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Project Files for the UNDP/World Bank Trade Expansion Programme (TEP) Maintained by the Chief, International Trade Division (IECIT)

This series contains the project files for Phase I, 1987-1991 (Project INT/86/033/A/01/42) and part of Phase II, 1991 - 1994 (Project INT/90/036/A/0142) of the joint UNDP/World Bank Trade Expansion Programme (TEP) to provide technical and policy advice to countries that intended to reform their trade regimes. These files were maintained successively by the Trade and Adjustment Policy Division (CPDTA) of the Country Policy Department, the Trade Policy Division (CECTP) of the Country Economics Department, the Trade Policy Division (PRDTP) of the Policy Research Department, and the International Trade Division (IECIT) of the International Economics Department. Jaime de Melo (CECTP) was the original project co-director with Thomas Cox (and later Timothy S. Rothermel) of the Division for Global and Interegional Projects, UNDP. Most of the files concern Phase I of the project and include copies of the formal signed Project Documents for Phase I and Phase II; CECTP staff (Jaime de Melo, Maria Lozos, Vinod Thomas, Oli Havrylshyn, and John Nash) correspondence with Cox, Regional Bank staff, project consultants, and officials in the countries involved in the project; Terms of Reference for project consultants; Back-to-Office reports from CECTP staff and consultants who completed missions in connection with the project; and a copy of the brochure for the project. Documents spanning both Phase I and Phase II include: copies of the 11 Occasional Papers about trade expansion issues written in conjunction with the project; copies of Country Reports chronicling the TEP experience in 16 countries; and summary Country Reports for Morocco, Poland, and Uruguay.

International Economics Department (IEC) Secretariat Records of the Planning Assumptions Committee MAintained in the International Economic Analysis and Prospects Division (IECAP)

This series contains copies of PAC Memoranda, summaries of meetings, and other records of the Planning Assumptions Committee (PAC) and related records of the Economic Analysis and Projections Department (EPD) and later of the International Economic Analysis and Prospects Division (IECAP), the two units that maintained these records.

Originally formed in the early 1970s as the Deflator Committee, the Committee approved the deflator projections to be used in Bank financial planning and in project appraisals. Late in 1980, the name was changed to Planning Assumptions Committee, and its role was broadened to cover a wide range of key indicators of change in the global environment. By establishing common planning assumptions about the world economy, the Committee ensured that the various parts of the Bank used the same projections for economic and sector work, project analysis, financial and budget analysis, and the World Development Report. The Global Analysis Division (EPDGL) of EPD and later the International Economic Analysis and Prospects Division (IECAP) of IEC prepared the background analysis and projections for PAC. This series includes memoranda from those two units transmitting projections data to the PAC chairman. That data was incorporated into the PAC Memoranda which were issued twice a year, in the spring and the fall, to units throughout the Bank. By the late 1980s, these memoranda were issued directly by IECAP, through the Director of the International Economics Department (IECDR) as PlanningAssumptions for Major Macroeconomic Indicators and Financial Indicators. In addition to the official PAC memoranda, there are intra EPD and IEC memoranda documenting the process of compiling the planning data.

Reading File of the Research Advisory Staff (RAD)

The series consists of documents sent electronically within RAD, to other parts of DEC, and to other Bank organizations by the Research Administrator and other RAD staff concerning the Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics (ABCDE), The World Bank Economic Review, the annual report of the World Bank Research Program, the World Bank Visiting Research Fellows Program (VRFP), research and conference funding, the Working Papers series, and research and conference proposals.

Working File for the Trade Policy Development Project Maintained in the Development Research Group

In November 1999, the World Bank established a new program of international standards, technical regulations, and trade policy with the support of the United Kingdom's Department of International Development's (DFID) Trust Fund. The DFID umbrella Trust Fund project had eight sub-components or projects: WTO 2000 and WBI Core Course developed by the World Bank Institute; WTO Agriculture; Services Trade; Trade Support; International Standards Support; Trade Policy Data System; and Impact Modeling. This file appears to have been initially maintained by Anthony Venables (Manager for Trade, Development Research Group [DECRG]) who was designated Task Manager to administer this three-year Trust Fund project.

Found in the series are copies of electronic messages (e-mails) exchanged in 1998 between L. Alan Winters, then Trade Manager, DECRG with David Batt, Head of DFID about a DFID-World Bank collaboration on trade policy in advance of the next round of World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations in order to increase understanding of the policy implications and economic impact of standards and regulations on world trade development. A copy of Winter's 21 December 1998 letter to Botts expressing the Bank's interest in a Trade Policy Development Project is in the file. Also in the file are copies of e-mails and notes concerning the preparation process for a Bank Initiating brief for a Trust Fund for the Trade Policy Development Project and a copy of the Initiating brief executed on 29 March 1999 that describes the objectives of the Trust Fund.

In the series are descriptions of each sub-component project approved by DFID for financing, program updates/progress reports, and other project related correspondence including Venable's correspondence with personnel designated as Bank contact points for the sub-projects and with DFID and a copy of a later 2001 facsimile message requesting payment from DFID for expenditures for the period 1 October 2000 to 30 September 2001.

Research Materials Relating to Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) in India, Mexico, Chile, Ghana, Turkey, and the Philippines Compiled by the Finance and Private Sector Development Division

The research materials in this series were compiled by the staff of the Finance and Private Sector Development Division (PRDFP) of the Policy Research Department (PRD) and concern public sector enterprises (PSEs) in India, Mexico, Chile, Ghana, Turkey and the Philippines and government efforts to reform and/or privatize those enterprises. The materials have been heavily tabbed and annotated by the PRDFP staff, but this series does not contain any drafts of the resulting PRD studies. Included are annual PSE audit reports; copies of performance contracts (also called Memoranda of Understanding) between a government and a PSE; government-issued data, surveys, and reports regarding PSEs; copies of World Bank documents (staff appraisal reports, completion reports) relating to loans or credits affecting PSEs; World Bank studies of PSEs and privatization efforts; academic articles; news clippings; book chapters; transcripts of lectures; and IMF documents and reports.

Reading File of Michael Lav, Economic Adviser, Development Policy Group (DPG) and Bank Liaison to the Paris Club and the Berne Union

The series consists of documents sent electronically by Michael Lav within DEC and to other parts of the Bank; a few documents were sent by other DPG staff and a staff member of PRDTP [Trade Policy Division, Policy Research Department]. The documents relate to Lav's responsibilities as Bank Liaison Officer to the Paris Club and to the Berne Union. Several of the e-mails concern transition arrangements for his successor, Ronald P. Brigish, as Bank Liaison Officer to the Paris Club as well as transition arrangements for the Bank Liaison Officer to the Berne Union. Organizational responsibilities for both were shifted to the International Economics Department (IEC) on November 22, 1993. Several of Lav's documents concern preparations for Paris Club and Berne Union meetings in 1993, papers and statistical information being prepared in the Bank for Paris Club meetings, and arrangements for a 30 November 1993 - 1 December 1993 visit to the Bank of a Berne Union President's Group representing some of the major export credit and investment agencies.

The series also includes documents concerning debt swaps and containing comments on Initiating Memoranda (IMs) for an adjustment operation, an adjustment loan, and a Sri Lanka project, and Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) papers. A November 19, 1993 document from a staff member from the Information, Technology and Facilities Department (ITF) to the Director of the Planning and budget Department (PBDDR) reports on the status of the renovation of the Edward R. Murrow Park (Reservation 30) in front of the World Bank Main Complex.

Chronological File of EAS Director

Series consists of chronological files maintained by EAS Director Vinod Dubey from between January 1989 and November 1990. After Dubey's appointment as director of EAS in June 1987, he continued many of the duties he had in the Country Policy Department (CPD): coordinating the Bank's interaction with the Paris Club, the Berne Union, the OECD Export Credit Group, and the International Monetary Fund; reviewing country strategy papers and Structural Adjustment Policy Framework Papers (PFPs); providing the SVP Operations with analysis on operational issues and policy initiatives; serving as the Secretariat to the Operations Committee; and providing advice and support to the Regional staff on major policy questions, especially regarding country strategies, adjustment operations, and country economic and sector work. Much of the records in this series relate to the duties listed above and take the form of agendas, schedules, and requests for comments or review for discussion. In the case of the latter, the reports and policy papers are rarely attached.

Research Project Files Maintained by the Research Administrator

The records in this series are the official project files maintained by the office of the Research Administrator and predecessor units for research projects funded wholly or in part from the Research Support Budget (RSB). Research proposals were received from the Regions, Sectors, and from DEC or earlier Economics and Research Staff (ERS) units. Research proposals dealt with development policy and planning, finance and trade, capital markets, rural development, industry, infrastructure, poverty and socialwelfare, labor markets, education, environmentally sustainable development including environmental economics, energy, agriculture and natural resources, private sector development, regional development, and population.

The series is arranged in five parts, the first four of which cover overlapping time periods from 1981 to 2000. The fifth segment consists of a single research project file for the 1995-1997 period maintained by a project manager. The bulk of the files in this series include: a project proposal; memoranda to project proposal reviewers for projects that exceeded the cost ceiling for approval by the Research Administrator, reviewers' evaluations of the project proposal; the project manager's response to the reviewers' evaluations; Research Advisory Staff (RAD) memoranda to members of the REPAC [Research Projects Approval Committee] or the Research Committee (RC) subcommittee selected to review the proposal; comments from subcommittee members; the project manager's response to the subcommittee's comments; minutes of the REPAC or RC meeting at which the proposal was discussed; intra-RAD memoranda discussing the project; RAD's memorandum to the project manager conveying approval and funding of the project; Back-to-Office Reports (BTOs) from missions connected to the project; correspondence between the project supervisor and the Research Administrator that may include requests for an extension of the project completion date or for additional funds; budget tracking reports; a project completion report on a standardized form; and copies of the publications and papers that constituted the output from the project. Not all of the files contain completion reports. Some files include status reports and comments on the proposal from Regional organizations.

Among the earlier files in the series are four files for research projects associated with the Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) (RPO file nos. 673-22, 673-38, 674-17, and 674-19). Some of the files in the series that predate 1990 relate not tospecific research projects but to administrative matters relating to research: authorizations for the transfer of funds from the RSB (RPO 671-99); costs for the World Bank Economic Review (RPO 673-570), the Research Observer (RPO 673-61), and the World Bank Research News (RPO 673-71); RAD costs for the First Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics (RPO 674-82); and routine authorizations for the transfer of funds from the RSB for consultants, project proposal reviewers, etc. (RPO 671-99). The Research Policy Council (RPC) approved funding for the three previously mentioned publications.

Beginning in 1991; the records within each project file were divided into five categories, each with a separate tab: proposal; reviews; correspondence; budget; and completion. Filed under the proposal tab is the formal project proposal sent to RAD and correspondence between the RAD staff and the project manager. Under the review tab are RAD's correspondences with referees who agreed to comment on the proposal, the referees' comments, and the project manager's responses to RAD regarding issued raised by the referees. The items under the 'correspondence tab include a wide range of records: intra-RAD memoranda regarding a project proposal; reports from the Research Committee subcommittee that reviewed the project proposal; notices that the project manager and/or the managing unit had changed; replies from the manager to specific questions from RAD staff; requests for deadline extensions; BTOs from missions connected to the project; copies of book reviews of publications resulting from a research project; and handwritten notes of RAD staff. Correspondence under the budget tab generally includes a copy of the RAD memorandum to the project manager indicating the proposal had been approved and explaining how the budget should be managed. In addition, there may be requests from the project manager for additional funds or for an extension of the completion date, and a copy of RAD's instructions as to how to handleproject funds remaining at the end of the fiscal year. Not all of the files for 1991 and later contain a project completion report under the completion tab. Some files contain copies of publications resulting from the research output or a RAD memorandum requesting an overdue project completion report under this tab. A small number of the project files created after 1991 are for funding conferences and workshops, expenses connected with the Bank's Visiting Research Fellows program, and the production of avideo of the slide presentation used as the keynote to a conference. The file for Symposium/Workshop on Accelerating Native Forest Regeneration on Degraded Tropical Lands (RPO 677-67) contains only the materials distributed to workshop attendees and a note indicating that no file for the project could be found.

Project Manager John Nash's file (fifth part of series) for the research project Regulating Technology Transfer: Impact on Technical Change, Productivity and Incomes covers the years 1995-1997 andincludes a request for RSB funding for the project; a response to the review of the research project; expense/budget reports for the project; Terms of Reference for missions connected to the project; a copy of a consultants BTO report for December 1995 visits to Malawi, Zimbabwe, Kenya, and Ghana in connection with project; and Nash's correspondence with consultants associated with the project. The official file for this research project is also in this series.

Project evaluation reports are not in the files in this series, but, in most cases, the project completion report, when present in the file, has been annotated to indicate that the evaluation was completed.

Research File of Bela Balassa

Most of the correspondence in this series covers the period when Balassa reported both to the Vice President, Development Policy Staff (VPD, later Vice President, Economics and Research [VPERS)] and to the Director of the Development Research Center (DRC), and, after the 1987 Reorganization, the Vice President, Development Economics and Chief Economist (DECVP). He also served during this period as Chairman of the Development Policy Staff Trade Advisory Committee. The files are loosely organized around Balassa's projects while serving as consultant to the Bank during this period.

Included are Balassa's completion reports for some of the projects he personally carried out, his comments on proposals and research projects conducted by others in the Bank, and correspondence with the Research Projects Approval Committee (REPAC) and the head of the Research Administration Unit in VPERS. Some files contain background materials, including statistical data, used in Balassa's research. Specific documents include: Terms of Reference (TOR) for a May-June 1983 mission to Tunisia led by Balassa that constituted the first phase of a study on employment creation; his TOR and Back-to-Office (BTO) Report for a January 1985 Industrial Policy Mission he led to Tunisia; and his report on his coordination of a Latin American development strategy study (introduced by David Rockefeller) while on leave from Johns Hopkins University. Correspondence, including a BTO Report, for a mission to Venezuela Balassa led from January to October 1987 to hold discussions with the Venezuelan government on the economy and possible resumption of Bank lending is also part of the series.

Also included in the series are copies of talking points and papers Belassa prepared at the request of high-level Bank officials and correspondence with DECVP. Belassa's handwritten notes and drafts can be found throughout the series.

Secretariat's Copies of Policy Papers and Minutes of Policy Review Committee Meetings and of Staff Review Meetings

The Policy Planning and Program Review Department staff (Pedro-Pablo Kuczynski, Frank Vibert, and Shahid J. Burki) served as the secretariat for the Policy Review Committee (PRC). This series contains the secretariat's set of policy papers and the notices of meetings and minutes of staff review meetings and of Policy Review Committee meetings at which the policy papers were discussed. The policy papers, which were drafted by various units throughout the Bank, were distributed for review at the PRC stafflevel or by the Policy Review Committee as a whole or were widely distributed throughout the Bank for comment or for information purposes prior to consideration by the Executive Directors. The files contain the various versions of a paper as it proceeded through the review process. The policy papers cover a broad range of subjects: sector issues, project costs overruns, the lending policies and practices of IDA, the World Bank's approach to interest rates and credit allocation issues, and the establishmentof the Third Window.

Records of the Social and Economic Statistics Committee (SESC)

The Bank-wide Social and Economic Statistics Committee (SESC) was established in 1987 and was responsible for advising the Senior Vice President, Policy, Planning and Research (SVPPR) on policies of the Bank's social and economic statistical services. It served as a Bank-wide forum for ensuring that the interests of the Bank's socio-economic data collectors, managers, and users were adequately considered. The Committee met at roughly quarterly intervals; the Chief Economist (DECVP) was chair and Ramesh Chander, Statistical Adviser (DECVP), was ex-officio Secretary.

This series contains a small collection of SESC records that D.C. Rao maintained while he was Director of the Risk Management and Financial Policy Department (FRS) and a member of SESC. This set of the Committee's records includes lists of members; Terms of Reference; minutes of the first meeting held on September 8, 1987; an August 11, 1988 note from Stanley Fischer summarizing the major issues regarding the Bank Economic and Social Database (BESD) prior to a discussion of BESD at a SESC meeting; and a copy of the 1987 questionnaire for Short Term, Long Term and Credit Worthiness Surveys.

While Rao was neither the Chair nor the Secretary for this Committee, there are no known records related to the SESC found in the custody of the World Bank Group Archives. Therefore, this set of records is retained permanently.

Stanley Fischer's Chronological File of Correspondence with Bank Staff (Internal Chronological Files)

The correspondence in this series documents Stanley Fischer's wide range of responsibilities as DECVP. Fischer did not officially assume the duties of DECVP until January 1988 and much of the correspondence in the series prior to that time concerns organization of the VPDEC Front Office, personnel matters, and scheduling of meetings. A significant amount of his correspondence is from the directors and division chiefs of the International Economics Department (IEC), the Country Economics Department (CEC), the Economic Development Institute (EDI), and his Front Office staff. Incoming communications are found with some of Fischer's outgoing memoranda, letters, e-mail, handwritten notes, and other communications. Copies of policy briefs and outlines for studies and papers, policy papers, and research papers on the debt crisis, structural and sectoral adjustment lending, trade policy, environmental issues, and other international economic issues were forwarded from the divisions and the Front Office for Fischer's review and/or further action. Structuring of work programs, proposals for the annual World Development Report (WDR) and drafts of the WDR, World Debt Tables, and proposals for EDI training are also subjects of Fischer's correspondence.

As Chief Economist, Fischer served as principal economic adviser to President Barber Conable (EXC) and to W. David Hopper, Senior Vice President, Policy, Planning and Research [PPRSV] and Hopper's successor, Wilfried P. Thalwitz, Senior Vice President, Policy, Research and External Affairs [PPRSV]. Fischer's memos, informal notes, and other communications with PPRSV are found throughout the series. Memos and informal notes sent in his role as Chief Economist to Moeen A Qureshi, Senior Vice President, Operations (OPNSV) and Ernest Stern, Senior Vice President, Finance (FNSV) concern matters coming before the Operations Committee.

Found with correspondence for 1988 are Fischer's briefing papers for Conable for a June 1988 meeting at the Bank with the Director-General, GATT, Arthur Dunkel and for an August 1988 meeting with Julius Katz, Chairman of the Uruguay Round Negotiating Group on the Functioning of the GATT System (FOGS); Fischer's background paper containing information for an October 1988 meeting between Conable and Romano Prodi, President of the Instituto per la Ricostruzione Industriale (IRI); memos prepared for Conable on the debt problem (May 1988) and Argentine loans (August 1988); and talking points for Conable's May 1988 speech at the brookings Institution.Among the 1989 correspondence are talking points Fischer prepared for a Conable-Camdessus luncheon meeting on proposals to improve collaboration between the Bank and IMF; a policy brief prepared for Conable on Experience in Trade Reform (April 1989); an informal memo on the Brady Plan debt strategy (April 1989); a draft memo to Conable on World Bank Intellectual Leadership (September 1989); and a formal proposal to Conable regarding establishment of a Socialist Economy Reform Unit within CEC (October 1989)which was approved the following month. Among the 1990 correspondence are several memos containing talking points for Conable-Camdessus luncheon meetings.

Fischer also corresponded with OPNSV regarding the classification of economists. Found throughout the series are Fischer's memos announcing meetings of the Economists Review Panel which he chaired, announcing actions taken by the panels, addressing appeals to the panels' actions, and inviting Bank staff to fill panel vacancies. The series also contains Fischer's correspondence as Chairman of the EDI Advisory Board and the Research Committee and his correspondence with the Research Administrator (RAD). Some Fischer correspondence with the Vice President, Sector Policy and Research [PREVP], Visvanathan Rajagopalan, is also part of the series.

Back-to-Office (BTO) Reports prepared by Fischer following trips to Argentina, Germany, Switzerland (Geneva), and China in 1988, to Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania, Yugoslavia, and Poland in 1989, and Japan, Israel, India, Poland, and London in 1990 are in the series. Also part of the series are copies of speeches, Il Messagero articles, and other papers Fischer prepared that were sent to DEC managers who provided him input. Correspondence with other Bank officials and papers forwarded to him for comment from other Bank offices and some outside economists are part of the series. Routine correspondence concerning administrative and personnel matters are scattered throughout the series. Fischer's last official day as DECVP was August 31, 1990 but the series includes correspondence for September - December 1990 during which time Fischer made brief visits to the Bank from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) and served as a consultant to the joint Bank/IMF study of the Soviet economy.

Training material

This series contains records relating to two projects that were part of the UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)-World Bank Water and Sanitation Program (UNDP-World Bank WSP) that supported the United Nation's 1981 - 1990 International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade (IDWSSD). The two projects are the Information and Training Program in Low-Cost Water Supply and Sanitation (INT/82/002) and the International Training Network (ITN) for Water and Waste Management (INT/86/027). These projects were responsible for developing and delivering training modules geared toward water sector personnel and non-water professionals on topics concerning low-cost alternative technologies, sanitation (e.g., ventilated pit latrines), economic appraisal of projects, user participation, health aspects of water supply and sanitation, sanitation technology solutions, wells and handpumps, water distribution network, water and waste treatment, hygiene education, gravity-flow water supply, rainwater roof catchment systems, institutional and financial aspects, and many more. The goals of these training projects were to promote and deliver training on technical aspects, management, administration, finance, community development, and project support communications.

The training projects produced three major training packages for three primary stakeholders: the Decision Package for policy and senior government leaders; the Technical Package for students and sector professionals; and the Community (User) Participation Package for community workers and project staff.

UNDP financed the projects in cooperation with international agencies, while the World Bank (Bank) was responsible for project execution through the Technology Advisory Group (TAG) for technical assistance. The Bank's responsibilities included but were not limited to coordinating the recruitment process, agreements, feasibility studies, in-country training, project description drafts, course curricula design, etc.

Some of the key individuals mentioned in this series include but are not limited to Letitia Obeng, Saul Arlosoroff, Richard N. Middleton, and Mary Elmendorf (anthropologist/consultant, 1975-1996).

Materials include but are not limited to foundational records to prepare and produce the training modules; translations; progress and review reports; correspondence and memoranda; administrative files; conference and workshop files; photographic prints; and audiovisual items (e.g., magnetic cards, flexible disks, 35 mm color slides, and cassette tapes).

This series also contains records related to other initiatives: Research and Development in Integrated Resource Recovery (GLO/80/004) and TAG's collaboration with the UNDP's Women and the Decade Project (INT/83/003). It contains information about the promotion and support for women's participation in the United Nation's 1981 - 1990 International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade (IDWSSD) and the development of low-cost sanitation projects and training modules created by the Bank's EconomicDevelopment Institute (EDI).

Urban Poverty Program files

Series consists of records created and received by the Urban Operations Review and Support Unit (URBOR) and related to the Urban Poverty Program. Records relate to the various objectives and activities of the Program, including defining, identifying, and quantifying developing countries? urban poor; identifying urban poverty target groups; estimating poverty incomes levels; creating lending policy; developing guidelines on project implementation and review; setting targets; and measuring impacts. Series iscomprised of chronological files consisting of correspondence, memoranda, and reports dating from the beginning of the Task Group?s existence in July of 1975. Included is a memorandum entitled ?Bank Action Program to Attack Urban Poverty? submitted to President McNamara by Warren C. Baum, Vice President, Central Projects Staff, on July 11, 1975, as well as two early ?Action Program and Interim Reports? submitted by Edward V. K. Jaycox to Warren C. Baum; these are dated Oct. 23, 1975, and March 29, 1976. Other interim reports and project reviews submitted between 1976 and 1981 are also included, as is feedback on the reports from Department staff. Reports and memoranda submitted to the project Chairman from internal and external offices are contained. Memoranda from the Bank?s regional offices? Chief Economists reporting on their efforts to combat urban poverty and offering feedback on the Group?s reports and memoranda are included. A small amount of meeting minutes and notes are included, as are photocopies of newspaper and journal articles.

There are also records from the Office of the Director of the Public Utilities Projects Department (PBPDR) and the Office of the Director of the Energy, Water and Telecommunications Department (EWTDR), between 1975 and 1977, concerning the Urban Poverty Program?s Urban Poverty Task Group. Files contain correspondence by Yves Rovani (director, PBP, then EWT), Richard N. Middleton (Sanitary Engineer) and John M. Kalbermatten (Water and Wastes Advisor), as well as with divisions in the regional projects departments, including regional chief economists, dealing with water supply and sewerage issues. Correspondence generally deals with the implementation of the Urban Poverty Program, specifically the impact of water supply and sewerage projects or operations and sanitation lending on the urban poor, and EWT's input into the water supply and wastewater aspects of the Task Group's work.

FPRVP chronological files

Series consists of chronological files created by Johannes Linn while serving as the Vice President of the Financial Policy and Risk Management Vice Presidency (FPRVP). Files primarily consist of correspondence and memoranda between Linn and World Bank staff including Senior Vice President of Finance (SVPFI) Ernest Stern as well as World Bank managing directors. Drafts of reports and papers for review and information sharing often accompany correspondence. Topics of correspondence include: lending constraints; FPRVP staffing and budget; IBRD disbursement projections; privatization in developing countries; loan loss provisioning; Soviet Union and former Soviet republics membership in the World Bank; single currency loans and the Asset-Liability Management Committee; risk-based capital investments; IDA replenishments (including United States funding issues); IDA country performance ratings; FPRVP annual and mid-year reviews; FPRVP advisory role on Loan Committee; country risk management and portfolio reviews; sector paper reviews; Joint Audit Committee (JAC) activities; lending allocation reviews; negative pledge policy; Global Environment Facility (GEF) replenishment; and multilateral debt overhang.

This series also contains correspondence with external individuals and institutions. These records discuss speaking engagements, information exchange, commenting on drafts, and offers of employment. They also contain announcements (often related to IDA replenishments) and letters of gratitude.

Country Director, Africa Regional Vice Presidency (AFRVP) chronological correspondence files

This series contains chronological correspondence files from the last three months of Madavo's time as Country Director in the Africa Regional Vice Presidency (AFRVP). Madavo oversaw the Country Department responsible for lending and country monitoring for Ethiopia, Kenya, Mauritius, Somalia, Sudan, and Uganda. The correspondence is between Madavo and: Bank member government officials including ministers and ambassadors; and Bank staff including the Africa Regional Vice President Kim Jaycox as well as the Bank resident missions of countries in Madavo's department. Topics of correspondence are various but include: proposed and ongoing country projects and technical assistance; country program development; country reports; portfolio review; and travel logistics and expenses.

Vice President, Africa Regional Vice Presidency (AFRVP) chronological correspondence files

This series contains chronological correspondence files sent and received by Madavo during his time as Vice President of the Africa Regional Vice Presidency (AFRVP). Note that when Madavo was named Vice President in 1996, it was as co-Vice President with Jean-Louis Sarbib. A small amount of the correspondence in this series is either authored by both Madavo and Sarbib or is authored by Madavo on correspondence with letterhead naming both Vice Presidents.

Records in this series relate to the various responsibilities of the AFRVP, including: the development and review of lending operations in the Region; reviewing country strategies; handling high-level communications with member countries; operational policy making; high-level staffing; and support of the Office of the President.

Correspondence in the "Letters" section of the chronological files contains correspondence sent or received by Madavo primarily to external parties. These include: member government officials including country leaders, ministers,and ambassadors; external organizations including NGOs and multilateral organizations; and Bank executive directors. Some of the correspondence is authored by Madavo on behalf of World Bank President Jim Wolfensohn. In addition, a small amount of correspondence in this section is with Bank staff including President Wolfensohn; these often take the form of briefing notes in advance of meetings with external individuals or groups. Topics of correspondence in the "Letters" section are varied. They include: combatting corruption; conference planning and attendance; debt and the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiative; HIV/AIDS; planning visits to countries; and collaboration with external organizations. Other correspondence relates to requests for support from external parties, invitations to events, and the dissemination of information.

The "Office Memoranda" section of the chronological files contains correspondence sent or received by Madavo to Bank staff. Topics include: debt reduction; capacity building; proposed and ongoing country projects and technical assistance; budgeting; review of Bank programs; country office audits; Bank operations in conflict areas; conference attendance; country program development and monitoring; staff recruitment and appointments; operations policy development and implementation; travel planning, logistics, and expenses; and the Special Program of Assistance for Africa (SPA). Correspondence includes mission reports and reports on country economic and political developments.

The sections of the chronological files titled, Notes, Electronic Messages/Emails, Miscellaneous, and Travel are relatively small compared to the Letters and Office Memoranda sections. The Notes section generally contains updates and briefing materials addressed to President Wolfensohn, Bank Managing Directors, or other VPs. The Electronic Messages section generally contains short messages related to administrative matters, attendance at meetings or events, travel logistics or expenses, and expressions of gratitude. The Miscellaneous section contains travel expenses, invoices, and statements of expenses as well as reference materials and correspondence related to staffing. The Travelling section contains travel invoices and statements of expenses.

Speeches and related materials

Series contains a variety of records related to speaking appearances made by Callisto Madavo while serving as Vice President of the Africa Regional Vice Presidency (AFRVP). The majority of the records consist of full-text speeches and talking points for speeches. Also included are: transcripts of interviews, press briefings, and question and answer sessions; articles he authored or co-authored; and background notes prepared for Madavo by staff in advance of events at which he was speaking or panels on which he was appearing. While a small number of the speeches made by Madavo were internal to the Bank, the majority were at conferences, forums, academic institutions, and other events external to the Bank. The speeches discuss a variety of topics, including: trade and investment in Africa; the relationship between the World Bank and Africa; Africa and education; Africa's future; globalization; and HIV/AIDS.

Project officer, Industrial Projects Department (NDP/IPD/IND) chronological correspondence files

Series contains the chronological files created by Rischard during his time as a project officer in the Industrial Projects Department (NDP/IPD/IND) from 1976 to 1982. The records in this series relate to the various activities of sectoral project officers. Regarding involvement with lending operations, records evidence Rischard's role in multiple projects and countries. Common project types include funding of chemical industries, fertilizer production, and industrial energy conservation and diversification. Specific projects include: P008691 - Tecuci Fertilizer Project (Romania) P006289 - Copesul Petrochemical Project (Brazil) P008710 - Craiova Chemical Project (Romania) P009665 - Gorakhpur Fertilizer Expansion Project (India) P009369 - Ashuganj Fertilizer Project (Bangladesh) and P008639 - Industrial Energy Conservation and Diversification Project (Portugal) Records related to travel logistics and expenses and the exchange of information within the World Bank and with external organizations are also included.

Records primarily consist of correspondence between Rischard and other World Bank staff (in the form of office memoranda and telexes) and official correspondence between Rischard and external individuals, including country representatives. In addition to correspondence, back-to-office reports, Terms of Reference, and reports and studies on industrial sector topics are included.

Financial analyst and division chief, Financial Policy and Analysis Department (FPA) chronological correspondence files

Series contains the chronological files created by Rischard during his time as a financial analyst in the Financial Policy and Analysis Department FPA; he worked in both the Financial Analysis Division (FPAFA) and the Financial Studies Division (FPAFS). The series also contains records maintained by Rischard after he was named the Department's division chief for the new Financial Management and Analysis Division (FPAMA) in 1984. Records in this series relate to the various activities for which these units were responsible. Work areas included: IBRD financial forecasting (as part of the IBRD Financial Projections Task Force that Rischard participated in and, at times, led); IBRD and IDA program and financial policy review; the Bank's relationship with high debt countries and its advisory role in debt restructuring; exchange rate and currency availability and disbursements; commercial loan sales; guarantee pricing; and the creation of an IBRD subsidiary bank. Many of the records in this series were created in the context of the FPA's Management Support Group (formerly the Data Support Group). The Group's work consisted of: IBRD forecasting; FPA work scheduling; and development of management information and monitoring tools (including management of resource mobilization, net transfer, and income).

Director, Investment Department (INV) chronological correspondence files

Series consists of the chronological files created by Rischard during his time as Director of the Investment Department (INV) in the Treasury Vice President (TREVP). Records relate to Rischard's position as director of the department and manager of its various units and their activities. The majority of the correspondence are in the form of office memoranda between Rischard and other Bank staff discussing: divisional work programs; specific topics related to unit activities; the creation of the new products and strategies division; staffing; workshop and meeting planning, scheduling, and attendance; and information sharing. Monthly portfolio and annual retrospective reports are also found amongst the office memoranda. A smaller amount of correspondence are letters between Rischard and external individuals and organizations primarily discussing meetings and the exchange of information.

Note that the series contains correspondence authored and received by Rischard's predecessor in the role of INV Director, Bernard Holland, from January 1989 to July 1989. Rischard became the INV Director in September of 1989. It appears that the correspondence of the new Director was added to the folder for the year 1989 initiated by Holland.

Vice President, Finance and Private Sector Development Vice Presidency (FPD) chronological correspondence files

Series consists of the chronological files created by Rischard during his time as Vice President of the Finance and Private Sector Development Vice Presidency (FSDVP). The FSDVP's responsibilities included supervision of the overall management of the VP's three sectoral departments as well as maintaining relationships with other development and commercial banks and private sector executives. The departments of the FSDVP included the Financial Sector Development (FSD), Private Sector Development (PSD), and Industry and Energy Sector departments (IEN). They were responsible for: operational support to the Regions; developing and monitoring policy; maintaining effective relationships with the external community; and for setting research priorities.

Series consists of records relating to a variety of topics and activities, including: operational support (in the form of proposals, advice, and information); Operations Evaluation Department (OED) project reviews; budgeting; staffing and other human resources related issues; information dissemination; conference planning; dissemination of publications and products produced by FSDVP departments; and the reorganization of 1997-98 and related mapping of staff. Records also consist of: responses to external individuals or organizations for requests for information; VP Annual retrospectives; project updates for the Office of the President; three year business plans; and briefings and summaries on a variety of topics for Bank senior management including Presidents Prestonand Wolfensohn. A small amount of correspondence relating to the Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme (ESMAP) is included.

Series also includes four sets of transparencies created by FPDVP sector departments for a presentation to the council of the new Finance, Private Sector Development, and Infrastructure Network (FPSI). The council reported to the network head and is composed of the top network managers from each Region and was responsible for setting the overall agenda for the network and forpromoting effective deployment of skills across network units. The presentations describe the accomplishments, ongoing work, direction, organizational structure, and collaborative efforts of each department.

Note that the transition from FPDVP to the new FPSI network was staggered. Although it technically began in 1997, much of the transition had not been completed by the time Rischard left the FSDVP/FPSI to begin his new role as Vice President of Europe (EXTEU) in the summer of 1998. Rischard continues to refer to himself as FPDVP in his correspondence and does not begin a new folder reflecting the creation of the new network.

Policy and best practice development

Series consists of records related to the development of policy and best practice for projects and sector work in education and employment that were created and maintained by the Education Department (EDT, 1972 - 1977 later EDC 1977 - 1984) and its successor units. The series represents the policy working papers, guidelines, standards, and other instruments prepared by the sector as well as the collection and analysis of guidelines, manuals, and other tools developed by other Bank departments and external organizations such as the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The series also reflects the activities of external advisory panels formed to make recommendations regarding the Bank's education policy. Records were predominantly created between 1972 to 2003, apart from a small number of externally authored reports from the 1960s.

The largest volume of records relate to educational guidelines mostly maintained by the Education Department (EDC) Implementation Advisor David H. Lewis who reported to the EDC director. Files contain guidelines, reports, and internal memoranda between Lewis and Director Duncan S. Ballantine and his successor Aklilu Habte, Senior Advisor Mats Hultin, or regional Education Projects Division architects. Certain records were also created by EDC Educator Clifford W. Gilpin. Guidelines records are organized by subject and cover the topics of operational guidelines, school construction, architectural standards by country, basic learning equipment in education projects, and analytical data. Guidelines were developed for sector staff, consultants, and region staff to maintain and improve the quality of Bank lending and related operations.

Operational guidelines

Records categorized as operational guidelines mostly relate to the discussion and dissemination of guidelines regarding Bank education projects. Guidelines pertain to organizing project appraisal, implementation, procurement practices, preparation of project reports, architectural space and unitappraisal costs, technical assistance, maintenance of education facilities, implementation of construction components and basic equipment in education projects, sector report guidelines, and more. The guidelines are typically in the form of report or sector memoranda prepared by the Education Department but also include jointly prepared user guides, Operations Evaluation Department (OED) guidelines, and "Introduction to the World Bank's Manpower and Education Model" manual prepared by Technical Department,Europe, Middle East, and North Africa Region (1987). Internal memoranda within the files are mainly addressed to EDC Director Habte and contains Lewis' reports on seminars and conferences attended, discussion of changes and approach to the project cycle, and Bank activities in financing educational facilities. Other record types found within the operational guidelines files are charts illustrating project development, job descriptions, and conference papers.

Analytical data

Analytical data records are mostly in the form of internal memoranda, such as from EDC director to EDC staff or to all Regional Education Division staff regarding global data on education enrollment, education and training lending, comparative education indicators, and more. Data tables outlining figures or standard measurements of these data sets are sometimes filed with memoranda.

Architectural standards and school construction guidelines

Records related to architectural standards and school construction contain research reports and guidelines specifying the dimensions and materials for construction of schools as well as for school furniture and equipment. Reports are mostly UNESCO Regional Office design protocol reports shared by Lewis with the other regional architects for projects. However, there are also United States Agency for Aid Development (USAID) and international institutes external reports and guidelines used as reference.

Architectural standards records are organized by country or region. Several files relate to primary school building programs, urban primary schools, low-cost school and housing design, and community development and education centers. Internal memoranda from Lewis to regional staff to share information and details on prototype designs and features, costs, partners, village involvement, progress reported, and occasionally, brief mention of IDA education projects. There are also outgoing letters to UNESCO regional office education officials. Other records within the files include: costing or budget sheets; external reports or manuals, many of which were prepared by the UNESCO Regional Office for Education in Asia and UNESCO Regional Office for Education in Africa, and in Latin America and Caribbean; external reports of country ministries or research institutes; and an architects' brief. The external reports are mostly in English, French, and Farsi.

UNESCO project preparation guidelines

Also included in the series are records related to UNESCO guidelines for project preparation including a 1965 UNESCO low-cost school building report and recommendations, and a 1969 UNESCO report. There is also a substantive briefing note on UNESCO and World Bank relations in the education sector that was prepared by the Education and Employment Division, Population and Human Resources Department (PHREE) in 1988.

Other guidelines subject files

There are numerous other educational guidelines subject files maintained between 1973 and 1983 regarding data collection, project management, educational use of mass media, labor requirements model, education and manpower model, review of education lending (FY1979 - 1983), summary list of projects, and other topics.

The more recent policy development subject files (1990 to 2001) relate to: Education for All Fast Track initiative (EFA-FTI); girls' education; Development Assistance Committee (DAC) goals; Africa Region education action plan and sector overview; and Task Force on Bridging the Digital Divide through Education.

External Advisory Panels

The series also contains records related to the establishment and dissemination of reports from advisory groups between 1978 and 2003. The External Advisory Group on Training for the Education Sector was appointed by Bank President McNamara in late 1977 to review the status of education in the developing world including the Bank's education and training lending and projects and to recommend areas for future action. The panel was chaired by David E. Bell of the Ford Foundation. Records related to the final report of this panel were maintained in the Non-Regional Information Center (NRIC) and consist of a single file (1978 - 1980). The NRIC file contains mostly internal memoranda to and from Director Habte regarding comments on the panel report issued in 1978 and input from the Regions including from R.K. Johnson, chief Education Division, East Asia and Pacific Region (AEPED). There are also letters between Chair David E. Bell and President McNamara regarding completion of the final report and from Habte to panel members announcing the 1979 Education Sector Strategy paper and follow up on the panel recommendations. Also included is a letter from Vice President Willi A. Wapenhans, East Africa Regional Office to the Tanzanian minister of education regarding a requested visit of the recently formed advisory panel to Tanzania.

Records also reflect the establishment and activities of subsequent advisory panels formed annually to advise the Bank on the future direction in education covering the period 1994 to 2003. The 1994 to 1995 correspondence andbackground notes relates to the formation of the first annual panel formed in 1996. Records were primarily maintained by the Human Development Department Education Team (HDDED) Manager, later Director Maris O'Rourke. Correspondence is in the form of all-in-1 notes and email hard copies and facsimiles between O'Rourke, HDD Director David de Ferranti, HDD senior staff, and letters to and from panel members including invitations to annual panel meetings. There are also copies of correspondence between the 1997 External Advisory Panel on Education Chairman Jozef (Jo) M.M. Ritzen and de Ferranti and Bank President James Wolfensohn, including a facsimile on advice to the World Bank addressed to Wolfensohn and follow up thank you letters from Wolfensohn to Ritzen and other panel members.

A variety of records are filed with the advisory panel correspondence including: Terms of Reference for the panels; panel meeting agenda; meeting draft conclusions; preliminary and final panel reports; Ritzen?s speech on reforming education to the World Bank Forum; transcript of the newly formed Human Development Network (HDN) kick-off meeting between de Ferranti and Wolfensohn; agenda and summaries of meetings including sector board meetings and correspondence related to the board's functions regarding the panels; hard copy presentation slides; addresses by Wolfensohn and senior management; issues papers; education sector booklet and other promotional material; external articles and newsletters; two copies of the 1978 panel report, one bound copy, kept by O'Rourke; and agenda with outgoing letters of invitation sent by O'Rourke for the high-level UNESCO meeting on the future of educational statistics and indicators hosted by the Bank. Following O'Rourke?s departure as director in 2000, Acting Director Marlaine Lockheed and HDNED Operations Officer Sobhana Sosale were involved in panel selection and meeting preparations, later under the direction of Ruth Kagia who began her tenure as director in early 2001. There is a small volume of mostly administrative correspondence from this period to 2003, including internal email hard copies and letters to panel members.

Education Sector Strategy Paper

There are also records in the series (1997 - 1999) regarding the preparation of the Education Sector Strategy issued in 1999 to shape policy and practice in member countries. Records were primarily maintained by Director O'Rourke, Adviser Jeffrey Waite, and Projects Assistant Anja Robakowski-Van Stralen. Record types include handwritten notes, concept papers, preliminary outlines and drafts beginning from late 1997, several with annotations, and the draft final report submitted to the Board of Executive Directors' meeting (1999). Correspondence is in the form of hard copy emails and occasionally internal memoranda primarily to and from O'Rourke and Waite containing comments from the sector board, external individuals, executive directors, and other Bank department staff including from the regions and the Operations Evaluation Department (OED). There is also an OED evaluative report and Committee on Development Effectiveness (CODE) informal subcommittee review meeting summaries, as well as correspondence and outlines of plans for strategy development, such as the timeline for implementation of the sector strategy work in the regions. Also included are O'Rourke's memoranda to the Operations Policy Committee presenting the paper and data collected, summaries of meetings with HDNED staff and regional staff to discuss the strategy paper, and summaries of other meetings such as with Wolfensohn regarding the status of education in the regions.

Annual reviews

A small portion of records in the series contains correspondence related to the internal review of Bank policy in the education and employment sectors (1983 - 1986), including copies of the operations annual review, Sector and Operations Vice Presidency (OSP) annual sector review, and Operations Evaluation Department (OED) annual reviews. Among the correspondence are draft reports and papers used for background and reference material.

NRIC policy reports and documents

Finally, there are four general policy files originally maintained in the NRIC that contain various reports and other records produced by Education Department (EDC) senior staff, consultants, and others (1978 - 1980). Included in the files are: OED Review of Bank Operations in the Education Sector (1978); Education Sector Policy Report No. 2680 (1979); Policy Review Committee Staff level review meeting on the Education Department, Central Projects Staff Education Sector Policy Paper (1979) and policy paper discussion drafts (1978 - 1979); Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Bank Cooperative Program "Training Equipment Lists in Food and Agriculture" publication with a forward by Habte (1978); and the publication entitled "Occupational structures of industries" by Manuel Zymelman (1980) containing country tables and industry tables.

Staff and consultant reports and documents

The series consists mainly of reports authored by staff and consultants of the Education Research Division (EDTRS) and Education Policy Division (EDTPT). Reports were prepared for internal dissemination, presentation at conferences or seminars, or issued as publications. The records were primarily accumulated between 1974 and 1990, apart from a single 1967 Economics Department report. The series also contains a small number of reports by Bank staff outside of the sector or by external authors.

Record formats include, but are not limited to, internal working papers, discussion papers, research papers and research project outputs (RPO), sector review papers, background papers for Bank seminars, manuals, and copies of articles authored by sector staff and collaborators for external economics or education-related journals. Some papers are Bank-numbered series such as the Education and Training Series discussion papers (1985 - 1987). However, many reports are not numbered. Other document formats include lectures and case studies.

Most of the series consists of files with a single or bound report. The reports are mainly final drafts or published versions; very few rough drafts with annotations are found in the records.

A smaller amount of staff and consultant reports contain one or more different papers and typically consist of internal memoranda and letters regarding the revision of the reports or publication arrangements. Correspondence is between EDTRS Division Chief George Pscharopoulous and other EDTRS staff, consultants contracted to author reports, or from EDT director to the Bank's Publication unit. The files containing reports and related correspondence range from 1981 to 1987.

Reports and documents focus on regions, countries, or specific sector topics. Topics include, but are not limited to: procurement in Bank education projects; effective schools; higher education; informal education; teachers issues and salary; educational planning and change; development of school media services; users charges and expenditures for public education; income benefits of schooling; manpower planning; and review of educational research capabilities in less-developed countries.

Authors that are most prominently represented in the series include George Psacharopoulous, Stephen P. Heyneman, Manuel Zymelman, Dean T. Jamison, Peter R. Moock, Marlaine Lockheed, Jee-Peng Tan, Alain Mingat, and John Simmons (Policy Planning Division).

Many reports in the series are co-authored, such as the "Education and development: Viewsfrom the World Bank" 1983 report by EDT Director Aklilu Habte, Psacharopoulous, and Heyneman. Also included is a first version of a "Handbook for implementation of education projects" (1975) prepared by Education Department, Central Projects Staff.

Operations policy and project support records

The series includes records from: the Transportation, Water, and Telecommunications Department (TWT) from 1978 to 1982; the Urban Projects Department (URB) from 1978 to 1982; the Water and Urban Development Department (WUD) from 1983 to 1987; and the Transportation Department (TRP) from 1983 to 1987. These departments were primarily mixed sector departments, therefore, the records cover a broad range of topics, including but not limited to: highway maintenance and development; port development; railways;maritime transportation; water and sanitation systems maintenance and development; tourism services and infrastructure development; urban development; and telecommunication infrastructure and public utilities development. The records include: internal and external correspondence, including letters and memoranda; initiating memoranda; project files; project completion and audit reports; sector support and research files; sector policy papers; back to office reports (BTOs); terms of reference (TORs); and departmental publications. Records related to the Bank's Urban Project Program, which was originally launched in 1975 and supported by URB and later WUD are also included. The Urban Poverty Program records primarily include correspondence and reports related to various sector projects done in support of the program.

Interviews for George D. Woods biography

In the Preface to his biography of George D. Woods, Oliver writes, I relied most heavily on the interviews in writing the life of Woods. The interviews he conducted, all titled by Oliver Conversations about George Woods and the World Bank, illuminate the events and personalities during Woods' tenure as President.

Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) Program records

This series contains the records related to the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) Program, a multi-donor partnership consisting of the World Bank, the European Commission, the UK Department for International Development (DFID), the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). PEFA consists of steering committee comprised of members from each of these organizations. A PEFA Secretariat was also located in the World Bank to administer the program. PEFA served as a trust fund program and helped fund much of the activities of the Public Sector Governance Department (PRMPS) of the Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network (PREM). The records in this series are related to PEFA trust fund proposals, planning, and budgeting for public expenditure and public finance management (PFM) projects with PRMPS.

The trust fund records include correspondence and memorandabetween PEFA steering committee members, the PEFA Secretariat Nicola Smithers, and staff of PRMPS, including past Directors Cheryl Gray and Sanjay Pradhan. The records also consist of PEFA steering committee meeting and minutes. Records for proposed public expenditure and PFM projects for PRMPS include assessments specific to a country. The country assessment records include the following specific types of reports, action plans, and application documents: Public Expenditure Review and Rationalization (PERR) report; PEFA Trust Fund Application; Public Expenditure Management Country Assessment and Action Plan; Application of PFM Performance Measurement Framework report; and Financial and Accountability Review and Action Plan (FARAP).

PEFA budget and audit records are also included for PRMPS public expenditure projects and PFM projects. Records are also included for PEFA and PRMPS organized workshops, conferences, and training sessions, which include training manuals, agenda, and participant lists. The seriesalso contain records related to fund disbursement and project agreement, including: initiating brief for trusts fund records, grant letters signed by PEFA donor partners, and grant agreements from the World Bank Development Grant Facility (DGF). Recruitment records consisting of curriculum vitae and terms of reference for consultants and temporary employees are also included.

Reference files and training materials

Series consists of reference materials maintained by Garcia de Truslow during her employment at the World Bank. Included are: administrative manual statements; addresses by World Bank presidents; government directors; accounting handbooks; and World Bank publications including World's Word and Development.

Series also consists of training materials Garcia de Truslow collected during her employment at the World Bank. Training was provided by the Personnel Management Department's Staff Training Division. Training topics include: Land Information Systems; Project Economic Appraisal; Basic Procurement; Cofinancing Policies and Procedures; Private Sector Assessment; and Macroeconomics. Training materials from sessions on banking and financial management provided by the Economic Development Institute (EDI, later the World Bank Institute [EDI]) are also included.

Operations support and supervision

The operations support and supervision series consists of records relating to Garcia de Truslow's work in the Latin America and Caribbean regional vice presidency between 1981 and 1987 as an Urban Planner and between 1990 and 1998 as Senior Projects Officer. The series includes records relating to both project support and to sectoral and country research and planning. Records relate to work in countries throughout South and Central America including Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay. Of these, Argentina and Panama are represented the most.

Series consists of records maintained by Garcia de Truslow relating to specific projects. Garcia de Truslow maintained her own binders of records on projects that she was involved in and these are contained in this series. Projects that are represented most abundantly include: Bolivia - Urban Development Project (P006132) Dominican Republic - Project for the Institutional Development of the Municipality of Santo Domingo (P006993) Argentina - Yacyreta Hydroelectric Project (P005937) Ecuador - Mining Development and Environmental Control Technical Assistance Project (P007129) Argentina - Mining Sector Development Technical Assistance (P006055) and Panama - Colon Urban Development Project (P007810) Project records include: copies of official loan documents (including drafts); project briefs (including revisions); back-to-office reports;internal memoranda; correspondence with external parties, including government officials; Terms of Reference; mission notes, itineraries, and other records collected while on mission; project status reports; newspaper clippings; environmental assessment reports; and aide memoires.

Country operation records are also included in this series. These records relate to project identification and preparedness, mission travel, and the preparation of Country Economic Memoranda (CEM) and other papers. In some instances, country operation files include records related to ongoing projects for which Garcia de Truslow provided support. Research and reference materials are also included. Note that country operation records from the 1980s were created and collected during Garcia de Truslow's time as an Urban Planner and, as such, records related to urban planning and housing are numerous. Many of the country operation records were contained in black binders. Record types include: country and country sector reports; investment reviews; aide memoires; back-to-office reports; correspondence between Garcia de Truslow and parties external to the Bank including country officials; Terms of Reference; project briefs; and Bank- and external-authored reports related to the country's economic development and lending operations.

The operations support and supervision series also contains country-focused subject files. The majority of the country subject files are general in nature. A small number relate to the specific sector of a given South or Central American country, such as science and technology or urban development. Country subject files contain small amounts of internal memoranda related to project support, research, and mission travel. Correspondence with external parties, including country officials, is also included. However, the majority of the country subject files consists of reports, background papers, and reference materials. Some of the reports and papers are drafts that had been sent to Garcia de Truslow for comment.

Operational support

Series consists of records relating to Biderman's work supporting the World Bank's lending and operations function while serving in various regional operational units.

Records relating to project support provided by the Urban Projects Department (URB) between 1976 and 1979 are included. Records relate to: urban development project identification in Chad; India - Kanpur Urban Development Project (P009795); and a potentialurban development project in Ghana.

Also included are records related to the East Asia and Pacific Regional Vice Presidency's Urban and Water Supply Division's (AEPUW) support of project lending activities in China and Indonesia. Records date from 1983 to 1995 (predominant 1983 to 1987) and specifically relate to a proposed Shanghai housing project in China, public sector and urban sector reviews in Indonesia, and a proposed housing project in Indonesia.

Records related to Biderman's work as a Senior Economist in the Africa Vice Presidency's Department 6 (AF6) between 1987 and 1991 are included. The majority of the records relate to: Angola - Economic Management Capacity Building Project (P000037); and a Public Expenditure Review (PER) for Mozambique. Series also consists of records related to Angola's application for membership, request for assistance, and a country economic review of Angola. Records include: annual meetings briefs; back-to-office reports; country economic review; Terms of Reference; applications for membership; and official requests for Bank assistance. Slides for a 2009 presentation by Biderman at the Africities Conference are also included. The presentation is titled "Urban Transition in Sub-Sahara Africa and the Role of the World Bank".

Records related to the Europe and Central Asia Vice Presidency (ECA) project lending activities in Estonia are also included. Records specifically relateto Estonia - Rehabilitation Loan Project (P008399).

Records relating to project support generally include: memoranda; back-to-office reports; supervision mission reports; aide memoires; meeting notes and minutes; summary of negotiations; Terms of Reference; supervision reports; and correspondence with external parties including government officials.

Subject files

Series consists of subject files created by Biderman during his employment at the World Bank. Subjects include: Country Economic and Sector Work (CESW) effectiveness; public expenditure management and review; and annual reporting on portfolio performance and field-based supervision. Records include: approach papers; report drafts; final reports; and meeting minutes. The majority of the reports included in this series were authored by the Development Economics and Chief Economist Vice Presidency (DEC).

PSDVP business plan, work program, and budget monitoring records

The series includes business plans, work programs, and budget monitoring records for the PSDVP. PSDVP business plans for fiscal years 2004 to 2006 are included, and consist of budget summary tables and departmental budget proposals. The fonds also consists of work programs that outline the functions and activities of PSDVP and its subordinate departments for the fiscal year 2004. The work program records include: organizational structure compact records that detail the objectives and activities of PSDVP and its units; budget distribution reports; compact deliverables for economic sector work (ESW) for PSDVP units; work program progress tables; and staffing information. The series also consists of numerous types of budget monitoring records, including: monthly monitoring tables for fiscal year 2004; reposting, budget transfer, and reimbursable income reports for fiscal year 2004; cross support budget records; quality assurance budget reports for fiscal years 2005 and 2006; trust fund budget reports; discretionary budget reports; and budget records related to the Investment Climate Survey and Assessment (ICA) program for fiscal year 2004.

Partnerships and program collaboration

Series contains records related to the partnerships between education sector units and external organizations and global program collaboration that cover the period from 1987 to 2000. The largest portion of records in the series relate to the World Conference on Education for All (WCEFA), an inter-agency initiative that began with a conference to universalize basic education and that launched the Education for All (EFA) program.

World Conference on Education for All (WCEFA)

The WCEFA records document the establishment, governance, and proceedings of the conference convened by World Bank, United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), United Nations and Development Program (UNDP), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), and United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). The impetus for the conference was the United Nations General Assembly declaration of 1990 as International Literacy Year. Invitations to the inaugural WCEFA were jointly sent from Bank President Conable and the heads of fellow sponsoring agencies. The conference was held March 2-5, 1990, in Jomtien, Thailand and brought together 155 governments, 33 intergovernmental bodies, and 125 nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). The participants adopted the World Declaration on Education for All charter consisting of six goals to meet the learning needs of children, youth, and adults, and a Framework for Action: Meeting Basic Learning Needs that outlined general priority actions for countries.

WCEFA records were mostly maintained by Wadi Haddad, executive secretary of the WCEFA Inter-agency Commission originally based in New York City, and WCEFA Deputy Executive Secretary Nat J. Colletta. For more information about the custody of these records, see the above archival history section. Haddad and Colletta were both senior Bank staff prior to their appointment to the Inter-agency Commission secretariat. Haddad served as the Population and Human Resources, Education and Employment Division chief (PHREE) and Colletta was previously a senior educator in the Bank's India Country Department. WCEFA records were also maintained by Maris O'Rourke who represented the Bank on conference committees during her tenure as senior adviser, Human Development Department (HDD, 1995 - 1996) and director, Human Development Network, Education Team (HDNED, 1998 - 2000). Prior to O'Rourke, other Education Sector senior management or advisers represented the Bank on the various committees and working groups. Adriaan Verspoor, implementation adviser (PHREE, predecessor of HDD), served to represent the Bank on the WCEFA Executive Committee along with Vice President Visvanathan Rajagopalan, Sector Policy and Research (PRE).

The earliest WCEFA records in this series dated 1978 to 1987 are reference items including external reports and a journal article. Most of the early correspondence includes letters and facsimiles between UNICEF and other UN agency representatives and Executive Secretary Haddad. Haddad coordinated the consultations and comments on the draft charter and framework for action from sponsors, co-sponsors, and associates prior to the conference. The correspondence is often filed with background reports from UNICEF and UNESCO and other organizations and consultants, outlines of the basic working documents, some annotated outlines, first drafts of the charter and framework for action, and the final revised papers presented at the 1990 Jomtien conference. There is also correspondence and back-to-office reports of Deputy Secretary Colletta following his participation in partnership or task force meetings and a file that pre-dates his position with WCEFA. This includes an India education sector work file that contains country information, statistics on projects, and initiating memoranda for proposed studies and projects (1987 - 1989).

The earliest WCEFA records in this series dated 1978 to 1987 are reference items including external reports and a journal article. Most of the early correspondence includes letters and facsimiles between UNICEF and other UN agency representatives and Executive Secretary Haddad. Haddad coordinated the consultations and comments on the draft charter and framework for action from sponsors, co-sponsors, and associates prior to the conference. The correspondence is often filed with background reports from UNICEF and UNESCO and other organizations and consultants, outlines of the basic working documents, some annotated outlines, first drafts of the charter and framework for action, and the final revised papers presented at the 1990 Jomtien conference. There is also correspondence and back-to-office reports of Deputy Secretary Colletta following his participation in partnership or task force meetings and a file that pre-dates his position with WCEFA. This includes an India education sector work file that contains country information, statistics on projects, and initiating memoranda for proposed studies and projects (1987 - 1989).

The series also contains a substantial portion of meeting records related to the organization and governance of the WCEFA. These are: Steering Group Meeting (1988 - 1990, first meeting October 1989) including proposals for membership and chronological file, (1987 - 1990); regional consultations (1989 - 1990); Working Group on the Basic Education for All Conference (1988 - 1989); Executive Committee meetings (first meeting in Paris, March 1989 - 1990); heads of agencies meeting (1988 - 1990); sponsors meetings (1989); Regional Conference and International Task Force on Literacy and regional consultations minutesand reports (1989 - 1990). Most files contain agenda, minutes, and correspondence, however others may only contain list of participants and annexed reports or briefing notes.

There are also agreements between the WCEFA sponsors and host government of Thailand, preliminary conference objectives notes, conference programme and roundtable programmes in English and French, and numerous conference workshop files (1989). Workshop files on basic training for out-of-school youth contain the agenda, list of participants, terms of reference, externally authored background reports, case studies, journal articles, and pamphlets. Other workshops on the topics of adult literary and data analysis and presentation include terms of reference, summary record, and correspondence from Deputy Executive Secretary Colletta regarding workshop preparation.

Other WCEFA files are titled "Illustrative" and "Thematic" (1978 - 1990). Illustrative files contain conference pamphlets, abstracts, background papers, case studies, and othersession materials distributed to participants. Thematic files contain guidelines, publications, and special studies booklets for roundtables organized by the secretariat, lists of proposed thematic or global roundtables, draft outlines, notes for the record, and correspondence with roundtable coordinators and attached proposals from sponsoring agency representatives regarding contributions. Some thematic files contain abstracts and background reports as in the illustrative files. Abstracts, or synthes, arecommonly in both English and French. Several reports and publications presented or studied at the roundtable sessions were prepared by Bank education staff. The earliest report is the 1978 World Bank Staff Working Paper No. 298 by Stephen P. Heyneman, Education Department Research Program (EDCRS) and co-authors.

WCEFA subject files (1984 - 1992) relate to topics including: WCEFA partners and participants such as UN agencies, government aid agencies, NGOs, private foundations, and various countries; conference declaration and press coverage; and cultural factors and learning needs.

The 1990 Jomtien conference launched the international Education for All (EFA) program with the financial support of the Bank and the other conference conveners as well as various foundations and international and nongovernmental organizations. As of 2021, the Global Partnership for Education (GPE), formerly EFA, continues to fund projects, activities, and services in the public and private sectors for children, youth, and adults within and outside school. This series contains records concerning the Bank's participation in post-conference EFA initiatives and meetings. These records pertain to the International Consultative Forum on Education for All Steering Committee established to monitor goals and progress towards the Education for All program (1997 - 2000), the G8 Task Force on Education organized with the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) in (2001), Accelerating Action for Education for All, Amsterdam (2002), and Education for All Fast Track Initiative (EFA - FTI) donor meeting and technical meeting (2002 - 2003). FTI was established in 2002 before evolving into the GPE. There is also a general Education for All initiative partnerships file (1997 - 2000).

Other liaison and partnership files

Other partnership records comprising the series (1994 - 2001, 2007) mostly consist of correspondence to and from HDNED Director O'Rourke and other senior staff concerning the sector's collaboration and liaison activitieswith numerous international and national organizations, academic institutions, and private sector education and employment institutions.

A small portion of records were created by Director Ruth Kagia who succeeded O'Rourke as director in 2001. The partnership files document the sector's involvement in high-level meetings including the arrangement and proceedings of meetings, and discussion of shared activities and collaboration. Correspondence consists of all-in-one notes and email hard copies, memoranda, incoming and outgoing letters, and facsimiles. Back-to-office reports are in the form of memoranda. Other record types found among the correspondence include external annual reports, agenda and invitations to meetings or conferences, proposal papers, brochures, and copies of external articles.

Records regarding partnership activities with UNESCO and other United Nations agencies comprise most of the files. There is a single file concerning UNESCO partnership dated 2007 and two files related to the UN Special Rapporteur Katarina Tomasevski which contains correspondence with Director Kagia, Human Development Network Vice Presidency, and others. The topics covered are Bank financing and support to education programs, draft annual report for comment and final annual report to United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), and feedback on an HDNED Education Sector Strategy Paper.

Other partner institutions include, but are not limited to: European Union; Soros Foundation; Japan International Cooperation Agency; International Association for the Evaluation of Education Achievement (IEA); and World Links. There are also individual files concerning the Human Development Professional Mentoring Program (1997), Development Grant Facility (DGF, 1997 - 1999), and various conferences (1996 - 1997).

Strategic Planning and Review Department (SPR) records

Series consists of records related to Garcia de Truslow's activities in the Strategic Planning and Review Department's Strategic Planning Division (SPRSP) between 1987 and 1990. As a Planning Officer, Garcia de Truslow contributed to the establishment of the strategic planning process, supported the Strategic Agenda program through analytic work on priority issues, and provided ad hoc support to senior management. She also contributed to the 1987 reorganization process and participated in the Bank's Main Complex renovation.

A number of papers and reports discussing the future of the Bank, including a copy of the Strategic Agenda report, are included. Other reports authored by SPR staff, SPR consultants, and external authors are included. Topics are varied and include: technology and development; public sector reform; private investment; trade; field offices; and employment and macro-economic policies. Budget materials including midyear and retrospective reviews of various Vice Presidencies are included. Records related to the 1987 reorganization include: the General Reorganization Report and other reports; staff announcements; and memoranda. Records relating to facilities management and the rehabilitation of the Bank's Main Complex include: renovation proposals; memoranda; and correspondence related to the architectural design competition.

Series contains a number of subject files containing records collected by Garcia de Truslow during her time in SPRSP. The majority of these records are reports and articles on a disparate range of topics. A small amount of Bank memoranda and Board papers are also included.

SPRSP budgeting and management records are also included in this series as is a chronological file containing incoming and outgoing correspondence related to SPRSP activities. Correspondence is primarily between Garcia de Truslow and parties external to the Bank and relates to a variety of topics relevant to Garcia de Truslow's work in SPRSP as well as to her work in operations.

Subject files

Series contains subject files compiled by Garcia de Truslow over the course of her career at the World Bank. The majority of the records contained in this series span her time in both the Bank's operations complex and the Strategic Planning and Review Department (SPR). Topics include: women in the World Bank; urban development and housing; metrology in South and Central American countries; debt; technology and innovation; women in development; project accounting, disbursement and auditing; market and financial deregulation; small-scale enterprise development; development economics; and the environment. Records include: reports authored by the World Bank and external authors; memoranda on specific topics; newspaper clippings and magazine articles; and conference publications.

Support and communications of the Office of the President and senior staff

The staff support and communications of the Office of the President and senior staff series includes records related to a variety of activities undertaken by External Relations (EXT) departments. These include: authoring correspondence for senior staff and Bank presidents; scheduling and managing logistics for media relations and speaking engagements; liaising with the press with regard to publication requests; and authoring briefing books for mission travel and meetings. This series contains records related to these activities in addition to subject and reference files.

Series contains records related to the authorship of correspondence for the Office of the President (EXC). The correspondence was authored for Bank Presidents Robert McNamara (1968 to 1981), A. W. Clausen (1981 to 1986), and Barber Conable (1986 to 1991). The records include correspondence received by EXC and forwarded to EXT for response. Forwarded correspondence is accompanied by EXC's forms for requests of action (i.e. author a response,file with EXT records, provide advice, etc.) Topics of correspondence are wide ranging and include: requests for interviews; invitations to conferences and meetings; research proposals; and letters of introduction.

Also included in this series are records related to the scheduling and logistics planning provided by EXT for media interviews in which Bank presidents participated. Records relate to interviews with Presidents McNamara and to a lesser extent, Conable. Records include: correspondence leading upto the interview; internal memoranda concerning logistics; proposed questions and answers; and a clipping or a full transcript of the actual interview. Records relate to print interviews with the Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, Washington Post, New York Times and Life magazine. Television interviews include the BBC, Italian television, and McNamara's appearance on NBC's Meet the Press in 1974. The records related to McNamara's Meet the Press appearance include preparation notes, transcripts from the episode, and correspondence from viewers.

Records relating to EXT's support of press conferences in which President Conable participated are also included. Records include transcripts of press conferences and press interviews for the years covering 1986 to 1989. Topics include: Bank's 1987 Reorganization; Annual Meetings; annual reports; the establishment of the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA); Bank policies on the environment; a 1988 loan package to Argentina; indebtedness; adjustment lending; and a 1989 loan package to Mexico. Series also includes records related to press conferences involving Sir William Ryrie (International Finance Corporation [IFC] Executive Vice President), Yoshio Terasawa (Executive Vice President of MIGA), and Ibrahim F. I. Shihata (World Bank Vice President).

Also included in this series are records related to the requests for speeches by Bank senior staff including the president. The majority of these records consist of correspondence with external organizations that are requesting participation by Bank staff in their conferences, meetings, and other events. In the cases where invitations were accepted, a transcript of the speech given is often included. In addition to requests to Presidents Black, Woods, and McNamara, requests are also made to a number of other World Bank vice presidents. A small amount of records related to World Bank policy with regard to speaking events is also included. Records date from 1950 to 1968.

Records relating to requests for article submission to periodicals and other publications are also included in this series. Records relate to requests made to Presidents Woods and McNamara. Records include correspondence with media representatives in which requests for articles are made. Records also relate to the submission of articles, including drafts (often with hand-written annotations) and final versions as well as correspondence with the publisher.

The series also includes records relating to logistical and program support for tours of member countries made by senior Bank staff including Presidents McCloy, Woods, and McNamara. Records date from 1947 to 1968 and consist of internal memoranda, correspondence (including invitations), and itineraries.

The series also contains briefing books prepared by EXT staff for President James Wolfensohn between 1996 and 2005 in support of his various trips and conferences. The briefing books include event background, speaking points, transcripts of speeches, meeting notes, agendas, itineraries, biographical and relevant information on meeting participants, and media biographies. Briefing papers relate to: Wolfensohn's visits to Geneva, Spain, and Switzerland; UN Special Representative Secretary General seminars; Annual Meeting seminars; and the 2002 Monterrey Mexico conference on development financing. There are also briefing papers and supporting materials for Wolfensohn and other staff members related to G-7 meetings from 1995 through 1997. A small number of briefing papers for Mats Karlsson (Vice President of External and United Nations Affairs [EXTUN]) covering 1999 to 2001 are also included.

The series includes recordings and transcripts (including physical and electronic formats) of President Wolfensohn's various internal addresses to staff. These include: high-level workshops, end of year messages, senior management meetings, townhalls, and, most voluminously, his semi-regular "journal" recordings that update staff on Bank operations and activities. This collection of speeches was to be included in Wolfensohn's online "Speech Bank" and incorporated into the Renewal website. The versions in this series were maintained by EXT as a reference collection.

Records also relate to EXT's involvement in the management of internal facing World Bank Group websites. Specifically, records relate to the creation of the Renewal website, a staff-focused resource providing updates on the 1997-1998 reorganization as well as other ongoing administrative and operational initiatives. Records include: email correspondence; materials related to the testing and creation of website content; reports created by the Planning and Budgeting Department; and printouts of pages from the Renewal site. The series also includes materials related to the creation and management of the EXC website from 1998 to 2000. These records include internal correspondence within the department for updates, requests for approval of information to be included on the website, drafts of page content, requests for images for website use, and printout copies of webpages.

The series also includes memoranda summarizing recommendations made by the Pearson Commission on International Development which investigated the effectiveness of the World Bank's first 20 years of operation. These memoranda, dated from 1969 to 1970 and authored by EXT staff for review by the Executive Directors, address specific topics such as education, population, economic reports, debt relief, and aid coordination. The memorandum has handwritten notes written on them by President McNamarato members of the Board.

Media relations

The media relations series includes press releases disseminated by the World Bank Group relating to operations and activities from the founding of the World Bank in 1946 through 1995. Press releases of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), International Development Association (IDA), and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) are included in this series.

The series consists of IBRD numbered press releases relating to Bank Group operations and activities dating from 1946 to1995. Press releases document country membership admission to the Bank and announce staff appointments in various member countries and other promotions within the Bank. The majority of IBRD press releases relate to IBRD loans, including applications, agreements, and issuances. Other topics of press releases include organizational changes (including reorganizations, retirements, and staff and Executive Director appointments), country membership, bond issuances, Resident Mission developments, speeches by senior management, report publications, conference attendance, consultative group meetings, mission travel undertaken by senior management, and Spring and Annual meetings. Early press releases were numbered consecutively. Beginning in 1962, press releases were numbered according to the year of release. Numbered press releases are missing from the following years: 1982, 1983, 1985, and 1986.

Series also includes press releases relating to IDA operations and activities from its creation in 1960 to 1994. The majority of IDA press releases relate to the funding of projects through IDA credits. Other topics of press releases include organizational changes (including reorganizations, retirements, and staff appointments), country membership, IDA replenishments, consultative group meetings, conference attendance, and Spring and Annual meetings. The press releases are arranged consecutively by number from 1960 through December 1961, numerically by calendar year from 1962 to June 1976, and numerically by fiscal year from July 1976.

An index for IBRD and IDA press releases from 1946 to 1994 is included. Indexes provide a brief descriptive subject title along with press release number and date. A separate index for IDA records for the years 1962 to 1979 is also included and contains the same information.

A portion of IBRD and IDA press releases dating from 1946 to 1994 are unnumbered and arranged chronologically. Unnumbered press releases are included in the file indexes as "unnum" or "unnumbered" but are not filed withthe numbered press releases. Some press releases have published informational supplements attached; supplements originated in both the Bank and in other organizations.

The series also contains translations of some of the IBRD and IDA press releases from 1948 to 1994. French and Spanish translations are most common but translations into Chinese, German, Italian, Arabic, Japanese and Portuguese are also included. A number of smaller series of press releases dating from 1987 through 1994 that relate to specific World Bank agencies or topics are also included. The financial series describes general World Bank finances, currency issues, and bonds. The larger special series details World Bank presidents' visits to member countries, staff appointments, and new Bank initiatives. A small number of press releases from the early 1990s relate to the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), and the impact of development on particular US states export growth are also included.

The series also includes versions of speeches and addresses by Bank Group officials that were disseminated as press releases. These date from 1946 to 1965. The majority of the speeches are by Bank presidents Eugene Meyer, George Woods, and Robert McNamara. Speeches by other Bank officials include: J. Burke Knapp; Sir Denis Rickett; Mohamed Shoaib; Siem Alderweld; and Irving Freidman. These speeches include commencement addresses, Annual Meetings addresses to the Board of Governors, remarks during sessions of Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, and addresses to various bank associations and conferences.

The series also contains IFC press releases relating to operations and activities dating from 1956 to 1979. Topics include external operations as well as organizational changes, activities and events. Responsibility for writing and disseminating IFC press releases was the responsibility of various departments within the Information and Public Affairs Department (IPA) between IFC's creation in 1956 and 1979. In 1979, this activity was transferred to IFC's new Information Office. A small number of press releases dating from 1965 to 1974 include IPA correspondence relating to the authorship and dissemination of both press releases and photographs from the Bank's photograph library. These files are titled according to either the name of the company that received the investment or by country, thereunder by name of company.

The series also contains records relatingto press tours organized and facilitated by the Bank and governments and institutions of member countries. Press tours included media from around the world. Participants visited sites of projects funded by the Bank, partook in talks and discussions related to development, and met with government officials. Records include memoranda related to the planning of the trip, programs and itineraries, and background publications for participants.

UNDP project administration

Series consists of records related to UNDP projects for which the Agriculture and Rural Development Department (AGR) was the executing agency. Projects date from between 1977 and 1992. Records relate to project planning, project budgeting and review, workshop planning, and hiring and management of consultants. Records primarily consist of correspondence between AGR staff and UNDP staff, country representatives, consultants, and other Bank staff. Other records include Project Documents, Preparatory Assistance Documents, copies of contracts, Terms of Reference, back-to-office reports, and reports.

Also contained are budget revision records for UNDP projects dating from 1986 to 1992. Records date from 1992 to 1998. Revisions consist of originals, signed by both the World Bank and the UNDP, and are unattached to any other records. However, some of the records are attached to correspondence to or from the UNDP or to the Bank's Legal Department (LEG) or Controller (CTR). A small number of complete project contracts are also included.

Speech reference collection

This series contains speeches made by Bank staff and, in lesser amounts, Bank consultants, Executive Directors, and government officials. These records were maintained by EXT staff as a reference collection. In addition to speeches, a small amount of similar materials are included, such as: talking points for speeches; transcripts of radio addresses, lectures, press conferences, and interviews; and a small number of published articles.

Note that, while one of EXT's responsibilities was to serve as speechwriter for the Bank President and other senior staff, there is no evidence of speechwriting activities contained in the records of this series. Additionally, EXT staff were regularly responsible for fielding requests for appearances and speeches by Bank Presidents and managing logistics related to those appearances; records related to these activities are likewise not included in this series.

Speeches of Bank Presidents

Speeches made by every Bank President from 1946 to 1999 are included. Presidential speeches contained in this series were delivered to a variety of audiences, both internally and externally, although the latter is more common. The most frequent audience is the Board of Governors at the Bank's Annual Meetings. Other external audiences include international organizations (including the United Nations and its various councils, divisions, and conferences), clubs, associations, and academic institutions.

The speeches of Bank Presidents contained in this series are often small pamphlet-sized publications. This is most commonly the case with the annual Address to the Board of Governors given at the Bank's Annual Meetings. Other formats include photocopies and press releases.

Only three speeches made by President Eugene Meyer are included in this series. Two of the speeches, both dating from 1946, are from: the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Political Science; and a dinner in honor of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund's (IMF) Boards of Governors. The third speech, from 13 January 1947, was given to the Canadian Club subsequent to Meyer's resignation as Bank President.

President John J. McCloy's speeches date from April 1947 to June 1949. In addition to speech transcripts and the scripts of two television programs McCloy participated in, the script for his three-part lecture given at John B. Stetson University in February 1949 is also included. Statements made by McCloy to the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations in January 1948 and the House Committee on Bank and Currency in May 1949 are also included.

The speeches of President Eugene Black date from 1947 to 1962. These include speeches from 1947 and 1948 made by Black while serving as the U.S. Executive Director to the Bank. In addition to his speeches, a single folder includes Bank press releases related to Black's appointment as President of the Bank and to other matters. A small number of photocopied magazine articles profiling Black are also included.

President George D. Woods' speeches date from January 1963 to May 1968. In addition to speeches, a small amount of Bank press releases related to Woods' appointment as Bank President as well as magazine articles related to Woods and the World Bank are included; the latter includes a copy of Forbes magazine dated 15 December 1963 featuring Woods on the cover. An article authored by Woods and published in Foreign Affairs magazine in January 1966 is also included.

The majority of President Robert S. McNamara's speeches are in published form and date from 1968 to 1981. Three speeches given by McNamara following his departure from the World Bank are also included: the Sir John Crawford Memorial Lecture (1 November 1985); the Africa Leadership Forum (21 June 1990); and the Annual Conference on Development Economics (25 April 1991).

President A. W. Clausen's speeches date from 1981 to 1986. Clausen's addresses to the Board of Governors are available in published pamphlet form as are a small number of other speeches. The remainder are photocopies.

President Barber Conable's speeches date from 1986 to 1991. Conable's addresses to the Board of Governors at the Annual Meetings from 1988 to 1990 include translations in a number of languages, including: Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Portuguese, German, and French.

President Lewis Preston's speeches date from 1991 to 1994. Only talking points are included for a number of his speeches.

President James D. Wolfensohn's speeches date from 1997 and are relatively few in number. Speeches are filed alongside those of other Bank staff and external political figures.

Bank staff (non-President) and other speeches

This series also contains speeches made by Bank Group staff (including International Finance Corporation [IFC] staff) and, in far less number, Bank consultants, Executive Directors of the Bank, country leaders and ministers, and other prominent external figures. The majority of the speeches are by International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) staff. Speeches date from 1946 to 1993. In addition to speeches, a small number of interview transcripts, statements, and published articles are included. In most cases, there are between one and three speeches per individual, although in the case of more senior staff, the number of items can exceed a dozen. Drafts of speeches are included, although in very small number. Translations of speeches are included for some speeches and in a few cases the speech exists only in a language other than English; in the case of the latter, the most common languages are French and Spanish.

Note that some speeches by senior External Relations staff that were filed alongside the speeches of other senior Bank staff are included in this series. These include speeches, lecture and press conference transcripts, speech notes (with hand-written annotations), and published articles dating from 1996 to 1999 by EXTVP Mark Molloch Brown.

EXT speechwriters' reference collection

A group of speeches maintained as reference copies by EXT speechwriters from 1981 to 1989 are also included in this series. Speeches made by Presidents Clausen and Conable are the most common in this collection. Conable's speeches from August 1987 to September 1989 are interfiled with speeches made by other senior Bank staff and prominent external figures. Conable's speeches, however, still make up the majority of the records during this period.

PSP briefing letters for World Bank Senior officials

This series includes letters prepared by PSP staff for signature or briefing for the Human Capital Development (HCD) Vice President Armeane M. Choski from May 1996 to October 1996, and letters prepared for World Bank President James D. Wolfensohn from June 1995 to September 1996. The letters are related to the functions and activities of the Poverty and Social Policy Department (PSP).

Country files

The series contains records of President Preston's briefings and talking points for meetings with Government leaders and representatives of member countries, background information on the country, country strategy papers, and internal memoranda. A few files contain items from the Conable Presidency. Many of the records in the files are memoranda and correspondence of the Managing Directors; however, the records were maintained as the record set of country files for the Office of the President.

The files cover only the first three years of the Preston term. Files on countries during the last part of the Preston years are found in the records of Matthew F. McHugh, who was appointed Counselor to the President in 1993. McHugh remained in the President's office for the first term of the Wolfensohn Presidency and he continued to use and file into the country files he maintained; these records are part of the Wolfensohn Presidential records.


This series contains both draft and final copies of Mr. Preston's speechesm, opening remarks, and addresses given to the Board of Governors and at Annual Meetings, United Nations' conferences, official luncheons, and farewells. The series is incomplete.

External Affairs

This series is a rich source of information on the liaison and public relations activities of the Preston Presidency. The records are particularly strong on the Bank's efforts to improve relationships with the Government of the United States and the U.S. public. Other files cover efforts to improve internal communications in the Bank and to coordinate with Bank field offices. In addition, McHugh's files on Presidential trips cover travel that is not included in the Travel files of the President.

PRMPO and PRMPR Trust Fund Cycle project records

This series includes PREM Poverty Division (PRMPO) and its successor the PREM Poverty Reduction Group (PRMPR) records related to projects supported by trust funds. The series consists of records related to proposed projects funded by numerous trust fund donors, including: the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA); the Bank of Netherlands Partnership Programme (BNPP or Dutch Trust Fund); the World Bank's President Contingency Fund; the Korea Consultant Trust Fund (CTF); and other smaller donors. Records are maintained for SIDA funded projects planned for the fiscal years 2005 to 2009. SIDA records include administration agreement records and set-up documents. BNPP trust fund project records are maintained for the years 1998-2001. Additional proposed project records include records for Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSP) projects for the years 1998 to 2003. PRSP records include: correspondence between the donors and recipients; Letter of Representation (LOR); reports; records related to the closing and end of date extensions; expense records; and records of hired consultants. Records related to proposed study projects for the Moving Out of Poverty: Understanding Growth, Well-being, and Freedom from the Bottom-up initiative from 2005 to 2007 are also included. The records for these projects consist of: award notification and trust fund set-up documents; amendment documents; request for funds proposals; original project proposals; proposals for overflow funds; reporting records; request for transfer money to trust fund; and BNPP donor correspondence.

WID liaison, conferences, meetings, training, seminars, and symposiums

The series consists of WID liaison records with organizations external to the World Bank. This includes records related to the United Nations Decade of Women (1976-1985), which was declared at the World Conference on Women, held in Mexico City in 1975. The records consist of: memoranda; correspondence; agenda; itineraries; travel information; speakers' notes; and meeting minutes from the extensive liaison between WID Advisers Gloria Scott and Barbara Herz and various United Nations units, including the UN Commission on Status of Women. The records are from attendance in conferences, meetings, training sessions, seminars, and symposiums dedicated to women's issues. Numerous articles, press releases, publications, and reports produced by the United Nations units or other outside agencies are also included. This series also consists of records for liaison with universities, private organizations, NGOs, women's organizations, labor organizations, agricultural organizations, government agencies, and other multilateral development agencies. These records include correspondence; agenda; meeting minutes; articles; press releases; publications; and reports.

Transition Correspondence

This small series contains President's Conable's correspondence at the time of his appointment as President of the World Bank and for the first few months of his term. The records include congratulations, thanks, job inquiries, and letters from persons advertising their services, and the correspondents include both friends and institutions such as commercial banks. The series provides an interesting view of the type of approaches made to an incoming President.


This series contains primarily photographic prints and negatives documenting some of President Conable's trips abroad, taken by governments or businesses where he visited. The photographs, all in albums, are in predominantly in color, with a few in black and white. The photographs have no identification other than country and date. One album contains photographs taken by the World Bank of the 1990 annual meeting in Washington and includes photographs of U.S. President George W. Bush.

Chronological file

This chronological file consists of copies of the outgoing letters and memoranda, both those handled for President Conable by Marianne Haug and Haug's own correspondence. The records begin in July 1985 when Haug was the Assistant Director of the Industry Department, continue through her service as Assistant Director, West Africa Projects, and conclude in May 1990 at the end of her stay in the President's office. A few incoming letters are included. The files for the periods mid-October 1985 through March 1986, October through December 1986, and mid-March through June 1989 are missing.

The files are useful both for their window onto the issues handled in the president's office and also for the glimpse they give of Haug's work as the first woman to serve as an Executive Assistant to the President of the Bank.

Barbara Herz chronological correspondence files

The series includes chronological correspondence kept by Barbara Herz from January 1985 to December 1987. It covers the period when she transitioned from the role of WID Adviser in the Projects Policy Department (PPD) to the Division Chief in the Women in Development Division of the Population and Human Resources Department (PHRWD), which was established in July 1987.

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