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Showing 201-250 of 80212 results

4042 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Attila Karaosmanoglu files

The sub-fonds consists of chronological correspondence files from when Karaosmanoglu served in the following positions: Director for Development Policy Vice Presidency (VPD) from 1975 to 1979; Director for the Country Programs Department 1, Europe, Middle East, and North Africa Region (EM1DR) from 1979 to 1982; Vice President for the East Asia and Pacific Vice Presidency (AENVP) from 1982 to 1987; Vice President for the Asia Vice Presidency (ASIVP) from 1987 to 1991; and Managing Director for Bank President Lewis T. Preston from 1991 to 1994. The subfonds also includes speech, presentation, statement, and interview files for when he served in the following positions: Director of Development Policy (VPD); Director of the Country Programs Department 1 of the Europe, Middle East, and North Africa Region (EM1DR); Vice-President East Asia and Pacific Region (AENVP); and Managing Director (MDS).

Heywood Fleisig files

Sub-fonds consists of incoming and outgoing chronological correspondence files maintained by Heywood Fleisig during his employment in the following positions: Senior Economist in the East Asia and Pacific Vice Presidency (AENVP); Principal Economist in the Asia Vice Presidency (ASIVP); Principal Economist in the Country Operations Division, Asia-Country Department II (AS2CO); and Principal Economist in the Office of the Chief Economist, Latin America and Caribbean Region (LACCE).

Gautam Kaji files

Sub-fonds consists of incoming and outgoing chronological correspondence files and accompanying attachments maintained by Gautam Kaji during his time as East Asia and Pacific Region Vice President, and during his time as Managing Director of the World Bank.

L. Peter Chatenay files

This sub-fonds contains memoranda and reports compiled by L. Peter Chatenay that primarily relate to the World Bank's early organization and staffing. It would seem that these materials were prepared in support of Chatenay's participation in the Organization Study Team which was created in support of the 1972 Bank-wide reorganization.

Geoffrey Lamb files

Sub-fonds consists of chronological correspondence files for Geffrey Lamb for the following positions and years: Economist for the Development Research Department (DRD) from 1980 to 1982; Public Sector Management Adviser for the Public Management Unit (PPDPS) from 1983 to 1987; Adviser for the Strategic Planning Division (SPRSP) and the Policy Development Unit (PRDPD) from 1988 to 1991; and Unit Chief for the Public Sector Management Unit (EMTPM) within the ECA/MENA Technical Department of the Europe and Central Asia Vice Presidency (ECA) for 1992. The sub-fonds also includes: DRD country strategy papers, study papers, and policy papers maintained and created by Lamb from 1980 to 1981; policy papers focused on institutional reform maintained by Lamb during his time in PPDPS from 1982 to 1987; records related to policy papers prepared by Lamb prior to his employment at the Bank; records related to papers prepared for and involvement in conferences and seminars from 1987 to 1991; and records related to Lamb's involvement with PRDPD work program planning and working group participation from 1990 to 1991.

Callisto Madavo files

Fonds contains chronological correspondence files created by Madavo and his staff from 1991 to 2002 covering his time as Director in the Africa Regional Vice Presidency (AFRVP) and East Asia and Pacific Regional Vice Presidency (EAPVP) and as Regional Vice President of AFRVP. The fonds also contains speeches given by Madavo between 1996 and 2001 while serving as Regional Vice President of AFRVP.

Moeen Qureshi files

The majority of the subfonds consists of records created and maintained by Moeen Qureshi from the start of his career at the World Bank Group's International Finance Corporation (IFC) to his retirement from the Bank in 1991. Although the subfonds is most voluminous for the period during which Qureshi was Senior Vice President for Operations from 1987 to 1991, it also contains records accumulated during his various positions at IFC beginning from 1972 through his tenure as Senior Vice President of Finance (SVPFI) from 1980 to 1987.

Transportation, telecommunication, water, and urban development

The sub-fonds includes operations policy and project support records from the following departments: the Transportation, Water, and Telecommunications Department (TWT) from 1978 to 1982; the Urban Projects Department (URB) from 1978 to 1982; the Water and Urban Development Department (WUD) from 1983 to 1986; and the Transportation Department (TRP) from 1983 to 1986. The sub-fonds also includes records related to liaison with external organizations, which were maintained by TWT from 1978 to 1983.

Jean-Francois Rischard files

Fonds contains chronological files created by Rischard throughout his career at the World Bank Group, excluding only his time as Vice President, Europe (EXTEU). This includes his positions as: Project officer, Industrial Projects Department (NDP/IPD/IND); Financial analyst and division chief, Financial Policy and Analysis Department (FPA); Director, Investment Department (INV); and Vice President, Finance and Private Sector Development Vice Presidency (FPD).

Johannes F. Linn files

This sub-fonds consists of chronological files created by Johannes Linn during his time in a variety of positions at the World Bank, including: the Urban and Regional Economics Division of the Economics Department (ECDRB) and its successor the Development Economics Department (DEDRB) of the Development Policy Vice Presidency (DPS); the East Asia and Pacific Vice Presidency (AENVP) and Asia Regional Vice Presidency (ASI); the Development Economist and Chief Economist Vice Presidency (DECVP); and the Vice President of the Financial Policy and Risk Management Vice Presidency (FPRVP). Note that this sub-fonds does not contain records from his time as Vice President of the Europe and Central Asia Regional Vice Presidency (ECAVP). Chronological files contain correspondence and memoranda primarily between Linn and World Bank colleagues; a smaller amount are between Linn and external individuals and institutions.

Records of the Strategy and Policy Division, Incentives and Comparative Advantage (INCA) Unit

The sub fonds contains records documenting various activities of the Incentives and Comparative Advantage (INCA) unit established in August 1981 initially within the Industrial Development and Finance Department in the Central Projects Staff (CPS) and later incorporated within the Industry Department, Strategy and Policy Division (INDSP). The records reflect organization and management of the unit, support of INCA studies conducted in various developing countries, and development of applied research products and tools. Earlier records from the early to late 1970s were created and maintained by the Development Research Center (DRC) unit within the Development Policy Vice Presidency (VPD) that conducted INCA research and ad hoc support during this period.

Debrework Zewdie files

The subfonds consists of records maintained by Debrework Zewdie during the period from 1999 to 2006 when she served as manager of the AIDS Campaign Team for Africa (ACTafrica) in the Africa Region, and then as adviser and director, HDNGA. Records reflect Zewdie's managerial and oversight role over the Bank's HIV/AIDS programs, her participation in conferences and meetings, and collaboration with external organizations.

Records of the Vice President and Special Adviser to the President, Visvanathan Rajagopalan

Visvanathan Rajagopalan was the Vice President for Sector and Operations Policy when President Preston asked him to join the President's staff as Senior Adviser. Rajagopalan held this post for the year 1993, retiring at the end of December. During his time in the President's office, Rajagopalan had 2 principal tasks: manage the follow-up to the Portfolio Management Task Force report and chair the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research. In addition he spent a brief period in the summer of 1993 as the acting head of the Information, Technology and Facilities Department.

The most important records in this subfonds are those of the Portfolio Management Task Force. These records are essential to understanding the work of the task force and the controversy that followed its report.

Office of the President -- Lewis T. Preston -- Visvanathan Rajagopalan (Vice President and Special Adviser to the President)

Records of the Executive Assistant to the President, Marianne Haug

Marianne Haug served as Executive Assistant to the President and Secretary of the President's Council from May 1987 until May 1990. She was employed by various units in the Bank prior to joining the President's office; some of the records in this sub-fonds predate her service in the Executive Office.

Haug's files cover a mix of administrative and program topics. The series of subject files contains a very broad overview of topics that she handled for the President, as well as topics in which she was especially interested, such as the files of the Bank's Outside Interests Committee, 1981-1987, on which she served. The files on environment, forestry, and MIGA are very full; the series also contains copies of speeches by senior members of the Bank, showing that the President's staff was tracking the public statements. Several files, such as Centrally planned economies and Eastern Europe show the Bank's response to the changing situation in Eastern Europe.

The series on budget policy is useful to understand the internal development of budget packages from the point of view of the President's office. Haug's series on the Bank's 1987 reorganization is the fullest in the President's office, covering both the original reorganization and the fine tuning in 1989. Her extensive chronological file dates from July 1985 through May 1991.

Office of the President -- Barber B. Conable -- Marianne Haug (Executive Assistant to the President)

Records of the Special Assistant to the President, Anapum Khanna

Anapum Khanna was appointed as Special Assistant to the President in July 1989 and stayed through the end of Conable's term and into the first months of the Preston term. He succeeded Marianne Haug as the Secretary to the President's Council, and the primary series of records in this sub-fonds are the working files Khanna accumulated while handling Council business.

Office of the President -- Barber B. Conable -- Anapum Khanna (Special Assistant to the President)

Records of the Counselor to the President, Matthew F. McHugh

Matthew F. McHugh joined the President's office staff in May 1993. His files reflect a strong interest in and responsibility for external affairs, in particular the Bank's relationship with the U.S. Government and the 50th anniversary celebration of the World Bank. These records are useful for insight into the liaison activities of the President's office because similar records do not exist in the President's own files.

McHugh also served as Counselor to the President during James Wolfensohn's first term as President. McHugh continued to use and add items to some of his files from the Preston period, particularly the country files. Those McHugh files are among the records of the Wolfensohn Presidency, and they should be consulted for further information on the Preston years.

Office of the President -- Lewis T. Preston -- Matthew F. McHugh (Counselor to the President)

Records of the Executive Counselor to the President, J. William Stanton

When Conable became President, he appointed J. William Stanton to serve as Counselor to the President. Stanton held that post throughout Conable's term.

The records of Stanton's office focus on two of the major administrative issues of Conable's Presidency: the 1987 reorganization of the Bank, and the acquisition and retrofitting of the Bank's Washington buildings. They must be read in conjunction with the President's Administrative files and the files of Special Assistant Marianne Haug; for example, the Haug and Stanton records both have series on the 1987 reorganization, which does not appear in the President's files, but the President's Administrative files have the records of the 1989 fine-tuning of the reorganization. Taken together, the entire picture emerges.

Office of the President -- Barber B. Conable -- J. William Stanton (Executive Counselor to the President)

Policy development and best practice

Series contains records of the Office of the Director, Industry and Energy (IENDR) and successor Energy Department (EGYDR) related to the formulation and review of policy, best practice, and guidelines for energy sector work and lending. A small portion of records relate to the sector's review of World Bank Group internal policy issues regarding diversity, gender, and harassment (1993 - 1997) and various other Bank Group-wide issues (1980 - 1985).

Records consist of memoranda between IENDR and IEN divisions, Office of the President (EXC), Office of External Relations (EXT), and other sector units such as Environment Sector regarding discussion and formulation of policies on topics such as the Bank Group financing of nuclear power and related projects. Other records relate to deliberation and preparation of the World Bank's energy policy (1990 - 1994) and exploration of member country solar energy initiatives (1993 - 1996).

Other topics covered in this period (1991 - 1997) include: rural energy; clean coal initiative; electric power sector good practice; nuclear safety, in discussion with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and G7; and nuclear safety in Central and Eastern Europe (1975, 1988 - 1994).

Correspondence is filed with background notes, final draft (yellow cover) reports circulated for review and approval, consultant reports, back-to-office reports, best practice papers presented to the Board, review meeting minutes, and internal and external brochures.

The series also includes records centrally maintained in the NRIC (1978 - 1986) and the EISIC (1980 - 1985). NRIC records were organized into files titled general policy and renewable energy policy. These records mostly consist of internal memoranda sent and received by the assistant director, division chiefs, senior advisers, and relate to discussion of policy and approach papers, policy reviews, role of the Energy Department (EGY), Renewable Energy Task Force, and other related topics. Attached to the correspondence are reports, approach papers, and other records.

EISIC policy and procedure files (1980 - 1985) organized chronologically contain mostly internal memoranda covering a broad range of energy and general policy issues such as work practices of project officers, estimating working capital, project documentation and reporting, petroleum sector agreements, comments on a draft report of the task force on auditing of projects, and contributions to the draft Operational Manual (OMS). There is also reference to Bank-wide procedures communicated at the Operations Policy Vice Presidency level (OPSVP) including financial reporting and Managing Committee procedures, and routine Bank-wide administrative procedures. Memoranda are sometimes filed with internal and Board reports and other items.

Country files

Series consists of a set of country files which combines communications from the secretariats of the Staff Economic Committee (SEC) and its successor Economic Committee (EC) and reports circulated to committee members for review during a meeting of the committee, for written comment, or for information. Records relate exclusively to the review of country-related reports as opposed to general sector or Bank policy reports.

Records in this series include the full range of correspondence, memoranda, and reports circulated as part of the committee's activities between 1965 and 1972; there are a very small number of records dating from 1962 to 1964. Records relating to committee communications include: memoranda proposing meetings by committee members; conclusions and recommendations on papers; notes of meetings; memoranda submitted by committee members who could not attend meetings containing their comments on reports; attendance lists; informal notes for discussion for upcoming meetings; memoranda on the meeting of an EC subcommittee that previously reviewed the report; and meetings minutes.

Reports circulated by the committee secretariat for review and other materials circulated for information and background are also included in this series. Records include: press releases; briefing papers; portions of president's reports and recommendations on projects submitted to the Executive Directors; mission Terms of Reference; Country Economic Briefs, Country Program Notes, and Country Program Papers; and International Development Association (IDA) operations briefs on specific countries.

Note that in some report folders, only a secretariat's cover letter is included, indicating the title of a draft report that was previously attached and the date when either comments are requested or when a meeting will be held to discuss the report. In these cases, the actual report is not included and the folder title indicates "no report attached".

Circulation of reports for review or information

Series contains draft reports and related materials circulated by the Economic Committee (EC) secretariat to committee members for review during a meeting of the committee, for written comment, or for information. In rare cases, the report is circulated by the committee chairperson. Most of the files included in this series use the classification system imposed following the reconstitution, in 1965, of the Staff Economic Committee (SEC) as the Economic Committee. Those files that include classification in their titles are classified as EC/O, or reports distributed to committee members, most but not all under review by the committee.

Note that in some report folders, only a secretariat's cover letter is included, indicating the title of a draft report that was previously attached and the date when either comments are requested, or a meeting will be held to discuss the report. In these cases, the actual report is not included, and the folder title indicates "no report attached".

The majority of the EC's time was given to review of reports focused on the economies and development prospects of individual countries. As such, most of the draft reports included in this series are Country Program Papers (CPPs, October 1969 to October 1972), Country Program Notes, Recent Economic Developments, or other general country economic reports. A small number of more focused country reports relating to the review of a specific aspect of that country's economy are included; these are generally focused on economic sectors suchas transportation, agriculture, energy, etc.

Draft reports relating to non-country-specific topics that were circulated to committee members are also included in this series. Reports date from 1965 to 1970. Some folders include the report as well as "correspondence" which generally refers to memoranda or other documents distributed in support of the review of the report under consideration.

Also contained in this series are draft versions of country economic profiles in the form of "Country Economic Briefs" prepared in 1968 by the Economic and Area Departments with contributions by the EC. These profiles were created, as described in the collection's preface, "to be a ready reference on the economies of World Bank Group members and of the World Bank Group's economic policy attitude towards them." The intention was to upgrade and update the material when more information became available. The briefs may include: a brief discussion of the country's economic situation and development challenges, authored by Area Departments; conclusions and recommendations prepared by the EC; a data brief, compiled by the Economic and Area Departments; and the latest economic map available highlighting topics such as land use, manufacturing centers, resource areas, etc.

A set of Five-Year Program Papers from 1968-69 are also included in this series. These economic profiles duplicate much of what is included in the Country Economic Briefs. The primary addition, which is not included for every folder, is memoranda summarizing the current development outlook for the country. This includes discussion of key problems and issues, creditworthiness, Bank actions, and tables documenting Bank project lending.

The series includes a small collection of monthly reports on Bank lending operations dating from 1969 and 1970. It is unclear if these tables were circulated to committee members or if they served as reference material for the committee's secretariat. The reports each focus on active or potential Bank-funded projects and consist oftwo types: reports on appraisal and negotiations of a project; and preparation and identification of a project. The former charts the progress of the appraisal and negotiations through 12 steps, from "decision to send appraisal mission" to "loan or credit signed." Each step includes an original forecast date, the previous month's forecast, and the current forecast or actual date. Reports on the preparation and identification of projects list the latest step completed as well as pre-investment studies required. Both types of reports include the option for notes and are signed by the Loan Officer.

Monthly reports describing expected economic missions by Area Departments and the staffing needs related to that mission travel are also included. Reports, beginning in January 1969, initially included expected mission travel and staff required for the following six months. Beginning in September 1969, reports began providing this information for the twelve months. While it is likely that all of these reports were circulated to committee members, beginning in September 1969 each report includes a cover letter indicating that the report was sent to committee members by the committee's secretariat. The final report provides planned mission travel for April 1970 to June 1971.

Committee communications

Series contains communications primarily circulated by the Staff Economic Committee (SEC, 1952-1965) and Economic Committee (EC, 1965-1972) secretariats to the members of the committee. In rare cases, records included in this series were circulated by the committee's chairperson. Beginning in July 1965 with the reconstitution of SEC as the EC, communications include an "Economic Committee" cover stencil and are classified according to what kind of document it is; in the case of the records in this series, EC/A (notice of meeting) and EC/M (notice of meeting, conclusions and recommendations, and minutes) are used.

Generally, only a single document is included in each folder; a single document may, however, include attachments in the form of reports or other documents that will be reviewed by the committee or used as reference. Communications include: minutes from the meeting (dated either the same day as the meeting or within two weeks) which usually document the highlights of a meeting listed in chronological order; notes from the meeting, which are more formal in that they have topical subsections often including a "conclusions and recommendations" section; and standalone "Conclusions and Recommendations". In small amounts, "Notice of Meeting" memoranda relating to upcoming meetings are included. These can include meeting agendas and logistical information. Notice of Meeting memoranda can also include attachments such as reports to be reviewed or supporting documentation to be considered.

A relatively small number of records relating to the communications of EC subcommittees dating from 1965 to 1967 are also included in this series. As part of the 1965 reconstitution of SEC into the new EC, subcommittees were created and given the responsibility to review drafts of country- and region-related reports for quality review prior to consideration by the full EC. The majority of the reports reviewed by the subcommittees are "Current Economic Position and Prospects" for individual countries. Records include the notes of the subcommittee meetings and a list of those in attendance. Most subcommittee records are classified as EC/F.

This series also contains three folders dating from 1970 to 1972 that include distribution lists of committee members, procedures on how to write and distribute committee materials, schedules of meetings, and memoranda discussing administrative matters of the secretariat.

Utilities Projects Department research and studies

Series consists of records relating to a report that Jennings led focusing on the financial analyst function in the World Bank entitled "A Study of the Financial Analyst Function in the Bank". The report was undertaken in response to a recommendation in the November 1974 Staff Development Report. Staff from sector departments in the Bank's regional vice presidencies participated in the study. Records include: a draft of the final report; comments on the draft report from various Bank staff; Terms of Reference (TOR) for the report and Jennings' participation; the questionnaire used in the writing of the report; questionnaire distribution list; and memoranda.

Series also includes records relating to the authoring of a report entitled "The Purpose and Form of Financial Covenants in Public Utility Loans and Credits" which Jennings participated in. Included are two draft versions of the report dated February and June 1976, respectively. Memoranda discussing the topic and the report are also included.

Loan and Trust Funds Department (LOA) chronological files

Series includes Jennings' chronological files relating to his time as director of the Loan and Trust Funds Department (LOA) in the Office of the Vice President and Controller (VPCTR). Records include memoranda relating to comments on drafts, the Joint Audit Committee, LOA staffing, LOA?s "Action Research Program (ARP)", and departmental budget planning.

Records also relate to a study on the recommendation to decentralize the disbursement function to the controller, accounting, and management information functions. These records include; memoranda; a draft report; and an updated Operational Manual Statement (OMS 3.30) on disbursement.

Research projects

This series primarily contains records documenting the findings and results of the World Bank's (Bank) two-year research project in 1976 - 1978 on "Appropriate Technology for Water Supply and Waste Disposal in Developing Countries." This project guided the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Bank to address the importance of low-cost water and sanitation systems in achieving inclusive access to clean water and adequate sanitation for everyone, especially in developing economies. It includesa series of publications in various record types: manuals, guides, reports, working documents, technical papers, summaries, case studies, and questionnaires.

This research project stemmed from years of informal and formal arrangements in the 1960s and 1970s between the Bank and the international development community (e.g., World Health Organization-WHO) to address ongoing water and waste management issues, particularly in Bank member countries' rural and urban communities. During this time, the Bank was also expanding and redirecting its investments to urbanization projects, particularly in water supply and sewerage initiatives, as emphasized by President Robert McNamara in his address to the Board of Governors in October 1976.

The research project focused on obtaining the perspectives of community members with the following factors and/or activities in mind: evaluation of varying constraints (e.g., environmental, public health, demand, institutional, cultural, social, and financial); sanitation, reclamation, composting technologies; low-cost and/or alternative technological solutions for water and sanitation development; resource availability; and project beneficiaries. The geographical area of focus was concentrated in Latin America, Africa, and the Caribbean.

The project resulted in a series of publications entitled "World Bank Studies in Water Supply and Sanitation" and related monographs, entitled "Appropriate Technology for Water Supply and Sanitation (ATWSS)," published between the early to mid-1980s. They aimed to guide and provide recommendations to project engineers, scientists, technicians, and field workers involved with water-related projects. Key authors include but are not limited to John M. Kalbermatten, David C. Jones, DeAnne S. Julius, Charles G. Gunnerson, and D. Duncan Mara.

Partnerships and program collaboration

This series contains records related to the partnerships and collaboration activities of the World Bank (Bank), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and other international agencies in support of the UNDP-World Bank Water and Sanitation Program (UNDP-World Bank WSP) and the United Nation's 1981 - 1990 International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade (IDWSSD). It also contains records documenting the trust fund management that supported the UNDP-World Bank WSP projects relating to low-cost development solutions for water and sanitation in low-income countries (i.e., funding contributions came from UNDP and Bank and trust fund resources derived from various international donors).

Partnerships and collaboration records

Records relating to partnerships and collaboration contain the following topics: missions in various countries (e.g., India, Philippines, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Morocco, Yemen, etc.); low-cost water sanitation techniques; field trials (e.g., VLOM-Village Level Operated and Maintained handpumps and Canadian Monarch handpumps); related initiatives; advisory panel meetings to discuss staffing, and ongoing and future field trials in regions such as East Africa and Southeast Asia; project implementations and timelines; loan and grant conditions applied by the External Support Agencies (ESAs); recommendations on aid-giving procedures; and meetings with the Collaborative Council of ESAs in the water sector in 1989 (held in Sophia Antipolis, France) and the Steering Committee for Cooperative Action in 1981-1985 (held at the World Bank in Washington, DC); the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization-UNESCO; the United Nations Children's Fund-UNICEF; and the Food and Agriculture Organization-FAO).

Types of partnership and collaboration records in this series include but are not limited to mission reports and communications, job descriptions, project proposals (including work plans, project justifications, budget outlines, schedules, etc.), progress and status reports, and meeting files (e.g., agenda, minutes, progress reports, memos, etc.). Examples of other institutions collaborating with the Bank in this activity are the Science and Technology Fund of the UNDP, Kumasi City Council, University of Science and Technology in Ghana, Banque Ouest Africaine de Developpment-BOAD, ARLAB (a subsidiary of Mines ParisTech5), Georgia Institute of Technology, and others.

The earliest projects related to the Bank's global partnership and collaboration with other organizations associated with water resources and management are:

  • Low-Cost Water and Sanitation Techniques (GLO/78/006);

  • Testing and Demonstration of Small-Scale Solar Powered Pumping Systems (GLO/78/004);

  • Research and Development in Integrated Resource Recovery (GLO/80/004);

  • Project Laboratory Testing, Field Trials, and Technological Development of Rural Water Supply Handpumps (INT/81/026); and

  • Information and Training Program (INT/82/002).

Trust fund management records

Records relating to trust fund management contain topics such as: trust fund agreements and amendments to agreements; cost-sharing; executing trust fund activities; funds received and transferred; country reports; financial management assessments or financial compliance reviews; policy exceptions; project phases (i.e., information gathering and testing; and development and implementation); audit review findings; proposals of project descriptions; Global Water Partnership Interim Committee; financial support for the Participatory Learning and Action Initiative; opportunity to initiate a core-funding relationship with various countries (e.g., Finland, France, Ireland, etc.); and collaborations with bilateral agencies (e.g., UK's Department for International Development-DFID, German Technical Cooperation Agency-GTZ, etc.). They also document communications about trust fund management between the Bank (including the Technical Advisory Group) and other institutions (e.g., UNDP, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency-SIDA,the Danish International Development Agency-DANIDA, the Swiss Development Corporation-SDC, Norway's Ministry of Development Cooperation, AusAID Trust Fund, World Health Organization-WHO, United Nations Children's Fund-UNICEF, etc.).

Types of trust fund management records in this series include but are not limited to master budget files, contribution and disbursement statements, project delivery reports (PDR), audit files (e.g., Terms of Reference), reports, waivers, original contracts, legal agreements,payment records, cost-sharing files, Bank internal clearances, Initiating Brief for Trust Funds (IBTF), funding proposals, project files (e.g., evaluations progress reports), recommendations, and donor correspondence.

This series also contains sixteen volumes, entitled Preliminary Study: The Large Aqueducts System, 1969 - 1971. These are bound volumes of pre-feasibility study reports by Gilbert Associates, Inc. (Reading, PA) for the Obras Sanitarias de la Nacion Argentina-OSN (now Agua y Saneamientos Argentinos-AySA), a utility company based in Argentina. These reports are associated with the loan agreement signed on June 3, 1963, between the Argentine Government and the USA through the US Agency for International Development (USAID). These volumes may have been used as reference files.

Training material

This series contains records relating to two projects that were part of the UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)-World Bank Water and Sanitation Program (UNDP-World Bank WSP) that supported the United Nation's 1981 - 1990 International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade (IDWSSD). The two projects are the Information and Training Program in Low-Cost Water Supply and Sanitation (INT/82/002) and the International Training Network (ITN) for Water and Waste Management (INT/86/027). These projects were responsible for developing and delivering training modules geared toward water sector personnel and non-water professionals on topics concerning low-cost alternative technologies, sanitation (e.g., ventilated pit latrines), economic appraisal of projects, user participation, health aspects of water supply and sanitation, sanitation technology solutions, wells and handpumps, water distribution network, water and waste treatment, hygiene education, gravity-flow water supply, rainwater roof catchment systems, institutional and financial aspects, and many more. The goals of these training projects were to promote and deliver training on technical aspects, management, administration, finance, community development, and project support communications.

The training projects produced three major training packages for three primary stakeholders: the Decision Package for policy and senior government leaders; the Technical Package for students and sector professionals; and the Community (User) Participation Package for community workers and project staff.

UNDP financed the projects in cooperation with international agencies, while the World Bank (Bank) was responsible for project execution through the Technology Advisory Group (TAG) for technical assistance. The Bank's responsibilities included but were not limited to coordinating the recruitment process, agreements, feasibility studies, in-country training, project description drafts, course curricula design, etc.

Some of the key individuals mentioned in this series include but are not limited to Letitia Obeng, Saul Arlosoroff, Richard N. Middleton, and Mary Elmendorf (anthropologist/consultant, 1975-1996).

Materials include but are not limited to foundational records to prepare and produce the training modules; translations; progress and review reports; correspondence and memoranda; administrative files; conference and workshop files; photographic prints; and audiovisual items (e.g., magnetic cards, flexible disks, 35 mm color slides, and cassette tapes).

This series also contains records related to other initiatives: Research and Development in Integrated Resource Recovery (GLO/80/004) and TAG's collaboration with the UNDP's Women and the Decade Project (INT/83/003). It contains information about the promotion and support for women's participation in the United Nation's 1981 - 1990 International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade (IDWSSD) and the development of low-cost sanitation projects and training modules created by the Bank's EconomicDevelopment Institute (EDI).

Front Office Work Program and Budget Records for Fiscal Years 1993-1998

These copies of DEC annual work programs and budgets, usually accompanied by Department and EDI [Economic Development Institute] feeder work programs and budgets, were maintained by Lesley Davis (Lesley Davis Arnold) who was Program Coordinator for Administration in DEC's Front Office. Copies of DEC's FY 93 Mid-Year and Retrospective Review Reports were maintained with the FY 93 work program and budget. Background materials for the FY 93 work program and budget include correspondence concerning positionsand funds associated with a proposed downsizing of the Geneva Office and concerning the impact on staffing of the acceptance into Bank and Fund membership in 1992 of most of the Republics of the former Soviet Union. Found with the FY 94 work plan and budget is correspondence concerning the merger of the budget of the Development Policy Group (former Economic Advisory Staff [EAS]) with that for the rest of DEC and copies of monitoring and Mid-Year Review Reports. The FY 94 - FY 96 Business Plan for DEC accompanies these records. A new format was adopted for the FY 95 work plan and DEC units' submissions were entered into the Resource Planning System (RPS). Accompanying documents relating to the FY 95 work program are FY 95 - FY 97 and FY 96 - FY 98 Business Plans for DEC (including EDI). Found with documents pertaining to the FY 96 work program is correspondence concerning development of a new Country Assistance Strategy or Country compact and a copy of the Third Quarter FY 97 Monitoring Report of the DEC work program and budget which was prepared for the first time in a new format in line with implementation of the Bank's new Strategic Compact - the plan for fundamental reform to make the Bank more effective in delivering its Regional program and achieving its basic mission of reducing poverty. Correspondence concerning DEC's proposed involvement in the Bank's program of technical cooperation, expanded volunteer efforts, and modest funding of activities related to education, employment, poverty alleviation, and municipal services for Washington, DC is found with guidance documents for preparation of the FY 98 work programs and budgets.

Personal papers of Benjamin B. King - Materials related to Zambia

The papers consist of a body of materials related to Zambia. King undertook a mission to Zambia for the Bank and wrote a report on it, and he collected information about and remained interested in Zambia thereafter. The materials related to Zambia include four documents prepared and distributed for the December 1986 meeting of the Consultative Group on Zambia, which had had its first meeting in June 1978. Most of the other documents related to Zambia are internal World Bank documents, with a few Bank publications and some publications from other sources. The materials are arranged in four sections: Consultative Group documents; unpublished Bank materials; Bank publications; and other publications. This is a useful body of materials for an overview of Zambian economic issues in the 1980s.

Benjamin B. King

Chronological correspondence

The files primarily consist of correspondence to and from Nurick, and drafts of correspondence, reports and other records. The chronological files kept by Nurick capture a variety of topics, related both to Bank work and to personal activities. As the correspondence was captured chronologically, each folder contains records relating to a large variety of (and sometimes unrelated) topics, activities or events. Researchers looking for records related to specific topics, activities or events may need to review all records within the Series using dates as a guideline. The correspondence relates, but is not limited, to: member contributions; membership (including origin of Part 1 and Part 2 countries); Bank subscription increases; bond issues; borrowing and loans to various countries; co-financing; IDA replenishments; Bank financial statements; valuation of capital; arrears and settlement of foreign claims; International Finance Corporation matters; Loan Committee; Development Committee; Joint Ministerial Committee; Bank IDA Statutory Committees; Disbursement Committee; selection of Robert McNamara; the Arab boycott; administrative and other personnel matters, including litigation, Administrative Tribunal and appeals; procurement guidelines; relations with other organizations and the US government; Second Committee of the UN; EEC Special Action Programme; and many others.

Urban Poverty Program files

Series consists of records created and received by the Urban Operations Review and Support Unit (URBOR) and related to the Urban Poverty Program. Records relate to the various objectives and activities of the Program, including defining, identifying, and quantifying developing countries? urban poor; identifying urban poverty target groups; estimating poverty incomes levels; creating lending policy; developing guidelines on project implementation and review; setting targets; and measuring impacts. Series iscomprised of chronological files consisting of correspondence, memoranda, and reports dating from the beginning of the Task Group?s existence in July of 1975. Included is a memorandum entitled ?Bank Action Program to Attack Urban Poverty? submitted to President McNamara by Warren C. Baum, Vice President, Central Projects Staff, on July 11, 1975, as well as two early ?Action Program and Interim Reports? submitted by Edward V. K. Jaycox to Warren C. Baum; these are dated Oct. 23, 1975, and March 29, 1976. Other interim reports and project reviews submitted between 1976 and 1981 are also included, as is feedback on the reports from Department staff. Reports and memoranda submitted to the project Chairman from internal and external offices are contained. Memoranda from the Bank?s regional offices? Chief Economists reporting on their efforts to combat urban poverty and offering feedback on the Group?s reports and memoranda are included. A small amount of meeting minutes and notes are included, as are photocopies of newspaper and journal articles.

There are also records from the Office of the Director of the Public Utilities Projects Department (PBPDR) and the Office of the Director of the Energy, Water and Telecommunications Department (EWTDR), between 1975 and 1977, concerning the Urban Poverty Program?s Urban Poverty Task Group. Files contain correspondence by Yves Rovani (director, PBP, then EWT), Richard N. Middleton (Sanitary Engineer) and John M. Kalbermatten (Water and Wastes Advisor), as well as with divisions in the regional projects departments, including regional chief economists, dealing with water supply and sewerage issues. Correspondence generally deals with the implementation of the Urban Poverty Program, specifically the impact of water supply and sewerage projects or operations and sanitation lending on the urban poor, and EWT's input into the water supply and wastewater aspects of the Task Group's work.

Urban development reference subject files

Series consists of reference materials created or received by the Water Supply and Urban Development Department (WUD) and, more specifically, the Water Supply and Urban Development Department Operations Support and Research Unit (WUDOR).

The majority of the records within this series are published and unpublished research and discussion papers created by the WUDOR, World Bank regional offices, other World Bank departments, and external authors. External authors include consultants, academics, NGOs, and other multilaterals, such as United Nations Center for Human Settlements (HABITAT), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. Topics of these papers relate to urban-rural relations, urban development strategy implementation, housing and shelter, municipal finances, spatial policy, urbanization, urban infrastructure, rent controls, electricity and energy pricing, participant/observer project evaluation, structural adjustment, urban transport, project budget management, and urban population. Records include background and theoretical papers as well as papers specific to individual countries and regions; all regions are represented, although African countries are most common. A small percentage of records relate to topics that are not directly related to the urban development sector, such as agriculture, healthcare, education, rural development, and water.

Series also includes a small amount of records created and used during the research and writing of World Bank-authored papers, including memoranda, back-to-office reports and consultant terms of reference.

Other types of papers included in the series include small numbers of regional strategy papers, project proposals and summaries, loan committee reviews, country and project appraisal reports, mission notes, policy papers, research and discussion paper drafts, project case studies, research proposals, program statistical data, Country Economic Memoranda, sector reports, conference papers, regional status reports, project monitoring reports and guidelines, and WUD annual reports for 1984 and 1986.


This series contains documentation regarding the drafting and publication of booklets aimed at explaining the evaluation function in the World Bank to non-Bank audiences. The early editions of this booklet were titled Operation Evaluation: World Bank Standards and Procedures. By 1993, the title had changed to Assessing Development Effectiveness: Evaluation in the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation.

The sub-series contains records documenting the drafting and publication of the booklets. Included are: intra-OED correspondence; multiple drafts of the booklets; comments on the drafts; and agenda, minutes, and summaries of meetings of the Joint Audit Committee and of the Board of Executive Directors at which drafts were discussed. The sub-series also contains draft and/or published copies (in English and French) of various booklet editions (1976, 1979, 1984 [draft only], 1993).

Completion Reports and Audit Reports

The series consists of records related to the project monitoring and evaluation function of the Operations Evaluation Department (OED). The majority of the records in the series are final audit reports for individual, Bank-sponsored projects and records related to the creation of those reports. Reports date from the beginning of OED and its project evaluation activities in 1973. OED-authored reports include Project Performance Audit Reports (PPARs) and Performance Audit Reports (PARs). Reports completed byoperating departments and submitted to the OED include Project Completion Reports (PCRs), Project Completion Notes (PCNs), Implementation Completion Reports (ICRs), and Implementation Completion Notes (ICNs). The PCRs can be characterized as either reports that required and received an audit by the OED or as pass through PCRs which OED division chiefs determined did not require an audit. In the case of the latter, Notes of Record are sometimes included to explain why an audit was not required. The series also consists of background materials and working files created or collected during the preparation of audit reports. These records include: correspondence; memoranda; staff appraisal reports; reports and recommendations sent to the Executive Directors for approval of the loans or credits; loan or credit agreements that were executed; annotated audit drafts; project progress reports; and field notes. In some cases, working files related to audits and report preparation are those accumulated by specific evaluation officers in OED.

The types of records that accompany the final evaluation reports vary, as procedural requirements changed over the years. OED evaluating officers created files for all completion reports and audit reports for which they were assigned responsibility. Most of the pre-1982 working files containing PCRs and PPARs reflect procedures put in place by the Bank between 1973 and 1979. The time frame for completion of PCRs after final disbursements of loans / credits varied as did the extent ofthe involvement of operating departments and clients in their preparation. In the mid-1970s, the PCR was to be prepared within six months of final disbursement by the Bank's Regional Vice-Presidency of the country in which the project took place. Information for the PCR was gathered from project files, supervision reports, and discussions in the field between Bank and Government officials associated with the project. However, before 1976 the majority of the PPARs prepared by OED evaluating officers were for projects for which no PCR had been prepared.

In 1976, procedural changes required all PCRs to be sent through the Director-General, Operations Evaluation (DGO), without OED comment to the Executive Board along with the PPAR. In addition to the PCR, the PPAR working files from 1976 onward include: the Terms of Reference for the OED audit mission; the Back-to-Office Report from the mission; PPAR drafts; comments on the drafts from Bank officials in the Region, Government officials and representatives of businesses or institutions involved in the project; and copies of transmittal letters accompanying the PPAR. Loan or Credit Agreements, Staff Appraisal Reports, and Reports and Recommendations by the Bank President for loans and credits, most of which are of earlier date than the other records in the file, are included in some PCR and PPAR files. By the end of 1979, OED conducted abbreviated audit reviews for about half of the PCRs it received. The working files for these passed-through PCRs usually contain: a memorandum addressed to the Regional Vice President indicating that based on the OED review of the PCR an audit would not be performed; comments on the PCR; a final draft of the PCR sent for printing by OED; a copy of the printed PCR forwarded to the Executive Board; and copies of the transmittal letters used in the OED distribution of the printed PCR.

At the beginning of fiscal year 1983, a new system of selective project performance auditing was introduced which required that 40 to 50 percent of projects be audited. PCRs were selected for audit according to whether they were for: large, complex, or innovative projects; projects an Executive Director proposed for performance audit; projects with high lending priority; projects which were first in a given sector / sub-sector for a country or last in a series; or a series of projects subject to a combined audit. OED division chiefs were given responsibility for determining the projects to be audited and for making decisions on pass-through PCRs. Some files for projects which OED did not audit contain: a Summary Note explaining the reasons for the pass-through decision and evaluating the quality of the PCR; a copy of the draft PCR; comments regarding the draft PCR from the client country; a Pass-Through PCR Unit Cost Sheet tracking OED staff time allocated to the project; memoranda and letters transmitting a final copy of the PCR to the Executive Directors, the Bank President, and officials of the client country; and a final copy of the PCR. Found in other working files for post-fiscal year 1983 is the Note of Record, which was prepared by the OED evaluating officer after review of the PCR with the division chief. It contained the reasons for the pass-through decision. The Note of Record assessed the project as described in the PCR in terms of its objectives, scope, implementation, costs, and sustainability. It was distributed only to the Director of OED (OEDDR), the OED Library, the working file, and the OED annual review coordinator. Also found in some workingfiles with the Note of Record is the Project Information Form (PIF) used to input data about the project into OED's database for use in annual reviews and studies. Results for all PCRs were reported to the Executive Board.

New guidelines for completing PCRs were put into place effective July 1, 1989. Most of the PCRs in the OED working files after this date have a different format from earlier prepared PCRs. Parts I and II of the report were prepared by the Regional Office and Part III was completed by the client. Some working files include Project Completion Notes (PCNs) which were prepared in lieu of PCRs for projects for which: the loan was never signed by the client; the Bank withdrew the loan; disbursement was very fast or ahead of schedule; no PCR was ever completed; or for which there were no implementation issues. The decision to create the PCN was based on a review of the Staff Appraisal Report prepared before the loan or credit was granted, internal Bank memoranda, minutes of Board discussions, supervision reports, and interviews with staff. The PPAR was carried out on the basis of the recommendation for audit made by OED at the time of review of the PCR. The contents of the PPAR working file remained largely unchanged from earlier periods but some PPARS for cluster audits (i.e. audits of multiple projects) were included.

By 1994, operations staff (also called Regional staff) evaluated all completed operations for which they were responsible and OED audited a representative sample of completed operations. For last supervision missions departing after July 1, 1994, Regional staff was required to prepare an Implementation Completion Report (ICR) or Implementation Completion Note (ICN) similar to the earlier PCN. Issues encountered during implementation, achievements, and the economic rate of return, were among the factors covered in the ICR. Contributions from client agencies (whole reports or comments) were attached to the ICR. Co-financiers were invited to participate in evaluations in which they provided funding. All ICRs were to be completed within six months of the final loan / credit disbursement. By 1997, about 25 percent of completed projects were audited by OED. Like the earlier PPARs, Project Audit Reports (PARs) were field-based and incorporated the views of client countries and major stakeholders. Projects were subject to audit if they were: large and complex; innovative or had unusual features; controversial, with issues unresolved during the ICR evaluation; first in a series or expected to offer especially strong lessons; suitable to be analyzed together with similar projects; useful for providing building blocks for sector or country evaluation study; or requested by Executive Directors.

The ICR, PCR, PCN, and ICN working files for the mid-1990s and later generally contain the printed report, a PIF and control sheet, drafts of the DGO's evaluative memorandum regarding the report or note, a copy of a memorandum from OEDDR transmitting the draft evaluative memorandum to the relevant Country Director, and comments from the Bank's Regional staff on the draft. Some files contain the OED-ICR-Review-Evaluation Summary which recommended for or against an audit of the project. Projects were evaluated for outcome, sustainability, institution development, Bank performance, and client country performance based on information in the ICR and PIF. Correspondence with Regional and other Bank staff and with officials in client countries regarding their comments on the draft report can also be found in the files. Some files contain copies of intra-OED electronic messages commenting on the draft evaluative summary and on the review process. A few of the files contain background documents records such as Staff Appraisal Reports (as was the case for PCR files for earlier periods).

In addition to draft and final copies of the reports, the PAR files for this period typically include: Initiating Memoranda; Terms of Reference (TOR) addressed to OED evaluators designated to travel to the field to conduct the audit; letters to Government officials and others related to the project announcing the mission to develop the report; Back-to-Office Reports from the audit mission; and comments on the draft audit report. Comments from the OED audit panel and an Audit Panel Review form can be found in some files along with drafts of the DGO's evaluative memorandum, a PIF and cover sheet, and copies of letters transmitting the final printed copy of the PAR to officials in the client country. Some of the PAR files contain copies of related background materials such as the Staff Appraisal Report and the Loan Agreement.

The review and audit activities of regional operations and the OED were conducted for the projects of all sectors. These include:

*Education- Primary; secondary; tertiary; vocational; technical

  • Health and nutrition Specific disease and HIV/AIDS prevention and management; population projects

  • Water Sewarage and drainage; sanitation; water supply; water pollution control; flood control

  • Agriculture Commodity production; livestock development; fisheries development; research; support services; marketing

  • Human resources Extension and training; social sector management; science and technology

  • Rural development Rural roads; rural electrification

  • Urban development Urban engineering; air pollution; urban management

  • Telecommunications General sector

  • Energy and power Power generation; refinery engineering; energy efficiency; oil field development; gas transport and distribution; oil, thermal, and gas exploration and development; pipeline rehabilitation

  • Transport Navigation; railways; highways; rural roads; aviation; ports

  • Finance and trade Private sector finance projects; financial rehabilitation projects; economic management and public enterprise; technology development projects; small and medium enterprise projects; development banks; export development; shipping; imports program; debt and debt service

  • Industry Foundry modernization; small-scale industry; fertilizer production; mining and other extractive sector projects; pulp and paper engineering; public enterprise assistance; natural resource management; forestry; off-shore development

  • Infrastructure Housing; construction projects

  • Reconstruction and emergency Earthquake and flood recovery; drought relief

  • Tourism General sector

  • Structural adjustment Public sector reform loans; adjustment loans and credits; trade policy adjustment

  • Client capacity building Technical assistance loans; central government administration projects; planning support

Evaluations of non-sector and multi-sector projects are also included.

The series also consists of evaluative reports and related materials created by OED staff that are not PARs or PPARs and are not related specifically to individual projects. These include: staff appraisal reports initially developed for the projects; reports and recommendations sent to the Executive Directors for approval of the loans or credits; materials related to a study by Carl Jayarajah entitled Overview Study: World Bank Support for Small and Medium Industry; a draft of correspondence related to a proposed Review of Lessons Learned in Railway Projects (RLLRP) for the OED Lessons & Practices publication; an approach paper, drafts, and background materials for Review of the World Bank Experience with Electric Power Generating Facilities (1985); a draft study outline, Terms of Reference, and supporting materials for the 1987 - 1989 study Columbia: An Evaluation of Bank Lending to the Colombia Power Sector between 1970 and 1986 along with the March 1991 final study report; the approach paper and draft of the 1988 - 1989 country case study World Bank Support for Rural Roads Maintenance - Philippine Case Study; a draft of Senior Evaluator Jan de Weille's March 1992 report Annual Review, Project Performance Results for 1991 - Transport; the approach paper and drafts of the June 30, 1994, grey cover sector review (Report 13291) Rural Electrification in Asia: A Review of Bank Experience; records related to a study of the Bank's involvement in Mexico's power sector over four decades; background materials for Study of Adjustment Lending in Sub-Saharan Africa (Oct. 1996 - July 1997) including an approach paper, preliminary draft, draft speech prepared for the Director-General, Operations Evaluation, and copies of related reports; the report Case Study of World Bank Activities in the Health Sector in Mali accompanied by a memorandum from OEDST inviting the DGO and other OED personnel to a meeting review regarding the study; working files of evaluator Basil Coukis which include annotated copies of PCRs and PPARs as well as background materials such as loan guarantee agreements, staff appraisal reports developed for loan or credit applications, progress reports, background correspondence, and field notes used in the preparation of evaluations; and two reports concerning trade policy reform for Mexico, Mexico: Trade Policy Reform, World Bank's Support for Trade Liberalization Program by Yalcin M. Baran (Sept. 15, 1989) and Overview Study: World Support for Small and Medium Industry issued by the Projects Department of Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office (June 24, 1986). Finally, the series consists of records related to the OED's problematic review of the Thirteenth Indian Railway Project (Credit 582-IN). The files contain the April 1979 PCR, various versions (dating from 1981 to 1986) of the PPAR, and correspondence regarding the project. The first and the subsequent draft PPARs for this project were controversial and found to be inadequate for various reasons. The controversy led President Clausen to appoint a special audit team for the Railway Project and to request a reevaluation of OED internal procedures. Materials related to the subsequent review as well as to the OED evaluation are included; the latter includes: intra-OED correspondence; correspondence with Transportation Department staff, the South Asia Regional Office, and Indian government officials; and minutes of a Joint Audit Committee meeting and Executive Directors' meeting.

Center Directors Committee (CDC) meeting and informational files

The series consists of records that evidence the relationship between the CGIAR Secretariat and the International Agricultural Research Centers' (IARC) Directors and the Center Directors Committee (CDC). The majority of the records in the series are informational reports and other materials forwarded, most commonly, by the CGIAR Executive Secretary to CDC members. These records include topical reports, CGIAR-authored reports, CGIAR-related external publications, and CGIAR project and initiative updates. Some records also relate to the recruitment of new CGIAR members/donors. Series also consist of reports authored by the CDC or CDC members as well as a small amount of CDC meeting agendas and minutes.

CGIAR's International Agricultural Research Centers (IARC) general files

The series consists of records created and received by the CGIAR Secretariat as a result of its ongoing relationship with the International Agricultural Research Centers (IARC). The series contains records relating to three of the IARCs: the International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA), the International Laboratory for Research on Animal Diseases (ILRAD), and the International Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain (INIBAP). These IARCs no longer exist; in 1994, INIBAP was absorbed into theInternational Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI, renamed Bioversity International in 2006) and, in the same year, the ILAC and ILRAD merged and formed the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI).

Records related to the ILRAD include: correspondence between the CGIAR Chairman and ILRAD; schedule of the Chairman's visit to ILRAD and other IARCs; position search and announcements; ILRAD Board of Directors annual meeting agenda (1989); correspondence and announcements concerning funding disbursements; external reviews; survey of ILRAD board members; Director General's report to the ILRAD Board of Directors (1990); and other materials.

Records related to ILCA include: correspondence between the CGIAR Chairman and ILCA; schedule of the Chairman's visit to ILCA and other IARCs; ILCA newsletters; ILCA Board of Trustees meeting minutes; ILCA Board orientation program materials; correspondence and announcements concerning funding disbursements; external reviews; ILCA board member surveys; an ILCA-authored paper entitled Management Information Requirements at ILCA: A Discussion Paper (1987); annual meeting and other committee meeting minutes; and other materials.

Records related to INIBAP include: correspondence between the CGIAR Chairman and INIBAP; INIBAP strategy document (1991); International Musa Testing Program materials; collaborative research agreements; INIBAP workshop materials; program committee reports; position search and announcements; INIBAP program surveys; Board of Trustees meeting minutes; Donor Support Group meeting minutes and supporting materials; budget proposal (1992); an initial offer of support by the CGIAR Chairman to INIBAP (21 November, 1990) and related materials; external reviews; and other materials. Records related to INIBAP's absorption into INGRI are also contained in this series. These include: records from the 1993 meeting in which the incorporation of INIBAP and INGRI was discussed and the Memorandum of Understanding between INIBAP and INGRI.

Impact Evaluation Reports

The series primarily consists of Impact Evaluation Reports (IERs) and the working files produced during the creation of those reports. The series also consists of a number of special studies produced by the OED. IERs assess the performance of operations at full development, some five to ten years after the close of disbursements on the Bank's loan. The evaluations are selective; only a small percentage of projects undergo an impact evaluation. These evaluations provide a second look at a project by analyzing the long-term effects - intended or unintended - on people, institutions, and the physical environment. The evaluations assess projects against the goals that were stated at appraisal and also against a broad set of criteria that relate to social dynamics, income distributions, effects on women and families, institutional development, sustainability, and the environment. This series consists of IERs from the very beginning of their production in 1979 and through into the 1990s.

The content of the files for impact evaluations varies somewhat but the more complete files contain: copies of the Completion Reports, Audit Reports, and other OED-generated records relating to the project; non-Bank background reports and publications relating to the project; Terms of Reference for the OED staff members and/or consultants assigned to evaluation; drafts of the Approach Paper and Study Design Paper; memoranda and correspondence regarding the team's travel plans if a mission was required; a Back-to-Office Report regarding the mission; intra-OED correspondence regarding the format for the evaluation; various drafts of the evaluation; comments on the drafts from OED and Regional staff, officials in the client country, and representatives from other aid/lending organizations; drafts of comments by the Director-General, Operations, (DGO) to the Committee on Development Effectiveness (CODE) or its predecessor, the Joint Audit Committee (JAC) regarding evaluations; minutes of CODE or JAC meetings at which the evaluation was discussed; drafts of the DGO's transmittal memorandum to the Executive Directors and the President; and summaries of the Executive Directors' discussion of the evaluation and copies of the Board chairman's published comments. Many of the impact evaluations relied on field surveys to gather opinions of stakeholders. The raw survey data is not included in an evaluation file, but sample survey questionnaires and data derived from the surveys may be in the file.

The series contains the first IER produced by theOED, referred to as a Project Impact Evaluation Report (PIER). The report was for the Mexico Third Irrigation Project (1978 - 1979) which focused on irrigation rehabilitation programs in irrigation districts Nos. 17 (Region Lagunera) and 23 (San Juan del Ro). The evaluation was undertaken by Chief Evaluation Officer John Malone about five years after the performance audit was conducted for the project. Other early impact evaluation reports in this series are for: Kenya's First Smallholder Agricultural Credit Program (1980); the Kenya First Livestock Development Project (1981); the Roseires Irrigation Project in the Sudan (1980); the Burundi-First Arabica Coffee Improvement Project (1980); the Malaysian Muda and Kemubu Irrigation Projects (1981); the Atlantico Irrigation Project in Colombia (1982); and the San Lorenzo Irrigation and Land Settlement Projects in Peru (1982). In addition, records related to an IER conducted jointly with the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) and the Central Bank of the Philippines on the Philippines Second Rural Credit Project are included. The report was issued in 1983 after an extensive evaluation that involved a survey of beneficiaries in different regions. Also issued in 1983 was an IER for the Indonesia Irrigation Rehabilitation Project.

The series contains many other IERs and IER working files produced through the mid to late 1980s and 1990s. Agriculture, urban, education, transport, industry and transmigration projects are represented. Of note, one IER covers three income generating projects for refugees in Pakistan for which the Bank acted as executive agency on behalf of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Also contained are background materials on Indonesia that OED's Agriculture and Human Development Division (OEDD1) gathered from a wide variety of sources in preparation for a 1993 impact evaluation covering loans for three transmigration projects in Indonesia. The files include the Project Completion Reports for two of the loans (Transmigration II [L1707] and III [L 2248]) and Terms of Reference for the impact evaluation but no other documents regarding the impact evaluation.

The series also includes a number of special process and thematic studies. Reports and related working papers include: a 1987 and 1988 OED special study entitled Management of Renewable Resources in Agricultural Operations; two transport sector evaluation studies entitled The Transport Sector in Mexico: An Evaluation (1998) and Transport in China: An Evaluation of Bank Assistance (1999); a copy of a 1998 paper (The Industrial Organization of Corruption: Why Corruption Hurts More in Africa than in Asia) prepared by Sector and Thematic Evaluation Division (OEDST) staff members Antti Talvitie and Binyam Reja, based on their participation in an OED evaluation of five transport projects in Indonesia; background records for a 1996 Infrastructure and Energy Division (OEDD3) process study, Effectiveness of Environmental Assessments and National Environmental Action Plans (EA/NEAP Study), which evaluated the Bank's use of project-level environmental assessments (EAs) and highlighted the differences between countries that had an approved National Environmental Action Plan (NEAP) and those that did not; working files for the 1995 Country Policy, Industry and Finance Division (OEDD2) study The Social Impact of Adjustment Operations: An Overview; and special impact evaluation studies covering a range of agriculture topics, including Harvesting the Waters (1980s), The World Bank and Structural Adjustment in Agriculture; Reforming Agriculture: The World Bank Goes to Market, Irrigation O & M [Operation and Maintenance] and System Performance in Southeast Asia (1996), Natural Resource Management in Bolivia: 30 Years of Experience (1993), and Dynamics of Rural Development in Northeast Brazil: New Lessons from Old Project (1991), as well as one file for a special process study entitled Monitoring and Evaluation Plans in Staff Appraisal Reports Issued in Fiscal Year 1995.

Also in this series are correspondence, reports, and publications that evaluator Christian Polti gathered while OEDD1 was working on two impact evaluation studies. The first study deals with the World Bank's experience with irrigation development and examined irrigation projects in Morocco, Mexico, the Philippines, and Thailand. The second study deals with cotton development programs in Cote d'Ivoire, Burkina Faso, and Togo.

United States Agency for International Development (USAID) CGIAR files

The series consists of records created and collected by the Associate Director (Research), Office of Agriculture, Technical Advisory Bureau, of the US Agency for International Development (USAID). The majority of the records relate to the first five years of the CGIAR. The series contains two types of files: chronological correspondence files and files relating to specific meetings and conferences.

The correspondence files are exclusively related to communication between USAID and the CGIAR Secretariat. Subjects of the correspondence include: International Agricultural Research Centers (IARC) appraisal, IARC financial practices and policy, and deliberations on and accounting of USAID funding. Records include: CGIAR meeting summary of proceedings; reports authored by the CGIAR's Technical Advisory Committee (TAC); CGIAR reports and records distributed to member countries for informational purposes; and materials related to International Centers Week (ICW). A small amount of correspondence sent within USAID departments on the topic of the CGIAR is also included in these files.

The majority of records relating to meeting or conference attendance relate to CGIAR's annual ICW meetings. A number of other USAID-CGIAR meetings are represented as are meetings of the CGIAR North American donors. Further, meetings relating to agricultural research that do not directly involve CGIAR but which are attended by USAID representatives are also present in small number. Records relating to meetings or conferences attended by USAID representatives include meeting agendas, minutes, summary of proceedings, and supporting documents. Also included are meeting and conference summaries authored by USAID attendees as part of their reporting responsibilities. A small number of Action Memoranda composed in response to issues raised and the subsequent need for deliberation are also included.

Third System Review

The series consists of records related to CGIAR's Third System Review conducted in 1996-1998. The Review's purpose was to assess the role, relevance and future directions of the CGIAR System and make recommendations for improving its overall effectiveness. Its focus included, but was not limited to:

  • Mission and strategy: mission, scientific orientation, goals, principal activities, priorities, and strategies of the System

  • Governance and finance: roles and responsibilities of System-wide units, System-level management processes (priority setting, resource allocation, evaluation); funding modalities

  • Operational effectiveness: quality, relevance, and efficiency of the science practiced by the centers; partnerships; structural considerations.

The Review was conducted by an external panel which was supported by separate Working Groups and facilitated by a secretariat. The series contains Review Panel meeting minutes along with extensive background readings and other supporting materials. Indexes for meeting-related materials are included. Series also contains correspondence related to the System Review. Correspondence relates to the selection of Panel and Working Group members as well as meeting and conference planning and requests for comments on Review-generated reports. The series also contains a file of reports commissioned by the Review Panel as well reports created or collected by the Panel. Finally, the series contains a copy of the Review's final report, The International Research Partnership forFood Security and Sustainable Agriculture, dated October 8, 1998. A draft of the final paper by the Specialist Panel on Governance and Finance (August 24, 1998) is also included.

Congratulations file

This series contains congratulatory letters from heads of state, government officials, and international and domestic private entities to A.W. Clausen on the occasion of his appointment as the President of the World Bank and the outgoing responses from President Clausen. A list of the contact addresses filed at the beginning of the series.

Alphabetical [subject] files

This series contains President A. W. Clausen's subject files. The records consist of correspondence, memoranda, reports and background materials relating to a broad spectrum of organizations, interests and concerns. They contain general correspondence, internal Bank communications, and external correspondence with the European Economic Community; the U.S. Congress and the Departments of Treasury and State, among others; the United Nations and its many specialized agencies; and various international banksand organizations. The UNICEF file includes photographs of Mr. Clausen with the Bay Area Corporate Committee for UNICEF in 1985.

Correspondence of the Directors-General, Operations Evaluation with Bilateral and International Organizations

The series consists of letters, memoranda, and messages between the DGO and the heads of evaluation units of bilateral and international organizations. The series documents primarily the formulation, implementation, and impact of evaluations within these bilateral and international organizations. Some of the correspondence is with the Special Advisor and Assistant to the DGO and the Director, Operations Evaluation Department (OEDDR). The series also contains copies of studies, publications, and reports of audits and evaluations sent to DGO. A copy of a February 15, 1980 memorandum from President Robert S. McNamara to DGO Mervyn L. Weiner addresses Bank support for upgrading national audit institutions. With this memorandum is correspondence describing implementation actions taken by the Bank and cooperation with the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSA).

Correspondence of the Directors-General with the International Finance Corporation (IFC)

The series consists of correspondence primarily between DGO Yves Rovani and IFC Chief Evaluation Officer Walter I. Cohn, and relates to the DGO's responsibility for oversight of IFC's operations evaluation activities. An Operations Evalution Unit (OEU) was established within the Development Department of IFC in 1984. Included are drafts of IFC operations evaluation work programs for fiscal years 1986-1993 forwarded by Cohn to Rovani and to his successor Robert Picciotto for review and comment. Accompanying many of the work programs are proposals for special studies. Draft approach papers for those studies, also forwarded to DGO for review, include those prepared for the following studies: IFC's experience in the tourism sector (1989); performance of IFC's oil and gas exploration program (1991); successful IFC investments in Sub-Saharan Africa (1991); lending for industrial technology development (1992); IFC's market assessments (1992); and IFC's experience in the privatization of State-owned enterprises (1992). Comments prepared by the Country Policy, Industry and Finance Division (OEDD2) on some of the approach papers are included.

Also among the correspondence are comments from the DGOs to Cohn on OEU work programs and use of resources along with notes from the first meeting (July 16, 1986) at which the role of DGO in operations evaluation in IFC was discussed. Also included are: minutes of special meetings of the Portfolio Committee at which IFC evaluation studies were discussed; a list of IFC project completion reports for fiscal year 1982 to fiscal year 1986; a copy of a May 20, 1987, memo distributed to all IFC high level staff on new procedures for project completion reports; and Cohn's February 21, 1991, memorandum copied to Rovani in which he responds extensively to issues raised at an earlier Joint Audit Committee (JAC) Sub-Committee on Operations Evaluation meeting regarding IFC's evaluation capacity, IFC evaluation work, and the relationship between IFC and DGO and OED. In this memo he also responds to issues surrounding a report prepared by OEU on IFC's experience in the agricultural production sector.

A small amount of miscellaneous correspondence arranged by subject (1983 - 1995) includes: formal and informal memoranda and other correspondence between the Director, OEU, Walter I. Cohn and DGO's Mervyn Weiner, Yves Rovani, and Robert Picciotto; approach papers for studies forwarded for approval to DGO before being sent to the JAC, copies of IFC policy papers, and draft IFC evaluation reports, workprograms, and budgets. Also included are an Annual Portfolio Evaluation Report for FY 1983 and an updated mandate statement for evaluation in the Bank and IFC that reflects findings of the March 1995 report of the review of evaluation in IFC.

Subject files (1980 - 1995) found with the correspondence include the report of IFC's first evaluation of a segment of its portfolio of investments, IFC Hotel Portfolio Review, forwarded by DGO Mervyn Wiener to the Joint Audit Committee (JAC) for review on May 11, 1981. Also included are reports of IFC evaluations in the agricultural, mining, and petrochemical sectors completed between 1983 and 1994 and in the cement and textile industries sectors between 1983 and 1989. There are also files containing correspondence and reports relating to: evaluations of successful investments in Sub-Saharan Africa (1994); support for small and medium scale enterprises (1995); investment assessments performed by OED (1992 - 1994); IFC's Five Year Program for fiscal years 1985 - 1989; and the review of evaluation in IFC (1994 - 1995).

A small amount of miscellaneous IFC and OEU reports (1979 - 1989), some of which are annotated, forwarded to DGOs Mervyn Weiner, Yves Rovani, and Robert Picciotto are in the series. A number of these reports were distributed to the Board of Directors including three confidential Project Completion Reports (PCRs) on three IFC investments in Guatemala (1979), Brazil (1979), and Indonesia (1979). These three reports were distributed in January 1980 to the Board based on a decision made at an October 30, 1979, Board meeting. Each director was to receive a copy to indicate the type of PCR IFC had been preparing and to illustrate why caution was necessary when disseminating information contained in the reports. Other IFC reports included are: Annual Portfolio Evaluation Reports for fiscal years 1984 and 1986 - 1988; a report entitled Deterioration in IFC's Portfolio: An Analysis (March 1985); and a report prepared by a consultant entitled IFC in Sub-Saharan Africa, Proposals for a New Approach (February 1987).

Records of Economic Advisor Irving Friedman

Irving Friedman maintained these files on the Bank's cooperation with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development in developing a supplementary financing scheme. The scheme was conceived as a response to the instability of commodity prices that frequently led to unexpected shortfalls of export earnings in developing countries. The aim was to have supplementary financing cover these shortfalls through soft loans to shield the development programs of the developing countries. IBRD/IIDA supplementary financing would offer longer-term assistance, as opposed to the International Monetary Fund's short-term compensatory financing facility.

The records include correspondence with UNCTAD, memoranda, drafts, handwritten notes by Friedman and others, meeting briefs, agendas, speeches, and official documents from UNCTAD, IMF, and IBRD on supplementary financing. The general correspondence is principally between Friedman, other Bank managers, and UNCTAD officials, especially Raul Prebish and Manuel Perez-Guerrero, Secretary Generals of UNCTAD, and Sidney Dell, Director of UNCTAD. The meetings files relate to meetings of UNCTAD, the UNCTAD Committee on Invisibles and Financing related to Trade, the Intergovernmental Group on Supplementary Finance, the Development Advisory Committee, and meetings within the World Bank. Friedman filed into the file on a meeting both documents that pre-dated the meeting and documents from activities subsequent to the meeting, so researchers will need to read through the sub-series on meetings in order to find all the items about one meeting.

In addition, three files on stabilization of prices for primary commodity products, transferred to the World Bank Group Archives separately from those on supplementary financing, are found at the end of the series.

Correspondence of Economic Advisor Hollis Chenery

Hollis Chenery served as the Economic Adviser to the President from 1970 until 1972. Reporting directly to the President, he commented on virtually all the significant economic issues that confronted the Bank. The series consists of one file of Chenery's memoranda and correspondence and two files on the Development Research Center of the World Bank.

The correspondence file includes a memorandum by Chenery on research prospects in Latin America in April 1972; a proposal to the Bank on generation of employment in Mexico and a draft study with comments on planning in Mexico; and a draft study on Ethiopia. The correspondence ends in May 1972; an invitation dating from 1973 is also included.

The two files on the Development Research Center primarily drafts of economic studies. The study topics include evaluations of various economic models, Mexican agriculture, and substitution of labor for equipment in road construction.

Chairman's chronological correspondence files

Series consists of chronological correspondence files of CGIAR Chairman Ismail Serageldin. Records provide evidence of fund-raising, communications, and public relations activities as well as activities related to CGIAR organizational and committee management. The majority of the records in this series are copies of the Chairman's outgoing mail. Letters are addressed to CGIAR member and potential member representatives (primarily ambassadors and agriculture ministers), CGIAR committees, International Agricultural Research Centers (IARC), and other agricultural research institutes and universities. Topics of correspondence include CGIAR membership, fund-raising and donations, meetings, CGIAR projects and initiatives, committee nominations and appointments, the Chairman's travel and visitation, conference attendance, speaking engagements, and IARC research, funding, and management.

Conferences, lectures and addresses

This series contains correspondence and notes regarding guest lectures and remarks by President McNamara and conferences he attended, both in the U.S. and in Europe. It is clearly fragmentary and does not cover many of the events in which McNamara participated. The series includes speeches he gave on topics such as population (University of Notre Dame in May 1969), poverty and population (American Urological Association in October 1977), and international development (Frederick Ebert Foundation in Bonn in 1979). Several files relate to awards given to McNamara, including on from the Tun Abdul Razak foundation in Malaysia; some awards files include speeches and remarks he made at the presentation of the award.

A few conference files include McNamara's handwritten notes of points made by other speakers; sometimes a typescript copy of his notes on the proceedings is filed. Because the speakers were often important figures in public affairs, these notes are useful for researching both the positions taken bythe participants and McNamara's understanding of the points they made.

Travel briefings

This series contains the briefings prepared for President McNamara's official trips. It includes notes by McNamara, some handwritten; correspondence with senior staff and government officials; and staff reports on visits.

The briefings consist of schedules, airport statements, government lists and biographies, lists of topics for discussion, basic data and maps, background information on the political and economic situation and the Bank's operations in the country visited and, for Part II countries, aid programs and IDA contributions. Schedules, statements, biographies, and topics for discussion are often annotated by McNamara, some heavily. If the trip included more than one country, the first file may include general information on the region. While most files contain a full briefing, a few files include only the list of persons visited or a schedule.

The 1980 files on an African trip include a file of Mrs. McNamara's activities. The series includes one photo from McNamara's trip to Peru in 1976.

These files are valuable for any researcher looking at the Bank's relationship with a country. The rich analytical material in the briefing file pulls together the Bank's information on a country at a particular date which, when supplemented with McNamara's notes, give a snapshot of the country's stage of development and its political climate.

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