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Showing 451-500 of 536 results



This series contains photographic prints and negatives documenting some of President Clausen's trips abroad, taken by governments or businesses where he visited. Most photographs are of the activities of President and Mrs. Clausen, but a few are photographs of World Bank projects. Some photographs are labeled, but the majority have no identification other than country and date. One album contains only photographic postcards. The photographs, mostly in presentation albums, are in color and black and white. Included are photos from the trips to Kenya, Pakistan, India, Indonesia, Japan, Senegal, Ghana, China, Sudan, Morocco, Yemen, Mexico, Malawi, Uganda, Brazil, Colombia, and Mali. The series also includes photos of Clausen with the World Bank Executive Directors and a copy of United States Banker Magazine, December 1980 issue, with Clausen on the cover.

Speech background files

This series consists of a collection of background materials for President Clausen's speeches and other public appearances, such as television, radio, and magazine interviews. The records include correspondence and memoranda, talking points, drafts, reference materials and data, schedules, meeting summary notes, guest lists, thank you notes, and transcripts of press conferences and interviews with TV networks and magazines. The files contain some handwritten notes by Clausen. The series also includes one file from the period before he became President.

The files are arranged according to the name of the organization to whom the speech was given or the name of the organization interviewing the President. It seems likely that this background file originally contained only the invitations, correspondence, and arrangements for appearances, with the actual speeches in the chronological speech file. Over time, however, two things happened: first, the background files grew to contain data and supporting material for the content of the speech and, second, the background files came to contain external relations material not related to a specific speech. The four files on the U. S. Commission on Security and Economic Assistance, for example, principally document the Bank developing a position on the Commission and its recommendations (its report is included in the files), not a speech. Neither the chronological speech files nor the background files appears to include all the Clausen speeches; they need be used together in order to obtain a full picture of his public appearances.

Congratulations file

This series contains congratulatory letters from heads of state, government officials, and international and domestic private entities to A.W. Clausen on the occasion of his appointment as the President of the World Bank and the outgoing responses from President Clausen. A list of the contact addresses filed at the beginning of the series.

Country files

The Country files series contains the records of President Clausen's meetings with heads of states and organizations, representatives of member countries, government officials, Executive Directors, and Annual Meeting delegates. No files on the United States are included; these records are found primarily in the alphabetical files.

The files contain correspondence, memos, briefings, reports, opening remarks for the meetings, Country Program Papers, Annual Meeting country briefs, memoranda of the meetingswith the country delegates, press interviews, and background material. The records reflect the World Bank's issues with, concerns for, and activities in the country, region, or organization. The files on Algeria and Panama include photographs.

DRD country strategies, studies, and policy records

This series includes drafts of proposed country strategy papers, study papers, and policy papers maintained by Lamb when he served as Economist for the Development Research Department (DRD). This includes the following draft papers: African Development Strategy: Some Administrative Issues; Proposed Institutional Study of Kenya Tea Development Authority; Rapid Capitalist Development Model: a New Politics of Dependence?; and Market Surrogate Approaches to Institutional Development.

Development Research Department (DRD) chronological correspondence files

The series includes chronological correspondence, memoranda, and other records created or received by Geoffrey Lamb while serving as Economist for the Development Research Department (DRD). Records include incoming and outgoing correspondence and memoranda between Lamb, the DRD Director John Duloy, DRD staff, and staff from other Bank units, including the Development Economics Department (DED), the Projects Advisory Staff (PAS), the Policy, Planning, and Program Review Department (PPR), and economic staffin Bank Regions. The correspondence and memoranda primarily concern proposed country economic research and studies, seminar and workshop participation, and DRC Work Program proposals. Incoming and outgoing correspondence are also included from individuals and organizations external to the Bank. The series also includes travel and leave request records and back-to-office reports (BTOs).

Managing Director (MDS) chronological correspondence files

The series includes chronological correspondence files from when Attila Karaosmanoglu served as Managing Director (MDS) for Bank President Lewis T. Preston. The records include correspondence, memoranda, agenda and meeting minutes, and other records related to high level policies, programs, and administrative operations of the World Bank. This includes records related to the reorganization of the Bank in 1991, which details the termination of senior vice-presidencies in bank operations, establishment of managing directors in Bank operations, and the re-organization of Bank units and World Bank Group affiliates. Other records include memoranda and correspondence of various

meetings arranged for Karaosmanoglu with Preston, fellow Managing Directors Ernest Stern and Sven Sandstrom, Executive Directors of the Bank, country leaders, Regional Bank staff, and other World Bank senior officials. Some correspondence and memoranda cover policy and programs of the Bank, such as structural adjustment loan programs, travel policy, and country strategy or policy framework papers for specific countries.

PAB Division Chief/Assistant Director's subject and activity files

This series includes subject and activity files related to the various activities and responsibilities of Joseph Wood from his time as Division Chief and later Assistant Director of the Program and Budgeting Department (PAB). The bulk of the records consist of incoming and outgoing correspondence; memoranda; reports; draft PAB project proposals; draft working papers; draft policy papers; background research material; and handwritten notes sent or received by Joseph Wood and other PAB staff. Most records are extensively annotated by Joseph Wood, and some background research material pre-dates Wood's time in PAB. Memoranda, correspondence, and meeting minutes received by or sent to the Office of the President (EXC) and the Executive Board of Directors are also included. Some subject files include: discussion and working paper drafts on capital increase and the report entitled, "Future Role of the Bank"; revision of the Bank's lending program; reports and draft policy papers on capital market prospects; revisions for draft financial policy papers; drafts and background material on selective capital increase; reports on access to capital markets; IDA statistical tables, data, and documents; FY77 budget issues records; correspondence related to the OPEC Recycling Scheme; notes on disbursement projections; and so on.

Sector policy records

The series consists of sector policy review and sector work program review records created and maintained by Visvanathan Rajagopalan when he served as Vice President for Sector Policy and Research (PREVP/PRSVP), and its successor the Sector and Operations Policy Vice Presidency (OSPVP). Included in the series are drafts and final versions of Initiating Memoranda and policy papers; comments Rajagopalan received from his staff and units throughout the Bank on draft policy documents; briefing papers on draft policies; minutes of meetings of the PPR Management Group, the Operations Committee, the Policy Review Committee, the Executive Directors, the Committee of the Whole, and the UNDP/World Bank High Level Task Force on Collaboration at which policy documents were discussed; copies of Rajagopalan's remarks to the Executive Directors on policy documents; annual sector review reports; records related to sector department work program review; and copies of intra-OSP memoranda commenting on draft documents. Many ofthe documents are annotated with Rajagopalan's handwritten notes.

Governance, management and oversight

This series mainly contains records that were created and/or maintained by John M. Kalbermatten between the 1970s and 1980 while working as an adviser and then a consultant in both urban and rural water supply initiatives in various iterations of the water sector departments (i.e., Public Utilities Department-PBP; Energy, Water, and Telecommunications Department Office of the Director-EWTDR; Transportation, Water, and Telecommunications Water and Wastes Advisory Staff-TWTWW).

Kalbermatten contributed to World Bank policies and training on water supply and rural development, as well as research on appropriate water supply and sanitation technology. This series also contains records authored by other individuals, primarily by Yves Rovani (1972 - 1980: director, Public Utilities Projects Department-PBP; director, Energy, Water & Telecommunications Department-EWT) and Richard Middleton (1972 - 1978: sanitary engineer, Public Utilities Division-WAPPB; sanitary engineer, Public Utilities Division Office of theDirector-PBPDR; senior sanitary engineer, Energy, Water, and Telecommunications Office of the Director-EWTDR).

Records contain information relating to a panel on Measuring the Health Benefits of Investments in Water Supply; PBP project monitoring; 1970s work programs; annual staff training course on water supply; research on appropriate technology for water supply and waste disposal in low-income countries; case study reports on residential demand for water and sewerage service in countries in Africa; cooperation with external organizations (e.g., WHO and UNDP); and many more.

Record types include but are not limited to office memoranda, correspondence, articles and discussion papers, journals, training course documents, programs, questionnaires, and case study reports.

Urban development reference subject files

Series consists of reference materials created or received by the Water Supply and Urban Development Department (WUD) and, more specifically, the Water Supply and Urban Development Department Operations Support and Research Unit (WUDOR).

The majority of the records within this series are published and unpublished research and discussion papers created by the WUDOR, World Bank regional offices, other World Bank departments, and external authors. External authors include consultants, academics, NGOs, and other multilaterals, such as United Nations Center for Human Settlements (HABITAT), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. Topics of these papers relate to urban-rural relations, urban development strategy implementation, housing and shelter, municipal finances, spatial policy, urbanization, urban infrastructure, rent controls, electricity and energy pricing, participant/observer project evaluation, structural adjustment, urban transport, project budget management, and urban population. Records include background and theoretical papers as well as papers specific to individual countries and regions; all regions are represented, although African countries are most common. A small percentage of records relate to topics that are not directly related to the urban development sector, such as agriculture, healthcare, education, rural development, and water.

Series also includes a small amount of records created and used during the research and writing of World Bank-authored papers, including memoranda, back-to-office reports and consultant terms of reference.

Other types of papers included in the series include small numbers of regional strategy papers, project proposals and summaries, loan committee reviews, country and project appraisal reports, mission notes, policy papers, research and discussion paper drafts, project case studies, research proposals, program statistical data, Country Economic Memoranda, sector reports, conference papers, regional status reports, project monitoring reports and guidelines, and WUD annual reports for 1984 and 1986.

DECVP/IECDR/CECDR chronological files

Series consists of chronological files created by Johannes Linn while working in the Development Economist and Chief Economist Vice Presidency (DECVP) between 1988 and 1991. The series contains records Linn created and received while serving in three different positions: as Senior Economic Advisor in the DECVP reporting directly to World Bank Chief Economist Stanley Fischer; as Director of DECVP's International Economics Department (IEC, 1989-1990); and as Country Economics Department Director (CEC, 1990-1991).

Records contained in chronological files created during his time as Senior Economic Advisor primarily contain correspondence, memoranda, and notes between Linn and World Bank staff. Drafts of reports, papers, and speeches are also included, generally as attachments; Linn's handwritten comments are included on some. Topics include: publication of reports; DECVP budgeting; adjustment lending; Operations Committee procedures; private sector development; public sector finance; staffing; conference and seminar attendance and participation; dissemination of information, reports, and speeches; and World Development Report 1989 and 1990. Records also include presentations and responses to queries related to the World Development Report 1988, of which Linn was the Staff Director. World Bank Board meeting minutes and Annual Meeting briefs authored for senior DECVP staff are also included.

Records contained in chronological files created during Linn's time as Director of DECVP's International Economics Department (IEC) contain correspondence, memoranda, and notes between Linn and World Bank staff. Topics include: access to World Bank socio-economic data; world economic projections; departmental staffing and recruitment; world debt tables; debt forgiveness; IEC publications; structural adjustment; and World Development Indicators (WDI) collaboration. A single file containing correspondence with external individuals and institutions created during Linn's time as Director of IEC is also contained in this series. It primarily contains invitations to participate in conferences and letters from individuals seeking employment or information.

Records contained in chronological files created during Linn's time as Director of DECVP's Country Economics Department (CEC) contain correspondence, memoranda, and notes between Linn and World Bank staff. Topics include: departmental budget, staffing, and work program review; country strategy papers (CSPs); structural and sectoral adjustment; coordination and support of policy workand research; review of staff papers and reports; private sector development (PSD) policy brief and PSD Working Group; publication of Linn's and others' articles and monographs; Soviet Union and former Soviet republics membership in the World Bank; privatization in developing countries; and constraints on lending. A small amount of material in these files relate to Linn's role in supporting the incoming World Bank Chief Economist Larry Summers. Records include correspondence with Summers and briefing materials.

Country Director, East Asia and Pacific Regional Vice Presidency (EAPVP) chronological correspondence files

This series contains chronological correspondence files from the first year and a half of Madavo's time as Country Director in the East Asia and Pacific Regional Vice Presidency (EAPVP). Madavo oversaw the Country Department responsible for lending and country monitoring for Cambodia, Korea, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Mekong Committee, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. The correspondence is between Madavo and: member government officials including ministers; Bank staff including the East Asia and Pacific Regional Vice President, department division chiefs, and Bank resident missions of countries in Madavo's department; and Bank executive directors. Topics of correspondence are various but include: visits to countries; proposed and ongoing country projects and technical assistance; country tariffs; conference attendance; portfolio review; Country Strategy Paper and sector paper preparation; debt reduction; regional budgeting; staffing; and travel logistics and expenses. In addition to correspondence, otherrecords include: project proposals from countries; minutes of Loan Committee meetings; back-to-office reports; speeches and remarks made by Madavo; briefing notes; and updates on country economic and political developments.

Education Sector Board records

Series consists of various records maintained by the Education Sector Board of the Human Development Network (HDN) that was launched in September 1996. The Education Sector Board was one of the first sector boards to operate ahead of the Bank-wide reorganization in July 1997 that created networks to link staff working in the same sectors throughout the Bank.

The sector board was chaired by the sector director of the Human Development Network Education Team (HDNED). Maris O'Rourke was the first to serve in this position (1996 - 2000), followed by Director Ruth Kagia (tenure 2001 - 2008). The board was comprised of staff drawn from the network as well as representatives from the regions, Development Economics Department (DEC), International Finance Corporation (IFC), and World Bank Institute (WBI) and was managed by a sector manager. Accountable to the HDN Council led by the Human Development Network Vice Presidency, the board was supported by a secretariat. Records in the series reflect the responsibilitiesof the board in setting the strategy for the Bank's work in the sector, endorsing business plans and budget, ensuring the regions and anchor perspectives were coordinated, overseeing the outreach and partnerships for the sector, and vetting grant and trust fund proposals for quality, consistency, and prioritization with sector objectives.

A large portion of the series consists of meeting records including minutes, agenda, and reports from 1996 to 2006. There are records for one 1996 meeting held in December and a gap in the meeting records exists between 2004 and 2005. Some of the minutes contain handwritten annotations. Occasionally minutes are filed with copies of correspondence to the Office of the President or HDN Council, conference invitations and agenda, course outlines, draft and final discussion papers, external reports or newsletters, and other items. The minutes reflect discussion and decisions taken on various initiatives and topics such as: special grant proposals; preparation of reports or sector strategy; data and trends presented by sector staff including decline in education lending; external conferences and other events held by partners; quality assurance; Human Development Week event activities; fiscal year business plan and budget; staff training and development; awards programs; Bank reorganization; and various internal administrative matters. The minutes also specify follow-up actions to be taken.

The series also consists of chronological files of the sector board (1995 - 2000, with agap between mid-1998 and 1999), sector manager chronological file (2001 - 2002), and several correspondence and external correspondence files in liaison with the Office of the President (EXC, 2002 - 2005), specifically Wolfensohn (1996 - 1998), executive directors (1996 - 1997), HD Council (1996 - 1997), and the network's predecessor, Human Development Department (HDD) front office (1996 - 1997). The EXC correspondence files contain the incoming correspondence and log sheet with instructions, the response prepared by HDNED director or staff on behalf of the director, and emails between staff regarding draft responses that were sometimes jointly drafted with the input of other Bank units.

Subject files maintained by the sector board (1995 - 1999) also comprise the series. Files contain internal memoranda, external correspondence, and other records that relate to strategy, budget, funding, personnel, knowledge management, communications for the 1997 Human Development Network launch, Evaluation Learning Group, partnerships with external organizations, Development Grant Facility (DGF), and specific sector topics such as distance education and technology. There are also files related to the HDN Council that contain minutes of the HD Council meetings attended by O'Rourke and correspondence outlining directives from the HDD VP for the action of the sector board and regarding the launch of the networks including staffing matters. Correspondence is primarily between O'Rourke and other education sector senior staff such as Jeffrey Waite and Nick Burnett and includes all-in-1 messages and email hard copies, internal memoranda, and facsimiles. The correspondence is occasionally filed with internal reports such as working group and portfolio performance review reports, strategy papers, Terms of Reference, handwritten notes, and various other records.

An additional set of records relate to sector strategy, quality, governance, and partnerships (2000 - 2003). Strategy files contain draft business plans, Terms of Reference,issues notes, sector board minutes, framework or working papers, concept note reports, guidelines, executive summaries, and other reports. Strategic areas include Education for All Fast Track Initiative (EFA-FTI), HIV/AIDS, user fees in primary education, adult basic education, early child development, science and technology, and other themes.

Quality review records maintained by the sector board relate to the Quality Enhancement Review (QER) process for Bank-financed education projects at entry, quality training, and portfolio monitoring. The QER was initiated by the sector board in fiscal year 1999 and organized by the Quality Promotion Team, HDNED, in close collaboration with the Quality Assurance Group (QAG) and the regions. The purpose of the QER was to provide professional advice for country and task teams to enhance the quality and impact of projects and economic sector work (ESW). The files titled "Quality" contain: QER guidelines and overview documents; list of QERs FY2001 to 2003; QER panel roster; Terms of Reference; reports; and email hard copies regarding requests for QER by task team leaders (TTLs) and provision of quality training courses in collaboration between HDNED and Human Development Network, Health, Nutrition and Population Team (HDNHE) and HDNVP. The records pertaining to portfolio monitoring include quarterly reports, FY2002 retrospective report, and email hard copies between HDNED staff Omporn Regel and HDN Operations Officer Hongu Yang from HDNHE Lead Specialist Christopher Walker. Also included are four QER files related to Water and Sanitation and two related to Environment Sector Board QER that were presumably kept as reference.

Operational support

Series consists of records documenting HDNED and previous units support to the Bank's lending and project activities within the education, training, and employment sector. Records are organized into subject files and contain details on Bank loans and credits and interaction with units in the various regions.

The earliest records in the series were maintained by the Project Related Training Program (EDCPT) staff of the Education Department created in July 1983. The unit provided operational support to theregional transportation, public utilities, and agriculture divisions on matters related to project-related training (PRT) which primarily involved developing advanced courses and instructing sector staff on project design and implementation. In February 1985, EDCPT became the Project Related Training Division (EDTPT) under the renamed Education and Training Department and was terminated in July 1986. Records cover the period from 1982 to 1986 and include: preliminary draft guidelines; copies of internal memoranda, many to EDT director; policy notes; discussion papers; and a copy of the 1978 Operation Evaluation Department (OED) Review of Bank Operations in the Education Sector report. Specific topics covered, but not limited to, include: guidelines for project related training components in transportation projects; an approach to manpower development for the transport sector; guidelines for designing training components in agricultural and rural development projects; and United Nations Educational, Cultural, and Scientific Organization (UNESCO) Cooperative Program review. EDPT records were primarily created by Senior Training Adviser Augustin Alberti, Division Chief Lennart Swahn, and Senior Training Adviser H.W. Barker.

The series also contains records related to the Quality Enhancement Review (QER) panel's work on various education projects managed by operational task teams, and a review of the World Bank Institute Education Training program. The QER panel was first instituted for HDN projects in Fiscal Year 1999. QER broadly followed the Quality Assurance Group (QAG) methodology to improve the quality of projects but functioned as an independent group of senior colleagues who conducted the project preparation review with the task teams.

QER records were created between 2000 and 2007 apart from a file containing a 1997 report. Senior Education Specialists Juan Manual Moreno, Yidan Wang, and other HDNED served as QER panel members with typically two or three other colleagues from the region's education units. QER panels were not always represented by HDNED staff but in the case of these records, the panel reviews were jointly sponsored by the Education Sector Board and QAG. Records contain panel Terms of Reference, agenda or interview schedule, draft project concept notes, project appraisal documents (PADs), aide-memoires, issues papers, minutes of review meetings, back-to-office reports, project data tables, country profiles, external strategy papers and reports, previous QER reports, and other reference material collected by the panel to support its review. Most files do not contain a final panel review report. Among the several projects represented in the files are West Bank and Gaza Higher Education (P083767) and Montenegro Education Project (P084597).

There are also files regarding sector plans, sector strategy, and country and lending information. Sector plan files relate to the Fast Track Initiative (2002 - 2005) and include Education for All and Fast Track Initiative (EFA-FTI) proposals and plans produced by member countries across multiple regions. Education sector strategy records (1999) contain an implementation plan, chapters, annexes with data tables and figures and maps outlining education lending, and two hard copy emails between HDNED Adviser Jeffrey Waite and Anja Robakowski-Van Strolen. Finally, there is a file containing country information divided by region with country action plans and supporting data on the status of education and Bank assistance in each country.

Knowledge management products

Series contains a variety of records mostly maintained by the HDNED Knowledge Management unit responsible for producing or disseminating education sector information products and responding to client requests. Records in the series take the form of reports; project lesson reports; newsletters; presentation slides; correspondence; and supporting documentation.

A significant volume of records is comprised of Bank reports (primarily Quality Enhancement Review [QER] reports), newsletters, and publications related to country education projects (1999 - 2004). Numerous countries are represented from all regions, particularly European and Central Asia as well as the Middle East and South Asia.

The series also contains records related to presentations and visits of Director Maris O'Rourke including her 1998 visit to the United Nations, presentations to the Human Development Council HDN, and other external presentations on the Bank and education. Several presentation files contain transparency slides, and a small number of these include the hard copy slides with presentation notes. Some slides appear to be prepared as templates for presenters to customize for audiences while others were prepared and used for specific presentations.

Other subject files cover: economics of human resources and economic analysis of education projects (1994 - 1999); the role of the World Bank in education as well as in education research and evaluation (1996 - 1998); structural adjustment and education (1997); knowledge management (1997); education strategy (1999); sector board's work program and budget (1999); and a small volume of conference and workshop papers such as for Quality of Economic and Sector Work (ESW) Workshop (2002).

Records regarding the World Education Forum, Dakar (2000) contain: email hard copies between O'Rourke and Steven Commins (External Relations); attached reports and Education for All (EFA) planning meeting summaries centered around communications and public relations; draft outline for President Wolfensohn speeches; back-to-office reports of O'Rourke and successor Director Ruth Kagia; and draft conference reports.

Economic Development Institute chronological files

Series consists of chronological files created during Chernick's time as Advisor on Senior Policy Seminars in the Economic Development Institute (EDI). The majority of the files consist of correspondence in the form of carbon copies, printed copies, and telexes; a small number of draft reports accompany the correspondence. Records primarily relate to the development and planning of Senior Policy Seminars and their evaluation. Records related to the development and planning of seminars include: correspondence with potential seminar leaders and attendees; Terms of Reference related to Chernick's trips to plan or oversee seminars; back-to-office reports; reports to other members of EDI describing planned seminars; suggestions for, and discussions of, potential seminar topics; activity briefs; and logistics. Records related to the evaluation of seminars include: Terms of Reference for Impact Evaluation of EDI activities; a draft of a seminar evaluation package; blank evaluation questionnaires; and EDI EvaluationPolicy Committee meeting records (including a report on the Committee itself [1987]).

Other records include: a report on the World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (1987); Chernick's proposed work program for 1987; materials related to World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program meetings; a report authored by Chernick entitled A Briefing Note on Foreign Exchange Risk (1985); reports and correspondence discussing the relationship between OED and EDI; EDI submissions to the World Bank Annual Report (submitted by Chernick); materials related to EDI Advisory Board meetings; and materials related to EDI Senior Staff meetings.

Background material for George D. Woods biography

The background material in this series includes such varied items as a photograph of the Woods on their honeymoon; Louise Woods' card as a volunteer nurses aide in the U.S. Citizens Defense Corps of the City of New York, 1949; Louise Woods' voter registration card for the City of New York 1957; a copy of Life magazine of June 12, 1958, with George Woods on the cover; formal photographic portraits of George D. and Louise Woods, alone and together; copies of photographs from various sources, most with annotations by Oliver; copies of the Columbia University Oral History Research Offices interviews with Louise Woods and Edward Townsend; and two books, As I Went Along, by Alan Pope, President of First Boston Corporation, given to associates at Christmas 1947 and 75 Years of Banking, distributed by the Mellon National Bank in 1944. The bulk of the series is the George D. Woods clippings files, both from his unsuccessful nomination in September 1961 to head the Agency for International Development and his October1962 appointment to the World Bank.

Administrative Circulars and For Your Information announcements

Series contains copies of of World Bank/International Finance Corporation/International Development Association (IBRD/IFC/IDA) Administrative Circulars from 1973 to 1985 and For Your Information (FYI) announcements from 1986 to 1993 collected by Moeen Qureshi. Administrative Circulars were circulated Bank-wide, and provided announcements of senior staff appointments, organizational and procedural changes, and Bank-wide initiatives. As of 1986, the circulars were renamed For Your Information. The frequencyof the announcements varied from week to week.

Latin America and Caribbean Advisory Group chronological files

Series consists of records related to Tim Campbell's work as the Principal Urban Sector Specialist in the Latin America and Caribbean Technical Department, Advisory Group (LATAD). Records relate to: conference attendance and participation; travel plans; Campbell's presentations to a variety of audiences; and staffing. Records include: Terms of Reference; back-to-office reports; Bank reports forwarded to Campbell; FY94 LATAD Retrospective; presentation slides; a number of innovation Case Studies relating toCuritiba, Brazil; LAC - FY97-99 Business Plan; and Campbell's FY97-99 Work Program. Records also include correspondence with external agencies and institutions that relate to information exchange, communications, and planning and coordination.

Records relate to a number of conferences and seminars that Campbell participated in or helped organize. These include: Institutional Development (ID) and Decentralized Governance: Looking Back on Lending, Looking Ahead to a Contestability Model of ID in LAC (1994);conferences of Latin American Mayors in Washington, DC, and Miami, Florida (1994 and 1996); a seminar called Decentralization: Policies and Practices that Work (1994); a seminar called Managing Decentralization: Best Practices and Policy Lessons in LAC (1996); a sub-regional conference on Best Practice and Policy Lessons in Decentralization (1995).

Series also contains a number of reports and articles authored by Campbell, including: Participation, Choice, and Accountability in Local Government: LAC andthe U.S. (May 1993); The Politics of Participation in Tijuana, Mexico: Inventing a New Style of Governance (1996, draft); Mendoza Provincial Program for Basic Social Infrastructure (MENPROSIF): Case Study (1995); and Innovations and Risk Taking: The Engine of Reform in Local Government of LAC (1996, accompanied by notes for a presentation on the paper).

Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network (PREM) chronological files

This series consists of chronological files with incoming and outgoing correspondence from when Masood Ahmed served as the Vice President of the Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network (PREM). The records are arranged into different types of correspondence files, including: incoming emails from July 1997 to March 1998; outgoing emails from July 1997 to January 1998; chronological files from June 1997 to December 1997; general correspondence from June 1997 to January 1998; and general correspondence-external from February 1998 to December 1998. The chronological files consist of incoming and outgoing correspondence and memoranda with attached reports and handwritten notes related to the activities and communications within PREM, and with other units of the Bank. The general correspondence records are similar to the chronological files, but appear to be duplications and photo static copies of original correspondence. The general external correspondence includes incoming and outgoing correspondence between Ahmed and outside agencies, including communications with other multilateral institutions, NGOs, and private sector institutions. External reports and articles are also included.

Economic Development Institute (EDI) collaboration files

This series consists of records related to Masood Ahmed's collaboration with the Economic Development Institute (EDI) of the Bank. Ahmed served on an EDI Advisory Committee during his time as Director of the IEC, and continued tocollaborate with EDI on a number of activities once he became the Vice President of PREM. The series includes memoranda, correspondence, articles, EDI reports, and EDI publications.

Operations Policy Department (OPR) records

Series consists of records related to activities in the Operations Policy Department's Policy Group (OPRPG). Records relate specifically to a Task Force on Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) focusing on operational responsiveness and evaluation and accountability. Records consist of a variety of reports and memoranda. Series also consists of Annual Reports on Portfolio Performances (ARPPs) for 1994 and 1996.

Quality Assurance Group (QAG) review and assessment

Series relates to work Desmond McCarthy undertook as a consultant for the Quality Assurance Group (QAG) in 2004 and 2005.

Series includes records relating to a quality assessment of Non-Lending Technical Assistance (NLTA) conducted by the Quality Assurance Group (QAG) on which McCarthy served as a panelist in 2004. Records relating to assessments of the State Owned Bank Technical Assistance project in Romania and the Services Sector Census project in China are included. Records include background information on each project and QAG guidelines for the assessment process.

Records related to the QAG assessment of the Customs Modernization Handbook are also included in this series. The Handbook was intended to provide guidance to organizations and individuals involved in the preparation and implementation of customs modernization projects. Records include a copy of the handbook itself as well as comments on the Handbook and records related to the release and dissemination of the Handbook.

Series also includes records related to a 2003-2004 QAG review of analytical and advisory activities (AAA) primarily related to Bulgaria, including reviews of: public expenditure issues; rural development sector; Country Procurement Assessment Report (CPAR); and a national energy efficiency study. Records consist of background materials and guidance questionnaires: the latter often contain hand-written notes presumably made by McCarthy.

World Bank Group Field Coordinator security policy and planning

Series consists of records relating to World Bank Group security policy, planning, coordination, and response activities, and James L. Theodores's role leading this work as Field Coordinator (FC) between 1981 and 1987. Records include: official Bank policies and procedures on security in the field and other materials authored by Theodores and distributed to Bank staff; external publications on security and terrorism; undated and uncredited briefing papers on hijackings, letter and parcel bombs, and telephone threats; consultants' reports on World Bank Group security policy and planning; staff guidelines regarding street crime, burglary, vehicles and travel, and fire protection; reports and summaries of political incidents, security advisories, and incidents involving Bank staff; correspondence regarding specific travel bans; work program and other materials related to the Field Office Improvement Program developed by Theodores upon taking over the position of FC; and the FC transition program that resulted in the transfer of the Field Security System to the General Service Department's (GSD) Security Division upon Theodores's departure from the World Bank in 1987. Some records also relate back to Theodores's time as Resident Representative in Kabul, Afghanistan (1977-1980) and the various security plans and guidelines he followed and enforced.

Series also includes records related to the hijacking of Pakistan International Airlines PK326 in March 1981. One of the hostages was World Bank staff member Jeffrey Balkind. Theodores served as the coordinator and major spokesman for the World Bank's informal Crisis Management Team during the hostage taking. Records include regular updates on the hijacking, primarily in the form of wires from the United Nations Development Programme's (UNDP) Resident Representative in Kabul, Afghanistan. Security updates authored by Theodores presumably for internal World Bank consumption are also included.

Records in this series related to the hijacking were subsequently used by Balkind for research purposes. A letter from Balkind to Theodores thanking him for the use of these records is included as is the packaging used to courier the records back to Theodores. The packaging is dated June 26, 1996. A complete draft of Balkind's unpublished history of the hijacking, "Life and Death on a Tarmac: The Hijacking of PK326" is included. Other chapters of the book that were reviewed and annotated by Theodores are also included, as is correspondence between Theodores and Balkind.

Records related to the May 1985 abduction of consultant Dr. Robert Williams, his wife Jenny Williamson, and their driver are also included. Williamson was engaged in work on a World Bank supervised project in Pakistan. Records include initial reports and notes on the incident and regular updates, including those made to senior staff World Bank staff.

Records of Evaluation of The World Bank Economic Review and The World Bank Research Observer Maintained by the Research Advisory Staff (RAD)

The series includes: Terms of Reference for the 1995 evaluation of The World Bank Economic Review (WBER) and The World Bank Research Observer (WBRO), both of which were first published in 1986; six individual evaluations of WBER and WBRO that were submitted during July and August 1995 to Moshe Syrquin, Editor, The World Bank Journals; and a March 1997 report on WBER and WBRO submitted by Syrquin to Joseph E. Stiglitz, Senior Vice President and Chief Economist, DEC. Syrquin's report included findings of evaluations of the two journals conducted in 1991 and in 1995.

Development Research Group's Reading File Relating to the World Trade Organization (WTO) Second Ministerial Conference and the 50th Anniversary of the Multilateral Trading System

This appears to be the reading file maintained in DECRG for the delegation representing the Bank at the Second WTO Ministerial Conference and the 50th Anniversary celebration of WTO in Geneva, 18 May 1998 - 20 May 1998. Members of the delegation were: Masood Ahmed, Vice President and Head of Network, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management (PRM), head of delegation; L. Alan Winters, Research Manager, Trade, DECRG; and John Croome, consultant, Permanent Observer to the WTO at Geneva.

Copies of schedules and programs of events; Croome's e-mails regarding arrangements for the conference and celebration; a number of background documents and reports including President Wolfensohn's 27 April 1998 memorandum and report on the WTO initiated Integrated Program for Least-Developed Countries Trade Development which was endorsed by the Executive Board; e-mails and other correspondence and papers exchanged between Ahmed and Winters regarding preparations for the Conference and the Wolfensohn report; and Ahmed's statement to the Second Ministerial Conference are part of the series. The reading file also includes: a copy of a summary of the one-day conference held on 21 May 1998 at Geneva on What About Regionalism hosted by Ahmed and the Graduate Institute for International Studies; a Back-to-Office Report for the Ministerial Conference and the 50th Anniversary celebration prepared by Gloria Bartoli, Senior Economist, Africa Region; copies of e-mails and other correspondence concerning the opening of a World Bank Frankfurt Office in June 1998 and the issue of reopening the Geneva office; and post-Conference/50th Anniversary correspondence relating to WTO.

Files Relating to IDA Policies and Programs Maintained by the Senior Adviser, Development Policy Group (DPG)

This series, which contains files relating to the policies and programs of IDA, was compiled primarily by Anandarup Ray while he was a Senior Adviser first with the Economic Advisory Staff (EAS) and then with the Development Policy Group. Most of the documents are Ray's comments on or correspondence regarding the preparation of IDA documents for presentation to the Board of Executive Directors. Specific documents and subjects include: the preparation of statements of eligibility for IDA credits for individual countries, 1988 - 1992; EAS staff comments on a Bank publication, The Evolving Role of IDA, 1989; general correspondence on IDA policies and resources, 1987-1991; the preparation of papers for the Implementation of the IDA-9 and IDA-10 replenishments, 1989 - 1993 and 1996; and annual country performance ratings, 1996.

Subject Files of the Fisheries Program

This small series consists of the subject files of the fishery program. The records include memoranda, correspondence, mission reports and reports of meetings, policy papers, and drafts of papers. The files seem to have been created during the period when an aquaculture study was undertaken by the Bank. The file Banque Mondial includes the terms of reference for an aquaculture study and notes and reports of meetings on fisheries.

Most of the files relate to meetings, a few within the Bank but mostly international meetings, and information about fisheries studies undertaken by other organizations. Some files relate to a World Bank mission to Chile, Peru, and Ecuador to study international fisheries research, including background information and mission reports. A file on the advisory committee for a study of international fisheries research, undertaken by the World Bank, the Food and Agriculture Organization, the United Nations Development Program, and the Commission of European Communities, includes notes on the issues raised in the committee.

The records provide an overview of international cooperation on fisheries research at the beginning of the 1990s. Although small, these files provide useful explanatory material on the setting of international priorities on fisheries research.

Chronological files

The series consists of records created by the Agriculture and Rural Development Department (AGR) and its subordinate divisions and units for the years 1978 to 1987. The series also includes records for AGR's successor, the Agriculture, Technology and Natural Resources Department (AGR) for years 1992 and 1995.

The records of AGR from 1978 to 1987 are similar to those of its successor. The records consist almost exclusively of correspondence. A significant amount of the records relates to Bank projects andthe Department's role in their design, preparation, support, and evaluation. Also included are records related to the writing and analysis of technical, research, and issues papers as well as country and sector policy papers by Department staff and Bank staff external to AGR. In some cases, a draft of the paper is included. Records in this series also relate to: budget and work planning; administration; conference and workshop planning and attendance; information exchange (primarily within the Bank); communications and liaison; grant and trust fund negotiation and allocation; CGIAR-related activities; staff missions (often in the form of Terms of Reference and back-to-office reports); and donor meetings.

As noted above (2.3 Archival history), it is likely that the records classification and file titling of the files in this series was done by IISC staff once individual pieces of correspondence were sent to the IISC for filing. Some of the records (approximately one third) were provided with subject- or function-based classification; these files are from May 1992, to July 1993, and are generally very small and in many instances contain only one or two pieces of correspondence. However, the subjects of the records they contain are indistinguishable from the rest of the files in this series which were titled 'Chronological file' and are considerably larger. The files titled 'Chronological file' are from May 1993 to December 1995.

Compact International Agricultural Research Library project files

In the late 1980s the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research became interested in finding a means to distribute current agricultural research information more effectively. The Group contracted for a study of the issue and then contracted for a prototype of a CD-ROM publication and distribution system. Following the production and evaluation of the prototype, a full-scale CD-ROM publication was initiated, containing publications from nineteen international agricultural research centers plus the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations. The final CD-ROM set, called the Compact International Agricultural Research Library - Basic Retrospective Set (CIARL-BRS), was a single master disc that contained the catalogue and synopticon records and sixteen text-image discs that contained the documents from the centers. They were accompanied by a paper A-Z Reference Guide in English, French, and Spanish, and a Tutorial Guide.

This series consists of the background records of the project; the contracts with each center for use of its publications; contracts for the studies, the production of the CD-ROMs, and the translations of the paper publications; record of the preparation of the paper publications and master copies of them; correspondence with the evaluation sites and the advisory committee; and records related to the marketing of the final CD-ROM set. The records are essential to understand the authorized uses of the publications from the centers.

The records reflect CGIAR's effort to preserve and disseminate the bountiful research information that was being produced by the centers. As an early CD-ROM project, it also provides a miniature study of the developmental steps that were required; for example, the project had not intended to create a paper Tutorial, but the users had difficulty with the unfamiliar CD-ROM technology so a Tutorial was devised. While the project staff hoped that the CIARL-BRS would be the first of many editions of the CD-ROM, website technology soon replaced CD-ROMs for CGIAR distribution purposes and no further editions were produced.

Liaison with external organizations

This series contains records relating to the World Bank's liaison with external organizations. Records in this series originated in the various units responsible for liaison with external organizations in the External Relations department/vice presidency. However, due to records management practices in the Bank between 1946 and 1978, some of the records in this series originated in departments other than those focused exclusively on liaison activities. This is described in more detail below. Also note that, beginning in 1987, most of the liaison functions in the Bank were removed from the External Relations vice presidency for two brief periods: 1987 to 1990, and 1993 to 2002. Please see the Administrative History field in the Records of the Office of External Relations fonds description for more information on the organizational history of the liaison function in the Bank. Also see the Related Units of Description field below for the location of those post-1987 records related to the liaison function created in units outside of External Relations that are not contained in this series.

This series consists of records that were classified as "liaison files" or "United Nations liaison files" in the Bank's 'General' or 'Central' filing systems. These records date from 1946 to 1978 (with the exception of 1969 to 1971; please see Related Units of Description below). While records classified in this manner originated in departments from across the Bank (including the Office of the President), the majority of the 'General' and 'Central' files originated in the Technical Assistance and Liaison Staff (TAL, 1946-1961), Development Services Department (DSD, 1961-1973), and International Relations Department (IRD, 1973-1978).

Note that, from the beginning of the Bank's General Files classification system in 1946, "liaison files" and "United Nations liaison files" were classified separately. This likely occurred because the Bank's relationshipwith the UN and its agencies was more involved than with any other external organization. In 1964, as the Bank's collaboration with the UN in fields like agriculture and education was increasing, the Bank created a separate position called the Special Representative to the United Nations within DSD separate from staff responsible for liaison with non-UN external organizations. In 1965 the Special Representative moved to New York and opened an office at the United Nations headquarters. In 1978 a second World Bank UN Office was opened in Geneva, Switzerland.

Both the "liaison files" or "United Nations liaison files" consist of communications with external organizations with whom the Bank had a relationship. Organizations include governmental and international agencies, development banks, religious groups, academic institutions, and private foundations. Records relating to communications with the United Nations and its many agencies (United Nations Development Program [UNDP], Food and Agriculture Organizations [FAO], etc.) are the most voluminous in this series. The volume of records relating to communications with non-UN organizations and governments can be sizable (the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development [OECD] or the United States government and its legislators, for example) or as small as a single folder.

The most common correspondence in this series are invitations to or requests for participation in meetings, conferences, seminars, workshops, training courses, and similar events. In addition to correspondence with external organizations, records related to event participation and coordination also include internal memoranda, Terms of Reference, back-to-office reports, meeting agendas, conference programs, and press releases.

Records relating to collaboration or partnership on joint projects, research, and missions are also common, particularly in those records relating to the UN and its agencies. These records are generally limited to work program development, information sharing, and logistical planning. The records also relate to the exchange of information (including mission schedules, policy proposals, sector studies, etc., most of which are not included with the correspondence), and request for comment.

The Bank-wide 'General' and 'Central' filing practice was discontinued in 1978, and a new Non-Regional Information Center (NRIC) was created to manage records created by non-operational units including the External Relations' International Relations Department (IRD). Unlike the records of the 'General' and 'Central' files, records from the NRIC, which existed from 1978 to 1986, and those subsequently transferred to the World Bank Group Archives directly from units responsible for external liaison include only those that originated in units responsible for the function. The exceptions are those records that were shared with these departments by other Bank units. Note that most of the records relating to external liaison that were created while the external liaison function was housedoutside of the External Relations Vice Presidency from 1987 to 1990 and 1993 to 2002 are included. To locate those arranged in other fonds, please see the Related Units of Description field below.

Topics contained in the NRIC and subsequent records are similar to those in the 'General' or 'Central' files, but with some additions. Beginning around 1980, the Bank's engagement with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) intensified. Records relating to the Bank's communication and collaboration with NGOs as well as the development of policy for interacting with NGOs are contained in this series. Likewise, records relating to the Bank's interaction with civil society also become more numerous throughout the 1980s and 1990s.

Records relating to external meeting and conference attendance are also included as are records related to external liaison staff's participation in World Bank Group spring and annual meetings. Background and briefing materials for senior Bank management prepared by EXT units responsible for meetings with external organizations are contained in this series. Many of these briefing materials were prepared for World Bank Group presidents Lewis Preston, James Wolfensohn, Paul Wolfowitz, and Robert Zoellick. Finally, a small amount of records relating to the organization and management of the units responsible for external liaison over time, including the New York and Geneva offices, are contained in this series. These records primarily relate to staff retreats where strategy and work programs were developed.

Records relating to the Bank's European field office in Paris, France, are also included in this series. The records date from 1949, when Drew Dudley, Director of Public Relations for Europe, arrived in Paris, to 1980. The records of the European office relate to its primary role as Bank representative to European governments, central banks and other financial institutions, international organizations, and the European media, academic institutions, and business community. Records also relate to other activities, including the arrangement for the sale of Bank securities in Europe, carrying out information programs, and performing administrative functions. Records consist of correspondence with Bank staff, including Bank presidents, in Washington, DC. Topics include logistical matters, reports on meetings, and exchange of information.

Records relating to the Tokyo office, which opened in November 1970, are also included in this series. The office was concerned with facilitating liaison between the Bank and the Japanese government and the Japanese financial community. It also served as a source of information for the Japanese press and public. Tokyo office records date from 1974 to 1975 and relate to communications with the Japanese government and media, administrative functions, and information exchange and publication.

The series also contains records from 1983 to 1987 relating to general policy and analysis undertaken by IRD in support of liaison with NGOs and other external organizations. Records relate to food security, poverty, debt, and the environment and contain reports, internal memoranda, communications with external organizations, logistical plans for meetings, and back-to-office reports.

The series also contains thematic subject files created and used by EXT units responsible for liaison with external organizations. Topics include gender, human rights, indigenous peoples, partnerships, structural adjustment, private sector investment, etc. These types of records generally date from the 1980s through 2010 and contain a variety of materials, such as: correspondence and internal memoranda; conference materials; and external publications.

The records of the World Bank's Grant Committee are also contained in this series. In 1981, the Bank's system for making grants to development institutions and conferences was streamlined and consolidated within the External Relations Department. From 1981 to 1987, IRD provided the staff for the roles of chairman and secretary. Records include meeting minutes, internal memoranda, and correspondence with external organizations relating to their requests for funding. Records date from 1981 to 1987 and 1990 to 1993.

Records related to the Robert S. McNamara Fellowship Fund are also included in this series. The fund was proposed in 1981 and awarded its first fellowships in 1983. Records relate to the setting up of the fund, raising funds from Bank members, the establishment of a selection committee, and the awarding of fellowships. Records date from 1981 to 1986.

Project Managers' Research Project Files

This series contains files for the earliest projects approved under the World Bank's research program. These particular files are primarily those that were maintained by the managers responsible for directing the projects. Most were directed by staff from departments under the Development Policy Staff (the Development Research Center, the Development Economics Department, the Economic Analysis and Projections Department) and under the Economics and Research Staff (the Economics and Analysis and Projection Department and the Development Research Department), but others were conducted by staff from the sectors or the Regions. The files are in two sections: those that were completed and for which completion reports and evaluations had been filed and those for which the final reports and evaluations had not been filed.

A project file typically contains draft research proposals with comments on the drafts, the formal research proposal submitted on a standardized form, memoranda establishing a review panel to vet the proposal and to convey the decision of the review panel, minutes of the Research Committee meeting at which the proposal was discussed, the Research Committee's decision on the proposal, correspondence with consultants who worked on the project, Back-to-Office reports from missions connected with the project, requests for computer support, requests for additional funding and/or an extension of the research schedule and the Research Committee's decisions regarding those requests, intra-office correspondence of the unit directing the project, a summary of the project results for inclusion in Research News, and possibly a project completion report on a standard form. For most projects, there is a separate folder containing quarterly status reports and possibly also the project completion report. The files in the completed projects section of the series also include evaluation reports. Most of the files for projects under the 672 and 673 series contain only completion reports.

Project files Numbered 671-93 to 671-98 were used for documentation relating to the General Research Advisory Panel (GRAP) and five of the Special Research Advisory Panels. For the official GRAP files, see (add link to series 4031).

Research Proposals that were Withdrawn or Rejected

The files for the 1985 - 1988 period for research proposals that were rejected or were withdrawn by the staff members who submitted the original proposals appear to have been maintained by the Secretary to the Research Projects Approval Committee (REPAC). Research funding was limited to departments which normally did not have in-house research capacity such as the Regional departments. For the 1989 - 1997 period, files for research project proposals that were rejected by either Research Advisory Staff (RAD) or the Research Committee (RC) or were withdrawn by the staff member who submitted the original proposal were maintained by RAD.

Among the documents that can be found in rejected files for the 1985 - 1988 period are: the research project proposal submitted to the Research Administrator (RA), comments made on the proposal by RA or by internal or external referees who agreed to comment on the proposal, responses to referees' comments, the report of the REPAC subcommittee to all REPAC members on the proposal; and minutes of the REPAC meeting or correspondence indicating action taken on the project proposal. Appeals of rejections by REPAC are in some files along with REPAC's responses.

A number of files for the 1989 - 1997 period contain requests for information regarding the procedures for requesting funding for a research proposal or for advice as to whether a specific proposal fit within the guidelines of the RC for projects funded from the Research Support Budget. The more complete files for rejected projects for the 1989 -1997 period include: a formal project proposal; correspondence between the RAD staff and the project manager; RAD's correspondence with referees; the referees' comments and the project manager's responses to RAD regarding issues raised by the referees; intra-RAD memoranda regarding the project proposal; a report from the Research Committee subcommittee that reviewed the project proposal; replies from the manager to specific questions from RAD staff; handwritten notes from RAD staff; and the official memorandum from RAD stating that the project had not been approved. There are a few files for pending proposals for which no final action was taken or for which no formal proposal was submitted.

Files Maintained by Vinod Dubey, Director, Economic advisory Staff, while Also Serving as the First Liaison Officer to the Paris Club

Much of the correspondence at the beginning of the series concerns Bank efforts to play a greater role in the Paris Club's rescheduling of debts, including admission to informal meetings with credit participants.The appointment of Vinod Dubey as liaison officer was a response to the Paris Club's need, in return, for a central contact point in the Bank. The Paris Club refers to meetings held since 1956 that have arranged, when necessary, for the renegotiation of debt owed to official creditors or guaranteed to them. Neither the World Bank nor the IMF are members of the Paris Club, but the IMF has played an important role in developing debt restructure packages with commercial Banks. both the Paris Club and the commercial Banks require deBTOr countries to have agreed on a stabilization program with the IMF as part of the renegotiation process.

Copies of Senior Vice President, Operations Ernest Stern's letter of October 10, 1984 to Philippe Jurgensen, Chairman of the Paris Club, announcing Dubey's appointment as the Bank's liaison officer to the Paris Club regarding all matters affecting specific country negotiations and Stern's November 1, 1984 memo to Operational Vice Presidents on the same subject are in the files. Dubey was serving as Senior Advisor, Country Policy Department at the time of his appointment.

Following his appointment, Dubey continued to receive copies of correspondence forwarded to him concerning the need to increase the Bank's role at Paris Club meetings. Copies of correspondence between Stern and Jurgensen regarding a misunderstanding of the Bank's view of the Paris Club and the Bank's request to provide presentations to the Club on medium-term prospects of some indebted countries are in the files along with other correspondence between Dubey and Vice President, Operations Policy S. Shaid Husain regarding scheduling of these presentations. The files include copies of Dubey's correspondence with Bank regional officials concerning preparations for meetings, drafts of statements and speeches forwarded to Dubey for review before the meetings, background materials concerning countries seeking debt rescheduling, meeting invitations, Dubey's responses to the invitations which list the Bank's delegations to the meetings, back-to Office Reports prepared by Dubey and others representing the Bank at the meetings, and copies of press communiques regarding meetings.

A proof of a lengthy article entitled The Paris Club, 1978-1983 scheduled to appear in the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law is inthe files. A 30 October 1984 note found in the files indicates that the author, Alexis Rieffel, formerly the representative of the U.S. Treasury Department to the Paris Club, was brought to Dubey's attention by Alexander Shakow, Director, International Relations Department (IRDD). A report of a 26 November 1984 meeting of the Coordinating Group of Creditor Countries for Yougoslavia prepared by Dubey and Joseph Ingram, Senior Loan Officer, Country Programs Department was placed in the files along with memos from Ingram regarding Yugoslavia sent to Dubey after the meeting.

Dubey was succeeded as liaison by basil Kavalsky, Assistant Director, Country Policy Department in January 1986 after Dubey was designated Director of that department. Only a small amount of correspondence after that date is in the files and there is no correspondence for 1987.

Also contained in this series are correspondence, memoranda, background papers, reports, handwritten notes, feedback on reports, meeting agendas and summaries, and other materials related to Vinod Dubey's participation in the World Bank's Debt Task Force. The Debt Task Force first met on July 6th, 1987 and was led by Jean Baneth. The Task Force was to re-examine the debt problems of middle-income countries. It was to provide an interim report, undertake country analyses and projections, and examine possible modalities of debt relief schemes and the role the World Bank would play in those schemes. Records date from July 8 to September 22 of 1987.

Apex and Retrospective Review Reports Maintained in the Policy and Review Department

These files were maintained by Richard Woodford, Program Coordinator in the Office of the Senior Vice President, Policy, Planning and Research (SVPPR); Gregory Ingram, Principal Adviser, Policy and Research, Policy and Review Department (PRD); and Amarak Shalizi in the Program Management Unit (PRDPM) in PRD. PRD reported to the Senior Vice President, Policy, Research and External Affairs (PRESV).

  • The Apex Reports covering all PPR (later PRE) organizations, including DEC, were prepared at the end of each fiscal year quarter from feeder reports prepared by all PPR (PRE) organizations and included a summary of the status of principal elements of the current fiscal year's budget plan and descriptions of activities and accomplishments of each organizational unit. Annexes to the Reports provided listings of major policy and research papers completed or initiated during the quarter.

  • Retrospective reviews were conducted for PPR (later PRE) organizations after the close of a fiscal year. They provided Department Directors, Vice Presidents, and the Senior Vice President opportunities to compare organization performance against the fiscal year budget plan, to determine the reasons for any deviations from the plan, to gain insights for the implementation of the new fiscal year budget plan, and to share findings at the institutional level.

  • A folder containing a draft of and supporting materials for a briefing book for an Executive Directors budget Priorities Colloquium has also been included in this series. Thecolloquium was held on 9 October 1990 and appears to have been organized by the SVPPR and PRD.

Review Files for Policy Papers/best Practices Papers, and Other Publications and Issuances, Policy Development Unit, Policy and Review Department

This series documents the review process for World Bank Policy Papers, best Practices Papers, and information papers, most of which were generated by Policy, Research, and External Affairs (PRE) units. Also included are a file for Development Committee papers and files for annual publications such as the World Development Report and Global Economic Prospects. The files, which were maintained by Geoffrey Lamb and the Policy Development Unit (PRDPD), generally contain a copy of the initiating policy brief for the paper, copies of all the major revisions of the paper, copies of comments on the paper from high-level Bank managers, notes and minutes from meetings at which the paper was discussed (e.g. review meetings within the concerned complex, PRE managers' meetings, meetings of the PRE Committee, and meetings of the President's Council or the Committee of the Whole), and information about Board seminars regarding the policy outlined in the paper. The file for the Task Force on Environmental Action contains only the final report. In addition to the files for specific policy/best practices papers, one folder (filed under Pending correspondence) contains 1991 memoranda and intra-Bank correspondence on a number of policy papers that were still pending when PRD was abolished on November 30, 1991. The several files that predate the establishment of PRD contain only an initiating brief.

Subject Files of Geoffrey B. Lamb, Adviser, Policy Development Unit (PRDPD), Policy and Review Department

This series contains files compiled by Geoffrey B. Lamb while he was an adviser in the Strategic Planning Division (SPRSP) of the Strategic Planning and Review Department and, after July 1, 1990, an adviser in and later head of the Policy Development Unit (PRDPD) of the Policy and Review Department (PRD). SPRSP had the major responsibility for generating and drafting the President's addresses to the Annual Meetings of the Bank and the Fund, and more than two thirds of this series consists of files Lamb compiled while drafting the speeches that President Conable delivered at the 1987, 1988, and 1989 annual meetings. These speech files contain numerous drafts of the speeches, much intra-Bank correspondence containing suggestions for the speeches and comments on the many drafts, copies of Bank publications used as background materials, Lamb's handwritten notes from meetings at which the drafts were discussed, and intra-Bank memoranda regarding follow-up action required to ensure that policies and programs outlined in the speeches were, in fact, accomplished.

Other files in the series contain records concerning the Group of Thirty's Study Group on Financing Eastern Europe which issued a 1991 report on the outlook for capital flows into Eastern Europe and the policy issues affecting them. Included is Lamb's correspondence with Richard A. Debs, the chair of the study group; Charles Taylor, the Executive Director of the Group of Thirty; and Wilfried Thalwitz, the World Bank's Senior Vice President, Policy, Research and External Affairs (PRESV), who was a member of the study group. A copy of the published report is included in the files. Items filed under President's Retreat 1989 concern the drafting of a work program and other follow-up work emanating from the January 6, 1989 retreat on the Strategic Agenda Framework. Another file contains intra-Bank memoranda and reports on the relationship between the U.S.S.R. and the Bretton Woods institutions and copies of and comments on a draft of the 1989 article The Soviet Union and the Bretton Woods Agencies written by the Executive Vice President and Director of the Overseas Development Council Richard E. Feinberg. There is also a file concerning the drafting of briefing materials compiled in November 1990 for President Conable prior to his visit to the U.S.S.R.

At the end of the series is a small file (under Guarantees) containing seven memoranda and papers, June 1990-September 1991, from Alfred J. Watkins, a senior economist in the Policy Development Unit, outlining howthe World Bank could use its guarantee powers to facilitate private capital flows to private sector entities in developing countries.

Chronological File of the Policy Development Unit (PRDPD), Policy and Review Department

This series contains copies of the outgoing letters, memoranda, and facsimile messages from the chief and other members of the Policy Development Unit (PRDPD). Included with the outgoing messages are a few incoming memoranda from the Director of the Policy and Review Department (PRDDR) and from the Senior Vice President, Policy, Research and External Affairs (PRESVP). Much of PRDPD's correspondence concerns the scheduling of review work on policy papers, comments on draft policy papers, coordination of PRE policy matters with the Board, and the compilation of information for the inventories of policy products. PRDPD had responsibility for managing the PRE Committee, and this series includes memoranda transmitting schedules, agenda, and minutes of meetings of the Committee, some of which include copies of the papers to be discussed by the Committee. Also included are 1991 agenda of the New Products Working Group and materials for the first meeting (September 4, 1991) of the Working Group on Military Expenditures.

Correspondence of the Directors, International Economic Department (IECDR) Concerning GATT and WTO

The first part of the series consists primarily of correspondence (1994 - 1996) of Director Masood Ahmed (IECDR) concerning Bank preparations for drafting an agreement between the World Bank and World Trade Organization (WTO). It includes Ahmed's correspondence with Michael Bruno, Vice President and Chief Economist (DECVP), L. Alan Winters, Chief, International Trade Division (IECIT), and other Bank officials throughout the lengthy process of developing a document describing the parameters for a relationship between the Bank and WTO. Comments received from Bank offices on various versions of the document, including the version of the document circulated to the Board on 7 February 1995; a copy of the IMF paper on collaboration with the WTO presented to its Board on 15 February 1995; and the final version of the Agreement between the WTO and World Bank are part of the files. Correspondence concerning a Board Seminar on Bank relations with WTO held in 1995 includes Michael Bruno's 28 July 1995 report to Bank President Wolfensohn on the outcome of the seminar. The first part of the series also includes correspondence and briefing papers prepared for meetings of the Bank and IMF heads (Wolfensohn, Camdessus) with the newly appointed Director, WTO (Ruggiero) in 1995 and a Wolfensohn-Ruggiero meeting in 1996.

The second part of the series contains a copy of a 13 September 1993 letter from IECDR (D.C. Rao) to the Deputy Director General, General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade (GATT, Jesus de Seade) informing him of the closure of the Bank's Geneva Office and the appointment of consultant John Croome to represent the Bank in GATT and Uruguay Round meetings. Copies of Croome's faxed reports to IECIT regarding meetings of the GATT Council, formal Council committees (Trade Policy Review, Trade Negotiations, Market Access, balance-of-Payments), and other formal and informal meetings he attended as the Bank's representative are in both parts of the series.

Indonesia transmigration sector review files

In September 1984 the Bank began preparing for a review of the entire Indonesian transmigration sector. Gloria Davis led the sector review, and she and two colleagues went to Indonesia in November 1984 on the initiating mission. The final report of the sector review was published on October 24, 1986.

The series consists of a few files arranged by topic, followed by computer printouts of statistical analysis concerning population projections and working files of data and analysis. The working files include information from previous World Bank studies. The series concludes with data and statistics from the Government of Indonesia, primarily dating from 1982 to 1985 but including two items from 1976. Related items from the Government of Indonesia from this period are found in the series of Indonesia project and research reports (Bahasa), and correspondence about the review is found in the correspondence files.

Files regarding revision of the International Finance Corporation's safeguard policy

In 2004 Gloria Davis assisted the International Finance Corporation (IFC) in its review of its environmental and social safeguard policies. This review was triggered by the findings of the 2003 report by the IFC's Compliance Advisor and Ombudsman on the implementation and impact of the IFC's safeguard policies.

The series includes notes from meetings, drafts, printouts of email, and background materials.

Indonesia transmigration program - data and statistics

This series consists of the original data sheets, coded tabulations, and computer analyses from surveys in the areas involved in the first two transmigration projects funded by the World Bank, including Way Abung, Rimbo Bujang, Singkut, Sitiung, Upang, and villages designated only by unit number.

The first group, labeled Data sheets - Original Sit, Up & RB forms, consists of 3-page, 7-part completed interview forms in ten villages identified as Unit I through Unit X. Part 1 of the form gives basic demographic information, part 2 is on agricultural land provided by the government, part 3 is use of other land, part 4 is on water, part 5 on agricultural production (crop yields), part 6 is agricultural inputs, and part 7 is possessions. Names are not included. The survey was taken after May 1978 (the latest date recorded for arrival of migrants) and before the coding was done in September 1978. Included are the coding sheets and data analysis.

The second group of survey data sheets is from 1979. The survey covered the villages of Bataraja-Matapura, Sitiung, Upang, and Way Abung. The folder containing the Upang forms is marked Delta data collected June 79. The form used had 2 pages and asked many of the same questions as the 1978 form. After the initial section of demographic information, there are sections on agricultural land, agricultural production, agricultural inputs, house type, property (agricultural and personal), and information about returns made to Java, comparison of income in Java and in current location, expectations and reality, and problems encountered.

The 1979 data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) computer program. There are cross-tabulations for all villages or a subset of villages, variables broken down by village, and Pearson correlation coefficients.

In 1983, the project completion review team for the Bank's Transmigration I project, led by Gloria Davis, requested that a census of village units be conducted in village units V, VI, VII, VIII,IX, X and XI of Batumarta and Units XII and XII of the Transmigration I extension area. The data was to be collected on about 200 families. The 1979 form was used. No analysis of the data is included.

Because the survey forms appear to be complete, they could serve as a baseline for further analytical work in the same villages.

Annual reports to the Boards of Governors

The series includes the annual reports of the Development Committee to the Boards of Governors of the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, a press release on the 1978 report, and the reviews of the Committee in 1978 and 1981 as presented to the Boards of Governors.

Substantive [subject] files

This series contains correspondence and background material relating to development issues studied by the Development Committee. It includes the principal body of records on the Working Group on access to capital markets. These files are essential for understanding the initial conceptualizations of the Development Committee as to its area of activity and the extent of its coordinating functions in the field of development.

Memoranda, notes, and press articles

This series contains various record types: draft memos; correspondence (e.g., from Clark to World Bank President George D. Woods; from Lars J. Lind to Clark); drafts of speeches; press articles; notes on meetings and conversations (e.g., Clark?s notes on his conversation with Willy Brandt and Egon Bahr on January 18, 1977; Clark?s notes on McNamara?s conversation with Willy Brandt on March 7, 1979); drafts of professional memoir; a survey on major international conferences and resolutions on development issues in the 1970s; a press release about the ?Delhi Announcement on Brandt Commission;? a copy of Willy Brandt?s opening address on December 9, 1977; and many more. Records in this series cover a broad range of topics, including Clark?s travel schedule between 1968 and 1980; Clark?s thoughts on the type of job he wanted to do at the World Bank Group (e.g., to be involved in discussions about the future of the Indian Consortium); Clark?s notes on World Bank policies; relations with the United Nations; development issues; public support strategies for the Bank Group; the Pearson and Brandt Commissions that studied development issues during the McNamara years; Clark's and McNamara's appointment to the World Bank; and the development of Clark's memoirs.

Subject Files of the Office of the Special Representative to the U.N. Organizations in Geneva

Most of these files appear to have been created while Wolfgang Siebeck (1986-1989) and Jean Baneth (1989-1992) served as Special Representative. A few files contain documents of earlier Representatives who served during the 1980s (Mahmud Burney and L. Peter Chatenay) and of Jean Baneth's successor in 1992, Sorsa Piritta. Documents placed in these files include not only memoranda, electronic messages, speeches, and statements prepared or received by the Representatives but also memoranda and other documents prepared by members of their staffs and other Bank officials.

A few files (Women, North/South Roundtable on Trade) contain only a single document but others are more substantive. The International Labor Organization (ILO) files (1982 - 1990) contain considerable correspondence of both Siebeck and Baneth covering coordination between the World Bank and ILO. In some of the correspondence, Siebeck is identified as Director, International Relations Department, Geneva Office (IRDGO). Much of the correspondence in the Human Rights file pertains to Baneth's participation as Bank representative at meetings of the U.N. Centre for Human Rights and preparations for the 1993 U.N. Conference on Human Rights. The file also contains some correspondence of earlier Representatives concerning human rights issues. The Gulf Crisis file (26 October 1990 - 16 July 1991) includes Baneth's (and his Administrative Assistant's) correspondence concerning United Nations Disaster Relief Organization (UNDRO) efforts on behalf of displaced persons in the Middle East during the crisis. Correspondence was exchanged during the crisis with the Vice President, Corporate Planning and budget Robert Picciotto; the Senior Vice President, Policy Research and External Affairs Wilfred Thalwitz; and the Director, External Affairs Alexander Shakow.

Michael Bruno's Chronological Correspondence File (Internal and External Chronological Files)

Both incoming and outgoing correspondence is included in this series. The incoming correspondence in the first part of the series documents Bruno's roles as Manager of the Development Economics Vice Presidency, Chief of Research for the Bank and the Bank's principal economic adviser, Chairman of the Research Committee, and Chairman of the Economist Panel. The letters from January to August 1993 were signed by D.C. Rao who was serving as Acting DECVP until Bruno's assumption of duties.

EDI funding and programs, selection of topics for annual World Development Reports, DEC Business plans, relations with the World Trade Organization (WTO), liaison functions with Berne Union and the Paris Club, and Terms of Reference for DEC department heads leading missions are among the many subjects of Bruno's correspondence with DEC department heads and Bank Managing Directors in the first part of the series. Responses to Ernest Stern, Chairman of the Loan Committee, on lending options and comments offered for Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) Reviews are also in the first part of the series along with Bruno's reports on his 1994 visits to India; Slovenia, Slovakia, and the Ukraine; Brazil and Argentina; and South Africa, Senegal and Kenya.

The internal correspondence file relating to Bank President James D. Wolfensohn in the second part of the series includes informal memos and notes from Bruno to Wolfensohn on Bank-Fund [IMF] relations and collaboration and issues raised in policy papers and presentations; background papers prepared for Wolfensohn on various subjects including the closure of the World Bank office in Geneva and Wolfensohn's forthcoming trip to Russia and Hungary; and copies of Wolfensohn's staff announcements. Bruno's elevation to Senior Vice President and to the President's new Executive Committee is part of the December 7, 1995 Announcement to Staff on the Restructuring of the Bank's Top Management. Also placed in the file is a copy of a Wolfensohn December 26, 1996 memo addressed to all staff announcing Michael Bruno's death on December 25, 1996 in Jerusalem. Bruno had left the Bank earlier in 1996. Filed at the end of the internal correspondence in the first part of the series is a small amount of Lyn Squire's correspondence while serving as Acting DECVP following Bruno's departure from the Bank. It includes correspondence concerning meetings with Joseph Stiglitz in January 1997. Filed immediately following the internal correspondence are comments and other correspondence concerning the 1994 WDR.

The external correspondence file relating to Bank President Wolfensohn includes letters from outside organizations and private individuals forwarded to Bruno by the President's office requesting that a response be prepared in DEC for Wolfensohn's signature, Bruno's signature, or for signature by one of the DEC department heads. Background information provided to Wolfensohn to use in his replies and information copies of Wolfensohn's correspondence forwarded to Bruno are also in this external correspondence file.

Front Office Records Relating to the 1992 and 1998 Bank Reorganizations

These files were created by Leslie Davis (Leslie Davis Arnold), Program Coordinator for Administration in DEC's Front Office, during the planning stages of the FY 1993 Bank reorganization. They include copies of: briefing papers, memoranda, electronic messages, and other correspondence concerning reassignments within DEC and the Technical Departments; budget allocation and remapping documents; notes and reports from meetings discussing the DEC reorganization; correspondence concerning the reconfiguration of the Country Economics Department (CEC); and DECVP's memorandum of January 19, 1993 announcing CEC's change in name to the Policy Research Department (PRD) and designating it as the principal department in DEC engaged in research affecting the formulation of development policy. Also included as part of Davis' files on the FY 1993 reorganization are correspondence and reports concerning the closing of the Geneva Office by the end of June 1993. Much of the correspondence between Davis with the Administrative Assistant at the Geneva Office, Diane Cunningham, concerns various aspects of the closedown including reactions to the announcement of the shut down, allocation of Geneva Office responsibilities to DEC and to other Bank units, employment issues affecting Bank personnel at the office, the abolition of the Geneva Office support staff, termination of the lease for the office space, and disposition of Bank property at the Geneva Office.

Davis' file for the FY 1998 reorganization includes memoranda, electronic messages, organization charts, copies of kiosk announcements, and other documents concerning the movement of staff resources and dollars, reclassifications and appointments, and proposals for reorganization structure. Also in her file are copies of memoranda exchanged between human resources organizations, DEC department heads, and DEC Front Office staff, as well as Davis' correspondence with personnel within and outside of DEC regarding the reorganization.

Files Maintained by Vinod Dubey and Enzo Grilli, Directors, Economic Advisory Staff, Related to Collaboration between the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund

The bulk of the series consists of Policy Framework Papers (PFP) and related records documenting Bank/Fund collaboration in connection with the Fund's Structural Adjustment Facility (SAF), and the later Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility (ESAF) from April 1986 to September 1991. These files are arranged in three segments. The first two segments are arranged alphabetically by client country and maintained primarily by Vinod Dubey when he was Director of the Country Policy Department (CPD) and Directorof the Economic Advisory Staff (EAS). The third segment focuses on Bank-Fund collaboration in reviewing the PFP process and the SAF program, and development of the ESAF program. The country files may include comments on a draft PFP from Regional staff, the Economics and Research Staff, and the Senior Vice President for Operations (SVPOP); minutes of meetings of the Operations Policy Subcommittee and the Operations Policy Committee at which the PFP was discussed; and summaries of discussions and agenda and minutes of meetings of the Committee of the Whole at which a PFP was discussed.

Additional PFP related records include program review and development records maintained by Enzo Grilli when he was Director of EAS. The records include: IMF papers submitted to the Executive Board related to PFP extensions and PFP modifications; IMF proposal papers related to ESAF operational and financial arrangements, legal documentation, and access and monitoring procedures; SAF/ESAF review papers submitted to the IMF Executive Board; and IMF Executive Board meeting minutes related to SAF/ESAF review. The records also consist of materials related to the IMF/Bank Working Group on PFP Issues and the Bank/IMF Seminar with Donors on PFPs. The records include Working Group meeting minutes and summary reports, and papers prepared by both IMF and Bank staff for the PFP Seminar. Lastly, records related to PFP procedures and practices, and country schedules for PFPs are also included.

The series also consists of background correspondence concerning the compilation of three reports on Bank/Fund collaboration between 1984 and 1990. The initial report was issued in February 1985; the second report was issued in May 1986 to document progress on Bank/Fund collaboration during the previous year. A third report was issued in July 1990. Final copies of reports are in the files. Records related to the Bank/Fund collaboration report include: President's Memoranda sent to the Bank's Executive Board of Directors; Executive Directors meeting minutes and notes; and meeting minutes held between Senior Vice President of Operations (OPNSV) Moeen Qureshi, and Senior Staff of IMF regarding the report. Vinod Dubey in the Country Policy Department (CPD) had responsibility for coordinating the Bank's input; C. David Finch was the IMF contact. This responsibility continued with Dubey and Grilli in EAS.

The series also includes records dealing with Bank/Fund collaboration from February 1972 to February 1984. The records come from Development Policy Staff (DPS) units from the Development Policy Vice Presidency (VPD), the Economics and Research Staff (ERS), and from Vinod Dubey while he was the Chief Economist in EMENA. The records are primarily intra-Bank memoranda and reports.

The series also consists of copies of Bank-wide records outlining Bank/Fund collaboration from 1966 and 1970 to 1979. The records were compiled by the Program Review Division (PRD) of the Policy Planning and Program Review Department (PPR) of the VPD, and includes intra-Bank memoranda, joint Bank/Fund memoranda, PPR and PRD memoranda, notes regarding the meetings of the Bank/Fund Working Group, which first met April 3, 1974, and published articles regarding the Bank/Fund relationship.

The series also includes records related to Bank-Fund collaboration on arrears for member countries, or overdue debt obligations to the Bank and IMF from 1988 to 1991. The records include: approach papers and reports produced by the IMF countries in arrears; IMF Executive Board meeting minutes regardingarrears; Joint Audit Committee (JAC) meeting minutes regarding joint IMF/Bank review of countries in arrears, and debt relief strategies for arrears; records related to preparation of collectability papers for countries in arrears; and incoming and outgoing correspondence records for EAS Directors Vinod Dubey and Enzo Grilli, Senior Vice President of Operations (OPNSV) Moeen Qureshi, Senior Vice President of Finance (FINSV) Ernest Stern, and Bank President Barber Conable regarding arrears. Country files are also maintained and include memoranda and correspondence focused on the following topics: arrears clearance, arrears country strategies and reviews, approach papers, and issue papers prepared for individual arrears member countries.

The series also consists of records related to EAS involvement in IMF/Bank collaboration on joint IMF/Bank papers, press releases, and publications for the years 1988 to 1991. The records include numerous draft papers with attached EAS comments related to economic policy topics, such as debt, export credits, or balance of payments (BOPs). EAS comments on drafted IMF press releases and joint IMF/Bank communiques for the IMF/Bank Annual Meetings and Interim Committee are also included.

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