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Country Director, Africa Regional Vice Presidency (AFRVP) chronological correspondence files

This series contains chronological correspondence files from the last three months of Madavo's time as Country Director in the Africa Regional Vice Presidency (AFRVP). Madavo oversaw the Country Department responsible for lending and country monitoring for Ethiopia, Kenya, Mauritius, Somalia, Sudan, and Uganda. The correspondence is between Madavo and: Bank member government officials including ministers and ambassadors; and Bank staff including the Africa Regional Vice President Kim Jaycox as well as the Bank resident missions of countries in Madavo's department. Topics of correspondence are various but include: proposed and ongoing country projects and technical assistance; country program development; country reports; portfolio review; and travel logistics and expenses.

Chronological files

Series includes Desmond McCarthy's chronological files covering nearly his entire career at the World Bank, beginning just prior to his transfer from the Comparative Analysis and Projections Division of the Economic Analysis and Projects Department (EPDCA) in 1983 to his time as Economic Adviser in the Development Economics Vice Presidency (DECVP) in 1998. Records generally consist of correspondence and memoranda between McCarthy and World Bank colleagues. Correspondence between McCarthy and individuals and institutions external to the Bank are included in lesser number. A significant amount of correspondence relates to the exchange of articles and reports for information, research, and review purposes; as such, articles and reports in final or draft form often accompany correspondence. Terms of Reference and back-to-office reports relating to mission travel by McCarthy and colleagues are included, as is correspondence related to work programs and research projects.

Records created during McCarthy's time as an Economist in the Latin America and the Caribbean Vice Presidency (LCN) between 1985 and 1988 are plentiful and primarily relate to his work as country economist for Argentina. Records relate to McCarthy's authorship or review of Argentina's Country Program Paper (CPP) and Country Economic Memorandum (CEM) and related discussion and research on macro-economic issues including: trade, financial sector reform, public sector expenditure, economic recovery and growth, and debt management. Records also relate to a variety of new initiatives in Argentina including a Cofinancing Task Force, debt equity swaps, and a significant refinancing package. Records also include periodic economic updates on Argentina.

Records relating to McCarthy's time in the International Economic Analysis and Prospects Division (IECAP) of the International Economics Department (IEC) between 1988 and 1992 include research on and discussion of a variety of topics including: World Bank-International Monetary Fund (IMF) relationship; impacts of the 1990 Middle East crisis on development; global economic outlooks; global capital shortages; and the environment and the world economy.

Records relating to McCarthy's work as an Economic Adviser in the Development Policy Group (DPG) between 1992 and 1993 primarily relate to his contribution to and review of Country Strategy Papers (CSPs). Substantial records relating to CSPs for Kenya, Columbia, Chili, Bulgaria, Poland, and Indonesia are included in this series. Comments by McCarthy on drafts of CSPs for other countries are also included. Records relating to McCarthy's participation in Paris Club Meetings are also included.

Records relating to McCarthy's time as Economic Adviser to the Chief Economist and Development Economist Vice President (DECVP) between 1993 and 1999 primarily relate to his research efforts. Topics include: public sector expenditure; impacts of environment on trade and development economics; and guidance and review of Country Assistance Strategy papers (CAS). Briefs on a variety of topics and countries for senior DECVP staff (including Chief Economists Michael Bruno [1993-1996] and Joseph Stiglitz [1997-2000]) are also included.


This series contains records relating to the World Bank's publication function while it was located in or reported to the Bank's External Relations unit or its predecessors. The Bank's earliest publication activities occurred in the Public Relations Department from 1947 to 1955; a division dedicated to the publications of Bank-authored materials was established in 1949. With the termination of the Public Relations Department in 1955, the Bank's publishing function was transferred to the new Information Department (INFO). The publication of Bank-authored and Bank-sponsored materials increased rapidly over the subsequent decade. The publishing function was moved to the new Information and Public Affairs Department (IPA) in 1968 where it remained through 1980. In that year it was removed from IPA and upgraded to a separate department called the Publications Department (PUB); it reported to various iterations of the External Affairs Vice Presidency through 1992. In that year, PUB was downgraded to a division, but continued to report to the External Affairs Department.

The Bank's publications function is responsible for the publication of Bank-authored and, in some cases, Bank-sponsored informational materials for a variety of audiences, including: the broader public (speeches, regional and country booklets, press releases, fact sheets, informational pamphlets, educational materials); members and partners (Annual Report, World Development Report, Policies and Operations, various guidelines and handbooks); development practitioners (sector papers, Country Economic Reports, occasional papers); and the academic community (monographs and articles). Its activities have generally involved: selection of Bank-authored materials for publication; editing and design of publications; supervision of the production process; and promotion, marketing and distribution of Bank publications throughout the world.

Records relating to the publication and distribution of Bank-authored and Bank-sponsored materials include correspondencerelating to the various phases of the publication cycle. Correspondence is between the publishing unit and various stakeholders including: authors, relevant Bank units, external publishers and distributors, and members of the public or organizations. Correspondence relates to: submission of manuscripts; editing of manuscripts; translation of manuscript; solicitation of comments on drafts; determining the design aspects of the publications; budgeting matters; and marketing and distribution of publications. Records relating to editorial activities include drafts of manuscripts and page proofs that were published by the Bank; records relating to manuscripts that were reviewed for publication but ultimately not published by the Bank are also included. Records are primarily grouped into folders based on publication title. A small number of folders from the 1970s are titled by activity (budget, translation, etc.) or publication type (sector papers, country economic reports, etc.). Subject files relating to specific publication topics or authors are also included as are chronological files relating to publishing activities of a number of IPA staff: Donald Pryor (1973-9174); Brian J. Svikhart (1974-1976); and Goddard G. Winterbottom (1974-1976).

Records relating to the editorial decision-making and selection process of the Bank's Publication Committee are also included in this series. The Publication Committee was established in 1957 by President Black to develop and review policies and procedures with respect to the preparation, editing, approval and production of Bank publications. However, the committee's proceedings were, at least initially, devoted almost entirely to the consideration of specific proposals for publication submitted by staff including, especially, the Economic Development Institute. In addition to the director of the Information and Public Affairs Department (IPA), the committee members included vice presidents and department heads from throughout the Bank, including operations, EDI, administration, and the economics (or research) department. Records relating to the Publication Committee date from 1957 to 1978 and include meeting agendas and minutes as well as correspondence supporting the work of the committee.

This series also contains a large amount of material published by the Bank and maintained by publishing units as reference. These include: a copy of each World Bank Annual Report published between 1946 and 2003; copies of Annual Meeting Summary Proceedings from 1950 to 1991; and Development News - Daily Summary/Weekly Supplement from 1994 to 1999. A collection of "Finance and Development" is also included. "Finance and Development" was published quarterly by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) from June 1964 until June 1998 when the IMF became the sole publisher. English, Spanish, French and German language issues are included. Also included is a reference collection of "World Bank Loans at Work" for the years 1950 through 1967 except for a few missing issues. The publication was created for an external audience and contain photographs and descriptions of a variety of World Bank projects. Published versions of the World Bank Staff Working Papers series published between 1976 and 1986 are also included.

The series also contains a small amount of educational materials authored by the World Bank Group. The materials, which date from 1984 to 1986, were developed for secondary schools with the title "Toward a Better Tomorrow." Records include textual guides and reference materials as well as five film strips.

Records from a bibliographic project undertaken in 1970 are also included. The project aimed to compile a list of all Bank publications from 1946 to 1973. Records related to the bibliography include publication lists containing publication titles, dates, translations, quantities and distribution numbers for each publication. Other supporting material is also included although a final version of the bibliography is not.

Media relations

The media relations series includes press releases disseminated by the World Bank Group relating to operations and activities from the founding of the World Bank in 1946 through 1995. Press releases of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), International Development Association (IDA), and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) are included in this series.

The series consists of IBRD numbered press releases relating to Bank Group operations and activities dating from 1946 to1995. Press releases document country membership admission to the Bank and announce staff appointments in various member countries and other promotions within the Bank. The majority of IBRD press releases relate to IBRD loans, including applications, agreements, and issuances. Other topics of press releases include organizational changes (including reorganizations, retirements, and staff and Executive Director appointments), country membership, bond issuances, Resident Mission developments, speeches by senior management, report publications, conference attendance, consultative group meetings, mission travel undertaken by senior management, and Spring and Annual meetings. Early press releases were numbered consecutively. Beginning in 1962, press releases were numbered according to the year of release. Numbered press releases are missing from the following years: 1982, 1983, 1985, and 1986.

Series also includes press releases relating to IDA operations and activities from its creation in 1960 to 1994. The majority of IDA press releases relate to the funding of projects through IDA credits. Other topics of press releases include organizational changes (including reorganizations, retirements, and staff appointments), country membership, IDA replenishments, consultative group meetings, conference attendance, and Spring and Annual meetings. The press releases are arranged consecutively by number from 1960 through December 1961, numerically by calendar year from 1962 to June 1976, and numerically by fiscal year from July 1976.

An index for IBRD and IDA press releases from 1946 to 1994 is included. Indexes provide a brief descriptive subject title along with press release number and date. A separate index for IDA records for the years 1962 to 1979 is also included and contains the same information.

A portion of IBRD and IDA press releases dating from 1946 to 1994 are unnumbered and arranged chronologically. Unnumbered press releases are included in the file indexes as "unnum" or "unnumbered" but are not filed withthe numbered press releases. Some press releases have published informational supplements attached; supplements originated in both the Bank and in other organizations.

The series also contains translations of some of the IBRD and IDA press releases from 1948 to 1994. French and Spanish translations are most common but translations into Chinese, German, Italian, Arabic, Japanese and Portuguese are also included. A number of smaller series of press releases dating from 1987 through 1994 that relate to specific World Bank agencies or topics are also included. The financial series describes general World Bank finances, currency issues, and bonds. The larger special series details World Bank presidents' visits to member countries, staff appointments, and new Bank initiatives. A small number of press releases from the early 1990s relate to the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), and the impact of development on particular US states export growth are also included.

The series also includes versions of speeches and addresses by Bank Group officials that were disseminated as press releases. These date from 1946 to 1965. The majority of the speeches are by Bank presidents Eugene Meyer, George Woods, and Robert McNamara. Speeches by other Bank officials include: J. Burke Knapp; Sir Denis Rickett; Mohamed Shoaib; Siem Alderweld; and Irving Freidman. These speeches include commencement addresses, Annual Meetings addresses to the Board of Governors, remarks during sessions of Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, and addresses to various bank associations and conferences.

The series also contains IFC press releases relating to operations and activities dating from 1956 to 1979. Topics include external operations as well as organizational changes, activities and events. Responsibility for writing and disseminating IFC press releases was the responsibility of various departments within the Information and Public Affairs Department (IPA) between IFC's creation in 1956 and 1979. In 1979, this activity was transferred to IFC's new Information Office. A small number of press releases dating from 1965 to 1974 include IPA correspondence relating to the authorship and dissemination of both press releases and photographs from the Bank's photograph library. These files are titled according to either the name of the company that received the investment or by country, thereunder by name of company.

The series also contains records relatingto press tours organized and facilitated by the Bank and governments and institutions of member countries. Press tours included media from around the world. Participants visited sites of projects funded by the Bank, partook in talks and discussions related to development, and met with government officials. Records include memoranda related to the planning of the trip, programs and itineraries, and background publications for participants.

Support and communications of the Office of the President and senior staff

The staff support and communications of the Office of the President and senior staff series includes records related to a variety of activities undertaken by External Relations (EXT) departments. These include: authoring correspondence for senior staff and Bank presidents; scheduling and managing logistics for media relations and speaking engagements; liaising with the press with regard to publication requests; and authoring briefing books for mission travel and meetings. This series contains records related to these activities in addition to subject and reference files.

Series contains records related to the authorship of correspondence for the Office of the President (EXC). The correspondence was authored for Bank Presidents Robert McNamara (1968 to 1981), A. W. Clausen (1981 to 1986), and Barber Conable (1986 to 1991). The records include correspondence received by EXC and forwarded to EXT for response. Forwarded correspondence is accompanied by EXC's forms for requests of action (i.e. author a response,file with EXT records, provide advice, etc.) Topics of correspondence are wide ranging and include: requests for interviews; invitations to conferences and meetings; research proposals; and letters of introduction.

Also included in this series are records related to the scheduling and logistics planning provided by EXT for media interviews in which Bank presidents participated. Records relate to interviews with Presidents McNamara and to a lesser extent, Conable. Records include: correspondence leading upto the interview; internal memoranda concerning logistics; proposed questions and answers; and a clipping or a full transcript of the actual interview. Records relate to print interviews with the Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, Washington Post, New York Times and Life magazine. Television interviews include the BBC, Italian television, and McNamara's appearance on NBC's Meet the Press in 1974. The records related to McNamara's Meet the Press appearance include preparation notes, transcripts from the episode, and correspondence from viewers.

Records relating to EXT's support of press conferences in which President Conable participated are also included. Records include transcripts of press conferences and press interviews for the years covering 1986 to 1989. Topics include: Bank's 1987 Reorganization; Annual Meetings; annual reports; the establishment of the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA); Bank policies on the environment; a 1988 loan package to Argentina; indebtedness; adjustment lending; and a 1989 loan package to Mexico. Series also includes records related to press conferences involving Sir William Ryrie (International Finance Corporation [IFC] Executive Vice President), Yoshio Terasawa (Executive Vice President of MIGA), and Ibrahim F. I. Shihata (World Bank Vice President).

Also included in this series are records related to the requests for speeches by Bank senior staff including the president. The majority of these records consist of correspondence with external organizations that are requesting participation by Bank staff in their conferences, meetings, and other events. In the cases where invitations were accepted, a transcript of the speech given is often included. In addition to requests to Presidents Black, Woods, and McNamara, requests are also made to a number of other World Bank vice presidents. A small amount of records related to World Bank policy with regard to speaking events is also included. Records date from 1950 to 1968.

Records relating to requests for article submission to periodicals and other publications are also included in this series. Records relate to requests made to Presidents Woods and McNamara. Records include correspondence with media representatives in which requests for articles are made. Records also relate to the submission of articles, including drafts (often with hand-written annotations) and final versions as well as correspondence with the publisher.

The series also includes records relating to logistical and program support for tours of member countries made by senior Bank staff including Presidents McCloy, Woods, and McNamara. Records date from 1947 to 1968 and consist of internal memoranda, correspondence (including invitations), and itineraries.

The series also contains briefing books prepared by EXT staff for President James Wolfensohn between 1996 and 2005 in support of his various trips and conferences. The briefing books include event background, speaking points, transcripts of speeches, meeting notes, agendas, itineraries, biographical and relevant information on meeting participants, and media biographies. Briefing papers relate to: Wolfensohn's visits to Geneva, Spain, and Switzerland; UN Special Representative Secretary General seminars; Annual Meeting seminars; and the 2002 Monterrey Mexico conference on development financing. There are also briefing papers and supporting materials for Wolfensohn and other staff members related to G-7 meetings from 1995 through 1997. A small number of briefing papers for Mats Karlsson (Vice President of External and United Nations Affairs [EXTUN]) covering 1999 to 2001 are also included.

The series includes recordings and transcripts (including physical and electronic formats) of President Wolfensohn's various internal addresses to staff. These include: high-level workshops, end of year messages, senior management meetings, townhalls, and, most voluminously, his semi-regular "journal" recordings that update staff on Bank operations and activities. This collection of speeches was to be included in Wolfensohn's online "Speech Bank" and incorporated into the Renewal website. The versions in this series were maintained by EXT as a reference collection.

Records also relate to EXT's involvement in the management of internal facing World Bank Group websites. Specifically, records relate to the creation of the Renewal website, a staff-focused resource providing updates on the 1997-1998 reorganization as well as other ongoing administrative and operational initiatives. Records include: email correspondence; materials related to the testing and creation of website content; reports created by the Planning and Budgeting Department; and printouts of pages from the Renewal site. The series also includes materials related to the creation and management of the EXC website from 1998 to 2000. These records include internal correspondence within the department for updates, requests for approval of information to be included on the website, drafts of page content, requests for images for website use, and printout copies of webpages.

The series also includes memoranda summarizing recommendations made by the Pearson Commission on International Development which investigated the effectiveness of the World Bank's first 20 years of operation. These memoranda, dated from 1969 to 1970 and authored by EXT staff for review by the Executive Directors, address specific topics such as education, population, economic reports, debt relief, and aid coordination. The memorandum has handwritten notes written on them by President McNamarato members of the Board.

Communications with financial and business community

Series consists of records relating to communications with those members of the business and financial community that might support, invest in, or seek information about the Bank. These include financial institutions such as regional banks and the Federal Reserve district banks as well as the financial editors of newspapers. Most of the series is comprised of records belonging to William Bennett, the Bank's Financial Relations Advisor within the Information and Public Affairs Department (IPA) from 1949 to 1978. Bennett came to the Bank in 1949 as a Financial Editor on loan from the New York Herald Tribune to help publicize the Bank and assist with the rating services assessing the quality of the Bank's securities. That same year he was offered a full-time position and would remain with the Bank in IPA until 1978.

Records include the chronological files and "Loan Books" of William Bennett related to Bank operations from 1947 to 1971 and Bank bond issues from 1947 to 1965. Records consist of: press releases; statement of loans and credits; official memoranda; correspondence with various city and national newspapers; internal memoranda with other Bank staff members; and articles and speeches. "Loan Books" cover the dates from 1954 to 1971 and relate to the lending operations of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), International Development Agency (IDA), and International Finance Corporation (IFC). Loan Books include current lists of country assignments, summaries of loan amounts, monthly operational summaries, and notices of significant decisions and loan approvals.

This series also contains Bennett's collection of published articles authored by Bank staff and externally. Articles relate to the World Bank and Bank-funded projects. Topics include the history of the Bank, international economic situation predominantly from the 1950s through the 1960s, the Bank's role in the economy, and description of Bank projects. Articles are in a variety of languages and appear in a variety of scholarly, specialized, and popular publications. Many of the articles are authored by Bank officials including Presidents John McCloy, Eugene Black, and George Woods. William Bennett also authored some of the articles. Articles often include typescript drafts as well as the published versions. The articles are in various formats, including pamphlets, clippings, and portions of magazines. These records date from 1946 through 1977.

Reference materials related to foreign and international bonds and equities for the years 1972 to 1976 are also included. Records include summaries of foreign and international bonds in multiple formats covering various annual and quarterly periods. Summaries of ammortization are also included.

This series contains records dating from 1965 to 1977 that relate to information seminars sponsored by the Bank offered to economic and financial experts. The purpose of the seminars was to explain the Bank's mission and operations. These experts included high ranking banking officials, retirement and pension fund operators, state level financial leaders, and prominent business leaders. The series includes guest lists, acceptances and regrets correspondence, memoranda on event plans between EXC and EXT, and correspondence related to participation at past and future seminars. Formal event programs and dinner menus are also included.

World Bank Resident Representative for Afghanistan activities and related research and reference materials

Series consists primarily of records related to Theodores's role as Resident Representative for Afghanistan between 1977 and 1980. Many of the records in this series appear to have been compiled by Theodores as either research or memory aids; they have been placed in plastic sleeves and, in many cases, given annotations in the form of sticky notes affixed to the front page of a document or group of documents that describe the document(s) or, in some cases, provide commentary. As part of these compilations,records relating to Afghanistan that were received or collected by Theodores previous or subsequent to his time as Resident Representative have also been included.

Series consists of records relating to the role and mission of the Resident Representative and its relationship with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) representative in Afghanistan. These records date back to the opening of the World Bank country office in Kabul, Afghanistan in 1969. Specifically, records relate to: the establishment of the Afghanistan Resident Mission in 1969; briefings on the country's military and political situation (including after the 1973 coup d'etat); the World Bank's role in Afghanistan; Theodores's assignment to Kabul, Afghanistan; the role and objectives of the Resident Mission in Afghanistan; the Mission's relationship and communications with the UNDP representatives regarding operations and security policy; and the diplomatic status of the Resident Representative.

Records related to Theodores's activities as Afghanistan Resident Representative are contained in a chronological file divided into sections according to topic (credentials/identification, receiving guests, health, insurance, taxes, and shipping) and correspondent (World Bank headquarters, family, and personal). Correspondence with World Bank colleagues relates to administration, staffing, travel, housing logistics, and expressions of congratulations or gratitude. Substantive discussion of ongoing or prospective lending operations or economic and sector work is minimal.

Series also consists of four maps of Afghanistan. These include two maps showing political regions (1976), a navigational map (1966), and a general map (1975).

Records compiled by Theodores that appear to be research or memory aids relate to a variety of topics, including: the origins and early days of the Soviet/Afghan war; World Bank security policy and updates; encryption of correspondence; evacuation guidelines; Afghan office budgeting; Bank and resident mission staffing;Theodores's emergency evacuation from Afghanistan in January 1980 for health reasons; assistance of Afghan nationals in communication with the American embassy; transfer of confidential records upon closure of the Kabul office; the Theodores family's final departure from Afghanistan in June, 1980; the closure of the World Bank's Kabul office; and updates on local office staff subsequent to Theodores's departure from Afghanistan. The majority of the records are from Theodores's time in Afghanistan, but somerecords date subsequent to his departure. Records are in the form of correspondence (typed, handwritten, telexes), reports, newspaper clippings, and Afghan government issuances.

Theodores compiled records related to the 1973 and 1978 coups and subsequent Soviet invasion in 1979 as well as the murder of United States Ambassador Adolph "Spike" Dubs in February 1979. These records primarily consist of correspondence between Theodores and Bank colleagues. Records also contain lengthy handwritten letters fromTheodores to his family. Speeches, decrees, and reports made by the various Afghan leadership regimes in 1978 and 1979 are also included.

In addition to correspondence, newspaper clippings from Afghanistan and from other international publications reporting on events in Afghanistan as well as editorials and speeches by external experts commenting on the events and future of Afghanistan are included. Included is a collection of materials related to the nearly decade-long conflict between Afghanistan and the Soviet Union and is primarily newspaper clippings and magazine articles.

Series also consists of three sets of photograph prints. The first consists of fifteen black and white prints depicting Afghani citizens and landscapes. The images appear to be shot by John Siceloff of the American Peace Corps and are not dated. The other two sets of photographs consist of ten color prints and three black and white prints depicting Afghani citizens, landscapes, and towns. Prints appear to have been sold and acquired by Theodores commercially.

A small amount of records related to a talk that Theodores gave at the Newport Public Library in 2002 on the past and future of Afghanistan are also included. Records include presentation notes, articles, and correspondence.

Personal records

A business card file containing various business cards of James L. Theodores and of other individuals in the fields of international development, media, and hospitality is included in this series. Numerous versions of Theodores's Curriculum Vitae and commendation letters are also included.

World Bank Group Field Coordinator security policy and planning

Series consists of records relating to World Bank Group security policy, planning, coordination, and response activities, and James L. Theodores's role leading this work as Field Coordinator (FC) between 1981 and 1987. Records include: official Bank policies and procedures on security in the field and other materials authored by Theodores and distributed to Bank staff; external publications on security and terrorism; undated and uncredited briefing papers on hijackings, letter and parcel bombs, and telephone threats; consultants' reports on World Bank Group security policy and planning; staff guidelines regarding street crime, burglary, vehicles and travel, and fire protection; reports and summaries of political incidents, security advisories, and incidents involving Bank staff; correspondence regarding specific travel bans; work program and other materials related to the Field Office Improvement Program developed by Theodores upon taking over the position of FC; and the FC transition program that resulted in the transfer of the Field Security System to the General Service Department's (GSD) Security Division upon Theodores's departure from the World Bank in 1987. Some records also relate back to Theodores's time as Resident Representative in Kabul, Afghanistan (1977-1980) and the various security plans and guidelines he followed and enforced.

Series also includes records related to the hijacking of Pakistan International Airlines PK326 in March 1981. One of the hostages was World Bank staff member Jeffrey Balkind. Theodores served as the coordinator and major spokesman for the World Bank's informal Crisis Management Team during the hostage taking. Records include regular updates on the hijacking, primarily in the form of wires from the United Nations Development Programme's (UNDP) Resident Representative in Kabul, Afghanistan. Security updates authored by Theodores presumably for internal World Bank consumption are also included.

Records in this series related to the hijacking were subsequently used by Balkind for research purposes. A letter from Balkind to Theodores thanking him for the use of these records is included as is the packaging used to courier the records back to Theodores. The packaging is dated June 26, 1996. A complete draft of Balkind's unpublished history of the hijacking, "Life and Death on a Tarmac: The Hijacking of PK326" is included. Other chapters of the book that were reviewed and annotated by Theodores are also included, as is correspondence between Theodores and Balkind.

Records related to the May 1985 abduction of consultant Dr. Robert Williams, his wife Jenny Williamson, and their driver are also included. Williamson was engaged in work on a World Bank supervised project in Pakistan. Records include initial reports and notes on the incident and regular updates, including those made to senior staff World Bank staff.

Collection of published materials and mementos

Series contains published materials and other items related to Lurick's work at the World Bank Group. Materials appear to have been selected by Nurick as personal mementos. Included are fourteen copies of the Bank's in-house staff publication International Bank Notes that contain mention of Nurick and his work or celebrate various anniversaries of the Bank. Also included are three copies of an IBRD Office of Information's press clippings compilation from May 1959 in which Nurick is mentioned. Materials related to a trip Nurick made to Japan in 1971 are included as are invitations for Nurick's attendance at a variety of events. Finally, an inscribed copy of a personal memoir by Bank colleague Davidson Sommers titled "Recollections" is included in this series.

AENVP/ASI chronological files

Series consists of chronological files created by Johannes Linn while serving as Senior Economist in the East Asia and Pacific Vice Presidency (AENVP) and Asia Regional Vice Presidency (ASI). Files primarily consist of correspondence and memoranda between Linn and World Bank staff. Topics include: publication of papers and monographs; feedback on papers and reports; mission travel; staffing and recruitment; Country Economic Memoranda (CEM); country sector reports; country projections; country creditworthiness; debt reporting; macromodelling; project review and planning; and work programs. During Linn's time in AENVP and ASI, he did extensive analysis of Thailand, as well as Indonesia, Korea, and the Philippines and this is reflected in the records of this series.

This series also contains correspondence with external individuals and institutions. These records discuss speaking engagements, information exchange, feedback on drafts, and offers of employment. Files also consist of a small amount of travel records.

ECDRB/DEDRB chronological files

Series consists of chronological files created by Johannes Linn while serving in the Urban and Regional Economics Division of the Economics Department (ECDRB) and its successor the Development Economics Department (DEDRB) of the Development Policy Vice Presidency (DPS). Correspondence and memoranda contained in the chronological files generally relate to his work on urban development policy. Chronological files include those labeled "Chronological File - Official Correspondence" and labeled "Chronological File".

The "Official Correspondence" folders date from 1973 to 1981 and exclusively contain correspondence between Linn and individuals external to the World Bank. Most of the correspondence deals with the sharing of information (i.e. papers and reports), conference participation, and speech requests and logistical planning for conferences. A small number of papers and reports are included as attachments to correspondence. Correspondence is between Linn and academics, journalists, government officials, multilateral institutions, and other institutions and associations.

Other chronological files in this series primarily contain correspondence and memoranda between Linn and World Bank staff. Correspondence between Linn and external, non-Bank staff is more personal and substantive in nature than that found in the Official Correspondence files. Topics in these records include: project proposals; seminar and conference participation; research projects; work programs; economic analysis of Bank projects; and country and city studies.

Records of the Country Policy Department (CPD)

The series includes records maintained by the Country Policy Department (CPD) and its subordinate divisions and units from 1981 to 1986. The records include correspondence and memoranda maintained by the CPD Directors, divisionalstaff, and unit staff. The records also include discussion papers, policy papers, and reports produced by the CPD divisions and units with comments for review.

Speech reference collection

This series contains speeches made by Bank staff and, in lesser amounts, Bank consultants, Executive Directors, and government officials. These records were maintained by EXT staff as a reference collection. In addition to speeches, a small amount of similar materials are included, such as: talking points for speeches; transcripts of radio addresses, lectures, press conferences, and interviews; and a small number of published articles.

Note that, while one of EXT's responsibilities was to serve as speechwriter for the Bank President and other senior staff, there is no evidence of speechwriting activities contained in the records of this series. Additionally, EXT staff were regularly responsible for fielding requests for appearances and speeches by Bank Presidents and managing logistics related to those appearances; records related to these activities are likewise not included in this series.

Speeches of Bank Presidents

Speeches made by every Bank President from 1946 to 1999 are included. Presidential speeches contained in this series were delivered to a variety of audiences, both internally and externally, although the latter is more common. The most frequent audience is the Board of Governors at the Bank's Annual Meetings. Other external audiences include international organizations (including the United Nations and its various councils, divisions, and conferences), clubs, associations, and academic institutions.

The speeches of Bank Presidents contained in this series are often small pamphlet-sized publications. This is most commonly the case with the annual Address to the Board of Governors given at the Bank's Annual Meetings. Other formats include photocopies and press releases.

Only three speeches made by President Eugene Meyer are included in this series. Two of the speeches, both dating from 1946, are from: the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Political Science; and a dinner in honor of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund's (IMF) Boards of Governors. The third speech, from 13 January 1947, was given to the Canadian Club subsequent to Meyer's resignation as Bank President.

President John J. McCloy's speeches date from April 1947 to June 1949. In addition to speech transcripts and the scripts of two television programs McCloy participated in, the script for his three-part lecture given at John B. Stetson University in February 1949 is also included. Statements made by McCloy to the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations in January 1948 and the House Committee on Bank and Currency in May 1949 are also included.

The speeches of President Eugene Black date from 1947 to 1962. These include speeches from 1947 and 1948 made by Black while serving as the U.S. Executive Director to the Bank. In addition to his speeches, a single folder includes Bank press releases related to Black's appointment as President of the Bank and to other matters. A small number of photocopied magazine articles profiling Black are also included.

President George D. Woods' speeches date from January 1963 to May 1968. In addition to speeches, a small amount of Bank press releases related to Woods' appointment as Bank President as well as magazine articles related to Woods and the World Bank are included; the latter includes a copy of Forbes magazine dated 15 December 1963 featuring Woods on the cover. An article authored by Woods and published in Foreign Affairs magazine in January 1966 is also included.

The majority of President Robert S. McNamara's speeches are in published form and date from 1968 to 1981. Three speeches given by McNamara following his departure from the World Bank are also included: the Sir John Crawford Memorial Lecture (1 November 1985); the Africa Leadership Forum (21 June 1990); and the Annual Conference on Development Economics (25 April 1991).

President A. W. Clausen's speeches date from 1981 to 1986. Clausen's addresses to the Board of Governors are available in published pamphlet form as are a small number of other speeches. The remainder are photocopies.

President Barber Conable's speeches date from 1986 to 1991. Conable's addresses to the Board of Governors at the Annual Meetings from 1988 to 1990 include translations in a number of languages, including: Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Portuguese, German, and French.

President Lewis Preston's speeches date from 1991 to 1994. Only talking points are included for a number of his speeches.

President James D. Wolfensohn's speeches date from 1997 and are relatively few in number. Speeches are filed alongside those of other Bank staff and external political figures.

Bank staff (non-President) and other speeches

This series also contains speeches made by Bank Group staff (including International Finance Corporation [IFC] staff) and, in far less number, Bank consultants, Executive Directors of the Bank, country leaders and ministers, and other prominent external figures. The majority of the speeches are by International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) staff. Speeches date from 1946 to 1993. In addition to speeches, a small number of interview transcripts, statements, and published articles are included. In most cases, there are between one and three speeches per individual, although in the case of more senior staff, the number of items can exceed a dozen. Drafts of speeches are included, although in very small number. Translations of speeches are included for some speeches and in a few cases the speech exists only in a language other than English; in the case of the latter, the most common languages are French and Spanish.

Note that some speeches by senior External Relations staff that were filed alongside the speeches of other senior Bank staff are included in this series. These include speeches, lecture and press conference transcripts, speech notes (with hand-written annotations), and published articles dating from 1996 to 1999 by EXTVP Mark Molloch Brown.

EXT speechwriters' reference collection

A group of speeches maintained as reference copies by EXT speechwriters from 1981 to 1989 are also included in this series. Speeches made by Presidents Clausen and Conable are the most common in this collection. Conable's speeches from August 1987 to September 1989 are interfiled with speeches made by other senior Bank staff and prominent external figures. Conable's speeches, however, still make up the majority of the records during this period.

PSDVP business plan, work program, and budget monitoring records

The series includes business plans, work programs, and budget monitoring records for the PSDVP. PSDVP business plans for fiscal years 2004 to 2006 are included, and consist of budget summary tables and departmental budget proposals. The fonds also consists of work programs that outline the functions and activities of PSDVP and its subordinate departments for the fiscal year 2004. The work program records include: organizational structure compact records that detail the objectives and activities of PSDVP and its units; budget distribution reports; compact deliverables for economic sector work (ESW) for PSDVP units; work program progress tables; and staffing information. The series also consists of numerous types of budget monitoring records, including: monthly monitoring tables for fiscal year 2004; reposting, budget transfer, and reimbursable income reports for fiscal year 2004; cross support budget records; quality assurance budget reports for fiscal years 2005 and 2006; trust fund budget reports; discretionary budget reports; and budget records related to the Investment Climate Survey and Assessment (ICA) program for fiscal year 2004.

Subject files

Series contains subject records created and received by Kuczynski during his second period of employment at the World Bank (1971-1973). The records were accumulated during his time as both Chief Economist of the Central America and Caribbean Department (CACDR) and Chief of the Policy Planning Division (EPRPP). Many of the files were begun whilecontain records from Kuczynski's time at the served in CACDR and then were added to while he led EPRPP.

Records related to the economic development of Latin American countries and their relationship with the World Bank are included in this series. These records date from the period when Kuczynski was Chief Economist for the Central America and Caribbean Department (CACDR); in addition there are two reports from 1970, prior to when Kuczynski assumed the position. Topics discussed in these records include: taxation and trade in Latin America; Bank relations with and activity of the Inter-American Bank (IDB); the Common Market in Latin America; and staff recruitment in the CACDR. The majority of the records are correspondence which either involves Kuczynski or was forwarded to him for informational value. Other records include: back-to-office reports describing country visits and meetings and conferences attended by Bank staff; lending reports for Bank member countries; reports (including "The World Bank in the Americas" authored by Kuczynski in August 1971); comments on memoranda and/reports by Kuczynski and others; and summaries on Latin American operations for Bank President McNamara in preparation for his participation in the Latin American Caucus in 1970 and 1971.

Records related to the Seminar on the Collection, Processing and Reporting of External Debt Statistics in Latin America are also included. The seminar, held in March 1973, was organized by the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). Records include the seminar program guide as well as country presentations. Each country presentation was authored by country representatives and describe their country's debt administration and collection. Also included are report summaries and background information as well as correspondence discussing logistical details.

Records related to commodity production and trade are also included in Kuczynski's subject files. Commodities discussed include petroleum, coffee, tea, minerals, rubber, sugar, bauxite, rice, sulfur, cotton, and grains. Records also relate to: the Bank's role in the mineral sector; seminar planning on topics related to commodity production and trade; and the influence of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). Records include: correspondence; memoranda; back-to-office reports; and Board papers (including commodity forecasts and studies). Also included are a number of reports including a series authored by John Foster of the Economic Analysis and Projects Department discussing oil revenue projects of OPEC member countries, collectively, and by Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, and Kuwait individually.

Kuczynski's subject files also include records related to topics in general economics. These include: income distribution; population growth and impact; joint and parallel financing of Bank projects; employment rates; and private lending to developing countries.

Records relating to Bank-related topics are filed alongside the general economics records. These include: impact of budget cuts on economic research; staffing; relations with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP); research project planning; publication of Bank reports;Bank Board procedures; and country economic reporting. The majority of the records are correspondence and memoranda dating from 1972 and 1973. A single document, "Glossary of Population Terms", dates from 1967. Also included are comments on papers and summaries of Area Heads' meetings from 1972.

A file containing records related to Bank operations collected by Kuczynski while Chief Economist of CACDR is also included. Records contain correspondence and memoranda discussing: the Bank's operations program for 1972, 1973, and 1974; the Area Departments method of reporting; and the Bank-wide reorganization of 1972.

Records related to planning and future Bank lending are found in this series. Kuczynski collected these correspondence and reports (both final and draft) during 1971 and 1972. Reports discuss creditworthiness and Bank operations, capital flows, and the scale of future Bank operations. Of note is the memorandum entitled "The Scale of IBRD Financial Operations, FY74-78", which was presented to the Board by President McNamara in December 1971.

This series also contains records relating to the research and writing of the speech President McNamara delivered to the Board of Governors at the 1973 Annual Meetings in Nairobi, Kenya. Records include: memoranda discussing possible themes for the speech; a draft outline of the speech; multiple drafts, with contributions by Kuczynski, Mahbub ul Haq, Ernest Stern, and Hollis B. Chenery; comments on drafts, including an annotated draft by McNamara, dated June 19, 1973; memoranda by high-level staff discussing topics contained in the speech, including food production, agricultural sector, and the rural poor; a background paper presented by Chenery to President McNamara entitled "A Conceptual Framework for the Analysis of Poverty"; and various data collections in memoranda and table form.

Also contained in this series are records related to research seminars organized by Bank staff. These seminars were initiated by President McNamara in the spring of 1971 and then formalized into a series of seminars by Hollis B. Chenery in the fall of the same year. The seminars were intended for the Bank's senior staff. Both Bank staff and external participants presented on development-related topics. Records in this series are primarily from 1971 although they extend through 1973. Records include the full text or distributed notes on seminar presentations as well as invitations to sessions. A schedule of speakers for the fall 1971 series is included.

Also included in this seriesare Country Program Papers (CPPs) for most borrowing countries as well as correspondence related to the review of CPPs by the Program Review Division (EPRPR). (The EPRPR existed alongside the division led by Kuczynski, the Policy Planning Division (EPRPP), in the Policy, Planning and Program Review Department.) In addition to the CPPs, Country Program Notes and CPP "postscripts" are also included.

Finally, a copy of the World Tables produced in 1971 by the Bank's Economic Program Department's Socio-Economic Data Division is included.

Records of David Bock, Director, Sector and Operations Policy (OSPVP)

The series consist of records maintained by OSPVP Director David Bock. The records include sector policy papers focused on numerous topics, including privatization, housing policy, family planning, water, power, industry, poverty monitoring, development effectiveness, and other topics. The policy paper records include: copies of policy papers; attached memoranda; and Bock's handwritten annotations related to policy drafts. Bock's records also focus on the creation, management, and budget of OSPVP. This includes: records regarding roles and procedures of OSPVP; cross support budget and mid-year review budget records; and records related to OSPVP retreats.

Development Finance Companies Department (DFC) chronological files

Series consists of correspondence created and received by Frank Vita during his tenure as an Economist in the Development Finance Companies Department (DFC). Vita was placed in the Financial Development Unit (FDU) and the majority of the records in the series relate to its primary activity, namely the review of the World Bank's activities in the area of financial development. FDU records primarily relate to the research and authorship of the FDU report "The World Bank's Approach to Interest Rate and CreditAllocation Issues". Records include what appears to be the final version of the report presented to Bank President Robert McNamara as well as drafts of the report. Comments and research materials related to the report are also included. Research materials include reports on meetings with the Bank's regional staff and reports on regional and country finance development issues.

Records also include correspondence with development finance companies discussing the appraisal of projects submitted for financing by development finance companies. The majority of this correspondence is with the Industrial Development Bank (IDB).

Latin America and Caribbean Vice Presidency (LCN) project and subject files

Series consists of correspondence created and received by Frank Vita during his time as loan officer in the Latin America and Caribbean Vice Presidency (LCN). Series contains a variety of records related to operations mission travel made by Vita to Uruguay. Records include Terms of Reference and back-to-office reports and other supporting material. Mission travel activities included project appraisal (Fourth Livestock Development Project) and supervision (Highway Project) as well as conducting research for sector studies. A subject file on Chile and Uruguay is also contained in this series. Records include World Bank authored reports and memoranda on country lending activities.

Operational support

Series consists of records relating to Biderman's work supporting the World Bank's lending and operations function while serving in various regional operational units.

Records relating to project support provided by the Urban Projects Department (URB) between 1976 and 1979 are included. Records relate to: urban development project identification in Chad; India - Kanpur Urban Development Project (P009795); and a potentialurban development project in Ghana.

Also included are records related to the East Asia and Pacific Regional Vice Presidency's Urban and Water Supply Division's (AEPUW) support of project lending activities in China and Indonesia. Records date from 1983 to 1995 (predominant 1983 to 1987) and specifically relate to a proposed Shanghai housing project in China, public sector and urban sector reviews in Indonesia, and a proposed housing project in Indonesia.

Records related to Biderman's work as a Senior Economist in the Africa Vice Presidency's Department 6 (AF6) between 1987 and 1991 are included. The majority of the records relate to: Angola - Economic Management Capacity Building Project (P000037); and a Public Expenditure Review (PER) for Mozambique. Series also consists of records related to Angola's application for membership, request for assistance, and a country economic review of Angola. Records include: annual meetings briefs; back-to-office reports; country economic review; Terms of Reference; applications for membership; and official requests for Bank assistance. Slides for a 2009 presentation by Biderman at the Africities Conference are also included. The presentation is titled "Urban Transition in Sub-Sahara Africa and the Role of the World Bank".

Records related to the Europe and Central Asia Vice Presidency (ECA) project lending activities in Estonia are also included. Records specifically relateto Estonia - Rehabilitation Loan Project (P008399).

Records relating to project support generally include: memoranda; back-to-office reports; supervision mission reports; aide memoires; meeting notes and minutes; summary of negotiations; Terms of Reference; supervision reports; and correspondence with external parties including government officials.

Reference files and training materials

Series consists of reference materials maintained by Garcia de Truslow during her employment at the World Bank. Included are: administrative manual statements; addresses by World Bank presidents; government directors; accounting handbooks; and World Bank publications including World's Word and Development.

Series also consists of training materials Garcia de Truslow collected during her employment at the World Bank. Training was provided by the Personnel Management Department's Staff Training Division. Training topics include: Land Information Systems; Project Economic Appraisal; Basic Procurement; Cofinancing Policies and Procedures; Private Sector Assessment; and Macroeconomics. Training materials from sessions on banking and financial management provided by the Economic Development Institute (EDI, later the World Bank Institute [EDI]) are also included.

Subject files

Series contains subject files compiled by Garcia de Truslow over the course of her career at the World Bank. The majority of the records contained in this series span her time in both the Bank's operations complex and the Strategic Planning and Review Department (SPR). Topics include: women in the World Bank; urban development and housing; metrology in South and Central American countries; debt; technology and innovation; women in development; project accounting, disbursement and auditing; market and financial deregulation; small-scale enterprise development; development economics; and the environment. Records include: reports authored by the World Bank and external authors; memoranda on specific topics; newspaper clippings and magazine articles; and conference publications.

Vice President, Finance and Private Sector Development Vice Presidency (FPD) chronological correspondence files

Series consists of the chronological files created by Rischard during his time as Vice President of the Finance and Private Sector Development Vice Presidency (FSDVP). The FSDVP's responsibilities included supervision of the overall management of the VP's three sectoral departments as well as maintaining relationships with other development and commercial banks and private sector executives. The departments of the FSDVP included the Financial Sector Development (FSD), Private Sector Development (PSD), and Industry and Energy Sector departments (IEN). They were responsible for: operational support to the Regions; developing and monitoring policy; maintaining effective relationships with the external community; and for setting research priorities.

Series consists of records relating to a variety of topics and activities, including: operational support (in the form of proposals, advice, and information); Operations Evaluation Department (OED) project reviews; budgeting; staffing and other human resources related issues; information dissemination; conference planning; dissemination of publications and products produced by FSDVP departments; and the reorganization of 1997-98 and related mapping of staff. Records also consist of: responses to external individuals or organizations for requests for information; VP Annual retrospectives; project updates for the Office of the President; three year business plans; and briefings and summaries on a variety of topics for Bank senior management including Presidents Prestonand Wolfensohn. A small amount of correspondence relating to the Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme (ESMAP) is included.

Series also includes four sets of transparencies created by FPDVP sector departments for a presentation to the council of the new Finance, Private Sector Development, and Infrastructure Network (FPSI). The council reported to the network head and is composed of the top network managers from each Region and was responsible for setting the overall agenda for the network and forpromoting effective deployment of skills across network units. The presentations describe the accomplishments, ongoing work, direction, organizational structure, and collaborative efforts of each department.

Note that the transition from FPDVP to the new FPSI network was staggered. Although it technically began in 1997, much of the transition had not been completed by the time Rischard left the FSDVP/FPSI to begin his new role as Vice President of Europe (EXTEU) in the summer of 1998. Rischard continues to refer to himself as FPDVP in his correspondence and does not begin a new folder reflecting the creation of the new network.

Strategic Planning and Review Department (SPR) records

Series consists of records related to Garcia de Truslow's activities in the Strategic Planning and Review Department's Strategic Planning Division (SPRSP) between 1987 and 1990. As a Planning Officer, Garcia de Truslow contributed to the establishment of the strategic planning process, supported the Strategic Agenda program through analytic work on priority issues, and provided ad hoc support to senior management. She also contributed to the 1987 reorganization process and participated in the Bank's Main Complex renovation.

A number of papers and reports discussing the future of the Bank, including a copy of the Strategic Agenda report, are included. Other reports authored by SPR staff, SPR consultants, and external authors are included. Topics are varied and include: technology and development; public sector reform; private investment; trade; field offices; and employment and macro-economic policies. Budget materials including midyear and retrospective reviews of various Vice Presidencies are included. Records related to the 1987 reorganization include: the General Reorganization Report and other reports; staff announcements; and memoranda. Records relating to facilities management and the rehabilitation of the Bank's Main Complex include: renovation proposals; memoranda; and correspondence related to the architectural design competition.

Series contains a number of subject files containing records collected by Garcia de Truslow during her time in SPRSP. The majority of these records are reports and articles on a disparate range of topics. A small amount of Bank memoranda and Board papers are also included.

SPRSP budgeting and management records are also included in this series as is a chronological file containing incoming and outgoing correspondence related to SPRSP activities. Correspondence is primarily between Garcia de Truslow and parties external to the Bank and relates to a variety of topics relevant to Garcia de Truslow's work in SPRSP as well as to her work in operations.


This series contains fragments of John J. McCloy's correspondence with political leaders and prominent businessmen during his time as President of the World Bank from March 1947 to May 1949. The most substantial bodies of correspondence are with Emilio G. Collado, U.S. Executive Director of the World Bank, 1946-1947; Russell C. Leffingwell, Chairman of the Executive Committee of J.P. Morgan and Co. Inc.; and Bernard H. Baruch, American financier and stock investor.

The correspondence with Emilio Collado consists of letters and memoranda to McCloy regarding World Bank activities, including excerpts from memoranda Collado prepared for U.S. Secretary of State Dean Acheson and a document entitled "Note Relating to a Debt Limit" dated May 1947. McCloy's correspondence with Russell C. Leffingwell includes substantive comments on topics related to the Bank and its operations, such as money stabilization, sterling devaluation, the Bank's lending philosophy, and the prospects for European recovery under the MarshallPlan. Letters to and from Bernard H. Baruch include: a letter related to an Export Import Bank loan to England; a letter sent by Baruch to John Snyder, U.S. Treasury Secretary, on how to stimulate production in the world; and a copy of McCloy's memoranda to Snyder on lending.

Also included are McCloy's answers to questions from U.S. House of Representatives member Howard Buffet and U.S. Senator Leverett Saltonstall. Finally, a letter from Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder forwarding an August 1947 memoranda by U.S. President Harry Truman is also included. It concerns U.S. Ambassador to Chile Claude Bowers' complaint about Wall Street control over the operations of the Bank.

Liaison records

The series consist of records related to liaison with organizations external to the Bank. This includes correspondence maintained by Transportation, Water, and Telecommunications Department (TWT) related to the joint United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - World Bank Water and Sanitation Program from 1978, and correspondence maintained by TWT and WUD related to the joint World Health Organization (WHO) / World Bank Cooperative Program, which also focused on water and sanitation, from 1977 to 1987.

FPRVP chronological files

Series consists of chronological files created by Johannes Linn while serving as the Vice President of the Financial Policy and Risk Management Vice Presidency (FPRVP). Files primarily consist of correspondence and memoranda between Linn and World Bank staff including Senior Vice President of Finance (SVPFI) Ernest Stern as well as World Bank managing directors. Drafts of reports and papers for review and information sharing often accompany correspondence. Topics of correspondence include: lending constraints; FPRVP staffing and budget; IBRD disbursement projections; privatization in developing countries; loan loss provisioning; Soviet Union and former Soviet republics membership in the World Bank; single currency loans and the Asset-Liability Management Committee; risk-based capital investments; IDA replenishments (including United States funding issues); IDA country performance ratings; FPRVP annual and mid-year reviews; FPRVP advisory role on Loan Committee; country risk management and portfolio reviews; sector paper reviews; Joint Audit Committee (JAC) activities; lending allocation reviews; negative pledge policy; Global Environment Facility (GEF) replenishment; and multilateral debt overhang.

This series also contains correspondence with external individuals and institutions. These records discuss speaking engagements, information exchange, commenting on drafts, and offers of employment. They also contain announcements (often related to IDA replenishments) and letters of gratitude.

DECVP/IECDR/CECDR chronological files

Series consists of chronological files created by Johannes Linn while working in the Development Economist and Chief Economist Vice Presidency (DECVP) between 1988 and 1991. The series contains records Linn created and received while serving in three different positions: as Senior Economic Advisor in the DECVP reporting directly to World Bank Chief Economist Stanley Fischer; as Director of DECVP's International Economics Department (IEC, 1989-1990); and as Country Economics Department Director (CEC, 1990-1991).

Records contained in chronological files created during his time as Senior Economic Advisor primarily contain correspondence, memoranda, and notes between Linn and World Bank staff. Drafts of reports, papers, and speeches are also included, generally as attachments; Linn's handwritten comments are included on some. Topics include: publication of reports; DECVP budgeting; adjustment lending; Operations Committee procedures; private sector development; public sector finance; staffing; conference and seminar attendance and participation; dissemination of information, reports, and speeches; and World Development Report 1989 and 1990. Records also include presentations and responses to queries related to the World Development Report 1988, of which Linn was the Staff Director. World Bank Board meeting minutes and Annual Meeting briefs authored for senior DECVP staff are also included.

Records contained in chronological files created during Linn's time as Director of DECVP's International Economics Department (IEC) contain correspondence, memoranda, and notes between Linn and World Bank staff. Topics include: access to World Bank socio-economic data; world economic projections; departmental staffing and recruitment; world debt tables; debt forgiveness; IEC publications; structural adjustment; and World Development Indicators (WDI) collaboration. A single file containing correspondence with external individuals and institutions created during Linn's time as Director of IEC is also contained in this series. It primarily contains invitations to participate in conferences and letters from individuals seeking employment or information.

Records contained in chronological files created during Linn's time as Director of DECVP's Country Economics Department (CEC) contain correspondence, memoranda, and notes between Linn and World Bank staff. Topics include: departmental budget, staffing, and work program review; country strategy papers (CSPs); structural and sectoral adjustment; coordination and support of policy workand research; review of staff papers and reports; private sector development (PSD) policy brief and PSD Working Group; publication of Linn's and others' articles and monographs; Soviet Union and former Soviet republics membership in the World Bank; privatization in developing countries; and constraints on lending. A small amount of material in these files relate to Linn's role in supporting the incoming World Bank Chief Economist Larry Summers. Records include correspondence with Summers and briefing materials.

International Finance Corporation (IFC) chronological and subject files

Series consists of correspondence created and received by Frank Vita while he was Manager of Corporate Development in the International Finance Corporation (IFC). Records are contained in chronological files and, in fewer number, subject files. Records relate to: the identification of investment opportunities; project proposals; establishing contacts in the private sector; IFC policies and procedures; and responding to inquiries.

Tokyo Office chronological files

Series consists of correspondence created and received by Frank Vita while serving as Deputy Chief of Mission in the World Bank's Tokyo Office between 1984 and 1985. The Tokyo Office primarily existed to assist in the Bank's borrowing program in the Japanese capital market. It also assisted in the dissemination of information on World Bank activities in Japan. Records include: briefing notes; speeches and presentations; policy and guideline papers; newspaper and magazine clippings related to Japan and its banking system and financial markets; and capital market studies. Correspondence in this series relates to: Tokyo Office administration, budgeting, and staffing; Tokyo capital markets; and currency swaps.

Eastern Africa Department (EAF) chronological file

Series consists of correspondence created and received by Frank Vita during his time as a loan officer in the Eastern Africa Department (EAF). Series contains correspondence, memoranda, and telexes primarily between Vita and WorldBank colleagues. Records exclusively discuss the country of Malawi and World Bank operations in that country. Specifically, records discuss the writing of country sector studies, Country Program Papers, and country lending programreports. Series contain drafts and final versions of these documents as well as supporting office memoranda and back-to-office reports.

Quality Assurance Group (QAG) review and assessment

Series relates to work Desmond McCarthy undertook as a consultant for the Quality Assurance Group (QAG) in 2004 and 2005.

Series includes records relating to a quality assessment of Non-Lending Technical Assistance (NLTA) conducted by the Quality Assurance Group (QAG) on which McCarthy served as a panelist in 2004. Records relating to assessments of the State Owned Bank Technical Assistance project in Romania and the Services Sector Census project in China are included. Records include background information on each project and QAG guidelines for the assessment process.

Records related to the QAG assessment of the Customs Modernization Handbook are also included in this series. The Handbook was intended to provide guidance to organizations and individuals involved in the preparation and implementation of customs modernization projects. Records include a copy of the handbook itself as well as comments on the Handbook and records related to the release and dissemination of the Handbook.

Series also includes records related to a 2003-2004 QAG review of analytical and advisory activities (AAA) primarily related to Bulgaria, including reviews of: public expenditure issues; rural development sector; Country Procurement Assessment Report (CPAR); and a national energy efficiency study. Records consist of background materials and guidance questionnaires: the latter often contain hand-written notes presumably made by McCarthy.

Operations policy and project support records

The series includes records from: the Transportation, Water, and Telecommunications Department (TWT) from 1978 to 1982; the Urban Projects Department (URB) from 1978 to 1982; the Water and Urban Development Department (WUD) from 1983 to 1987; and the Transportation Department (TRP) from 1983 to 1987. These departments were primarily mixed sector departments, therefore, the records cover a broad range of topics, including but not limited to: highway maintenance and development; port development; railways;maritime transportation; water and sanitation systems maintenance and development; tourism services and infrastructure development; urban development; and telecommunication infrastructure and public utilities development. The records include: internal and external correspondence, including letters and memoranda; initiating memoranda; project files; project completion and audit reports; sector support and research files; sector policy papers; back to office reports (BTOs); terms of reference (TORs); and departmental publications. Records related to the Bank's Urban Project Program, which was originally launched in 1975 and supported by URB and later WUD are also included. The Urban Poverty Program records primarily include correspondence and reports related to various sector projects done in support of the program.

PSD and PSAS business plan, work program, and budget monitoring records

The series includes budget monitoring, business plan, and work programs records for: the Private Sector Development Department (PSD); its numerous units; and its successor, the Private Sector Advisory Services (PSAS) in PSIVP. The PSD units were mapped and merged into PSAS in late 1999, which came after the establishment of PSIVP in February 1999. Much of the PSD related records consists of correspondence and memoranda that details the carryover of funding for PSD projects to PSAS, and reorganization and merging of PSD units with other Bank and IFC units. Budget monitoring records for PSD and PSAS include: monthly monitoring tables for fiscal years 2000 to 2003; year-end projections reports; overrun cost reports; quarterly and mid-year review reports; reposting and dispute budget reports; chargeback reports; reimbursable income reports; cross support funding reports; staff budget reports; and discretionary budget reports. European Union trust fund reports and economic sector work (ESW) budget records for PSDrelated projects are also included, and discuss carryover and extension of projects to PSAS of PSIVP. Business plan and work program records for PSD and PSAS are included for fiscal years 2000 to 2003. The business plans and work programs include: staff and consultant information; thematic group activities reports; sector board compacts; Time Reporting System Adjustments and Cross Support Ratio budget reports; PSAS set-up information; and correspondence and memoranda regarding restructuring and reorganization of PSD.

Finance Operations Department (FOD) chronological and subject files

Series consists of correspondence created and received by Frank Vita during his time as a Senior Economist for Financial Operations in the Finance Operations Department (FOD) of the Treasury Vice Presidency (TREVP). Vita led FOD's Capital Markets and Economic Studies Unit (CAMES) from 1980 to 1984 and much of the records in this series relate to its activities. CAMES was responsible for supporting the Bank's borrowing activities by conducting research and reporting on country markets and financial standing, currency markets, capital markets, and central banks. It was the vehicle through which FOD developed borrowing policies and strategies for the World Bank. Series primarily consists of chronological files that contain correspondence, memoranda, reports, studies, summaries, and handbooks related to these activities. Records related to central bank investments in the World Bank are particularly numerous. Records relate to the establishment of a Central Bank Facility that would provide a new avenue for World Bank borrowing and central bank investment in the World Bank. Among other reports and studies on central bank investment in the World Bank is the 1983 report "Central Banks as Sources of World Bank Financing: Financial Operations Review" authored by Vita.

Also contained in this series are "Wednesday Reports", a weekly internal document generated by FOD and often coordinated by Vita that reported on Bank borrowings, currency swaps, Bank bond offerings, and external market issuances and performances. Draftsof reports are included in some cases.

Annual and mid-year review of the Bank's borrowing operations are also found in this series, as are records relating to departmental staffing and mission travel.

Research Committee participation

Records in this series relate to the activities of the Bank's Research Committee and Kuczynski's participation in the Committee in 1972 and 1973. The Committee's responsibilities included: developing an overall research program and setting research priorities; reviewing research proposals and allocating resources to successful proposals, including those undertaken by both Bank staff and external persons; reviewing process of ongoing research programs and budgets; monitoring the work of and liaising with other institutions; and encouraging the dissemination of research output. The Committee consisted of ten to twelve members from the World Bank, including the International Finance Corporation (IFC). Participation on the Committee was for generally a year or twoone or two years.

The majority of the records in this series are materials disseminated in advance of Research Committee meetings. The meetings were held twice annually. Participants at these meetings considered further allocations of funds to existingand new projects and reviewed ongoing research projects. Records in this series relate to the three meetings that occurred while Kuczynski was a member of the committee: June 1972; September 1972; and May/June 1973.

Records were originally disseminated to Committee members as part of "books". These books contained all the materials necessary for the meeting of the Committee, including project reviews, budget materials, and, most voluminous, project proposals. The latter are arranged according to project sector topic. Tables of contents are included. Project proposal materials generally include two parts: the research proposal form and the project description. Other materials, including memoranda between Committee members discussing the proposed project prior to the Committee meeting, may be included. Memoranda, generally authored by Ernest Stern and disseminated to Committee members, is also included; it is not clear if these records were distributed with the meeting book or filed with the book's contents by Kuczynski.

Research proposals by Bank staff for fiscal year 1974 are also included. These do not appear to be part of the normal dissemination of meeting materials. It is not clear if these are to be discussed at a specific meeting or if they are part of a planning exercise. Projects related to only three sectors are included: industry and trade; agriculture and rural development; and urbanization and regional development.

A small amount of related memoranda and reports are filed separately. These include correspondence between group members discussing: research protocols; functions and logistics of the committee; potential and ongoing projects; budget reporting and projections; and recommendations for research. An update on the Committee's work for Office of the President is also included as is a a summary report of then current (1972) research projects.

PPDPS institutional reform policy analysis records

This series includes records related to the subject of institutional reform maintained by Geoffrey Lamb when he served as Public Sector Management Adviser for the Public Management Unit (PPDPS) of the Projects Policy Department (PPD). The records include numerous policy papers and reports related to institutional reform, which were produced by PPDPS. Some of the papers and reports are authored by Lamb, including Managing Economic Policy Change: Institutional Dimension published in 1987. Background PPDPS reports on structural adjustment lending and the PPD Tenth Annual Report on Project Implementation and Supervision (1985) are also included.

Public Sector Management Unit (PPDPS) chronological correspondence files

The series includes chronological correspondence, memoranda, and other records created or received in Lamb's capacity as Public Sector Management Adviser for the Public Management Unit (PPDPS). The records include correspondence and memoranda primarily between Lamb, PPDPS Chief Arturo Israel, PPDPS staff, and staff from Bank regional departments. The correspondence and memoranda concern PPDPS planning and reporting of country missions, policy papers, country strategies, structural adjustment loan (SALs) projects, technical assistance (TA) projects, and workshops and seminars. Public sector management related topics are addressed in the memoranda and correspondence, including civil service reform, public expenditure, and institutional reform. Incoming and outgoing correspondence sent and received by Lamb from individuals and organizations external to the Bank are also included. The records also consist of Lamb's travel request records, leave request records, back-to-office reports (BTOs), aide-memoires, expense reports, and timesheets.

DRD country strategies, studies, and policy records

This series includes drafts of proposed country strategy papers, study papers, and policy papers maintained by Lamb when he served as Economist for the Development Research Department (DRD). This includes the following draft papers: African Development Strategy: Some Administrative Issues; Proposed Institutional Study of Kenya Tea Development Authority; Rapid Capitalist Development Model: a New Politics of Dependence?; and Market Surrogate Approaches to Institutional Development.

Managing Director chronological files

Series consists of chronological correspondence sent and received by Gautam Kaji while serving as Managing Director of the World Bank. Series broadly consists of three chronologically parallel parts: general correspondence; correspondence authored by Kaji and Managing Director Koch-Weser; and correspondence between Kaji and World Bank President Wolfensohn.

General correspondence records date from December 1994 when Kaji assumed the position of Managing Director and November 1997 when he retired from the Bank. Files are generally divided into two sections. The first section includes internal Bank correspondence. The most common records in this group are those relating to Kaji's role as Chairman of the Loan Committee and its successor, the Operations Committee. These records include reports on potential projects, materials related to regular Operations Committee meetings, and Kaji's comments on draft Country Assistance Strategies. Other topics discussed in the records of this series include: performance monitoring indicators and performance standards; guarantees in private sector investment in IDA countries and the World Bank Guarantee Program; World Debt Tables; the Bank-wide reorganization of 1997; conference attendance; planning and review of Bank program and budget; and operations and business policy development, review, and dissemination. Records include: drafts of Kaji's publications; Kaji's speeches; personal correspondence; meeting notices; memoranda to the Executive Directors; operations review reports; and Quarterly Reports on Pending Tranche Releases of Adjustment Operations. The second and smaller section of records includes correspondence from, and responses to, external parties. Topics of this correspondence are wide ranging but generally discuss East Asia operations and sector research.

The second part of the series includes correspondence authored jointly by Kaji and Managing Director Caio K. Koch-Weser from December 1995 to November 1997. Together, Kaji and Koch-Weser were responsible for Bankoperations. Records discuss a variety of topics related to operations, including an increasingly results-driven approach to project implementation and evaluation as well as the need for simplification of operational procedures and reporting. Correspondence, which is most often between Kaji and Koch-Weser and regional Vice Presidents, discuss portfolio management, disbursements, completion reports, Country Assistance Strategies, and economic and sector work. Staffing related to the 1997 reorganization and the launch of the Bank's new network organization are also discussed.

The third part of the series includes correspondence with attachments between Kaji and Bank President James Wolfensohn from March 1995 to November 1997. Correspondence consists of copies of correspondence and attachments authored by Kaji and sent to Wolfensohn as well as Wolfensohn's incoming and outgoing correspondence from others which was then forwarded to Kaji. Correspondence serves a variety of purposes: information dissemination; briefing for Wolfensohn's meetings; answering Wolfensohn's requests for information; authoring correspondence for Wolfensohn; and submitting reports, announcement, and correspondence for Wolfensohn's approval.

Europe, Middle East, and North Africa Vice Presidency (EMENA) and Europe and Central Asia Vice Presidency (ECAVP) chronological and project files

Series consists of correspondence, reports, and other records created or received by Frank Vita while serving as Senior Country Officer in the Europe, Middle East, and North Africa Vice Presidency (EMENA) and, following the 1991 reorganization of the World Bank's operational units, the Europe and Central Asia Vice Presidency (ECAVP). Vita left this position and retired from the World Bank in 1992. During most or all of his time in EMENA and ECAVP, Vita was the Country Officer for Czechoslovakia, or Czech and Slovak Federal Republic (CSFR). As a result, almost all of the records in this series relate to CSFR project lending and sector research. Of these, records relating to the "Technical and Financial Advisory Project" are most common; note, however, that the CFSR government eventually withdrew from the project. Records related to the Technical and Financial Advisory Project include: project cycle documents, including project briefs, appraisal and post-appraisal documents, final executive project summary, and legal documents; Terms of Reference; back-to-office reports; Aide-Memoires; country strategy notes (including drafts); and correspondence with and briefing notes for CFSR government and state Bank officials.

Other CFSR records relate to: country risk assessment; privatization and restructuring of state-owned enterprises and infrastructure (the latter through the Build, Own, Operate Transfer [BOOT] system); sector reports and research materials (including banking and financial sector, energy sector, and transportation sector); country briefs; a VHS videocassette related to CFSR "Enterprise for Privatization" initiatives; and Annual Meeting briefs. Records relating to senior Bank management mission trips to CFSR are also included. Vita often acted as liaison and facilitator for these trips, which included Moeen Qureshi (Senior Vice President of Operations [OPNSV]) and Willi A. Wapenhans (EMENA Vice President). A small amount of loan documents related to other CFSR projects are also included.

PRDPD work program and working group records

This series includes records related to work programs and working groups Geoffrey Lamb participated in or helped develop as the Adviser for the Policy Development Unit (PRDPD) of the Policy and Review Department (PRD). This includes records related to development and implementation of a work program related to economic policy reform in post-apartheid South Africa from 1990 to 1991. The development and implementation of the work program was done in close collaboration with PRDPD, the Public Sector Management and Private Sector Development Division (CECPS) of the Country Economics Department (CEC) within the Development Economics Vice Presidency (DEC), and the Country Operations Division (AF6CO) of the Africa Regional Vice Presidency (AFR). The records include correspondence and memoranda between Lamb, the Africa Region Vice President (AFRVP) Edward Jaycox, AFC60 staff, and CECPS staff. The records also include: back-to-office reports (BTOs) regarding economic missions in South Africa; extensive academic papers, reports, and newspaper articles produced outside the Bank related to South Africa and its economy; CECPS produced economic policy papers and reports; and meeting minutes and summaries regarding meetings with members of the African National Congress (ANC), and meetings between World Bank President Barber Conable and South African Government Ministers.

The series also includes records related to the Working Group on Military Expenditure in which Lamb participated in 1991. The Working Group was a response to the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) paper Military Expenditure and the Role of the Fund. The Working Group was given the responsibility to assess areas of Bank operations that address issues related to military expenditure, and create a report for the Bank President in preparation for the Joint Annual Meeting of the IMF and World Bank. The working group records include: correspondence and memoranda between the working group members; lists of working group board members; summaries of Fund Board meetings regarding the IMF Military Expenditure paper; summary reports on Bank work related to military expenditure; back-to-office reports (BTOs); meeting minutes of the Executive Director's Board regarding military expenditure; additional background papers and reports related to military expenditure; and letters prepared by Bank President Barber Conable, Senior Vice President of Operations (OPNSV) Moeen Qureshi, and IMF Managing Director Michel Camdessus regarding military expenditure.

Public Sector Management Unit (EMTPM) ECA/MENA Technical Department chronological correspondence files

The series includes chronological correspondence, memoranda, and other records created or received by Geoffrey Lamb while serving as Unit Chief in the Public Sector Management (EMTPM) unit of the shared regional ECA/MENA Technical Department of the Europe and Central Asia Vice Presidency (ECA). The records include memoranda and correspondence primarily between Lamb, ECA Vice President Wilfred Thalwitz, EMTPM staff, ECA Region staff, and Middle East and North Africa Region (MNA) staff. The correspondence and memoranda cover the following topics: ECA and MNA Regional Actions Plans for Technical Assistance (TA); EMTPM organized seminars, workshops, and training sessions; economic sector work (ESW) and Institutional Development Fund (IDF) lending for public sector management projects in the ECA Region; Dutch Trust Fund resources for ECA countries; and EMTPM planning priorities and consultant recruitment. Back-to-office (BTOs) mission reports and Terms of Reference (TORs) are interfiled among correspondence and memoranda. Incoming and outgoing correspondence sent and received by Lamb from individuals and organizations external to the Bank are also included. The chronological correspondence files also consists of sub-files containing: copies of faxes, telex messages, and cables sent to Lamb; travel request records; leave request records; expense reports; timesheets; and performance review records.

Strategic Planning Division (SPRSP) and Policy Development Unit (PRDPD) chronological correspondence files

The series includes chronological correspondence, memoranda, and other records created or received while Geoffrey Lamb served as Adviser for the Strategic Planning Division (SPRSP) and the Policy Development Unit (PRDPD). SPRSP records prior to July 1990 include correspondence and memoranda primarily between Lamb, Strategic Planning and Review Department (SPR) Director Alex Shakow, Senior Vice President for Policy Planning and Research (SVPPR) David Hopper, staff from departments within the Development Economics Vice Presidency (DEC), and staff from the Regional departments. The correspondence and memoranda focus on the following topics: review of various policy papers by SPRSP; review of Bank's Strategic Agenda; preparation and review of speech prepared for Bank President Barber Conable for the Bank's Annual Meeting; joint organization of SPR and International Economics Department (IEC) seminar; re-organization of private sector development functions and personnel in the Bank; Bank strategy and economic policy reform in Eastern Europe; and hiring of consultants.

The SPRSP correspondence and memoranda after July 1990 transition into when SPR was replaced by the PRDPD, and the parties involved in this transition. The correspondence and memoranda of SPRSP and PRDPD after July 1990 are primarily between the following parties: Lamb; PRD Director Paul Isenman; Senior Vice President Wilfred Thalwitz of the Policy, Research and External Affairs (PRESV); PRDPD staff; and members of the Policy, Research and External Affairs (PRE) Committee. The correspondence and memoranda discuss review, comments, and approval of publication of numerous policy papers and Bank annual publications by PRDPD and PRE. Also included are records related to working groups, task forces, and symposiums participated in, or jointly organized with PRDPD, including task forces focused on such topics as governance and military expenditure. Incoming and outgoing correspondence sent and received by Lamb from individuals and organizations external to the Bank are also included. The correspondence also consists of sub-files with the following types of records: copies of faxes, telex messages, and cables sent to Lamb; travel request records; leave request records; expense reports; timesheets; and performance review records.

Conference and seminar programming records

This series includes records related to Lamb's involvement with the International Development Exchange Program Seminar on Economic Policy Change and Governmental Process held November 9 -12, 1987 in Seoul, Korea. The seminar was organized jointly by the Korea Development Institute and the World Bank's Economic Development Institute (EDI). Lamb participated in the seminar, and helped prepare and edit the subsequent seminar publication Managing Policy Reform in the Real World: Asian Experiences (1991), whichwas prepared jointly by EDI and Country Economics' Public Sector Management and Private Sector Development (CECPS). Records related to this seminar include: a draft copy and numerous published copies of the seminar publication; photographs and handwritten notes of the seminar; discussion notes and speech transcripts from country case studies presented at the seminar; and reference material.

Development Research Department (DRD) chronological correspondence files

The series includes chronological correspondence, memoranda, and other records created or received by Geoffrey Lamb while serving as Economist for the Development Research Department (DRD). Records include incoming and outgoing correspondence and memoranda between Lamb, the DRD Director John Duloy, DRD staff, and staff from other Bank units, including the Development Economics Department (DED), the Projects Advisory Staff (PAS), the Policy, Planning, and Program Review Department (PPR), and economic staffin Bank Regions. The correspondence and memoranda primarily concern proposed country economic research and studies, seminar and workshop participation, and DRC Work Program proposals. Incoming and outgoing correspondence are also included from individuals and organizations external to the Bank. The series also includes travel and leave request records and back-to-office reports (BTOs).

Industrial Development and Finance Division, Western Africa Projects Department (WAPID) country and project records

Series consists of correspondence created and received by Frank Vita during his tenure as Senior Operations Officer in the Financial Division of the Western Africa Industrial Development and Finance Projects Department (WAPID) of the West Africa Vice Presidency (WAN). Vita was primarily involved in project appraisal and supervision during his time in WAPID. Records were primarily filed according to country and thereunder by project name or type of records (i.e. supervision reports, official project documents, correspondence). Ghana is represented the most while records relating to Liberia, Nigeria, Malawi, and Kenya are also included. Project-related records include supervisory reports; project appraisals; project completion reports (PCRs); appraisal of projects submitted for financing by development finance companies; country sector reports (particularly on industry, financial institutions, and development banks); and correspondence discussing the writing and dissemination of these materials. Terms of Reference and back-to-office reports related to project appraisal and supervision are also included. Series contains a significant number of records related to the following Ghanaian projects: National Investment Bank Project (01) National Investment Project (02) Highway Project (02) and Highway Project (03) - Emergency Maintenance Project records related to the Development Finance Corporation Project (01) in Liberia are also numerous.

Note that a small amount of records relating to the identification of financial technical assistance projects prepared by Vita in 1990 while working in the International Finance Corporation (IFC) are filed in a folder alongside Ghana project files.

East Asia and Pacific Vice President (EAPVP) chronological files

Series consists of correspondence and attachments sent and received by Gautam Kaji while serving as East Asia and Pacific Vice President.

Topics of correspondence and attachments generally relate to operations policy, procedure, reporting, and evaluation, but also include: conference attendance; staffing; administrative matters; regional and Bank-wide lending program; management of field offices; development of Country Strategy Papers; annual lending allocation reviews; sector research and discussion (including gender, environment, social development); EAP administrative budget; country consultative groups; and the EAP Business Process Innovation (BPI) pilot. Records include: EAP Portfolio Monitoring Tables; country policy framework papers; briefing notes for Kaji; briefing notes created by EAP staff for senior Bank staff, including Bank President Preston; Country Strategy Papers; regional "Prospects Papers" and progress reports; administrative budget materials; three-year business plans for EAP; and materials disseminated in advance of Loan Committee meetings.

EAS Working Group and Task Force files

This series includes records related to Economic Advisory Staff (EAS)participation in Bank working groups and task forces. This includes records related to the Country Risk Management and Portfolio Review Working Group from 1989 to 1991. The Working Group was led by the Bank's Risk Management and Financial Policy Department (FRS), but the Working Group consisted of representatives from EAS, and many other units in the Bank. The records relate to review of country risk monitoring and financial risk assessment functions performed by FRS. The records include: correspondence and memoranda from EAS staff, FRS staff, Working Group representatives, and senior Bank officials; meeting minutes and agenda from the Working Group, the Operations Committee (OC)of the Operations Senior Vice Presidency (OPNSV), and the Finance Committee of the Finance Senior Vice Presidency (FINSV); and reports with comments produced in support of the Working Group, including copies of the Country Risk Management and Portfolio Review report.

The series also includes records from the Task Force on Exposure Guidelines from 1989 to 1990. The task force was led by EAS Director Enzo Grilli, and done in close collaboration with the Bank's regional units and FRS. The task force was formed to re-evaluate and review the Bank's exposure guidelines used to assess member countries and the Bank's exposure to major financial risks such as debt obligations. The records include: memoranda and correspondence; Task Force meeting minutes and agenda; recordsrelated to Country Robustness Analysis surveys performed as part of the Exposure Guidelines Task Force exercise; and draft and final Exposure Guidelines reports with comments.

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