors or guaranteed to them. Neither the World Bank nor the IMF are members of the Paris Club, but the IMF has played an important role in developing debt restructure packages with commercial Banks. both the Paris Club and the commercial Banks require deBTOr countries to have agreed on a stabilization program with the IMF as part of the renegotiation process.

Copies of Senior Vice President, Operations Ernest Stern's letter of October 10, 1984 to Philippe Jurgensen, Chairman of the Paris Club, announcing Dubey's appointment as the Bank's liaison officer to the Paris Club regarding all matters affecting specific country negotiations and Stern's November 1, 1984 memo to Operational Vice Presidents on the same subject are in the files. Dubey was serving as Senior Advisor, Country Policy Department at the time of his appointment.

Following his appointment, Dubey continued to receive copies of correspondence forwarded to him concerning the need to increase the Bank's role at Paris Club meetings. Copies of correspondence between Stern and Jurgensen regarding a misunderstanding of the Bank's view of the Paris Club and the Bank's request to provide presentations to the Club on medium-term prospects of some indebted countries are in the files along with other correspondence between Dubey and Vice President, Operations Policy S. Shaid Husain regarding scheduling of these presentations. The files include copies of Dubey's correspondence with Bank regional officials concerning preparations for meetings, drafts of statements and speeches forwarded to Dubey for review before the meetings, background materials concerning countries seeking debt rescheduling, meeting invitations, Dubey's responses to the invitations which list the Bank's delegations to the meetings, back-to Office Reports prepared by Dubey and others representing the Bank at the meetings, and copies of press communiques regarding meetings.

A proof of a lengthy article entitled The Paris Club, 1978-1983 scheduled to appear in the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law is inthe files. A 30 October 1984 note found in the files indicates that the author, Alexis Rieffel, formerly the representative of the U.S. Treasury Department to the Paris Club, was brought to Dubey's attention by Alexander Shakow, Director, International Relations Department (IRDD). A report of a 26 November 1984 meeting of the Coordinating Group of Creditor Countries for Yougoslavia prepared by Dubey and Joseph Ingram, Senior Loan Officer, Country Programs Department was placed in the files along with memos from Ingram regarding Yugoslavia sent to Dubey after the meeting.

Dubey was succeeded as liaison by basil Kavalsky, Assistant Director, Country Policy Department in January 1986 after Dubey was designated Director of that department. Only a small amount of correspondence after that date is in the files and there is no correspondence for 1987.

Also contained in this series are correspondence, memoranda, background papers, reports, handwritten notes, feedback on reports, meeting agendas and summaries, and other materials related to Vinod Dubey's participation in the World Bank's Debt Task Force. The Debt Task Force first met on July 6th, 1987 and was led by Jean Baneth. The Task Force was to re-examine the debt problems of middle-income countries. It was to provide an interim report, undertake country analyses and projections, and examine possible modalities of debt relief schemes and the role the World Bank would play in those schemes. Records date from July 8 to September 22 of 1987.

Files Maintained by Vinod Dubey and Enzo Grilli, Directors, Economic Advisory Staff, Related to Collaboration between the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund

The bulk of the series consists of Policy Framework Papers (PFP) and related records documenting Bank/Fund collaboration in connection with the Fund's Structural Adjustment Facility (SAF), and the later Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility (ESAF) from April 1986 to September 1991. These files are arranged in three segments. The first two segments are arranged alphabetically by client country and maintained primarily by Vinod Dubey when he was Director of the Country Policy Department (CPD) and Directorof the Economic Advisory Staff (EAS). The third segment focuses on Bank-Fund collaboration in reviewing the PFP process and the SAF program, and development of the ESAF program. The country files may include comments on a draft PFP from Regional staff, the Economics and Research Staff, and the Senior Vice President for Operations (SVPOP); minutes of meetings of the Operations Policy Subcommittee and the Operations Policy Committee at which the PFP was discussed; and summaries of discussions and agenda and minutes of meetings of the Committee of the Whole at which a PFP was discussed.

Additional PFP related records include program review and development records maintained by Enzo Grilli when he was Director of EAS. The records include: IMF papers submitted to the Executive Board related to PFP extensions and PFP modifications; IMF proposal papers related to ESAF operational and financial arrangements, legal documentation, and access and monitoring procedures; SAF/ESAF review papers submitted to the IMF Executive Board; and IMF Executive Board meeting minutes related to SAF/ESAF review. The records also consist of materials related to the IMF/Bank Working Group on PFP Issues and the Bank/IMF Seminar with Donors on PFPs. The records include Working Group meeting minutes and summary reports, and papers prepared by both IMF and Bank staff for the PFP Seminar. Lastly, records related to PFP procedures and practices, and country schedules for PFPs are also included.

The series also consists of background correspondence concerning the compilation of three reports on Bank/Fund collaboration between 1984 and 1990. The initial report was issued in February 1985; the second report was issued in May 1986 to document progress on Bank/Fund collaboration during the previous year. A third report was issued in July 1990. Final copies of reports are in the files. Records related to the Bank/Fund collaboration report include: President's Memoranda sent to the Bank's Executive Board of Directors; Executive Directors meeting minutes and notes; and meeting minutes held between Senior Vice President of Operations (OPNSV) Moeen Qureshi, and Senior Staff of IMF regarding the report. Vinod Dubey in the Country Policy Department (CPD) had responsibility for coordinating the Bank's input; C. David Finch was the IMF contact. This responsibility continued with Dubey and Grilli in EAS.

The series also includes records dealing with Bank/Fund collaboration from February 1972 to February 1984. The records come from Development Policy Staff (DPS) units from the Development Policy Vice Presidency (VPD), the Economics and Research Staff (ERS), and from Vinod Dubey while he was the Chief Economist in EMENA. The records are primarily intra-Bank memoranda and reports.

The series also consists of copies of Bank-wide records outlining Bank/Fund collaboration from 1966 and 1970 to 1979. The records were compiled by the Program Review Division (PRD) of the Policy Planning and Program Review Department (PPR) of the VPD, and includes intra-Bank memoranda, joint Bank/Fund memoranda, PPR and PRD memoranda, notes regarding the meetings of the Bank/Fund Working Group, which first met April 3, 1974, and published articles regarding the Bank/Fund relationship.

The series also includes records related to Bank-Fund collaboration on arrears for member countries, or overdue debt obligations to the Bank and IMF from 1988 to 1991. The records include: approach papers and reports produced by the IMF countries in arrears; IMF Executive Board meeting minutes regardingarrears; Joint Audit Committee (JAC) meeting minutes regarding joint IMF/Bank review of countries in arrears, and debt relief strategies for arrears; records related to preparation of collectability papers for countries in arrears; and incoming and outgoing correspondence records for EAS Directors Vinod Dubey and Enzo Grilli, Senior Vice President of Operations (OPNSV) Moeen Qureshi, Senior Vice President of Finance (FINSV) Ernest Stern, and Bank President Barber Conable regarding arrears. Country files are also maintained and include memoranda and correspondence focused on the following topics: arrears clearance, arrears country strategies and reviews, approach papers, and issue papers prepared for individual arrears member countries.

The series also consists of records related to EAS involvement in IMF/Bank collaboration on joint IMF/Bank papers, press releases, and publications for the years 1988 to 1991. The records include numerous draft papers with attached EAS comments related to economic policy topics, such as debt, export credits, or balance of payments (BOPs). EAS comments on drafted IMF press releases and joint IMF/Bank communiques for the IMF/Bank Annual Meetings and Interim Committee are also included.

Files Maintained by Fred D. Levy, Senior Adviser, Economic Advisory Staff on the Berne Union

These files were maintained by Fred D. Levy, Senior Adviser, Economic Advisory Staff (EAS) while representing the Bank as an observer to the Berne Union and coordinating meetings of Berne Union representatives at the Bank. The International Union of Credit and Investment Insurers (Berne Union) was formed in 1934 with members from France, Italy, Spain the United Kingdom. By 1988 the number of members had increased to over 30. Its purpose was to foster international acceptance of sound principles of export credit insurance; to establish and maintain discipline in terms of credit for international trade; to maintain sound principles of foreign investment insurance; to encourage a favorable investment climate; and to exchange information, assistance, expertise, and advice in relation to the commercial and political risks associated with export credit and investment insurance.

  • At the beginning of the series are memoranda, telex messages, draft and final schedules of country reviews, and Levy's detailed handwritten notes taken at meetings between the Bank and representatives of the Berne Union [International Union of Credit and Investment Insurers] visiting with the Bank and the IMF, respectively, on November 2 and 3, 1987. These are followed by files containing Levy's reports to Moeen Quereshi, Senior Vice President, Operations of Berne Union Annual General Meetings and meetings of the Berne Union Export Credit Insurance Committee and Investment Insurance Committee from 1988 to 1990 at which he represented the Bank as an observer. The extensive reports cover discussions of countries under review at those meetings and are filed with Levy's handwritten notes taken during the meetings.

The files containing Levy's 1988-1990 Berne Union meeting reports also include draft and printed meeting agendas and lists of participants, copies of papers discussed at the meetings, and copies of formal meeting minutes provided by the Berne Union Secretariat. A file titled Berne Union Meeting briefing book contains handwritten notes arranged by country that appear to have been prepared by Levy in 1989 during briefings given by Regional Office staff. The name of the staff member giving the country briefing and the date are usually included in the notes. Printed statistical information, Country briefs, and correspondence are included for some countries.

Also part of the series is a Back-to-Office Report prepared for the files by Vinod Dubey, Director, EAS of a meeting of the Export Credit Group of OECD [Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development] in Paris on June 13, 1989 at which he participated in a discussion of Export Credit cover for countries with payment difficulties. Copies of meeting papers and a list of meeting participants accompany the report. A copy of the report to the Director, EAS, of the 1987 Annual General Meeting of Berne Union prepared by Jeffrey Katz, Resource Mobilization Department (FRM), who represented the Bank as an observer, is also in the series.

Files Documenting the Review Process for Country Program Papers, Country Strategy Papers, and Country Assistance Strategies in the Development Policy Group (DPG)

This series contains files documenting the drafting and review of Country Program Papers (CPPs), Country Strategy Papers (CSPs), Country Assistance Strategies (CASs) and several Country Strategy Notes (CSNs) and Country Economic Memoranda (CEMs). These files were maintained by the Development Policy Group (DPG) and by its predecessor, the Economic Advisory Staff (EAS). Both units were responsible for shepherding CSPs etc. through the review process.

The small number of items dated prior to the 1987 Reorganization and the establishment of EAS are primarily only copies of Country Program Papers, Special Country Program Papers (SCPPs), or Country Program Notes (CPN) and copies of Postscripts of Operations Policy Subcommittee reviews of CPPs; there are very few memoranda discussing drafts or commenting on the CPP/CPN content. The document copies were forwarded to the Vice President for Development Policy (VPD) and to units within VPD: the Policy Planning and Program Review Department (DPP) and the Program Review Division (PPPR); to the Economics and Research Staff (ERS); and to the Country Policy Department (CPD) in the Operations Policy Complex (OPS).

The more complete files in this series cover the period from 1987 to 1994 and contain records documenting the entire CSP/CAS drafting and review process and the input of EAS/DEC staff into that review process: a draft Initiating Memorandum (IM) or brief prepared by Regional staff and comments on the draft IM from units throughout the Bank; a summary of the meeting in which the draft IM was discussed; a working level draft CSP developed by Regional staff and comments on the draft and minutes of the review meeting at which the draft was discussed; the agenda and minutes of the Regional VP (Loan Committee) review meeting; a revised draft CSP incorporating changes agreed upon in the Regional VP review; the Operations Committee review draft of the CSP with comments on the draft from Regional staff and staff in EAS/DPG/DECVP; an agenda with background information prepared by EAS for the Operations Committee (OC) meeting to discuss the draft CSP; comments forwarded to EAS/DPG on the draft Operation Committee minutes and on the draft CSP; an Operations Committee Postscript written by EAS to incorporate decisions made in the OC meeting and comments received from all units following the OC meeting; the President's Review draft of the CSP or CAS and related comments from Bank units; minutes of President's Review meeting; the President's comments on the CSP following the President's Review meeting; handwritten notes taken by EAS/DPG staff and by the Chief Economist (DECVP) at the various review meetings; news notices and magazine articles (primarily from The Economist, Financial Times, and Far Eastern Economic Review) regarding the country that was the subject of the CSP; internal EAS, DPG, and DECVP memoranda discussing the various drafts and/or commenting on the various review meetings; comments on the CSP/CAS from staff within DEC units, especially the Policy Research Department (PRD), the Research Advisory Staff (RAD), and the International Economics Department (IEC); and correspondence between EAS/DPG staff and Regional staff during the entire drafting and review process. In some cases, the DPG representative who attended the Regional Loan Committee meeting wrote his own post-meeting review to the files. The file on South Africa is an aberration; it contain nothing but news updates on the political situation in South Africa from 1992 to 1994 and one summary of discussionsof the situation in South Africa at a December 9, 1993, meeting of the Executive Directors.

Fiji economic mission

Gloria Davis was a member of the June 1984 World Bank economic survey mission to Fiji, and this series is the set of subject files she compiled before and during the mission. The files contain correspondence, notes she took while in Fiji and while doing research, drafts, schedules, and information obtained from other Bank missions and from governments with projects in Fiji. At the end of the subject files is the draft report she wrote following the mission, Fiji: Equity Issues and Rural Development. Also included are two files of background information.

Although this series is small, Davis assembled a quantity of grey literature on Fiji that makes it a useful supplement to research on Fiji in the 1970s and early 1980s.

Fact Sheet, Press Release, and Other Materials Concerning the Publication of the 1996 World Debt Table Maintained by the Debt and International Finance Division (IECDF)

This series documents media coverage of the March 1996 release of the sixteenth edition of the World Debt Tables. Included are: copies of the Bank's press release and fact sheet; a transcript of remarks Michael Bruno, Chief Economist, Nawal Kamel, Chief of the Debt and International Finance Division (IECDF), and Masood Ahmed, Director of the International Economics Department, delivered at the National Press Club on March 11; copies of news clippings; and a list of questions and answers relating to the report.

External Relations Vice President and Director records

Series contains records of the front offices of External Relations Vice Presidency (EXTVP) and Directors of EXT units and EXT predecessor units, including Development Services Department (DSD). EXTVP records include chronological and subject files documenting the unit's strategic management of World Bank Group's communications and relationships with donor countries, international organizations, media, and the private sector as well as internal communication within the Bank.

Records include the chronological files of Mark Malloch Brown, 1994 to 1999, while he was first Director of External Affairs (1994-1995) and then Vice President when EXT was elevated again to a Vice Presidency in January 1996. Chronological files of Brown's successor, Vice President Mats Karlsson, date from 1999 to 2001. Both Vice Presidents chronological files contain copies of outgoing memoranda, letters and printed emails, often with attached incoming letters, facsimiles, reports and external documents. Many of the files also contain the Vice Presidents' handwritten notes and drafts of replies. Correspondence addressees include Managing Director Sven Sandstrom and other Bank senior staff as well as representatives and senior officials of various United Nations (UN) agencies and other international organizations. Chronological files document the day to day management of the Bank-wide external relations program, including the arrangement of speaking engagements and meetings, notes and statements drafted for President Wolfensohn, and cooperation with UN agencies including comments on external papers and collaboration on development operations.

Other chronological files included in the series are those of: Rachel Weaving (Chief, EXT Internal Communications Division) dating from 1998 to 1999; Judith Maguire (Senior Advisor to the EXT Vice President) dating from 1996 to 1998; J. William Stanton (Senior Advisor to the EXT Vice President) dating from 1992 to 1994; and Timothy Cullen (various EXT positions including Senior Advisor to EXT Vice President and Chief of Information and Public Affairs) dating from 1980 to 1999.

Subject files included in this series date from 1984 to 2003. The majority were created and accumulated between 1994 and 2003 by Vice Presidents Mark Malloch Brown (1994-1999), and Mats Karlsson (1999-2003). Other subject files were created by Tim Cullen when he was Senior Advisor, EXTVP responsible for media (1996-1999) and also between 1989 and 1993 when he was Chief, Information and Public Affairs.

With one exception, the subject files in this series were created beginning in 1984. The files between 1984 and 1994 were created primarily by Alexander Shakow while he was Senior Adviser, International Relations Department (1984-1987) then Director, Strategic Planning and Review Department (SPR) (1987-1990) until SPR's termination in 1990 after which Shakow became Director of External Affairs Department (EXT) around July 1990. A small portion of the subject files from this period were also created by the International Relations Department (IRD) Director's Office under Shahid Javed Burki and IRD's United Nations Affairs unit.

EXTVP subject files cover the broad range of the office's responsibilities and are filed by organization or institution, country, region, issue or theme. Files document activities including: the front office's comments on papers; information about Bank and joint meetings; the Vice President's advice and support to the Bank President regarding Bank publicity; development of communications strategies and communication plans including responses prepared for the Bank on sensitive or politically-charged topics and planning and execution of campaigns on Bank-wide issues and outreach; writing, or clearance, of letters to the editor of major publications relating to articles involving the Bank; internal communications products such as Bank's World, and communications support for the Bank-wide change initiatives; internal publications; film and video projects; administration and organization of EXT and its units; Annual Meeting preparations and drafting of the meeting speech for President; and the Bank's relationships with UN institutions including United Nations Development Program (UNDP), United Nations Exchange Program, United Nations Foundation, and other intergovernmental or international institutions such as International Monetary Fund (IMF), International Labor Organization (ILO), World Trade Organization (WTO), Oxfam, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The more voluminous subject files includecorruption, dams and the World Conference on Dams, IDA lending and replenishments, poverty, debt and the Heavily Indebted Countries Initiative (HIPC), Group of Seven (G7) summits, the Chad-Cameroon pipeline project; and planning of events and publicity for the Bank's 50th anniversary in 1994.

Subject files contain correspondence including copies of outgoing memoranda, emails and facsimiles, as well as original memoranda, and incoming letters. Addressees include EXTVP staff and EXT senior staff inthe European offices and Tokyo, Bank President and Vice Presidents, Managing Directors, country or sector directors, other Bank senior staff, and external organizations. The correspondence is often attached to final and draft papers, draft letters and statements, talking points, concept notes, reports and memoranda authored by UN agencies, articles, press releases, press clippings, transcripts, and handwritten notes of the Vice President.

Subject files also document the Vice President's input provided to the Bank President and drafting of statements or letters to be sent by the President, or briefing material for the President or occasionally Managing Directors.

Correspondence between EXTVP and EXT European and Tokyo offices primarily relates to visits of delegations, summaries of meetings attended by Bank President or EXT senior staff, relations with external organizations, feedback from member countries (on IDA and G7), and the Bank's coverage in the press or summaries of press conferences attended by EXT personnel.

There are also files relating to EXTVP retreats that took place in 1996 to 1997 and a 1988 press briefing speech by EXT Director Francisco J. Aguirre-Sacasa, as well as five photographs of World Bank-Switzerland signing agreement in April 1997 attended by President James Wolfensohn.

Among the earlier records of the series are those of William Clark who served as Director of Information and Public Affairs from 1967 to 1973 while reporting to the Development Services Department (DSD) and then as Director of External Affairs from 1973 to 1974 in the newly established External Affairs Staff (ERS) complex following the Bank's 1973 reorganization. When External Affairs was elevated to the status of a Vice Presidency in 1974, William Clark was promoted to Vice President, External Affairs (VPE). Clark's records relate to the Pearson Commission on International Development from 1968 to 1970 and include correspondence on the selection of Commission members, copies of statements of various national and international development agencies, as well as a copy of the President's memoranda on the report's recommendations.

Clark's records related to the Independent Commission on International Development Issues, also known as the Brandt Commission, date from 1976 to 1981. The records primarily contain chronological files of memoranda, letters and cables between the organizers and candidates/members of the Commission, as well as press clippings, reports and notes on conversations and meetings. Clark's Brandt Commission chronological files are accompanied by several subject files on the establishment and membership of the Commission; public reaction to its establishment; the Bank's follow-up on its conclusions, including lists of Commission proposals to be reviewed by the Board (some of which are heavily annotated by Bank President McNamara); and correspondence handled by Clark for President McNamara.

The series also contains records of the International Relations Department (IRD) Director's Officepredominantly dating from 1973 to 1983 during Director Shirley Boskey's tenure. Records created by Boskey's predecessors, Richard H. Demuth, Director of Development Services Department (DSD) dating 1965 to 1973, and Michael Hoffman, Director of IRD from 1973 to 1975 are also included. The records of Directors Boskey, Hoffman and Demuth are mainly comprised of subject files related to the management of the Bank's relationships with intergovernmental organizations and international institutions, primarily UN institutions (including the United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] and the International Labour Organization [ILO]) on development issues, meetings, arrangement of visits, comments on UN papers; and internal meetings attended by the Director. There are also several files dating from 1969 to 1970 and 1978 related to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Development Assistance Committee (DAC) and its working parties, in which the Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF)were observers. Correspondence contains copies of outgoing memoranda, letters, and telexes, and is often filed with: minutes or summaries of external meetings; reports and proposals intended for presentation by Bank staff; annotated copies of draft speeches or letters to UN officials prepared for Bank President McNamara along with the original addressed to President; articles; and Boskey's handwritten notes. There are also copies of memoranda and letters on which the Director was copied, particularly regarding the Publication Committee chaired by the Vice President of External Relations.

The series also contains separate chronological files of Assistants to the Development Services Director, Max Ebstein (1972, 1974) and Pastor B. Sison (1972 to 1975), and consist of copies of memoranda and cables.

Also included in the series is a small number of 'General' correspondence files including outgoing memos and letters written by Special Advisor Peter L. Chatenay on behalf of the IRD Director to other IRD staff, Bank staff or external addressees including UNDP. Correspondence relates to meetings of the President, dignitary visits, UNDP projects and financing and Bank-UN relations.

External communication and production

Series contains sound recordings and films intended for public audiences that promote the World Bank Group or provide information about its operations. The series also contains a small amount of textual records relating to the production and distribution of films and radio programs by the External Relations (EXT) Vice Presidency and its predecessors. In most cases, EXT units were responsible for producing the material for radio, film and television.

The Bank's Public Relations Department (PRD) began producing documentary films about the Bank's work in 1951. These early films were circulated broadly to movie theaters, television stations, schools, universities, and adult discussion clubs. These earliest films are not contained in this series, presumably because they were discontinued after 2 to 3 years in circulation and may have been destroyed by the Office of Information.

With regard to radio programs, PRD's successor, the Office of Information (INFO), began creating and distributing recorded interviews with or speeches by Bank staff or senior country officials in 1955. These segments were used and distributed by the United Nations and carried to numerous radio stations in the United States.

The series is predominantly comprised of documentary or informational videos produced or co-produced by World Bank for international television media outlets or for development education. Videos date from 1984 to 2005 but are mostly from 1990 to early 2000. They document: development activities in various countries; interviews with government officials, citizens and workers; and raw footage shot in various countries including city, village and industrial scenes. Themes and topics include: first loans signed; Uganda education reform; industry in Russia; the aftermath of the 2005 tsunami in Asia; World Bank corporate videos; Young Professionals program; and World Development Report press briefings.

There is also a large volume of videos of the Bank's Public Service Announcements (PSAs) from 1997 to 2004, produced for television broadcasting, several of which aired on CNN (Cable News Network). Most of the PSAs are compilations and relate to more than one topic on each video. They cover issues such as governance, global hunger, the environment and sustainability, natural disasters, safe motherhood, AIDS, water, Global Environment Facility (GEF), reconstruction in Bosnia, the southeast Asia financial crisis, transparency, slum upgrading, tropical diseases, and disability. Some of the individual item titles in the inventory do not indicate that they are PSA but were identified as such by relating their titles to others in the PSA inventory. PSA videos are primarily in English but also include Arabic, French, Chinese, Spanish, Russian, and numerous other languages.

The series also contains joint-productions of the Bank including Staying Alive and two sequels, a documentary produced in partnership with UNAIDS and MTV (Music Television) that launched on World AIDS day, December 1, 1998. There are also severalvideos relating to the Global Links educational documentary series produced by World Bank Institute (WBI) that focused on the importance of development and was also licensed to broadcast on television in the United States and abroad, including China. Also included is the Azimuths video series, a co-production with United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Information and Public Affairs Department's Production Services Section.

The series also contains film reels (predominantly 16mm) created in 1980 to 1985 and which relate to the work of the Bank. Titles include: Plague Upon the Land; Dandora; Seeds of Progress; Reflections on the 21st Century; Development is People; IDA; Neighborhood of Coelhos; The World Bank; and World Bank Trade Women. Some films such as Plague Upon the Land, Dandora, and The World Bank were translated into multiple languages. There are copies of some of the film titles that were transferred to the archives with the masters.

The series also includes a small number of films developed around 1984 to 1986 about the World Bank and development issues geared toward secondary school or higher education audiences. Titles include: Toward a Better World; Some Big Questions; Many Steps, One Goal; and What Happens When a Desert Blooms.

The series also contains sound recordings, primarily audio reels of radio broadcasts from 1970 to 1979 produced by the Radio Services Unit of Information and Public Affairs (IPA). The bulk of the sound recordings are Special Reports, a program about World Bank activities, announcements of loans for country projects, Bank Annual Reports and development trends, and interviews of Bank staff. Special Reports also feature excerpts of President McNamara speaking at Annual Meetings and his speeches and addresses while visiting various countries or attending ministerial or UN meetings. Other radio programs from this period include Africa Today, Progressive Asia, Finance and Development, Pioneros del Siglo, and Comments from the Inside. These recordings alsofeature news about World Bank loans and development initiatives in various countries and other economic and social development issues. British film actor, barrister and World Bank consultant Paul Danquah is featured in the various broadcasts as interviewer or host as are other IPA senior staff including Peter L. Chatenay, Garry Lightowler, and Pastor B. Siston.

The earliest sound recordings dating 1955-1967 comprise the Mallon Series interviews on World Bank and country development activities. Topics discussed include the building of a new railroad through Rhodesia and electric power plant in the Brazilian jungle (1955). There are also sound recordings narrating IPA Advisor William Bennett's flight from Egypt (1967). More recent radio broadcasts in the series include Challenges on World Development (1980) focused on rural development issues and two audio reels entitled The African Dilemma (1991). Most of the radio broadcasts are in English, but a considerable amount are also translated into several otherlanguages. Arabic, Spanish and French are the other predominant languages.

Textual records in this series consist of original letters, copies of outgoing memoranda, and cables addressed to and sent by the Director or senior staff of IPA and its predecessors, PRD and INFO between 1951 to 1974. The correspondence primarily relates to the production, distribution and use of the earliest Bank films such as Power Changes Mexico (1951), India Fights Kans (1952), and On the Road (1955) as well as television broadcasts. Although some files are labelled "TV and Radio" there is very little information about the Bank's radio programs and broadcasting. Correspondence is authored by Directors Harold N. Graves and William Clark, Lars Lind, Public Affairs Chief David C. Fulton, and Tom Noone of the Office of Information, and addresses production and broadcast company executives, United Nations information officers, and government officials. Topics include: planning and budgeting of films; contracts with film production and distribution companies; technical production and editing; costs of printing for distribution; collaboration with USID (United States Information Agency), the National Council of Churches in Canada and ABC television; and occasional requests for interviews or television appearances from President McNamara or Vice President Garner. Correspondence occasionally includes attachments such as brochures, articles, and tables or figure sheets relating to budgets and audience screenings. A file containing the script and proposal for the development of the World Bank film Bank at Work (1957) is also included. The correspondence is in English, French, German, Spanish.

External Affairs

This series is a rich source of information on the liaison and public relations activities of the Preston Presidency. The records are particularly strong on the Bank's efforts to improve relationships with the Government of the United States and the U.S. public. Other files cover efforts to improve internal communications in the Bank and to coordinate with Bank field offices. In addition, McHugh's files on Presidential trips cover travel that is not included in the Travel files of the President.

Executive Committee minutes

This series contains the minutes of the informal Executive Committee that started meeting weekly with the President on February 9, 1981. It was composed of the Senior Vice-Presidents, the Secretary and the General Counsel. Mattersdiscussed by the short-lived committee include the 1982-1986 lending program, the IBRD general capital increase, the IDA Sixth replenishment, the energy program, the PLO observers issue and staff compensation.

Evaluation Report for SMART (Software for Market Access and Restriction to Trade) Maintained by the Chief, International Trade Division (IECIT)

This series contains a draft and the final version of the report of the joint Bank/United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) project to evaluate: the development of the SMART [Software for Market Access and Restrictions to Trade] system, the dissemination activities for SMART, and the use that developing countries had made of SMART. These copies of the report were maintained by the Chief of the International Trade Division (IECIT) of the International Economics Department whose staff worked on the project. SMART was a software system to analyze trade, tariffs, and NTBs (nontariff barriers) in OECD [Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development] markets.

Europe, Middle East, and North Africa Vice Presidency (EMENA) and Europe and Central Asia Vice Presidency (ECAVP) chronological and project files

Series consists of correspondence, reports, and other records created or received by Frank Vita while serving as Senior Country Officer in the Europe, Middle East, and North Africa Vice Presidency (EMENA) and, following the 1991 reorganization of the World Bank's operational units, the Europe and Central Asia Vice Presidency (ECAVP). Vita left this position and retired from the World Bank in 1992. During most or all of his time in EMENA and ECAVP, Vita was the Country Officer for Czechoslovakia, or Czech and Slovak Federal Republic (CSFR). As a result, almost all of the records in this series relate to CSFR project lending and sector research. Of these, records relating to the "Technical and Financial Advisory Project" are most common; note, however, that the CFSR government eventually withdrew from the project. Records related to the Technical and Financial Advisory Project include: project cycle documents, including project briefs, appraisal and post-appraisal documents, final executive project summary, and legal documents; Terms of Reference; back-to-office reports; Aide-Memoires; country strategy notes (including drafts); and correspondence with and briefing notes for CFSR government and state Bank officials.

Other CFSR records relate to: country risk assessment; privatization and restructuring of state-owned enterprises and infrastructure (the latter through the Build, Own, Operate Transfer [BOOT] system); sector reports and research materials (including banking and financial sector, energy sector, and transportation sector); country briefs; a VHS videocassette related to CFSR "Enterprise for Privatization" initiatives; and Annual Meeting briefs. Records relating to senior Bank management mission trips to CFSR are also included. Vita often acted as liaison and facilitator for these trips, which included Moeen Qureshi (Senior Vice President of Operations [OPNSV]) and Willi A. Wapenhans (EMENA Vice President). A small amount of loan documents related to other CFSR projects are also included.

ESSDVP correspondence files

Series consists of correspondence files created by the ESSDVP. All of the correspondence in this series was authored by, addressed to, or forwarded to ESSD Vice Presidents Ismail Serageldin and Ian Johnson. There are, however, different forms of correspondence. Numbered correspondence in the form of a Lotus Notes log book is the most voluminous; these records span March 1998 to July 1999 and include correspondence to and from both Serageldin and Johnson. Correspondence of similar type, but that was not managed under the log book system, is included from 1999 to 2001 and is exclusively authored by or addressed to Johnson. Included in these records are a small number of short briefing notes authored by Johnson and/or the ESSDVP for the World Bank President. Memoranda files created in 2000 to 2001 are also included in this series as are a small number of records filed separately that only contain correspondence between the ESSDVP and the World Bank President between 1999 and 2001. The latter contains correspondence related to event and meeting attendance and planning, information exchange, briefing reports, and letters written by the ESSDVP for the President's signature.

ESSD Vice President's conference attendance and participation

Series consists of records related to ESSD Vice President Ian Johnson's attendance and participation at various conferences, seminars, and workshops organized by governments, agencies, and institutions external to the Bank. Records include: correspondence; briefing notes; agendas; list of participants; presentation notes; background papers and speeches written by Johnson or by other attendees; pamphlets; travel itineraries; and speakers' biographies.

ESSD correspondence and internal memoranda

Series consists of correspondence and memoranda authored by or addressed to Johnson as Vice President of ESSD. Topics of external correspondence are from 2002 to 2004 and include invitations to participate in meetings and conference, and the exchange of information. Correspondence is with a variety of academic and research institutions, government agencies, and other external organizations.

Series also consists of memoranda from 2002 to 2004 authored by or addressed to Johnson to and from ESSD sector departments as well as other Bank units. Included are memoranda from Johnson to managing directors and Bank President Wolfensohn.

ESP, PSP, and PGP chronological files

The series contains chronological files created by: the Education and Social Policy Department (ESP); the Poverty and Social Policy Department (PSP); and the Poverty, Gender, and Public Sector Management Department (PGP). Two separate sets of departmental chronological files are contained in this series: one for ESP; and another for PSP and PGP. The ESP chronological files consist of records related to: policy development; departmental contributions to external projects, reviews, and policy development; conference and seminar attendance and participation; and assistance to and collaboration with the Regions. Records include: memoranda; meeting briefing notes, agendas, and minutes; comments on research and policy papers and Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) papers; Terms of Reference; back-to-office reports; and progress reports. The ESP departmental chronological files are mostly correspondence with attachments and memoranda between ESP Director Kingsley Y. Amoako, ESP staff, and other World Bank units. Records within ESP departmental chronological files from July 1995 to December 1995 contain records created and received by both ESP and PSP, due to the transition period of ESP staff into PSP.

The separate PSP/PGP departmental chronological files consist of similar records between PSP/PGP Director Ishrat Husain, PSP staff, PGP staff, and other World Bank units. Additional PSP chronological files were also maintained for incoming and outgoing correspondence between Husain and external agencies and individuals from May 1995 to May 1997. Incoming and outgoing faxes and emails files between Husain, PSP staff, and other World Bank units are maintained from July 1995 to May 1997. PSP correspondence and memoranda from mid-1996 discuss the mapping of PSP Groups into the HD, ESSD, and PREM Networks. PGP related records are contained in chronological files dated January 1997 to May 1997 when PGP was temporarily created to transition into the PREM Network.

ESP and PSP Discussion Paper Series records

This series consists of discussion papers produced by staff in the Education and Social Policy Department (ESP) and the Poverty and Social Policy Department (PSP) for the departments Discussion Paper Series. The Discussion Paper Series includes papers on numerous topics related to the functions of ESP and PSP. The papers produced for this Series were not meant to be published as final products or reports, but were intended to stimulate discussion and comment internally among ESP and PSP staff, and provide up to date analysis to operational staff. The discussion papers also served as preliminary analysis for subsequent policy and best practice papers meant for publication and dissemination to an external audience.

ESP and PSP Annual Progress Report on Poverty (APPR)

This series includes records related to the Annual Poverty Progress Report (APPR) prepared by the Education and Social Policy Department (ESP) and the Poverty and Social Policy Department (PSP). At the request of the Bank's Executive Board of Directors and the Office of the President (EXC), the ESP was given the responsibility of producing an annual report that gauged the progression of the Poverty Reduction Strategy outlined in the Bank's World Development Report (WDR) 1990: Poverty. The APPRs were scheduled to be published for the fiscal years 1993 to 1995. The reports were prepared by the Monitoring Unit of the Poverty Analysis and Policy team in ESP and later PSP. The bulk of poverty progress information was collected from the poverty assessment reports and assessment summaries produced by operational staff in the Regional Vice Presidencies. The APPRs were presented to the Executive Board, the Operational Policy Committee (OPC), and EXC for comment, review, and approval. The APPRs were then used as the official publication for dissemination to audiences external to the Bank, and were subsequently presented at Poverty Dissemination Seminars organized by the World Bank in partnership with various international development agencies, NGOs, government agencies, and academic institutions.

The records in this series includes background history and reference material on the Poverty Reduction Strategy and the 1990 WDR, including: a copy of the policy paper "Assistance Strategies to Reduce Poverty" (1991); and memoranda, agenda, meeting minutes, and a communiqu? related to the joint IMF and World Bank Development Committee from April 1992 regarding reporting on the Poverty Reduction Strategy. The records additionally consist of APPR drafts for 1992 to 1995, and a published APPR copy of the Poverty Reduction and the World Bank: Progress and Challenges in the 1990s for fiscal year 1995. Memoranda, correspondence, and back-to-office reports detail meetings with the Executive Board, OPC, and EXC related to the APPRs, and follow-up actions taken by ESP and PSP. Numerous World Bank press releases and external articles related to the APPRs are also included.

The series also includes records related to the Poverty Dissemination Seminars attended by World Bank staff in Europe from 1993 to 1994. These records consist of: memoranda; agenda and meeting minutes; correspondence; invitation letters to participants; speech transcripts of World Bank staff; external reports on poverty issues; and copies of the World Bank published APPRs. The memoranda and correspondence consist of planning arrangements between ESP/ PSP and other World Bank units for seminars. Other memoranda and correspondence are post--seminar reports or summaries of responses to the APPR from external organizations and individuals.

EMPPE chronological files

Series consists of records related to Johnson's work in the Europe, Middle East and North Africa Projects Department, Power and Energy Division (EMPPE) in 1984 and 1985. Much of the records in this series relate to Johnson's contribution to projects in Turkey. Records relating to Agricultural Sector Policy Loan to Turkey, the Thrace Gas Development project (Loan 2327-TU), and background reports relating to Turkey's energy sector are particularly plentiful. Included are: a working paper draft authored by Johnson entitled Turkey Agricultural Sector Policy Loan Village Electrification Program (1984); Terms of Reference and back-to-office reports related to Johnson's missions to Turkey; telexes between the World Bank and Turkey government officials; a report on Turkey's Energy Strategy Paper; technical notes; a back-to-office report authored by Johnson entitled Turkey: Public Investment Review Energy Sector Adjustment Loan (1985); a report authored by Johnson and others entitled Turkey Public Investment Review Energy Sector Outline of Draft Reports (1985); and a report authored by Johnson entitled Contribution to Turkey: Country Assistance Paper Energy Sector (1985).

Records related to Loans 1873-CY, 2286/2287-CY, Transmission & Distribution Project and Energy Planning and Conservation Project to Cyprus are included. Records related to projects in Jordan are also included: Energy Development Project I - Loan 2371-JO; Fourth Power Project - Loan 1986-JO; and Fifth Power Project - Loan 2162-JO. A back-to-office andfull report for Romania Power Subsector Loan (FY 88) are included.

The series contains records, memoranda and reports related to Johnson's activities in the EMPPE. Notably, drafts of a Europe, Middle East and North Africa Projects Department (EMENA) Regional Energy Strategy Paper are included; one of these drafts has Johnson's hand-written comments.

Education Sector Board records

Series consists of various records maintained by the Education Sector Board of the Human Development Network (HDN) that was launched in September 1996. The Education Sector Board was one of the first sector boards to operate ahead of the Bank-wide reorganization in July 1997 that created networks to link staff working in the same sectors throughout the Bank.

The sector board was chaired by the sector director of the Human Development Network Education Team (HDNED). Maris O'Rourke was the first to serve in this position (1996 - 2000), followed by Director Ruth Kagia (tenure 2001 - 2008). The board was comprised of staff drawn from the network as well as representatives from the regions, Development Economics Department (DEC), International Finance Corporation (IFC), and World Bank Institute (WBI) and was managed by a sector manager. Accountable to the HDN Council led by the Human Development Network Vice Presidency, the board was supported by a secretariat. Records in the series reflect the responsibilitiesof the board in setting the strategy for the Bank's work in the sector, endorsing business plans and budget, ensuring the regions and anchor perspectives were coordinated, overseeing the outreach and partnerships for the sector, and vetting grant and trust fund proposals for quality, consistency, and prioritization with sector objectives.

A large portion of the series consists of meeting records including minutes, agenda, and reports from 1996 to 2006. There are records for one 1996 meeting held in December and a gap in the meeting records exists between 2004 and 2005. Some of the minutes contain handwritten annotations. Occasionally minutes are filed with copies of correspondence to the Office of the President or HDN Council, conference invitations and agenda, course outlines, draft and final discussion papers, external reports or newsletters, and other items. The minutes reflect discussion and decisions taken on various initiatives and topics such as: special grant proposals; preparation of reports or sector strategy; data and trends presented by sector staff including decline in education lending; external conferences and other events held by partners; quality assurance; Human Development Week event activities; fiscal year business plan and budget; staff training and development; awards programs; Bank reorganization; and various internal administrative matters. The minutes also specify follow-up actions to be taken.

The series also consists of chronological files of the sector board (1995 - 2000, with agap between mid-1998 and 1999), sector manager chronological file (2001 - 2002), and several correspondence and external correspondence files in liaison with the Office of the President (EXC, 2002 - 2005), specifically Wolfensohn (1996 - 1998), executive directors (1996 - 1997), HD Council (1996 - 1997), and the network's predecessor, Human Development Department (HDD) front office (1996 - 1997). The EXC correspondence files contain the incoming correspondence and log sheet with instructions, the response prepared by HDNED director or staff on behalf of the director, and emails between staff regarding draft responses that were sometimes jointly drafted with the input of other Bank units.

Subject files maintained by the sector board (1995 - 1999) also comprise the series. Files contain internal memoranda, external correspondence, and other records that relate to strategy, budget, funding, personnel, knowledge management, communications for the 1997 Human Development Network launch, Evaluation Learning Group, partnerships with external organizations, Development Grant Facility (DGF), and specific sector topics such as distance education and technology. There are also files related to the HDN Council that contain minutes of the HD Council meetings attended by O'Rourke and correspondence outlining directives from the HDD VP for the action of the sector board and regarding the launch of the networks including staffing matters. Correspondence is primarily between O'Rourke and other education sector senior staff such as Jeffrey Waite and Nick Burnett and includes all-in-1 messages and email hard copies, internal memoranda, and facsimiles. The correspondence is occasionally filed with internal reports such as working group and portfolio performance review reports, strategy papers, Terms of Reference, handwritten notes, and various other records.

An additional set of records relate to sector strategy, quality, governance, and partnerships (2000 - 2003). Strategy files contain draft business plans, Terms of Reference,issues notes, sector board minutes, framework or working papers, concept note reports, guidelines, executive summaries, and other reports. Strategic areas include Education for All Fast Track Initiative (EFA-FTI), HIV/AIDS, user fees in primary education, adult basic education, early child development, science and technology, and other themes.

Quality review records maintained by the sector board relate to the Quality Enhancement Review (QER) process for Bank-financed education projects at entry, quality training, and portfolio monitoring. The QER was initiated by the sector board in fiscal year 1999 and organized by the Quality Promotion Team, HDNED, in close collaboration with the Quality Assurance Group (QAG) and the regions. The purpose of the QER was to provide professional advice for country and task teams to enhance the quality and impact of projects and economic sector work (ESW). The files titled "Quality" contain: QER guidelines and overview documents; list of QERs FY2001 to 2003; QER panel roster; Terms of Reference; reports; and email hard copies regarding requests for QER by task team leaders (TTLs) and provision of quality training courses in collaboration between HDNED and Human Development Network, Health, Nutrition and Population Team (HDNHE) and HDNVP. The records pertaining to portfolio monitoring include quarterly reports, FY2002 retrospective report, and email hard copies between HDNED staff Omporn Regel and HDN Operations Officer Hongu Yang from HDNHE Lead Specialist Christopher Walker. Also included are four QER files related to Water and Sanitation and two related to Environment Sector Board QER that were presumably kept as reference.

Edited conference volume

A Conference on Indonesian Culture was held at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, July 3 through August 3, 1976. Gloria Davis edited the papers from the conference for publication in 1979 as :What Is Modern Indonesia Culture? in Ohio University's Southeast Asia Series. The series consists of the conference papers, with editorial changes, sometimes in several versions. Also included is some correspondence with the authors. The publication is not included.

EDI Task Force Secretary's records

This series consists of records related to the research and consultation undertaken by the task force. This includes the reports on consultations; some items relating to EDI and its programs that pre-date the task force (includinga copy of the Bank's 1976 EDI/20 : Memoir of a Fellowship); memoranda to and from the task force members; interim reprots; drafts; and a copy of the final report to the Board.

Economic Development Institute (EDI) collaboration files

This series consists of records related to Masood Ahmed's collaboration with the Economic Development Institute (EDI) of the Bank. Ahmed served on an EDI Advisory Committee during his time as Director of the IEC, and continued tocollaborate with EDI on a number of activities once he became the Vice President of PREM. The series includes memoranda, correspondence, articles, EDI reports, and EDI publications.

Economic Development Institute chronological files

Series consists of chronological files created during Chernick's time as Advisor on Senior Policy Seminars in the Economic Development Institute (EDI). The majority of the files consist of correspondence in the form of carbon copies, printed copies, and telexes; a small number of draft reports accompany the correspondence. Records primarily relate to the development and planning of Senior Policy Seminars and their evaluation. Records related to the development and planning of seminars include: correspondence with potential seminar leaders and attendees; Terms of Reference related to Chernick's trips to plan or oversee seminars; back-to-office reports; reports to other members of EDI describing planned seminars; suggestions for, and discussions of, potential seminar topics; activity briefs; and logistics. Records related to the evaluation of seminars include: Terms of Reference for Impact Evaluation of EDI activities; a draft of a seminar evaluation package; blank evaluation questionnaires; and EDI EvaluationPolicy Committee meeting records (including a report on the Committee itself [1987]).

Other records include: a report on the World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (1987); Chernick's proposed work program for 1987; materials related to World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program meetings; a report authored by Chernick entitled A Briefing Note on Foreign Exchange Risk (1985); reports and correspondence discussing the relationship between OED and EDI; EDI submissions to the World Bank Annual Report (submitted by Chernick); materials related to EDI Advisory Board meetings; and materials related to EDI Senior Staff meetings.

Economic Advisory and Development Policy chronological files

This series documents Stern's functions covering the period from when he joined World Bank in 1972 as Senior Advisor in the Office of the Economic Advisor to the President (January-October 1972), to his successive positions in the Office of the Vice President, Development Policy (VPD) as Senior Advisor (October 1972-April 1974) and Director (1974-1975).

The files relating to his role as Senior Advisor in the Office of the President primarily includes memoranda addressed to or from Vice President Hollis Cheney, the Bank's Research Committee, and other colleagues in the Office of the Economic Advisor. The correspondence documents the establishment and organization of the World Bank's economic research program, activities of the Research Committee and the Development Research Center, research proposals and decisions, publication of economic reports, discussions on policy papers, joint projects with external organizations, and evaluation of the Bank's economic activities.

The files relating to Stern's Development Policy functions associated with the Front Office of the Vice President include memoranda and letters addressed to the managers of the constituent departments of the Development Policy complex, the President, senior managers, UN offices, government officials, and other outside development organizations and experts. Reports, notes, and other supporting documents are occasionally attached to the memoranda. Records document program, budget, and staffing matters in the Office of the Vice President, management of the research program, country program reviews, growth prospects of developing countries, U.S. aid to development countries, International Development Association (IDA) replenishments, capital markets, Special Drawing Rights (SDR) allocations, World Bank Group-International Monetary Fund cooperation, the European Economic Community, the Committee of Twenty, G-24, the Pearson Commission, the Technical Committee on the transfer of Real Resources, the oil crisis, and some region and country-specific economic statistics. Further, they include comments on the Bank's policy structure regarding the 1972 reorganization, draft speeches for President McNamara and Vice President Hollis Chenery, and reviews of books and articles relating to development.

ECDRB/DEDRB chronological files

Series consists of chronological files created by Johannes Linn while serving in the Urban and Regional Economics Division of the Economics Department (ECDRB) and its successor the Development Economics Department (DEDRB) of the Development Policy Vice Presidency (DPS). Correspondence and memoranda contained in the chronological files generally relate to his work on urban development policy. Chronological files include those labeled "Chronological File - Official Correspondence" and labeled "Chronological File".

The "Official Correspondence" folders date from 1973 to 1981 and exclusively contain correspondence between Linn and individuals external to the World Bank. Most of the correspondence deals with the sharing of information (i.e. papers and reports), conference participation, and speech requests and logistical planning for conferences. A small number of papers and reports are included as attachments to correspondence. Correspondence is between Linn and academics, journalists, government officials, multilateral institutions, and other institutions and associations.

Other chronological files in this series primarily contain correspondence and memoranda between Linn and World Bank staff. Correspondence between Linn and external, non-Bank staff is more personal and substantive in nature than that found in the Official Correspondence files. Topics in these records include: project proposals; seminar and conference participation; research projects; work programs; economic analysis of Bank projects; and country and city studies.

Eastern Africa Department (EAF) chronological file

Series consists of correspondence created and received by Frank Vita during his time as a loan officer in the Eastern Africa Department (EAF). Series contains correspondence, memoranda, and telexes primarily between Vita and WorldBank colleagues. Records exclusively discuss the country of Malawi and World Bank operations in that country. Specifically, records discuss the writing of country sector studies, Country Program Papers, and country lending programreports. Series contain drafts and final versions of these documents as well as supporting office memoranda and back-to-office reports.

East Asia and Pacific Vice President (EAPVP) chronological files

Series consists of correspondence and attachments sent and received by Gautam Kaji while serving as East Asia and Pacific Vice President.

Topics of correspondence and attachments generally relate to operations policy, procedure, reporting, and evaluation, but also include: conference attendance; staffing; administrative matters; regional and Bank-wide lending program; management of field offices; development of Country Strategy Papers; annual lending allocation reviews; sector research and discussion (including gender, environment, social development); EAP administrative budget; country consultative groups; and the EAP Business Process Innovation (BPI) pilot. Records include: EAP Portfolio Monitoring Tables; country policy framework papers; briefing notes for Kaji; briefing notes created by EAP staff for senior Bank staff, including Bank President Preston; Country Strategy Papers; regional "Prospects Papers" and progress reports; administrative budget materials; three-year business plans for EAP; and materials disseminated in advance of Loan Committee meetings.

East Asia and Pacific Vice Presidency (AENVP) chronological correspondence files

The series includes chronological correspondence files from when Attila Karaosmanoglu served as Vice President in the East Asia and Pacific Region (AENVP). The records include incoming and outgoing correspondence, memoranda, and other records related to support of AENVP operations, including: memoranda of country project loan signings; back-to-office reports; mission support records; briefing notes; and records related to numerous meetings, training seminars, and events held in the AEN region. Outgoing correspondence discussing ongoing projects and initiatives for particular countries sent from Karaosmanoglu to AEN country Executive Directors of the Bank are also included.

East Asia and Pacific Vice Presidency (AENVP) chronological correspondence files

The series includes chronological correspondence, memoranda, and other records of Heywood Fleisig created or received during his position as Senior Economist in the East Asia and Pacific Vice Presidency (AENVP). The correspondence and memoranda are primarily between Fleisig and regional economists and staff regarding economic and sector work (ESW) projects within the East Asia and Pacific Region (AEN). Draft research papers and reports are included, and contain comments and handwritten notes by Fleisig. Back-to-office reports, project proposal reports, and meeting minutes related to regional ESW projects are also included.

EAS Working Group and Task Force files

This series includes records related to Economic Advisory Staff (EAS)participation in Bank working groups and task forces. This includes records related to the Country Risk Management and Portfolio Review Working Group from 1989 to 1991. The Working Group was led by the Bank's Risk Management and Financial Policy Department (FRS), but the Working Group consisted of representatives from EAS, and many other units in the Bank. The records relate to review of country risk monitoring and financial risk assessment functions performed by FRS. The records include: correspondence and memoranda from EAS staff, FRS staff, Working Group representatives, and senior Bank officials; meeting minutes and agenda from the Working Group, the Operations Committee (OC)of the Operations Senior Vice Presidency (OPNSV), and the Finance Committee of the Finance Senior Vice Presidency (FINSV); and reports with comments produced in support of the Working Group, including copies of the Country Risk Management and Portfolio Review report.

The series also includes records from the Task Force on Exposure Guidelines from 1989 to 1990. The task force was led by EAS Director Enzo Grilli, and done in close collaboration with the Bank's regional units and FRS. The task force was formed to re-evaluate and review the Bank's exposure guidelines used to assess member countries and the Bank's exposure to major financial risks such as debt obligations. The records include: memoranda and correspondence; Task Force meeting minutes and agenda; recordsrelated to Country Robustness Analysis surveys performed as part of the Exposure Guidelines Task Force exercise; and draft and final Exposure Guidelines reports with comments.

DRD country strategies, studies, and policy records

This series includes drafts of proposed country strategy papers, study papers, and policy papers maintained by Lamb when he served as Economist for the Development Research Department (DRD). This includes the following draft papers: African Development Strategy: Some Administrative Issues; Proposed Institutional Study of Kenya Tea Development Authority; Rapid Capitalist Development Model: a New Politics of Dependence?; and Market Surrogate Approaches to Institutional Development.

Documentation of institutional meetings, press conferences, and other events

Series contains sound recordings and videos created by External Relations and its predecessor units documenting World Bank meetings and other events organized, sponsored, or attended by Bank units. The series primarily contains audio reels of Annual Meeting speeches by Bank Presidents, Governors and world leaders as well as various Annual Meetings sessions. These materials date from 1954 to 1999. Records from Annual Meetings from the years 1955, 1961, 1964 and 1967 are missing from this series. Audio reelsof consultative group, consortia, and aid meetings, from 1965 to 1980, are also included.

The series also contains a collection of recorded speeches, press conferences, and interviews, primarily of Bank Presidents but also featuring other Bank staff. These audio reels cover the period 1956 to 1987. Speeches given by President McNamara are the most common, but Presidents Clausen, Conable, Woods, and Black also appear in the recordings. There are audio reels recording President Black's television addressto the National Farm Institute in 1956 and a press conference in April 1957.

Other sound recordings consist of speeches given by various Bank staff, including Vice President Robert L. Garner, at conferences, seminars, and other forums, audio reels relating to the Orangi Pilot Project in Pakistan which was launched in 1980, and audio cassettes of various Bank press conferences from 1997 to 1999.

Videos included in this series contain Bank Presidents' speeches, addresses, press conferences, and interviews covering the period 1985 to 2010 but are predominantly from President Wolfensohn's tenure from 1995 to 2005. Videos include: speeches and press conferences at Annual Meetings by Presidents Conable, Preston, Wolfensohn, Wolfowitz and Zoellick; World Development Report (WDR) press conferences; town halls; President Wolfensohn's speeches and addresses given at high-level meetings, conferences, or trips to countries; and international media interviews of Bank presidents. Other videos document interviews with other World Bank staff. A small number of videos relate to orientation for new staff (1988) and proceedings of meetings such as Second Africa Regional Workshop on Harmonization, Alignment and Results for Development Effectiveness (2004), and the Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics (ABCDE) in 2006.

Divisional Reading File of the Policy Research Department (PRD)

The series consists of documents sent electronically within PRD, to other parts of DEC, and to other Bank organizations. They include peer review comments and comments on other papers, sector reports, Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) documents, research design proposals, concept papers, and draft Final Executive Project Summaries (FEPS) sent to PRD divisions for review. These and other documents in the series reflect PRD divisions' involvement in research into aid effectiveness, poverty (including theold age security study and HIV/AIDS and STDs prevention and management), and the environment. Copies of Terms of Reference and Back-to-Office Reports for missions undertaken during this period and documents relating to establishment of a Research Advisory Group are part of the series. Also included are copies of reports from Bank Board meetings and DEC Senior Managers Meetings which were usually circulated to the divisions by the Department head or the Division Chiefs.

The documents dated August 1991 - January 1992 were created in the Policy and Review Department, which also had the acronym PRD and was abolished November 30, 1991. The few post-dated documents concern matters pertaining to the termination of that department. This reading file also includes copies of documents sent (4 January 1993 - 23 February 1993) by CECFP [Financial Policy and Systems], CECTM [Transition and Macro-Adjustment], and CECTP [Trade Policy] Division] staff short periods before and after 1 February 1993 when the Country Economics Department (CEC) was renamed the Policy Research Department (PRD). Three small subject files pertaining to a poverty handbook and budget matters are part of the series.

Divisional Reading File of the International Economics Department (IEC)

The series consists of documents sent electronically within IEC, to other parts of DEC, and to other Bank units on many subjects. A large proportion of the documents concern debt reporting, debt management operations, borrowing arrangements for countries, World Debt Tables, and World Development Indicators. Also included are comments on reports and papers, Unified Survey projects for various countries, Staff Appraisal Reports, and Draft Memoranda of the President for loans for projects. The series also includes requests for information in preparation for representation at Berne Union meetings and documents pertaining to modeling and analytical tools in IECIT [International Trade Division], external debt missions, and The Old Age Crisis Report. Summaries and reports of Bank Board meetings, comments on brainstorming sessions, and meeting announcements circulated by the Department Director or Division Chiefs are also part of the series.

Dissertation and data collection sheets

Gloria Davis completed her Ph.D. in anthropology at Stanford University in 1976 with a dissertation titled, Parigi: A Social History of the Balinese Movement to Central Sulawesi, 1907-1974. The series consists of a copy of the dissertation and the data sheets that Davis compiled in preparing it.

As Davis describes in the introduction to the dissertation, In early 1973 I began a systematic census of the migrant area [Parigi, central Sulawesi], followed by a detailed questionnaire administered to 1,000 migrants. In this effort I was assisted by a number of school teachers in the various villages, and also by two assistants . . . who together administered about one-half the questionnaires and coded and compiled all the results. In early 1974 the three of us returned to Bali and gave the same questionnaire to 500 Balinese from sending areas for migrants in Sulawesi. The original questionnaires, filled out by hand and including the name of the person interviewed and the location, make up the series. Nine groups were surveyed in Sulawesi and six in Bali. Within each group, each survey sheet was numbered, and they are in numerical order. Appendix B of the dissertation provides an English translation of the survey form.

Because of the completeness of the survey data, the data sheets are an important resource for persons interested in tracing communities, families, or individuals in the survey area; reviewing the early stages of the transmigration program in Indonesia; or replicating the survey.

Director-General Robert Picciotto's Working Files for OED Studies, Reports, and Reviews

This series contains the working files that Director-General Robert Picciotto and his assistant, Pablo Guerrero, maintained for OED's special evaluation studies, Annual Reviews (known as the Annual Review of Evaluation Results [ARER] until 1997 when they became the Annual Review of Development Effectiveness [ARDE]), impact evaluation reports, annual Process Reviews of Annual Reports on Portfolio Performance (ARPP), Country Assistance Reviews, and Country Assistance Notes. Also included are files for OED'sannual policy ledgers which compiled OED recommendations from its reports and management responses to those recommendations. Most of the documents in these files are presumably duplicated elsewhere among the OED records relating to Annual Reviews and to the creation of evaluation products, but many of the intra-OED memoranda and e-mail exchanges are originals, and a number of the documents are heavily annotated by DGO Picciotto. The records in the files relating to OED's 1993 - 1997 annual ARPPs are uniqueto this series.

The files on any given OED product generally contain: multiple drafts of the study, report, or review; intra-OED correspondence and e-mail exchanges; minutes of meetings of the Committee on Development Effectiveness (CODE) and of the Executive Directors at which the product was discussed; drafts of management responses to the OED product; comments on draft and final versions of the product; copies of OED presentation slides, agenda, and other documents from OED workshops related to a study; and clippings regarding OED issuances and Bank policies. Files for evaluation studies may also contain Terms of Reference for consultants assigned to the study, initiating memoranda, design and approach papers, and a copy of the printed study.

Director-General Robert Picciotto's Files Relating Primarily to Committees, Commissions, Task Forces, and Boards on which he served

The series consists of files compiled by DGO Robert Picciotto that relate to topics not directly connected with the work of OED; most of the files concern committees, commissions, task forces, or boards on which Picciotto served. The majority of files concerns the Bank-wide Social Development Task Force (SDTF) which was established early in 1996 as an acknowledgement of the social dimensions of development in project design and to take a considered look at the various initiatives and approaches underway onsocial development and to make recommendations on further actions to advance [that] work. Picciotto served as chair of the Task Force's Satellite Group 9 on Bank Instruments of Lending. Picciotto's Task Force records include: agenda for meetings and retreats; copies of and comments on the drafts of the Group 9 report; correspondence with other members of Group 9 and with other Task Force members; and copies of input from the other Task Force groups.

Related to the SDTF are records filed under Adapting Lending Products and Adaptable Lending Products. Picciotto was a member of the New Products Steering Committee which was organized to implement the recommendations of the SDTF. That led to the Adaptable Lending Group which first met in March 1997 to create a new line of lending products recommended for Bank-wide adaptation to implement SDTF goals. The Executive Directors approved the Adaptable Lending Instruments in September 1997. The files contain Picciotto's correspondence regarding the development of the new lending products.

Filed under Project Implementation Commission - Brazil are Picciotto's records, dated July 1999 - August 1996, for the Brazil/World Bank Commission on Improving the Developmental Effectiveness of World Bank Financial Projects. Picciotto was a member of the joint Bank/Brazil Commission which was created to improve the Bank's portfolio in three sectors (education, rural poverty, and health) in the Northeast Region of Brazil and in the environment sector across Brazil. Picciotto's recordsinclude: correspondence with Commission members; Terms of Reference for consultants assigned to work with the Commission; minutes of Commission meetings; intra-OED correspondence regarding audits of Brazilian projects and the establishment of new projects in Brazil; draft outlines of the Commission's final report; drafts of the Executive Summary of the report; and comments regarding drafts of the final report. Drafts of the entire report are not in the files.

Picciotto served on the Joint Fund-Bank Committee on Finance and Development which was the advisory board for Finance and Development (F and D), the quarterly publication of the International Monetary Fund and the Bank. His Board records (filed under Internal Correspondence - Finance and Development) date from December 1987 when he was Vice President for Corporate Planning and Budgeting. Included are: his correspondence with the editor of F and D; agenda and minutes of Board meetings; copies of book reviews he provided for publication; resumes of job applicants for positions with the publication; articles submitted for publication which were forwarded to Picciotto for comment; and a copy of an article, A New Project Cycle for the World Bank? which he and Rachel Weaving submitted for publication in October 1994.

In addition to board, task force, and committee records, this series includes files on several other non-OED topics. Filed under Socratic Seminar Files are Picciotto's records regarding his coordination work for a television program, Banking on the Poor, which was part of a public television series The Fred Friendly Seminars. Picciotto had the lead in planning for the October 1, 1994, program which took place in Madrid, Spain, at the time of the Bank's annual meeting. It was the third in a series sponsored by the Bank to examine the role of international finance in fighting poverty. The program followed the Socratic Seminar format, created in the 1970s by Fred Friendly and Stuart Sucherman. Picciotto's records are dated May to October 1994 and include concept papers and e-mails regarding logistical planning for the program.

This series also includes copies of June 1996 - June 1998 correspondence (filed under Knowledge Center - Management) Picciotto received regarding the Knowledge Management Board that was established in July 1997 as well as copies of his comments on proposals for knowledge management within the Bank.

Director-General Robert Picciotto's Files on the Independent Evaluation of the Pilot Phase of the Global Environment Facility (GEF)

The series consists of records related to the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The GEF was a three-year pilot program begun in 1991 to provide grants and low interest loans to developing countries for programs to relieve pressures on global ecosystems. The Facility was a co-operative venture among national governments, the World Bank, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). In April 1992, GEF participants agreed that its structure should be modified, and at a subsequent meeting in December of that year in Abidjan the participants requested an independent evaluation of the Pilot Phase.

Correspondence regarding discussions held within the Bank regarding the GEF independent evaluation of the Pilot Phase are part of the series, including minutes of a January 25, 1993, meeting on the topic convened by the Chief, Infrastructure and Energy Division (OEDD3) at which ENVGE (Global Environment Facility Administration) was represented. Drafts of the Terms of Reference (TOR) to be presented at a GEF meeting in Rome on March 4-5, 1993, are part of the series. Drafts of the Inception Memorandum for the independent evaluation, the Inception Report, and the Terms of Reference prepared after the Rome meeting are also part of the series. Most of these records were prepared following a March 12, 1993, meeting attended by the Deputy Director of UNDP's Central Evaluation Office (CEO), the Chief of OEDD3, and an OEDD3 consultant (John Malone). Establishment of an Independent Panel of Experts for the GEF evaluation was discussed at this meeting. Copies of letters of invitation extended to individuals selected to serve on the panel are part of the series.

Memoranda, paper copies of electronic and facsimile messages, correspondence, newspaper articles, and news releases in the series document the work of the Independent Panel of Experts (Independent Evaluation Panel [IEP]) and the three Evaluation Managers (Robert Picciotto - DGO, World Bank, Gus Edgren - UNDP, and Nay Htun -UNEP) responsible for conduct of the evaluation. Also documented are the managers' contacts with the Chairperson of IEP (Dr. Alvaro Umata), the principal evaluators (Jim Kelly - UNDP, Andrea Matte-Bakers, and Stjepan Keckes - UNEP, John Malone - World Bank), and the Evaluation Staff Coordinator (W. Haven North - World Bank).

The series includes: the final Inception Memorandum; work plan outline and budget for the evaluation; agendas, discussion papers, and minutes of meetings of the IEP and of GEF participants; copies of the questionnaires distributed to GEF participants as part of the evaluation; a draft Project Evaluation Form (PEF) consisting of a summary of questionnaire responses; and the interim and final reports of the evaluation. A copy of Global Environment Facility-The Pilot Phase and Beyond, Working Paper Series, Number I, May 1992, contains the text on the restructuring of the GEF approved by participating governments on April 30, 1992. Also in the series is the July 20, 1993, Back-to-Office report of Hideki Mori (OEDD3), of a GEF evaluation mission to Japan, Thailand, and Lao People's Democratic Republic from June 16 to July 5, 1993.

Director, Investment Department (INV) chronological correspondence files

Series consists of the chronological files created by Rischard during his time as Director of the Investment Department (INV) in the Treasury Vice President (TREVP). Records relate to Rischard's position as director of the department and manager of its various units and their activities. The majority of the correspondence are in the form of office memoranda between Rischard and other Bank staff discussing: divisional work programs; specific topics related to unit activities; the creation of the new products and strategies division; staffing; workshop and meeting planning, scheduling, and attendance; and information sharing. Monthly portfolio and annual retrospective reports are also found amongst the office memoranda. A smaller amount of correspondence are letters between Rischard and external individuals and organizations primarily discussing meetings and the exchange of information.

Note that the series contains correspondence authored and received by Rischard's predecessor in the role of INV Director, Bernard Holland, from January 1989 to July 1989. Rischard became the INV Director in September of 1989. It appears that the correspondence of the new Director was added to the folder for the year 1989 initiated by Holland.

Director, Development Policy Ernest Stern's Correspondence with President McNamara

This series contains the memoranda that Ernest Stern exchanged with President McNamara while he was Senior Adviser (later Research Adviser) and, beginning in April 1974, Director of Development Policy in the Office of the Vice President, Development Policy. The records consist of copies of Stern's memoranda to McNamara or to his immediate staff; copies of memoranda to McNamara from other Bank staff, especially VPD Hollis Chenery, that were copied to Stern; Stern's memoranda to Bank staff that were copied to McNamara; and memoranda and notes from McNamara or members of his staff to Stern. In many cases, Stern's original memoranda to McNamara were returned to him marked with the President's annotations or with a red stamp indicating President has seen. Stern's correspondence in this file predates his official appointment in VPD on November 1, 1972. Stern's memoranda transmit comments on papers prepared by Bank staff, suggestions for topics to be covered in briefing books prepared for the President, drafts of Presidential speeches, drafts of letters for the President's signature, and comments on correspondence received by McNamara.

The correspondence covers a wide-range of subjects: cooperation with the IMF; the establishment of the Development Committee and the Interim Committee; the Bank's response to the energy crisis; and the establishment of the Intermediate Financing Facility or Third Window. Filed at the end of the series are three items belonging to Stern's successor, Attila Karaosmanoglu: two October memoranda Chenery sent McNamara and copied to Karaosmanoglu and Karaosmanoglu's December 31 draft outlines for McNamara's annual speech.

Director and Front Office records

Series consists of records created and maintained by the front office of the Human Development Network, Education Team (HDNED) and predecessor units between 1964 and 2013, beginning with the Education Department (EDP) in existence from 1968 to 1972. The records document management oversight and strategic planning; directing research, policy work, and sector programs; managing the Bank's relationship with external partners in the sector; and, to a lesser extent, donor coordination activities. The records also provide information about the units' structure and communication between the director and advisers in the front office. The department's front office initially consisted of a senior adviser, economic adviser, implementation adviser, training adviser and education adviser from at least 1968 until the creation of the functional units, later divisions, under the Education Department (EDC) beginning in July 1977. The Training Unit (EDCTR) was established in 1977 followed in July 1983 by the Education Research Program (EDCRS), Education Operational Policy Program (EDCOP), and Education Project Related Training Program. The units were elevated to divisions in 1985 led by division chiefs and acronyms were changed. This structure changed again in the 1987 Bank-wide reorganization and the formation of the Population and Human Resources Department, Education and Employment Division (PHREE).

Records cover the tenure of the following directors: Duncan Ballantine (tenure 1964 - 1977); Aklilu Habte (1977 - 1987); WadiD. Haddad (1987 - 1988); Maris O'Rourke (1995 - 2000); Ruth Kagia (2001 - 2008), and Elizabeth (Beth) M. King (2009 - 2014). There is a gap in the records of directors and managers between 1989 and 1994. The tenures of O'Rourke and Kagia are the most widely represented. Between 2000 and early 2001, Senior Advisers Bruno LaPorte and Marlaine Lockheed served as acting directors, and they are also creators of records in this series.

The series is comprised of subject files, chronological files, and a small number of briefing books for the Bank's senior officials. A sizeable portion of the subject file records reflect the development and oversight of the sector's policy, research, and training programs and activities, particularly in the early period between 1965 and 1988. The earliest records consist of correspondence and data sheets related to diversified secondary curriculum (Discus) projects (1964 - 1976).

Education policy

The series includes records related to the preparation, dissemination, and promotion (1974 - 1980) of the 1979 Education Sector Policy (PUB2680). Files were created and accumulated by EDC Director Aklilu Habte, Implementation Adviser David H. Lewis, Senior Adviser Mats Hultin, and others. There is some overlap amongst these files maintained by various personnel in EDC with separate roles in the development of the policy paper. Internal memoranda are between senior management and staff, regional educational divisions, and other Bank staff regarding comments on the sector paper and internal discussions on developing stronger policy for the sector, and discussion on work program and priorities. There are also cables and incoming and outgoing letters with colleagues external to the Bank documenting their collaboration on reviewing the drafts and responses to external requests for policy information and previous publications.

The policy paper correspondence is filedwith draft outlines, data tables, preliminary and final drafts of chapters for discussion, Policy Review Committee revised version and committee minutes, list of commenters including a summary of seminars and discussions held on the draft, draft foreward prepared for President McNamara, summary of Board discussion on sector policy paper, copy of the bound publication issued September 1979 and a copy of the earlier sector policy paper published in 1974.

The Education Sector Policy dissemination and promotion records include: prepared remarks by Habte (October, 1979); memoranda regarding discussion of the policy at a regional senior staff meeting; draft and final board paper on cooperation between the World Bank and other organizations in the education sector in follow up to the sector paper; copies of press releases in English, Spanish, French, and Arabic; and copies of articles, journal and book reviews, and editorials documenting reactions to the policy. There is also a substantive 1980 report submitted by Wadi D. Haddad to Habte, summarizing procedures followed in the preparation of paper, consultations, policy gaps and procedure for future policy work, and proposal for a policy information system.

The sector policy files also include reference to the External Advisory Panel appointed by President McNamara in 1977 to review the status of education in the developing world including the Bank's education and training projects and recommend areas for future action. Files contain copies of memoranda from Vice President, Central Projects Warren C. Baum to Vice President of Operations (SVPOP) Ernest Stern regarding the panel report which contains Stern's notations. There is also correspondence addressed to panel Chair David Bell, Ford Foundation detailing external individual's comments on the 1978 panel report and items for discussion with the panel prepared by Habte.

Other records relate to the Task Force on Issues and Strategies for Meeting Needs of High-Level Agricultural Training in Africa (1986 - 1987) including Terms of Reference, meeting summaries, draft and final reports, and draft report and progress report regarding the Special Program for African Agricultural Research (SPAAR) initiated by the Bank to bring together multilateral and bilateral donors to develop a special program on agriculture research. These records were mostly accumulated by Education Policy Division (EDTPD) Operations Adviser Ralph W. Harbison and EDTPD Agriculture Education and Training Adviser J. Price Gittinger.

Sub-Saharan Africa education policy

Records also relate to the development, collaboration, and dissemination of the Bank's Sub-Saharan Africa education policy paper (1982 - 1988). Background preparation included the formation of an External Advisory Panel to advise on the policy paper. There are memoranda between Habte, Haddad, Policy Division Senior Economist Peter R. Moock and Adviser J. Price Gittinger concerning Gittinger's attendance at a meeting of donor agency representatives to discuss the implications for donors of education in sub-Saharan Africa. There are also: Terms of Reference and other records related to a meeting of the advisory panel and seminar program in Dijon, France in 1985 attended by Habte and other staff from EDT, the Regions and other Bank divisions; Dijon meeting background reports and World Bank Staff Working Papers by various authors; consultants' papers, and back-to-office report (BTOR). Other records are related to the African ministers of education meeting in 1987 attended by PHREE Division Chief Haddad, and conference of European donors to education in 1987 attended by Moock that includes a conference report and BTOR.

Correspondence and other items also pertain to the dissemination of the Sub-Saharan African education policy paper largely handled by Moock. There are letters to government officials from Wadi Haddad Chief, Education and Employment Division, (PHREE). 1987. The paper issued in 1988 was titled "Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: policies for adjustment, revitalization, and expansion"..

Project Related Training program and other training seminars and activities

The series contains records of the front office and divisions (1980 - 1987) regarding training programs and seminars organized by the sector, some in collaboration with other Bank divisions. Records primarily document staff training programactivities of the Project Related Training Division (EDTPT, in existence 1983 - 1986). Most of these records were maintained by the front office for reference purposes and contain copies of training material.

There are several seminar files that contain a schedule or agenda, list of participants, course materials consisting of concept papers and case studies, and evaluation form. Topics of seminars include issues in education projects, tools for sector analysis, financing of education, education policy analysis, mass communication, and others. Three training files relate to a staff seminar on preparation and design of project-supported institutional development components and contain handouts, outlines, exercises, case studies, and evaluation form. There are also draft seminar modules for a seminar in agriculture projects, project related training and institutional development in agricultural lending training material, BTORs of senior training advisers, and announcement memoranda to other Bank departments.

Records of Senior Adviser Richard K. Johanson, Director's Office (EDTDR) and others contain reports in the form of memoranda addressed to division chiefs including evaluation report on staff seminars and training, and summary of a Bank seminar on the quality of education in development countries with a list of consultants and credentials, agenda, session outline, and keynote address. Also included are a seminar report, background papers and externally printed material on a school quality and education project management course developed under Implementation Adviser Adriaan Verspoor.

Research program

A small volume of research program records relate to the International Fund for Education Research (IFER, 1973 - 1984). Included are internal memoranda within the Education Research Program unit (EDCRS), BTORs, Terms of Reference, and outgoing letters from EDC Senior Sociologist and later Chief, Education and Training Design Division, Education Development Institute, Stephen Heyneman. Correspondence discusses budget allocation, paper proposals, financial assistance to countries, and comments on the education research strategy paper.

There is a large bound volume of correspondence (1973 - 1979) consisting mostly of internal memoranda of Senior Adviser Mats Hultin and copies accumulated including memoranda from Vice President Ernest Stern to President McNamara regarding the Bank Group research program and education research activities. Memoranda is also addressed to Director Ballantine including an original memo from the Development Policy vice president. Draft research project papers (RPO), Board reports, and project proposals are also filed in the volume.

Also included is a file on a joint United Nations Educational, Scientific, Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Bank education study with background papers (1973).

Knowledge and information products

Series contains World Bank Education Newsletters (WBEN, 1986 - 1987) issued beginning in April 1986 to report on challenges of education investment and Bank efforts to support education. The newsletters were edited by EDTDR Senior Adviser Richard K. Johanson. The newsletters inform about news of country policies, summary of education projects, recent papers and books published, education research updates, and policy notes features. The file also contains memoranda from Johanson.

A retreat file contains background papers and publications that are mostly external.

HDNED Subject files

Also included in this series are subject files maintained by Human DevelopmentNetwork, Education Team (HDNED) Directors O'Rourke and Kagia from 1995 to 2004 mostly relating to unit activities and programs and the strategic direction of the sector and its partnerships and global programs. A single item dated 1973 is a copy of an education project appraisal in Costa Rica found in the 2002 file pertaining to education and technology. Correspondence includes mainly internal memoranda, letters, and hard copy emails. There are memoranda from Kagia to the Bank managing director regarding partnership proposals and hard copy emails concerning the arrangement and proceedings of meetings. Other records filed with the correspondence are internal draft and final reports or concept papers, some annotated; report outlines; agenda, list of participants and reports from various conferences; Poverty Reduction Strategy papers (PRSP); lists and inventory of Human Development Network (HDN) and partnerships; education action plans outlining country information and goals and progress; press releases; and speeches. Topics covered in the files include but are not limited to: Dakar World Conference outcomes; sector lending; grant and trust funds for education; partnership selectivity and oversight; and user fees.

Several subject files relate to the Education for All Fast Track Initiative (EFA-FTI) program and reflect the sector director's support to, or representation at, high level program or partnership meetings, conferences, and working groups. Records include a briefing note and talking points for Bank President Wolfensohn prepared by Kagia, meeting summaries of the G-8 Education Task Force and PRSP Task Force, and committee activities and comments regarding an EFA concept note and financing paper. Also included is a file on the EFA-FTI donors meeting (2002-2003) coordinated by the sector director's office which contains correspondence prepared for the vice president, HDN regarding FTI funding and donor pledges, presentations, agenda, list of participants, and draft summary of discussion and agreements.

Other HDNED subject files relate to the delivery of presentations or addresses given by the director at Bank meetings or externally organized events. Several of these files contain transparency slides and, occasionally, the hard copy presentation and notes on topics such as the Bank's role and strategy for education (1998).

HDNED Director chronological files

Series also consists of mostly outgoing chronological correspondence records that reflect the wide range of management and liaison functions of MarisO'Rourke (HDD senior advisor and later HDNED director, tenure 1995 - 2000), HDNED Director Ruth Kagia (2001 - 2008) and HDNED Director Elizabeth (Beth) M. King (2009 - 2014). There is a gap in correspondence in 2008 which could be the result of Kagia's promotion to country director in the Africa Regional Vice Presidency in August 2008. King's correspondence as director covers her tenure only until 2013.

Correspondents within the records include other Education Sector colleagues, Bank staff in the regions and the Office of External Relations, government officials, United Nations agency officials, and representatives of other external organizations. The correspondence covers various topics such as: visits with education professionals and academics; responses to invitations to conferences and UN governance meetings; comments on external education reports and initiatives; proposals for collaboration or Bank funding; external projects in member countries; small grants program; supervision of project components; sector strategy concept paper and sector policy; research projects; consultants' activities; staffing; adult learning, girls education, and other thematic areas; database development; the Education for All (ETA), Fast Track Initiative (ETA-FTI) and the Bank's Learning for All programs, and ETA-FTI successor, the Global Partnership for Education (GPE).

Correspondence is in the form of all-in-1 notes and email hard copies and incoming and outgoing letters and is sometimes filed with various records such as: trust fund agreement copies; draft and final discussion papers; program or study proposals; meeting or conference agenda and outlines; BTORs; summaries of meetings or conferences attended; speeches and statements; curriculum vitae (CVs); copies of external articles; United Nations agency reports; and other external annual reports.

The series also contains external correspondence files (2000 - 2007) concerning replies prepared for the Office of the President and Office of the Vice President and Head of Network (HDNVP). These files contain correspondence logs or cover sheets indicating correspondence details and action instructions that are filed with the original incoming letters mostly addressed to Bank Presidents Wolfensohn and Wolfowitz, and, to a lesser extent, Zoellick. The outgoing responses were prepared by or on behalf of Directors O'Rourke or Kagia. The HDNVP incoming external correspondence files are primarily addressed to the HDN vice president and occasionally to the Bank president. Topics include: financial contributions of the Bank; invitations to conferences, symposia, roundtables, and other events; Development Grant Facility (DGF); partnership and liaison activities with international organizations and the private sector; and other matters.

There are also a small number of files titled "deadline logbooks" maintained by O'Rourke that contain correspondence log sheets with the attached letters addressed to President Wolfensohn for reply by the sector or by the HDN vice president.

The series also consists of chronological correspondence (2005 - 2006) prepared for Nicholas Krafft, Office of the Vice President (HDNVP). Many of the letters were drafted by Director Kagia or other HDNED senior staff to be sent by the HDN vice president or the Bank president.

Economist Elizabeth King chronological file

The series contains a chronological file which was maintained by Beth King while she was an economist, later senior economist of PHREE between September 1987 to March 1991 and July1991 to March 1992. The file includes both her incoming and outgoing correspondence. Much of the correspondence is with economists and educators external to the Bank, but the files include her correspondence with other sector and department employees. Among the correspondence are copies of her Terms of Reference, travel documents, and back-to-office reports regarding her missions and attendance at conferences; copies of draft papers on which she commented; drafts of her own publications with comments from others; and copies of research project proposals she drafted. The correspondence also documents her role as part of the World Development Report 1991 team and her drafting of the chapter on human resources in the report.

Briefing books

The series also consists of a small set of briefing books (1997 - 2002, 2009) prepared by the sector primarily for senior officials including President Wolfensohn at the World Education Forum held in Dakar in 2000, for Wolfensohn's meeting with the Bureau of African Ministers of the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA, 1997 - 2000, and a quarterly briefing book for Managing Director Mamphela Ramphele (2002). There are briefing books (1998 - 2002) for HDNED director external meetings and events and a briefing book of Director King (2009).

NRIC correspondence and related records

Also included in the series are several correspondence files (1975 - 1986) authored by department senior management, division chiefs, and advisers that were originally sent to the Non-Regional Information Center (NRIC) and arranged under the Bank-wide classification. Files are titled "general" and "agriculture modular instruction" and include mostly internal memoranda, letters, and cables that cover the various sector activities such as policy work, project related training and workshops, unit work program and objectives, education lending and economic and sector work reviews, and liaison with partners. Study outlines and papers, Terms of Reference, meeting summaries, proposals, final reports, and bound publications are sometimes filed with correspondence.

Most records in the series are in English. However, a small amount of correspondence and other items are in French and the 1979 Education Sector Policy press release is also in French, Spanish, and Arabic.

Director and Front Office records

Series consists of records created and maintained by the front office of the Population, Health and Nutrition Division (PHRHN) and predecessor units that date from 1968 to 1992, including the Population Projects Department (PNP) in existence from 1969 to 1972. The records document the activities of the office in overseeing the population, health, nutrition portfolio and strategy, directing the research and policy work of the department, and managing the Bank's relationship with external partners in the sector. Records cover the tenure of the following directors: Dr. Kandiah Kanagaratnam (1969 - 1979); Dr. John R. Evans (1979 - 1983); John D. North (1983 - 1987); and Ann O. Hamilton (1987 - 1993).

The series is primarily comprised of subject files. Types of records within the files include, but are not limited to: internal memoranda between the department, divisions, Bank president, and other Bank departments; incoming and outgoing letters; back-to-office reports; terms of reference; draft and final research study and concept papers; Board and committee meeting records; panel reports; demographic and country briefs; minutes or summaries of meetings; research proposals; copies of journal articles; and external reports.

A large volume of records relate to the department's relationship and collaboration with international organizations, universities and research institutes, national aid agencies, private foundations, and Nongovernment Organizations (NGOs) during the years 1968 - 1983. Organizations include, but are not limited to: American Public Health Association (APHA); United Nations (UN); United Nations Children?s Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and committees; World Health Organization (WHO); Population Reference Bureau; Population Service International; European Economic Community and European Parliament; World Population Society; Harvard University; Ford Foundation; Asian Development Bank; Smithsonian Institute; Rockefeller Foundation; Population Council; and United States Congress. Liaison correspondence details operations between the sector and partners, summaries of meetings, participation in Bank missions, coordination of aid and perspective investments in countries, comments on papers, and exchange of information on various health topics. A smaller volume of records relate to the sector's involvement in collaborative disease-prevention programs (1973 - 1983) such as the Onchocerciasis Control Program (OCP, or river blindness) that was administered within the Africa Regional Vice Presidency.

Other records relate to: the work of the external panels and review groups and the Bank's follow-up, such as the 1975 Board-appointed External Advisory Panel on population chaired by Dr. Bernard Berelson; formulation of the 1973 nutrition policy and 1974 health policy; conferences, seminars, lectures, and trainings organized or attended by the Director and staff; population and health lending program; project supervision and disbursement; research and policy papers prepared by the department, such as contraceptive research and development and Kenya health and worker productivity studies; World Development Report (WDR); and specific health topics including public health, environmental health, and HIV/AIDS. The correspondence regarding HIV/AIDS dates from 1986 to 1988, prior to the time when the Bank formed the HIV/AIDS Global Program Unit under the Human Development Network, in 2002. The series also contains two files relating to education and educational projects (1970 - 1980).

Records maintained by Ann O. Hamilton, director, Population and Human Resources Department (PHRDR) who served from 1987 to 1992 include correspondence with the Bank president (1987 - 1992) as well as correspondence and other records related to: the Bellagio Conference of the Task Force on Child Survival (1987 - 1988); FY 1989 and 1990 annual sector review; work program FY 1991; and HIV/AIDS (1988).

Series also contains records maintained by Dr. Anthony R. Measham from 1981 to 1987 while he served as public health specialist, PHND3 (1982 - 1984) followed by health adviser in the director's office (April 1984 to May 1988) prior to becoming division chief, PHRHN 1988 - 1992. Measham's records primarily relate to his economic research and involvement in external partnerships in the health sector as well as participation in conferences, seminars, and workshops. Records include: internal memoranda; letters; cables; reports and studies authored by Meashamand others; briefing notes; conference press kit as well as draft conference program, workshop proposal, and participants list; and minutes of meetings of the Task Force for Child Survival on which Measham served as the Bank representative. Memoranda is mainly between Measham and PHN divisions, and correspondence is with colleagues external to the Bank such as task force representatives, some letters detailing the Bank's support and views. Specific topics covered in the files include Tobacco Working Group,maternal mortality, WHO programs and strategy, health sector survey, and the first Safe Motherhood conference in February 1987. Measham and Division Chief Barbara Herz, Women in Development (PHRWD), participated in coordinating Safe Motherhood conference donors, participants, and prepared papers to be presented at the conference. The conference was followed by Measham and Herz's World Bank Discussion Paper publication The Safe Motherhood Initiative: Proposals for Action no. WDP 9, published in May 1987. There are also records related to Measham's recruitment and management of staff and consultants. The health sector survey file contains material in Chinese such as surveys and research data regarding hospital costs.

Also included in the series are several correspondence files (1974 - 1986) authored by department senior management and advisers that were originally sent to the Non-Regional Information Center (NRIC) and arranged under the Bank-wide classification. Files are titled 'health', 'population', 'nutrition', 'external advisory panel', and 'general' and include mostly memoranda and letters that cover the various sector activities such as policy work, research, review of projects, and partnerships. Much of the correspondence is between director and division chiefs, and Operations Vice Presidency (VPOPS) and some is with external agencies, mostly within the United Nations family. Reports, discussion papers, and guidelines are occasionally filed with the correspondence.

A small volume of records in the series relate to the management of the division, work plan, 1975 relocation of the nutrition division, management team meeting minutes (1987 - 1990), and involvement in the Board of Governors Annual Meetings.

Development Research Group's Reading File Relating to the World Trade Organization (WTO) Second Ministerial Conference and the 50th Anniversary of the Multilateral Trading System

This appears to be the reading file maintained in DECRG for the delegation representing the Bank at the Second WTO Ministerial Conference and the 50th Anniversary celebration of WTO in Geneva, 18 May 1998 - 20 May 1998. Members of the delegation were: Masood Ahmed, Vice President and Head of Network, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management (PRM), head of delegation; L. Alan Winters, Research Manager, Trade, DECRG; and John Croome, consultant, Permanent Observer to the WTO at Geneva.

Copies of schedules and programs of events; Croome's e-mails regarding arrangements for the conference and celebration; a number of background documents and reports including President Wolfensohn's 27 April 1998 memorandum and report on the WTO initiated Integrated Program for Least-Developed Countries Trade Development which was endorsed by the Executive Board; e-mails and other correspondence and papers exchanged between Ahmed and Winters regarding preparations for the Conference and the Wolfensohn report; and Ahmed's statement to the Second Ministerial Conference are part of the series. The reading file also includes: a copy of a summary of the one-day conference held on 21 May 1998 at Geneva on What About Regionalism hosted by Ahmed and the Graduate Institute for International Studies; a Back-to-Office Report for the Ministerial Conference and the 50th Anniversary celebration prepared by Gloria Bartoli, Senior Economist, Africa Region; copies of e-mails and other correspondence concerning the opening of a World Bank Frankfurt Office in June 1998 and the issue of reopening the Geneva office; and post-Conference/50th Anniversary correspondence relating to WTO.

Development Research Department (DRD) chronological correspondence files

The series includes chronological correspondence, memoranda, and other records created or received by Geoffrey Lamb while serving as Economist for the Development Research Department (DRD). Records include incoming and outgoing correspondence and memoranda between Lamb, the DRD Director John Duloy, DRD staff, and staff from other Bank units, including the Development Economics Department (DED), the Projects Advisory Staff (PAS), the Policy, Planning, and Program Review Department (PPR), and economic staffin Bank Regions. The correspondence and memoranda primarily concern proposed country economic research and studies, seminar and workshop participation, and DRC Work Program proposals. Incoming and outgoing correspondence are also included from individuals and organizations external to the Bank. The series also includes travel and leave request records and back-to-office reports (BTOs).

Development Policy Vice Presidency (VPD) chronological correspondence files

The series includes chronological correspondence files from the period Attila Karaosmanoglu served as Director for Development Policy Vice Presidency (VPD). The correspondence is primarily between Karaosmanoglu, the Office of the President (EXC), and members of the Board of Executive Directors. The correspondence focuses on numerous topics, including: planning of the annual World Development Report (WDR) publication; world economic and social indicators forecasting; and budgeting and planning for research initiatives.

Development Finance Companies Department (DFC) chronological files

Series consists of correspondence created and received by Frank Vita during his tenure as an Economist in the Development Finance Companies Department (DFC). Vita was placed in the Financial Development Unit (FDU) and the majority of the records in the series relate to its primary activity, namely the review of the World Bank's activities in the area of financial development. FDU records primarily relate to the research and authorship of the FDU report "The World Bank's Approach to Interest Rate and CreditAllocation Issues". Records include what appears to be the final version of the report presented to Bank President Robert McNamara as well as drafts of the report. Comments and research materials related to the report are also included. Research materials include reports on meetings with the Bank's regional staff and reports on regional and country finance development issues.

Records also include correspondence with development finance companies discussing the appraisal of projects submitted for financing by development finance companies. The majority of this correspondence is with the Industrial Development Bank (IDB).

Development Committee files

This series contains Stern's records relating to the organization and functioning of the Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund on the Transfer of Real Resources to developing countries, known as the Development Committee. The series includes Stern's correspondence regarding the Development Committee and the Draft Resolution establishing it, its initial work program, administrative arrangements, membership lists, and budget. Included in the administrative files are April and September 1974 reports from the Technical Group on the Transfer of Real Resources, the Committee of Twenty, as well as the September 1974 suggestions for the work program of the Development Committee. The bulk of the series are Stern's files on meetings of the Committee from its inaugural meeting in October 1974 through September 1981. The series also includes files on two working groups and a task force established by the Committee.

Development Committee files

This series contains President Clausen's records related to the Development Committee meetings from 1983 through 1986. Formally the Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund on the Transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries, the Development Committee was established in 1974 with its own secretariat that maintained the official records of the Committee.

The records in this series, therefore, are Clausen's office files on the Development Committee meetings during his tenure (meetings 21-28). The records, organized by meeting, include correspondence, memoranda regarding the meetings, drafts of the President's opening remarks and the President's Report to the Development Committee, summaries of Committee discussions, and statements to the press. The files also contain papers and reports prepared for the Development Committee, including the Development Committee Annual Report, task force and working group reports, and papers on topics such as development in Sub-Saharan Africa, the world economic outlook, and external debt problems of developing countries.

DECVP/IECDR/CECDR chronological files

Series consists of chronological files created by Johannes Linn while working in the Development Economist and Chief Economist Vice Presidency (DECVP) between 1988 and 1991. The series contains records Linn created and received while serving in three different positions: as Senior Economic Advisor in the DECVP reporting directly to World Bank Chief Economist Stanley Fischer; as Director of DECVP's International Economics Department (IEC, 1989-1990); and as Country Economics Department Director (CEC, 1990-1991).

Records contained in chronological files created during his time as Senior Economic Advisor primarily contain correspondence, memoranda, and notes between Linn and World Bank staff. Drafts of reports, papers, and speeches are also included, generally as attachments; Linn's handwritten comments are included on some. Topics include: publication of reports; DECVP budgeting; adjustment lending; Operations Committee procedures; private sector development; public sector finance; staffing; conference and seminar attendance and participation; dissemination of information, reports, and speeches; and World Development Report 1989 and 1990. Records also include presentations and responses to queries related to the World Development Report 1988, of which Linn was the Staff Director. World Bank Board meeting minutes and Annual Meeting briefs authored for senior DECVP staff are also included.

Records contained in chronological files created during Linn's time as Director of DECVP's International Economics Department (IEC) contain correspondence, memoranda, and notes between Linn and World Bank staff. Topics include: access to World Bank socio-economic data; world economic projections; departmental staffing and recruitment; world debt tables; debt forgiveness; IEC publications; structural adjustment; and World Development Indicators (WDI) collaboration. A single file containing correspondence with external individuals and institutions created during Linn's time as Director of IEC is also contained in this series. It primarily contains invitations to participate in conferences and letters from individuals seeking employment or information.

Records contained in chronological files created during Linn's time as Director of DECVP's Country Economics Department (CEC) contain correspondence, memoranda, and notes between Linn and World Bank staff. Topics include: departmental budget, staffing, and work program review; country strategy papers (CSPs); structural and sectoral adjustment; coordination and support of policy workand research; review of staff papers and reports; private sector development (PSD) policy brief and PSD Working Group; publication of Linn's and others' articles and monographs; Soviet Union and former Soviet republics membership in the World Bank; privatization in developing countries; and constraints on lending. A small amount of material in these files relate to Linn's role in supporting the incoming World Bank Chief Economist Larry Summers. Records include correspondence with Summers and briefing materials.

Results 351 to 400 of 536