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Showing 401-450 of 536 results


Records Relating to Structural Adjustment Lending Maintained by Directors and Senior Advisers of the Development Policy Group (DPG) and to Other Organizations

This series was compiled successively by staff in units responsible for maintaining and reviewing adjustment operations: the Country Policy Department (Assistant Director Sidney Chernick and Vinod Dubey who served as Senior Adviser and later Director of CPD), the Economic Advisory Staff (Directors Vinod Dubey and Enzo Grilli), and the Development Policy Group (Enzo Grilli, Anandarup Ray, Satish Mannon). The records are divided roughly into three parts. The first part relates to the early development of the Structural Adjustment Loan (SAL) program, 1979 - 1984, and includes copies of SAL papers and reports presented to the Board and summaries of discussions from Executive Directors' meetings in which the reports and papers were discussed.

The second part is dated 1982 - 1994 and consists of the working files created in CPD, EAS, and DPG relating to adjustment lending. The files include status reports and progress reports on adjustment lending; correspondence relating to the development of guidelines for the processing of adjustment loans; evaluations of the adjustment lending program from the Operations Evaluation Department (OED); correspondence concerning implementation and assessment of adjustment lending; and comments on the various reports, papers, and evaluations of adjustment lending.

The files in part three contain publications relating to adjustment lending and adjustment lending studies and reports that were forwarded to the Executive Directors, 1980-1992. Included in the files are summaries of discussions from Executive Directors' meetings.

Records Relating to the Committee of Twenty and to Two of Its Technical Groups

The Committee of Twenty (C-XX), formally known as the Committee of the Board of Governors on Reform of the International Monetary System and Related Issues, was established by the IMF in 1972 to prepare a draft for a reformed international monetary system after the United States had announced in August 1971 that it was suspending the convertibility of the dollar into gold. The records in this series were compiled by Frank Vibert while he was working in the Policy Planning and Program Review Department (PPR) in the Office of the Vice President for Development Policy (VPD). The records primarily concern two of the Committee's Technical Groups: the Technical Group on the Transfer of Real Resources and the Technical Group on the Special Drawing Rights (SDR) Link and Related Proposals. The Bank was asked to participate in the secretariat function for the Technical Group on the Transfer of Real Resources, and Frank Vibert with Azizali Mohammed from the IMF formed the secretariat for the Group. Earnest Stern, Senior Adviser in VPD, was part of the Technical Group on the SDR Link.

The series contains copies of IMF and World Bank studies and other documents that were used as background materials for the Committee or that were drafted in response to specific requests from Committee staff; drafts of and comments from IMF and Bank staff on the Bank paper, Capital Flows to Developing Countries, that was prepared for the Committee; and the issues of the IMF newsletter, IMF Survey, that included articles regarding the Committee of Twenty. The files include: copies of President McNamara's correspondence with Ernest Stern and with C. Jeremy Morse, the chair of the Deputies of the Committee of Twenty; memoranda exchanged between Vibert and Stern; intra-VPD correspondence and other intra-Bank correspondence relating to the Committee of Twenty and the Technical Groups; Vibert's correspondence with IMF staff and with the chair of the Technical Group on the Transfer of Real Resources; copies of memoranda Vibert drafted for the chair's signature; and Vibert's copies of Stern's memoranda to the files regarding the SDR Link.

Records maintained for meetings of the Technical Group on the Transfer of Real Resources include: Vibert's correspondence relating to pre-meeting planning, copies of documents provided as background for the meeting discussions, lists of attendees, copies of the Terms of Reference for the Group, and Vibert's handwritten notes form the meetings. The files also contain multiple drafts and comments on the drafts of the Group's report.

Records relating to the Technical Group on the SDR Link include copies of World Bank and IMF documents provided the Group as background materials; copies of statements regarding the SDR Link made by heads of delegations to the Group; notes regarding SDR discussions with the United Kingdom and Germany; and various drafts of the Bank paper Bank Group Uses of SDR Link Resources.

Reference files and training materials

Series consists of reference materials maintained by Garcia de Truslow during her employment at the World Bank. Included are: administrative manual statements; addresses by World Bank presidents; government directors; accounting handbooks; and World Bank publications including World's Word and Development.

Series also consists of training materials Garcia de Truslow collected during her employment at the World Bank. Training was provided by the Personnel Management Department's Staff Training Division. Training topics include: Land Information Systems; Project Economic Appraisal; Basic Procurement; Cofinancing Policies and Procedures; Private Sector Assessment; and Macroeconomics. Training materials from sessions on banking and financial management provided by the Economic Development Institute (EDI, later the World Bank Institute [EDI]) are also included.

Reorganization files

This series consists of the records maintained by Marianne Haug concerning Bank's 1987 reorganization. They include internal Bank correspondence, presentations, and reorganization follow-up reports describing the successes and weaknesses of the 1987 reorganization efforts. This is the fullest set of files in the President's office on the reorganization and its subsequent fine-tuning' in 1989.

Reorganization files

This series consists of the records maintained by J. William Stanton concerning Bank's 1987 reorganization. They include internal Bank correspondence, presentations, and follow-up reports describing the successes and weaknesses of the 1987 reorganization efforts. The files also include correspondence and reports from management consultants in connection with the 1987 reorganization, memos of Stanton's discussions with President Conable, and reorganization reports of the Steering Committee and the Support Units Task Force.

Report preparation and President's memoranda

Series consists of records related to the preparation, publication, and follow up of the Commission's final report, titled "Partners in Development" issued in September 1969. The series includes: draft outlines of the report produced in 1968 and 1969 including an outline prepared by Chairman Pearson; internal memoranda regarding comments on the report outline and discussion about content between Commission Executive Secretary Edward K. Hamilton, Deputy Executive Secretary Ernest Stern, other Commission staff, and World Bank staff; preliminary drafts and final version of the Commission's report; and correspondence pertaining to the report's publication. Also included in the series is World Bank President's Memoranda on Report Recommendations, the 1970 official Bank response to the findings of the Commission initiated by President Robert S. McNamara.

Reports to Headquarters from Special Representatives to U.N. Organizations in Geneva

The series consists of three black binders containing reports sent from Geneva to Headquarters by Representatives Mahmud Burney, L. Peter Chatenay, and Wolfgang Siebeck. The Bank first opened an office in Geneva in 1978 staffed by a resident representative and one support staff. Its responsibilities included representing the Bank in meetings of international organizations held in Geneva, principally the GATT, UNCTAD, ILO, and WHO. The Bank staff at Geneva kept Bank Headquarters informed through periodicreports and facilitated informal contacts with staffs of Geneva organizations. Reports to Headquarters prior to 1987 were addressed to the Director of the Bank's International Relations Department (IRD). When the Strategic Planning and Review Department (SPR) was established under the Senior Vice President, Policy, Planning and Research (SVPPR) in May 1987, the Geneva Office reported to the International Relations Division (SPRIE), which included the U.N. Offices in New York and Geneva (SPRGE).

The first black binder contains numbered Geneva bi-monthly letters (also referred to as newsletters) sent by Mahmud, the first Representative, from September 21, 1979 to October 29, 1982. A register showing letter number, date, and subject is located at the beginning of the binder. At the back of the binder are 15 unnumbered Washington letters and one unnumbered memorandum (10 September 1979 - 31 August 1982), most of which were sent to Burney by Shirley Boskey, Director, International Relations Department (IRD),in response to issues raised in Burney's numbered reports.

All of the numbered Burney Geneva letters except the first and last were addressed to Boskey. In almost all of the letters, Burney provides full descriptions of discussions and outcomes of meetings and conferences of UNCTAD [United Nations Conference on Trade and Development], particularly the Trade and Development Board of UNCTAD, and GATT [General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade]. In the 17 December 1979 letter, Burney offers his views on the impact of the crisis in Iran on Geneva negotiations and possibly the Bank. Burney's letters describe his involvement with work of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and various preparatory meetings for the G-77 ministers meeting (1980), the U.N. Conference on the Least Developed Countries (1981), the GATT Ministerial Meeting (1982), and UNCTAD VI (1982). Burney also reported on the reactions from the U.N. and other organizations at Geneva to world events such as the Iran crisis (1979), President McNamara's announcement of his retirement (1980), the Gulf War (1980), Ronald Reagan's assumption of the U.S. Presidency (1981), and President Clausen's early pronouncements as Bank President (1981). Burney included in his letters information gained in informal and formal discussions with country representatives at Geneva concerning the impact of high oil prices and inflation on economies, balance-of-payments problems of developing countries; the absence of developing countries' at management and seniormanagement levels of the Bank; and the withholding of observer status for the PLO at Bank annual meetings. Burney also reported on other formal and informal contacts with representatives of international organizations in Geneva, arrivals and departures of ambassadors, changes in U.N. and GATT officials, and visits with Bank staff attending meetings in Geneva.

Reports from Geneva of the other two Representatives were similar in the kinds of information covered but differed in frequency and format. The Geneva Letters binder of L. Peter Chatenay is divided into three parts: Geneva Office Activity Reports (in the form of memoranda) sent monthly to the Director, IRD, Shahid Javed Burki, 15 August 1983 - 3 July 1985; reports of UNCTAD, GATT, and other meetings Chatenay attended, 12 September 1983 - 30 July 1985 addressed primarily to Burki; and a small number of Washington letters and messages, some undated, received by Chatenay from Burney and others at the Bank, 10 August 1983 - 16 September 1985. The monthly activity reports focused more on general trends, upcoming events, contacts with and observations about the diplomatic community at Geneva, and contacts with Bank visitors to Geneva. The reports of meetings attended describe comments made by Chatenay and other representatives at these meetings, outcomes, and Chatenay's observations and/or recommendations for Bank response.

Wolfgang Siebeck's first report of 21 January 1986 to Burki was in the form of a letter. The next report, simply captioned Geneva Report for April 1986, covered meetings and other developments related to GATT, UNCTAD, the International Trade Center, the International Labor Organization, and a World Bank briefing given by Burki on April 20, 1986 at Geneva for a group of 88 representatives of Permanent Missions and U.N. Organizations. The reports which followed were submitted on a monthly basis, followed the same format, and focused primarily on GATT and UNCTAD. In these reports, Siebeck covered meetings attended, positions taken,outcomes, and his observations.

In his cover memo of 14 November 1986, Siebeck announced a change in the format of the Geneva Report. Attached to the memo were the October/November and November/December reports, both of which focused on preparations for and negotiations at the Uruguay Round. Succeeding reports beginning with January/February 1987 were numbered and covered Uruguay Round meetings/negotiations, UNCTAD VII and other activities. After September 1987, Siebeck's reports from Geneva fluctuatedbetween one month and two months coverage but continued to address the Uruguay Round and UNCTAD VII developments. In his last report (October/November 1989) from Geneva, Siebeck focused entirely on the status of negotiations in individual Uruguay Round groups.

Research and policy development

Series contains records maintained by the various divisions and departments responsible for the population, health, and nutrition sector while producing and disseminating research, and developing and analyzing sector policy and strategy. The records reflect discussions about the department's research priorities, methods and techniques of analysis, the quality of its work and ways to improve it, and its relationship to the country-based work carried out in the Bank's regional offices.

Records in the series were primarily created by the Policy and Research Unit (PHNPR), established in 1979 and dismantled in the 1987 Bank-wide reorganization. PHNPR's functions were continued by succeeding units through to the Health, Nutrition, and Population Team (HDNHE), but no longer as a separate division dedicated to policy and research. Many of the records were maintained by PHNPR Chief Nancy Birdsall during her tenure (1984 - 1987) as well as Senior Demographer K.C. Zachariah, Population and Human Resources Division, Economics Department and later the Policy and Research Division, PHNPR (1970 - 1987).

Record types include, but are not limited to: research proposals; terms of reference; back-to-office reports; contracts; agreements with consultants, universities and other third parties who are doing research for or with the division; initiating briefs for policy papers; statistical and other data; published and unpublished reports; drafts and final working papers; briefing notes; external reports and publications; surveys and questionnaires; budget reports and other financial records of research expenditures; and related correspondence.

Staff and consultant research papers

The largest portion of records in the series relate to research and concept papers authored by various department and division staff and consultants. Apart from a single file dated 1970, the papers were primarily accumulated between 1979 and 1988. Records are organized by author and contain draft papers and correspondence about comments on papers. Senior staff and other individuals represented in the files include, but are not limited to: Directors Kandiah Kanagaratnam, John North and David de Ferranti; PHNPR Division Chief Nancy Birdsall; Senior Health Advisor Anthony Measham; Senior Nutrition Advisor Alan Berg; and other Bank staff outside of PHN such as James Lee, Ernest Stern, Shahid Husain, and Barbara Herz. General sector topics are covered as well as topics related to a particular country or region. Subjects include: family planning; rural contraceptive needs; marriage and migration; sub-Saharan Africa population policy project; public health planning; primary health care; health expenditures; education; and economic topics such as liberalization and taxes. A smaller volume of files relate to papers presented at symposia or conferences.

PHNPR Division subject files

The series also comprises a large volume of subject files maintained by the former PHNPR Division between 1976 and 1987. Some of the files were created by staff of the former Population and Human Resources Division. The subject files cover a wide range of the division's activities such as policy research and analysis, preparing studies, project support, conferences, and other knowledge and learning events. These files contain internal memoranda, outgoing letters, reports, background papers, conference reports and agenda, and other records.

Several subject files refer to a specific country project funded by IDA credit (Gambia National Health Project) and covers project appraisal, budget, and analysis on lending in the sector. Files concerning research projects are indicated by the RPO (Research Project Output) code assigned to projects throughout the Bank by the Development Economics department. The RPO material was mostly maintained by Dr. Susan Cochrane, senior economist, PHNPR. RPO files relate to the projects Education and Rural Development in Nepal and Thailand (RP0671-49) and Determinants of Fertility in Egypt (RP0671-49). Included are: memoranda and letters discussing project status updates and workshops on population research; draft surveys and questionnaires with annotations; questionnaire instructions and code sheets; interviewer manual; proposals submitted to Research Committee; expense and budget reports documenting financing through the Research Committee; preliminary chapters; data tables; and background reports. Most of the material is in English but there are also questionnaires and data in Thai. A memo from Susan Cochrane (DEDPH) to the Steering Committee on Determinants of Fertility in Egypt is also included.

Other subject files pertain to poverty guidelines and contain memoranda, reports, and manuals on the Bank's measurement of poverty as it relates to lending to the lower income countries and to alleviate urban poverty. There are also subject files related to health care, health financing, health program evaluation, health services research, pharmaceuticals and drugs, health organizations, diseases, health resources development, irrigation health risk study, and the interaction between health and water supply. Subject files on nutrition relate to nutrition research, programming, nutrition service delivery, and food subsidies and pricing. Population files concern population aspects of education projects, population studies, fertility, contraception, and population policies.

Files related to conferences include the 1984 International Conference on Population, Conference on Research Priorities for Sub-Saharan Africa in Bellagio 1985, Task Force for Child Survival Cartagenaconference, and also seminars, workshops, and EDI training. There are also files related to data on women in development, household living standards, and files reflecting PHN's input on President Clausen's speeches.

Other PHNPR subject files relate to partnerships with international organizations such as World Health Organization (WHO), academic institutes, committees and working groups, and inter-agency partnerships such as the Special Program for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR), the Control of Diarrheal Diseases (CDD) Program, and the Onchocerciasis Control Program (OCP) or river blindness. The onchocerciasis file (1980 - 1984) contain memoranda, a report of an independent commission regarding economic analysis of OCP reflecting the involvement of Andre Prost and Nick Prescott (PHN) and comments on reports by Karen Lashman Hall (PNHPR). There are also files regarding WHO and Bank cooperation for HIV/AIDS and comments on the draft proposals on structure and coordination of the WHO Special Programme on AIDS.

Working papers series and publications

The series also contains a substantial volume of records related to the PHN Technical Note working papers series authored between 1976 and 1992, arranged by the series or issue number. Files primarily contain printer's copies and research data on topics including cost benefit and cost effectiveness studies, demographic data, AIDS research, health care management, and Safe Motherhood (also known as maternal and child health and mortality).

Thereare also reports and other records related to the PHN Policy Research Working Papers (WPS numbered series) covering the years 1989 to 1993 and include annual sector reviews which outlines population, health, and nutrition lending, health system trends, costs, and resources. Although most of the publications and papers were forwarded to the Bank's Internal Documents Unit and were eventually digitized, other papers contained in this series were disseminated through PHN's successor, HDNHE.

Series also contains handwritten notes, regional data tables for population and mortality projections and labor force data for member countries, as well as memoranda accumulated between 1973 and 1990 in preparation for the annual World Development Reports (WDR). Several files relate to the 1984 WDR that focused on economic performance and population growth, including comments on drafts.

There are also three files (1993 - 1996) related to the best practices book authored by PHN Senior Nutritionist, Dr. Judith McGuire, and consultant Rae Galloway, entitled "Enriching Lives - Overcoming Vitamin and Mineral Malnutrition in Developing Countries" published by the World Bank in 1994. Includes three floppy diskettes of the Spanish version, hard copy of the English master for correction, bound French version, and drafts.

Senior Demographer K.C. Zachariah records

Series also consists of a set of chronological files and subject files maintained by Dr. K.C. Zachariah, Senior Demographer between 1970 and 1987 beginning when Zachariah was in the Population and Human Resources Division, Economics Department and later the Policy and Research Division (PHNPR). The chronological files span 1971 to 1984; however, files for the years 1979 and 1981 are not present. There are two files of incoming correspondence from 1983 to 1987, and several subject files containing research proposals, final versions of staff working papers, and study papers authored by Zachariah including Population Projections for Bank Member Countries 1970 - 2000. Specific subjects covered in Zachariah's records include family planning, income distribution and fertility rates, demographic measures, and migration in specific countries or regions. There are also back-to-office reports and terms of reference documents regarding Zachariah's research missions and attendance at international conferences, terms of reference for consultants, and administrative records related to the recruitment of consultants and research assistants.

Health Sector Strategy paper

Series contains records regarding the development of the HDNHE 1997 Health Sector Strategy paper, from 1995 to 1997. Included are minutes of strategy retreats, strategy and concept paper drafts and final version, notes, and Sector Board minutes in which concept papers were reviewed and discussed.

Tobacco control policy

Also included in the series are records related to tobacco control analysis and policy created between 1988 and 1999 which were primarily maintained by Dr. Prabhat Jha, health specialist, Human Development Department (HDD) and later HDNHE. Records include correspondence, mainly containing comments on report outlines and background papers, draft papers, trip reports, conference publications, handwritten research notes, and statistical tables and charts regarding smoking prevalence, tobacco, cigarette consumption, GDP, and other data. The Bank had organized a consultation session on the economics of tobacco control in 1997 at the tenth World Conference on Tobacco in Beijing that was part of an ongoing review of the Bank's own control policies. A Bank-sponsored international conference on the economics of tobacco control in Cape Town followed in 1998. Files contain Beijing conference abstract booklets and programme, and Cape Town conference funding report and press conference reports. The Bank and WHO began a global study in 1997 on the economics of tobacco control for countries, particularly low-income and middle-income countries and a small volume of files relate to statistical data compiled, as well as the study team's 1999 publication led by Jha and Frank J. Chaloupka entitled "Curbing the Epidemic: Governments and the economics of tobacco control". There isalso correspondence with UN Agencies including FAO, WHO, UNCTAD, and ECOSOC dating from 1989 to 1995 that represents the Bank's early work on tobacco by Senior Economist Howard Barnum.

Research Committee participation

Records in this series relate to the activities of the Bank's Research Committee and Kuczynski's participation in the Committee in 1972 and 1973. The Committee's responsibilities included: developing an overall research program and setting research priorities; reviewing research proposals and allocating resources to successful proposals, including those undertaken by both Bank staff and external persons; reviewing process of ongoing research programs and budgets; monitoring the work of and liaising with other institutions; and encouraging the dissemination of research output. The Committee consisted of ten to twelve members from the World Bank, including the International Finance Corporation (IFC). Participation on the Committee was for generally a year or twoone or two years.

The majority of the records in this series are materials disseminated in advance of Research Committee meetings. The meetings were held twice annually. Participants at these meetings considered further allocations of funds to existingand new projects and reviewed ongoing research projects. Records in this series relate to the three meetings that occurred while Kuczynski was a member of the committee: June 1972; September 1972; and May/June 1973.

Records were originally disseminated to Committee members as part of "books". These books contained all the materials necessary for the meeting of the Committee, including project reviews, budget materials, and, most voluminous, project proposals. The latter are arranged according to project sector topic. Tables of contents are included. Project proposal materials generally include two parts: the research proposal form and the project description. Other materials, including memoranda between Committee members discussing the proposed project prior to the Committee meeting, may be included. Memoranda, generally authored by Ernest Stern and disseminated to Committee members, is also included; it is not clear if these records were distributed with the meeting book or filed with the book's contents by Kuczynski.

Research proposals by Bank staff for fiscal year 1974 are also included. These do not appear to be part of the normal dissemination of meeting materials. It is not clear if these are to be discussed at a specific meeting or if they are part of a planning exercise. Projects related to only three sectors are included: industry and trade; agriculture and rural development; and urbanization and regional development.

A small amount of related memoranda and reports are filed separately. These include correspondence between group members discussing: research protocols; functions and logistics of the committee; potential and ongoing projects; budget reporting and projections; and recommendations for research. An update on the Committee's work for Office of the President is also included as is a a summary report of then current (1972) research projects.

Research File of Bela Balassa

Most of the correspondence in this series covers the period when Balassa reported both to the Vice President, Development Policy Staff (VPD, later Vice President, Economics and Research [VPERS)] and to the Director of the Development Research Center (DRC), and, after the 1987 Reorganization, the Vice President, Development Economics and Chief Economist (DECVP). He also served during this period as Chairman of the Development Policy Staff Trade Advisory Committee. The files are loosely organized around Balassa's projects while serving as consultant to the Bank during this period.

Included are Balassa's completion reports for some of the projects he personally carried out, his comments on proposals and research projects conducted by others in the Bank, and correspondence with the Research Projects Approval Committee (REPAC) and the head of the Research Administration Unit in VPERS. Some files contain background materials, including statistical data, used in Balassa's research. Specific documents include: Terms of Reference (TOR) for a May-June 1983 mission to Tunisia led by Balassa that constituted the first phase of a study on employment creation; his TOR and Back-to-Office (BTO) Report for a January 1985 Industrial Policy Mission he led to Tunisia; and his report on his coordination of a Latin American development strategy study (introduced by David Rockefeller) while on leave from Johns Hopkins University. Correspondence, including a BTO Report, for a mission to Venezuela Balassa led from January to October 1987 to hold discussions with the Venezuelan government on the economy and possible resumption of Bank lending is also part of the series.

Also included in the series are copies of talking points and papers Belassa prepared at the request of high-level Bank officials and correspondence with DECVP. Belassa's handwritten notes and drafts can be found throughout the series.

Research Files of the Economic Analysis and Projections Department (EPD)

This series contain files for two research projects conducted by EPD staff. Research Project No. 672-32: The Direction of Developing Countries' Trade: Patterns, Trends, and Implications was begun in 1980 in the International Trade and Capital Flows Division (EPDIT) and completed in 1987 under the Global Analysis and Projections Division (EPDGL). Oli Havrylyshyn and Martin Wolf (and later Peter Miovic) were the principal researchers. The project files include the original research proposal, a request forsupplementary funds, Back-to-Office reports from project-related missions, a status report, copies of Havrylyshyn's and Wolf's articles related to the project, a completion report, and a project evaluation. The second project, which was conducted by Iveta Bebris of the International Finance Division (EPDIF) in 1977 - 1978, was a Comparison of the Reporting of Loans from Financial Markets in the DeBTOr Reporting System (DRS) and the Capital Market System (CMS), 1973 - 1976. The project file includes a summary of the findings and a comparison of data from the two systems for the 26 countries covered by the study.

Research materials

This series consists of electrostatic copies of documents obtained and collected by the World Bank History Project staff in the course of researching and writing The World Bank: Its First Half Century. The documents relate primarily to the topics of the chapters in Volume I; a few are the background to the research papers prepared by the project's research assistants. The authors filed the copies by subject, sometimes with cryptic subject titles. Some files may have been kept by an individual staff member,but those files have been combined in this general reference series.

The majority of the documents copied in these files are in the archives of the Bank, but some are also copies received from former Bank staff or from non-Bank sources.

Research Materials Relating to Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) in India, Mexico, Chile, Ghana, Turkey, and the Philippines Compiled by the Finance and Private Sector Development Division

The research materials in this series were compiled by the staff of the Finance and Private Sector Development Division (PRDFP) of the Policy Research Department (PRD) and concern public sector enterprises (PSEs) in India, Mexico, Chile, Ghana, Turkey and the Philippines and government efforts to reform and/or privatize those enterprises. The materials have been heavily tabbed and annotated by the PRDFP staff, but this series does not contain any drafts of the resulting PRD studies. Included are annual PSE audit reports; copies of performance contracts (also called Memoranda of Understanding) between a government and a PSE; government-issued data, surveys, and reports regarding PSEs; copies of World Bank documents (staff appraisal reports, completion reports) relating to loans or credits affecting PSEs; World Bank studies of PSEs and privatization efforts; academic articles; news clippings; book chapters; transcripts of lectures; and IMF documents and reports.

Research Project Files Maintained by the Research Administrator

The records in this series are the official project files maintained by the office of the Research Administrator and predecessor units for research projects funded wholly or in part from the Research Support Budget (RSB). Research proposals were received from the Regions, Sectors, and from DEC or earlier Economics and Research Staff (ERS) units. Research proposals dealt with development policy and planning, finance and trade, capital markets, rural development, industry, infrastructure, poverty and socialwelfare, labor markets, education, environmentally sustainable development including environmental economics, energy, agriculture and natural resources, private sector development, regional development, and population.

The series is arranged in five parts, the first four of which cover overlapping time periods from 1981 to 2000. The fifth segment consists of a single research project file for the 1995-1997 period maintained by a project manager. The bulk of the files in this series include: a project proposal; memoranda to project proposal reviewers for projects that exceeded the cost ceiling for approval by the Research Administrator, reviewers' evaluations of the project proposal; the project manager's response to the reviewers' evaluations; Research Advisory Staff (RAD) memoranda to members of the REPAC [Research Projects Approval Committee] or the Research Committee (RC) subcommittee selected to review the proposal; comments from subcommittee members; the project manager's response to the subcommittee's comments; minutes of the REPAC or RC meeting at which the proposal was discussed; intra-RAD memoranda discussing the project; RAD's memorandum to the project manager conveying approval and funding of the project; Back-to-Office Reports (BTOs) from missions connected to the project; correspondence between the project supervisor and the Research Administrator that may include requests for an extension of the project completion date or for additional funds; budget tracking reports; a project completion report on a standardized form; and copies of the publications and papers that constituted the output from the project. Not all of the files contain completion reports. Some files include status reports and comments on the proposal from Regional organizations.

Among the earlier files in the series are four files for research projects associated with the Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) (RPO file nos. 673-22, 673-38, 674-17, and 674-19). Some of the files in the series that predate 1990 relate not tospecific research projects but to administrative matters relating to research: authorizations for the transfer of funds from the RSB (RPO 671-99); costs for the World Bank Economic Review (RPO 673-570), the Research Observer (RPO 673-61), and the World Bank Research News (RPO 673-71); RAD costs for the First Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics (RPO 674-82); and routine authorizations for the transfer of funds from the RSB for consultants, project proposal reviewers, etc. (RPO 671-99). The Research Policy Council (RPC) approved funding for the three previously mentioned publications.

Beginning in 1991; the records within each project file were divided into five categories, each with a separate tab: proposal; reviews; correspondence; budget; and completion. Filed under the proposal tab is the formal project proposal sent to RAD and correspondence between the RAD staff and the project manager. Under the review tab are RAD's correspondences with referees who agreed to comment on the proposal, the referees' comments, and the project manager's responses to RAD regarding issued raised by the referees. The items under the 'correspondence tab include a wide range of records: intra-RAD memoranda regarding a project proposal; reports from the Research Committee subcommittee that reviewed the project proposal; notices that the project manager and/or the managing unit had changed; replies from the manager to specific questions from RAD staff; requests for deadline extensions; BTOs from missions connected to the project; copies of book reviews of publications resulting from a research project; and handwritten notes of RAD staff. Correspondence under the budget tab generally includes a copy of the RAD memorandum to the project manager indicating the proposal had been approved and explaining how the budget should be managed. In addition, there may be requests from the project manager for additional funds or for an extension of the completion date, and a copy of RAD's instructions as to how to handleproject funds remaining at the end of the fiscal year. Not all of the files for 1991 and later contain a project completion report under the completion tab. Some files contain copies of publications resulting from the research output or a RAD memorandum requesting an overdue project completion report under this tab. A small number of the project files created after 1991 are for funding conferences and workshops, expenses connected with the Bank's Visiting Research Fellows program, and the production of avideo of the slide presentation used as the keynote to a conference. The file for Symposium/Workshop on Accelerating Native Forest Regeneration on Degraded Tropical Lands (RPO 677-67) contains only the materials distributed to workshop attendees and a note indicating that no file for the project could be found.

Project Manager John Nash's file (fifth part of series) for the research project Regulating Technology Transfer: Impact on Technical Change, Productivity and Incomes covers the years 1995-1997 andincludes a request for RSB funding for the project; a response to the review of the research project; expense/budget reports for the project; Terms of Reference for missions connected to the project; a copy of a consultants BTO report for December 1995 visits to Malawi, Zimbabwe, Kenya, and Ghana in connection with project; and Nash's correspondence with consultants associated with the project. The official file for this research project is also in this series.

Project evaluation reports are not in the files in this series, but, in most cases, the project completion report, when present in the file, has been annotated to indicate that the evaluation was completed.

Research Project Files Maintained in the Office of the Vice President, Development Policy (VPD) and the Office of the Vice President, Economics and Research (VPERS)

Most of the research projects for which there are files in this series were started in the 1970s to early and mid-1980s The remainder of the series consists of files for other research projects started in the later 1980s, as well as a smaller number of files for projects started after that time that were maintained by the Research Administrator. The series is arranged in four parts. The first three parts cover overlapping time periods from 1969 to 1995. The fourth part of the series is a research project file for the City Project or City Study (1975 - 1985).

The majority of the projects in this series fall into the categories of development policy and planning, international finance and trade, agriculture and rural development, industry, transportation, water, telecommunications, energy, urbanization and regional development, and population and human resources. Some of the projects were conducted in collaboration with bilateral aid agencies, outside research institutions, and government agencies.

The earlier projects were funded wholly or in part from the External Research budget (ERB) and the later projects by the Research Support Budget (RSB). The Development Economics Department (ECD), Development Research Center (DRC) and the Economic Analysis and Projection Department (EPD) were responsible organizations for most of the earlier projects with Sector and Regional organizations bearing responsibility for the remainder. Research project proposals for the later period were forwarded by the Development Research Department (later the Country Economics Department) or another department, a Sector, or Regional unit, or, in the case of jointly sponsored projects, by a department or Sector and a Regional unit.

A typical research file contains: the formal research proposal submitted on a standardized form and sometimes accompanied by a narrative description of the proposed research and methodology; a memorandum establishing the membership of the review panel; comments on the proposal from Regional or sector units; the report of the review panel; replies from the reviewers or from the review panel; minutes of the Research Committee meeting at which the project proposal was reviewed;a memorandum containing the Research Committee's decision for funding and the identification code (RPO number) assigned to the project; quarterly status reports submitted on forms or narrative progress reports; and an abstract of the project that was published in the World Bank Group Research Program that was first issued in August 1972.The abstract described specific objectives of the study and the research method, the organization of the project, the date when final output was expected, and the Bank staff involved in the project. Also part of the project file were Terms of Reference and Back-to-Office reports for missions connected with the project; correspondence between the project supervisors and the Research Administrator that may include requests for additional funding (which were sometimes accompanied by an additional project proposal) or for an extension of the completion date; budget tracking reports; a project completion report on a standard form; and project evaluation reports from internal and external reviewers that accompanied the final project evaluation, or a project evaluation report from an internal panel. Files for some of the earlier projects also include correspondence with evaluators of the project, comments from the evaluators, and the project manager's response to the evaluations. Occasionally, completion reports and evaluation reports for more than one project were combined and some files are without completion reports. Internal and external evaluation reports as well as REPAC evaluation panel reports are in some files. After 31 July, 1984, only projects receiving over $100,000 in RSB funds were required to be evaluated.

Some project files for the mid to late 1980s contain proposals in the form of memoranda or papers for funding from RSB small grants (usually under $20,000) for development of formal project proposals; preparation of papers for colloquia; organization of workshops, seminars or expert meetings to assist in the formulation of a formal research proposal; or for dissemination of papers or other output from previously conducted research projects. The proposals for funding from the small grants program were usually reviewed and approved by the Research Adviser (later Research Administrator). The other research files for this period for projects requiring larger amounts of funding from the RSB vary in content. All of these files contain a completed Request for Research Support Budget (RSB) funding which is often accompanied by a memorandum describing in some detail the proposed research and/or methodology. Sometimes revisions were made to the original proposal and additional request forms were completed. All of the files contain an identification or RPO number.

Among the more widely known of the early files in this series is a project file for what was in 1987 the longest running (18 years) research project in the Bank's history-Road Construction, Maintenance and Vehicle Operating Cost (also known as the Highway Design Study') (670-27). The International Comparison Project (670-68) was begun by the United Nations in 1968, was later funded as an external research project by the Bank, and was closed in December 1984. The Strategic Planning to Accommodate Rapid Growth in LDC Cities (The City Project or City Study) (671-47) project file covers the 10-year period from 1975 to 1985. In addition to the project completion report and evaluation, the file includes a November 1982 narrative report entitled The City Study: A Summary of Results and Policy Implications prepared by Gregory Ingram, Alvaro Pachon, and Jose Fernando Pineda. Another project file for the same project (RPO 671-47) contains manuscripts of some of the project papers and intermediate papers produced. According to the Project Completion Report filed by project manager Gregory Ingram, the intermediate papers were a means of compiling intermediate, mainly descriptive, results and usually resulted from the city study workshops. The project papers were usually more analytical and intended as finished results. These were intended for wide distribution and have mostly been published as World Bank Staff Working Papers or papers elsewhere in journals and books. Paper abstracts are in this series along with the manuscript of the monograph Understanding the Developing Metropolis: Lessons from the City Study of Bogota and Cali, Colombia by Rakesh Mohan, which was published in 1994 and summarized the main findings of the City Study.

Also found with the earlier files in this series is correspondence of Ernest Stern, Senior Adviser, Development Policy with the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the International Development Research Center (IDRC), the U.S. Agency for International Development (AID), and other government offices following the social science research on development conference in Bellagio, Italy, 13-15 February 1974 (RPO 670-92). The correspondence primarily concerns the continuation of international collaboration for development research and planning by holding meetings (referred to as Bellagio Plus meetings) during 1974 and 1975 in the areas of employment, income distribution, rural development, population, and education. Correspondence concerning planning and outcomes of these meetings is in the files along with correspondence of Benjamin King, Research Administrator, and Orville Grimes, Secretary to the Research Committee, with IDRC concerning Bank participation in the Social Science Research (SSR) information system and with Bank officials concerning the issue of Bank participation in DEVSIS, an international information system in the field of economics and social development sponsored by IDRC, ILO, OECD, UNDP, and UNESCO.

The earlier files also include documents brought together for the World Bank's Comparative Study of Poverty (673-73), an overall study and evaluation of poverty, equity and growth in 21 developing countries during the period 1950-1985. Included are unpublished papers concerning Ghana's agricultural commodity prices, political economy, and production costs for food crops; studies of poverty, equity, and growth issues; various development plans and reports, including World Bank reports; study outlines; notes and correspondence concerning project work; and newspaper articles pertaining to Ghana. With these documents is a heavily annotated typewritten timeline of economic and political events in Ghana from 1874 to 1983 that was used in the study, a sample questionnaire, computer printouts, and related correspondence. Research papers on the Political Economy of Poverty, Equity and Growth in Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Malawi, Hong Kong, Thailand, Sri Lanka, and Malaysia developed for the study and several comparative research papers; printouts of computer data; and a draft introduction prepared for a multi-volume publication of the research papers developed for the study are part of the files.

For the later period the series includes project files for several multi-country Comparative Studies. The Timing and Sequencing of A Trade Liberalization Policy was the first of these studies that was initiated under a Research Policy Council program in 1985. An evaluation of the Comparative Studies was summarized in the FY 93 Report on the World Bank Research Program. A small number of project files for the later period were created for administrative purposes and assigned RPO numbers.

Files are included in the series for projects that extended beyond their authorized duration and never went beyond initial planning stages and projects that were cancelled because no contract was signed or funds expended to carry out the project. The titles of some projects were changed after approval of the research proposal and a few projects were shut down and never completed because of lack of department or division sponsorship or because no work was undertaken after the project proposal was approved.

Research projects

This series primarily contains records documenting the findings and results of the World Bank's (Bank) two-year research project in 1976 - 1978 on "Appropriate Technology for Water Supply and Waste Disposal in Developing Countries." This project guided the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Bank to address the importance of low-cost water and sanitation systems in achieving inclusive access to clean water and adequate sanitation for everyone, especially in developing economies. It includesa series of publications in various record types: manuals, guides, reports, working documents, technical papers, summaries, case studies, and questionnaires.

This research project stemmed from years of informal and formal arrangements in the 1960s and 1970s between the Bank and the international development community (e.g., World Health Organization-WHO) to address ongoing water and waste management issues, particularly in Bank member countries' rural and urban communities. During this time, the Bank was also expanding and redirecting its investments to urbanization projects, particularly in water supply and sewerage initiatives, as emphasized by President Robert McNamara in his address to the Board of Governors in October 1976.

The research project focused on obtaining the perspectives of community members with the following factors and/or activities in mind: evaluation of varying constraints (e.g., environmental, public health, demand, institutional, cultural, social, and financial); sanitation, reclamation, composting technologies; low-cost and/or alternative technological solutions for water and sanitation development; resource availability; and project beneficiaries. The geographical area of focus was concentrated in Latin America, Africa, and the Caribbean.

The project resulted in a series of publications entitled "World Bank Studies in Water Supply and Sanitation" and related monographs, entitled "Appropriate Technology for Water Supply and Sanitation (ATWSS)," published between the early to mid-1980s. They aimed to guide and provide recommendations to project engineers, scientists, technicians, and field workers involved with water-related projects. Key authors include but are not limited to John M. Kalbermatten, David C. Jones, DeAnne S. Julius, Charles G. Gunnerson, and D. Duncan Mara.

Research Proposals that were Withdrawn or Rejected

The files for the 1985 - 1988 period for research proposals that were rejected or were withdrawn by the staff members who submitted the original proposals appear to have been maintained by the Secretary to the Research Projects Approval Committee (REPAC). Research funding was limited to departments which normally did not have in-house research capacity such as the Regional departments. For the 1989 - 1997 period, files for research project proposals that were rejected by either Research Advisory Staff (RAD) or the Research Committee (RC) or were withdrawn by the staff member who submitted the original proposal were maintained by RAD.

Among the documents that can be found in rejected files for the 1985 - 1988 period are: the research project proposal submitted to the Research Administrator (RA), comments made on the proposal by RA or by internal or external referees who agreed to comment on the proposal, responses to referees' comments, the report of the REPAC subcommittee to all REPAC members on the proposal; and minutes of the REPAC meeting or correspondence indicating action taken on the project proposal. Appeals of rejections by REPAC are in some files along with REPAC's responses.

A number of files for the 1989 - 1997 period contain requests for information regarding the procedures for requesting funding for a research proposal or for advice as to whether a specific proposal fit within the guidelines of the RC for projects funded from the Research Support Budget. The more complete files for rejected projects for the 1989 -1997 period include: a formal project proposal; correspondence between the RAD staff and the project manager; RAD's correspondence with referees; the referees' comments and the project manager's responses to RAD regarding issues raised by the referees; intra-RAD memoranda regarding the project proposal; a report from the Research Committee subcommittee that reviewed the project proposal; replies from the manager to specific questions from RAD staff; handwritten notes from RAD staff; and the official memorandum from RAD stating that the project had not been approved. There are a few files for pending proposals for which no final action was taken or for which no formal proposal was submitted.

Research, project support, and reference files

This series consists of records that supported Davis' project work, policy development, and research. It contains field notes, project files, reference files, and research materials that cover Davis' World Bank career. The field notes are handwritten notebooks from Davis' operational field work, meetings, and project site visits from 1986 to 2002. The majority of the field notes arise from Davis' work in the Latin America and Caribbean Region, especially the earlier years as Senior Sociologist for the Environment Unit, Latin America and Caribbean Region (LATEN) from 1987 to 1991. Some notes are included from operational fieldwork and site visits in India, the Philippines, Russia, and Mozambique from his later years as Principal Sociologist for the Social Policy and Resettlement Division (ENVSP) from 1993 to 1997. The series also contains project site visit notes Davis created to review progress and compliance with safeguard policies (e.g. indigenous rights, environment, and sustainability) at development sites, primarily as a Sector Manager in the Latin America and Caribbean Region.

This series also includes extensive reference and project files. The reference files consist of papers, articles, reports, and publications typically devoted to a particular subject. Much of the reference material was authored and/or published externally by outside agencies, institutions, or person(s). The project files contain similar contents, but differ because they also contain project proposals, correspondence, memoranda, annotated notes, draft reports, and final reports, which are primarily created by Davis or by the units in which he served at the Bank. An example includes the file Social Assessments, 1998-2002, which details assessments and reviews done for development projects in the Latin America and Caribbean Region countries. Other files are specific to a country project, or to policy development, including Indigenous Peoples files related to World Bank operational directive "OD 4.20 - Indigenous Peoples" and operational policy "OP 4.10 - Indigenous Peoples". It is unclear what records in this series were maintained strictly for project support or reference because the records are interfiled together within a single folder, usually according to topic. Furthermore, the files overlap different periods in Davis' career when he served in different positions or areas of responsibility 

This series contains VHS tapes, DVDs, and CDs sent to Davis from outside agencies, institutions, and persons. These audio-visual items are not World Bank produced, but relate directly to areas of interests to Davis, including Latin America, indigenous rights and culture, bio-diversity, sustainability, and the environment. It is uncertain how Davis used these items in his roles at the Bank, but most likely kept them for reference.

Review Files for Policy Papers/best Practices Papers, and Other Publications and Issuances, Policy Development Unit, Policy and Review Department

This series documents the review process for World Bank Policy Papers, best Practices Papers, and information papers, most of which were generated by Policy, Research, and External Affairs (PRE) units. Also included are a file for Development Committee papers and files for annual publications such as the World Development Report and Global Economic Prospects. The files, which were maintained by Geoffrey Lamb and the Policy Development Unit (PRDPD), generally contain a copy of the initiating policy brief for the paper, copies of all the major revisions of the paper, copies of comments on the paper from high-level Bank managers, notes and minutes from meetings at which the paper was discussed (e.g. review meetings within the concerned complex, PRE managers' meetings, meetings of the PRE Committee, and meetings of the President's Council or the Committee of the Whole), and information about Board seminars regarding the policy outlined in the paper. The file for the Task Force on Environmental Action contains only the final report. In addition to the files for specific policy/best practices papers, one folder (filed under Pending correspondence) contains 1991 memoranda and intra-Bank correspondence on a number of policy papers that were still pending when PRD was abolished on November 30, 1991. The several files that predate the establishment of PRD contain only an initiating brief.

Ronald Duncan's Files on Commodities and Research While Serving with the International Commodity Markets Division (IECCM) and the International Trade Division (IECIT)

This series contains correspondence, reports, and other records that Ronald C. Duncan maintained primarily while he was director of the International Commodity Markets Division (IECCM) and later the International Trade Division (IECIT) in the International Economics Department. Duncan served as Division Chief in IECCM from 1 July 1987 until 1 May 1990 when he became Division Chief in IECIT. Prior to this he was Divisions Chief in the Economic Program Department's Commodity and Export Projects Division (EPDCS) between 1984 and 1987.

One file in this series, Support to the Regions, documents Duncan's units' support to the regions dating from 1984 when he was director of EPDCS to 1993 when he directed IECIT. Other files concern commodity price forecasting; commodity problems in Africa; the drafting of a paper, Bank Policy on the Financing of Commodities, which was discussed at the October 1989 meeting of the Operations Committee; Bank lending for plantation crops (tea, coffee, and cocoa); and possible researchwork on Eastern Europe. Several files contain correspondence and reports on research in units headed by Duncan. One concerns research funded by IECIT, rather than by the Research Support Budget (RSB). Another contains IEC proposals, 1993-1994, for RSB-funded research, and one updates the FY 1995 status of RSB-funded research projects in IECIT.

SASVP chronological correspondence files

This series consists of chronological correspondence from when Joseph Wood served as Vice President for the South Asia Region (SASVP). The records include incoming and outgoing correspondence and memoranda received and sent to internal World Bank units and staff, and correspondence sent to external agencies. Numerous correspondence are between Joseph Wood, Managing Director Ernest Stern, the Office of the President (EXC), and Executive Directors Board members. The chronological correspondence focus on a variety of topics, including: SAS lending; SAS workshops and training; and SAS briefing.


The contents in this series were possibly given to Rosen when he retired from the World Bank Group (Bank Group) in 1969. It contains photographs, as well as newspaper clippings, that cover Rosen's career and activities at the World Bank and International Finance Corporation (IFC): signing of IFC?s and IDA?s Articles of Agreement by various countries; signing of IADB (Inter-American Development Bank) and IFC investment agreement to assist the program of Compania Manufactura de Papeles y Cartones in Chile onNovember 26, 1962; Rosen?s visits to various corporations and factory sites in Japan and Korea; annual meetings in the 1960s; meeting of Bank Group?s Executive Directors with President McNamara on April 11, 1968; and many more.

Secretariat's Copies of Policy Papers and Minutes of Policy Review Committee Meetings and of Staff Review Meetings

The Policy Planning and Program Review Department staff (Pedro-Pablo Kuczynski, Frank Vibert, and Shahid J. Burki) served as the secretariat for the Policy Review Committee (PRC). This series contains the secretariat's set of policy papers and the notices of meetings and minutes of staff review meetings and of Policy Review Committee meetings at which the policy papers were discussed. The policy papers, which were drafted by various units throughout the Bank, were distributed for review at the PRC stafflevel or by the Policy Review Committee as a whole or were widely distributed throughout the Bank for comment or for information purposes prior to consideration by the Executive Directors. The files contain the various versions of a paper as it proceeded through the review process. The policy papers cover a broad range of subjects: sector issues, project costs overruns, the lending policies and practices of IDA, the World Bank's approach to interest rates and credit allocation issues, and the establishmentof the Third Window.

Sector and Operational energy and industry unit chronological files

This series consists of records related to Masood Ahmed's work with the Bank's energy and industry units from 1980 to 1991. During this time, he served in the following roles and divisions: Economist in the Energy Department (EGYDR), 1980-1981; Economist in the Energy Assessment Division (EGYEA), 1981-1982; Senior Economist in the Energy Assessment Division (EGYEA), 1983; Deputy Division Chief in the Energy Assessment Division (EYGEA), 1983-1985; Deputy Division Chief in the Energy Strategy and Pre-Investment Division I (EGYS1), 1985-1986; Deputy Division Chief in the Industrial Development and Finance Companies Division of the Europe, Middle East, and North Africa Projects Department (EMPID), 1986-1987; and Division Chief in the Industry and Energy Operations Division of the Europe, Middle East, and North Africa Country Department II (EM2IE), 1987-1991. Ahmed's records include correspondence and memoranda related to oversight, support and management of energy projects in various countries, and Ahmed's involvement with the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP). Records from 1987 to 1991 are related to lending and advisory services for development projects in the Maghreb countries of Northwest Africa. Additional records consist of travel, leave, and timesheet information dating from 1987 to 1991.

Sector policy records

The series consists of sector policy review and sector work program review records created and maintained by Visvanathan Rajagopalan when he served as Vice President for Sector Policy and Research (PREVP/PRSVP), and its successor the Sector and Operations Policy Vice Presidency (OSPVP). Included in the series are drafts and final versions of Initiating Memoranda and policy papers; comments Rajagopalan received from his staff and units throughout the Bank on draft policy documents; briefing papers on draft policies; minutes of meetings of the PPR Management Group, the Operations Committee, the Policy Review Committee, the Executive Directors, the Committee of the Whole, and the UNDP/World Bank High Level Task Force on Collaboration at which policy documents were discussed; copies of Rajagopalan's remarks to the Executive Directors on policy documents; annual sector review reports; records related to sector department work program review; and copies of intra-OSP memoranda commenting on draft documents. Many ofthe documents are annotated with Rajagopalan's handwritten notes.

Senior Management Council official files

This series consists of the official files of the Senior Management Council maintained by its secretary. In 1982 the Senior Management Council replaced the President's Council, which had been created in 1965 by George Woods. Occasionally the Senior Management Council and the Managing Committee met jointly, and some records of the joint meetings are included.

The official records contain agendas, minutes, memoranda to the Senior Management Council, reports and studies for review, and some correspondence. Also included are materials concerning the annual dinner gatherings and retreats of the Executive Directors and members of the Senior Management Council, including drafts of the President's remarks at the dinners. A photograph of the Senior Management Council members in 1984 is included.

Senior personnel files

This series contains correspondence, memoranda, reports and other material related to personnel issues generally and senior management personnel issues specifically. The files include descriptions of positions, a 1983 attitude survey, a grade and salary structure design, management succession and development plans for senior positions and vice presidents, data on vice presidents and directors (1983 - 1985), and similar materials.

Senior Vice President of Finance chronological files

The series consists of memoranda, letters, and telexes written or received by Stern during his tenure as Senior Vice President of Finance (FINSV) from 1988 to 1991. Stern assumed his duties in FINSV in May 1987 but there is a gap in his chronological files for the year 1987. Records consist mostly of internal memoranda to the President, the Regional Vice Presidents, other senior managers in the Finance Vice Presidency and President's Council as well as the Board of Directors. A smaller portion of the correspondence is with external banks or institutions and country ministers. Reports and draft papers are occasionally attached to the correspondence in addition to handwritten notes and annotations.

Issues covered in the files relate to: investment guidelines and operations; lending arrangements; monthly financial reports for clearance; market updates; currency management and policies to borrowers; country loan payments; comments on internal and external reports and papers; IDA9 deputies meeting administration and IDA9 negotiations; World Bank-International Monetary Fund collaboration and debt reduction; pension fund management; capital subscriptions; FINSV's work program and budget; and staffing matters. Topics of note are: U.S. Treasury's Brady Plan for international debt reduction and the role of the World Bank; review of the Bank's reimbursable programs; and the establishment of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) in 1991.

Shared Records of the Director-General, Operations Evaluation (DGO), and the Director, Operations Evaluation Department (OEDDR)

Series consists of files of both the Director-General, Operations Evaluation (DGO), and the Director, Operations Evaluation Department (OEDDR). The records document OEDDR and DGO interaction with: staff in other parts of the Bank; U.S. officials in the General Accounting Office, the U.S. Agency for International Development, and the Department of the Treasury who were interested in the evaluation function within the Bank; and officials in industrialized nations, NGOs, and international aid organizations who were responsible for, or interested in, monitoring and evaluation processes.

South Asia Country Programs Department chronological files

Series consists of chronological files created during Chernick's time as Senior Economist in the South Asia Country Programs Department (ASADR). The majority of the files consist of correspondence in the form of carbon copies, printed copies, and telexes. Records reflect various activities undertaken by Chernick, including: research; commenting on Bank research and policy papers and project and loan reports; writing of country program papers (CPPs); staffing of ASADR; information sharing; and seminar planning. A small number of reports are included in this series; these include: Current and Mid-Term Assessment of South Asian Countries; Indicative Statements of Economic and Sector Work for the South Asia Region; Disbursement Estimates; and Country Reports. There is, notably, a significant amount of material related to a problematic Maldives Country Report from 1986.

Space Files

The series concerns the expansion, retrofit and reconstruction options for buildings occupied by the Bank in Washington, DC (known as Buildings A, B, C, D, E, F and I). It is the most complete set of records in the President's office on space issues facing the Bank.

More than half of the files are reports submitted to the Bank by architects, real estate appraisers, and real estate developers. The internal memoranda and external correspondence cover such topics as the space needs of the Bank, real estate values, and the acquisition and sale of properties, in particular the agreement between the Bank and the IFC regarding the transfer of the responsibility for the IFC building. The International Monetary Fund's expansion is the subject of one file.

Special Evaluation Studies

The special evaluation studies build on the primary assessments covered by Completion and Audit Reports and Impact Evaluations. Those primary evaluation products for specific projects generate data, findings, and lessons that support the special evaluation studies which examine the impact of a number of projects and their implications for the World Bank's policies, practices, and procedures. The special evaluation studies cover topics and issues raised by the Executive Directors and by management and operations staff as well those emerging from audit work. The studies focus on countries, sectors, Bank processes and policies, and broad themes.

  • Sector Studies- Address the effectiveness of Bank programs on sector policies and on project selection, design, and implementation. Many of the sector studies compare experiences across countries (examples include studies of human resource development, Bank experience in the Education Sector, and rural water supplies), whereas others are in-depth reviews of particular sectors in individual countries (e.g., educational development in Korea, population policies and programs in Kenya).

  • Process- Studies Evaluate the Bank's business processes from a development perspective. These studies examine how well the Bank applies its policies and evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of Bank business practices. Examples include: studies of: poverty assessments; Environmental Impact Assessments and Action Plans; and Project Appraisals.

  • Policy Reviews- Examples of topics covered by such studies include: experience with agricultural research; fiscal management; financial sector reform; and experience in large dams.

  • Thematic Studies- Examine broad themes that encompass multiple sectors and countries and themes of special emphasis for the Bank, such as: resettlement policy; gender; anti-corruption; and poverty alleviation.

The content of the files for the special studies varies but the more complete files contain: drafts and final copies of an Initiating Memorandum (IM), a Study Design Paper, and an Approach Paper; comments on these initial documents from OED staff and from members of the Committee on Development Effectiveness (CODE) or its predecessor, the Joint Audit Committee (JAC); Terms of Reference for the OED staff members and/or consultants assigned to the study; copies of previously issued Bank and OED reports, studies, and audits relating to the study topic; Back-to-Office Reports from study missions; intra-OED memoranda regarding methodology, schedules, and progress on the study; various drafts of the study with comments on the drafts from OED staff, Bank staff in other units, representatives of other development and aid organizations, and officials in client countries; drafts of the DGO's comments to CODE (or JAC) regarding the evaluation; minutes of CODE (or JAC) meetings at which the study was discussed; drafts of the DGO's transmittal memorandum to the Executive Directors and the President; and summaries of discussions and minutes of meetings of the Executive Directors at which the study was discussed; copies of the OED Precis and Fast Track Brief relating to the study; and copies of letters transmitting the final report to interested parties.

Speech background files

This series consists of a collection of background materials for President Clausen's speeches and other public appearances, such as television, radio, and magazine interviews. The records include correspondence and memoranda, talking points, drafts, reference materials and data, schedules, meeting summary notes, guest lists, thank you notes, and transcripts of press conferences and interviews with TV networks and magazines. The files contain some handwritten notes by Clausen. The series also includes one file from the period before he became President.

The files are arranged according to the name of the organization to whom the speech was given or the name of the organization interviewing the President. It seems likely that this background file originally contained only the invitations, correspondence, and arrangements for appearances, with the actual speeches in the chronological speech file. Over time, however, two things happened: first, the background files grew to contain data and supporting material for the content of the speech and, second, the background files came to contain external relations material not related to a specific speech. The four files on the U. S. Commission on Security and Economic Assistance, for example, principally document the Bank developing a position on the Commission and its recommendations (its report is included in the files), not a speech. Neither the chronological speech files nor the background files appears to include all the Clausen speeches; they need be used together in order to obtain a full picture of his public appearances.

Speech File of D.C. Rao, Director, International Economics Department (IEC)

This series primarily contains copies of the public speeches of D.C. Rao who became IEC's Director on May 1, 1990. The series also includes Rao's copies of two speeches President Conable gave in Mexico City on January 24, 1990 and in Warsaw, Poland on February 23, 1990; Rao's handwritten notes and copies of agenda from various meetings at which he spoke; background data provided Rao to help him prepare a briefing; and rough notes, outlines, talking points,and computer-generated slides for speeches he delivered.

Speech reference collection

This series contains speeches made by Bank staff and, in lesser amounts, Bank consultants, Executive Directors, and government officials. These records were maintained by EXT staff as a reference collection. In addition to speeches, a small amount of similar materials are included, such as: talking points for speeches; transcripts of radio addresses, lectures, press conferences, and interviews; and a small number of published articles.

Note that, while one of EXT's responsibilities was to serve as speechwriter for the Bank President and other senior staff, there is no evidence of speechwriting activities contained in the records of this series. Additionally, EXT staff were regularly responsible for fielding requests for appearances and speeches by Bank Presidents and managing logistics related to those appearances; records related to these activities are likewise not included in this series.

Speeches of Bank Presidents

Speeches made by every Bank President from 1946 to 1999 are included. Presidential speeches contained in this series were delivered to a variety of audiences, both internally and externally, although the latter is more common. The most frequent audience is the Board of Governors at the Bank's Annual Meetings. Other external audiences include international organizations (including the United Nations and its various councils, divisions, and conferences), clubs, associations, and academic institutions.

The speeches of Bank Presidents contained in this series are often small pamphlet-sized publications. This is most commonly the case with the annual Address to the Board of Governors given at the Bank's Annual Meetings. Other formats include photocopies and press releases.

Only three speeches made by President Eugene Meyer are included in this series. Two of the speeches, both dating from 1946, are from: the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Political Science; and a dinner in honor of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund's (IMF) Boards of Governors. The third speech, from 13 January 1947, was given to the Canadian Club subsequent to Meyer's resignation as Bank President.

President John J. McCloy's speeches date from April 1947 to June 1949. In addition to speech transcripts and the scripts of two television programs McCloy participated in, the script for his three-part lecture given at John B. Stetson University in February 1949 is also included. Statements made by McCloy to the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations in January 1948 and the House Committee on Bank and Currency in May 1949 are also included.

The speeches of President Eugene Black date from 1947 to 1962. These include speeches from 1947 and 1948 made by Black while serving as the U.S. Executive Director to the Bank. In addition to his speeches, a single folder includes Bank press releases related to Black's appointment as President of the Bank and to other matters. A small number of photocopied magazine articles profiling Black are also included.

President George D. Woods' speeches date from January 1963 to May 1968. In addition to speeches, a small amount of Bank press releases related to Woods' appointment as Bank President as well as magazine articles related to Woods and the World Bank are included; the latter includes a copy of Forbes magazine dated 15 December 1963 featuring Woods on the cover. An article authored by Woods and published in Foreign Affairs magazine in January 1966 is also included.

The majority of President Robert S. McNamara's speeches are in published form and date from 1968 to 1981. Three speeches given by McNamara following his departure from the World Bank are also included: the Sir John Crawford Memorial Lecture (1 November 1985); the Africa Leadership Forum (21 June 1990); and the Annual Conference on Development Economics (25 April 1991).

President A. W. Clausen's speeches date from 1981 to 1986. Clausen's addresses to the Board of Governors are available in published pamphlet form as are a small number of other speeches. The remainder are photocopies.

President Barber Conable's speeches date from 1986 to 1991. Conable's addresses to the Board of Governors at the Annual Meetings from 1988 to 1990 include translations in a number of languages, including: Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Portuguese, German, and French.

President Lewis Preston's speeches date from 1991 to 1994. Only talking points are included for a number of his speeches.

President James D. Wolfensohn's speeches date from 1997 and are relatively few in number. Speeches are filed alongside those of other Bank staff and external political figures.

Bank staff (non-President) and other speeches

This series also contains speeches made by Bank Group staff (including International Finance Corporation [IFC] staff) and, in far less number, Bank consultants, Executive Directors of the Bank, country leaders and ministers, and other prominent external figures. The majority of the speeches are by International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) staff. Speeches date from 1946 to 1993. In addition to speeches, a small number of interview transcripts, statements, and published articles are included. In most cases, there are between one and three speeches per individual, although in the case of more senior staff, the number of items can exceed a dozen. Drafts of speeches are included, although in very small number. Translations of speeches are included for some speeches and in a few cases the speech exists only in a language other than English; in the case of the latter, the most common languages are French and Spanish.

Note that some speeches by senior External Relations staff that were filed alongside the speeches of other senior Bank staff are included in this series. These include speeches, lecture and press conference transcripts, speech notes (with hand-written annotations), and published articles dating from 1996 to 1999 by EXTVP Mark Molloch Brown.

EXT speechwriters' reference collection

A group of speeches maintained as reference copies by EXT speechwriters from 1981 to 1989 are also included in this series. Speeches made by Presidents Clausen and Conable are the most common in this collection. Conable's speeches from August 1987 to September 1989 are interfiled with speeches made by other senior Bank staff and prominent external figures. Conable's speeches, however, still make up the majority of the records during this period.

Speech transcripts and memoirs

This series contains transcripts of two speeches that Diamond gave: one in 1984 on the World Bank's policy on development banks and the other in 1999 on the beginnings of the Economic Development Institute (EDI). This series also includes an essay--A Partial Memoir of Other Times--written in 2000.

Speech, presentation, statement, and interview files

This series includes records of the speeches, presentations, statements, and interviews given by Attila Karaousmangolu in the following roles: Director of Development Policy (VPD); Director of the Country Programs Department 1 of the Europe, Middle East, and North Africa Region (EM1DR); Vice-President East Asia and Pacific Region (AENVP); and Managing Director (MDS). The records include speech transcripts, presentation papers, press releases, newspaper clippings, and hand-written notes. Correspondence and memoranda are also included, and detail formal arrangements, itineraries, and responses to speeches, presentations, statements, and interviews given by Karaosmanoglu.


This series contains transcripts of speeches and remarks Visvanathan Rajagopalan delivered as Chairman of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) and as Vice President and Special Adviser to PresidentPreston. Most of the speeches concern CGIAR, but other topics range from the engineer's role in sustainable development to safe motherhood; food security; the Bank's activities in environment and infrastructure; integrating women's issues in project, sector, and economic work; the World Conference on Education for All; and malaria control. The series includes Rajagopalan's remarks at his retirement party.


This series consists of two subseries: President Conable's addresses and opening remarks at the Annual Meetings between 1986 and 1991, and a chronological set of speeches during the course of his Presidency. The files include correspondence, drafts, press releases, agendas, talking points, and background information about the organization or meeting to which Conable was speaking. Two speech file folders are empty, and the series appears to be incomplete.

A copy of a speech by Michel Camdessus, the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, is included with the 1989 Annual Meeting speeches.


This series consists of a chronological collection of President A. W. Clausen's speeches delivered at seminars, meetings, and conferences to a wide variety of audiences. It is closely related to the Speech background file; sometimes there is a file unit in both series on the same event, but neither series appears to have files on all the Clausen speeches.

Speeches and related material

Series consists of a variety of records primarily documenting speaking appearances made by Stern during his time at the World Bank Group. The majority of the records consist of full-text speeches given at academic institutions, external conferences, seminars, symposia and at various meetings of country ministers and International Development Association (IDA) replenishment meetings. Other speeches were made by Stern at internal World Bank Group functions such as Board and Executive Directors meetings, presidents' retreats, and senior operations manager retreats. The series also includes press releases, talking points prepared for Stern, copies of articles written by Stern, or publications containing interviews with him. The series also contains a copy of a 1971 speech "Foreign Assistance Agencies and the Problem of Unemployment" given by Stern prior to his World Bank employment when he was at USAID. His farewell speech as Managing Director in 1995 is also included.

Speeches and related materials

Series contains a variety of records related to speaking appearances made by Callisto Madavo while serving as Vice President of the Africa Regional Vice Presidency (AFRVP). The majority of the records consist of full-text speeches and talking points for speeches. Also included are: transcripts of interviews, press briefings, and question and answer sessions; articles he authored or co-authored; and background notes prepared for Madavo by staff in advance of events at which he was speaking or panels on which he was appearing. While a small number of the speeches made by Madavo were internal to the Bank, the majority were at conferences, forums, academic institutions, and other events external to the Bank. The speeches discuss a variety of topics, including: trade and investment in Africa; the relationship between the World Bank and Africa; Africa and education; Africa's future; globalization; and HIV/AIDS.

Speeches, articles, and conference attendance and participation

Series contains reports and articles authored by McCarthy in both published and draft form. Published materials are usually contained in publications or as published reports. Articles and reports date from throughout McCarthy's employment at the World Bank, including his time as a consultant after his 1999 retirement. A small number of articles contained in this series were published while McCarthy was affiliated with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the late 1970s. Topics of the articlesare wide-ranging, but generally relate to country economic profiles, consumer behavior in developing countries, and the agriculture and nutrition sectors.

Series also includes a number of reports published by the World Bank and authored by World Bank staff and consultants other than McCarthy. A small number of development-related speeches authored by individuals external to the World Bank are also included.

Records related to seminar attendance and participation by McCarthy are included in this series.Records include text and slides from presentations by both McCarthy and others. The most common topic of articles, reports, and conference materials is the environment and its effect on and role in development economics. Other topics include structural adjustment and country economic profiles.

Spring and annual meeting records

Series consists of records relating to Johnson's attendance at, and participation in, the World Bank's annual meetings in 2001 to 2003 and spring meetings in 2001 and 2002. Included are Briefing Binders for annual meetings in 2001 and 2002 and spring meetings in 2001 to 2003. These binders contain: Issue Briefs; Regional Briefs; Success Stories; press coverage; talking points; schedules; Notes from the President; and briefings and summaries on a variety of other topics. Records related to roundtable discussion with civil society are also included.

Series also includes files containing briefing reports for Bank President Wolfensohn in advance of meetings with representatives from a number of donor countries prior to the 2002 spring meetings. It is unclear who prepared these briefings for Wolfensohn. However, the focus of the briefings extends beyond the scope of ESSD and so it is likely that they are contained in Johnson's files for informational purposes and not because he or ESSD had a hand in their preparation.

Staff and consultant reports

Series consists of reports created and accumulated by Commission staff and consultants. Reports broadly include working papers prepared by Commission senior staff, studies produced by consultants that were recruited to conduct research for the Commission, and external papers, addresses, and other reference material.

Although most of the records are from 1968 there are a few reports used for reference that date from 1961. The reports contained in this series investigate a wide range of development related issues as well as country-specific information that were discussed by the Commission members and incorporated into their final report delivered in 1969. Each senior staff employed by the Commission was responsible for investigating one of the specific topics under study, such as trade, aid importance, or debt relief. The work of the consultants meanwhile, concentrated on studies of conditions and prospects in individual developing countries. Consultants also studied the history and structure of opinion toward development aid in the major donor countries.

The files containing external reference material are labeled "Miscellaneous - Non-Staff" and contain copies of UN committee reports and concept or study papers (some published and others presumably unpublished) that were produced by other UN family organizations (such as Food and Agriculture Organization [FAO]), academic institutions, and national agencies such as USAID. There are also transcripts of addresses given by government officials and copies of memoranda and papers authored by individuals.

Specific topics of reports in this series include (but are not limited to): aid statistics; foreign aid policy; population control; foreign aid to Colombia; donor assumptions and expectations in Germany; aid philosophy and mechanisms in Japan; and Pakistan growth and development policies.

Staff and consultant reports and documents

The series consists mainly of reports authored by staff and consultants of the Education Research Division (EDTRS) and Education Policy Division (EDTPT). Reports were prepared for internal dissemination, presentation at conferences or seminars, or issued as publications. The records were primarily accumulated between 1974 and 1990, apart from a single 1967 Economics Department report. The series also contains a small number of reports by Bank staff outside of the sector or by external authors.

Record formats include, but are not limited to, internal working papers, discussion papers, research papers and research project outputs (RPO), sector review papers, background papers for Bank seminars, manuals, and copies of articles authored by sector staff and collaborators for external economics or education-related journals. Some papers are Bank-numbered series such as the Education and Training Series discussion papers (1985 - 1987). However, many reports are not numbered. Other document formats include lectures and case studies.

Most of the series consists of files with a single or bound report. The reports are mainly final drafts or published versions; very few rough drafts with annotations are found in the records.

A smaller amount of staff and consultant reports contain one or more different papers and typically consist of internal memoranda and letters regarding the revision of the reports or publication arrangements. Correspondence is between EDTRS Division Chief George Pscharopoulous and other EDTRS staff, consultants contracted to author reports, or from EDT director to the Bank's Publication unit. The files containing reports and related correspondence range from 1981 to 1987.

Reports and documents focus on regions, countries, or specific sector topics. Topics include, but are not limited to: procurement in Bank education projects; effective schools; higher education; informal education; teachers issues and salary; educational planning and change; development of school media services; users charges and expenditures for public education; income benefits of schooling; manpower planning; and review of educational research capabilities in less-developed countries.

Authors that are most prominently represented in the series include George Psacharopoulous, Stephen P. Heyneman, Manuel Zymelman, Dean T. Jamison, Peter R. Moock, Marlaine Lockheed, Jee-Peng Tan, Alain Mingat, and John Simmons (Policy Planning Division).

Many reports in the series are co-authored, such as the "Education and development: Viewsfrom the World Bank" 1983 report by EDT Director Aklilu Habte, Psacharopoulous, and Heyneman. Also included is a first version of a "Handbook for implementation of education projects" (1975) prepared by Education Department, Central Projects Staff.

Stanley Fischer's Chronological File of Correspondence with Bank Staff (Internal Chronological Files)

The correspondence in this series documents Stanley Fischer's wide range of responsibilities as DECVP. Fischer did not officially assume the duties of DECVP until January 1988 and much of the correspondence in the series prior to that time concerns organization of the VPDEC Front Office, personnel matters, and scheduling of meetings. A significant amount of his correspondence is from the directors and division chiefs of the International Economics Department (IEC), the Country Economics Department (CEC), the Economic Development Institute (EDI), and his Front Office staff. Incoming communications are found with some of Fischer's outgoing memoranda, letters, e-mail, handwritten notes, and other communications. Copies of policy briefs and outlines for studies and papers, policy papers, and research papers on the debt crisis, structural and sectoral adjustment lending, trade policy, environmental issues, and other international economic issues were forwarded from the divisions and the Front Office for Fischer's review and/or further action. Structuring of work programs, proposals for the annual World Development Report (WDR) and drafts of the WDR, World Debt Tables, and proposals for EDI training are also subjects of Fischer's correspondence.

As Chief Economist, Fischer served as principal economic adviser to President Barber Conable (EXC) and to W. David Hopper, Senior Vice President, Policy, Planning and Research [PPRSV] and Hopper's successor, Wilfried P. Thalwitz, Senior Vice President, Policy, Research and External Affairs [PPRSV]. Fischer's memos, informal notes, and other communications with PPRSV are found throughout the series. Memos and informal notes sent in his role as Chief Economist to Moeen A Qureshi, Senior Vice President, Operations (OPNSV) and Ernest Stern, Senior Vice President, Finance (FNSV) concern matters coming before the Operations Committee.

Found with correspondence for 1988 are Fischer's briefing papers for Conable for a June 1988 meeting at the Bank with the Director-General, GATT, Arthur Dunkel and for an August 1988 meeting with Julius Katz, Chairman of the Uruguay Round Negotiating Group on the Functioning of the GATT System (FOGS); Fischer's background paper containing information for an October 1988 meeting between Conable and Romano Prodi, President of the Instituto per la Ricostruzione Industriale (IRI); memos prepared for Conable on the debt problem (May 1988) and Argentine loans (August 1988); and talking points for Conable's May 1988 speech at the brookings Institution.Among the 1989 correspondence are talking points Fischer prepared for a Conable-Camdessus luncheon meeting on proposals to improve collaboration between the Bank and IMF; a policy brief prepared for Conable on Experience in Trade Reform (April 1989); an informal memo on the Brady Plan debt strategy (April 1989); a draft memo to Conable on World Bank Intellectual Leadership (September 1989); and a formal proposal to Conable regarding establishment of a Socialist Economy Reform Unit within CEC (October 1989)which was approved the following month. Among the 1990 correspondence are several memos containing talking points for Conable-Camdessus luncheon meetings.

Fischer also corresponded with OPNSV regarding the classification of economists. Found throughout the series are Fischer's memos announcing meetings of the Economists Review Panel which he chaired, announcing actions taken by the panels, addressing appeals to the panels' actions, and inviting Bank staff to fill panel vacancies. The series also contains Fischer's correspondence as Chairman of the EDI Advisory Board and the Research Committee and his correspondence with the Research Administrator (RAD). Some Fischer correspondence with the Vice President, Sector Policy and Research [PREVP], Visvanathan Rajagopalan, is also part of the series.

Back-to-Office (BTO) Reports prepared by Fischer following trips to Argentina, Germany, Switzerland (Geneva), and China in 1988, to Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania, Yugoslavia, and Poland in 1989, and Japan, Israel, India, Poland, and London in 1990 are in the series. Also part of the series are copies of speeches, Il Messagero articles, and other papers Fischer prepared that were sent to DEC managers who provided him input. Correspondence with other Bank officials and papers forwarded to him for comment from other Bank offices and some outside economists are part of the series. Routine correspondence concerning administrative and personnel matters are scattered throughout the series. Fischer's last official day as DECVP was August 31, 1990 but the series includes correspondence for September - December 1990 during which time Fischer made brief visits to the Bank from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) and served as a consultant to the joint Bank/IMF study of the Soviet economy.

Stanley Fischer's Chronological File of Correspondence with Non-Bank Organizations and Individuals (External Chronological Files)

Most of Fischer's outgoing letters and memoranda are accompanied by incoming communications. The majority of the letters in this series concern Fischer's contacts with fellow economists and professional and international organizations outside the Bank. Included are: Fischer's letters accepting and declining invitations to speak or otherwise participate in conferences, institutes, symposia, and professional meetings; his responses to letters suggesting topics for his future research and writing; and his responses to letters requesting Fischer's comments on papers and to letters commenting on his papers and other writing. Some incoming letters and memoranda contain Fischer's annotations regarding the response to be prepared.

The remainder of the series includes: Fischer's letters of invitation sent to academics and other outside economists to participate in informal workshops, seminars, and conferences sponsored (or co-sponsored) by the Bank; Fischer's thank you letters to participants following these events and to officials with whom he met during overseas trips; and occasional memoranda Fischer sent to individuals inside the Bank.

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