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Records of the Office of Operations Policy

  • Fonds
  • 1972 - 2008

Records of the VP and Head of Network and the departmental directors'

The fonds includes memoranda, notes, letters, and emails sent and received by Hans Wyss, Director of the Central Operations Department (COD), and by those acting as Director in his absence for the year 1992.

The records also include correspondence and memoranda (external and internal) maintained for the Operational Policy and Country Services Network (OPC) VP and Head of Network James Adams for the years 2001 to 2002.

Budget planning and work programs

The fonds includes budget planning, work program, and task planning budget records for the Operational Policy and Country Services Network (OPC) and its subordinate departments and units for the years 2000 to 2007.

Procurement policy and advisory services

The fonds includes records for departments and units responsible for coordinating functions related to procurement policy and advisory services, including: the Procurement Unit (PPDPC) of the Projects Policy Department (PPD) from 1983 to 1987; the Procurement Unit (CODPR) of the Central Operations Department (COD) from 1987 to 1992; the Procurement Policy and Coordination Unit (OPRPR) of the Operations Policy Department (OPR) from 1993 to 1997; the Procurement Policy and Services Group (OCSPR) from 1997 to 2000; and the Procurement Policy and Services Group (OPCPR) from 2001 to 2004.

Included are records assembled by Raghavan Srinivasan, who served as Procurement Adviser for the PPDPC, and later served as the Chief of CODPR and OPRPR from 1983 to 1994. Included are correspondence and policy development records relating to a wide range of procurement processes and procedures, including shipment inspection, selection of consultants, and contract bidding. The records also include comments on draft World Bank issuances including Procurement Guidelines. Additional records assembled by Srinivasan include memoranda related to CODPR organization and management from 1987 to 1988.

The records also include correspondence, memoranda, and back-to-office reports maintained by Srinivasan concerning borrowers' procurement training sessions and seminars held in the Regions from 1988 to 1991.

Additional records maintained by Srinivasan include records related to CODPR's development of the computerized register Data on Consulting Firms (DACON) from 1984 to 1989. The records include correspondence with firms wishing to do business with the Bank or with Bank borrowers, intra-Bank memoranda and correspondence regarding the revised system (DACON II) and changes and improvements in that system, and revisions of the DACON registration form submitted by consulting firms.

Srinivasan's records also include records related to CODPR's coordination with the Development Assistance Committee (DAC), a subsidiary unit of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and the United Nations (UN) from 1992 to 1993. The records include agendas and notes of high level DAC meetings and meetings of DAC's Ad Hoc Group of Procurement Experts, along with related correspondence. The UN records consist of Srinivasan's contacts with UN components on procurement related and consultant issues and the participation of Bank officials in UN sponsored training.

Records are also included for the International Business Opportunity Services (IBOS) subscription service, which provided a publication that informed the international business community, civil works constituents, contractors, subcontractors, and consultants on World Bank procurement procedures and upcomingBank funded projects. Responsibility for IBOS was transferred from the External Affairs Department (EXT) to the OPRPR in 1994. The IBOS records consist primarily of the multiple types of documents produced for this publication, including: Technical Data Sheets (TDS) from 1982 to 1998; Procurement Notices from 1985 to 1994; and Notices of Contract Awards from 1987 to 1994. The IBOS related records also include fact sheets, form letters, and correspondence.

Also included are records relating to the Operations Procurement Review Committee (OPRC) of OPRPR and its successor OCSPR from 1993 to 2000. The OPRC records focus on the review of contract awards. A review was conducted to ensure that procurement was done in accordance with tender requirements and the Bank's procurement guidelines. Each contract award recommendation considered by OPRC usually consists of: a summary of the contract award; names of the country, executing agency and sector; loan /credit number; descriptions of the scope, prequalification status, and number of qualified bidders for the contract; and dates of the bid opening, receipt of the award recommendation, and the Bank's "no objection" action on the award. Sometimes the report of contract award recommendation is accompanied by a copy of the bid evaluation performed by the borrower, correspondence regarding bidder disputes, and a facsimile message or other correspondence notifying the borrower of OPRC's action.

The records also include procurement policy development and review records maintained by PPDPC, CODPR, OPRPR, and OCSPR from 1986 to 2000. The records concern the creation, development, and review of Bank Group-wide and divisional procurement or consultant policies. The policy development records include the following types of records: development proposals; draft policy statements; terms of reference; copies of pertinent legal documents; papers presented to the Procurement Board; correspondence and memoranda; research and background records related to policy development; and final policy papers. Subject files related to procurement policy development are also included and cover a wide variety of topics, including: procurement of contractors and suppliers; selection of consultants; advertising; evaluation of bids; contract awards; and Bank review functions. The records also consist of draft and final versions of guidelines, specifications, forms, standard documents used in bidding and for contracting, and directives and handbooks for various types of procurement.

Records related to Procurement Audit Reports prepared by the Bank's Internal Auditing Department (IAD) and reviewed by OPRPR and OCSPR are also included for the years 1994 to 2000. The audit reports focus on projects particular to a country. The records include: draft and final copies of audit reports; comments on the reports; and correspondence and memoranda regarding audit reports.

Record related to liaison and external relations with NGOs, multilateral development banks (MDBs), and other international organizations are also included for CODPR, OPRPR, OCSPR, and OPCPR from 1987 to 2003. The records primarily include correspondence and memoranda, programs, participant lists, and meeting minutes and agenda for numerous meetings and seminars. Some examples include records for the following meetings: Head of Procurement Multilateral Development Banks Meetings; Annual Meeting of the International Financial Institutions/International Contractors Association (CICA); Biennial Meeting with the Lending Agencies and the Consulting Industry (AMILACI); meetings with the International Federation of Building and Wood Workers; meetings and seminars with the UN Inter-Agency Procurement Services Office (IAPSO); and meetings and seminars with the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC).

The records also include external and internal correspondence regarding complaints and inquiries from suppliers, consultants, contractors, and the Bank's Executive Directors (ED) related to Bank-funded projects, and topics related to procurement. The records were maintained by OPRPR and OCSPR from 1993 to 2000.

Operations policy development

This fonds includes records related to the departments and units responsible for the development, revision, and issuances of operational policies, standards, and guidelines, including: the Projects Advisory Staff (PAS, later renamed the Projects Policy Department [PPD]) from 1972 to 1987; the Operations Policy Unit (CODOP) of the Central Operations Department (COD) from 1987 to 1992; the Operations Policy Group (OPRPG) of the Operations Policy Department (OPR) from 1993 to 1997; and the Operations Policy and Strategy Group (MDOPS) from 1997 to 1999.

The fonds includes records related to the development of Operations Manual Statements (OMS), and its successors Operational Directives (OD), Operational Policies (OP), Bank Procedures (BP), and Good Practices (GP) developed for the World Bank's Operational Manual (OM). The OMSs were replaced by the ODs in 1989. Similarly, the ODs were restructured into new OPs, BPs, and GPs in 1993.

The OMS related records primarily span the years from 1972 to 1988, and include OMS draft and final copies, comments, and correspondence and memoranda from PAS/PPD and CODOP regarding proposed revisions to the Operational Manual and OMSs. The OMS records also consist of Operational Circulars (Circular Ops), and Operations Policy Notes (OPNs). Central Project Memoranda (CPM) and Projects Department Directors' Memoranda related to drafting and revising of OMSs are also included for the years when PAS was part of the Central Projects Staff (CPS) from 1972 to 1982.

The records also include planning and procedure records maintained by CODOP and its successor OPRPG from 1987 to 1994 related to the redrafting of OMSs into ODs for a new Bank Operations Manual (OM) in 1989, and the restructuring of ODs into OPs, BPs, and GPs in 1993. The records consist of: background records on methodology for preparing the Bank's Operational Manual (OM); status reports on transitioning OMSs to ODs; formats, style, design, and procedures for drafting ODs; records related to the impact of the 1987 Bank reorganization on drafting the OM; instructions for coding ODs; administration and distribution of OM; computerization of the OM; procedures for review and approval of ODs; records related to training modules, seminars, and workshops devoted to ODs training; and records regarding the restructuring of ODs into the new OP/BP/GP system. Operations Policy Notes (OPNs) and Central Project Memoranda (CPM) files are also included as part of background research information.

The records also include "dead copy" files of OMSs being replaced by ODs from 1987 to 1991. The dead copy files primarily consist of draft ODs with comments, and Manual Transmittal Memoranda drafted for the OM distribution recipients. Records also included separate files from the same period consisting of correspondence, memoranda, revisions, drafts, and final copies of ODs.

Operational Policies (OP), Bank Procedures (BP), and Good Practices (GP) records maintained by CODOP and MDOPS from 1993 to 1999 are also included. Records consist of correspondence and memoranda regarding revisions, draft, and final copies of OPs, BPs, and GPs with comments.

Records also consist of materials maintained by the Operational Policy Committee (OPC) from 1993 to 2003. The OPC was chaired by one the Bank's Managing Directors (MD), and the Committee was composed of members from the Sector Vice Presidencies, Bank Network departments, and staff from the Regional Vice Presidencies (RVP). The OPC had the responsibility of reviewing sector strategy approach papers, issue papers, and reports primarily prepared by the Bank's sector departments or by Bank special task forces. This review helped inform the development of new OPs, BPs, and GPs within Bank operations. It also informed the revision and conversion of existing OPs, BPs, and GPs. The records include: agenda and meeting minutes for OPC; drafts of approach papers, issue papers, and reports with memoranda and comments from members of OPC; OP/BP conversion plans; OPC review schedules; attendance lists; background documents; and meeting briefs prepared for the Managing Director (MD) and Chair for OPC.

Records also include the subject files maintained by CODOP Chief Randolph L. P. Harris from 1987 to 1993. The subject files concern the work of CODOP and consist of records related to the following topics: environment technical assistance; lending review; operations evaluation; office administration; policy, planning, andresearch; operational directives; and annual reviews. The records also contain copies of reports and policy papers.

Records also consist of materials maintained by Rene Ruivivar, who served as Operations Adviser and Senior Operations Adviser for CODOP, OPRPG, and the Operational Services Group (OCSOS) of OCS from 1992 to 1999. The records include: Standard Disbursement Profiles concerning estimates for disbursement and loans from 1985 to 1996; the 1999 OCS Study of Field Based Supervision; records regarding the development of and guidelines for Project Concept Documents and Project Appraisal Documents; and various studies regarding Bank procedures from 1996 to 1997.

International organization and non-governmental organizations (NGO) liaison

The fonds also consist of international organization and NGO liaison records of the PAS/PPD, CODOP, and OPRPG from 1983 to 1997. The records concern liaison with the United Nations, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and other external organizations. Therecords were primarily maintained by Nimrod Raphaeli who worked in the following positions: Planning Advisor and Advisor for UN/UNDP for PPD from 1982 to 1987 and UN Technical Cooperation Advisor for CODOP and OPRPG from 1987 to 1997. These records include: correspondence, memoranda, reports, and minutes of meetings compiled by Raphaeli and other staff regarding Bank-supported technical assistance and the Bank's interaction with the United Nations (UN), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and other organizations external to the Bank. The records also include minutes of meetings of the Bank/UNDP High Level Task Force from 1986 to 1993.

Project management and operational review

This fonds also includes records related to the departments and units responsible for the review of projects and economic sector work (ESW) in the Bank's Regional Vice Presidencies (RVP): the Operations Policy Unit (CODOP) of the Central Operations Department (COD) from 1987 to 1992; the Operations Policy Group (OPRPG) of the Operations Policy Department (OPR) from 1993 to 1997; and the Operations Policy and Strategy Group (MDOPS) from 1997 to 1999.

The fonds includes project review records maintained by the CODOP from 1987 to 1993. Project reviews were usually requested by the Bank's Regional Vice Presidencies (RVP) to gain approval for changes to loan/credit agreements for a particular project. CODOP reviewed these projects on the behalf of Operations Senior Vice President (OPNSV) Moeen Qureshi. The project review records include: requests by the Regions for approval to change existing loan/credit agreements with the Bank for projects; requests for waivers of conditions for release of funds; records related to permission to restructure projects; records related to the use of savings accrued for other projects; and records related to the extension of closing dates for credits, loans, or projects themselves.

Records also include materials related to the Final Executive Project Summaries (FEPS) reviewed by the CODOP from 1987 to 1993. The FEPSs were prepared by departments and units within the Regional Vice Presidencies (RVP), and then reviewed by CODOP before their submission to the Operations Senior Vice President (OPNSV) Moeen Qureshi for approval. Most of the FEPS were submitted for loans and credits for projects in the areas of health, nutrition, population, education, infrastructure, agriculture, energy, mining, research and development, and technical assistance. A typical FEPS includes the following: the project summary; a review document prepared by CODOP that analyzes the summary's documentation from various perspectives; and a memorandum from the OPNSV approving or disapproving the FEPS.

Records also consist of economic sector work (ESW) reports prepared by the Regional Vice Presidencies (RVP), which were submitted to the OPRPG and MDOPS for review for the years 1996 to 1998. The records include country specific draft and final reports focused on various economic and development issues. Also included are background papers and reports produced external of the Bank, and correspondence related to review and tracking ESW in the Regions by OPRPG and MDOPS.

Records of the Operations Committee (OC) and Regional Operations Committee (ROC)

The fonds also includes records related to the Bank-wide Operations Committee (OC) and the Regional Operations Committee (ROC) from 1997 to 2003. The OC and ROC were chaired by one the Bank's Managing Directors (MD), and the committees were composed of members from the Bank's Network departments, and staff from the Regional Vice Presidencies (RVP). The period these records were created, the Operations Policy and Strategy Group (MDOPS) and the Operations Policy and Strategy Vice Presidency (OPS) provided membership representation for the OC/ROC Committees from 1997 to 2001. After 2002, membership representation was provided by staff from the Operational Policy and Country Services Network (OPC). The OC and ROC records focus on review of Country Assistance Strategies (CAS), structural adjustment loans (SALs), Sector Adjustment Loans (SECALs), and other policy concerns specific to a country. The records include: draft CAS, SAL, and SECAL papers with memoranda and comments from OC/ROC members; meeting minutes and agenda for OC/ROC meeting minutes; copies of meeting briefs prepared for the Managing Director and Chair of OC/ROC Committees; copies of the final President's recommendation report submitted to the Executive Directors on SALs, SECALS, and CAS for review; and meeting minutes and discussion summaries of the Board of Executive Directors.

Government Accountability Office (GAO) review records

The fonds also includes records related to reviews performed by the U.S. Congressional Government Accountability Office (GAO) of the Bank's assistance and development strategies, lending programming, and other special programs from 1996 to 2000. OCS assisted GAO in this process by helping to form advisory groups to collaborate in the review process. The GAO records cover a wide range of topics for multiple reviews performed, including some of the following examples: review of management controls over investment lending; review of the Bank's Heavily Indebted Poor Country (HIPC) Initiative; and review of the Bank's Fraud and Corruption program. The GAO records generally include: meeting minutes and agenda for the Bank-wide Audit Committee; meeting minutes and agenda with the Bank's Executive Directors, especially the US Executive Director; terms of reference outlining advisory groups formed to assist and collaborate in the review process with GAO; GAO draft and final copies of audit reports; and correspondence and memoranda primarily between the OCS VP and Head of Network Katherine Sierra, GAO representatives, the U.S. Executive Director, and members of the Audit Committee.

Operational monitoring

The fonds also includes operational monitoring records of the Operations Monitoring Unit (CODMO) from 1987 to 1991.

Included are Overdue Service Payment records created and maintained by the CODMO, which concern problems with overdue service payments from countries receiving IBRD and IDA loans. The records consist of memoranda, reports, and directives concerning procedures for tracking and collecting overdue payments and Bank policy towards governments in arrears on payments. Most of the records consist of IBRD and IDA Overdues Weekly Reports and weekly printouts of overdue service payments. Also included are agreements between the IBRD and the IMF regarding member countries with overdue obligations; memoranda regarding the arrears of specific countries; memoranda regarding overdue financial obligations to the IMF, minutes and reports of the Joint Audit Committee; and records of the Task Force on Policy on Collection of Overdues and Suspension chaired by the Director of the Central Operations Department (COD).

The records also consist of materials from 1988 to 1991 related to the drafting and preparation by CODMO of the Annual Review of Implementation and Supervision (ARIS). The records include draft and final copies of the ARIS submitted to the Bank's Executive Directors for review as well as correspondence and memoranda regarding the ARIS.

Country policy and strategy

The fonds also includes records from 1991 to 1993 related to Country Strategy Papers (CSP), Country Assistance Strategies (CAS), and sometimes Policy Framework Papers (PFP) with related comments from the staff of CODOP and OPRPG. The records document staff comments on and review of proposed loan and credit projects prior to their discussion in meetings of the Bank's Loan Committee. Some records contain only the Chairman's concluding remarks from a meeting of the Executive Directors regarding the Bank's CAS for a particular country.

Also included are Country Policy and Institutional Assessment (CPIA) records maintained by the Operational Policy and Country Services Network (OPC) from the years 2001 to 2006. A CPIA is a diagnostic tool or survey used to assess the quality of a country's policies and institutional arrangements. The CPIA records include country worksheets drafted for a country, which outline quality performance ratings for specific policies within that country.

Special task forces

The fonds includes records related to OPRPG's participation in the Task Force on Portfolio Management under the chairmanship of Willi A. Wapenhans, Vice President and Special Advisor. The Task Force was established in February 1992 by Bank President Lewis T. Preston. Included are the records of Task Force member Michael Pommier, Operations Advisor, which contain extensive correspondence, studies, and draft and final versions of the Task Force report issued in November 1992.

The records also include news releases, articles, and Bank comments on the Task Force report ("Wapenhans Report") which OPRPG used in developing the OPR's study for the Board of Executive Directors in 1994 entitled "Progress Report on The Implementation of Portfolio Management: Next Steps - A Program of Actions." Responses from various parts of the Bank to the report are included in the records.

The records also consist of reports and correspondence documenting progress under the "Next Steps" program in improving portfolio performance management. These were used in drafting the "Second Progress Report on the Implementation of Portfolio Management: Next Steps - A Program of Actions." Drafts and final copies of the report are part of the records.

The fonds also includes records related to OCS and OPC involvement in the extensive review and reform of the Bank's Middle Income Countries (MIC) development and lending strategies from 1997 to 2008. The records are the accumulation of MIC Task Forces launched in 2001 and 2004, and the development of the MIC Action Plan in 2005. The records include background information and records related to the extensive collaboration within the Bank and with Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs), Bank member MIC, MIC Donors, and other International Financial Institutions (IFI) to develop and reform the Bank's MIC strategies. The MIC records include: external background papers, articles, and reports regarding MIC lending in Bank operations; MIC Action Plan drafts; statements drafted by the Bank's Executive Directors with comments and reviews of the MIC Action Plan; informal Executive Director and Board meeting summaries regarding the MIC Action Plan; Second Progress Memoranda regarding MIC Action Plan; President's Memoranda related to MIC reform and strategy; and Strategic Themes and Operational Matrix charts for MIC Strategy.

The MIC records alsoconsist of records related to workshops, seminars, and working groups organized with other Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs), International Financial Institutions (IFI), and MIC Donors to help facilitate the development of joint papers and reports for MIC development reform. The records include: agenda and meeting minutes for various workshops, seminars, and working groups; interview transcripts of workshops; presentation slides and speech transcripts; correspondence and memoranda between involved Bank parties and cooperative MDB, IFI, or donor representatives; and copies of joint drafted papers and reports submitted to Bank Senior Management and Executive Directors Board members with comments. The records also include materials related to the drafting of Strengthening the World Bank's Engagement with IBRD Partner Countries as part of the joint World Bank-IMF Development Committee for the 2006 Fall Annual Meeting.

Also included are records related to consultation meetings organized jointly by the Bankand MDBs to help facilitate support of Bank MIC development strategies, update Bank member countries of MIC reforms, and develop country partnerships strategies. The participants of the meetings usually included the Executive Director for a specific country, the various ministers in a country, and other country officials. The records include: agenda and meeting minutes; participant lists; presentation slides and speech transcripts; invitation letters sent to participants; and correspondence between Bank representatives, MDB representatives, the country Executive Director, and country ministers.

Conferences, seminars, and workshops

The fonds also includes records related to the conferences and seminars planned or participated in by the Aid Effectiveness Unit (OPCAE) and the Harmonization Unit (OPCCH) of the Operational Policy and Country Services Network (OPC) from 2003 to 2009. The records primarily consist of records related to High Level Forum (HLF) conferences organized jointly by the Bank and Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs), which focused on the topics of aid effectiveness and harmonization. The HLF records include: correspondence and memoranda regarding preparation, arrangements, and reporting on HLFs; travel expense records; agenda and meeting minutes of HLFs; invitation letters sent to HLF participants; reimbursement records; and reports, studies, and programs prepared or presented for HLFs. The records also include materials related to workshops and seminars planned by OPCAE and OPCCH. Workshopand seminar records include: travel expense records; budget and expense reports; presentation materials prepared for workshops and seminars; agenda and meeting minutes; and mission reports regarding workshops and seminars held in Bank member countries.

Quality assurance and review

The fonds also includes records from 1997 to 2010 related to the Quality Assurance Group (MDOQA) of the Front Office to the Managing Directors and its successor Quality Assurance Group (QAG) of the Operational Policy and Country Services Network (OPC).

The QAG records include budget and business plan records for the fiscal years 2001 to 2009. The records include: correspondence and memoranda; budget monitoring reports; cross support budget reports; budget estimate reports; cost update reports; and compact summaries outlining business plan budget expenses for QAG.

The QAG records also consist of records related to the review of the QAG by the Bank's Internal Audit Department (IAD) from 2007 to 2010. The review records include:IAD review and recommendation reports; memoranda and correspondence related to the IAD reports; meeting minutes from the Bank's Audit Committee regarding the QAG review; and background information summarizing QAG activities.

The QAG records also include organization and management records focused on the re-integration of QAG into the OPC Network in 2010. The records primarily include correspondence and memoranda and work program records detailing QAG functions and activities post-integration.

The QAG records also consist of materials related to the preparation of QAG quality assessment papers and reports prepared for the Bank's senior management regarding the Bank's quality assurance portfolio from 1997 to 2009. The QAG quality assessment papers were prepared to assess Bank operations in the following portfolio areas: lending; non-lending; support for quality enhancement (SQE); and institutional. The records related to the preparation of quality assessment papers include, but are not limited to the following types of assessments prepared by QAG: Quality at Entry Assessments (QEA); Quality of Supervision Assessments (QSA); Sector Board Assessments; ESW Assessments; Global Programs and Partnerships (GPP); World Bank Institute (WBI) Assessments; Country Analytic and Advisory Activities (AAA); and Other Economic Sector Work (OESW). The quality assessment records also include correspondence and memoranda, interview transcripts and notes, and background papers and reports external of QAG gathered in preparationof quality assessments. The records also include assessment paper review files maintained for the Quality Assessment of the Lending Portfolio (QALP) Program, which was launched in 2008. The review files include copies of quality assessment papers related to lending projects with comments from members of the QALP Panel.

The quality assessment records also consist of records related to QAG planning and preparation of the Annual Report on Portfolio Performance (ARPP) reports prepared for the Bank's Senior Management, the Bank's Executive Board of Directors, and members of the Bank's Committee of Development Effectiveness (CODE). The ARPP summarized information gathered by the quality assessment papers, and informed its audience of the quality and scope of the Bank's lending portfolio and other programs. The ARPP records include: correspondence and memoranda regarding preparation of ARPP; project implementation plans for ARPP; and copies of the ARPP prepared for submission. The QAG records also include presentation materials prepared for various conferences and seminars from 2003 to 2009. The records include copies of hardcopy and mylar presentation slides.

Post Conflict Fund (PCF) program trust fund records

The fonds also includes trust funds records maintained by the Fragile and Conflict Affected Countries Group (OPCFC) of OPC from 1996 to 2007. The records primarily consist of grant documentation for the Post Conflict Fund (PCF) program. The grant fund documentation for PCF include: copies of grant agreements; correspondence sent to country finance ministers or responsible agency authorities regarding grant agreements and amounts allotted; request for grant disbursement; request for payment of professional/contractual services; request for Development Grant Facility (DGF) funding; and external background papers and reports focused on a particular country.

The trust fund records also consist of training materials for sponsored Post Conflict Fund (PCF) programs. The training materials primarily include training manuals and guides, program brochures, and other presentation materials designed to be utilized by educational and mental health practitioners.

Operations Policy

Records of the Chief Financial Officer

  • Fonds
  • 1967 - 2010

The fonds includes records of the Vice President of Finance (VPF), the Senior Vice President of Finance (SVPFI/FINSV), and the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), all of which were responsible for the overall management of the Finance Complex of the Bank. The fonds does not include the records for the dual role of Managing Director and CFO (MDCFO) from 2003 to 2004. The administrative history outlines the complexity of the functional relationship between Managing Director and CFO from 1998 to 2014. See "Relatedunits of description" for the location of MDCFO records.

Records of the Finance VPs and CFO

The fonds includes records of the Vice President of Finance (VPF), the Senior Vice President of Finance (SVPFI/FINSV), and the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) from 1967 to 2010.

First, this includes IDA replenishment negotiation records maintained by the Vice President of Finance (VPF) I.P.M Cargill from 1967 to 1978. Records related to IDA replenishment prior to 1974 were previously maintained by the Office of Vice President Denis H.R. Rickett (OVPDR) and Senior Vice President of Operations (SVPOP) Burke Knapp, but these records were inherited by I.P.M. Cargill when IDA replenishment negotiation responsibilities were transferred to the VPF in 1974. The records consist of general files, IDA meeting files, and IDA country files. The general files consist of correspondence, briefs or background records on replenishment negotiations, and subject files arranged according to replenishment negotiation (e.g. IDA1 or IDA2).The IDA meeting records are arranged chronologically and contain meeting minutes, agenda, lists of deputies, and country correspondence for IDA 2 - IDA 5 meetings. IDA country files consist of internal memoranda and correspondence regarding member country contributions to IDA funds.

The records also consist of materials maintained by Senior Vice President of Finance (FINSV) Ernest Stern from 1987 to 1991. This includes chronological correspondence files containing cables, memoranda, and reports as well as briefing books prepared for Stern for meetings with member countries, International Monetary Fund (IMF)-World Bank Annual Meetings, and high level senior official meetings. Records relating to Stern's participation in the President's Council are also contained in this series. These include memoranda, reports, and correspondence to President Conable.

The records also include records maintained by Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Vincenzo La Via from 2005 to 2010. This includes: chronological correspondence files; briefing books prepared for the Joint IMF-World Bank Annual meetings, IDA 15-16 Replenishment meetings, and other high level senior meetings; speech transcripts, statements, and talking points prepared by La Via; and travel arrangement and reporting records.

Records of the Front Office directors and advisers

The records consist of Raymond J. Goodman records from when he served as Director of Financial Policy in the Front Office of the Vice President of Finance (VPF) I.P.M. Cargill from 1975 to December 1977.The records include: memoranda; cables; financial policy papers; Bank and non-Bank reports; press clippings; and notices of meetings related to topics of financial policy. Topics include: Bank borrowing; basic needs; capital markets; capital requirements; capital subscriptions; the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR); cofinancing; the Common Fund; Counterpart funds; debt rescheduling; the Development Commission; the European Investment

Bank; the European Development Fund; the European Communities (EEC) Special Action Fund; the External Department; grace periods and maturities; IBRD financial policies; International Bank for Debt Redemption (IBRD); 4th IDA Replenishment; 5th IDA Replenishment; the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD); IMF Trust Fund; loan sales and participation; and program lending.

The records also include annotated memoranda, correspondence, drafts, and reports maintained by Percy S. Mistry, the Adviser for the Senior Vice President of Finance (SVPFI) Moeen Qureshi from 1981 to 1987. Percy's records are arranged by the following subjects: IBRD, finance, development assistance, IDA, and personnel and organization.

Mistry's IBRD records related to: reports from Task force on the Future of the Bank; the Bank's Bank; Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) collaboration; Annual Meeting briefs; the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA); Task Force Survey; and streamlining Bank procedures.

Mistry's finance recordsinclude general topics such as: accessing capital markets; capital subscription status; currency pooling; general capital Increase (GCI); investment authority; loan charges; and technical assistance for financial management.

Mistry's development assistance records include the following topics: debt and adjustment in developing countries; poverty alleviation; IMF Special Drawing Rights (SDR)/Aid link; U.S. position on multilateral development banks; Development Finance Companies; the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD); the Asian Development Bank; and others. The records also include: minutes and reports from the Bank's Development Committee; meeting minutes and agenda for the Task Force on Concessional Flows; and a report from the Bank's Task Force on Non-Concessional Flows.

Mistry's IDA related records include minutes and reports from IDA Deputies Meetings for IDA 6 - IDA 8 replenishment negotiations from 1980 to 1986. The records also include correspondence, memoranda, andreports focused on the following topics: IDA calls/encashments; IDA legislative status reports; IDA special contributions and trust funds; IDA 7 background papers; IDA 7 briefing papers; IDA country correspondence; IDA political campaign/initiatives; IDA public affairs strategies; IBRD transfers to IDA; and IDA deficits.

Mistry's personnel and organization records include reports and memos related to personnel staffing matters and the organizational arrangement of the Bank and the Finance Complex (FINCOM) from 1981 to 1987. Records related to personnel and organization of the Bank cover the following topics: institutional planning; feasibility studies for the Bank's London Office; the Young Professionals Program (YPP); policy on personnel payments; Bank policy committees; training programs; compensation review; and the IBRD Accounting Framework. The FINCOM records cover the following topics: planning and budgeting; performance planning and review; FINCOM department and unit organization; personnel issues; position descriptions; job grading; consultant hiring; recruitment; payroll administration; staff retirement plans; management development; personnel policy changes; and review and analysis of financial transaction flows.

Budget and planning

The fonds includes Bank-wide budget and planning records of the Office of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Vincenzo La Via prepared for meetings with the Bank President from 2006 to 2010. The records include: Bank-wide Quarterly Business Review reports; financial statement reports; and meeting minutes and agenda from President Meetings related to quarterly financial reporting, Bank strategic themes, and financial reporting by external audit and consulting firms.

Managing Committee records

The fonds also consist of records from the Managing Committee established by Bank President A.W. Clausen from 1981 to 1986. Clausen established the Managing Committee for the purpose of providing overall guidance for and management of the Bank in 1981. The SVPFI served as a committee member for the Managing Committee, along with the Senior Vice President of Operations (SVPOP) and other Bank vice presidents. The records were maintained by Senior Vice President of Finance (SVPFI) Moeen Qureshi. The records include: chronological Managing Committee agendas and meeting minutes; memoranda; and policy papers and reports drafted for the committee. The records focus on a broad range of finance-related topics, including: budgeting and planning; IBRD/IDA financing; IBRD borrowing; IBRD general capital increase (GCI); selective capital increase (SCI); financial policy; institutional planning, and others.

Finance Complex Central Files

The fonds also includes incoming and outgoing correspondence, memoranda, reports, and statements related to finance functions and the Finance Complex units of the Bank. The records were maintained as part of the Bank's centralized filing system of the Non-Regional Information Center (NRIC) from 1978 to 1986. The records are not exclusive to onefunction or unit of the Finance Complex. The records are organized by the following categories: General; Programming and Budgeting; Controller; and Treasurer. The General records cover subjects of data regarding currency exchange, IDA 4-8th replenishment resources, overdue service payments, the Interest Subsidy Fund (Third Window), and preparation for IBRD/IDA Annual Report. The Programming and Budgeting records primarily include review reports of the Bank's financial and operating programs prepared for the Bank's Executive Directors and senior staff. The Controller records are related to accounting and financial statements reporting. The Treasurer records relate to portfolio sales and participation, cashier's reporting, securities, the Staff Retirement Plan, and telegraphic test key arrangements with commercial banks.

Chief Financial Officer

Records of the Private Sector Development and Infrastructure Vice Presidency

  • Fonds
  • 1997 - 2003

The fonds includes budget, business plan, and work program records from the Private Sector Development Department (PSD) units mapped into PSIVP in 1999, and similar records for PSD's successor of the Private Sector Advisory Services (PSAS).

Private Sector Development and Infrastructure Vice Presidency

Resource Mobilization

  • Fonds
  • 1966 - 2010

Records of the VP Front Office

The fonds includes Front Office records for the following vice presidents: Teruyuki Ohuchi, Vice President of Cofinancing (VPCOF) from 1982 to 1986; Kunihiko Inakage, VPCOF/COFVP from 1986 to 1989; Koji Kashiwaya, Vice President of Cofinancing and Financial Advisory Services (CFSVP) from 1989 to 1994; and Hiroo Fukui, CFSVP and Vice President of Resource Mobilization and Cofinancing (RMCVP) from 1994 to 1999. The records include incoming and outgoing chronological correspondence files for each vice president. The records also consist of subject files, including correspondence, internal memoranda, and reports related to the functions, activities, and administration of the VPCOF, CFSVP, and the RMCVP. The records also include external liaison records consisting of: travel arrangement records; briefing books; back-to-office reports; Terms of Reference; and meeting minute and agenda records for liaison with donors or other external organizations.

Budget and planning

The fonds includes budget, work program, and business plan records for the Vice President of Cofinancing (VPCOF), the Vice President of Cofinancing and Financial Advisory Services (CFSVP), and the Vice President of Resource Mobilization and Cofinancing (RMCVP) from 1987 to 1999. These records contain: correspondence; monthly budget reports; mid-year review reports; task budget reports; equipment budget reports; budget guidelines; prospective budget summaries; accrual and charges budget reports; reports regarding staffing and recruitment; work programs by unit; VP strategic compact summaries; and VP business plans.

Records of Cofinancing directors, advisers, and staff

The fonds consists of records of cofinancing directors, managers, advisers, and senior level staff who served in the front office or in higher level roles in the Senior Vice President of Operations (SVPOP), the Vice President of Cofinancing (VPCOF/COFVP), the Vice President of Cofinancing and Financial Advisory Services (CFSVP), and the Vice President of Resource Mobilization and Cofinancing (RMCVP) from 1981 to 1996. The records include incoming and outgoing correspondence, memoranda, and reports that cover an extensive range of cofinancing related topics, programs, functions, and activities. Records are included for the following directors, managers, and advisers: Frank Vibert, Senior Adviser of Cofinancing for SVPOP and VPCOF from 1981 to 1987; Waman S. Tambe, Cofinancing Adviser Export Credit Agencies of VPCOF/COFVP and CFSVP from 1984 to 1991; John Shilling, Economic Adviser of VPCOF and Manager of the Financial Advisory Services Group (CFSFA) from 1985 to 1991; Sanjivi Rajasingham, Adviser of North American Resources for the Private Cofinancing Group (CFSPC) from 1988 to 1990; John Taylor, Manager of the Cofinancing Group (CFSCO) from 1989 to 1991; Ibrahim Elwa, Manager of the Private Sector Development Group (CFSPS) from 1990 to 1991; Kenichi Ohashi, Adviser to CFSVP from 1989 to 1991; John Niehuss, Director of CFSVP from 1990 to 1991; Inder Sud, Director of CFSVP from 1992 to 1995; Rom Chopra, Director CFSVP and later Cofinancing and Project Finance Department (CAP) from 1995 to 1996; Anthony Toft, Financial Adviser of CFSFA from 1990 to 1991; Salem Gafsi, Manager of the Official Cofinancing and Trust Funds Group (CFSOC) from 1990 to 1992; Kyung Soon Sung, Adviser to CFSVP from 1991 to 1995; and Ulrich Kiermayr, Cofinancing Adviser for Official Aid Agencies of VPCOF/COFVP and CFSVP from 1982 to 1992. Similar records are also included for other senior level cofinancing advisers and financial officers, including: Jamil Saghir, 1990 to 1994; Gian Spota, 1990-1992; Ulrich Zachau, 1989 to 1993; John Bowlin, 1986 to 1992; M. Fedder, 1990 to 1991; Hortensia Hill, 1985 to 1990; Christina Kappaz, 1992 to 1994; and Fredrick Schwartz, 1990 to 1992.

Operational cofinancing support

The fonds includes records related to the CFSVP's various subordinate units responsible for operational support of cofinancing related to projects in the Bank's regional departmentsfrom 1989 to 1995. This includes operational support in the areas of: official and private sector cofinancing; technical support and advisory services to regions in country debt management and restructuring; privatization; and private sector development. The records are related to the development of projects initiated by the CFSVP and Bank regional departments. The records focus on the following phases of project development: identification, pre-appraisal, appraisal, project preparation, and negotiation.The records include: project-related documents; correspondence; appraisal reports; back-to-office reports of CFSVP units and regional departments; copies of loan or credit agreements; internal memoranda; correspondence with member governments, consultants, and other external sources; and briefing notes.

Cofinancing conferences, seminars, and training workshops

This fonds includes records related to cofinancing related conferences, seminars, and training workshops organized or attended by staff from theVice President of Cofinancing (VPCOF) and its successor the Vice President of Cofinancing and Financial Advisory Services (CFSVP) from 1987 to 1996. The records include: staff papers, speeches, and publications; teaching materials used at seminars and conferences; information concerning externally sponsored events; research projects and studies undertaken by cofinancing staff, including drafts and final versions along with staff comments; cofinancing publications; informational brochures; and leaflets.

Cofinancing arrangement and administration

The fonds includes records related to the various types of cofinancing arrangements, programs, and projects of the Vice President of Cofinancing (VPCOF), the Cofinancing and Financial Advisory Services Vice Presidency (CFSVP), and the Resource Mobilization and Cofinancing Vice Presidency (RMCVP).

This includes records related to the establishment and maintenance of cofinancing arrangements between the Bank and official cofinanciers (e.g. bilateral government agencies, multilateral development agencies, and multilateral development banks). The records were maintained by the following responsible units: the VPCOF from 1984 to 1989; the Official Cofinancing Group (CFSOC) of CFSVP from 1989 to 1992; the Official Cofinancing and Trust Fund Management Group (CFSOC) of CFSVP from 1992 to 1996; the Official Cofinancing and Trust Funds Group (CAPOC) of the RMCVP from 1996 to 1998; and the Trust Fund and Cofinancing Department (TFC) of RMCVP from 1998 to 1999. The records include files arranged by region, country, or official cofinancing agency related to projects cofinanced by the Bank and an official cofinancier. Each file may contain: correspondence between official cofinanciers and Bank staff; internal memoranda; briefing notes for meetings with official cofinanciers; background records related to cofinanced projects; Cofinancing Framework Agreements or Loan Agreements for cofinanced projects; records related to consultation meetings with official cofinanciers; back-to-office reports; Terms of Reference; lists of potential official cofinancing projects; and records related to meetings with a country's Executive Director or Finance Minister related to proposed cofinanced projects. The official cofinancing records also include official cofinancing seminar records, training materials, and publications related to official cofinancing.

The records also consist of materials related to the establishment and maintenance of export credit agency (ECAs) cofinancing arrangements of the VPCOF and successor units of the Financial Advisory Services Group (CFSFA) and the Project Financing Group (CFSPF) of CFSVP from 1984 to 1993. The records consist of correspondence, meeting minutes and agenda, and reports related to liaison and relationships with export credit agencies in various member countries. More specifically, the records include: correspondence and reports of the major export credit agencies of various member countries; correspondence and reports of umbrella organizations such as the Berne Union, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and the European Commission (EC); correspondence and reports detailing IBRD policies in regard to ECAs; funding requests, creditor reports, project reports, and reports on debt; offers by ECAs to provide financing for projects; information on various financial instruments, most notably the Export Credit Enhanced Leverage (EXCEL) program. The records also include agenda, minutes, and reports from the bi-annual meetingof the ECAs.

The records also include project finance transaction records of the VPCOF as well as successor units CFSFA and CFSPF located in CFSVP from 1984 to 1995. The records are related to private cofinancing arrangements (e.g. commercial banks), and management of privately cofinanced projects, primarily infrastructure and private sector development projects. The records include: internal memoranda; internal and external reports related to a project; project documents; consultant reports and documents; Procurement Technical Notes (PTN); copies of project cofinancing agreements and other legal documents; operations policy statements related to cofinancing procurement; procurement guidelines; back-to-office reports; Terms of Reference; records related to meetings with private cofinanciers and member countries; correspondence between Bank staff and private cofinanciers; and consultation meeting records with private cofinanciers and member countries.

Lastly, records relate to CFSFA's and CFSPF's involvement in negotiating and administering debt reduction programs for member countries from 1988 to 1996. The records consists of: correspondence between the member country government asking for assistance, and the formal response from IBRD; an initiating memoranda from the Region to the Regional VP, with background information; a presentation to the Board of Executive Directors requesting a technical assistance grant; procurement records for legal and financial advisors; grant agreement from the Board; mission reports; back-to-office reports; report from the government, based on the technical assistance mission, on restructuring debt; CFSFA and CFSPF meetings and correspondence with donors to negotiate funding; report to the Executive Directors Board to obtain IBRD funding; member country offering to its creditors and the creditors' responses; all required legal records between the government, creditors and IBRD; and a final audit report of the debt restructuring.

Cofinancing policy development and research

The fonds includes records of the Financial Advisory Services Group (CFSFA) and its successor the Project Financing Group (CFSPF) of the CFSVP related to their involvement in the development and research of Bank Group policies and procedures on various cofinancing topics. The records include: internal correspondence and memoranda; draft operational policies and bank procedures; background research materials; back-to-office reports; Terms of Reference; working papers; studies; and papers and memoranda prepared for the Board of Executive Directors. The records cover a wide range of topics, including: capital markets; Expanded Cofinancing Operations (ECO); Guarantee Policies and Procedures; the Export Credit Enhanced Leverage (EXCEL) Program; the IDA Debt Reduction Facility; the Portfolio Management Task Force (Wapenhans Committee); Private Sector Development; and Trust Funds Management Working Group.

Records of the Office of the Director of the Resource Mobilization Department (FRMDR)

The fonds includes the records of the Office of the Director for the Resource Mobilization Department (FRMDR) from 1987 to 2006. This includes records maintained by the following FRM Directors: Bavil Kavalasky 1987 to 1992; Paula Donovan 1993 to 1998; Geoffrey Lamb 1999 to 2002; and Philippe Le Houerou from 2003 to 2006. The records of the FRMDR include incoming and outgoing chronological correspondence for each director. The records also contain subject files consisting of correspondence, internal memoranda, papers, and reports related to the FRM functions and activities, Bank institutional policies and activities, and other departmental matters. Subject files cover a wide variety of topics, including some the following: multilateral development banks (MDBs); export credit agencies (ECAs); external grants; technical assistance; the Gulf Crisis; the Brandt Commission; the Future Role of the Bank Task Force; proposals on the World Bank's Bank; the Bank's 50th Anniversary; the Fifth Dimension Program; IBRD capital adequacy; General Capital Increase (GCI); Special Capital Increase (SCI); IBRD accounting; commitment fees; disbursements; communications with Executive Directors and the Office of the President (EXC); papers prepared for the Board of Executive Directors; factors affecting IDA; the Global Environment Facility (GEF); Maintenance of Value (MOV); the Paris Club; IDA replenishments; IDA Reflows; the Wapenhans Report; African debt; Annual Meetings; IDA foreign exchange; and exposure management.

IDA replenishment administration

The fonds includes records created in the administration and support of IDA Replenishment negotiations. The IDA replenishment records were maintained by the following units: the Financial Analysis Division (PABFA) of the Programming and Budgeting Department (PAB); the Financial Studies Division (FPAFS) of the Financial Policy and Analysis Department (FPA); the Replenishment Operations Unit (FRMRO) of the Resource Mobilization Department (FRM); and the IDA Resource Mobilization Department (CFPIR). The records cover IDA2 to IDA15 Replenishment negotiations from 1966 to 2009.

The records include materials prepared to help facilitate IDA replenishment negotiations, including: memoranda prepared for the Executive Directors, IDA Deputies, the Bank President, and senior staff related to IDA replenishment negotiations; policy and discussion papers prepared for meetings with the Bank's Board of Executive Directors, the Board of Governors, and IDA Deputies, which cover numerous topics such as burden sharing, sectoral programs, country allocations, additions to IDA, IDA reflows, IDA Arrears, etc; draft reports and resolutions for IDA replenishment; implementation arrangement reports related to procedures for IDA replenishment; and briefing books prepared for Deputies Meetings for IDA Replenishments. The records also include: background papers on past IDA negotiations; notice of IDA meeting announcements; list of IDA Deputies; memoranda, correspondence, and technical notes that summarize IDA Deputies meeting discussions; chairman reports from the IDA Deputies meetings; minutes and agenda of IDA Deputies meetings; transcripts and audio-cassette recordings of IDA Deputies meetings; and records related to informal meetings with IDA Deputies.

The IDA replenishment records also includes voting rights, capital subscription, donor contributions, encashment, commitment, legal, accounting, and IDA reflow records produced as a result of IDA replenishment negotiations, and subsequent implementation of IDA replenishment resources. Specifically, the records include: IDA voting rights and power records, which include reports, memoranda, and Board papers on the review and adjustment of IDA members voting rights and power after each replenishment, changes to voting rights and power, legal background, current voting rights system, proposals, discussion notes, and voting rights and power of smaller countries; monthly commitment authority reports, which include introductory memoranda and tables showing the status of IDA contributions and resources available for commitment; IDA donor subscription correspondence; IDA subscription and accounting records, including letters from the Bank requesting note deposits for installment payments, vouchers, note substitution requests, copies of promissory notes, letters and telexes acknowledging receipt of non-negotiable promissory notes, cash receipts regarding note encashment, notification of transfer of funds, and accounting ledgers; IDA call letters, notifications, and encashment records, which include correspondence, call letters requesting release of funds for IDA note encashment, projections and schedule tables of encashment contributions, and letters to IDA countries notifying them of overdue payments and quarterly calls; IDA reflows reports; IDA disbursement projections reports; mid-year reports on IDA replenishments; and subscription history of IDA members.

The records also includes materials related to the establishment and replenishment negotiations of the global programs of the Special Facility for Africa (SFA) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The SFA records include materials maintained by FPAFS of FPA, and FRMRO of FRM from 1985 to 1989. SFA records include: drafts and copies of the resolution of the Executive Directors of the IDA on the Establishment of the SFA from 1985; technical notes prepared for senior staff related to SFA issues; donor meeting minutes, agenda, opening remarks, and summaries of donor meetings; Chairman reports for SFA donor meetings; records related to donor contributions to SFA; SFA press communiques; records related to guidelines and procedures for SFA; IDA8 replenishment negotiations records related to SFA; background papers on SFA grant recipient countries; copies of cofinancing agreements with donor countries for SFA; proposals to extend SFA; SFA quarterly financial statements; SFA progress reports; SFA publications; calls and notifications regarding encashment of funds for SFA; requests for payments; SFA disbursement reports; SFA projection tables; Board papers submitted to the Board of Executive Directors requesting termination of SFA; correspondence and memoranda related to termination of the SFA in 1989; and Board of Executive Directors meeting minutes and agenda regarding SFA.

Records related to the establishment and replenishment negotiations of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) maintained by the FRMRO of FRM are also included for the years 1989 to 1999. The GEF records include: copies of Board papers; discussionpapers; reports and memoranda related to funding for GEF; talking points for meetings on the environment; reports on discussions at Board meetings related to the environment; transcripts of GEF meetings; and agenda and meeting minutes. Specific topics of the records cover natural gas, forestry, the Montreal Protocol, technical assistance for the environment, and funding for GEF.

IDA country strategy development and advisement

The fonds consists of records dating from 1987 to 1997 that relate to the Resource Mobilization Department's (FRM) involvement in the development of country strategies. This involved advising the Bank's Operations Committee and senior staff on country strategies. The records contain: policy framework papers; Board papers, including IDA Board papers on technical assistance; country strategy papers; briefings for meetings of the President's Council; reports on sector adjustment operations; progress reports on sector adjustment credits; IMF reports; and credit and project progressreports.

Third Window feasibility, projections, and analysis

In 1975, the Bank launched the Intermediate Financing Facility ("Third Window"), an interest subsidy fund created to mobilize and leverage limited concessional funds from donors. This fund was created due to constrained availability of lending and donor resources prompted by the 1970s oil crisis. The fonds includes records related to the original "Third Window", and feasibility studies, projections, and analysis for a second "Third Window" fund. The records were maintained by the Replenishment Policy Division (FRMRP) of the Resource Mobilization Department (FRM) from 1987 to 1996 (background records are also included from the 1960s to the 1980s). The records are related to the projections and analysis of the feasibility of a third window lending. The records include: background records related to the first Intermediate Financing Facility ("Third Window") launched in the 1970s; draft reports with comments; final reports; copies of Executive Director Board papers; computer printouts; projection tables; internal memoranda; and other internal communications regarding projections and analysis of the feasibility of a third window lending to provide funds on terms and conditions between the near market terms for IBRD funds and the concessional terms for IDA funds.

Trust fund program management and support

The fonds includes records related to the life cycle (establishment, implementation, evaluation, and financial management) of trust fund programs. The trust funds were managed by the followings units: the Vice President of Cofinancing (VPCOF) from 1984 to 1989; the Official Cofinancing Group (CFSOC) of CFSVP from 1989 to 1992; the Official Cofinancing and Trust Fund Management Group (CFSOC) of CFSVP from 1992 to 1996; the Official Cofinancing and Trust Funds Group (CAPOC) from 1996 to 1998 of the RMCVP; the Trust Fund and Cofinancing Department (TFC) of RMCVP from 1998 to 2001; the Trust Funds Operations Department (TFO), the Trust Fund Strategy and Donor Relations Department (TFS), and the Global Partnership Programs (GPP) of RMCVP and the CFPVP from 2001 to 2008; and the Global Partnerships and Trust Fund Operations (CFPTO) of the CFPVP from 2008 to 2010.

The records include management and support records maintained by the program managers and administrators of various trust fund programs. Included are trust fund program management records of grants for the Consultant Trust Fund (CTF) Program, the Policy and Human Resource Development (PHRD) Fund, Global Partnership Programs (e.g. Development GrantFacility [DGF]), and other special trust fund programs. The majority of the trust fund records focus on the technical assistance trust fund programs of PHRD and CTF, and the global program and partnership trust fund of DGF.

The records of the Policy and Human Resources Development (PHRD) Fund (formerly the Japanese Grant Facility) include correspondence, reports, legal, and financial management records related to PHRD grants. The PHRD records were maintained by VPCOF, CFSOC, CAPOC, TFC, and TFO from 1984 to 2006. The records generally include specific PHRD project implementation files consisting of the following types of records: correspondence between the Bank and the Government of Japan; PHRD technical assistance funding proposals; PHRD implementation reports; contract for consultant services; Terms of Reference; Japanese grant agreements with grant recipient country; correspondence with the Regional departments regarding implementation and disbursement; policies and guidelines related to PHRD grants; records related to monitoring of compliance with the grant terms; and records of quarterly PHRD Fund Tranche budgets.

The records also consist of material related to the management and support of trust fund grants of the Consultant Trust Fund (CTF) Program maintained by VPCOF, CFSOC, CAPOC, TFC, and TFO from 1974 to 2006 (predominantly 1985 to 2006). The records include correspondence, reports, legal, and financial records between the World Bank, participating donor countries, and the grant recipient. The CTF records generally include country files with the following types of records: Initiating Briefs for Trust Funds (IBTF); Cofinancing Framework Agreements; CTF Agreements; Memoranda of Understanding between the Bank and donor country; the CTF funding request from Regional Division Chiefs; Terms of Reference; back to office reports; terms and conditions of the grant; briefing notes prepared for donor countries; letters of appointment; reports to the donors describing the disbursement of funds; list of CTF allocations; internal reports on each trust fund; daily reports on each trust fund; semi-annual and annual donor consultation reports; mid-year reports; evaluation reports; agenda and meeting minutes for semi-annual and annual donor consultation meetings; financial reconciliation reports; CTF pledges and cash receipts; CTF grant entries for the Grant Reporting and Monitoring System (GRMS); requests for consultants; lists of consultants; guidelinesand policies for CTF grants; and CTF summary reports for earmarked uses of trust funds.

The records also include material related to the Development Grant Facility (DGF) maintained by TFC and its successor TFO from 1985 to 2006 (predominantly 1997 to 2006; some reference records predate establishment of DGF in 1997). The DGF records include: records related to the strategy and procedures of the DGF; DGF publications; DGF Council meeting records, which include minutes, agenda, and discussion notes; records prepared for or part of meeting with the Bank's Board of Executive Directors, including Board papers, discussion notes, minutes, agenda, technical briefings, and Memoranda to Executive Directors for Annual Review of DGF; records related to meetings with the Bank's Network vice presidencies focused on proposed grants for sector partnerships and projects; records related to DGF eligibility criteria; legal agreements for DGF grant programs and projects; DGF procurement guidelines; records related to meetings of the Special Grant Committee for the Special Grants Facility Program; DGF unallocated funds, savings, carryovers, overruns, and underrun budget reports; DGF statistical tables; DGF budget and expense reports; records related to donor coordination; and records related to DGF major issues. The records also include review and evaluation records of the DGF, including: records related to internal evaluations from the Bank's Operations Evaluation Department (OED) and the Internal Audit Department (IAD); annual review reports of DGF; review, evaluation, and monitoring reports of grant programs and projects of DGF; mid-term and retrospective reviews of DGF; and individual progress, completion and audit reports on individual grants. The records also include copies of parent level entries for proposed Bank-Foundation Partnership grants of the DGF entered as part of the Partnership Approval Tracking System (PATS) database. The entries consist of basic data on each proposed grant, and are arranged by sector, region, or alphabetically by donor foundation.

The records also include IBTF clearance and revision records maintained by the CAPOC, TFC, and TFO for regional, Global Partnership Programs (GPPs), multi-donor, and other ad hoc trust fund programs from 1997 to 2005. The records include: drafts and final copies of IBTF documents; copies of trust fund agreements; and IBTF clearance memoranda with comments and revision input from CAPOC, TFC, TFO Clearance Officers, and staff in the Bank's legal, accounting, and Regional departments.

The records also consist of trust fund review, monitoring, and reporting records maintained by the Trust Fund Management Oversight Unit (TFMOU) and the Trust Fund Monitoring and Reporting Unit (TFMRU) of CAPOC, TFC, and TFO from 1996 to 2004. TFMOU records primarily include: portfolio status and IBTF review case files for regional trust fund projects; IBTF monthly summary reports; IBTF clearance reports; strategy papers; presentations prepared for donor conferences on trust fund monitoring and reporting; briefing books, minutes, and agenda records for donor meetings; and case and review reports for trust fund grant projects and programs. The TFMRU records include those related to the procedures and guidelines for trust fund review documents of the Implementation Completion Memorandum (ICM) and Implementation Completion Reports (ICR) and records of received ICMs and ICRs for reviewed trust fund grant projects.

Resource Mobilization

Personal papers of Desmond McCarthy

  • Fonds
  • 1964, 1976 - 2006

Fonds consists of chronological files compiled by McCarthy that cover nearly his entire career at the World Bank. Fonds also contains reports and articles authored by McCarthy in both draft and published form as well as records related to his attendance and participation in a number of conferences and working groups. Records related to his work for the Quality Assurance Group (QAG) in 2004 and 2005 are also included.

McCarthy, Desmond

Financial Policy, Planning, and Budgeting

  • Fonds
  • 1956 - 2011

This fonds has been provisionally arranged into one sub-fonds and five series. Sub-headings are used to break up the content of this field according to provisional sub-fonds and series. For a complete list of the provisional sub-fonds and series, see the "Systems of Arrangement" field below.

Office of the Strategy and Resource Management Vice Presidency (SRMVP) records (sub-fonds)

Sub-fonds contains the records of the Office of the Strategy and Resource Management Vice Presidency (SRMVP) created during its existence from 1997 to 2003. The SRMVP was led first by Mark Baird from 1997 to 1999 and then by Anil Sood from 1999 to 2003. The SRMVP oversaw units responsible for the planning and budgeting function as well as support of the Strategic Compact review. Included are records related to the formulation, approval, and subsequent assessment of the Strategic Compact. Records take the form of correspondence, reports, weekly and monthly meeting minutes and agendas, and materials from presentations on the Compact made to internal and external audiences. Sub-fonds also consists of program support files of the SRMVP which document other unique activities of the Vice Presidency. Activities evidenced in these records include: cost effectiveness reviews; strategic staffing; matrix management; Bank-wide programming and budgeting; and auditing. Subject files created and maintained by the Office of the Vice President are also contained in this sub-fonds. Topics include: performance indicators; human resources and personnel issues; corruption; partnerships; non-governmental organizations (NGOs); budgeting; the Strategic Forum; and the Bank's budgeting activities. Records also contain correspondence with Bank President Wolfensohn, Managing Directors, and other senior staff and external individuals. Meeting minutes and speeches are also included.

Financial Policy

Series contains records related to the financial policy function of the Bank. Activities supporting this function include: analysis of both the Bank's financial position and the international financial environment; and development and recommendation of policies, programs, and strategies that enable access to finances by the Bank and its borrowers. Records include a compendium of financial policies and a list of principal references and copies of key reference documents. Other correspondence, memoranda, and reports relate to the analysis of the Bank's financial position and specifically to management of Bank capital and IBRD subscription. Specific topics include: past policies regarding reserve targets; the financial structure and operations of IBRD; cost competitiveness of the Bank; overview of changes in IBRD financial policies; review of IBRD lending rate policy; review of IBRD income prospects and policies; review of IBRD/IDA programs and financial policies; variable lending rates; currency pooling; liquidity policy; investment guidelines; and capital subscription.

Also included are the records of the Asset Liability Management Committee (ALMC) which makes recommendations in the areas of financial policy, the adequacy and allocation of risk capital, and oversight of financial reporting. Records of ALMC's two subcommittees, the Market Risk and Currency Management Subcommittee and the Credit Risk Subcommittee, are also included in this series.

Records related to the development and review of lending policies are also included. Specifically, these policies relate to member country eligibility criteria, commitments, disbursements, loan income, and loan portfolio. Records are in the form of subject files. Topics include: currency management; currency composition of loans; lending rates; prepayments; country credit risk exposure; debt restructuring and negotiations; interest rate swaps; repayment terms; cofinancing operations; and single currency loans. Records also relate to development and review of financial risk policy. Specifically these include interest rate risk, exchange rate risk, credit risk, liquidity risk, borrowing risk, and others. Records may include policies on the subject as well as correspondence, memoranda, and other background material related to the policy.

Series also contains records related to financial models and projections used to develop and review various financial policies related to Bank Group lending, borrowing, risk management, asset management, and other activities.

Series also includes a small number of speeches and presentation materials produced and/or presented by financial policy staff when reporting to the Bank's regions, senior management and Executive Directors.

Country Creditworthiness and Program Review

Series contains records related to country creditworthiness review and the credit risk inherent in IBRD's loan portfolio. Activities involve managing credit risk at both the individual country level and the portfolio level that directly affects the lending volumes IBRD may be willing to extend to its borrowers. Records relate to topics such as: debt management and reporting; export credits; Berne Union meetings; developments in portfolio credit quality; and loan loss provisioning requirements. Series also contains external debt studies done by the Budget and Planning Department's Financial Studies Division (PABFS) in conjunction with the International Finance Division of the Economic Projections and Analysis Department (EPDIF) in the 1970s. Series contains annual country risk assessments, final creditworthiness reports, portfolio reviews, and any essential information related to these. Periodic reports, forecasts, and summarydiscussion memoranda are also included as are records of the Short Term Risk Management Group which was responsible for informing senior management about economic and political developments in countries that are at risk of falling into crisis or are of systematic regional importance for Bank member countries. A set of historical debt case files primarily from the 1960s and early 1970s used for reference purposes are also included as are a set of debt rescheduling case files dating from 1967 to 1976.

Country program review activities consist of the review, analysis, and coordination of Country Program Papers (CPPs). Specifically, units within the Planning and Budget Department and its successors were responsible for: measuring the size and composition of the country program proposed to the account constraints on the volume of IBRD and IDA lending; evaluating country creditworthiness and the Bank's exposure to risk; and determining the feasibility and appropriateness of the country program in terms of the country's ability to prepare and implement the projects. Activities include: establishing guidelines for the form and content of CPPs; selective participation in the preparation of CPPs in the form of working level reviews; participating selectively in Regional Vice President review meetings; and review final CPPs. Records related to these activities include copies of CPPs as well as the successor of CPPs, Country Assistance Strategy Papers (CAS); a complete set of CPPs from their introduction in 1968 through1987 are included. Also included are lending program files that supported the review of CPPs. Records include memoranda, reports, statistical tables, spreadsheets, Lending Program Monthly Status Reports, and Lending Operations Monthly Reports relating to the analysis and review of country lending. General lending files of PAB's Country Program Review Division (PABCP) and its predecessor the Program and Operations Review Division (PABPO) are also contained in this series. Subjects include: commercial bank lending, IDA allocations, disbursements, local cost financing, and creditworthiness. Document types include reports, statistical tables, and spreadsheets. Sector files of the Planning and Budgeting Department's Country Program Review Divisions (PABCP) are also contained in this series. These include reviews of economic sector work (ESW) performed in the regions and in the Central Projects Staff (CPS). Records include memoranda, statistical tables, and spreadsheets as well copies of reports from the Operations and Development Policy complexes that PABCP reviewed. Many of the records related to CPP review, general lending, and sector review contain annotations, handwritten notes, and calculations.

Institutional Planning

Series contains records related to organizational effectiveness review, Bank reorganizations, and long term institutional planning. Series includes records created and maintained by the Planning and Budgeting Department's Institutional Planning Division (PBDIP) in the mid-1980s that supportedthe "Future Role of the Bank" exercise which sought to determine the direction of the Bank by examining issues such as trade and capital flows, the Bank's competitiveness, and the Bank's leadership role in research and aid coordination. Records include numerous studies and reports that were disseminated among Bank stuff and submitted to the Board. Topics relate to capital management, IDA replenishment, the Bank's role in the 1990s, Bank/Fund collaboration, staffing, and competitiveness. In addition to final versions of studies and reports, records include report drafts, comments on drafts, memoranda and correspondence, and small amounts of reference material. Also included are the files of Joseph D. Woods that relate to the "Future Role of the Bank" exercise. As Vice President of the Financial Policy, Planning and Budgeting Vice Presidency from 1983 to 1987, Woods had a leading role in the exercise.

Also included in this series are records relating to other committees and task forces that focused on institutional planning from a financial policy perspective. The majority of the records relate to the 1987 Bank-wide reorganization and the Strategic Compact review that took place between 1997 and 1999. The series is comprised of the proceedings of the committee/task force meetings in which units responsible for financial policy, planning, and budgeting activities within the Bank participated in management reviews or in support of relevant institutional committee/task force either as the secretariat or as a member. Records include: terms of reference (TOR); agendas and minutes of meetings; background papers; and related materials.

Budgeting Policy and Planning

Series contains records relating to budget policy development and planning activities. Records are primarily contained in subject files on various topics including: reorganization budgeting; the Special Grants Program; cofinancing and trust funds; project review and aid effectiveness; portfolio management; capital budget management; debt and debt restructuring; staffing; and annual lending reporting. Series also contains chronological files of staff in the Planning and Budgeting Department's Budget Planning and Systems (PBDPS) and Office of the Director (PBDDR) departments that relate to the same topics as subject files. Records of John Blaxall, Assistant Director in the Programming and Budgeting Department (1969-1973, 1976) are also included in this series. These records relate to his involvement in the development of the Bank's Five Year Program (1969-1973) as well as the writing of The Scale of IBRD Financial Operations, FY74-78 discussed at the Executive Directors Meetings in 1972 and Report of the Planning, Programming and Budgeting Working Group which was presented to the President's Council in 1977.

Bank-wide Budget Support and Review

Records in this series relate to the monitoring, evaluation and implementation of the Bank's planning and budgeting processes and the submission of budget materials to the Board for review and approval. The series includes records of the main document production cycle (including Planning Directions papers and budget documents) as well as monitoring, evaluation and implementation documents (including Retrospective Reviews, Midyear Reviews, Apex Reports, and Budget Management Manuals). Other budget documents contained in this series include: medium-term framework reports; business plans outlining units' work programs for the next three years; notes presenting Policy and Budgeting Department (PBD) analysis and recommendations; submissions from vice presidencies; analysis of retrospective reviews; requests for clarification/modification of issues in budget submissions; tables detailing expenditures by service categories; and draft reports, staff comments, tables, framework papers, and correspondence relating to Bank planning and budgeting activities. The series also includes: minutes of monthly budget meetings with clients; copies of contingency funding requests and responses to them; budget contract models; accruals overrun/underrun tables and memoranda; and other papers relating to dollar budgeting implementation.

The series contains a reference collection in the form of copies of summary information regarding the plans and budgets of the World Bank Group from 1949 to 1975. Specifically, these records consist of papers presented to the Board of Governors and Executive Directors regarding the administrative and operations budgets of the World Bank Group as well as related internal memoranda and tables.

Series also consists of subject files created by units responsible for budget support and review. Records served as analytical, statistical, historical, and background information for cross cycle activities related to Bank-wide programming, planning and budgeting processes. The series is comprised of correspondence and papers relating to: budget policies and procedures; service categories; organizational units' plans and budgets; object of expenditures; source of external funds; program objectives; capital budget; service category files (e.g. operational planning, borrowing/investment operations, loan administration, personnel, Special Grants Program); organizational unit budgeting (e.g. vice presidencies, administrative tribunal, appeals committee, ombudsman); source of external funds; program objectives (e.g. debt and adjustment, poverty reduction, human resources development, private sector development, public sector management, environment, and forestry); and capital budget.

Financial Policy, Planning, and Budgeting

Records of the Sector Policy and Research Vice Presidency (PREVP) and the Sector and Operations Policy Vice Presidency (OSPVP)

  • Fonds
  • 1987 - 1993

The fonds includes sector policy review and sector work program review records maintained by Visvanathan Rajagopalan when he served as the Vice President for Sector Policy and Research (PREVP/PRSVP), and its successor the Sector and Operations Policy Vice Presidency (OSPVP) from 1987 to 1992. It also consists of records maintained by Director David Bock when he served in the OSPVP Front Office. Bock's records are related to OSPVP management, budget records, and sector policy review from 1991 to 1992.

Sector Policy and Research Vice Presidency (PREVP) and the Sector and Operations Policy Vice Presidency (OSPVP)

Records of the Senior Vice President of Operations

  • Fonds
  • 1967 - 1991

Records of Vice President of Operations and SVPOP J. Burke Knapp

The fonds includes records maintained by Vice President and Senior Vice President of Operations (SVPOP) J. Burke Knapp. The records include memoranda sent between Knapp and Bank President Robert McNamara from 1967 to 1978. Much of the memoranda are originals authored by Knapp and annotated and sent back by the President. There are also copies of records addressed to McNamara by other staff and copies of minutes of the President's Council or other meetings with the President. The memoranda to the President focus on IBRD and IDA lending programs, papers on financial and lending policy, loan overruns, and other particular loan issues.

Knapp records also include a set of briefs for the 1972 Annual Meeting. The briefs contain briefing memoranda and reports on the politico-economic situation and the Bank's lending program in individual member countries. In preparation for scheduled meetings between the Bank President and the delegations of membercountries, the briefs provide a summarized background for the meeting, talking points for the President, summaries of subjects likely to be raised by the delegation, and a list of delegates. Filed with some of the briefs are related Country Program Papers (CPP). In addition to briefs for individual countries, filed at the beginning of the series are briefs on the African and Latin American Caucuses, the Asian Development Bank (ADB), and the European Investment Bank (EIB).

Records of OPNSV Moeen Qureshi

The fonds also includes records maintained by Senior Vice President of Operations (OPNSV) Moeen Qureshi. The records consist of briefing materials prepared for Qureshi from 1987 to 1991. Briefings cover his foreign travel and any formal meetings he attended in New York or Washington, DC. In addition, there are records for his August 17 - September 8, 1984, trip to London, Pakistan, New Zealand, Australia, and Japan. A typical briefing file contains: Qureshi's itinerary and schedule; biographies of people with whom he would be meeting; outlines, drafts, and copies of speeches he delivered; press releases; correspondence; conference agenda and programs; and background papers regarding the Bank's relationship with the countries visited.

Joint IMF-World Bank Annual Meeting briefs prepared for Qureshi are also included for the years 1988 to 1990. The briefs consist of a separate folder for each day of the Annual Meeting. A typical folder contains Qureshi's schedule for that day and a sub-folder for each event he was scheduled to attend. The briefs also include: lists of delegates attending each event; agenda for meetings; Annual Meeting briefs for each country whose delegation met with Qureshi; talking points for and copies of speeches for Qureshi or President Barber Conable; copies of Conable's schedule for the day; and seating charts.

Qureshi's records also include materials concerning the 1987 Bank-wide reorganization from 1986 to 1989. The records consist of: memoranda exchanged between Conable, Qureshi and members of the Operations Complex regarding implementation of the reorganization plan and specific staff appointments; copies of memoranda from Conable updating Bank staff on the reorganization; records outlining interim personnel procedures; Steering Committee issuances regarding staff selection, redeployment, and redundancy; copies of letters from Conable to specific staff affected by the reorganization; Bank press releases; the Support Unit Task Force Report; and studies completed by an external management consulting firm. Much of the records concern implementation of the reorganization within the Operations Complex. Specific records focus on the Operations Task Force Report, which includes: comments from staff regarding that report; draft position descriptions; and memoranda regarding the staff selection and allocation process.

The Qureshi records also contain records related to country lending operations from 1987 to 1991. The records consist of memoranda, letters, cables, reports, studies, and minutes of meetings regarding the Bank's lending policies in specific countries or, in the case of donor countries, aid coordination. The records also include briefing papers prepared for Qureshi and/or President Conable prior to meetings with country representatives, agenda and minutes of meetings of Qureshi or Conable with country representatives, minutes of meetings of Bank Executive Directors, and Bank mission reports. Much of the records include Qureshi's annotations. Issues discussed in the correspondence include technical assistance, economic reforms, environmental impact of Bank policies, political events in a country and their implication for Bank loans and operations, and special grants in response to natural disasters.

Lastly, incoming and outgoing correspondence and memoranda between Qureshi, the OPNSV Front Office Staff, and members of the Operations Complex are included for the years 1987 to 1989.

Records of Special Assistant Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala

The fonds also includes records maintained by Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala when she served as Special Assistant to the Senior Vice President of Operations (OPNSV) Moeen Qureshi. This includes records maintained by Okonjo-Iweala related to major borrowing countries from 1987 to 1991. These records consist mostly of copies of correspondence and reports on lending operations and recent developments in borrowing countries. Background materials and reports of meetings held between Bank officials and official representatives of the borrowing countries are also included. County Strategy Papers (CSP) are found in some records. Among the most discussed lending issues are structural adjustment, privatization, technical assistance, and late payments. Some of the records contain Okonjo-Iweala's correspondence with the staff from the Regional Vice Presidencies (RVPs) officials, her handwritten and typed notes to Qureshi on lending issues, and her handwritten notes taken at meetings she attended.

Okonjo-Iweala records also consist of business plans for the OperationsComplex from 1989 to 1991. The records consist of internal memoranda and reports detailing planned lending expenditures for FY 1991 to 1993 and FY 1992 to 1994. The business plans are broken down by Region, therein by country and sector with reference to the Bank's country lending strategies. Breakdowns on IBRD versus IDA lending are also given. The business plans are heavily annotated by Okonjo-Iweala.

Okonjo-Iweala records also include memoranda, reports, and correspondence on a variety of operational and administrative matters relating to the functions of the OPNSV from 1989 to 1991. Records related to operational matters include records related to the following topics: cofinancing; private sector development; the IDA Ninth Replenishment; the Gulf crisis; and the Bank's interaction with international organizations. Records related to administrative matters include: preparation for the 1990 Annual Meeting; records related to a Senior Operations mangers' retreat; and records related to pay, annual leave,the staff retirement plan, and actions regarding specific staff members. Filed under "Front Office" are also records regarding administrative matters of security, document formats, and the United Way Campaign. There are also records containing briefing notes for trips undertaken or meetings attended by Qureshi.

Okonjo-Iweala records also includes materials maintained for the Operations Committee (OC) from 1989 to 1991. Arranged by country, most of the records include: Okonjo-Iweala's copies of formal minutes of the OC meetings; her handwritten notes taken when she attended the OC meetings; and postscripts on discussions of Country Strategy Papers (CSP) by the OC. Included with the minutes are copies of CSPs, Initiating Memoranda, and reports and recommendations accompanying requests for loans and credits submitted by the country to the OC. Some draft CSPs submitted to Okonjo-Iweala are annotated with her comments.

Lastly, Okonjo-Iweala records include internal memoranda, correspondence, and reports from 1990, which were primarily sent between her, the OPNSV Moeen Qureshi, the OPNSV Front Office Staff, and members of the Operations Complex.

Records of Senior Adviser, Lending and Budget Operations, Cosmas Linus Robless

The fonds also includes records of Cosmas Linus Robless, who served as Senior Advisor for Lending and Budget Operations to OPNSV Moeen Qureshi, from 1987 to 1991. Records include subject files consisting of: memoranda; correspondence; reports; position papers; and guidelines regarding Operations Complex programs and policies. Other records focus on the topics of: annual sector reviews; the Field Offices Task Force; overdue service payments; the Bank's response to the Gulf Crisis; graduation from the Bank; and program goals for the Operations Complex. Correspondence, memoranda, and reports sent and received by Robless are also included.

Robless records also consist of materials related to the Ad Hoc Committee on Board Procedures from 1990 to 1991, which sought to improve bank procedures performed by the Bank's Executive Directors (ED) for reviewing country assistance strategies and policy formulation in Bank operations. The records include: correspondence and memoranda; meeting minutes of the Ad Hoc Committee; draft Ad Hoc Committee reports prepared for the EDs; terms of reference prepared for EDs; and work programs prepared for the EDs for consideration.

Lastly, his records also include copies of Country Strategy Paper (CSP) postscripts prepared for the Operations Committee (OC) from 1991. The CSP postscripts summarize the review, and subsequent actions taken by the OC for a particular CSP.

Front office adviser records

The fonds also includes records maintained by various advisers who served in the Front Office for SVPOP Ernest Stern and his successor OPNSV Moeen Qureshi from 1979 to 1989. The front office records reflect the activities of the SVPOP/OPNSV. The records include: SVPOP yellow sheets, or handwritten project lending notes; decision memoranda and comments prepared by advisers on behalf of the SVPOP for the Loan Committee; Loan Committee log book prepared by advisers; board papers, briefs, and schedules prepared for meetings with the Executive Board of Directors; memoranda regarding Project Completion Reports (PCR) submitted to OPNSV from the Central Operations Department (COD); memoranda regarding Women in Development (WID) country assessments submitted to the OPNSV from the Economic Advisory Staff (EAS); working papers submitted to OPNSV from the Policy, Planning, and Research (PPR) Complex for review; standard budget tables submitted to SVPOP from the Division Chief of the Planning and Budget Department (PBD); and memoranda, budget reports, and other records related to liaison with United Nations cooperative programs.

Communications and Meetings with Area Department Heads (later Operational Vice Presidents)

The fonds includes memoranda address by Ernest Stern as (Vice President (1978-1980) and Senior Vice President (1980-1987) of Operations to the Operational/Regional Vice Presidents. Topics of memoranada include lending policies, programming, and lending activities.

The fonds also includes memoranda and minutes from the weekly meetings of the Area Department Heads and its replacement of the Operational Vice Presidents (OVP, renamed after 1972 Reorganization) from 1968 to 1986. The records dated from 1968 to 1978 were maintained by J. Burke Knapp when he served as Chairman for the Area Department Heads and the OVP as the Vice President of Operations and SVPOP. The recordsdated 1979 to 1986 are maintained by Vice President of Operations (VPO) and SVPOP Ernest Stern.

Country lending and strategy records

The fonds also includes records related to the Bank's country lending operations from 1981 to 1991. Records were maintained by Senior Adviser for Lending and Budget Operations Cosmas L. Robless, and OPNMS Senior Programming Officers Larry Smucker and Manuel Benedito. The records include: lending review records focused on lending projects in the Regions for the fiscal years 1982 to 1983 and 1988 to 1994; lending program status records and reports focused on reporting lending project status to the Bank's Board of Executive Directors; records related to lending allocations for IBRD/IDA loans; records related to the Five Year Lending Program, 1984-1989; records related to the IDA Ninth Replenishment for lending operations; and Country Briefs prepared for various countries in the Regions from 1985 and 1987, which outlined an economic profile of a country, lending programming, and reform actions taken.

Budget formulation and review records

The fonds also includes records related to budget formulation and budget review functions performed by the Office of the Management Systems and Budget (SVPMS) and its successor of the Office of the Management Systems and Budget (OPNMS) within the SVPOP/OPNSV Front Office from 1985 to 1992. The records were primarily maintained by the Senior Budget Officers of SVPMS/OPNMS, and the Senior Adviser for Lending and Budget Operations, Cosmas LinusRobless. The records focus primarily on budget formulation and review for Bank units belonging to the Operations Complex. The budget formulation records include: budget correspondence and memoranda; Operations Complex budget distribution and salary reports; Operations Complex budget proposals; Operations Complex capital budget; budget officers meeting minutes; budget submissions sent to the SVPOP/OPNSV related to the Operations Complex; staffing and consulting budgets; budget calendars and booklets prepared by the SVPMS/OPNMS; budget framework papers; business plans, work programs, budget plans, and budget contracts drafted for the Regional Vice Presidencies for fiscal years 1986 to 1995; and business plans, budget plans, work programs, and staffing records related to the vice presidencies and departments of Operations Complex for the fiscal years 1987 to 1991.

Budget plans and staffing records are also included for OVPMS/SVPMS, and for the SVPOP/OPNSV Front Office. Work program and budget reports are also included for the Management Information System (MIS) of the Operations Information Systems (SVPMI/OPNMI) Unit, and its successor Operations Information Services Division (OPNIS) of the SVPOP/OPNSV Front Office from 1985 to 1989.

Budget review records include: monthly status budget reports for the Operations Complex; reimbursement reports; mid-term perspective reports; quarterly, mid-year, third quarter, and retrospective review records for the Operations Complex for the fiscal years 1988 to 1992; and Operations Complex final expense reports.

Operations information management

The fonds also includes records related to the Operations Information Committee (OIC) from 1987 to 1990. The Operations Information Committee (OIC) was established in November 1987 to develop "Complex-wide strategies, plans, policies and investments in information and information technology which would...coordinate the management of information and information technology activities within or affecting the Operations Complex." Therecords include agenda and minutes of OIC meetings and documents and memoranda forwarded to Committee members. Also contained in the records are some minutes of meetings of the Information and Technology Advisory Committee (ITAC) and records related to the FY 90 work program of the Operation Information Services Division (OPNIS). The records are maintained by OIC Chairman Heinz Vergin, who served as the Operations Staff (OPN) Director at the time.

Transportation, telecommunication, water, and urban development records

The fonds also includes operations policy, project support records, and liaison records related to the sector departments of the: Transportation, Water, and Telecommunications Department (TWT); the Urban Projects Department (URB); the Water and Urban Development Department (WUD); and the Transportation Department (TRP) from 1975 to 1986.

Senior Vice President of Operations

Records of the Private Sector Development Vice Presidency

  • Fonds
  • 2002 - 2006

The fonds includes budget, business plan, and work program records for the Private Sector Development Vice Presidency (PSDVP) and its subordinate units.

Private Sector Development Vice Presidency

Personal papers of Aura Garcia de Truslow

  • Fonds
  • 1961 - 1997

This fonds contains records that span Aura Garcia de Truslow's entire career with the World Bank Group. Records relate to her work as an Economist and Senior Projects Officer in the Latin America and Caribbean Vice Presidency (LCNVP, LACVP). Included are project-related records as well as subject and reference files and training materials. Records relating to her time as a Planning Officer in the Strategic Planning and Review Department (SPR) are also included in this fonds.

Garcia de Truslow, Aura

Personal Papers of James L. Theodores

  • Fonds
  • 1966 - 2002

Fonds consists of records from Theodores's time as Resident Representative in Kabul, Afghanistan and as Field Coordinator for the World Bank Group. Many of the records in this fonds appear to be a selection made by Theodores either during his time employed at the Bank or upon his departure. Some of the records, such as those relating to Afghanistan after Theodores had completed his time as Resident Representative there, may have been collected by Theodores for personal interest or in support of potential research projects to be undertaken at a later date. A small number of records relating to Theodores's employment with the World Bank or to the history and future of Afghanistan are also included.

Theodores, James L.

Personal Papers of John Nellis

  • Fonds
  • 1990 - 1992, 1995

This fonds contains records related to John Nellis's work in the Public Sector Management and Private Sector Development Division (CECPS) located in the Country Economics Department (CEC) of the Development Economics Vice Presidency (DEC). The majority of the records relate to Nellis's participation in mission travel to the Soviet Union in 1990 and Russia in 1991 and 1992.

Nellis, John

Central Files

  • Fonds
  • 1937, 1942, 1944 - 1987

The fonds contains the records maintained as part of the World Bank Group's centralized files variously known as General Files (1946 - 1968), Central Files (1969 - 1971), the semi-centralized Bank Administration and Policy Records Stations (BAP, 1972 - 1974), Bank General Records Station and Administration and Policy Records Stations (BAPRS, 1975 - 1977) and Non-Regional Information Centers (NRIC, 1978 - 1987) with exceptions as described in the Arrangement field below. Records of the administrative unitsresponsible for the management of the General Files records center and its subsequent iterations are not included in this fonds except so far as these records were filed in Central Files. The date range of the Central Files is primarily from 1946 to 1986, however there are a small number of externally produced records dating from 1937 and the early 1940s as well as a single file dating 1987. The remainder of the 1987 files were likely handed over to the functional departments after the closure of the NRICin July 1987.

The departments whose records were centralized over time and represented most prominently in Central Files include (but are not limited to): Economics, Development Services, Technical Operations, Projects (and its sector divisions), and Administration.

Correspondence contained in the fonds includes letters, memoranda, cables, and other related records sent to and from the above departments and the Office of the President during the presidencies of Meyer, McCloy, Black and Woods. President records are otherwise nonexistent in the case of Meyer and are sparse for Woods, McCloy and Black in the Office of the President fonds. The Central Files also contains correspondence of the first Bank Vice Presidents which are fragmentary in the General Vice Presidents and Managing Directors fonds.

Records in this fonds document significant events and studies, administrative and organizational changes, governing bodies and committees, membership and obligations of countries, financial transactions, and the Bank's administrative and operating policies and processes including lending, projects, and development policy. The fonds comprises the general (non-regional) files on all topics not specific to a region or country as well as the membership, bond, and finance files relating to IBRD, IDA and IFC.

The general filing practice for correspondence between two offices within the Bank whose records were filed in Central Files was to save the copy of the document retained by the creating unit (often a yellow carbon copy) and to destroy the copy sent to the receiving unit, unless the receiving unit had annotated the document, in which case both copies were saved.

Central Files

Records of the Commission on International Development [Pearson Commission]

  • WB_IBRD/IDA_116
  • Fonds
  • 1961 - 1962, 1965, 1967 - 1970

Fonds consists of records documenting the activities and proceedings of the Commission on International Development formed to review and assess the results of the previous twenty years of development assistance. Although most of the records were created from the time of the Commission's establishment in 1968 to its dissolution in 1969, there are a few copies of external reports dated 1961 to 1962 used for the Commission's studies.

The fonds contains photographs, audio reels, and textual records documenting the establishment of the Commission, meetings and regional hearings, staff reports and research papers, and the Commission's final report. Also included in the fonds are records related to the World Bank President's Memoranda on Report Recommendations, the 1970 official Bank response to the Commission's findings.

Commission on International Development [Pearson Commission]

Bernard R. Bell files

Subfonds consists of records created by Bernard R. Bell primarily when he was the economic advisor to the representative resident in India during which time he examined Indian economic policy and the proposed Fourth Five-Year Plan during 1966 to 1967. Subfonds also contains subject files and correspondence kept while he served as director of resident staff, Indonesia and regional vice president, East Asia and Pacific Region.

W. David Hopper files

The small correspondence series from 1986 includes files on many of the countries in the South Asia region. The files include correspondence with leaders in the countries and internal Bank memoranda on projects, planned or in operation. This is clearly a fragment of a larger chronological series that was maintained for Hopper by the office staff.

The bulk of the sub-fonds consists of the office correspondence file from Hopper's period as Senior Vice President for Policy Planning and Research; it is arranged chronologically. The series apparently was begun by L. Richard Meyers, who was Special Assistant to Hopper, as the early files are marked DM Chron. The topics in the records include poverty and family planning programs focusing on women, the Bank's new environmental initiative, appreciation and criticism of the Bank's environmental role, especially with regard to rain forests and indigenous peoples, agricultural development, including genetic research and application of developmental agriculture in Africa, and administrative details of the new Policy Planning and Research Department.

The series on the Senior Management Council and the series on the Personnel and Administration Committee both begin with a set of minutes, followed by agendas and reports and memos. The series on the SMC also includes a set of monthly financial reports. Records are missing for several months in both series. The topics in the records include personnel policies, the Disaster Recovery Plan, security, long-term facilities planning, and information resources management.

The file unit on the work of the Operations Managers Review Group contains six items on the selection of operations managers.

Benjamin B. King files

Benjamin King retained a copy of papers he wrote and correspondence he drafted, both for his signature and for the signature of other Bank officials. Although there are gaps in the records, the chronological series provides a good overview of the interests of King and the issues with which he dealt as a staff member of the Bank.

The first part of the chronological file, dating from 1952-1967, includes items relating to King's missions to the Gold Coast, Germany, and Norway and contains notes on the status of operations, planning and procedures, currency, lending resources, and external debt. King also wrote notes on the General Training Committee and a 1955 draft curriculum for the Economic Development Institute, which King joined in 1957. The second part of the chronological file includes papers on the economic work in the Bank; comments on economic reports; drafts of the Charter of the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA); materials relating to external debt in Iran, India and Pakistan; a study of the feasibility of using computers in the Bank; and a paper on allocation of funds to the International Development Association. The final part of the chronological file includes memoranda and letters to members of the Research Committee and to external research institutions commenting on research proposals and reports. After King was appointed as Director of the Development Economics Department in 1978, the file includes documents on personnel, recruitment, plan, project evaluations, comments on economic reports and clearances for publications. Of particular interest are a March 1979 memo on the Department and King's summaries of the Board meetings he attended The subject files are clearly a fragment of a larger file, because they include only files with subject headings A-E. Many of the same issues found in the chronological file material area found here, including investment criteria, creditworthiness, terms of aid, program lending, and the use of computers. Two files on the Bernard Bell study on India and an agriculture file on India are useful supplements to the official records on the Bell study and to the Bernard R. Bell files. The External Debt Review Committee was established at the end of 1967 to investigate the collection, processing and use of international debt statistics by the Bank. King chaired the Committee in 1967-1968, and his subject files contain memoranda regarding the Committee meetings, the operations of the External Debt Section, material relating to a questionnaire on statistics, and comments on the Committee report.

The country files contain Economic Committee documents, interspersed with some original material of King's regarding economic missions and economic reports.

Records of President Lewis T. Preston

Lewis T. Preston became President of the World Bank on 1 September 1991 and resigned on 4 May 1995. Relatively few records from his term exist. One of Preston's first decisions was to suspend the President's Council, and as a result there are no formal records of the interaction of the highest levels of management. Furthermore, Preston was in ill health and retired before finishing his term. He continued to make speeches and undertook some business travel, but the files on those activities are noticeably fuller in the early years of his tenure. No subject files exist, nor do files on his liaison activities with United Nations organizations, non-government institutions, and international banks. The few files on liaison with the U.S. Government are thin, but there is additional information on this relationship in the records of the Counselor to the President, Matthew F. McHugh.

The most complete files are those on Member countries. These include information on Bank projects in the countries, reports of discussions with country representatives, agendas for meetings, and other representational matters. The files on the Annual Meetings have some unusually interesting briefings for Preston's meetings with financial and other institutions.

The important records of the Portfolio Management Task Force (Wapenhans Report) and the follow-up to it are part of the records of the Special Adviser to the President, Visvanathan Rajagopalan.

Note that a small portion of the Chronological File series contains correspondence and executive memoranda records from the period when Ernest Stern served as acting President. These date from February 1 to May 31 of 1995.

Records of President Robert S. McNamara

Robert S. McNamara became World Bank President on April 1, 1968 and served 2 full five year terms and a partial term, leaving on June 30, 1981. The records are a very full account of his long and active presidency. Every part of the world is reflected in these records, as well as virtually every economic issue of the 1970s. Any student of the Bank during the McNamara years will find reading these records an essential first step for research.

When McNamara came to the World Bank, it was lending about $1 billion per year. When he left in 1981, Bank lending stood at about $12 billion a year. In addition to the dramatic increase in volume of loans, he refocused Bank lending beyond infrastructure and projects to basic human needs and poverty reduction. Using the term absolute poverty, his annual meeting speech in Nairobi in 1973 marked a turning point by identifying promoting rural development and alleviating the conditions of life to the poor as crucial development goals. He identified population growth as a major issue for the Bank to address and the Bank began proving support for family planning programs. The Bank also began providing loans for pollution control.

McNamara proposed the formation of the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), which makes major contributions to increasing global food production and reducing hunger. He mobilized Bank resources to launch an international onchocercieasis (river blindness) control program. He initiated two international commissions to examine world development: the Pearson Commission in 1968 and the Brandt Commission in 1977. The Joint Ministerial Committee of the Board of Governors of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund on the Transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries, usually known as the Development Committee, was established in 1974 to support international cooperation in development activities and coordination of international efforts in finance development, and to provide advice to the Board of Governors of the Bank and the Fund on all aspects of the transfer of real resources to developing countries. And in 1978 the World Development Report was launched, the Bank's flagship publication on development issues.

Records of all these activities can be found in the records of the McNamara presidency. An unusually large number of records are annotated by McNamara, providing unparalleled insight into the thinking and decision-making processes of the president.

The records also include files form assistants to the President, notably two series from economic adviser Irving S. Friedman that include his correspondence with both President George Woods and President McNamara.

Records of President Eugene R. Black

This series contains the records of Eugene R. Black as U.S. Executive Director at the World Bank, 1947-1949, and President, 1949-1962. They are arranged in five file categories: general correspondence, congratulatory correspondence, honorary degrees, speeches, and travel.

The general correspondence file contains exchanges with U.S. and foreign government officials (especially U.K. officials), private bankers, lawyers, foundation officials and friends, arranged alphabetically by surname of correspondent. Among the notable correspondents are U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower, U.S. Senators J.W. Fulbright and Hubert Humphrey, British Prime Minister Harold McMillan, and U.N. Secretary General Dag Hammerskjold. The alphabetical correspondence file is followed by one file marked personal action covering the period from September through December 1960; it contains letters congratulating Black on the publication of his book, The Diplomacy of Economic Development, and wishing him recovery from surgery.

The congratulatory correspondence concerns Black's appointment as Executive Director and subsequent appointment and reappointments as President of the World Bank.

A single file contains correspondence on honorary degrees awarded to Black.

The speech file contains letters of invitation and appreciation and, in some cases, the texts of the speeches. Speeches given include commencement addresses, lectures to professional associations and private organizations, and addresses to the UN Economic and Social Council.

Thetravel file contains correspondence relating to tours Black took as U.S. Executive Director and as Bank President to familiarize himself with present and future member countries' economic and political situations and to meet national leaders. It includes letters of invitation, itineraries, thank you notes, as well as letters and memoranda on the purposes and results of particular trips. Two files contain the records of Black's 1948 trip to Indonesia (then the Netherlands East Indies) shortly before it obtained independence, including background material on Indonesia's economy and recent political developments, newspaper articles, UN documents, photographs, and letters from government officials, business executives and Black evaluating the situation in Indonesia. Other travel files contain information on the Bank's role in the settlement of the Suez Canal dispute (1958-1959).

Records of President George D. Woods

The records of the Presidency of George D. Woods (January 1963 until April 1968) primarily concern international relations, including both briefings and travel. The correspondence file, while small, has several unusually revealing items, as do the retained copies of outgoing letters and memoranda. The background papers on each country that are found in the annual meeting briefing files provide useful snapshots of the situation of that country at that time.

Records of President John J. McCloy

The records of President McCloy consist of incoming and outgoing correspondence between President McCloy, the U.S. Executive Director of the Bank, U.S. political leaders, U.S. public officials, and prominent business leaders. The correspondence address topics of Bank operations and lending.

Records of President A. W. Clausen

A. W. Clausen became World Bank President in July 1981 and served a full five year term. Shortly after he became President, Clausen established a Managing Committee to provide overall administrative and programmatic control of the Bank's activities. The records of the Clausen presidency are best approached through the official files of this Managing Committee, which provide comprehensive documentation on virtually all issues before the Bank during those years. Both Clausen's personal records of the Committee as well as the Committee's official records are part of this sub-fonds.

Clausen was President during the world debt crisis of the early 1980s, and throughout the files are documents about the issues of debt management and the Bank's programs of sectoral and structural adjustment. Discussions of a multilateral investment insurance program began during the Clausen years, which culminated in the establishment of the Multilateral Investments Guarantee Agency (MIGA) after Clausen left office. Both the Special Assistance Program for countries coping with the global recession and the Special Facility for Africa to provide policy reform assistance in sub-Saharan Africa were launched during Clausen's tenure, and the Clausen years saw a growing emphasis on programs in agricultural and rural development and environmental management, among others. Evidence of Clausen's personal interest in these issues can be found throughout the records, but particularly in the extensive set of alphabetical subject files that show Clausen's involvement with issues and organizations. Clausen's views are also evident in the chronological file of his outgoing correspondence during his entire time in office.

The country files and the itinerary files on official trips are good sources of information on the Bank's relationship with and the economic situation in the member countries. The records include photographs of Clausen's visits to countries and to World Bank projects.

Records of President Barber B. Conable

Barber B. Conable's term as President was noted for the major reorganization of the Bank he directed in 1987 and the emphasis on poverty reduction as a central mission of the Bank. He identified environmental protection as an important goal, culminating in the Bank joining with the UN Development Program and the UN Environment Program to establish the Global Environment Facility in 1991. Conable supported an increased role for women in development and he appointed a woman, Marianne Haug, to his senior staff. Broad political changes occurred in Eastern Europe during his tenure, and he maintained extensive liaisons with international organizations including the increasingly influential NGO community. Conable also authorized the project to write a history of the Bank; Brookings Institution was given the contract for the study which resulted in the two volume The World Bank: Its First Half Century. Conable gave the authors access to his Presidential files, and the use of some of the files by the Brookings team is noted in the series descriptions.

The records of President and his staff are extensive. The minutes of his President's Council reveal the mechanisms of Bank management. The usual Annual Meeting files are supplemented by his country files and the records of his travels around the globe. The two series of liaison files show his political skills with varied constituencies.

The records of the Office of the President also include separate series of records of the Executive Counselor to the President, J. William Stanton; the Executive Assistant, Marianne Haug; and the Special Assistant, Anapum Khanna. The file of Conable's Executive Assistant, Jennifer A. Volk, on the lunches between Conable and Michel Camdessus, the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, is a separate series, while within the President's files on travel and Annual Meetings are other files that Volk maintained.

Records of Robert L. Garner

Robert L. Garner was Vice President of the World Bank from 1947-1956. The documents in this file concern the trip that Garner made to the Middle East and North Africa on behalf of the Bank in the spring of 1949. Although fragmentary, they convey a sense of the issues Garner discussed with the leaders in the countries visited, particularly in Turkey. The notes of Garner's report to a staff meeting provide an overview of the trip. Also interesting is Garner's report to Bank President John J. McCloy on Garner's visit to Egypt.

Records of Mohamed Shoaib

Mohamed Shoaib was Vice President of the World Bank from 1966-1976, having previously served as the Alternate Executive Director, Executive Director, and Governor of the Bank from Pakistan. The documents in this file concern the Williamsburg II meeting held in Jogjakarta, Indonesia, in 1972. The meeting was a continuation of a previous meeting at which high-level officials from the Bank, other international organizations, and foreign governments discussed development issues for a particular region in itsbroad political and security context. The Williamsburg II meeting focused on Southeast Asia, the balance of power in the region after the Vietnam war, the role of China in the region, and the special problems of the overseas Chinese. The file contains an informal running account of the discussions, the program and a list of participants, a summary, and what appear to be Shoaib's handwritten notes during the meeting.

Jochen Kraske files

The records contain both correspondence and reference material maintained by Kraske relating to India. They include correspondence and draft papers from Kraske's period as chief of the Resident Mission in New Delhi; an historical reminiscence The New Delhi Office written by Kraske in 1993; copies of correspondence, memoranda, and draft papers on the history of the New Delhi office; copies of extracts from the debates in the Indian Parliament about the World Bank; clippings from the Asian Recorder on the Bank in India; two papers by Kraske on India, Some thoughts on the role of the New Delhi Office (1987) and The role of field-based staff in maintaining portfolio quality: The case of agriculture and the New Delhi Office (1992) and drafts of three speeches to African audiences; and publications by S.R. Sen, M. Narasimham, A.V. Desai, R. Mohan and others. Although quite small, this series is a rich source for the history of the World Bank in India.

Pedro-Pablo Kuczynski files

Sub-fonds consists of records created and received by Pedro-Pablo Kuczynski during his employment at the World Bank between 1971 and 1973. Records were filed according to subject title and record types, including: Latin American development; seminars; commodity trading and development; general economics; Bank operations and planning; speechwriting for the Office of the President; seminars; Country Program Papers (CPPs); and World Tables. Records related to the Bank's Research Committee are also included.

Leonard B. Rist files

Fonds consists of records maintained by Leonard B. Rist from the early period of IBRD history primarily when he first served as Director of the Research Department, later Economics Department beginning in 1946 and printed material that Rist collected relating to Bretton Woods.

Records of Sir Denis Rickett

Sir Denis Rickett was Vice President of the World Bank from 1968 until 1974. The records are a series of subject files that include copies of reports and memos and well as personal correspondence and notes.

The Committee of Twenty, formally the Committee of the Board of Governors on Reform of the International Monetary System and Related issues, was established in 1972. Rickett served as the Bank's representative to the Committee from March 1973 until June 1974, and the files consist of Rickett's correspondence, memos and reports of the meetings of the committee as well as memos and documents from the Committee's Technical Group on the SDR Link.

The Council of Europe files contain Rickett's correspondence as well as agendas, reports and the records of the January 1970 convention on development in which Rickett participated as a discussant. Files on conferences contain correspondence and reports relating to conferences to which Rickett was invited and copies of speeches he delivered.

The Pearson Commission on development issues was established in 1968 under the chairmanship of Lester B. Pearson. Rickett's files on the Pearson commission consist of copies of J. Burke Knapp's correspondence (Knapp was also a Vice President of the Bank during this period), memos and reports on the Commission as well as the original letters Lester Pearson received from heads of states and other VIPS in response to his report Partners in Development. The Canadian International Development Authority commissioned a study in 1971 to look at the World Bank over the next decade. Written by Escott Reid, the draft of the study is in the Rickett files, along with a summary of the report and copies of comments on the draft by Bank staff members.

Other files contain memos and Bank reports on debt problems and energy and oil issues during the 1973-1974 oil crisis.

Richard E. Barry files

The first set of records relates to the fifth session of the UN Advisory Committee for Coordination of Information systems, held in Geneva, Switzerland, September 18-21, 1989. The second set of records consists primarily of memoranda, papers and minutes of the Personnel and Administration Committee and the Managing Committee. Topics include systems development in the Finance complex, the budgets for fiscal years 1986 and 1987, the establishment of a facility in the Washington suburbs, cost effectiveness indicators, the Howard Baker proposal for the Bank, data security, a disaster recovery plan, institutional information technology standards and information resources management strategy. The third set of records is related to the 1972 reorganization of the Bank, conducted by McKinsey & Company, during which Barry was a member of the Bank study team. The record include copies of the discussion drafts of the recommended organization structure and the recommended program of changes, a set of interviews conducted by Barry and a McKinsey staff member on external perceptions of the Bank, and a file on planning and control functions. The final set of records relates to the 1987 reorganization. The records include the final report of the Information Technology and Facilities (ITF) support units task force, information for the President's task force from the ITF Office Systems Division, and a report on strategic options for meeting management information needs, with a report of the Information Systems Planning Study Team attached.

John A. King files

The first series of records are King's files on Bank studies in which he participated. These include a review by the Projects Staff of completed sector and feasibility studies in order to improve the Bank's technical assistance to developing countries, a study of project management, and the studies undertaken as part of the 1972 Bank reorganization. The files include minutes of meetings, correspondence, memoranda, background data, and successive drafts of the final report. The files on the 1972 reorganization also include staff opinion surveys and reviews of the implementation of the reorganization plan.

The second series is a subject file that relates principally to King's work as the Assistant to the Vice President, Projects. The records include a number of files from Charles A. Morse, who was the procurement adviser to the Vice President. The majority of the records relate to procurement policy, but they also include correspondence with Executive Directors (clearly a fragment, as a list of items included in the file says Vol. IV), minutes and agendas from Program Coordinators' meetings, records on project preparation and project insurance, drafts of speeches and articles by both Morse and King, and memos and reports relating to the 1976-1977 Arab boycott of U.S. goods.

Ernest Stern files

The majority of the subfonds consists of chronological correspondence records sent and received by Stern from the start of his World Bank career in 1972 to his retirement as a Managing Director in 1995. The subfonds also contains speeches given by Stern while serving in various positions from 1973 to 1995 and records relating to committees in which he participated.

Zmarak Shalizi files

The records are largely electrostatic copies of correspondence and papers, filed by the type of function that generated the records. The majority of the records date from 1992-1995 when Shalizi was chief of the Transport Division.

The records are arranged in four sections. The first section has administrative records; the conference files include the background readings for a 1991 seminar for Bank staff on air quality in urban transportation.

The second section is records of research projects funded by the regular budget, trust funds or other special funds. Four of the research proposal files consist primarily of reviews of proposed Bank positions on taxation policies and on poverty lending in the urban sector, 1980-1991, and three additional files concern Bank transport sector policy and performance reviews, 1992-1995. The chronological file consists principally of notes and correspondence regarding the review of taxation and poverty policies found in the research proposals. The papers and a small quantity of correspondence were written by persons other than Shalizi and sent to him for his comments or use. The topics range from road pricing to automotive emissions in developing countries to railways to informal gold mining and mercury pollution in Brazil. The publications are primarily those produced by the Bank, although a few others from sources such as the Journal of Transport Economics and Policy are included. The principal topics are railways and transport-related air pollution; some correspondence related to the publications is included.

The third section consists of records of operational support for projects. One of the four files consists of country studies of taxation in Mexico, Brazil, Nigeria, Indonesia, and Malawi. This is followed by three files of correspondence, arranged chronologically, commenting on projects and studies, proposed and ongoing.

The fourth section is records of research projects funded by the Bank's Research Support Budget. The majority of the files relate to Shalizi's 1989-1991 project on a "Practical framework for evaluating mineral payment/taxation schemes" and are linked to the taxation files found in the second section. In the publications file is a copy of the project document on "Trade and transport in West and Central African States" dated April 1993, while the files of original research data include two papers co-authored by Shalizi, "Contract Policy and the Variability of Government Revenue form Mining Projects" (1990, with R. Conrad and J. Syme) and "The Role of Extraction Charges in Mineral Contracts (1991, with R. Conrad and M. Engers). The research files also include three files on the project on taxation in developing countries, one file on a framework for tax policy analysis in Sub-Saharan Africa, two files on uniform rates of effective protection and efficient taxes, and three files on an analysis of the tax system in developing countries as applied to Pakistan and Mexico.

Records of the Director-General, Operations Evaluation (DGO)

The sub-fonds consists of records related to the functions of the Directors-General, Operations Evaluation (DGO). Included are records evidencing the DGO's role in the administrative and operational activities of the OED as well as the development of OED policies and procedures. Activities related to OED reporting to the Bank's Executive Board as well as to the Joint Audit Committee (JAC) and, later, the Committee on Development Effectiveness (CODE) are evidenced through correspondence, meeting minutes, and reports. The OED's role in the oversight of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) is also documented here. Interaction with external bilateral, multilateral, international development and aid organizations is included in the form of correspondence, reports, memoranda, meeting minutes, and trip planning records; of note are records related to the DGO's interaction with the United Nations and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

Much of the files in this sub-fonds are related to specific Directors-General. Chronological files containing correspondence and accompanying memoranda and reports of DGOs Mervyn L. Weiner and Shiv S. Kapur are included. However, records created or received by DGO Robert Picciotto are the most abundant and diverse. Picciotto's chronological files are included, as are records related to committees, commissions, boards, and projects on which he served. Working files for OED studies, reports, and reviews created during Picciotto's time as DGO are also included.

Records of the Office of the Vice President, Development Policy (VPD) and the Development Policy Staff

Sub-fonds consists of records created in the Development Policy Vice Presidency (VPD). Many of the records were created by the Director, Development Policy; these relate to the Development Committee; the Policy Review Committee, and commodity policy work in the department. Other records in this sub-fonds relate to specific research projects and, generally, the World Bank's research program. Also included are records related to the external General Research Advisory Panel (GRAP). Correspondence and other records of the Development Policy Staff, Departments, and Divisions are also included in this sub-fonds.

Timothy Campbell files

Fonds consists of chronological files created by Timothy Campbell during his employment in the Latin America and Caribbean Region and Transportation, Water and Urban Development Department. Records from his time in the World Bank Institute (WBI) are not present. The majority of the records in this fonds provide evidence of Campbell's research activities and his communication and collaboration with agencies and institutions external to the Bank. As such, the majority of the records take the form of researchmaterials, drafts of articles and reports, and correspondence.

Records of the World Bank History Project

This sub-fonds contains records related to the research, writing, and review of the book, The World Bank: Its First Half Century.

Research records include: audio interviews of former bank employees, persons from related institutions, and prominent external observers of the Bank; transcripts of interviews; subject files; and correspondence with Bank alumni, present and former Executive Directors, and present and former members of the Development Committee.

Records relating to the writing of the book include drafts of Volume I written by members of the Brookings Institution project and drafts of Volume II written by external authors. A small amount of background and related reports accompany the latter. Audio recordings from a conference in which many of the authors of Volume II presented their drafts is also included. Records related to the review and verification of the book are also contained in this sub-fonds. This includes correspondence between project staff, Volume II authors, and external reviewers as well as annotated copies of chapter drafts.

Records related to the verification of facts, sources, and citations are included as are records related to the project's three advisory committees.

Shelton H. Davis files

The sub-fonds consists of records related to Davis's early operational work as a Bank Sociologist on impacts of development on indigenous communities, primarily in the Latin America and Caribbean Region, Environment Unit (LATEN). It also contains records related to Davis's work in the Bank's Environment (ENV) and Social Development (SDV) departments developing social safeguard policies for indigenous peoples, and to his training initiatives on policy implementation. External research, reference, and conference materials highlight Davis's diverse research interests and collaboration with agencies outside the Bank to raise awareness on indigenous issues. Lastly, records related to project support and training outline the role Davis played as the Sector Manager in the Latin America and Caribbean Region in implementing safeguard policies in regional units.

Records of the Office of the Vice President, Development Economics and Chief Economist and later Senior Vice President, Development Economics and Chief Economist (DECVP)

Sub-fonds consists of the records of the Office of the Vice President, Development Economics (DECVP) and Chief Economist and the Senior Vice President, Development Economics and Chief Economist. These records take the form of Vice President's chronological and subject files as well as briefing books and travel documents. Records of DEC's Front Office staff included in this sub-fonds include reading files, work program and budget records, and reports of periodic review. Records of numerous DEC units are also included in this sub-fonds. They include: the Policy and Review Department (PRD); Development Policy Group (DPG, and its predecessor units: the Economic Advisory Staff [EAS] and the Country Policy Department [CPD]); the International Economics Department (IEC); the Country Economics Department (CEC); the Development Research Group (DECRG); the Policy Review Department (PRD); the Research Advisory Staff (RAD); and the Economic Developing Institute (EDI). The records of noted economist Bela Balassa who served as a consultant with DEC and predecessor organizations from 1966 to 1991 are also included.

Masood Ahmed files

The sub-fonds consist of chronological correspondence records from different units throughout Masood Ahmed's World Bank career. The series additionally includes speech and presentation records from his time in IEC and PREM, and records related to his involvement with the Economic Development Institute (EDI, now renamed the World Bank Institute [WBI]).

Joseph Wood files

This sub-fonds consists of the records generated by Joseph Wood in numerous positions at the World Bank. Included are subject and activity files from when Wood served as Division Chief and later Assistant Director for the Programming and Budget Department Office (PAB). Subject and activity files are also included for Wood's role as the Vice President for the Financial Policy, Planning, and Budgeting Vice Presidency (FPBVP), and Vice President for the Financial Policy and Risk Management Vice Presidency (FPRVP), the successor to FPBVP. Chronological correspondence files are also included for his time in FPBVP and FPRVP, and for when Wood served as Vice President for the South Asia Region (SASVP).

Records of the Economics and Research Staff (ERS)

Sub-fonds consists of the records of Economics and Research Staff (ERS) department and division records, including the Economic Analysis and Projects Department (EPD). Records of the Research Policy Council (RPC), the Bank Research Advisory Group (BRAG), and the Research Projects Approval Committee (REPAC) are also included. Records related to the research, publication, and dissemination of research papers and other products are included as are articles, lectures and speeches authored by Vice President of ERS Anne Krueger.

Records of ESP, PSP, and PGP

This sub-fonds consists of records from the Education and Social Policy Department (ESP) and its successors the Poverty and Social Policy Department (PSP) and the Poverty, Gender, and Public Sector Management Department (PGP). Records include chronological files created by ESP, PSP, and PGP. Records related to the Annual Progress Report on Poverty (APPR) and the ESP/PSP Discussion Paper Series are also included. The sub-fonds additionally includes subject and activity files maintained for PSP/PGP Director Ishrat Husain. The sub-fonds also includes PSP briefing letters prepared for World Bank senior officials and records related to conferences, seminars, symposiums, workshops, and meetings organized and attended by PSP staff.

Records of the Task Force on Local Cost Financing under Adjustment Operations

The sub-fonds consists of records related to the Task Force on Local Cost Financing under Adjustment. The records were maintained by Salah El Serafy, Economic Adviser in Economic Advisory Staff (EAS), who served as chairman of theTask Force on Local Cost Financing Under Adjustment Operations.

Vinod Dubey files

The series consists of records collected and maintained by Vinod Dubey during his time at the World Bank. The majority of the records were created during Dubey's time in CPD and EAS.

Ian Johnson files

Fonds consists of records created and received by Ian Johnson during his employment at the World Bank. The fonds consists of records created and received by Johnson while serving in various departments and units and in various capacities. They are not, however, comprehensive. Those units in which Johnson served and are represented in this fonds include: the Europe, Middle East and North Africa (EMENA) in the Projects Department, Power and Energy Division (EMPPE) as an energy economist (records from 1985 to1986); as Assistant Chief Executive Officer in the GEF Secretariat (records from 1996); as Vice President of ESSD (records from 2001 to 2005); and as Chairman of CGIAR (records from 2000 to 2004). The majority of the records in this fonds are chronological files containing correspondence. Records created during his time as ESSD Vice President are the most numerous and diverse. In addition to chronological files, the fonds contains: programme and project funding agreements and work program agreements involving ESSD; spring and annual meeting records; briefings for Johnson prepared by his staff; and briefings prepared by Johnson and ESSDVP staff for upper-management including Bank President Wolfensohn.

Syed Shahid Husain files

Sub-fonds consists of incoming and outgoing correspondence files maintained by or for Syed Shahid Husain during his employment as Vice President for the Latin America and the Caribbean Region (LACVP) from 1987 to 1994, and Vice President for Management and Personnel Services (MPSVP) from 1994 to 1995.

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