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Economic Advisory and Development Policy chronological files

This series documents Stern's functions covering the period from when he joined World Bank in 1972 as Senior Advisor in the Office of the Economic Advisor to the President (January-October 1972), to his successive positions in the Office of the Vice President, Development Policy (VPD) as Senior Advisor (October 1972-April 1974) and Director (1974-1975).

The files relating to his role as Senior Advisor in the Office of the President primarily includes memoranda addressed to or from Vice President Hollis Cheney, the Bank's Research Committee, and other colleagues in the Office of the Economic Advisor. The correspondence documents the establishment and organization of the World Bank's economic research program, activities of the Research Committee and the Development Research Center, research proposals and decisions, publication of economic reports, discussions on policy papers, joint projects with external organizations, and evaluation of the Bank's economic activities.

The files relating to Stern's Development Policy functions associated with the Front Office of the Vice President include memoranda and letters addressed to the managers of the constituent departments of the Development Policy complex, the President, senior managers, UN offices, government officials, and other outside development organizations and experts. Reports, notes, and other supporting documents are occasionally attached to the memoranda. Records document program, budget, and staffing matters in the Office of the Vice President, management of the research program, country program reviews, growth prospects of developing countries, U.S. aid to development countries, International Development Association (IDA) replenishments, capital markets, Special Drawing Rights (SDR) allocations, World Bank Group-International Monetary Fund cooperation, the European Economic Community, the Committee of Twenty, G-24, the Pearson Commission, the Technical Committee on the transfer of Real Resources, the oil crisis, and some region and country-specific economic statistics. Further, they include comments on the Bank's policy structure regarding the 1972 reorganization, draft speeches for President McNamara and Vice President Hollis Chenery, and reviews of books and articles relating to development.

Senior Vice President of Finance chronological files

The series consists of memoranda, letters, and telexes written or received by Stern during his tenure as Senior Vice President of Finance (FINSV) from 1988 to 1991. Stern assumed his duties in FINSV in May 1987 but there is a gap in his chronological files for the year 1987. Records consist mostly of internal memoranda to the President, the Regional Vice Presidents, other senior managers in the Finance Vice Presidency and President's Council as well as the Board of Directors. A smaller portion of the correspondence is with external banks or institutions and country ministers. Reports and draft papers are occasionally attached to the correspondence in addition to handwritten notes and annotations.

Issues covered in the files relate to: investment guidelines and operations; lending arrangements; monthly financial reports for clearance; market updates; currency management and policies to borrowers; country loan payments; comments on internal and external reports and papers; IDA9 deputies meeting administration and IDA9 negotiations; World Bank-International Monetary Fund collaboration and debt reduction; pension fund management; capital subscriptions; FINSV's work program and budget; and staffing matters. Topics of note are: U.S. Treasury's Brady Plan for international debt reduction and the role of the World Bank; review of the Bank's reimbursable programs; and the establishment of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) in 1991.

Managing Director files

The series consists of records created and received by Stern while serving as Managing Director from December 1991 until his retirement in 1995. The majority of the records are chronological files containing outgoing memoranda, letters, reports, and handwritten notes addressed to his fellow Managing Directors Atilla Karaosmanoglu and Sven Sandstrom, President Lewis Preston, Regional Vice Presidents, and other senior managers. The files cover issues including: Loan Committee proceedings for which Stern served as Chairman; Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) food security, staffing, and other matters; initiation and status of country loans; country debt; planning and review of Bank program and budget; recruitment; and comments contributing to internal papers and strategy discussions. Other external correspondents include senior government officials, academic institutions, and private sector executives. Series also contains a small portion of files relating to lending operations and portfolio management, Lending Allocation Review (LAR) guidelines, Policy Review Committee guidelines, and Country Strategy Assistance Program guidelines.

Correspondence with World Bank Presidents

The series consists of correspondence between Stern and World Bank Presidents McNamara, Clausen, Conable, and Preston accumulated over the course of his time at the Bank. Correspondence includes copies of memoranda and attachments authored by Stern and sent to the President as well as some of the President's incoming and outgoing correspondence from others, which was forwarded to Stern. Correspondence serves a variety of purposes: information dissemination; briefing for President's meetings; responding to requests for information; authoring correspondence for the President; and submitting reports, announcements, and correspondence for the President's approval. A small portion of the memoranda are originals sent by Stern or the President, and many also contain attached reports and papers or articles. Other record types include telexes and letters. The files document a broad range of policy and management issues during Stern's various appointments such as country economic issues, debt repayment, World Bank program review and budget, Bank-Fund relations, annual meetings, and women in development. One folder from 1987 to 1990 exclusively relates to activities of the Finance Vice Presidency.

Correspondence with Executive Directors

Series contains primarily outgoing copies of memoranda and typewritten or handwritten notes sent or received by Stern relating to his business with Executive Directors. The records span the period when Stern was Senior President of Operations (SVPOP), Senior Vice President of Finance (FINSV), and Managing Director and therefore documents a crossover of operational, financial, and executive management matters. Correspondence is addressed to and from individual or all Executives Directors as a group, or is authored by other senior officials and sent to Stern for his consideration or comments. A significant volume of the correspondence contains attached letters, reports and telexes and covers issues including: county projects, loans and repayments; aid coordination; International Development Association (IDA) resources; and governance and operational policy and procedures such as Board management and overdue loans and arrears.

Speeches and related material

Series consists of a variety of records primarily documenting speaking appearances made by Stern during his time at the World Bank Group. The majority of the records consist of full-text speeches given at academic institutions, external conferences, seminars, symposia and at various meetings of country ministers and International Development Association (IDA) replenishment meetings. Other speeches were made by Stern at internal World Bank Group functions such as Board and Executive Directors meetings, presidents' retreats, and senior operations manager retreats. The series also includes press releases, talking points prepared for Stern, copies of articles written by Stern, or publications containing interviews with him. The series also contains a copy of a 1971 speech "Foreign Assistance Agencies and the Problem of Unemployment" given by Stern prior to his World Bank employment when he was at USAID. His farewell speech as Managing Director in 1995 is also included.

External Relations Vice President and Director records

Series contains records of the front offices of External Relations Vice Presidency (EXTVP) and Directors of EXT units and EXT predecessor units, including Development Services Department (DSD). EXTVP records include chronological and subject files documenting the unit's strategic management of World Bank Group's communications and relationships with donor countries, international organizations, media, and the private sector as well as internal communication within the Bank.

Records include the chronological files of Mark Malloch Brown, 1994 to 1999, while he was first Director of External Affairs (1994-1995) and then Vice President when EXT was elevated again to a Vice Presidency in January 1996. Chronological files of Brown's successor, Vice President Mats Karlsson, date from 1999 to 2001. Both Vice Presidents chronological files contain copies of outgoing memoranda, letters and printed emails, often with attached incoming letters, facsimiles, reports and external documents. Many of the files also contain the Vice Presidents' handwritten notes and drafts of replies. Correspondence addressees include Managing Director Sven Sandstrom and other Bank senior staff as well as representatives and senior officials of various United Nations (UN) agencies and other international organizations. Chronological files document the day to day management of the Bank-wide external relations program, including the arrangement of speaking engagements and meetings, notes and statements drafted for President Wolfensohn, and cooperation with UN agencies including comments on external papers and collaboration on development operations.

Other chronological files included in the series are those of: Rachel Weaving (Chief, EXT Internal Communications Division) dating from 1998 to 1999; Judith Maguire (Senior Advisor to the EXT Vice President) dating from 1996 to 1998; J. William Stanton (Senior Advisor to the EXT Vice President) dating from 1992 to 1994; and Timothy Cullen (various EXT positions including Senior Advisor to EXT Vice President and Chief of Information and Public Affairs) dating from 1980 to 1999.

Subject files included in this series date from 1984 to 2003. The majority were created and accumulated between 1994 and 2003 by Vice Presidents Mark Malloch Brown (1994-1999), and Mats Karlsson (1999-2003). Other subject files were created by Tim Cullen when he was Senior Advisor, EXTVP responsible for media (1996-1999) and also between 1989 and 1993 when he was Chief, Information and Public Affairs.

With one exception, the subject files in this series were created beginning in 1984. The files between 1984 and 1994 were created primarily by Alexander Shakow while he was Senior Adviser, International Relations Department (1984-1987) then Director, Strategic Planning and Review Department (SPR) (1987-1990) until SPR's termination in 1990 after which Shakow became Director of External Affairs Department (EXT) around July 1990. A small portion of the subject files from this period were also created by the International Relations Department (IRD) Director's Office under Shahid Javed Burki and IRD's United Nations Affairs unit.

EXTVP subject files cover the broad range of the office's responsibilities and are filed by organization or institution, country, region, issue or theme. Files document activities including: the front office's comments on papers; information about Bank and joint meetings; the Vice President's advice and support to the Bank President regarding Bank publicity; development of communications strategies and communication plans including responses prepared for the Bank on sensitive or politically-charged topics and planning and execution of campaigns on Bank-wide issues and outreach; writing, or clearance, of letters to the editor of major publications relating to articles involving the Bank; internal communications products such as Bank's World, and communications support for the Bank-wide change initiatives; internal publications; film and video projects; administration and organization of EXT and its units; Annual Meeting preparations and drafting of the meeting speech for President; and the Bank's relationships with UN institutions including United Nations Development Program (UNDP), United Nations Exchange Program, United Nations Foundation, and other intergovernmental or international institutions such as International Monetary Fund (IMF), International Labor Organization (ILO), World Trade Organization (WTO), Oxfam, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The more voluminous subject files includecorruption, dams and the World Conference on Dams, IDA lending and replenishments, poverty, debt and the Heavily Indebted Countries Initiative (HIPC), Group of Seven (G7) summits, the Chad-Cameroon pipeline project; and planning of events and publicity for the Bank's 50th anniversary in 1994.

Subject files contain correspondence including copies of outgoing memoranda, emails and facsimiles, as well as original memoranda, and incoming letters. Addressees include EXTVP staff and EXT senior staff inthe European offices and Tokyo, Bank President and Vice Presidents, Managing Directors, country or sector directors, other Bank senior staff, and external organizations. The correspondence is often attached to final and draft papers, draft letters and statements, talking points, concept notes, reports and memoranda authored by UN agencies, articles, press releases, press clippings, transcripts, and handwritten notes of the Vice President.

Subject files also document the Vice President's input provided to the Bank President and drafting of statements or letters to be sent by the President, or briefing material for the President or occasionally Managing Directors.

Correspondence between EXTVP and EXT European and Tokyo offices primarily relates to visits of delegations, summaries of meetings attended by Bank President or EXT senior staff, relations with external organizations, feedback from member countries (on IDA and G7), and the Bank's coverage in the press or summaries of press conferences attended by EXT personnel.

There are also files relating to EXTVP retreats that took place in 1996 to 1997 and a 1988 press briefing speech by EXT Director Francisco J. Aguirre-Sacasa, as well as five photographs of World Bank-Switzerland signing agreement in April 1997 attended by President James Wolfensohn.

Among the earlier records of the series are those of William Clark who served as Director of Information and Public Affairs from 1967 to 1973 while reporting to the Development Services Department (DSD) and then as Director of External Affairs from 1973 to 1974 in the newly established External Affairs Staff (ERS) complex following the Bank's 1973 reorganization. When External Affairs was elevated to the status of a Vice Presidency in 1974, William Clark was promoted to Vice President, External Affairs (VPE). Clark's records relate to the Pearson Commission on International Development from 1968 to 1970 and include correspondence on the selection of Commission members, copies of statements of various national and international development agencies, as well as a copy of the President's memoranda on the report's recommendations.

Clark's records related to the Independent Commission on International Development Issues, also known as the Brandt Commission, date from 1976 to 1981. The records primarily contain chronological files of memoranda, letters and cables between the organizers and candidates/members of the Commission, as well as press clippings, reports and notes on conversations and meetings. Clark's Brandt Commission chronological files are accompanied by several subject files on the establishment and membership of the Commission; public reaction to its establishment; the Bank's follow-up on its conclusions, including lists of Commission proposals to be reviewed by the Board (some of which are heavily annotated by Bank President McNamara); and correspondence handled by Clark for President McNamara.

The series also contains records of the International Relations Department (IRD) Director's Officepredominantly dating from 1973 to 1983 during Director Shirley Boskey's tenure. Records created by Boskey's predecessors, Richard H. Demuth, Director of Development Services Department (DSD) dating 1965 to 1973, and Michael Hoffman, Director of IRD from 1973 to 1975 are also included. The records of Directors Boskey, Hoffman and Demuth are mainly comprised of subject files related to the management of the Bank's relationships with intergovernmental organizations and international institutions, primarily UN institutions (including the United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] and the International Labour Organization [ILO]) on development issues, meetings, arrangement of visits, comments on UN papers; and internal meetings attended by the Director. There are also several files dating from 1969 to 1970 and 1978 related to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Development Assistance Committee (DAC) and its working parties, in which the Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF)were observers. Correspondence contains copies of outgoing memoranda, letters, and telexes, and is often filed with: minutes or summaries of external meetings; reports and proposals intended for presentation by Bank staff; annotated copies of draft speeches or letters to UN officials prepared for Bank President McNamara along with the original addressed to President; articles; and Boskey's handwritten notes. There are also copies of memoranda and letters on which the Director was copied, particularly regarding the Publication Committee chaired by the Vice President of External Relations.

The series also contains separate chronological files of Assistants to the Development Services Director, Max Ebstein (1972, 1974) and Pastor B. Sison (1972 to 1975), and consist of copies of memoranda and cables.

Also included in the series is a small number of 'General' correspondence files including outgoing memos and letters written by Special Advisor Peter L. Chatenay on behalf of the IRD Director to other IRD staff, Bank staff or external addressees including UNDP. Correspondence relates to meetings of the President, dignitary visits, UNDP projects and financing and Bank-UN relations.

Technical assistance

The series contains records relating to technical assistance projects that were managed by the International Relations Department's Technical Assistance Division (TAD) and its predecessors. The functions of technical assistance coordination and United Nations liaison were the responsibility of the Technical Assistance and Liaison Department (TAL) from 1946 to 1961. TAL was terminated in 1961 and these functions were transferred to the Technical Assistance Division (TAD) of the Development Services Department and subsequently to the External Relations Vice Presidency as part of the newly formed International Relations Department (IRD) in 1973. Records in this series are predominantly from 1973 to 1983.

The majority of the records in this series relate to technical assistance projects that are almost entirely funded by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) or its predecessor, the UN Special Fund (UNSF), but administered and executed by the Bank. A very small portion of the series relates to technical assistance directly supporting Bank Group lending operations.

Records document TAD and its successor TAL's role in coordinating technical assistance between the Bank's operating departments and UNDP and UN or, for Bank-funded projects, between project consultants and Bank departments. Records consists of correspondence and supporting documents that cover the appraisal and negotiation of proposed projects in addition to the project's administration. Topics include: payments and use of funds; budget revisions; TA consultants contract arrangements; and project evaluation and reporting.

Correspondence is between TAD and the respective World Bank regional or sector departments or vice presidencies, UNDP and other UN officials, senior government officials, and project manager consultants and includes copies of outgoing memoranda, letters, telexes and cables. The correspondence is filed with project documents and includes: proposals and plan of operation; contracts; externally-produced reports, many issued by UNDP; Bank project evaluation draft reports and final reports; newspaper clippings; and occasionally plans and diagrams. A portion of country files that are labelled 'Miscellaneous' contain correspondence and supporting proposals for projects requested by the government for UNDP assistance and were sent by UNDP officials for Bank comment.

Also included in the series are IRD correspondence files relating to general technical assistance administration and procedures. Records include copiesof outgoing memoranda between IRD senior staff including Director Shirley Boskey and successor Shahid Javed Burk as well as TAD Chief Vincent J. Riley, senior advisors, and other Bank staff. Some correspondence is authored by IRD Directors or other senior staff to be sent by World Bank President McNamara or Clausen, or Vice President of External Relations Jose Botafogo. A portion of the correspondence is also with external bodies including UNDP officials. Series also contains semi-annual reports on the Bank's technical assistance activities and other ad hoc reports as well as files related to UNDP's annual General Council meetings (1975-1976).

Although the technical assistance function was transferred from IRD to the regional vice presidencies in 1981, a few correspondence files in this series extend to 1986 and reflect IRD's continuing function in advising on operational activities with UNDP and UN bodies. Files from this period contain copies of outgoing memoranda and reports about technical assistance projects managed by UNDP, discussion of the relationship of technical assistance advisors with UN Resident Coordinators, and communication on country projects as well as a copy of World Bank Technical Paper WTP23 "Twinning of Institutions: Its Use as a Technical Assistance Delivery System", released in 1984.

Group of Twenty Four files

This series contains Stern's records relating to the meetings of the Intergovernmental Group of Twenty Four on International Monetary Affairs, also known as the G-24. Set up in 1971 on the model of the Group of Ten, the G-24 was a permanent body representing the views of the non-socialist developing countries concerning international monetary affairs. Stern attended the meetings of the G-24 on behalf of the World Bank. The records consist of Stern's correspondence regarding G-24 as well as agendas, membership lists, communiques, and records of discussions at the meetings of the G-24 Ministers and Deputies.

Vice President of South Asia Region chronological files

The series consists of outgoing memoranda written by Stern while he served as Vice President of the Bank's South Asia Region (SAR). Some memos are addressed to the World Bank President McNamara and others to senior managers and managers in SAR. The series also includes letters and telexes to the regional missions and government officials in South Asia, notably India and Pakistan. The records address such issues as the formulation of the lending programs for the region or its individual countries, the review of individual projects, operational policies and procedures, cooperation with the Central Projects Staff and the Development Committee, and staffing and budgeting.

Public Relations subject files and media monitoring

Series consists of a variety of records created and used by External Relations units and its predecessors over time to monitor press coverage of World Bank Group news and events and, if necessary, to formulate responses to that press coverage.

A large portion of the records are press clippings or photocopies of clippings dating from 1949 to 1998, however, there is a gap in the clippings from 1962 to 1972 and 1980 to 1993. Press clippings were primarily collected from American newspaper outlets including the Washington Post, Washington Star, New York Times and others, as well as foreign print media such as the London Financial Times. The clippings cover Bank activities and developments, global economic and development events, Annual Meetings and Annual Reports, statements, speeches and trips of the Bank Presidents beginning with President Eugene Black, IDA, Bank personnel, and World Bank anniversaries beginning with its tenth anniversary. There are weekly press reports containing clippings beginning fromNovember 1976 to 1979. The earlier press clippings dating from 1949 were created by the Public Relations Department led by Director Harold N. Graves who served from November 1950 to 1967. Another set of photocopied press clippings relating to Bank activities and its major meetings and conferences were maintained by the News Bureau of the EXT Media Division. These files predominantly date from 1994 to 1998, however, there are two files with information on IDA from 1962 to 1996, and World Bank project summaries from 1977 to 1979. Press clipping files also include a scrapbook on various Bank issues in India in 1957, and press reports, also referred to as news bureau dissemination reports, dating from 1994 to 1998, that provide summaries of news articles, editorials or letters to the editor about the Bank and its activities. Many of the dissemination reports include an attached memo from the Media Division (EXTME) to the External Relations Vice Presidency (EXTVP) that reports on preparation, major EXT activities, media coverage, and lessons learned. The dissemination reports also contain all press releases, briefings, talking points, and letters to the editor, all related to the event, as well as an analysis of media coverage for internal use by EXT to provide a brief overview of media perception and to examine stories for accuracy and thoroughness. Press clipping files also occasionally contain typed translations of foreign news articles and World Bank news releases.

The series also contains compiled reference material including country articles, financial statements, and case books used for internal or public information, created by the Information and Public Affairs Unit (IPA) in the 1960s and 1970s. Country Article files, dating from 1967 to 1972 (predominantly 1970-1972), contain summaries or information reports appended with financial data about developed and developing countries, basic country data and background on its economy, history of Bank operations in the developing country, and figures on Bank loans and IDA credits. For developed countries, the report includes a summary of the country's history of its relationship with the World Bank Group, Bank's borrowings in the country, disbursements, and the country's goods/services contributed to Bank-funded projects and Bank loans.

Other reference files contain: financial statements for World Bank, IDA and IFC, 1966-1967; policy documents including Board papers 1973-1976; a file titled "Irreverent Inquiries" that provides responses to common Bank queriesand criticisms; and an IDA Briefing Book prepared in 1977 that explains Bank policies on a variety of topics. The IDA Case Books from 1961 to 1974 created by IPA include information on a variety of topics, including: IDA replenishment; health and nutrition; and IDA's relationship with the United States government. There is also a list of IDA publication credits from 1961 to 1969. The series also contains Annual Meeting files, 1966 to 1977, compiled for the Special Guests Office including lists of external and press attendees, as well as administrative correspondence on press attendees' attendance and accommodations.

Also included in the series are Public Relations general files, dating from 1947 to 1968, mostly containing correspondence of the Public Relations Department. Records include copies of memoranda and letters, meeting minutes and summaries, handwritten notes, and working documents relating to: the Bank's public relations-related activities such as articles and speeches given by the Bank President and senior staff; leaks in the press; marketing; film and radio production; the first meeting of the Committee on Information, February 20 1947, which examined the Bank's communications and relationship with the press, as well as the Ad Hoc Committee on Internal Information from 1951. There are also yearly reports outlining all publications, press releases, and speeches by Bank staff. A small volume of files relate to the production of Bank posters, Annual Meeting exhibits, and the Bank's participation at International Exhibitions (Expo) as part of the UN family pavilion. The exhibit files contain original invitations to the exhibition, copies of minutes of the UN Expo Committee meetings, copies of outgoing letters and cables to government organization officials and United Nations headquarters, and printed materials from external organizers. There are also two files relating to the Bank's participation in the Washington World Conference on World Peace Through Law held in Washington, DC in September 1965.

Development Committee files

This series contains Stern's records relating to the organization and functioning of the Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund on the Transfer of Real Resources to developing countries, known as the Development Committee. The series includes Stern's correspondence regarding the Development Committee and the Draft Resolution establishing it, its initial work program, administrative arrangements, membership lists, and budget. Included in the administrative files are April and September 1974 reports from the Technical Group on the Transfer of Real Resources, the Committee of Twenty, as well as the September 1974 suggestions for the work program of the Development Committee. The bulk of the series are Stern's files on meetings of the Committee from its inaugural meeting in October 1974 through September 1981. The series also includes files on two working groups and a task force established by the Committee.

Vice President and Senior Vice President of Operations chronological files

The series contains internal memoranda to the World Bank Group President, the Regional Vice Presidents, other senior managers, and the Executive Directors for the period in which Stern was Vice President and Senior Vice President, Operations.

Issues covered relate to: the formulation and review of regional and country assistance strategies and lending programs and of structural adjustment loans and selected individual projects; operational policy and procedure; World Bank-International Monetary Fund collaboration; budgeting; and analyses of current initiatives, such as the China program, the Brandt Commission, energy development, and International Development Association (IDA) replenishments.

While Stern served as Senior Vice President from 1980 to May 1987, there is a gap in the chronological records for 1987; the series contains only seven items dating from 1987.

Country economic research and assessment

The records in this series primarily relate to the World Bank's involvement in the transition from planned to market economies in Russia immediately following the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Records specifically relate to missions made by Bank officials, including John Nellis, to the then Soviet Union in September and October 1990 and to Russia in November 1991 and August and September 1992. Series primarily consists of handwritten notes written by Nellis during these missions.

The 1990 mission to the Soviet Union was the World Bank's first and was undertaken with staff from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The mission resulted in the publication of the joint authored 'The Economy of the USSR: Summary and Recommendations'. During the trip, John Nellis's role was to examine the prospects for enterprise reform and privatization primarily through interviews with Soviet ministries (including Ministry of Justice and various sector and union ministries), other government officials, companies, financial authorities, and academics.

Notes taken by Nellis during these interviews are included in this series. The handwritten notes are heavily annotated in Nellis's hand. A transcription of the notes is also included as is a brief summary of the trip authored by Nellis and submitted to a select number of Bank staff. Further, notes authored by Nellis for a presentation to Bank President Barber Conable are included. The presentation, dated November 10, 1990, is titled, "Soviet Economic Study: Enterprise Reform and Privatization Component" and summarizes what the mission to the Soviet Union learned about potential enterprise reform and suggests avenues for the Bank's involvement in the reform process. In addition, a World Bank Discussion Paper authored by Nellis entitled "Improving the Performance of Soviet Enterprises" is included. The paper is based on interviews undertaken by Nellis during the 1990 mission and was published in 1991.

Records relating to a second trip to Moscow by Bank officials in November 1991 are also included. The purpose of the trip was to gain knowledge about the state and its economy and advance the process of enterprise reform and privatization. Notes are, again, handwritten and heavily annotated by Nellis. The World Bank team also stopped in Hungary and notes from Nellis's meetings in Budapest are also included. A mission summary authored by Nellis entitled "Privatization in the Republic of Russia" is also included.

Records relating to a third trip to Moscow in August and September of 1992 are also included in this series. Nellis was charged with researching corporate governance and property funds. Again, records include handwritten notes made by Nellis during interviews with Russian government officials and other interested parties, both Russian and international. Topics include: economic and political developments in Russia; privatization efforts; voucher program; corporate governance; finance sector; energy sector; foreign investment; and inflation.

The series also contains a small amount of notes made by Nellis during a series of talks and meetings between May 18, 1992 and May 27, 1992. The notes appear to have come from the same notebook as the Soviet Union/Russia notes. These events include a number of Bank staff and external parties speaking on privatization in Russia and EasternEurope. A separate set of notes on a talk by World Bank staff member Qimiao Fan in April 1995 on restructuring of Russian enterprise is also included.

India Fourth Five-Year Plan and economic policy files

Series consists of records maintained by Bernard R. Bell primarily relating to his work studying India's Fourth Five-Year plan while he was economic advisor to Andre de Lattre, President Woods' appointed representative to India. The study began with an appraisal mission headed by Bell which visited India in October-November 1966. The purposes of the mission were to examine the changes made in Indian economic policy in 1966 and how they were being implemented, and to survey the proposed Fourth Five-Year Plan and the aid requirements associated with it. The series contains: Bell's outgoing memoranda and cables with Woods and de Lattre and members of the 1966 appraisal mission to India; correspondence on the previous Bell Mission Report (1964-1966) on India's economy; correspondence with the government of India and documents from the U.S. government on India; a file on Woods' meeting with Ashok Mehta, the Indian Minister of Planning; and copies of official meeting documents of the India Consortium, a group of donor countries concerned with providing aid to India and India's development efforts. The consortium meeting records are filed with copies of memoranda primarily from Alexander Stevenson, Associate Director of Asia Department, and copied to Bell and others, covering the years 1966 to 1968.

Series also contains: subject files relating to the Fourth Plan, containing correspondence and background reference materials on agricultural policy, foreign debt, family planning, power, and other topics; a copy of Bell's fourteen volume Bell Mission report in 1965 published as "The Report to the President of the IBRD and IDA on India's Economic Development Effort"; and a copy of his 1967 Bank report titled, "Indian Economic Policy and the Fourth Five-Year Plan".

Also included in the series is a small volume of correspondence and other records, dating from 1964 to 1965, relating to the India coal transport study financed by the Bank, a report written by Bell's consulting firm in 1963 on statistics of Korea, and economic reports authored by the Bank, the Indian government or external research groups on India, its growth, and economic prospects, dating from 1973 to 1975.

Indonesian oil sector files

Series consists of records primarily created during Bernard R. Bell's tenure as Director, Resident Staff Indonesia from 1968 to 1972. The series contains a draft paper on the historical development of the oil sector in Indonesia, including notes on Indonesian oil companies. Correspondence and notes concerning Bank economic missions reviewing the oil sector are included, as well as notes of interviews with Indonesian government officials and oil company personnel. The series contains copies of articles on Indonesian oil, copies contracts dating from 1963, copies of Indonesian laws regulating the oil sector, and statistics on the financial status of P. N. Pertamina, the Indonesian National Oil and Natural Gas Mining State Enterprise.

Administrative Circulars and For Your Information announcements

Series contains copies of of World Bank/International Finance Corporation/International Development Association (IBRD/IFC/IDA) Administrative Circulars from 1973 to 1985 and For Your Information (FYI) announcements from 1986 to 1993 collected by Moeen Qureshi. Administrative Circulars were circulated Bank-wide, and provided announcements of senior staff appointments, organizational and procedural changes, and Bank-wide initiatives. As of 1986, the circulars were renamed For Your Information. The frequencyof the announcements varied from week to week.

Correspondence with World Bank President

Series contains Qureshi's correspondence with Bank Presidents Robert S. McNamara, Alden W. Clausen, and Barber Conable beginning when Qureshi was both Executive Vice President of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and Vice President Finance, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) in 1979 to his retirement in 1991 as Senior Vice President for Operations.

Although Qureshi maintained this correspondence in a single chronological series, the nature of the files changes somewhatwith each president. Records from the McNamara era, 1979-1981, include: copies of notes and memoranda sent by or through Qureshi to McNamara; copies of letters forwarded by Qureshi to McNamara for his signature; letters forwarded to McNamara by others and copied to Qureshi; copies of letters and memoranda McNamara sent to others and copied to Qureshi; and memoranda "to the files" summarizing important meetings that McNamara held with others and that Qureshi attended as an observer and/or recorder. Many of Quresh's memoranda to McNamara were returned with extensive handwritten comments and/or replies from McNamara. In many cases, a typed version of McNamara's handwritten comments is also attached to the incoming correspondence.

Records from the Clausen era, 1981-1986, primarily consist of: copies of letters Clausen sent to others and copied to Qureshi; copies of memoranda and notes sent by or through Qureshi to Clausen; and copies of letters Qureshi and his staff prepared for Clausen's signature.

Topics covered in the files during the McNamara and Conable presidencies include (but are not limited to): draft Board papers; Bank borrowing operations; World Bank capital increases; International Development Association (IDA) replenishments; currency management; fiscal projections and monthly financial reports; work program and budget; and staffing requirements and personnel matters.

Records from the Conable era, 1986-1991, include: copies of letters Conable sent to others and copied to Qureshi; copies of memoranda and notes sent by or through Qureshi to Conable; and copies of correspondence Qureshi and his staff prepared for Conable's signature. None of Qureshi's correspondence to Conable were returned with the President's comments. Memoranda and notes that Conable sent directly to Qureshi are filed in Qureshi's subject files.

Most of the correspondence from Conable's era was sent when Qureshi was Senior Vice President for Operations (SVPOP) beginning in 1987. Correspondence covers subjects including: debt; Special Action Program for African countries; International Development Association (IDA) allocations; country lending and emergency situations; and adjustment lending and operations.

The series also contains an index of all of Qureshi's correspondence, 1979-1991, indicating the date, subject, and occasionally, the type of correspondence.

Subject files

Series contains records maintained by Leonard B. Rist from the early period of IBRD history primarily when he first served as Director of the Research Department, later Economics Department between 1946 and 1960. Records are varied and include correspondence and speeches that Rist drafted for President Eugene Black during the period 1947-1953 and an information packet prepared for Black's 1952 trip on which Rist and other senior staff accompanied him to Pakistan, India, Ceylon, Thailand, and Australia. Also included is a file of Rist's speeches to the information conferences (1949-1959), two or three-day sessions at the Bank where groups of individuals in the finance profession would be introduced the Bank and its operations (1949-1951), a file on establishing the Research Department in 1946, and files on loan policy, 1946-1967. Records from the 1950s relate to the European Investment Bank and French oil exploration, and UK credit conditions covering 1945-1957. In 1963 and 1964 while he was Special Adviser to the President, Rist chaired the Committee on Loan Charges, and these files include correspondence on the Committee's Memorandum on Loan Charges (1964). Other files (1960-1968) relate to terms of Bank loans, market loans, IBRD reserves and 9% subscriptions, and Bank and IDA financial policy.

Bretton Woods collection

Series is comprised of Leonard B. Rist's collection of reference material on the Bretton Woods Conference and the events leading up to it. Document types include official copies of proposals, agreements and amendments relating to the Bretton Woods institutions, IBRD and IMF, as well as reports and commentary from U.S. government agencies (Treasury, Federal Reserve, State Department), research institutions, and the press (Foreign Affairs, Finance, Foreign Commerce Weekly). Also included are President Roosevelt's address to Congress recommending passage of the Bretton Woods agreements, 1963 amendment to the Bretton Woods agreement, and several unpublished papers.

Policy and research papers

Series consists of copies of various policy and research papers kept by Bernard R. Bell while he was Regional Vice President, East Asia and Pacific Region (EAPVP). Series includes a World Health Organization (WHO)-UNICEF study on health needs in developing countries in 1975, internal Bank memoranda and records relating to energy and the oil crisis from 1973 to 1974, two Bank papers on the economic evaluation of public utilities projects dating from 1974 to 1975, and Bank papers on topics of interest to Bell, ranging from rural roads to procedures for project documentation.

Country Strategy Papers

Series consists of Moeen Qureshi's set of Country Strategy Papers (CSP) and Country Strategy Notes (CSN), and their predecessor, Country Program Papers (CPP). While Qureshi was both Executive Vice President of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development's (IBRD) Vice President of Finance from 1979 to 1980 through his tenure as Senior Vice President, Finance (SVPFI, 1981-1987), the papers were copied to him for his information. The CPPs and CSPs map out the Bank's assistance strategy for a country and were submitted by the Regional Vice Presidencies (RVPs) to the Operations Committee (OC) or the Operations Policy Committee (OPC) for review and approval. Most of Qureshi's files contain copies of the postscripts, which summarize the action taken by the OC, the OPC, or the OPNSV, together with the CPP or CSP, and copies of memoranda to the Senior Vice President for Operations (SVPOP). In a few instances, the country papers maintained when Qureshi was Vice President then Senior Vice President of Finance include attached typewritten notes. The notes were addressed to Qureshi from IBRD/IFC senior staff or were prepared by Qureshi, to provide additional economic information or insight on the country. Some of the files created when Qureshi was SVPOP beginning in 1987 also contain original memos and both review drafts and final versions of CSPs. The few earliest files, from 1974 to 1977, were maintained by Qureshi's IFC predecessor, Ladislaus Von Hoffman.

Grant and trust fund management

Series consists of records created and maintained by the Health, Nutrition, and Population Team of the Human Development Network (HDNHE) and previous units responsible for managing and monitoring grants to partnership programs. Records in this series document financial support for various programs primarily under the Bank's Special Grants Program (SPG) created in 1982, as well as the Development Grant Facility (DGF) approved in FY1998 which later absorbed the SPG. The management of funds and the activitiesfinanced were supervised by HDNHE and its predecessors beginning with the Population, Health, and Nutrition Department (PHN, 1979 to 1987). The programs were implemented by the Bank's development partners in the form of country-level operations, knowledge initiatives, advisory services, and collective action across countries on PHN sector priorities.

Partnership programs represented in the files include, but are not limited to: World Health Organization (WHO) for the Human Reproductive Program (HRP) and Stop TB (Tuberculosis); UNAIDS and WHO for HIV/AIDS; Commonwealth Medical Association (CMA) and Population Council for Safe Motherhood activities; Global Fund for Women and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) programs; and International Council for Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders for (ICCIDD) iodine nutrition control initiatives. Other SPG- and DGF-supported programs addressed malaria (Roll Back Malaria), disease testing, family planning and contraception, and organization of conferences, training, andstudies across the sectors.

The records reflect the activities of HDNHE program managers throughout the trust fund cycle, including preparation and review of grant proposals for the sector board or predecessor committees, handling communication with partner grant recipients, preparation of the Letter of Approval (LOA) issued by the HDN Vice President, arranging disbursement of funds, and evaluation of programs. Files contain substantive information on health, nutrition, and population programs in the formof: internal memoranda; all-in-1-notes; incoming and outgoing letters; handwritten notes; draft and final proposals; recipients' annual, financial, and technical reports; recipient interim reports; budget reports; minutes of meetings; background papers, some prepared by PHN; and printed material produced by partner organizations.

Correspondence is between the responsible HDNHE or predecessor unit program manager and the president or head of the partner organization. Internal memoranda are addressed toand from the sector program manager, sector director, and other sector staff including the Population Policy and Advisory Service Group (PPAS, established in 1992 in the PHR Front Office). Other Bank groups represented in the memoranda are the Special Grants Oversight Committee Secretary, DGF Secretariat, and others. The correspondence and memoranda cover matters including proposals or reports received the grant recipient's use of funds or surplus funds, legalities of budget guidelines, and comments on theLOA. The accounting and disbursement data are mostly presented in memoranda between HDNHE or predecessor unit and the Office of the Vice President and Controller (CTRVP).

There are also chronological files (1985 - 1997) and records related to SPG meetings, committee, or advisory group meetings containing agenda, minutes, and correspondence (1994 - 1998). The Population NGOs and Safe Motherhood Committee discussed details of funding proposals, amounts and recommendations, updates on funds spent, and approved proposals. A small volume of records also relate to: the historical background of SPG and include various discussion papers (1987 - 1995); Bank review of SPG in the 1990s; and a PHN strategy report on SPG (1995).

Records were created and maintained by various staff including Senior Population Adviser Tom Merrick, Population Specialist Janet Nassim, Senior Nutrition Advisor Alan Berg, Nutrition Specialist Judith McGuire, Health Specialist Kirrin Gill, and Consultant Crystal Worzola.

Records are predominantly in English. However, there is occasional correspondence, external reports, publications, and other material in French, Spanish, and German.

Quality enhancement review

The series contains records maintained by the Health, Nutrition, and Population team (HDNHE) and previous units to provide quality support services and development effectiveness guidelines to operational task teams managing health, nutrition, and population (HNP) projects. The Bank's Quality Assurance Group (QAG) often, but not always, included an HDNHE representative. The Quality Enhancement Review (QER) panel was first instituted for HNP projects in Fiscal Year 1999 and led by HDNHE senior staff. QER broadly followed the QAG methodology to improve the quality of the project but functioned as an independent group of senior colleagues who conducted the project preparation review with the task teams.

Records in the series were primarily maintained by Chris Walker, senior public health specialist and later lead specialist of the Health, Nutrition, and Population Quality team. Types of records include: hard copy emails; draft and final project documents such as Project Appraisal Documents (PADs) and aide-memoires; background reports for the panel such as internal sector policy and strategy reports; meeting agenda; occasionally draft and final panel review reports; handwritten notes; minutes of project concept review meetings; and QER guidelines. Several records including the project documents and meeting summaries contain Walker's handwritten annotated notes.

There are also records related to HNP Quality of Supervision workshop 1994 - 1998.

Nutrition sector country files

Series consists of nutrition sector country files maintained by the Health, Nutrition, and Population Team (HDNHE) and predecessors beginning from the Population and Nutrition Projects Department formed in 1972. Country files were predominantly created between 1973 and 2000 and contain external reports, publications, and internal memoranda between HDNHE staff and country offices regarding the status of the health and nutrition sector of member countries. There are also a small number of items within the files that were externally produced between 1963 and 1968 and used as reference by HDNHE staff.

Records in this series were maintained in continuity during the period when the nutrition unit was situated under two different sector departments. The Nutrition Unit (PNPD2) was created under the Population Projects Department in July 1972 (later renamed Population and Nutrition Projects Department). Nutrition functions were then transferred to the Agriculture and Rural Development Department (AGRNU) in November 1975 until the Population, Health and Nutrition Department (PHN) was established in October 1979.

Records in the series were created and maintained by various staff including: Dr. Alan D. Berg (deputy director, Nutrition Unit, PNPD2, 1972 - 1975, then Senior Nutrition Advisor 1975 -1992 in AGRDR, later PHNDR and PHRDR); Dr. Judith S. McGuire (nutritionist, PHRHN 1988 - 1993, then senior nutrition advisor); Joy Miller Del Rosso (nutrition consultant, PHRHN later Human Development Department, between 1992- 1996); and others.

Most of the country files represent low-and lower-middle- income countries, however, Sweden and the United States are also represented in the files in the form of background reference reports. The Sweden file contains an article and report on diet in Sweden and Scandanavia. Among the earliest nutrition sector country files with material from the 1960s and early 1970s are Singapore, Sweden, Mauritius, Malaysia, Tunisia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Gabon, Kenya, Korea, and Pakistan. There are also files concerning nutrition in the former Soviet Union (1993 - 1997). Several of the nutrition sector files specifically relate to Venezuela and are titled constraint assessment (1988 - 1998), food policy study (1996 - 1999), and nutrition education component (1996 - 1997). Other topics represented within the series include, but are not limited to: breastfeeding, child nutrition, malnutrition, micronutrients, and food policy.

A small number of the nutrition sector country filescontain project-related correspondence and the department's missions and preliminary reports. These include the Nutrition Research and Development Project for Brazil approved in 1976 and the India Tamil Nadu Nutrition Project approved in 1980. The India file reflects early discussions and project planning from 1974. The Brazil and India projects where two of only four standalone nutrition projects approved by the Bank between 1976 and 1981.

Other records in the series include: internal memoranda regarding unit comments on Research Project Outputs (RPOs); mission travel and mission findings to examine proposed nutrition components of projects, and other nutrition sector work; sector issue reports including drafts; Initial Executive Project Summaries (IESPs) on countries distributed from the regional division chief; back-to-office reports, some authored by country departments; consultant's reports; external reports, brochures and booklets; external mission reports and drafts or final versions of concept papers authored by United Nations agencies, government ministries, international organizations or by individuals from academic and research institutes; and journal articles. One report in is Portuguese.

Several files contain only external reference material related to the country's nutrition sector.

Knowledge and learning events

Series primarily contains records related to conferences, seminars, internal training courses, brown bag lunch (BBL) presentations, or other events organized or attended by the Health, Nutrition, and Population Team (HDNHE) and previous units. A portion of the records were maintained by Principal Economist Helen Saxenian who was also the health, nutrition, and population sector training coordination committee chair. Records were also maintained by Senior Nutritionist Judith McGuire, Consultant Joy Miller de Rosso, and others.

Records comprising the series include: correspondence; seminar and presentation papers; back-to-office reports, several regarding health reforms and health systems studies; sound and video recordings of presentations; hard copies of presentation slides; minutes and agenda of committee training meetings; and learning materials such as course descriptions and BBL summaries occasionally filed with statistical data tables or articles.

Topics include, but are not limited to: HIV/AIDS, evidence-based medicine, vaccines, health care and poverty, nutrition, health and social sector reform, Safe Motherhood or women and children's health, and country health care systems.

There are also two files related to the Bank's Economic Development Institute (EDI) case studies (1980 - 1990).

The series also contains audiocassette recordings of the Food and Nutrition Policy Course (1997 - 1998) and one file of textual records containing the course material. The videocassette titles included in the series are "What do Women and Children Die of?" (1998) and "Challenges for Health Sector Reform in Latin America and the Caribbean" (1999).

Research and policy development

Series contains records maintained by the various divisions and departments responsible for the population, health, and nutrition sector while producing and disseminating research, and developing and analyzing sector policy and strategy. The records reflect discussions about the department's research priorities, methods and techniques of analysis, the quality of its work and ways to improve it, and its relationship to the country-based work carried out in the Bank's regional offices.

Records in the series were primarily created by the Policy and Research Unit (PHNPR), established in 1979 and dismantled in the 1987 Bank-wide reorganization. PHNPR's functions were continued by succeeding units through to the Health, Nutrition, and Population Team (HDNHE), but no longer as a separate division dedicated to policy and research. Many of the records were maintained by PHNPR Chief Nancy Birdsall during her tenure (1984 - 1987) as well as Senior Demographer K.C. Zachariah, Population and Human Resources Division, Economics Department and later the Policy and Research Division, PHNPR (1970 - 1987).

Record types include, but are not limited to: research proposals; terms of reference; back-to-office reports; contracts; agreements with consultants, universities and other third parties who are doing research for or with the division; initiating briefs for policy papers; statistical and other data; published and unpublished reports; drafts and final working papers; briefing notes; external reports and publications; surveys and questionnaires; budget reports and other financial records of research expenditures; and related correspondence.

Staff and consultant research papers

The largest portion of records in the series relate to research and concept papers authored by various department and division staff and consultants. Apart from a single file dated 1970, the papers were primarily accumulated between 1979 and 1988. Records are organized by author and contain draft papers and correspondence about comments on papers. Senior staff and other individuals represented in the files include, but are not limited to: Directors Kandiah Kanagaratnam, John North and David de Ferranti; PHNPR Division Chief Nancy Birdsall; Senior Health Advisor Anthony Measham; Senior Nutrition Advisor Alan Berg; and other Bank staff outside of PHN such as James Lee, Ernest Stern, Shahid Husain, and Barbara Herz. General sector topics are covered as well as topics related to a particular country or region. Subjects include: family planning; rural contraceptive needs; marriage and migration; sub-Saharan Africa population policy project; public health planning; primary health care; health expenditures; education; and economic topics such as liberalization and taxes. A smaller volume of files relate to papers presented at symposia or conferences.

PHNPR Division subject files

The series also comprises a large volume of subject files maintained by the former PHNPR Division between 1976 and 1987. Some of the files were created by staff of the former Population and Human Resources Division. The subject files cover a wide range of the division's activities such as policy research and analysis, preparing studies, project support, conferences, and other knowledge and learning events. These files contain internal memoranda, outgoing letters, reports, background papers, conference reports and agenda, and other records.

Several subject files refer to a specific country project funded by IDA credit (Gambia National Health Project) and covers project appraisal, budget, and analysis on lending in the sector. Files concerning research projects are indicated by the RPO (Research Project Output) code assigned to projects throughout the Bank by the Development Economics department. The RPO material was mostly maintained by Dr. Susan Cochrane, senior economist, PHNPR. RPO files relate to the projects Education and Rural Development in Nepal and Thailand (RP0671-49) and Determinants of Fertility in Egypt (RP0671-49). Included are: memoranda and letters discussing project status updates and workshops on population research; draft surveys and questionnaires with annotations; questionnaire instructions and code sheets; interviewer manual; proposals submitted to Research Committee; expense and budget reports documenting financing through the Research Committee; preliminary chapters; data tables; and background reports. Most of the material is in English but there are also questionnaires and data in Thai. A memo from Susan Cochrane (DEDPH) to the Steering Committee on Determinants of Fertility in Egypt is also included.

Other subject files pertain to poverty guidelines and contain memoranda, reports, and manuals on the Bank's measurement of poverty as it relates to lending to the lower income countries and to alleviate urban poverty. There are also subject files related to health care, health financing, health program evaluation, health services research, pharmaceuticals and drugs, health organizations, diseases, health resources development, irrigation health risk study, and the interaction between health and water supply. Subject files on nutrition relate to nutrition research, programming, nutrition service delivery, and food subsidies and pricing. Population files concern population aspects of education projects, population studies, fertility, contraception, and population policies.

Files related to conferences include the 1984 International Conference on Population, Conference on Research Priorities for Sub-Saharan Africa in Bellagio 1985, Task Force for Child Survival Cartagenaconference, and also seminars, workshops, and EDI training. There are also files related to data on women in development, household living standards, and files reflecting PHN's input on President Clausen's speeches.

Other PHNPR subject files relate to partnerships with international organizations such as World Health Organization (WHO), academic institutes, committees and working groups, and inter-agency partnerships such as the Special Program for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR), the Control of Diarrheal Diseases (CDD) Program, and the Onchocerciasis Control Program (OCP) or river blindness. The onchocerciasis file (1980 - 1984) contain memoranda, a report of an independent commission regarding economic analysis of OCP reflecting the involvement of Andre Prost and Nick Prescott (PHN) and comments on reports by Karen Lashman Hall (PNHPR). There are also files regarding WHO and Bank cooperation for HIV/AIDS and comments on the draft proposals on structure and coordination of the WHO Special Programme on AIDS.

Working papers series and publications

The series also contains a substantial volume of records related to the PHN Technical Note working papers series authored between 1976 and 1992, arranged by the series or issue number. Files primarily contain printer's copies and research data on topics including cost benefit and cost effectiveness studies, demographic data, AIDS research, health care management, and Safe Motherhood (also known as maternal and child health and mortality).

Thereare also reports and other records related to the PHN Policy Research Working Papers (WPS numbered series) covering the years 1989 to 1993 and include annual sector reviews which outlines population, health, and nutrition lending, health system trends, costs, and resources. Although most of the publications and papers were forwarded to the Bank's Internal Documents Unit and were eventually digitized, other papers contained in this series were disseminated through PHN's successor, HDNHE.

Series also contains handwritten notes, regional data tables for population and mortality projections and labor force data for member countries, as well as memoranda accumulated between 1973 and 1990 in preparation for the annual World Development Reports (WDR). Several files relate to the 1984 WDR that focused on economic performance and population growth, including comments on drafts.

There are also three files (1993 - 1996) related to the best practices book authored by PHN Senior Nutritionist, Dr. Judith McGuire, and consultant Rae Galloway, entitled "Enriching Lives - Overcoming Vitamin and Mineral Malnutrition in Developing Countries" published by the World Bank in 1994. Includes three floppy diskettes of the Spanish version, hard copy of the English master for correction, bound French version, and drafts.

Senior Demographer K.C. Zachariah records

Series also consists of a set of chronological files and subject files maintained by Dr. K.C. Zachariah, Senior Demographer between 1970 and 1987 beginning when Zachariah was in the Population and Human Resources Division, Economics Department and later the Policy and Research Division (PHNPR). The chronological files span 1971 to 1984; however, files for the years 1979 and 1981 are not present. There are two files of incoming correspondence from 1983 to 1987, and several subject files containing research proposals, final versions of staff working papers, and study papers authored by Zachariah including Population Projections for Bank Member Countries 1970 - 2000. Specific subjects covered in Zachariah's records include family planning, income distribution and fertility rates, demographic measures, and migration in specific countries or regions. There are also back-to-office reports and terms of reference documents regarding Zachariah's research missions and attendance at international conferences, terms of reference for consultants, and administrative records related to the recruitment of consultants and research assistants.

Health Sector Strategy paper

Series contains records regarding the development of the HDNHE 1997 Health Sector Strategy paper, from 1995 to 1997. Included are minutes of strategy retreats, strategy and concept paper drafts and final version, notes, and Sector Board minutes in which concept papers were reviewed and discussed.

Tobacco control policy

Also included in the series are records related to tobacco control analysis and policy created between 1988 and 1999 which were primarily maintained by Dr. Prabhat Jha, health specialist, Human Development Department (HDD) and later HDNHE. Records include correspondence, mainly containing comments on report outlines and background papers, draft papers, trip reports, conference publications, handwritten research notes, and statistical tables and charts regarding smoking prevalence, tobacco, cigarette consumption, GDP, and other data. The Bank had organized a consultation session on the economics of tobacco control in 1997 at the tenth World Conference on Tobacco in Beijing that was part of an ongoing review of the Bank's own control policies. A Bank-sponsored international conference on the economics of tobacco control in Cape Town followed in 1998. Files contain Beijing conference abstract booklets and programme, and Cape Town conference funding report and press conference reports. The Bank and WHO began a global study in 1997 on the economics of tobacco control for countries, particularly low-income and middle-income countries and a small volume of files relate to statistical data compiled, as well as the study team's 1999 publication led by Jha and Frank J. Chaloupka entitled "Curbing the Epidemic: Governments and the economics of tobacco control". There isalso correspondence with UN Agencies including FAO, WHO, UNCTAD, and ECOSOC dating from 1989 to 1995 that represents the Bank's early work on tobacco by Senior Economist Howard Barnum.

Chronological files

The series consists of records created by the Population, Health and Nutrition Division (PHRHN) and its subordinate units beginning from 1988 and continuing through 1995 under its' successor, the Population, Health and Nutrition Department (PHN) of the Human Resources Development (HRO) Vice Presidency.

Records generally consist of outgoing memoranda and letters, specifically hard copies of All-In-1 messages and attachments. Much of the correspondence is between division staff and external agencies, institutions, and governments discussing information exchange, collaboration on projects, and conferences. Correspondence between PHN staff and other Bank departments relates to: research paper publication; peer review and comments on research, strategy, and policy papers; conference attendance and planning; preparation of sector reviews; grants and trust funds; and assistance to and collaboration with the regions. Other records occasionally found among the correspondence are back-to-office reports; terms of reference (TORs); aide memoires; published and unpublished reports and policy papers; sector reviews; and business plans.

A small body of correspondence files all dated 1993 were provided classification by country or subject presumably by IISC (see Archival History field for further information). Most of the country files contain a single memorandum regarding projects, pre-appraisal and reviews, or country health or nutrition data. The subject files are also thin, and cover a variety of topics under: administration (including budget, work program, special grant or donor funding, and fiscal review); policy development and research; dissemination and training (including publications and attendance at conferences, workshops, roundtables, and other events); and general functional areas). This set of files contain mostly memoranda between PHRHN division staff and other Bank staff, including the Regions, often in the form of TORs and back-to-office reports.

Partnerships and program collaboration

Series consists of records documenting the partnerships of the various divisions and departments responsible for the population, health, and nutrition sector with external organizations across the sector and program collaboration.

The largest volume of records in the series relate to the administration of the International Health Policy Program (IHPP, 1983 - 1989) initiated by Pew Charitable Trusts, and later jointly funded by Carnegie Corporation, to provide institutional grants for health policy research and individual fellowships for career development. The Population, Health, and Nutrition Department (PHN) and World Health Organization (WHO) provided guidance and support to IHPP. Beginning in 1986, the Bank provided office accommodations to the program's three-person secretariat within PHN (soon the Population, Health, and Nutrition Division [PHRHN] after the Bank-wide 1987 reorganization). The IHPP Secretariat was led by Director Davidson R. Gwatkin who reported to the international Advisory Committee responsible for guiding and overseeing the activities of IHPP. The secretariat salaries and expenses were paid by the Institute of International Education (IIE), the agency that administered Pew's contribution. Dr. Anthony Measham and David de Ferranti of PHRHN represented the Bank as members of IHPP's Advisory Committee.

Records reflect the secretariat's role in managing the IHPP including handling proposals and inquiries and directing operational strategy and activities primarily focused on Asian andAfrican countries. There are also records related to meetings and conferences attended by the secretariat and the Bank's activities related to the IHPP. Types of records include correspondence (some arranged in a chronological file), proposals, guidelines, reports submitted to IIE, discussion notes, external reports, Pew conferences papers, and financial and administrative records.

The series also contains records related to the Bank's partnership with the WHO / United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) / Bank Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR, 1972 - 1988, predominant 1978 to 1987). TDR was formed in 1975 to develop research, leadership, tools, and strategies to control the endemic tropical diseases (malaria, schistosomiasis, filariasis [including onchocerciasis], trypanosomiasis, leprosy and leishmaniasis) in developing countries. The Bank became a cosponsor of the program in 1977 as well as administrator of the TDR trust fund which consisted of contributions of governments and multilateral organizations. In fiscal year 1982, the Bank became a financial contributor to TDR. Records document PHN's administration of the TDR fund, participation in TDR's annual governing body meetings (Joint Coordinating Board), Standing Committee, the Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC), and operational support.

TDR records include: memoranda, letters, and cables between PHN Directors Dr. John Evans and John North and TDR partners and donors, and some memoranda between PHN senior staff; programme, committee, and annual reports; financial statements; Board documents; copy of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) agreement; Director Evan's back-to-office report and memoranda to senior vice president of operations; consultant reports; aide-memoirs; data tables; and printed material such as TDR newsletters, and external articles and reports. The MOU and fund arrangement file also contains the proposal for World Bank financial participation in international health research programmes, prepared by PHN in 1981 and presented as a memorandum from President McNamara to executive directors. Internal memoranda cover a range of topics such as securing resources to support TDR, arrangements for Bank's financial contribution to TDR, methods of investment and rate of return, budget, projects, policy, audit planning, comments on discussion papers and draft reports, and research capability strengthening. Correspondence from WHO assistant director-general to government officials and donors is copied to PHN director and relates to acknowledgment of contributions and soliciting participation in the Joint Coordination Board and fund raising. There is also correspondence between WHO assistant director-general and Senior Public Health Specialist Dr. Bernard Liese (PHNDR) regarding TDR contributions, budget, and other matters. A small number of files relate to the External Review Committee and history of TDR and background material for Bank participation (1974 - 1980).

Several files related to TDR thatwere originally maintained in the Non-Regional Information Center (NRIC) primarily contain correspondence beginning from 1972. These files contain original letters and memoranda to and from director of the Office of Environmental and Health Affairs (CPSEH) Dr. James Lee, (1975 - 1979) to WHO and the TDR director, and letters to and from the Bank's Water and Urban Development to TDR Officer. There is also correspondence sent and received by Public Health Officer Dr. Arlene Fonaroff (CPSEH 1978 - 1979, Population Projects Department Operations Division [POPD1] late 1979 - 1980, Division 1 Africa [PHND1] and PHN Director's Office [PHNDR] until 1981). Fonaroff and Lee were members of the TDR Standing Committee until approximately 1979.

The series also contains several files related to the Diarrheal Diseases Control (CDD) Programme (1978 - 1985) launched by WHO in 1978 in collaboration with PHN on behalf of the Bank, and other partners, UNDP, and United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF).Records include, but are not limited to: memoranda authored by Dr. James Lee on a draft proposal for CDD; memoranda between Fonaroff and Director Dr. Evans regarding CDD meetings and activities; and original letters from WHO director-general regarding CDD meeting follow-up.

Also included among the records in this series are several files related to PHN

budgeting and coordination support for the global Onchocerciasis Control Program (1979 - 1987) also known as river blindness disease. PHN supported the control program through technical assistance, attendance at statutory and technical meetings, co-organizing symposia, reviewing health project preparation, disease surveillance and control arrangements in OCP countries, and evaluating operational research undertaken by OCP such as the Onchocerciasis Chemotherapy Project Working Group. Onchocerciasis records were primarily maintained by PHN Epidemiologist Dr. Andre Prost and Deputy Division Chief Dr. Bernhard Liese (PHND2) who was a member of the secretariatof the OCP Committee of Sponsoring Agencies (CSA) and Expert Advisory Committee. Records include: back-to-office reports; copies of OCP committee and program reports; WHO OCP progress reports; Bank authored and WHO joint-authored research papers; PHN position paper on OCP; original and copies of internal memoranda between Prost, Liese, various PHN directors, and West Africa Region (WA1) senior management; copies of internal memoranda and outgoing letters from the Bank's OCP Coordinator Bruce Benton and theOCP programme director in Burkina Faso and correspondence from Bank senior vice president of operations and director, country programs in Africa to sponsoring members and donors.

The series also contains records related to the Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction (HRP) in which the Bank is a partner with WHO, UNDP, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), and UNICEF. HRP was formed to conduct research in human reproduction, bringing together policymakers,scientists, health care providers, clinicians, consumers, and community representatives to identify and address priorities for research to improve reproduction and sexual health. Records primarily include annual technical reports, biennial reports, meeting reports of the policy and coordinating committee of HRP attended by PHN Senior Population Adviser Dr. Tom Merric or Director Ann Hamilton on occasion, and related correspondence. There are also files concerning the Scientific and Technical Advisory Group(STAG), Standing Committee Reports (1986 - 1994), and the Bank's role in global population efforts (1989, 1992 - 1994).

Series also contains two files related to Bank - UNDP partnerships on projects implemented by UNDP. These are: UNDP/GLO/81/007 Administrative Committee on Coordination (ACC) - Sub Committee on Nutrition Research Planning (SCN) (1981 - 1983); and UNDP/GLO/77/014 - International Centre for Diarrheal Disease Research (1978 - 1981).

Board of Governors support and reference

Series consists of records relating to the functions of the Board of Governors of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), International Development Association (IDA), and International Finance Corporation (IFC) created between 1946 to 1977 that were maintained in the centralized files system. The records in this series primarily originated from the Secretary's Department and the Office of the President. As described in the archival history section, Secretary's Department is the custodian of Board of Governors records and proceedings, but distributed certain correspondence and related documents to the Central Files while maintaining its own official files. Types of records in the series include internal memoranda, letters and cables, and original letters from government officials. Occasionally accompanying the correspondence are Board documents, press clippings, and printed material such as booklets.

A sizable portion of the series contains records related to World Bank Group Annual Meetings beginning from 1950 to 1977. Meeting files include correspondence regarding meeting arrangements, guests, consultations and briefing appointments, panel discussions, committee agendas, staffing, joint procedures, social events, public relations, and liaison and agreements with International Monetary Fund (IMF). There is also correspondence and other records relating to the President's speech to the Annual Meetings such as: proposals of topics; provision of data including ten-year figures on Bank activities; preliminary and final speech issued as a press release; and governors' reactions to the addresses in the form of letters. Summary of proceedings from 1965 are included in a portion of the files.

Series also contains records relating to the preparation of IBRD, IDA, and IFC annual reports (1950 - 1977) presented by the Bank president at the Annual Meetings. Although there is no first annual report booklet for IFC within the files, the series contains IFC's second and other printed annual reports, as well as memoranda concerning the preparation and drafting of the first IFC annual report. Records of the earliest annual reports from the first to fifth reports are absent from the IBRD and IDA files, although there are memoranda and a press release summary of the sixth annual IBRD annual report and subsequent reports. Also included in the files is a statement of Bank policies for the 1950 annual report outlined in a memorandum from Martin Rosen to J. Burke Knapp and memoranda regarding submissions of text for inclusion and draft reports, and printing of the reports.

General files beginning from 1946 contain mostly routine correspondence regarding travel of Governors to annual meetings, expenses, and allowances. The substantive correspondence includes discussion of procedural issues in accordance with the articles and by-laws, first IFC investment involving equity and a drafted letter to be sent by President Black to governors regarding IFC chairmanship.

Series also contains records relating to early Board committees (1948 - 1950) such as the Committee on Rules and Regulations, Committee on Membership, and Ad Hoc Committee to consider provisions to duties and renumeration of Executive Directors. The Committees file contains outgoing memoranda primarily from the Bank secretary and Board committee reports and resolutions. Most of the correspondence is administrative and relates to travel and distribution of documentation. A file on the Advisory Council (1948 - 1950) includes draft notes and resolutions.

Also included in the series is the Board of Governors supplementary report to United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC, 1965) and two files on Board resolutions (1969 - 1971).

Correspondence, personnel files, speeches, articles, and photographs

Topics covered in this series include reorganization of the World Bank, procurement review, communications, loan documentation, World Bank Group (Bank Group) studies, the succession of Bank Group presidents, and improving efficiency in the Bank Group.

This series contains various textual records: correspondence (e.g., with Robert S. McNamara, J. Henry Smith, Warren C. Baum, etc.); personnel files (pertaining to Sommers?s personal information data, employment history, reappointments, semi-annual summaryof work activities, etc.); copies of transcripts (i.e., Sommers?s two oral history interviews in 1961 and 1985 and a conversation between Sommers, John J. McCloy, and Richard Demuth in 1984); speeches (e.g., ?Legal Aspects of the International Bank?s Structure and Juridical Personality,? February 20, 1950; and ?Legal Problems Arising in the Bank?s Loan Operations,? February 24, 1950;) articles given by and/or written by Sommers (e.g., a description of the World Bank and its operations, presented in MexicoCity in February 1950; an address entitled ?Early Days of the Bank given to Bank staff in 1960;? and a 1984 article for the Bank/IMF periodical, Finance and Development, to commemorate the fortieth anniversary of the Bretton Woods Conference); publications (e.g., a photocopy of Sommers?s ?The World in Ferment,? July-August 1967); newspaper clippings; copies of International Bank Notes; and many more.

This series also contains photographs documenting: World Bank?s B building remodeling in the late 1950s, a British-Egyptian negotiation in 1959 (possibly the Suez Canal negotiations; individuals include Sommers, Eugene Black, and an unidentified Egyptian negotiator), the World Bank's twentieth-anniversary luncheon in 1966 (individuals include John J. McCloy, George D. Woods, Eugene Black, Martin Rosen, etc.), and the Pension Finance Committee in 1985 and 1987 (e.g., John Lowe, John Hagler, etc.).


Series consists of photographs of members of the Commission on International Development created between 1968 and 1969. Photographs include black and white portrait photographs of Chairman Hon. Lester B. Pearson and individual portraits of the seven other Commission members: Sir Edward Boyle, Roberto de Oliveira Campos, C. Douglas Dillon, Dr. Wilfried Guth, Sir W. Arthur Lewis, Robert E. Marjolin and Dr. Saburo Okita. Also included are black and white group photographs of the Commission and color photographs depicting the Commission's visit with Pope Paul VI in 1969.

Commission meetings and regional hearings

Series consists of records documenting the activities and proceedings of the Commission on International Development from the time of its establishment in 1968. The records predominantly cover the years 1968 to 1969 apart from a regional hearing file dating 1970. The Commission met four times to decide the direction of the staff's work, to make decisions about the ideas and conclusions on international development issues, and to write their report. Records include correspondence and minutes of Commission meetings held in Mont Gabriel near Montreal (December 16-17, 1968), followed by meetings in Rome (March 1969), Copenhagen (June 1969), and Geneva (August 1969).

There are also records concerning several meetings in Sydney followed by Tokyo in April 1969 between Chairman Pearson, Commission member Dr. Saburo Okita, and ministers, other government officials, and Japanese industrialists. The meetings discussed aid policy, aid activities, and allocation. A meeting with the President of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) spoke about relations with World Bank and United Nations Development Programme, aid tying, and ADB country projects. Records are primarily in the form of meeting summaries with press clippings, memorandum, and copy of a lecture dated 1965 by Professor David C. Corbett regarding Australian aid in south and southeast Asia.

Also included in the series are audio recordings of press conferences and addresses at Commission meetings and regional hearings made by Chairman Pearson and Commission members Okita, Lewis and Guth. Commission press conference recordings cover two of the Commission's four meetings including the first meeting at Mont Gabriel in December 1968 and in Copenhagen in June 1969. Regional hearing press conferences and statements include: Abidjan and Kampala (March 1969), and New Delhi and Singapore (April 1969). The Kampala press conference includes a statement by the President of Uganda, Dr. Milton Obote. There is a single audio reel in French, entitled "La commission internationale de laBanque Mondiale d'aide au developpement."

Commission administration records

The series consists of administrative records related to the establishment and administrative functions of the Commission. Records in the series relate to the Commission's terms of reference, budgeting, personnel recruitment, office services, the use of consultants, requisitions for research materials and supplies, and travel and expenses of Commission members. The records concerning recruitment and consultant contains correspondence between the Commission and external organizations such as Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), United Nations and Overseas Development Institute.

Director and Front Office records

Series consists of records created and maintained by the front office of the Population, Health and Nutrition Division (PHRHN) and predecessor units that date from 1968 to 1992, including the Population Projects Department (PNP) in existence from 1969 to 1972. The records document the activities of the office in overseeing the population, health, nutrition portfolio and strategy, directing the research and policy work of the department, and managing the Bank's relationship with external partners in the sector. Records cover the tenure of the following directors: Dr. Kandiah Kanagaratnam (1969 - 1979); Dr. John R. Evans (1979 - 1983); John D. North (1983 - 1987); and Ann O. Hamilton (1987 - 1993).

The series is primarily comprised of subject files. Types of records within the files include, but are not limited to: internal memoranda between the department, divisions, Bank president, and other Bank departments; incoming and outgoing letters; back-to-office reports; terms of reference; draft and final research study and concept papers; Board and committee meeting records; panel reports; demographic and country briefs; minutes or summaries of meetings; research proposals; copies of journal articles; and external reports.

A large volume of records relate to the department's relationship and collaboration with international organizations, universities and research institutes, national aid agencies, private foundations, and Nongovernment Organizations (NGOs) during the years 1968 - 1983. Organizations include, but are not limited to: American Public Health Association (APHA); United Nations (UN); United Nations Children?s Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and committees; World Health Organization (WHO); Population Reference Bureau; Population Service International; European Economic Community and European Parliament; World Population Society; Harvard University; Ford Foundation; Asian Development Bank; Smithsonian Institute; Rockefeller Foundation; Population Council; and United States Congress. Liaison correspondence details operations between the sector and partners, summaries of meetings, participation in Bank missions, coordination of aid and perspective investments in countries, comments on papers, and exchange of information on various health topics. A smaller volume of records relate to the sector's involvement in collaborative disease-prevention programs (1973 - 1983) such as the Onchocerciasis Control Program (OCP, or river blindness) that was administered within the Africa Regional Vice Presidency.

Other records relate to: the work of the external panels and review groups and the Bank's follow-up, such as the 1975 Board-appointed External Advisory Panel on population chaired by Dr. Bernard Berelson; formulation of the 1973 nutrition policy and 1974 health policy; conferences, seminars, lectures, and trainings organized or attended by the Director and staff; population and health lending program; project supervision and disbursement; research and policy papers prepared by the department, such as contraceptive research and development and Kenya health and worker productivity studies; World Development Report (WDR); and specific health topics including public health, environmental health, and HIV/AIDS. The correspondence regarding HIV/AIDS dates from 1986 to 1988, prior to the time when the Bank formed the HIV/AIDS Global Program Unit under the Human Development Network, in 2002. The series also contains two files relating to education and educational projects (1970 - 1980).

Records maintained by Ann O. Hamilton, director, Population and Human Resources Department (PHRDR) who served from 1987 to 1992 include correspondence with the Bank president (1987 - 1992) as well as correspondence and other records related to: the Bellagio Conference of the Task Force on Child Survival (1987 - 1988); FY 1989 and 1990 annual sector review; work program FY 1991; and HIV/AIDS (1988).

Series also contains records maintained by Dr. Anthony R. Measham from 1981 to 1987 while he served as public health specialist, PHND3 (1982 - 1984) followed by health adviser in the director's office (April 1984 to May 1988) prior to becoming division chief, PHRHN 1988 - 1992. Measham's records primarily relate to his economic research and involvement in external partnerships in the health sector as well as participation in conferences, seminars, and workshops. Records include: internal memoranda; letters; cables; reports and studies authored by Meashamand others; briefing notes; conference press kit as well as draft conference program, workshop proposal, and participants list; and minutes of meetings of the Task Force for Child Survival on which Measham served as the Bank representative. Memoranda is mainly between Measham and PHN divisions, and correspondence is with colleagues external to the Bank such as task force representatives, some letters detailing the Bank's support and views. Specific topics covered in the files include Tobacco Working Group,maternal mortality, WHO programs and strategy, health sector survey, and the first Safe Motherhood conference in February 1987. Measham and Division Chief Barbara Herz, Women in Development (PHRWD), participated in coordinating Safe Motherhood conference donors, participants, and prepared papers to be presented at the conference. The conference was followed by Measham and Herz's World Bank Discussion Paper publication The Safe Motherhood Initiative: Proposals for Action no. WDP 9, published in May 1987. There are also records related to Measham's recruitment and management of staff and consultants. The health sector survey file contains material in Chinese such as surveys and research data regarding hospital costs.

Also included in the series are several correspondence files (1974 - 1986) authored by department senior management and advisers that were originally sent to the Non-Regional Information Center (NRIC) and arranged under the Bank-wide classification. Files are titled 'health', 'population', 'nutrition', 'external advisory panel', and 'general' and include mostly memoranda and letters that cover the various sector activities such as policy work, research, review of projects, and partnerships. Much of the correspondence is between director and division chiefs, and Operations Vice Presidency (VPOPS) and some is with external agencies, mostly within the United Nations family. Reports, discussion papers, and guidelines are occasionally filed with the correspondence.

A small volume of records in the series relate to the management of the division, work plan, 1975 relocation of the nutrition division, management team meeting minutes (1987 - 1990), and involvement in the Board of Governors Annual Meetings.

Memoranda, notes, and press articles

This series contains various record types: draft memos; correspondence (e.g., from Clark to World Bank President George D. Woods; from Lars J. Lind to Clark); drafts of speeches; press articles; notes on meetings and conversations (e.g., Clark?s notes on his conversation with Willy Brandt and Egon Bahr on January 18, 1977; Clark?s notes on McNamara?s conversation with Willy Brandt on March 7, 1979); drafts of professional memoir; a survey on major international conferences and resolutions on development issues in the 1970s; a press release about the ?Delhi Announcement on Brandt Commission;? a copy of Willy Brandt?s opening address on December 9, 1977; and many more. Records in this series cover a broad range of topics, including Clark?s travel schedule between 1968 and 1980; Clark?s thoughts on the type of job he wanted to do at the World Bank Group (e.g., to be involved in discussions about the future of the Indian Consortium); Clark?s notes on World Bank policies; relations with the United Nations; development issues; public support strategies for the Bank Group; the Pearson and Brandt Commissions that studied development issues during the McNamara years; Clark's and McNamara's appointment to the World Bank; and the development of Clark's memoirs.

Latin America and Caribbean Projects Department (LCP) chronological files

Series includes Jennings' chronological files relating to his work as assistant director in the Latin America and Caribbean Projects Department (LCP). Records include memoranda related to: training; staffing; departmental budget; the implementation of the Performance, Planning, and Review (PPR) system in the Latin America and Caribbean (LCR) Vice Presidency; procurement procedures; LCR project implementation reviews; and oversight of sector departments reporting to LCP director S. M. L. van der Meer. Chronological file also includes numerous informal "Notes" to Bank colleagues.

Board of Directors support and reference

Series consists of records related to the functions of the Board of Executive Directors of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), International Development Association (IDA), and International Finance Corporation (IFC) that were maintained in the Bank's centralized filing system since 1946, originally General Files, then Central Files. The centralized records originated primarily from Secretary's Department as well as the Office of the President. As described in the archival history section, Secretary's Department is the custodian of Board of Directors records and proceedings but distributed certain correspondence and related documents to the Central Files while maintaining its own official files.

Records in this series include general correspondence files (1947 - 1977) concerning IBRD composition of standing committees, statements of directors, board schedules, procedural issues, information on monthly reports, and routine administrative matters. Correspondence is occasionally filed with related Board reports. While the IDA general correspondence file (1960 - 1966) is sparse, the more substantive general correspondence files for IFC (1956 - 1967) contain draft and issued Board reports regarding country membership and rules of procedure, memoranda concerning routine announcements and amendments to rules of procedure, directors' membership, formation of the IFC Board, statements and meeting summary of the IFC Directors, and investment processes. The IFC general correspondence file also contains the Rules of Procedure and By-laws booklets (1956). Individual correspondence files (1947 - 1971) consist of internal memoranda, outgoing cables and letters, and original letters primarily to and from the Bank president, secretary, and government officials regarding appointments and resignations of directors and alternates, their travel, and other administrative issues. Some individual files occasionally include the director's biographical statement.

There are also cables, memoranda, and Board reports relating to elections (1950 - 1971) and salaries and expenses (1948 - 1971), the latter which includes the report of the Board of Governors Ad Hoc Committee to consider provisions of the Articles of Agreement and By-laws relating to duties and renumeration of executive directors (1949 - 1950).

The series also includes meeting correspondence (1950 - 1971), agenda for IBRD and IDA executive director meetings (1966 - 1974), minutes of some IBRD, IDA, and IFC executive director meetings (1966 - 1974) including IFC directors' 1956 first meetings, IBRD special meetings minutes (1964), summaries, and IBRD, IDA, and IFC resolutions (1967 - 1971).

The series also includes a small volume of records relating to: the establishment and proceedings of the Bank Committee on Directors' Administrative Matters (CODAM, 1967 - 1971); agreement and administration of the Bank-Fund Executive Directors' Library (1968 - 1971); establishment of the Joint Audit Committee of the Executive Directors (1969 - 1971); and revisions of the Operational Policy Manual including the section on aid coordination and well as the approach paper on aid coordination (1970 - 1971).

Operations policy and procedures

Series consists of records related to the formulation of policies, guidelines, standards, and advisory support for lending, economic sector work, and other operations of the International Bank for Reconstruction of Development (IBRD), International Finance Corporation (IFC), and International Development Association (IDA) that were maintained in the centralized files. Records date from 1946 to 1986. There are no records from 1987 in this series, likely because files were handed over to the functional departments following the closure of the NRIC in July 1987. The offices and non-regional departments whose records were centralized over time and are represented most prominently in this series include, but are not limited to: Office of the President and Vice President; Treasurer's Department; Office of the Controller; Research, later Economic Department (years of operation between 1946 - 1952); Technical Operations and divisions (1952 - 1965) and its successors Projects Department (1965 - 1972), Central Projects Staff (1972 - 1982), and Operations Policy Vice Presidency (1982 - 1986); Technical Assistance and Liaison Department (1951 - 1967) and successor, Development Services (1967 - 1973).

Records comprising the series include internal memoranda, incoming and outgoing letters, cables, copies of Board records and committee documents, legal document drafts, concept and strategy papers, external reports, summaries, minutes or excerpts of senior staff and other department or external meetings, and published articles and press clippings. Back-to-office reports and Terms of Reference are often in the form of internal memoranda.

Development and debt policy

A significant volume of records relate to general development and foreign aid policy, strategy, and activities for developing countries. Records cover the period 1947 to 1977 and contain internal memoranda and Bank-produced reports or comments on reports on development including the Tinbergen Report (1953 - 1958), Horowitz Proposal (1964 - 1968), Machado proposal (1963 - 1968), and an article by Hollis B. Chenery entitled "Effectiveness of Foreign Assistance". Also contains original letters sent to and from Presidents Woods and McNamara, and memoranda between the president, vice president, president's Economic Advisor Irving Friedman, with directors or advisors of Economic Department, Development Services, Area Departments, general counsel of the Legal Department, and IFC. There is correspondence regarding President Woods' proposal for a grand assize on development assistance and responses from government officials, and correspondence related to the Bank's support to the Commission on International Development (or Pearson Commission) formed in 1968 at President McNamara's request. There is also correspondence to and from McNamara and senior Bank staff following the Pearson Commission's findings as well as proceedings of the Bank's Committee of the Whole on Pearson Commission Recommendations. Other development topics covered are: development finance trends and outlook; Bank's role as aid coordinator; coordination of bilateral project financing; multilateral financing; Bank study of aid results; use of leverage in development aid; land reform; and the Brandt Commission (1976 - 1983) also known as the Independent Commission on International Development Issues. Development correspondence is often filed together with external reports, copies of Economic Committee papers, published articles and press clippings, and excerpts of senior staff meetings.

Series also includes correspondence, reports, and other documents relating to the Bank's policy on indebtedness (1947 - 1977), debt information compiled for the Annual Report, communication with regional development banks on joint debt, and the Foreign Bondholders Council (1946 - 1971).

IDA operational policy and procedures

The series contains a set of IDA general operational policy and procedure files (1960 - 1971) and files regarding credit regulation, creditworthiness, and Statements of Credits (1966 - 1968). General IDA policy files include reports from the Staff Loan Committee, Board of Directors meetings, IDA Financial Policy committee, and a draft of the Report of the Working Group on IDA policies by Benjamin B. King (1968). Other records concerning IDA policy and guidelines are found throughout this series filed according to the subject matter.

Lending and non-lending policy and procedures

A large volume of records comprising this series relate to IBRD, IFC, and IDA lending policy (1948 - 1986) including specific topics such as: loan regulations and agreements; loan administrative reports; procedures for handling loan applications; lending forecasts including Five-Year Program; structural adjustment lending; Special Project Preparation Facility; Third Window loans; cancellation of loans and credits; and consultative and negative pledge clauses in loan agreements. There are also files on colonial lending (1948 - 1952), effective date, determination of loan grace periods, and amortization payment and maturity.

The series also contains records related to the Bank's technical assistance function from 1946 to 1977 and includes material on the UN Technical Assistance Board, correspondence with technical research institutes and training centers, and quarterly reports.

Project policy and procedures

A sizable portion of records also relate to the development of standards and policy surrounding Bank projects (1946 - 1977) such as appraisal of proposed projects, preparation and costs of projects, supervision of Bank and IDA project loans, project monitoring and identification of problem projects, performance audit reports, and origin of supply particularly for civil works projects.

Also included are records related to the creation, development, and review of Bank Group-wide and divisional procurement and consultant policies (1947 - 1986). Procurement policy issues and advice cover topics such as: assistance to borrowers in procuring materials needed for a project; contract bidding; selection of consultants; sector project contracts; review visits and discussions with governments; and comments on Bank procurement guidelines.

Specific files regarding consultants and contractors selected for Bank projects include correspondence on bidding, bonds, contractual arrangements, and international industry federations. There are also contractor files for certain member countries as well as the 1956 Colquhoun consultancy report.

Mission policy and procedures

Mission files comprising the series (1947 - 1971) relate to the establishment, administration, and functions of economic and sector missions, project supervision missions, technical assistance missions and special missions undertaken primarily by the Area Departments and Projects Department. Correspondence containing mostly internal memoranda, details practices and procedures for the collection of data and reports, scheduling and staffing for missions, cooperation with United Nations other international organizations and financial support of missions, and country updates. Memoranda is occasionally attached to lists of missions, tables with comparative data, Economic Committee reports on missions, and excerpts of senior staff meetings. Also includes a 1947 report on European missions and description of proposed missions. There are a portion of files (1972 - 1974) containing cables and outgoing letters drafted by the Projects Department and its sectors, mostly pertaining to administrative arrangements for missions and meetings and occasionally mission follow up discussions.Also included are correspondence and reports from the Bank's resident offices and missions (1947 - 1968).

Operational committees, working groups, task forces, and meetings

Series also contains the centralized records related to the practices, procedures, composition, and functions of the Bank's committees, working groups, and task forces concerned with operations. Includes memoranda, agenda, minutes, or reports of the Loan Committee (1946 - 1971), Economic Committee (1953 - 1968), Statutory Loan Committee (1947 - 1968), Financial Policy Committee (1949 - 1967), Technical Assistance Committee (1961 - 1964), Committee on Development Projects and Prospects (1975 - 1977), Operational Policy Subcommittee (1982), Advisory Panel on Bank Operations (1966 - 1968) and Working Parties on Financial Aspects of Development Assistance (DAC, 1969 - 1971). The functions of the Technical Assistance Committee that was established in 1961 under the chairmanship of the director of Development Services to review proposals forBank/IDA technical assistance were taken over in 1964 by the Loan Committee. Loan Committee records document committee deliberations, function, structure of meetings, designation of officers, drafting of Operational Memoranda, and subjects for discussion presented by Bank staff. Among the committee records are also files related to senior staff meetings (1963 - 1968).

External aid coordination

The series also contains records concerning the development and implementation of policy and strategies for co-financing covering the period 1975 to 1986 including joint and parallel financing. Records also cover development aid coordination with bilateral and multilateral organizations, aid untying, and guidelines and procedures related to consortia and consultative aid groups sponsored by the Bank (1971 - 1980). Also contains correspondence and documents related to the Consultative Group on Food Production and Investment in Developing Countries (CGFPI, 1974 to 1977).

Arbitration policy and procedures

Arbitration records in the series (1960 - 1971) concern policy and practices for the settlement of differences between member country clients, consultants, contractors, and manufacturers involved in Bank projects. Included is correspondence sent and received primarily by IBRD general counsel and staff and occasionally from operations or sector departments. There is also material concerning the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes (SID), and the establishment of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) including summary of meeting proceedings (1964 - 1968).

Finance policy and procedures

Financial audit records in the centralized files were primarily created by Treasurer's Department, Office of the Controller, Technical Operations Department, its sector divisions, and successors and relate to external auditing of Bank and IDA borrowers accounts by independent and corporate auditors. Letters and cables to and from government officials, companies, and private banks provide information on balances of loans and loan details, and internal memoranda outlines countries with project loans and contains arrangements and reviews of accounting practices of industrial borrowers.

Records related to the Bank's policy on investment were created between 1950 - 1973 and covers the advancement and protection of private and foreign investments, guarantees, insurance, and the Symington Plan (1953 - 1957). There is also correspondence with international investment institutions and memoranda from Shirley E. Boskey, policy planning officer and senior policy planning advisor in the Development Services Department, concerning the Working Party on International Investment Guarantees.

Portfolio sales and participation records in the series (1947 - 1968) include memoranda to and from Legal and Treasurer's Departments and the Office of the President including President Black. There are also letters, cables, and other material related to the sales of bonds received under loan agreements and participation by outsiders in loans. Includes approvals for borrowing filed by country, certificates of investment, exchange transfers, and statements of borrowers' obligations. Also includes correspondence relating to the Ford Foundation participation (1956 - 1962), German purchasers, and transactions handled by the Bank's New York and Paris Offices.

Development banks and development finance companies

Several files in the series relate to development banks and development finance companies (1951 - 1978) including Bank Group meetings with regional development banks and development finance companies. Other records relate to IFC's appointment of directors to the boards of development banks and of finance companies in which IFC is a shareholder. There are also a few files regarding the Conference of Development Finance Companies (1965 - 1971).

Operations administration

Series contains records concerning Bank operations administration from as early as 1946 and departments' status of projects, reports to andfrom department heads, country assignments, schedules of operations, operational vice president meetings (1978 - 1986), operations evaluation system (1975 - 1977), and operations evaluation reports including the annual report (1978 - 1983). There are also records related to the preparation of Board reports and working papers such as Future Role of the Bank (1977), Possible Improvements in Techniques of Lending - A Study by the Staff of the World Bank (1970), and a review of Bank experience with proposals for the future (1969). Two general reports files (1975 - 1977) relate to the distribution, format, quality of various reports proposals and standards for the president's report, appraisal report, economic and sector reports, annual report, and drafting of confidentiality agreement of contractors regarding Bank records.

The series also includes correspondence and other records related to policies, practices, and preparation for Bank Group operational reports and statements including: Monthly Operational Summary of Bank and IDA projects (1955 - 1971); Semi-Monthly Operational Report to the Executive Directors on Bank and IDA Operations (1967 - 1971); IFC Monthly Report (1966 - 1968); Statement of Loans (1952 - 1976); Status of Loans (1954 - 1970); Statement of Credits (1969 - 1975); World Tables (1969 - 1976); Country Data and Economic Indicators, Country Economic Brief and Country Program Papers (1969 - 1985).

There is also material concerning the planning and preparation of the Bank's operational directives including the Operational Memorandum and Manual (1952- 1986), Central Projects Notes and Operational Policy Note (1981 - 1986) and Projects Department Director's Memoranda (1969 - 1971).

Fellowship and training files in this series (1969 - 1971) primarily originated in the Projects Department and its sectors, particularly the Education Sector, and contain mostly internal memoranda and cables related to: administrative arrangements of member country trainees for operational projects also known as manpower trainees; nominations of trainees; proposed training for Projects Department professional staff; trainee and fellowship recipient reports; and comments on a draft manual on an "overseas" training program.

Membership files

Series contains records maintained in Central Files and semi-centralized filing stations from 1946 until 1977 that relate to membership of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), International Finance Corporation (IFC), and International Development Association (IDA). The records originated in the departments and offices whose files were centralized over a period of time including, but are not limited to: Offices of the President and Vice President; Treasurer's Department and its Cashier's Division; Office of the Controller; Legal Department; and others. Records also originated from the Secretary's Department responsible for coordinating the membership process. The department distributed certain correspondence and related documents to the Central Files while likely maintaining its own official files.

Records include internal memoranda, letters, cables, drafts and final Board resolutions, Secretary's memoranda, financial statements, handwritten notes, press releases, press clippings, external reports, national legislation documents, and other records. Informal meeting notes and summaries of discussion during visits to countries are in the form of internal memoranda. There are also summaries of annual meeting discussions between regional staff with delegations prepared as internal memoranda. Letters are primarily between the Bank president, vice president, Secretary's or Treasurer's Departments and government officials such as ministers, central bank authorities, and ambassadors.

Individual country membership files were separately maintained for IBRD, IFC, and IDA. The files document early discussions of membership, changes in membership status, and occasionally refers to the political situation of the country interested in membership.

Within the IBRD membership records (1946 - 1977), country files are subdivided into membership, capital, depository, governors and alternates, and withdrawals of membership for certain countries. Correspondence specifically relates to: notifications of interest or intention for membership; acknowledgement of applications and updates on membership process; opening and closing of accounts; payments of contributions by central banks; revaluations and devaluations of contributions; problems of interest due and unpaid subscriptions; bearing demands; audit and policy questions; monthly statements of transactions; procedures for maintenance of accounts in the name of IBRD; and adjustments of loans.

IFC country membership files (1954 - 1971) contain correspondence regarding background material for Bank/IFC/International Monetary Fund membership, discussions on projects financed by IFC, payments required from each country on its pending capital subscription to IFC, statements showing the balance of accounts, IFC loans, and a file concerning United States budget contribution to IFC. There is a smaller volume of files related to general IFC membership matters, IFC capital, and replenishment resources. General membership correspondence covers issues such as pending increases in member's capital subscriptions, holdings of non-convertible currencies in member countries as of June 1971 and matters relating to China's membership. Other files concern IFC capital stock and capital increase, subscriptions of member countries, replenishment of IFC capital, correspondence from IBRD to IFC concerning the use of Bank funds loaned to IFC, financial statements, schedules of projected subscriptions adjustments of IFC capital subscription. IFC replenishment resourcesfiles include correspondence documenting IFC needs for additional loan, increase of IFC equity resources, or capital stock, and new projection capital invested in equities.

IDA membership correspondence (1960 - 1977) concerns requests for the maintenance of accounts, additional subscriptions under IDA replenishment resources and payment process, requests for opening accounts in IDA books, balance of accounts, and maintenance of value due on initial subscription.

Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research planning files

Series contains records documenting the origins and first year of operation of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) that were maintained by Central Files and created primarily by the Development Services Department (DSD) between 1969 and 1971. A single item dated 1968 is a copy of the by-laws of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. Co-sponsored by the World Bank Group, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), CGIAR was established in May 1971 as an informal association of countries, international development agencies, and private foundations to support a network of international agricultural research centers.

Records in this series consist mostly of correspondence between Bank staff assigned responsibility for implementing proposals for CGIAR including DSD Director Richard H. Demuth and Arie Kruithoff and their counterparts at the Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the individual research institutes to be financed through CGIAR, and senior managers of the Bank principally Warren C. Baum and Vice President, Operations J. Burke Knapp. A smaller volume of correspondence is from L.J.C. Evans of the Bank's Agriculture Projects Department, concerning agricultural research summary of meetings.

Other records included in the series are summaries of meetings of agricultural research institutes including the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, speeches, and study papers and reports produced by the initial agricultural research institutes funded by CGIAR including annual and financial reports. The series also consists of a set of documents on the first meeting of the CGIAR held in January 1971.

Report preparation and President's memoranda

Series consists of records related to the preparation, publication, and follow up of the Commission's final report, titled "Partners in Development" issued in September 1969. The series includes: draft outlines of the report produced in 1968 and 1969 including an outline prepared by Chairman Pearson; internal memoranda regarding comments on the report outline and discussion about content between Commission Executive Secretary Edward K. Hamilton, Deputy Executive Secretary Ernest Stern, other Commission staff, and World Bank staff; preliminary drafts and final version of the Commission's report; and correspondence pertaining to the report's publication. Also included in the series is World Bank President's Memoranda on Report Recommendations, the 1970 official Bank response to the findings of the Commission initiated by President Robert S. McNamara.

Administration and organization

Series consists of records related to the internal administration and organization of the International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and International Development Association (IDA) maintained in the centralized filing system from 1946 to 1980. Records related to the International Finance Corporation (IFC) are less voluminous and were created between 1956 and 1974.

Records originated in the departments and offices whose files were centralized over time including, but not limited to: Administration; Organization and Planning; Development Services Department; Controller's Department; Program and Budgeting; Information Solutions; and the Office of the President and Office of the Vice President whose files were centralized until 1968. Although Secretary's Department records were considered specialized according to the Administration Manual and were decentralized beginning from 1947, there is a significant volume of correspondence between the Secretary's Department and other centralized departments in this series. The types of records comprising the series include internal memoranda occasionally filed with accompanying Board or committee reports and other internal reports and drafts, as well as cables, incoming and outgoing letters, minutes of meetings and proceedings, copies and drafts of contracts and agreements, press releases, press clippings, external reports and articles, and architectural plans and drawings.

The series contains records related to the organization and procedures of theBank as well as the establishment of its departments and subordinate offices. A small volume of files related to the President's Office and Vice President's Office (1947 - 1971) document general and personal activities and congratulatory letters, as well as two files regarding the organization of the President's Council (1969 - 1968) and subjects for discussion at the council meetings, together with organizational charts and bulletins. The records also document Bank-wide reorganizations as well as work programs, budgets, staffing requirements, internal relations, and activity reports of various Bank departments and divisions from 1946 to the 1970s including: Administration, Economic Department, Loan Department, Legal Department, Development Services and its successor Information and Public Affairs, Technical Operations and its successor Projects Department, Programming and Budgeting, Technical Assistance and Planning Staff, Secretary's, and Treasurer's. Several files relate to the organization of the Bank's early economic research program as well as meeting summaries and monthly progress reports of the Loan Department and Economic Department and its' sector division staff. These department files mostly contain memoranda that is occasionally attached to administrative circulars announcing staffing assignments and organizational changes, press clippings, or other records. A few files in the series relate to Economic Development Institute (EDI) administration, inquiries, and library project (1969 - 1971). Field offices files document administrative procedures for the setting-up and operations of offices. Correspondence is mostly between the Bank's representatives or field office staff, and senior management and staff at headquarters. The more substantive letters in the representative files describe the economic situation in the countries. Field offices files include the following record date ranges: Paris Office, also referred to as the European Office, first opened in Europe (1947 - 1979), New York (1947 - 1971), Beirut (1952 - 1954), London (1956 - 1979), Geneva (1965 - 1968), Copenhagen (1969 - 1971), and Treasurer Department's various offices in Europe (1947 - 1949). A small number of resident mission files (1969 - 1980) mostly relate to the offices' functions, leasing of premises, and other administrative matters.

Other records in the series document policies and operations of the Bank's administrative and support services such as: records management and the maintenance and disposition of World Bank records and official documents; Joint Library and Legal Library; internal audit; translation and document printing services; communications; the use of devices and computers; and data processing.

Series also contains records related to the Articles of Agreement and By-Laws of IBRD and IDA (1946 - 1971). Included are: internal memoranda; cables; copies of the Articles including in French and Spanish; printed by-laws; drafts and official Board documents and decisions; reports of the Committee on Interpretations and Committee on Procedure; and correspondence concerning the interpretation and amendments of these instruments as well as the IFC Articles of Agreement and Charter; and voting of countries on the articles and by-laws. Other files concern the IBRD, IDA, and IFC budget (1948 - 1971) language (1950 - 1968), and seals (1956 - 1965).

There are records such as internal memoranda and reports, United Nations resolutions and minutes, UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) reports, press clippings, and speeches related to the history and inauguration of IFC (1956 - 1974), history of the Bank, and history projects such as the Brookings Institution publication and oral history planning (1942, 1944, 1947 - 1974). There is a single file related to the origin of IDA, labeled as General Counsel "Mr. Sommers' working file on IDA" including legislation, summaries of President Black's meetings, statements of Board of Governors, and country member notes on the IDA proposal (1959 - 1960). Also included is a list of bibliographic sources from pre-Bretton Woods period. The 1942 and 1944 documents are copies of outlines and draft "Proposal for a Bank of Reconstruction and Development of the United and Associated Nations" by the United States Treasury research department. Also includes correspondence regarding the planning of anniversary celebrations (1956 - 1971), draft statements, and press coverage booklets of the tenth and twentieth anniversaries of IBRD (1966).

Donations and organizational membership records in the series (1956 - 1968) relate to policy discussion about Bank financial contributions to international and local institutions, professional societies, as well as club memberships and membership dues.

Series also contains records of various Bank meetings and the functions and procedures of committees beginning from 1946 to 1977. Includes correspondence and minutes of professional staff meetings (1951 - 1968), senior staff meetings (1969 - 1971), department heads meetings outside of Washington, or "lost weekends" (1952 - 1968), Administration Department staff meetings (1947 - 1968), and other department meetings (1966 - 1968). Committee records include minutes or reports of: the Board Committee on Administration and Administrative Policy (1946 - 1957); Board Committee on Interpretation and Procedure (1946 - 1949); Joint Bank-Fund Committee on Integrated Services and Functions (1949 -1953); Joint Library Committee (1946 - 1947); Committee on Bank Organization (1952); Committee on Staff Utilization (1955); PublicationsCommittee (1969 - 1971); and others.

The series contains a substantial volume of records concerning the preparation and amendment of directives and manuals that set out the policies, procedures, and standards for the overall management and administration of the World Bank from 1946. Includes correspondence and statements regarding the preparation of the Administrative Manual, Organizational Bulletin and Policies and Procedures Statements (1947 - 1966), IFC Administrative Manual (1956 - 1966), Basic Documents Manual (1961 - 1971), and Organizational Manual (1966 -1971). There are also sets of the Administrative Order and Information Circular (1946 - 1947), Administrative Circulars (1947 - 1974) and Weekly Bulletins (1965 - 1971), and related memoranda. The Weekly Bulletins replaced the Information Bulletin in December 1952 and were prepared successively by the Administrative Planning Division, the Organization and Procedures Division (1970), the Administrative Services Department's Document Services Division (1972), and Information and Public Affairs (1973). There are also copies of the Development Services Department newsletter (1969 - 1971).

The series contains memoranda and other records concerning agreements (1949 - 1975) of an administrative nature such as cost-sharing between IBRD and IDA, Bank and IFC, and between the Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF). Other agreements pertain to library services of the Joint Library and the Legal Library, United Nations and the Bank, and leasing of space and office rentals. There are also records related to authorized signatures for written instruments.

Series contains correspondence, copies of contracts, building and floor plans, technical drawings, and other records relating to the acquisition, construction, and maintenance of World Bank Group buildings and management of premises in Washington, Paris, London, and New York (1949 - 1977). There are several files documenting the construction of the Bank "D" building at 1809 G Street, Washington. Also included are New York office plans dated 1963 and reproductions of 1937 plans.

Series also contains records related to Bank assets such as vehicles and apartments and facilities for Economic Development Institute (EDI) participation, insurance coverage of buildings and vehicles, as well as other administrative files on office services, conference rooms and cafeterias, maintenance contracts, office space and security, parking facilities, and the creation of the Bank-Fund Credit Union.

There are also records related to general staff services and policies, financial assistance, privileges and immunities, taxation including Bank staff exemptions, travel policy and travel services, retirement plan, staff health and welfare, insurance coverage, and the Staff Association. Includes privileges and immunities files for IFC (1955 - 1968). Other files deal with contributions to charity, allowances for official entertainment, and policy regarding the acceptance of gifts, civil defense, and other matters.

Series also contains a small portion of reports, correspondence, and other records relating to varied topics including: studies of the Bank's organization and procedures conducted by General Counsel Davidson Sommers (1962 - 1966) and Vice President Mohamed Shoaib's Study Committee (1966 - 1967); the Bank's involvement in the establishment of the Washington International School (1969 - 1971); public relations (1972 - 1974); and copy of the report "The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 1946 - 1953".

Budget management

Series consists of records maintained by the front office of the Education Team of the Human Development Network (HDNED) related to fiscal year business planning and reviews in preparation for budget allocation and monitoring. Business plans were developed by the sector director and advisers and were subsequently endorsed by the Education Sector Board on which the director served as chair. Records were predominantly created between 1997 and 2001 by Directors Maris O'Rourke and Ruth Kagia and other senior staff including Bruno LaPorte, Jamil Salmi, and Sukai Prom-Jackson. The records provide contextual information about the organization of HDNED teams, the sector's thematic activities, strategic objectives, support to Bank regions, partnerships, spending, and lending.

Record types within the series include memoranda, hard copy emails, budget sheets, staffing lists, cost and expenditure tables, guidelines, hard copy presentation slides, HDN issues notes, and draft and final reports concerning the sector'sbusiness plans, mid-term review of work programs, and retrospective reviews. These records, particularly the reports that are in table form, detail the sector's various work programs, such as early childhood education, under which the program's various themes, activities, projects and outcomes, and regions of focus are outlined.

Correspondence is between HDNED director or other senior staff and the Human Development Network Vice Presidency (HDNVP), Human Development Network Operations (HDNOP), and Strategy, Finance, Risk and Resource Management (SFRRM) regarding the planning process and budget matters, and allocation of funds to the regions and HD anchor.

Series also includes a file from 2004 containing records related to global partnerships and programs, specifically preparation of the Development Grant Facility (DGF) work program, budget, and Global Program and Partnerships (GPP) portfolio review. Among the records are a hard copy presentation on DGF and proposed DGF budget FY05 to executive directors, hard copy emails attached to DGF summary information with budget requests and allocations, DGF work program task outlines, draft report, and DGF Council correspondence and reports on allocations for HDN. Correspondence is mainly between HDNED staff and DGF manager.

Chronological files

The series contains chronological records created by the Industry and Energy Department (IEN) and its subordinate units and predecessors, including those forwarded to the IISC.

Many of the files maintained in the IISC are thin, some containing a single piece of correspondence. The IISC presumably implemented a file classification system that organized files by the creator unit code indicated on the physical folders. Files were subsequently titled by country, subject, or less frequently, general. Countryfiles are secondarily labeled as subsector (energy, power, gas, oil, etc.), by project title and loan or credit number, or general. The unit codes identify the correspondence as sent and received by the following: IEN DR (Office of the Director), IEN ED (Energy Development Division), IEN EP (Energy Policy and Strategy Division), IEN OG (Oil and Gas Division). The chronological files also include correspondence regarding the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) when the program was carried out by IEN divisions in the 1980s and when ESMAP operated independently from IEN between 1991 and 1992. ESMAP-related files are organized within the folders of the responsible IEN units designated by the above-mentioned unit code.

There is also a set of IEN general chronological files (1987, 1992 - 1996, predominant 1994 - 1995) that includes correspondence of various IEN units and their activities including Industry and Mining (IENIM), Telecommunications and Informatics (IENTI), and others. This set is organized chronologically by year.

Correspondence consists of outgoing internal memoranda, letters, hard copies of All-in-1 messages, facsimiles, telexes, and attachments. Much of the correspondence is between division staff, and with regional technical units. Other letters, facsimiles, or telexes are addressed to consultants, United Nations agency officials, and other development partners involved in projects or other collaborative activities.

A large portion of the files relate to ESMAP activities carried out by IEN departments, including assessment missions, project reconnaissance and identification missions, pre-investment studies and ESMAP program liaison with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). UNDP files are physically labeled with the alphanumeric project numbers. UNDP files consist of correspondence with the UNDP Division for Global and Interregional Projects, UNDP resident representative, or Bank regional staff related to ESMAP country assessment mission staffing and arrangements including with consultants, bilateral donor trust fund contributions, funding of assessments, comments on reports, knowledge and learning activities, project issues, and project meeting summaries also involving regional staff. Specific topics include household energy, fuelwood pre-investment studies, Arun Hydroelectric Project, coal conversion, coal energy efficiency and specifically in the tobacco and tea industries, energy efficiency and pollution control, national sector power development, natural gas development and import, energy planning and management, and others.

There are also files related to: Bank lending projects including energy efficiency and conservation; gas flaring reduction; gas pipelines and urban transport; environmental management; Bank and IEN reorganizations; work program; budget; special grants and donors; conferences and workshops; dissemination and training; policies and procedures of energy units and products; and local committee files which relate to sector board minutes and correspondence and other IEN committees and working groups. Notable individual files relate to the 1993 Oil and Gas Division, Industry and Energy Department (IENOG) reorganization, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), Overseas Development Institute (ODI), and national development agencies.

The record types occasionally filed with the correspondence include: back-to-office reports; mission and consultant Terms of Reference (TORs); ESMAP Activity Initiation Briefs (AIBs) authored by energy sector units; ESMAP final draft (yellow cover) review reports; ESMAP conference reports; conference or training seminar agenda; draft and final aide-memoires detailing summary of issues and recommendations; post-mission issues papers; project status reports; revised and final budget sheets; proposals; and Bank technical reports.

The series also contains incoming and outgoing correspondence (1987 - 1990), mainly telexes and facsimiles, that were predominantly created and received by the Energy Efficiency and Strategy Unit (IENEE), Household Efficiency Unit (IENHE), and successor units including Energy Department (EGY) units. These records largely reflect ESMAP activities and include correspondence with government ministries, bilateral and multilateral donors, Bank resident offices, and UNDP officials regarding matters such as: ESMAP projects; notification of submission of studies or reports; notification and status of assessment missions and follow up plan; status of UNDP-financed projects and UNDP contributions to energy assessments; financial contributions from donors; donor representatives participation in workshops; status requests from consultancy agencies; meeting arrangements; and routine administrative matters.

UNDP/World Bank Energy Sector Programs management and donor coordination

Series consists of records related to the management of the joint United Nations Development Programme / World Bank Energy Sector Assessment Program (EAP) and the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP). The Bank's Energy Department (EGY) was the executing agency of both the EAP technical assistance program (in existence from 1980 to 1987) and ESMAP, created in April 1983 as a companion to EAP to follow up on energy assessments. Records in the series were created by the Office of the Energy Director (EGYDR) and Office of the ESMAP Manager (ESMMR), positions that were merged after the January 1993 reorganization. Records in the series were also maintained by EGY divisions and successor units. The body of records reflects liaison activities with EAP and ESMAP cosponsor UNDP, organization of ESMAP donor annual meetings, donor coordination, fundraising, and ESMAP governance.

Donor coordination

A substantial portion of records in the series concerns relations with donors, financial contributions, and cofinancing (1981 - 1997) for EAP and ESMAP activities. Donor files represent the energy units' liaison with government development agencies of Australia, Austria, Canada, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Finland, France, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, United Kingdom, and the United States. Multilateral donor coordination files include African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, Commission of European Communities (EEC), International Labor Organization, and Nordic Development Bank. A small set of records (1994 - 2005) related to the management of ESMAP trust funds indicate the trust fund number and/or Bank project number and are organized by government donor, then name of the specific ESMAP project financed.

Internal memoranda are primarily between the Bank's energy divisions (Energy Strategy and Pre-Investment Division II [EGYS2], successor Energy Efficiency and Strategy Unit [IENEE] and others) and include Terms of Reference (TORs) and back-to-office reports (BTORs) of donor visits and consultations, summaries of meetings, discussions about financing and cofinancing, funding allotments, proposals for activities, eligible countries for cofinancing, and other matters. Letters and cables between EGY and donors communicate contribution amounts, lists of activities financed or cofinanced, special assignment agreements, recruitment of staff and consultants, and other administrative matters. Other records are occasionally attached to the correspondence including: ESMAP project reports such as Activity Initiation Briefs (AIBs), assessment aide-memoires, financial data tables, project proposals, meeting agenda, Memorandum of Understanding and Letter of Agreement drafts or copies, externally printed material of donor organizations, and reports dating from 1981.

There are also several general donor files (1983 - 1992) and individual files regarding cofinancing (1983 - 1987), Consultants Trust Funds Program (1990 - 1991), ESMAP Financial Committee (1992), Energy Education Donors Conference in Cote d'Ivoire (1990) and Energy Research Donors Meeting (1990).

Liaison and coordination with UNDP

Records in the series also reflect coordination with EAP and ESMAP cosponsor, UNDP through the UNDP Division for Global and Interregional Projects and UNDP regional offices (1984 - 1996). Letters and facsimiles between UNDP and the Energy Assessment Division (EGYEA), later Office of the ESMAP Manager (ESMMR) and other successors, cover various management issues of the joint energy programs, such as the distribution of reports, recruitment of personnel, work program and financial support of ESMAP activities, ESMAP country studies, discussion of bilateral donor contributions, and support of the ESMAP governance bodies. Internal memoranda include summaries of meetings and joint UNDP and donor meetings, BTORs, and ex-post evaluation. Records filed with the correspondence are project proposals and reports, task descriptions, draft MOUs, financial reports, and other items.

Annual ESMAPmeeting coordination

Records also relate to the organization of ESMAP annual consultative meetings (1987 - 1991) that were mostly created by the Energy Strategy, Management and Assessment Division, Industry and Energy Department (IENES) donor relations manager and IEN Director's Office. Included are: draft and final summary of proceedings sent by the director to IEN staff; statements by IEN and UNDP directors; transcripts and aide-memoires for certain meetings; invitations and post-meeting follow up letters to donors and recipient representatives sent by the IEN director; letters, facsimiles, telexes regarding responses of invitees and administrative arrangements for meetings; provisional and final list of participants and agenda; background discussion reports (some authored by UNDP); and internal memoranda in the form of BTORs outlining donor relations manager and IEN senior management missions to ESMAP donor countries and multilateral donors. Other memoranda from IENES donor relations manager to IEN divisions and UNDP outline discussions with donors and multilateral meetings.

The series also contains records related to the ESMAP in the Nineties Commission set up in 1990 and the subsequent formation of a structured governance body in the form of the ESMAP Consultative Group (CG) and the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) in 1991. Files include agenda and minutes of the first meeting of the commission in May 1990 as well as position papers, background material on work program and donors, proposal for the committee, and internal memoranda. Memoranda concerns internal and external peer review, nominations of the Natural Gas Development Unit (IENGU) chief for individuals to serve on the panel, notes for a second commission meeting prepared by IENEE, and meeting preparations.

ESMAP governance relations

ESMAP CG and TAG meeting records were maintained by the executive secretary for the ESMAP secretariat, former donor relations manager, until around 1992 when the executive secretary position was eliminated. They were also kept by ESMAP manager and IEN Office of the Director. CG records (1991 - 1996) include letters of invitation from CG Chair and Vice President V. Rajagopalan and responses with discussion of agenda, reports distributed for meetings, agenda, list of participants, minutes, transcripts, and communiques distributed to ESMAP staff. Technical Advisory Group records (1991 - 1992) relate to planning the inaugural TAG meeting in July 1991 and subsequent meetings and contain draft and final Terms of Referencefor TAG, list of members, agenda, position descriptions, a briefing note on the genesis of ESMAP, and letters from the CG Chair, FDPVP to TAG members with attached meeting documents and pre-meeting notes, and letters from ESMAP Manager, later IEN Director Richard D. Stern regarding involvement in ESMAP activities. Internal memoranda, mostly between Finance and Private Sector Development Vice Presidency (FPD) and IEN, covers topics such as the status of implementation of the commission's recommendations, meeting arrangements, and TAG membership with attached biographical notes and curriculum vitae.

Reports and other program management records

The series also contains a set of ESMAP Annual Reports (1987 - 1997), audit report with related correspondence (1992), evaluation report jointly authored by the governments of Canada and the Netherlands (1988), commission report on ESMAP (1990), and periodic Information and Status Reports (1987 - 1990) that describe current and prospective activities and priorities and provide statistical data.

The series also contains a set of various reports (1984 - 2002) likely collected for reference, including: proceedings and reports of ESMAP workshops and seminars and jointly organized workshops between ESMAP, sector and regional units; final and draft ESMAP country proposal numbered reports; ESMAP technical working papers; Energy Development Information Note reports; Board reports; regional sector unit reports; internal discussion papers on financial and trust fund matters; meeting files; external reports; and reprint of the 1960 International Development Association (IDA) Articles of the Agreement.


This series primarily contains black-and-white and color photographs documenting Martin Rosen's visits to various countries (Korea, Japan, West and East Pakistan, Greece, and India) and International Finance Corporation (IFC) financed projects between the 1950s and 1969. Photographs depict various activities, such as dinner events, visits to the city of Karachi (West Pakistan) and Dacca (East Pakistan), signing of the IFC-FEMSA (Fabrica Espanola Magnetos, S.A.) Agreement in Madrid in February 1962, visits to various corporations in Korea, and many more.

There is also a copy of Hosai Hyuga's Memoir (Watashi No Rirekisho), translated from Japanese to English and published in 1987. The frontispiece has a photograph of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Aldewereld with the author.

Education Sector Board records

Series consists of various records maintained by the Education Sector Board of the Human Development Network (HDN) that was launched in September 1996. The Education Sector Board was one of the first sector boards to operate ahead of the Bank-wide reorganization in July 1997 that created networks to link staff working in the same sectors throughout the Bank.

The sector board was chaired by the sector director of the Human Development Network Education Team (HDNED). Maris O'Rourke was the first to serve in this position (1996 - 2000), followed by Director Ruth Kagia (tenure 2001 - 2008). The board was comprised of staff drawn from the network as well as representatives from the regions, Development Economics Department (DEC), International Finance Corporation (IFC), and World Bank Institute (WBI) and was managed by a sector manager. Accountable to the HDN Council led by the Human Development Network Vice Presidency, the board was supported by a secretariat. Records in the series reflect the responsibilitiesof the board in setting the strategy for the Bank's work in the sector, endorsing business plans and budget, ensuring the regions and anchor perspectives were coordinated, overseeing the outreach and partnerships for the sector, and vetting grant and trust fund proposals for quality, consistency, and prioritization with sector objectives.

A large portion of the series consists of meeting records including minutes, agenda, and reports from 1996 to 2006. There are records for one 1996 meeting held in December and a gap in the meeting records exists between 2004 and 2005. Some of the minutes contain handwritten annotations. Occasionally minutes are filed with copies of correspondence to the Office of the President or HDN Council, conference invitations and agenda, course outlines, draft and final discussion papers, external reports or newsletters, and other items. The minutes reflect discussion and decisions taken on various initiatives and topics such as: special grant proposals; preparation of reports or sector strategy; data and trends presented by sector staff including decline in education lending; external conferences and other events held by partners; quality assurance; Human Development Week event activities; fiscal year business plan and budget; staff training and development; awards programs; Bank reorganization; and various internal administrative matters. The minutes also specify follow-up actions to be taken.

The series also consists of chronological files of the sector board (1995 - 2000, with agap between mid-1998 and 1999), sector manager chronological file (2001 - 2002), and several correspondence and external correspondence files in liaison with the Office of the President (EXC, 2002 - 2005), specifically Wolfensohn (1996 - 1998), executive directors (1996 - 1997), HD Council (1996 - 1997), and the network's predecessor, Human Development Department (HDD) front office (1996 - 1997). The EXC correspondence files contain the incoming correspondence and log sheet with instructions, the response prepared by HDNED director or staff on behalf of the director, and emails between staff regarding draft responses that were sometimes jointly drafted with the input of other Bank units.

Subject files maintained by the sector board (1995 - 1999) also comprise the series. Files contain internal memoranda, external correspondence, and other records that relate to strategy, budget, funding, personnel, knowledge management, communications for the 1997 Human Development Network launch, Evaluation Learning Group, partnerships with external organizations, Development Grant Facility (DGF), and specific sector topics such as distance education and technology. There are also files related to the HDN Council that contain minutes of the HD Council meetings attended by O'Rourke and correspondence outlining directives from the HDD VP for the action of the sector board and regarding the launch of the networks including staffing matters. Correspondence is primarily between O'Rourke and other education sector senior staff such as Jeffrey Waite and Nick Burnett and includes all-in-1 messages and email hard copies, internal memoranda, and facsimiles. The correspondence is occasionally filed with internal reports such as working group and portfolio performance review reports, strategy papers, Terms of Reference, handwritten notes, and various other records.

An additional set of records relate to sector strategy, quality, governance, and partnerships (2000 - 2003). Strategy files contain draft business plans, Terms of Reference,issues notes, sector board minutes, framework or working papers, concept note reports, guidelines, executive summaries, and other reports. Strategic areas include Education for All Fast Track Initiative (EFA-FTI), HIV/AIDS, user fees in primary education, adult basic education, early child development, science and technology, and other themes.

Quality review records maintained by the sector board relate to the Quality Enhancement Review (QER) process for Bank-financed education projects at entry, quality training, and portfolio monitoring. The QER was initiated by the sector board in fiscal year 1999 and organized by the Quality Promotion Team, HDNED, in close collaboration with the Quality Assurance Group (QAG) and the regions. The purpose of the QER was to provide professional advice for country and task teams to enhance the quality and impact of projects and economic sector work (ESW). The files titled "Quality" contain: QER guidelines and overview documents; list of QERs FY2001 to 2003; QER panel roster; Terms of Reference; reports; and email hard copies regarding requests for QER by task team leaders (TTLs) and provision of quality training courses in collaboration between HDNED and Human Development Network, Health, Nutrition and Population Team (HDNHE) and HDNVP. The records pertaining to portfolio monitoring include quarterly reports, FY2002 retrospective report, and email hard copies between HDNED staff Omporn Regel and HDN Operations Officer Hongu Yang from HDNHE Lead Specialist Christopher Walker. Also included are four QER files related to Water and Sanitation and two related to Environment Sector Board QER that were presumably kept as reference.

Grant and trust fund management

Series contains records of the Human Development Network Education Team (HDNED) and previous units related to the management of funds to support global and regional development initiatives. Records document financial support for various education programs under the Bank's Special Grants Program (SPG) as well as the Development Grant Facility (DGF) approved in fiscal year 1998 which later absorbed the SPG. Most records in this series relate to DGF-supported programs. The programs represented in the records were implemented by the Bank's development partners including United Nations agencies, international organizations, bilateral agencies, foundations, and the private sector. DGF programs consisted of: country-level activities; capacity building; knowledge initiatives such as organization of conferences and training; and collective action across countries on education sector priorities.

Partnerships and programs represented in the files include, but are not limited to: World Education Forum for the Education for All (EFA) program; United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Institute for Statistics (UIS) program of education statistics to monitor country-level progress towards EFA goals; Global Development Network (GDN) to support education research; Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) and knowledge initiatives; Forum of African Women Educationalists (FAWE); and International Programme for the Improvement of Educational Outcomes (IPIEO).

Records were createdand maintained between 1995 and 2005 by various HDNED staff primarily including Shobhana Sosale, senior education specialist and program manager for trust funds, Task Manager and Economist Elizabeth (Beth) King, Adviser Marlaine Lockheed, and Sukai Prom-Jackson. The records reflect the activities of program managers throughout the grant and trust fund cycle, including preparation and review of grant proposals for the sector board, handling communication with partner grant recipients, preparation of the Letter of Approval (LOA) issued by the HDN vice president, arranging disbursement of funds, and the audit and evaluation of programs. Other records reflect participation in Bank and externally organized conferences and workshops on trust funds, and the trust fund learning and certification program.

Files contain detailed information on grant and trust fund-related programs, activities, achievements, and partnerships and contain the following formats: internal memoranda; all-in-1 notes and email hard copies; incoming and outgoing letters; handwritten notes; draft and final proposals; partnership approval and tracking system (PATS) output reports; guidelines; recipients' annual, financial and technical reports; recipient and internal progress reports; expenditure statements; budget reports; funding data tables; agenda and minutes of meetings; background papers, some prepared by the sector; fiscal year education DGF strategy and programs draft paper; letters of representations; lists of program trust funds; and printed material produced by partner organizations.

Internal correspondence is mostly between the responsible HDNED program manager or director, sector staff, and sector board, and HDN vice president. The correspondence covers various matters such as: reviews of proposals including recruitment of external peer reviewers for proposals; survey data for DGF applications; feedback and comments on proposals, including from the Education Sector Board; reporting on priorities for use of trust funds; the Bank's trust funds management reform; and announcements of trust fund agreements from the Trust Funds and Cofinancing Department (CTF). Other correspondence and associated records, such as the draft DGF sector strategy proposal, detail how funding was shaped by the Education Sector Strategy Paper issued in 1999.

Hard copy emails between program manager Sosale and the DGF unit and with HDNED directors concern the disbursement of educational grant program funds and contain general details on proposed individual programs and fiscal year priorities for funding. Attached to these emails are score cards of proposals from DGF manager, submission summary report, and strategy reports.

External correspondence includes the LOA sent by HDNVP to the president or head of the partner and recipient organization, and letters or hard copy emails from the director and program managers about proposal preparation, use and disbursement of funds, and other matters and queries such as categorization of funding.

The series also consists of records related to the Bank Netherlands Partnership Program (BNPP, 1997 - 2003) that contain funding proposals for the Dutch Trust Fund, email hard copies and memoranda outlining prioritized proposals by Marleen Dijkman (HDNHE) and from Education Sector Board Secretary Margaret Amaral to HDN Vice President David de Ferranti. Records document activities, timeline, and costs of regional and global activities in the education sector such as girls education and EFA.

There are also files related to rejected proposals and task managers' meetings (2000 - 2001).

Policy and best practice development

Series consists of records related to the development of policy and best practice for projects and sector work in education and employment that were created and maintained by the Education Department (EDT, 1972 - 1977 later EDC 1977 - 1984) and its successor units. The series represents the policy working papers, guidelines, standards, and other instruments prepared by the sector as well as the collection and analysis of guidelines, manuals, and other tools developed by other Bank departments and external organizations such as the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The series also reflects the activities of external advisory panels formed to make recommendations regarding the Bank's education policy. Records were predominantly created between 1972 to 2003, apart from a small number of externally authored reports from the 1960s.

The largest volume of records relate to educational guidelines mostly maintained by the Education Department (EDC) Implementation Advisor David H. Lewis who reported to the EDC director. Files contain guidelines, reports, and internal memoranda between Lewis and Director Duncan S. Ballantine and his successor Aklilu Habte, Senior Advisor Mats Hultin, or regional Education Projects Division architects. Certain records were also created by EDC Educator Clifford W. Gilpin. Guidelines records are organized by subject and cover the topics of operational guidelines, school construction, architectural standards by country, basic learning equipment in education projects, and analytical data. Guidelines were developed for sector staff, consultants, and region staff to maintain and improve the quality of Bank lending and related operations.

Operational guidelines

Records categorized as operational guidelines mostly relate to the discussion and dissemination of guidelines regarding Bank education projects. Guidelines pertain to organizing project appraisal, implementation, procurement practices, preparation of project reports, architectural space and unitappraisal costs, technical assistance, maintenance of education facilities, implementation of construction components and basic equipment in education projects, sector report guidelines, and more. The guidelines are typically in the form of report or sector memoranda prepared by the Education Department but also include jointly prepared user guides, Operations Evaluation Department (OED) guidelines, and "Introduction to the World Bank's Manpower and Education Model" manual prepared by Technical Department,Europe, Middle East, and North Africa Region (1987). Internal memoranda within the files are mainly addressed to EDC Director Habte and contains Lewis' reports on seminars and conferences attended, discussion of changes and approach to the project cycle, and Bank activities in financing educational facilities. Other record types found within the operational guidelines files are charts illustrating project development, job descriptions, and conference papers.

Analytical data

Analytical data records are mostly in the form of internal memoranda, such as from EDC director to EDC staff or to all Regional Education Division staff regarding global data on education enrollment, education and training lending, comparative education indicators, and more. Data tables outlining figures or standard measurements of these data sets are sometimes filed with memoranda.

Architectural standards and school construction guidelines

Records related to architectural standards and school construction contain research reports and guidelines specifying the dimensions and materials for construction of schools as well as for school furniture and equipment. Reports are mostly UNESCO Regional Office design protocol reports shared by Lewis with the other regional architects for projects. However, there are also United States Agency for Aid Development (USAID) and international institutes external reports and guidelines used as reference.

Architectural standards records are organized by country or region. Several files relate to primary school building programs, urban primary schools, low-cost school and housing design, and community development and education centers. Internal memoranda from Lewis to regional staff to share information and details on prototype designs and features, costs, partners, village involvement, progress reported, and occasionally, brief mention of IDA education projects. There are also outgoing letters to UNESCO regional office education officials. Other records within the files include: costing or budget sheets; external reports or manuals, many of which were prepared by the UNESCO Regional Office for Education in Asia and UNESCO Regional Office for Education in Africa, and in Latin America and Caribbean; external reports of country ministries or research institutes; and an architects' brief. The external reports are mostly in English, French, and Farsi.

UNESCO project preparation guidelines

Also included in the series are records related to UNESCO guidelines for project preparation including a 1965 UNESCO low-cost school building report and recommendations, and a 1969 UNESCO report. There is also a substantive briefing note on UNESCO and World Bank relations in the education sector that was prepared by the Education and Employment Division, Population and Human Resources Department (PHREE) in 1988.

Other guidelines subject files

There are numerous other educational guidelines subject files maintained between 1973 and 1983 regarding data collection, project management, educational use of mass media, labor requirements model, education and manpower model, review of education lending (FY1979 - 1983), summary list of projects, and other topics.

The more recent policy development subject files (1990 to 2001) relate to: Education for All Fast Track initiative (EFA-FTI); girls' education; Development Assistance Committee (DAC) goals; Africa Region education action plan and sector overview; and Task Force on Bridging the Digital Divide through Education.

External Advisory Panels

The series also contains records related to the establishment and dissemination of reports from advisory groups between 1978 and 2003. The External Advisory Group on Training for the Education Sector was appointed by Bank President McNamara in late 1977 to review the status of education in the developing world including the Bank's education and training lending and projects and to recommend areas for future action. The panel was chaired by David E. Bell of the Ford Foundation. Records related to the final report of this panel were maintained in the Non-Regional Information Center (NRIC) and consist of a single file (1978 - 1980). The NRIC file contains mostly internal memoranda to and from Director Habte regarding comments on the panel report issued in 1978 and input from the Regions including from R.K. Johnson, chief Education Division, East Asia and Pacific Region (AEPED). There are also letters between Chair David E. Bell and President McNamara regarding completion of the final report and from Habte to panel members announcing the 1979 Education Sector Strategy paper and follow up on the panel recommendations. Also included is a letter from Vice President Willi A. Wapenhans, East Africa Regional Office to the Tanzanian minister of education regarding a requested visit of the recently formed advisory panel to Tanzania.

Records also reflect the establishment and activities of subsequent advisory panels formed annually to advise the Bank on the future direction in education covering the period 1994 to 2003. The 1994 to 1995 correspondence andbackground notes relates to the formation of the first annual panel formed in 1996. Records were primarily maintained by the Human Development Department Education Team (HDDED) Manager, later Director Maris O'Rourke. Correspondence is in the form of all-in-1 notes and email hard copies and facsimiles between O'Rourke, HDD Director David de Ferranti, HDD senior staff, and letters to and from panel members including invitations to annual panel meetings. There are also copies of correspondence between the 1997 External Advisory Panel on Education Chairman Jozef (Jo) M.M. Ritzen and de Ferranti and Bank President James Wolfensohn, including a facsimile on advice to the World Bank addressed to Wolfensohn and follow up thank you letters from Wolfensohn to Ritzen and other panel members.

A variety of records are filed with the advisory panel correspondence including: Terms of Reference for the panels; panel meeting agenda; meeting draft conclusions; preliminary and final panel reports; Ritzen?s speech on reforming education to the World Bank Forum; transcript of the newly formed Human Development Network (HDN) kick-off meeting between de Ferranti and Wolfensohn; agenda and summaries of meetings including sector board meetings and correspondence related to the board's functions regarding the panels; hard copy presentation slides; addresses by Wolfensohn and senior management; issues papers; education sector booklet and other promotional material; external articles and newsletters; two copies of the 1978 panel report, one bound copy, kept by O'Rourke; and agenda with outgoing letters of invitation sent by O'Rourke for the high-level UNESCO meeting on the future of educational statistics and indicators hosted by the Bank. Following O'Rourke?s departure as director in 2000, Acting Director Marlaine Lockheed and HDNED Operations Officer Sobhana Sosale were involved in panel selection and meeting preparations, later under the direction of Ruth Kagia who began her tenure as director in early 2001. There is a small volume of mostly administrative correspondence from this period to 2003, including internal email hard copies and letters to panel members.

Education Sector Strategy Paper

There are also records in the series (1997 - 1999) regarding the preparation of the Education Sector Strategy issued in 1999 to shape policy and practice in member countries. Records were primarily maintained by Director O'Rourke, Adviser Jeffrey Waite, and Projects Assistant Anja Robakowski-Van Stralen. Record types include handwritten notes, concept papers, preliminary outlines and drafts beginning from late 1997, several with annotations, and the draft final report submitted to the Board of Executive Directors' meeting (1999). Correspondence is in the form of hard copy emails and occasionally internal memoranda primarily to and from O'Rourke and Waite containing comments from the sector board, external individuals, executive directors, and other Bank department staff including from the regions and the Operations Evaluation Department (OED). There is also an OED evaluative report and Committee on Development Effectiveness (CODE) informal subcommittee review meeting summaries, as well as correspondence and outlines of plans for strategy development, such as the timeline for implementation of the sector strategy work in the regions. Also included are O'Rourke's memoranda to the Operations Policy Committee presenting the paper and data collected, summaries of meetings with HDNED staff and regional staff to discuss the strategy paper, and summaries of other meetings such as with Wolfensohn regarding the status of education in the regions.

Annual reviews

A small portion of records in the series contains correspondence related to the internal review of Bank policy in the education and employment sectors (1983 - 1986), including copies of the operations annual review, Sector and Operations Vice Presidency (OSP) annual sector review, and Operations Evaluation Department (OED) annual reviews. Among the correspondence are draft reports and papers used for background and reference material.

NRIC policy reports and documents

Finally, there are four general policy files originally maintained in the NRIC that contain various reports and other records produced by Education Department (EDC) senior staff, consultants, and others (1978 - 1980). Included in the files are: OED Review of Bank Operations in the Education Sector (1978); Education Sector Policy Report No. 2680 (1979); Policy Review Committee Staff level review meeting on the Education Department, Central Projects Staff Education Sector Policy Paper (1979) and policy paper discussion drafts (1978 - 1979); Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Bank Cooperative Program "Training Equipment Lists in Food and Agriculture" publication with a forward by Habte (1978); and the publication entitled "Occupational structures of industries" by Manuel Zymelman (1980) containing country tables and industry tables.

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